Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, April 07, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Age two
SATURDAY, APtttb 7, lOl
X X X X X X SK JKJKlKXtK SKI excused for violating: our rights bo-
HE X ME 3K DC X 3tC 9K JK IK Slf
Winter at Hole in the Ground.
To the Editor: You will find en
closed a piece about tho winter. Will
cause Romo other Nation was violat
ing Germany's rights, as well as our
own, in tho same way. I am. not dis
cussing tho question on the basis of
legal or international right. Every
body knows that the rules of interna
tional law cannot stand in case of ac
tual war between nations. They ncv-
you please publish it for a josh on er have and they never will. The Gcr
the winter of 1916-17 at tho Hole in man government has declared a dan
the Ground. gcr zone about its enemies and given
"Here's to the Hole In Tho Ground, notice that any vessel found in that
Where it snows and blows the whole zone, with .certain exceptions, will be
year round. sunk. What should be our chance un-
We have lots of scenery of mountains der BUch conditions? I say to keep
and snow. snips ana our people out oi wis
And thousands of sage brush where- dangcr zone until the war is over or
ever you go. tne embargo removed. Oh, but my
You can sit in your cabin' and look out belligerent but well meaning friends
the door
And wish for a chinnook, but it snows
some more,
When your hay gets short and your
stock gets poor
You wish for spring but it snows
some more.
The snow is deep and crusted too
And tho bare hillsides are but very
say this would be cowardly and be
ncath tho dignity of a great Nation
or one of its citizens. May God pro
tcct .this Nation from that kind of
courage. To avoid the horrors of
war this act of prudence on the' part
of our -Government would be a great
act of moral courage by a great coun
try that should bo a worthy and pa
triotic example to all the Nations of
Tl nnvntn hnwla frnmf fho mntintjiins the World.
j i I insist that neither a private citi
zen nor tho President nor the Con
gress of the United States can be just-
" And tho little old magpie site by his
While the crow sails hifh and low
ificd in driving this Nation into war
And the Cayuse pony b pawing the or endangering its peace by any such
Tho little squirrel is ou; rustling for prestigo or dignity.
For' ho doesn't know how long winter
may last.
Dut hero comes the farmer with his
poison wheat
To give oil the squirrels something to
And says, "little squirrel, you ruined
last year's crop
Annual Payments Required on Rural
Credits Loans for 10, 20, 30,
and 36-Year Periods.
Through the courtesy of Ben W. 01
cott, Secretary of State, wo herewith
So now Mister, Squirrel cot this and Publjsh tho rates of tho now Oregon
wnrw Willlo Tw T.nn.l Pnrmnr. Amortization tame ior a loan ot
UlAMnn Li. ! i , ,i
pi,vuv.uu, myuuiu in annual insult
Whnt Lnne Rpnllv SnM. mcnls 01 "mUi hased upon the pay-
Tho Rnrln1!t. T.nml nf Vnln reniiniitji ment of fiv0 Pcr cent per annum in
the publication of tho following rc8.1 nna elnl Pef fem 01 lne or'B
speech by Senator Harry Lane of Ore
gon. Senator Lanes stand on war
has been widely ridiculed .and con
demned, but his own words do not re
ceive tho. publicity which wo feel they
Can we bo justified, will we ever
be excused by future generations for
taking this course, involving with un
tiring certainty tho fearful conse
quences that must inevitably follow
it? Can. we in tho years to come sat-
' isfy our own consciences that by such
a course we, as tho responsible ro-
' presentatives of this country, are
serving tho best interests of tho
peace-loving pcoplo of a free Repub
lic or of humanity?
inal loan, and providing for full pay
ment in ten years.
Annual Payments Principal
Yrs. Int. Principal Total Unpaid
? 80.00 $130.00 $920.00
84.00 130.00 836.00
.... 46.00
.... 41.80
.... 37.39
.... 32.70
.... 27.90
"... 22.79
.... 17.43
.... 11.80
Note Tho annual instalment on a
10;ycar loan id $13.00 for each $100.00
of tho original principal. Loans for
Tho President has made tho first leas or greater than $1,000.00 may be
fatal move. Tho next sten that will computed on this basis.
plunge our people into a bloody con-1 Tno nnnual instalment, on a 20-year
flict, if taken, must bo ours. Con- loan 18 ?8-00 f" each $100.00 of the
cress alone has tho power under our original principal.
