ftAffUKDAY, APRIL 7, 1917t THE MALliEUR ENTERPRISE) PAGE S&VM a. M M B Land Wanted We have.several clients who want good stock ranches where plenty of 'free range can he had. Also numerous inquiries for cheap raw lands and lands coming under the proposed Warm Spring Project. For Quick Results List Your Property With Us We have an unlimited amount of money to loan on good farms and stock ranches. Low rate of interest. No small loans considered. The Percy M. Johnson Co. Vale, Oregon ATTENTION MR. RANCHER NOW is the time to begin to think of the necessities that you will need this spring. All farm products are high, you should place yourself in the position to reap the benefit of the present high prices for they will not last. Buy your seed -grains and farm machinery without stint, in other -words throw -yourself into high gear and get going. ' Tractors, Gasoline Engines, Plows, Grain Drills, Peg Tooth and Disc Harrows, Mowers, Rakes and Binders SEED GRAINS Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Corn Alfalfa, Clover, Timothy INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER MACHINERY H. E. YOUNG Phone 76 Vale, Ore. iuiIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllNIIII STALLIONS At Johnson & Brent's Stable WEISER, IDAHO Imported Percheron and Belgian Stallions that are extra good. Besides other Percheron, Belgian, English Shire and Clydesdales with imported ancestors that are young and good with correct pedigrees that are desirable. One pair extra Per cheron mares. Also One standard bred "brown" trotting Stal lion. Is 16 hands high, weighs 1300. If you are a customer and want to save your money, take time to come and see me. Remember, Good Stallions and Low Prices. If You Have a Stallion That You Cannot Use Longer, I Might Change. WM. CLARK, Importer, Wciscr, Idaho. LIVE STOCK AUCTIONEERS You can have two experts working for the price of one. J. M. Swanson & Son of Pay ette, Idaho, work in harmony together. Seldom a bid escapes them. They keep tho interest of the crowd from the start of the sale to the finish. A square deal to the buyer and seller is their motto. While they have sales some where nearly all the time, you can most always get tho date you want by arranging two weeks ahead. Write, phone or wire for date at our expense. We" will be glad to help you write up your bill, and adver tising. MALHEUR ENTERPRISE Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury na mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mucous BUrfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you ran possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu ine. It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cneney & Co. Tes timonials free. Sqld by Druggists. Price 7Bc per bottle. Take Half Family PI1U for comtlpatlon. T. T.Nelsen 1 Funeral Director f 1 Undertaking! Parlors UP-TO-DATE I Carry a Fine Line of X Undertaking Supplies Hearse Service T. T. NELSEN I 4 T Licensed Embalmcr M i l 1 1 1 IUU11' 1 1 llM-lllM LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Malheur County. Douglas Smith, Albert G. Lester and, William Butterworth, Trustees, Plaintiffs, i , vs. Louis J. Ocstrcich, Defendant. To Louis J. Oestreich, Defendant above named. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You aro hereby Summoned and re quired to appear and answer the Com paint filed against you in tho above entitled Court and Cause within six weeks from the date of first publica tion of this Summons against you; nnd if you fail to answer, plead or otherwise appear in said cause within said time, the plaintiffs, for want thereof, will apply vo the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint herein, to-wit: That the plaintiffs have judgment against you in tho sum of $1054.00 principal with interest at 6 per cent per annum from October 31, 1912: for $24.00 water maintenance; and $28.11 taxes; for $105 reasonable at torneys fees; costs and disburse ments; that same "be decreed due plaintiffs and a lien on Lot 116 Jnm leson Acreage Tracts in Malheur County. Oregon, and six shares water stock in Orchards Water Company., That on second cause of suit plain tiffs havo judgment for $382.50 prin cipal and 6 per cent interest per an num from October 31, 1912; for $G,00 water maintenance charges; for $6.78 taxes; for $38.00 reasonable attorneys tees; costs ana disbursements; tnat same be decreed due plaintiffs and a lien on Lot 133 Jamieson Acreage Tratts in Malheur County, Oregon, and two shares water stock in Or chards Water Company. That your contracts 118 and U'J each dated August 31, 1911, for the purchase of tho above land, respec tively, in the above sums; be declared forfeited and that you nnd all persons claiming by, through or under you be foreclosed of any right, title, inter est or claim in or to the said land and water stock, and that such de cree fix a limited time for the redemp tion thereof. This Summons is published pursu ant to an Order of Hon. Geo. W. Mc Knight, County Judge of Malheur County, Oregon, acting in the absence of the Circuit Judgo of the above en titled Court, made and entered of rec ord on the 29th day of March, 1917, directing publication for six weeks. Date of first publication March 31, 1917. ROB'T. M. DUNCAN, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Mar. 31-May 12. )(t )K JK )K Ml IK H HI 3IC JK REALTY TRANSFERS w. Deeds, Complaints, Etc. Filed by County Clerk During Past Week ; at Mf IK SAC W UC MZ 3B www JA ug !w Wt JW W vt t Jfl SB J?S wn JTi IK DEEDS James W. Lynd et ux to R. Insing er, SEU, 7; SWUNWU, WttSWU, 8-19-44; Feb. 26, 1917; $1. Ella Dason to" Marion Rose, SWU NEU, 25-36-37; March 16, 1917; $500. Andrew B. Anderson et ux to Jos eph R. Beddes, SWUSEU, 17; NUN EU, 20-15-46; Sept 4, 1915 $1,000. E. U. Cate et ux to Martha E. Good man, WUNEUSWU, 29-15-47; Jan. 8, 1917; $3500. W. Wallace to Miles Cannon et ux, SEU, 28-16-47; March 16, 1916; $1. Ontario Land & Townsite Co. to A. J. Rosinbum, lots 52, 53, Block 10, Riverside Adn. to Ontario; March 23; $270. Anderson Loveland et ux to Albert Loveland, NWUSEU, lots 5, 6, 2-22-46; March 29; $500. U. S. A. to Edwin Casto, lots 6, 7, 6-20-42; March 17, 1917. Northwest Townsito Co. to James Dale Carter, lot 1, Blk. 11, Northwest Townsite Co.'s 1st Adn., Vale; Feb. 26: $1. Northern Pacific Ry. Co. to Andrew Greeley, SEUNEU, 22; SWUNWU, 23-25-46; Feb. 16, 1917; $6G0. Ben J. Brown, sheriff, to Utah Nur sery Co., NEUNEU, 12-19-46; Dec. 4, 1916; $1165.25. . : COMPLAINTS G. J. Magenheimer vs. Jos. H. Wag ner et al; $72.34. G. J. Magenheimer vs. .Margaret Brogan et at; $433.11. G. J. Magenheimer vs. D. J. McCar ron et al; $111.01. G. J. Magenheimer vs. John Wog ner et al; $245.57. G. J. Magenheimer vs. E, I. Brogan et al; $112.94. . G. J. Magenheimer vs. Jos. H. Wag ner et al; $391.53. G. J. Magenheimer vs. Oregon Fruit Land Development Co. et al; $492.21. All these aro foreclosures of tax liens, filed March 30. MARRIAGE LICENSES Ray Cole and Cora M. Rouse, Mar. 26. Jas. H. Oard and Helen Rimen, Mar. 27. Chas. P. Ramey. and Dorothy Pel ton, March 30. Jos. E. Smith and Mary A. Marks, March 31. SK HE HE N( IK )K HEJKlKjIiSKiti IK m U. S. LAND OFFICE All Homestead and Oth- Entries Filed at Vale Offin niHMnir Wnnlr 5" NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Tale, Oregon, April 2, 1917. To George W. Rogers, of Vale, Ore gon, contestee: You are hereby notified that Ben Ruth, who gives Vale, Oregon, as his post-office address, did on March 14, 1917, file in this office his duly corrob orated application to contest and se cure the cancellation of your Home stead Entry, Serial No. 03889 made Juno 3, 1915, for WUNEU, EUNW SW'aNWS, NSWU, SWUSW U .of Section 15, Township 14 S., Range 40 E., Will. Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that "said George W. Rogers has nev er established or maintained a resi dence on said land; that he has never made any improvements whatever on said land; and that he has wholly abandoned said land for more than six months last past, and that such aban donment has not been due to his em ployment in the military or naval ser vice of the United States rendered in connection with operations in Mexi co, or along the borders thereof, or in mobilization camps elsewhere, in the military or naval organization of the United States or the National Guard of any of the Several States." You are, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will be tak en as confessed, and your said entry will be canceled without further right to be heard, either before this office or on a'ppeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to these allegations of contest, together with due proof that you have served a conv of your answer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mail You should state in your answer the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. niua JUNES, itegister. Date of first pub.. April 7. 1917. Date of second pub., April 14, 1917, Date of third nub.. April 21. 1917. Date of fourth pub., April 28, 1917. Oregon Industrial Review. Coos Bay Standard Oil Co. plans $80,000 expenditure for storage tanks and equipment here to handle this ter ritory. Sublimity to havo cheese factory. McKenzio pass over -Cascades to be first road improved connecting east ern and western Oregon. Portland Federal commission to nvestigate power site on' Columbia river for government nitrate plant. Albany has plans for a cannery to operate this year. Vale Idaho Power "Co. plant3 file mortgage for $18,846,000. If You Know Some News We Failed to Print, Why Didn'i You Telephone Us About it. Call 42 Next Time Sure. Bargains in Used Cars Stoddard-Dayton $300.00 E. M. F. 225.00 Mitchell 150.00 One Four horse power Foos gasoline engine and two inch centrifugal pump complete, to close out $165.00 For sale by H. E. Young, Vale, Ore. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE BY VIRTUE of an execution in Foreclosure duly issued bv the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Malheur, State of Oregon, dated the Second day of April, 1917, in a cer tain action in the Circuit Court for said County and State wherein M. G. Hope and I. W. Hope as Defendants recovered judgment against George W. Manna ior Une Thousand Three Hundred Seventy & 65-100 ($1370.65) Dollars, and the further sum of One Thousand Four Hundred Fifty-four & ub-iuu ($i4b4.uo Dollars, and the further Sum of One -Thosand Three Hundred Fifty-eight & C5-100 ($1358.65) Dollars, and the further sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Sixtyfwo arid 65-100 ($1262.65) Dol lars, and the further sum of Fifteen Thousand Seven Hunderd Eighty- three & 35-100 ($15,783.35) Dollars. with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from 29th day or March, I'JVl, and $uuu.uu attor ney's fee, dated March 29, 1917. Notice is hereby given that I will. on the 7th day of May, 1917', at the main entrance of the Malheur County Court House in Vale, in said County, at 10:45 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: ino soutnwest nuarter or section fifteen in Township Eighteen south of range Forty-five East of Willamette im:. Xii. -.... -.