Government to declare wnr. So, if Tno annual instalment on a 30-year
wo go to war with Germany, it will loan is ?6-50 for each $100.00 of tho
bo our act and we alono will bo re- orunal princlpngl
sponsible for tho conseoUences. Tho Tno annual instalment on a thirty
President has been applauded for slx ycar Ioan s ?C.00 for each $100.00
making this first move toward war. f the principal. Loans that aro less
Doubtless thousands of Amerlacn peo- or greater than $1,000.00 may bo com
pie, little comprehending what must Puted on this basis
follow, would applaud Congress if it I Important The Annual instalment
should at onco declare war against on n lan must reach tho office of the
Germany. Tho public mind has been State Treasurer on or before the date
prepared for such a mnd course by when duo. Attorneys must so inform
the unseemly and unpatriotic nrona- borrowers. The Board does not obli
ganda in favor of preparedness for Bt itself to give any further notice
war. Tho wnr spirit, tho desire for
conflict, hove been insidiously instill- 3K IK iti 3K SK IK
cd into the minds of our pcoplo by I $
this selfish agitation in fnvor of pre- UwnTTnnTAT nniwiw
paredncs8 for tho shedding of human
blood. Proparcdness for war has
been established in tho' ninds of tho
people without tho j 'ysbnl means of
making that condition o1 mental pre
paredness effective. Tho minds of
,tho pcoplo were mndo re idy to accept R
and applaud an net tha means war.
The uct of tho President that is ex- M
. pected to lead to this remit has been
accepted by tho public mind thus
j. falsely educated and inspired. Men
tnlly the good, peace loving pcoplo of
Read This and Think it Over.
is for America. Are you fit to at
tend her?
ia jur wgnt our Kcpumic oer
is for Men well trained to defend
is for You. Will you answer her
Give your homo county credit for
Sealed proposals, addressed to the
County Court of Malheur County,
Oregon, and endorsed "Proposal for
Laying Floor on Bridge across Snake
River at Ontario, Malheur County,
Oregon," will bo received by the Coun
ty Court of said County at its office
in the Courthouse, Vole, Oregon, un
til 2:00 o'clock p. m., on the 23rd day
of April, 1917, and at that time and
place be publicly opened and read.
All proposals must be made upon
blank form to be obtained from the
r ... r i, . I,:- m , i. -
IV, tlb 1113 UllllU Ul
courthouse, Vale, Oregon; must give
tho prices proposed, both in writing
and ngures; and must be signed by
the bidder, with his address.
Each bid is to be presented under
sealed cover, and shall be accompanied
by cash, a bidders bond made paya
ble to Malheur County, or certified
check made payable to the County
Clerk of said County, for an amount
equal to at least live per cent ot the
amount of said bid, and no bid shall
be considered unless such cash, bond,
or check is enclosed therewith. Such
bider's bond shall be conditioned that
if said bid be accented, the party bidd
ing will duly enter into and execute
the contract. Should the successful
bidder to whom the contract is award
ed fail to execute the same within
ten days (not including Sunday) from
the date of the mailing of tho notice
from the County Court to him, ac
cording to the address' therewith civ-
en, that the contract is ready for sig
nature, such cash, bond, or certified
check shall be forfeited to Malheur
County, and the same shall be the
property of the County. All other
cash, bonds, and certified checks will
bo, returned to the unsuccessful bid
dcrs who submitted the same.
A corporate surety bond will be re
quired for the faithful performance
of the contract in a sum equal to one
half of the total amount bid.
Plans may be seen and forms of
specification and contract may be se
cured at the County Clerk's office,
courthouse, Vale, Oregon, or at the
County Surevvor's Office. Courthouse.
Vale, Oregon.
Tho right is reserved to reject any
or all proposals, or to accept the pro
posal or proposals deemed best for
Malheur County.
County Judge.
County Com.
County Com.
County Clerk of
Malheur Co. fire.
Mar. 31-Apr. 21.
tho Nation hnvo by tint means been your enlistment in the Army. You
led astray from u nnths of peace can bo accepted right hero. Apply
nnu mauo ready i ipt tho pros- 'O tno I'ostmnstcr. Juntura Times,
pect of physical u ir with rojolc-
ing. Tho act of tho ro ident to such Tho Oregon Daily Journal is to be
n distorted mind Is ncce jtcd ns cour- boycotted by the country press for its
ageous, even li" nd, this is opposition to tho delinquent tax pub
looKed upon In tni i, when most lishing bill. Whether this scheme
of the world is convulsed with war, us will result to any good for tho people
an act ot patriotism. ot tho stoto remnins to bo seon. From
Now, let us stop a moment to look n business point of view tho ofncinl
this appalling situation squarely in papers of tho different counties who
the foco, consider whether wo aro havo a cinch on its- publication will
leading this Nation and why, and osk bo consistent in fighting for tho con
ourselves whether or not wo uro justl- tinuanco of tho job. If tho tax pay-
neu in mo course so inr entered upon ers aro satisfied, then tho quostlon is
, anu in carrying it out to its Icgltl- sottlcd. The Sun has no list and don't
mnto and fearful consequences. Now expect any for publication; wo do not
is mo time to ibko counsel with our- begrudge It to thoso who hove, but in
selves and our consciences. Very order to glvo all tho newspapers of
ooon u may no too mio. wnr onco the state a lift and do the wholo peo-
entered upon, however much we may plo some good by it, why not havo nil
desire it, wo cannot draw back. Tho tho Initiotivo and Referendum bills
Nation onco at war must nnd will ro- published in all tho papers of tho state
ccive our earnest, loyal nnd undivided at least 30 days prior tq election, at a
support Hnvo wo tho mornl courage reasonable price. In this manner tho
to do the things now that will avoid bills to bo voted on would bo In tho
tho war? To avoid it now may call hands of the voters sufficient time to
for a higher degree of courago and study them und get a more intelligent
mm unnuoyeu patriotism man to vote. The boycott should bo usod tmly
enter upon it or oven pursue it to tho when reason fails. -Drowsey Sun.