-.... together with all water rights incident and appurtenant thereto. Taken and levied unon as the Dro perty of the said George W. Hanna or as much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy the said judgment in favor of M. G. Hope and I. W. Hope against said George W. Hanna with interest thereon, togemer with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. BEN J. BROWN. Sheriff. By JNO. R. WHEELER. Deputy. Dated at Vale, Oregon, April 2, 1917. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution in Fore closure duly issued by the' Clerk of the Circuit Court of the (Jounty of Mal heur, State of Oregon, dated the 26th day of March, 1917, in a certain ac tion in the Circuit Court for said County and State wherein Ellu Heath as plaintiff obtained a decree in fore closure of mortgage and order of sale of the real property herein described, given by defendant John AlcNamee, on April 1st. 1913. to satisfy the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00), with interest and for the further sum of Fifty & No-100 Dollars ($50.00) Attorneys fees and costs and disburse ments taxed at Sixty-seven & 80-100 (J07.B0) Dollars, on the lath day of March, 1917. Notice is hereby given that I will, on the 7th day of May, 1917, at the main entrance of the Malheur Coun ty Court House in Vale in said Coun ty, at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: Lot 4, sec. 19: Lots l and i. Sec, 30, Twp. 13 S. R. 42 E.; NEU NEU, Sec. 25, Twp. 13 S. It. 41 rJ. W. M containing 160.46 acres, in Malheur County, Oregon. Taken and levied upon as tho nro perty of the said John McNnmee or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment in favor oi JMia Heath against said John Mc- Namee with interest thereon, togeth cr with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. BEN J. UKUWN, Sheriff. By JNO. R. WHEELER, Deputy, Dated at Vale. Oregon. March 27. 1917 Apr. v-niay o. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution in Fore closure duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Mal heur, State of Oregon, dated the 24th day of March, 1917, in a certain ac tion in the Circuit Court for said County and State wherein -Annie Ken edy as plaintiff obtained a decree of foreclosure of lien and orqcr of sale of the real property herein described, against the above named defendant, Richard Kenedy, to satisfy the sum One Thousand Dollars and costs and disbursements taxed at Fifty-two & 40-100 ($52.40) Dollars, on the 16th day of January, 1917. Notice is hereby given that 1 will on the 7th day of May, 1917, at the main entrance of the Malheur coun ty Court House in Vale in said-Coun ty, at n:uo o'clock in the forenoon of said day, Sell at public auction to the nignest uiuuer for cash, the following described nrnnertv. to-wit: An undivided two-thirds interest in and to the Southeast quarter of Sec tion ii, Townsnip zi, south, jtange 41 12. W. M. in Malheur County, Ore gon. Taken and levied unon as the nro perty of the said Richard Kenedy or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment in favor of Annie Kenedy against said idchard Kenedy with Interest thereon, togeth er with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. BEN J. BROWN. Sheriff. By JNO. R. WHEELER, Dated at Vale, Oregon, March 27, 191 KJKgKSiK m m si m Thomas II. Anderson. Crowley, lotal . 4. 5. SEUNWU 6-27-40; lots 5, 6, , 31-26-40; 313.30 acres. Harney L. Homewood. Unity. NWVi SE',4, NVSSWy, SWV4SWV4, 20; SE H, 27; EE, 34-13-37; 480 acres. Katherine Gacie. Malheur. NWNE U, 35; SV4SEU, 26; SWViSWH, 25-13-39; 200 acres. Raymond Ohmart. Malheur, lots 1- , 3, 4, EWWV4, 30-14-41; 318.80.. All-tn.- 7!Mmni.M o n fnlnin 0171 ' SWU, 24; N, WM.SW14, NEySW V, 25-2G-44; lot 2, ENW, 30-26-45; 621.86 acres. Andrew M. Lackey. Ontario. SS EV4, ESWU, lots 3, 4, 30-26-45; SE Yt, SESW, 26-26-44; 483.84 acres. Anastasio Abarratcgul. Nyssa, W SE, 32; SWU, 33-17-37; G40 acres. Elbert P. Milhorn. Weiser. Idaho. S WUSEU, 35-16-46 lots 1, 2, SNE , 2-17-46; 20.0.28 acres. Abraham L. La VicrsPleasant Val ley, lots 1, 2, 3, SNWU, SNEU, NWUSEU, NEU SWU, 5-12-41; 311.70 acres. Pierce W. Shroder, Creston, SUNE U. SV4NWU. NV4SWU. 13: NSE U, 14-23-38; 320 acres. Gertrude Melcher. Ironside. SWU NWU, 1; lots 1, 2, 3, SNEU, SE 'ANW'A, NWSEV4, 2-14-39; 31U.U6 acres. Jack Morton. Westfall.TlUE. 10- 20-40; 160 acres. Jack Morton, Wcstfall, SWU, 1; W W, 11-20-40; 480 acres. Frederick B. Willson. Vale. SNt4. 34-19-43; 160 acres. Patrick J. O'Brien, Creston, NWU SWU, SV4SWU, SWUSEU, 14; NW UNEU, NV4NWU, 23; NEUNEU, 22-23-38; 320 acres. Thomas E. Bohna, Harper, SWUS EU, 28; SEUNEU, NEUSEU, S3; NWUNWU, SJ4NWU, NSWU, 34-20-40; 320 acres. Joe Carter, Juntura, NSU, 29; N EUSEU, SWSEU 30; NNEU, SE 'iINE'i, lots 1, 2, 31-20-39; 480,90 acres. Orval P. Caviness. Bon ta. ENE U. EUSEU. SWUSEU. 19: W4N WU. SEUNW. SWU. 20: NUNWU. 29; NUNEU, 30-16-40; 640 acres. linn! t-. r t - , r.i ... n wmium li. iviac ijcoa, sneavuie, a WU, 3; NWU, 10; E, 9-28-46; 640 acres. Thomas McGivern. Jordan Vallev. NEU, EUNWU, ESWU, WSE U. 20: NWU. WUNEVi. 29-27-45: 640 acres. Victor B. Grecnshade, Huntington, lots 1. 2. 3. 4. EUWU. 19: lot 1. N EUNWU, 30-14-45; SV6SEU, 24; NE V4, 20-14-44; 04 j. ay acres. William C. Tomlin, Jr., Harper, S 5-23-41; 320 acres. Charles Bender. Huntincton. NEU NWU, 11-14-44; 40 acres. uwsiey E. carman, Vale, SEUNW U. NEU SWU. NW USE U.. 14-47-44 : 120 acres. Oscar Rutherford. Trnnfsidn. SRV.N WU. SWUNEU, NWUSEU, NEU SWU, 10-14-39; 160 acres. llenry wakerlig, Westfall, SEUN WU, NEUSWU, NWUSEU, 3-19-40; 120 acres. Henry Wakerlig. Westfall. EUN WU, NEUSWU, NWUSEU, 9-19-40; 120 acres. Henry Wakerlig, Westfall, EUNW U. NEUSWU. NWUSEU. 9-19-40: 120 acres. Thomas E. Cooley. Prairie Citv. E U. 34; N 14 NWU. SUSWU. 35-16-36 480 acres. Charles N. Preston. Prairlo Citv. lots 3, 4, SWUNWU, SWU, 3; NWU SWUNEU, 10-17-36; 475.35 acres. Rose L. Chamberlain, Rye Valley, SWUNEU, NEUSEU, SSEU, 19; jjvvy, zu-iz-43; azu acres. j i ll li n t , H..H IRRIGATION MADE EASY Hanna's Patented Portable Canvas Dam Cheap, Efficient and Reliable. Will hold the. water in any rea sonable ditch. Can bo placed or removed by a 10 year old boy. Sent by parcel post to nny address C. O. D. If money accom panies order portago will bo prepaid. Be sure and order size for extreme width of ditch. Made in 12 different widths at the following low prices: 48 inches wide $2.25 100 inches wide $3.75 52 " " 2.50 108 " ". 4.00 65 " " 2.75 11G " " 4.25 72 " " 3.00 120 " " 4.25 ' 84 " " 3.25 125 Reinforced 5.25 90 " " 3.50 130 " 5.50 Write, for particulars. GEO. W. HANNA, JVIanufacturer VALE OREGON -H"M'W"H"W"l"f w mm ITH the addition of poul, billiard and card tables, in connection with our regular (iRf-.Mh1ishp.fl husiness .of magazines. Der- lodicais, tooaccoes ana coniectionery, we win strive to merit your patronage, and invite you to make our store your headquarters. JIM'S PLACE 'J. D. ROGERS, Prop. Phone 98 Vale, Ore. GOVERNMENT CROP REPORT Wheat on Farms. State: Estimated stocks on farms March 1 this year, 2,740,000 bushels, compared with 3,004,000 bushels a year ago and 1,826,000 two, years ago. Price on March 1 to producers, $1.50 per bushel, compared with $0.93 a year ago and $1.28 two years ago. United States: Estimated stocks on farms March 1 this year, 101,000,- 000 bushels, compared with 244,448,' 000 bushels a year age and 152,903,' 000 two years ago. Price on March 1 to producers, $1.64 per bushel, com pared with $1.03 a year ago and $1.34 two years ago.