end, If over truo und unselfish pa- .
triotism and tho highest standard of The Malheur Entcrprlso continues
moral courage, courago for more im- to improve with each edition, which
portent and often more dlfllcult than leads to tho conclusion that tho bet
mere physical courage, on tho part of torment earlier noted under tho new
public officials was called for, It is management is permanent and not
now. If we fall now the blood of mil- mrely a caso of "new broom." Jor
, lions of people muy be on our hands, dan Valley Express.
" But, let mo go a little further and Thank you Brother Hackney und
ask whether wo would bo justified in wo sincerely hopo that Jordon Valley
splung!ng our Nntion into this grcut soon enjoys bettor roads and also so
, yyar because our rights on tho sea aro cures rullroad facilities in order that
bofjr violated by Germany as a war the mnil scrvico will bo improved and
measure. Of course, the President we can get our copy of the Express
iw3 right in hU position that Ger- and read tho Jordan Valley news on
'many could not, in a legal sense, be time.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Orecon for Malheur Countv.
Douglas Smith, Albert G. Lester nnu
Will! 11. m .
ii imam uunerwonn, .trustees.
R, L. Vorhies,
To R. L. Vorhies. Defendant above
You are hereby Summoned and ro-
quired to appear and answer the Com
paint filed against you in the above
entitled Court and Cause within six
weeKs from tho date of first publica
weeks from tho date of first publica
tion of this Summons against you;
and if you fail to answer, nloml nr
ocnerwise appear in said cause within
sam time, the plaintiffs, for want
thereof, will annlv to tlin f!nnrf. fnr
tne renet demanded in tho Complaint
herein, to-wit:
lhat Plaintiffs havo judgment or.
first cause of suit ncainst vou in Itin
sum- of $892.70 principal and .0 nor
cent interest per annum from August
31, 1911; for $25.00 water mainte
nance charges; for $19.20 taxes paid
thereon; for $100 reasonablo attor
neys fees; costs and disbursements,
nnd that same be declared a lien on
Lot 117 Jamicson Acreage Tracts in
Malheur Countv. Oretron.
shares stock in Orchards Water Com
pany for Irrigation thereof.
That Plaintiffs have iudcrnent nn
second cause of suit against you in the
sum of $1610.00 principal with inter
est at 6 per cent per annum from
August 31, 1911, for $45 water main
tenance chorees: for $34.(51 tuxna nniil
thereon; for $160 reasonablo attorneys
fees, coats nnd disbursements, nml
that same be declared n lien on Lot
ido Jumleson Acreage Tracts in Mal
heur County, Oregon, and nino shares
water siock in Orchards Water Com
PanV for tho irrifntinn Ihnrpnf
That the decree your contracts for'
tno purchase of tho land, numbered
iia and ill, respectively, for tho pur
chase of land nnd water above, ile
scribed respectively, be declared due
and forfeited nnd that you, and all
persons claiming under you bo fore
closed of all right, title, interest and
clnim in nnd to tho said land or any
party thereof, and that decree fix a
limited timo for redemption thereof.
This Summons is published pursu
ant to nn Order of Hon. Geo. W. Mc
Knight, County Judgo of Malheur
County, Oregon, ucting ui tho absence
of tho Circuit Judgo of tho nbovo en
titled Court, mado nnd entered of ree-
ord on tho 29th day of March, 1917,
directing publication for six weeks.
Unto of first publication March 31,
Attorney for Plnintiffs
Mnr. 31-Moy 12.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon
March 20, 1917.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Mcl
vina Howard, of Brogon, Oregon, who.
on April 26, 1913, made Desert-Land
Entry, No. 02616, for N NEVi, Sec
tion 20, Township 15 South, Range
42 East, Willamette Meridian, has fil
ed notice of intention to make Final
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before The Recister
and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at
Vale, Oregon, on tho ZOth day of
April, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
J. O. Moudy, Leonard Cole, of Vale,
Oregon; Emery Cole, Barbara Cole,
of lirogan, uregon.
Mar. 24-Apr. 21. Register,
Lin the Circuit Court of the State of
Orecon. for Malheur County.
First National Bank of Vale, Oregon
a Corporation, fjamtilf,
Fred Campen, (whose true name is
August rerdinand campen) and
H. W. Camoen. Defendants.
To Fred Campen (whose truo name is
August Ferdinand Campen) and II.
W. Campen, the above-named De
OF OREGON: You aro hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled action on or before Monday,
the 14th day of May, 1917; and if you
fail so to answer,, or otherwise plead
to the said complaint, for want there
of, the plaintiff will take judgment
against you, lor the sum ot $100.00,
together with ten pcr cent per annum
interest thereon from the 17th day of
June, 1915, and the further sum of
$ou.uu as reasonable attorney's fee,
and for the costs and disbursements
of this action.
You will take further notice that
this sumons is served unon vou and
each of you by publication, by order
of Hon. Dnlton Biggs, Judge of tl0
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Malheur county, and that said Or
der was made and dated the 21st day
of March, 1917. and directed that this
summons bo published in the Maiheur
knterpriso a newsnaner printed and
published at Vale, Oregon, and desig
nated as the paper most likely to give
notice of the pendency of this action
against you. and each of vou. defen
dants above named.
Date of first pub. March 31, 1917.
Date of last pub. May 12, 1917.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
In tho Probato Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon for tho County of Malheur.
in tno Ainitor or
tho Estate of
W. H. TOMLINSON. Derenso.l.-
Under nuthority of nn order of side
granted by tho Honorable Geo, V. Mc
Knight, Judgo of the Probato Court
01 tne County nnd Stnto aforesaid.
dated March 31st, 1917, I, O. J. Ram
sey, Administrator, will sell at pri
vate sale tho following described real
ostuto, to-wit: tho Southwest quar
ter of tho Southoast quarter (SWW
SEU) of Soction Twenty-nine (29)
and tho North one-half of the North
east nuarter (Ni4NEU of .Section
Thirty.two (32) in Township Twcn.
iy. nvo (HO) outn, ot Jtnngo Forty
six (40) E. W. M.
The salo will bo mndo on or nftor
April 30th. 1917. and bids will lie ro.
ceived at tho office of O. J. Ramsey
at Rockvillo. Malheur County, Oregon.
Terms of sale, cush.
. , , O. J. RAMSEY,
Administrator of tho Estate of W. II.
Tomlinson, Deceased,
Dated April 3, 1917.
April 7-28.
As She Saw It. Ed. (in uutoi
"This controls tho brake. It is put on
very quickly in cuse of an emergen
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Uregon for Malheur County.
Douglas Smith, Albert G. Lester and
William Butterworth. Trustees,
Frank Hcckman,
To Frank Heckman Defendant above
You aro hereby Summoned nnd re.
quired to appear and answer the Com
paint filed against vou in the ahovo
entitled Court and cause within six
weeKs lrom the date of first publica
tion of this Summons ncninst. vnn
and if you fail to answer, plead or
otherwise appear in said cause within
said time, the plaintiffs, for want
thereof, will apply to the Court for
me react demanded in the Complaint
herein, to-wit:
That plaintiffs havo judgment
against you in the sum of $1750.00
principal and interest from August
19th, 1911, nt six per cent per annum;
for $50.00 water maintenance charg
es; for $51.32 taxes, paid by plain
tiffs; for $175 reasonable attorneys
fees; costs and disbursements; that
same be decreed a lien on southwest
quarter of southwest quarter of
Southeast quarter Sec. 16 Twp. 16 S.
R. 43 E. W. M. in Malheur County,
Oregon, with 10 shares stock in Or
chards Water Company, nnd that
your contract No. 75 for the purchase
thereof be declared fully duo and fo&
efited and that you and all persons
claiming under you be forever fore
closed of all right, title, interest or
claim thereunder and that such decree
nx a limited time for the redemption
This Summons is published pursu
ant to an Order of Hon, Geo. W. Mc
Knight, County Judge of Malheur
county, Oregon, acting in tho nbsence
of tho Circuit Judge of the nbovo en
titled Court, made nnd entered of rec
ord on the 29th day of March, 1917,
directing publication for six weeks.
Date of first publication March 31
Attorney for Plaintiffs,
war. iu-iuay i.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon fbf Malheur County.