- Corn on Farms. State: Estimated stocks on farms March 1 this year, 134,000 bushels, compared with 116,000 bushels a year ago and 59,000 bushels two years ago. Price March 1 to producers, 95 cents per bushel, compared with 92 cents a year ago and 100 cents two years ago. United States: Estimated stocks on farms March" 1 this year, 789,000,000 bushels, compared with 1,110,559,000 n year ago and 910,894,000 two years ago, Prico March 1 to producers, 101 cents per bushel, compared with 68,2 cents a year ago and 75,1 cents two years ago. Corn of Merchantable Quality. State: The percentage of the 1910 crop which was of merchantable qual ity is estimated at G9 per cent, com pared with 80 per cent of the 1915 crop and 70 per cent of tho 1914 crop, United States: Tho percentage of the 191G crop which was of merchant able quality is estimated at 84 per cent, compared with 71.1 per cent of the 1915 crop and 84.5 per cent of tho 1914 crop. Oats on Farms. Stuto: Estimated stock on tarmn March 1 this year, 4,070,00 bushels, compared with 4,330,000 bushels a year ago and 2,930,000 bushels two years ago. Prico March 1 to produc crs, 48 cents per bushel, compared with CO cents per bushel a year ago and 50 cents per-bushel two years ago, United States: Estimated stocks on farms March 1 this year, 394,000,000 bufchels, compared with 598,148,000 bushels a year ago and 379,8-39,000 bushels two years ago. Price March 1 to producers, 50.9 centa per bushel compared with 42.7 cents per bushel ay ear ago and 52.1 cents per bushel .THE UNIVERSAL CAR 320,817 Havo been built nnd actually delivered to retail buyers since August 1,1916. , Tins unusual fall and winter demand for ton! cars makes it necessary for us to confine the dis tribution of cars only to those agents who havo orders for immediatoydclivcry to retai customers, rather than to permit any agent to stock cars in anticipation of later spring sales. Immediate orders will havo prompt attention. Delay in buying nt this time may cause you to wait several months. i.i:.. Enter your order today for immediate delivery with our authorized Ford agent listed below and ffisH6 11un Car $360, Cou pelct $505, Town Car, $595, 8, VALE HARDWARE COMPANY PAY US A' VISIT Don't Wait Until Spring If you're planning to build this year its time you were letting us give you some quota-, tions. We are now in a position to furnish all kinds of building materials at the lowest prices. Home Lumber & Coal Co. Phone 65 Vale, Oregon mm i An electric range is always in season sinco, when tho sum mer heat is gone, the sanitary and labor saving, qualities of electricity still remain as advan tages over other cooking meth ods. A few of the good points of electric cooking that will appeal to the housewife are as folows: lf Safe No matches or flame to cause fire or explosion. 2. Clean No blackened walls or cooking utensils, soot or smoke. 3. Sanitary No dirt is caus-. ed by fuel, no poisonous vapors given off. The air remains pure and its oxy gen undiminished. 4. Easy to regulato and cer tain in temperature. A poor cook will do bettor work with an electric range and good cooks will excel themselves, 5, Electric cooking is not ex pensive. With intelligent care electricity, at tho cooking rates given by Vale Electric Co.. com pares favorably with oth er fuels. Tho electric range is particu larly economical of current ow ing to its efficient heating units and superior insulation. In ad dition ft is simple and sturdy in construction and comes in de signs to fit every requirement. The Vale Electric Company Apr. v-aiay o, Apr. -ai ay o. two years 8o. 9