James W. Maney. John Maney. Her
bert G. Wells nnd Ephriam Wells,
partners as Maney Bros., and Com
pany, 1'iaintms,
Vale-Oregon Irrigation Company, a
corporation, Colonial Trust Com
pany, a corporation, The Empire
Lumber Company, Limited, a cor
poration, and ll. 11. High,
To James W. Maney, John Maney,
Herbert G. Wells and Ephriam
Wells, partners as Maney Bros, and
Company, the plaintiffs above nam-
You nnd each of you will please
take notice hereby that on the 27th
day of February, 1917, tho judge of
the above entitled court made an or
der appointing James F. Shrader,
Esg., a notary public of the state of
Pennsylvania, having an office at No.
518 Real Estate Trust Building in
Philadelphia, Pa., a commissioner to
take and authorizing the taking of
thd deposition and perpetuation of the
testimony of Theodore H. (A.)
Wlghton, a witness on defendant's
behalf, residing at No. 1108 South
46th street in Philadelphia, Pa., at
the said residence of said witness, on
oral interrogatories to bo then pro
pounded, on five days notice thereof
subsequent to tho expiration of the
period of publication hereof as here
inafter stated, to-wit: on the 21st
day of April, 1917, also an order on
February 27th, directing the service
of this notice and giving notice of
said orders unon and to vou bv pub
lication thereof once a week for six:
consecutive weeks, the first publica
tion to be made March 3rd, 1917; and
you aro hereby notified that pursuant
to the terms of said orders and of
this notice the deposition of said wit
ness will be taken at his place of res
idence a3 above stated on the 21st
day of April, 1917, before said com
missioner for use as evidence on tho
trial of this cause.
Dated Feb. 28, 1917.
Vale, Oregon, Attorney for defendants
as shown in the record herein.
First publication March 3rd, 1917.
Last publication April 7th, 1917.
Everett. Wash.. March 5. 1917.
To Robt. Zimmerman, Peter Stokes.
Fred Newland, your heirs and as
signs: You are notified that we have ex
pended during tho year 1916, $100 in
labor and improvements upon the Pe
troleum Places claims of the Chas.
P. Murdock Oil & Gas Association
covering the SWU of Section 19,
Township 17 South of Range 45 East
of the Willamette Meridian in Mal
heur county. State of Orecon. the lo
cation notice of which is recorded in
Book 9, Page 381, of the "Records of
Oil" in the office of the Countv Clerk
of Malheur County, Oregon, in order
to hold said claim under the provi
sions of section 2324, Revised Stat
utes of the United States, and the
amendment there to approved Janu
ary 22, 1880, concerning the annual
labor on mining claims, being the
amount required to, hold said mining
claim for the period ending Decem
ber 31, 1916.
And if within 90 davs from tho date
of personal service of this notice or
within 108 davs after the Dublication
thereof, either or all of you fail or re
fuse to contribute your portion of
such expenditure as a co-owner, which
amounts to $11.11 each, your inter
est in the said claim will become the
property of the undersigned, your co
owners, who have made the' required
expenditure by the terms of said sec
tion of tho Revised Statutes.
Date of first pub., March 10, 1917.
Date of last pub., May 12, 1917.
In: the County Court of the State of
Oregon; for tho County of Malheur.
In the matter of
'! tho Estate of
John E. Roberts, deceased.
Order appointing day for final settle
ment. John Rigby, tho Administrator of
tho Estate of John E. Roberts deceas
ed, having rendered ana presented for
settlement, and filed in this Court, hi3
final account of his administration of
said Estate.
It is ordered: That Monday, the
Sixteenth day of April, A. D. 1917,
being a day of a subsequent term of
said Court, to-wit: of the March
term thereof, A. D. 1917, at One
O'Clock P. M. of said day, be and tho
said is hereby appointed for tho set
tlement of said account; and that no
tice of said settlement be published
in tho Malheur Enterprise, a newspa
per published in Vale, Malheur coun.
ty, Oregon, as often as once a week
for four successive weeks prior to said
day of settlement.
Done at Vale this Sixteenth day of
March, A. D. 1917.
geo. w. Mcknight,
Mch. 17-Apr. 14. County Judge.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon
March 10, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby civen that Ches
ter R. Ames, of Vale, Oregon, who, on
October 9, 1913, made Homestead En
try No. 02920, for SEU, Sec. 11, T.
20 S. R. 43 E. W. M., and who on
Dec. 8, 1915, mado Additional Home
stead Entry, No. 04209, for E NE'A,
Sec. 11, and W NW'4, Section 12,
Township 20 South, Range 43 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Final Three
Year Proof, to establish claim to tho
land above described, before the Reg
ister and Receiver, U. S. Land Office,
at Vale, Oregon, on the 18th day of
April, 1917,
Claimant names as witnesses:
J. D. Miles. E. E. Fletcher. T. E.
Davis, C. F. Anderson, all of Vule.
Mar. 17-Apr. 14. Register,
Department of the Interior,
United Stntes Land Office.
Vale. Oreiron. Mnrrh 2fi. 1017
To Sidney E. Browning, of Ontario,
uregon, iiuuicsice:
You aro herebv notified thnl ITnr.
ley E, Noah, who gievs Troy, Idaho,
iivni,-uiiii. v iiuiuvaa, U1U Oil V CD-
ruary 26. 1917. file in this nfl'im his
(liny corroborated appliaction to con
test and secure tho cancellation of
your Homestead Entry, Serial No.
03897 mado Juno 5, 1915, for the
SV Sec. 25. and SEM Seelinn "fi
Township 17 S., Range 45 E. Will.
Meridian, nnd ns grounds for his con
test ho alleges that "said Sidney E.
Browning hhs never established or
maintained his residence upon tho said
land; that ho has made no imnrovei
mcnts thereon of any kind; und that
no nas wnony abandoned the said land
for more than six months last past,
und that said condition of abandon
ment continues to this time, and that
such abandonment has not been due to
his employment in military service
rendered m connection with opera
tions in aicxico, or along tho borders
thereof, or in mobilization camps else
where, in tho military or naval organ
ization of tho United Stutes or the
National Guard of anv of tho several
You are, thoroforo, further notified
that the said allegations will be taken
ns confessed, and your said entry will
bo concelod without further right to
bo heard, oither before this ofilco or
on appeal, if you fail to filo in this
office 'within twenty days after tho
FOURTH publication of this, notice,
as shown below, your nnswer, under
oath, specifically responding to these
allegations of contest, together with
due proof thnt you havo served a copy
of your answer on the saUJ contestant
either in person or by registered mail.
You should state In your answer
the numo of the post oluco to which
you desire future notices to bo sent
to you.
THOS. JONES. Register.
uato oi nrst puo., March ai, vjn.
Co-ed "I see, somcth ng ko a ki- " ol. f?ona Pub., April 17, 19J7.
molin "nrnnirn 1V) 5at0 of ,hird Pub- April 14, 1917.
moiia. Orongo I eel. Dat0 f fourth'pub' April 21, 1917.
in mo circuit court ot tne state o:
Oregon, for tho County of Malheur.
Tho Union Central Life Insurance
Company, Plaintiff,
John C. Stewart, Lillian N. Ste
wart, husband nnd wife, Jnmes E.
Bates and Ethel Bates, husband
and wife, G. W. Abernathy and A.
M. Abernathy, husband and wife,
Mnrvin M. Hurst and Una L.
Hurst, husband and wife.
To John C. Stewart and Lillian N.
Stewart, husband nnd wife, James E.
Bates nnd Ethel Bates, husband and
wife, Marvin M. Hurst nnd Una L.
liurst, husband and wife, defendants:
Ot OREGON, You are hereby reauir
ed to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in tho above
entitled suit within six weeks from
tho date of service of tho complaint
unci summons upon you, nnd if you
fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court
ior tno reuet demanded in its com
rduint, to-wit:
Thnt judgment bo entered in said
action foreclosing a certain mortcacre
cxecutcu to piaintitt by the defen
dants, John C. Stewart and Lillian N.
Stewart, on December 28, 1912, se
curing a promissory noto for $600,
which mortgage described the folow.
ing property in Malheur County, Ore
The East half (E) of the South-
eiisi quarter i&ttvii and tno south
cost quarter (SEU) of the North
east quarter (JSEK; of Section eight
ioi in lownsnin seventeen iiyi
South of Range Forty-seven (47)
Eust of tho Willamette Meridian; and
the Northwest ouarter fNWUl of
the Southwest quarter (SW) of
section nine taj in lowpship seven
teen nt) south of Kange forty-seven
(47) East of the Willamette Meridian.
nnd was recorded on January 10, 1913,
at Pago 108 of Book P of the Mort
gage Records of said county. That
said judgment will order tho sale of
tho mortgaged premises nnd the ap
plication of tho proceeds in satisfac
tion Of the indebtedness secured there
by and for such other and further re
lief as under the premises mnv be
deemed equitable and just-
service ot tne summons and com
plaint in tho above entitled cause is
mndo upon you by publication on the
order of the Honorable Dal ton Bietrs.
Judgo of the aboveentitIed court, said
oruer nemg mado and entered on the
13th day of March, 1917, nnd directs
the period of publication to bo six
weeks. Tho first publication of this
summons is on the 17th day of
March, 1917.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Residintr at Boise. Ida.
Mar. 17-Apr. 28.
Department 'of the Interior,
United States Land Office,
To FRANK J. BURTON, of Rockville,
uregon, contestee:
You are hereby notified that AN
Rockville, Oregon, as his post-office
address, did on February 16, 1917, file
in this office his duly corroborated ap
plication to contest nnd secure the
cancellation of your homestead Entry
serial No. mm6TZ made July 30, 1912,
for the WNWH, SEUNW, NE
USWU, of Section 33, Township 26
S., Range 45 E. Will. Meridian, and
as grounds for his contest he alleges
that "said Frank J. Burton has never
established his residence upon the
land in his gaid entry; that he has
made no improvements thereon of any
kind; that he has wholly abandoned
said land for more than six months
last past, and that such absence and
abandonment has not been due to his
employment in the military service
rendered in connection with opera
tions in Mexico, or along the borders,
thereof, or in mobilization camps
elsewhere, in the military or naval or
ganization of tho United States or
tho National Guard of any of the sev
eral States."
You are. therefore, further notified
that the said allegations will be tak
en as coniessea, ano your said entry
win oe canceled whout turther right
to be heard, either before this office
or on appeal, if you fail to file in this
office within twenty days after the
FOURTH publication of thi3 notice,
as shown below, your answer, under
oath, specifically responding to these
allegations of contest, together with
due proof that you havo served a copy
of your answer on tho said contes
tant either in person or by registered
You should state in your nnswer
the name of the post office to which
you desiro future notices to be sent
to you. THOS, JONES, Register.
Date of first pub., March 17, 1917.
Date of second pub., March 24, 1917.
Dato of third pub., March 31, 1917.
Date of fourth pub., April 7, 1917.
Quincy, California, Feb., 5, 1917.
To L. F. Baity, your heirs and assigns
You ore notified thnt I have expend
ed during the year 1916, $100 in labor
and improvements upon the Petrole
um Placer claims of tho Powder Val
ley Oil & Gas Association covering
the SW of Section 27, Township 19
South of Range 45 East of the Wil
lamette Meridian m MalheUr county,
State of Oregon, the location notico
of which is recorded in Book 8,
fago 102, ot the "Kecords of Oil" in
the office of the County Clerk of Mal
heur County, Oregon, m order to hold
said claim under the provisions of
section 2324, Revised Statutes of the
United States, and the amendment
there to approved January 22, 1880,
concerning the annual labor on min
ing claims, being tho amount requir
ed to hold said mining claim for the
period ending December 31, 1916.
And if within 90 days from the
date of personal service of this notice
or within 108 days after the publica
tion thereof, you fail or refuse to con
tribute your portion of such expendi
ture as n co-owner, which amounts to
$12.50. your interest in tho said claim
will becomo the property of the under
signed, your co-owner, who has made
the reauired expenditure bv the terms
of said section of the Revised Statutes.
Date of first pub., Feb. 10, 1917.
Date of last pub., April 14, 1917.
Department of tho Interior,
U. S, Land Office nt Vnle. Oregon
March 26, 1917.
NOTICE i3 hereby given that
Benjamin King, of Vale, Oregon, who,
on July 0, 1914, made Homestead En
try, No. 03420, for Lot 2, Sec. 27, nnd
Lot 1, Section 28, Township 18 South,
Rnnge 45 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
Final Three Ycar Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, 'be
fore The Register and Receiver, U. S.
Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the
4th day of Mny, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Rex Marquis, Andrew McGregor,
C. P. Stiles, J. D. King, all of Vale,
MAR. 31-Apr. 28 Register.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Malneur County.
W. R. Taylor, Plaintiff,
Leslie Morrison Barton, a minor,
Donald Wilson Barton, a minor, N.
C. Wilson, as guardian of the per
sons and estates of said two mi
nors', W. G. Thomson, as adminis
trator of tho estate of Hannah Bar
ton, deceased, nnd all unknown
heirs of J. W. Barton, deceased,
and all unknown heirs of Hannah
Barton, deceased, Defendants.
To Leslie Morrison Barton, a minor,
Donald Wilson Barton, a minor, N.
C. Wilson, as Guardian of the persons-
and estates of said two mi
nors, nnd to nil unknown heirs of
J. W. Barton, deceased, and to all
unknown heirs of Hannah Barton"
deceased, defendants above named:
OF OREGON, You, and each of you,
are hereby summoned and required
to appear and nnswer the complaint
filed against you in tho above entitled
Court nnd causa within six weeks
from the date of tho first publication
of this summons against you; and if
you fail to answer, plead or otherwise
appear in said cause within said time,
the plaintiff, for want thereof, will ap
ply to tho said Court for tno relief
demanded in his comnlnint. to-wit:
that you be required, by answer to
said complaint, to state and assert the
nature and character of all adverse
right, title, estate and interest which
you claim adversely to tho .estate and
interest of the plaintiff above named
in and to the real property in the com
plaint described, to-wit: the South
east Quarter of Setcion 8 and the
Northwest Quarter of Section 9, in
Township 19, S., Range 44, E. W. M.,
in Malheur County, Oregon, and sub
mit the same to the examination and
detqrmination of the above entitled
Court, and that tho Court determine
whatever right, title, interest or es
tate you, or any of you, claim or shall
make in or to said real property ad
verse to plaintiff nnd his interest nnd
cstnto therein, and shall render a de
cree in the above entitled suit declar
ing that none of the defndants nor"
any person claiming, or to claim, by,
through or under them, or any of
them, has any right, title, estate or
jnterest adversely to plaintiff- .or his
interest and, estate in said real prop
erty; that plaintiff recover of and
from defendants his "costs and dis
bursements of said suit: and for such
other further and general relief as to
the Court shall seem equitable.
This summons is published pursu
ant to order of tho Hon. Geo. W. Mc
Knight, County Judge of Malheur
County, Oregon, made in the absence
of the Judge of the above entitled
Court, and entered of record on the
29th day of March, 1917, and the first
publication thereof is made in tho
Malheur Enterprise Newspaper, on
the 31st day of March, 1917.
Plaintiff's Attorneys.
Department of tho Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Vnle, Oregon,
March 7th, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby given that John
T. Sperry, of Vale, Oregon, who, on
August ,18, 1913, made Homestead En
try, No. 02830. for EV4SEU, SW,4S
EU, Sec 21, NWUNEVi, Sec. 28, and
who on Feb. 26, 1917. made Addition
al Homestead Entry, No. 05357, for
NHSWK, SWUSWVi. Sec. 22, and
NEUNE'4, Section 28 all In Tow
ship 19 South, Range 44. East, Will
amette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before tho Register
and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at
Vale, Oregon, on the 13th day of
April, 1917.
Claimant names as, witnesses:
Chester Ames. Howard McLav.
Harry Garrett, Otha Ray, all of Vale,
Mar, 10-Apr. 7. Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon
March 27, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby given that Sus
an Sutherland, (formerly Wilson,) of
Bonita, Oregon, who, on May 16, 1912,
made Desert-Land Entry, No. 02254,
for SSE, Section 21, Township 15
South, Range 40 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notico of intention
to make Final Three Year Proof, un
der paragraph 2 of Sec. 5, Act of
Mar. 4, 1915, (38 Stat. 1161) to es
tablish claim to the land above de
scribed, before The Register and Re
ceiver, U. S. Land Office, at Vale,
Oregon, on the 5th day of,May, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
James O. Moudy, of Vale, Oregon;
John Logan, W. L. Wilson, J. M. Wil
son, of Bonita, Oregon.
Mar. 31-Apr. 28. Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Vnle. Oregon
Marcn 24, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Mary R. Pritchard, of Brogan, Ore
gon, who, on April 30, 1914, mado
Homestead Entry, No. 03291, for
NEHSE'4, S',4SE4, Sec. 11, WS
WW. Sec. 12, NNWM. Sec, 13, NE
WNE'4. Section 14, Township 16
South. Range 42 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make Final Three Year Proof, to
establish claim to tho Innd nbovo de
scribed, before Register and Receiver,
U. S. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on
lht m,I ,ln rtf Xl. mm
mil, wtjr vi ,UIJ, lilll,
Claimant names as witnesses:
R. Mack Phipps, T. Chas. Pritchard,
of Brogan, Oregon; R. A. Lockett,
Charles McCnmbridge, of Jamieson,
..t . . THOS. JONES,
MAR. 31-Apr. 28. Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office nt Vale, Oregon
,r. March 15th, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby given that
James D. Miles, of Vule, Oregon, who,
on March 23, 1914, made Homestead
Entry No. 02855, for SE'4SE4, Sec
30, NE4NEV SViNEVi, Sec. 317T:
19 S. It. 41 E. W. M., nnd who on
Sgpt. 19, 1916, mado Additional Home
stead Entry, No. 04676, for SE4SW
J4, SWUSEU. Sec. 30, NWtfNEU,
Sec. 31 and NWHNW'4, Section 32,
Township 19 South, Range 44 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Final Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Vale,
Oregon, on the 20th day of April,
Claimant names as witnesses:
C. R. Ames. L. W. Burton, r. v
Miles, C. T. Bcsgrovc, all of Vale, Ore
gon. . THOS. JONES,
Mar. 17-Apr. U. Register.