SI'" . jjr- Ktr 1 1 in i i T m ii T rfr iv - w : " ' r ' - ,v In- , a- ii t BUSINESS IS GOOD IN VALE MALHEUR COUNTY IS RAPIDLY DEVELOPING DICILLING UNDERWAY AT WKSTlSKiM 1'AUHU UiL. WELL, UAIKY1NU, UAHiJEmNU, 1'UUL.iki au mt i i-AKftiirtu iwwuiAaim ui a, huksbb, iiuus, saw AND WOOL INDUSTRIES AT TOP NOTCH IRRIGATION FROJECTSrREAD,Y FOR CONSTRUCTION OWYHEE AND OTHER DISTRICTS DEVELOPING NEW HOMESTEAD LAWS ARE SETTLING THE INTERIOR NEW HIGHWAYS WILL BRING TOURISTS AND HOME SEEKERS JORDAN AND SNAKE VALLEYS PROSPER BROGAN FACING GREAT CORN AND FRUIT SEASON NITRATE AND OTHER MINERALS BEING INVESTIGATED BOOST FOR VALE AND MALHEUR COUNTY. THE BEST DEVELOPER Of a CommUnity Is n Wide Awake And-Reprcsenlativo Newspaper., Your" Suggestions and Cooperation Arc So-' licllcd To Help Make The "Enter prise" A True Representative of Vale, and Malheur County. Send a Sub scription To Friends Whom You Wish To Welcome To This Country. The Enterprise Is Absolutely Independent, Treats Everyone With The Same Fairness, Is Always Progressive, and Urges Your Activity In The Develop ment of Malheur County's Great Pos sibilities. Let AH The Malheur Towns Work Together For a More Prosper ous and Better County. mmm Sgsr - W$ PlFS ADVERTISE IN THE ENTERPRISE The Paper Thai Is Read In Every Nook of Malheur County. It Mm More Readers 'Became It Prints More Reading Matter. People Pay For The. Enterprise. Because They. Want To Read The Best Rcyiews Of North western and World News; The Most Thorough Reports of Southeastern -Oregon Irrigation, Stock, Farming, Oil, Mineral and Community Progress The Latest Market Quotations; Alt Filings in the U. S. Land Office, Vale District; Malheur County Official No tices; Rest EsUte Transfers; Cemty Scat News; Correspondent Letters From Every Sectiejfc the County. VOLUME VIII, NO. 19. VALE, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1917. MALHEUR COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. r RED CROSS FOR VALE ASSURED Petition Filed for .Malheur County Chapter of Red Cross Organiza tion Awaits Granting of Charter Due to the efforts of Mrs. Vernon Tytas Hcrrett, the ladies, business men and professional men of Vale and Mnlheur county have been interested in forming a Malheur County Chapter of the American Red Cross' Associa tion. Petitions for a Charter have been sent to tho headquarters and as soon ns such is issued a general call, for organization will be given out. Plans are being discussed for inau gurating an enlistment campaign,, and indications point to a marked success of the movement. This branch of our national defense, not only supplies the soldiers with many heeded supplies, but also in case of actual warfare is a great factor in enlisting nurses, soldiers and materials. In times of peace it relieves distress wherever disaster of any nature overtakes a community. Following are extracts relating to membership taken from the By-laws of the American Association: Membership Classified. Individual membership in the Red Cross shall consist of six classes. Con tributions to the relief funds of the Red Cross can not be credited as mem bership dues, but such must be paid for the specified purpose cr nbtain- is of fol- 1 or ' its ing membership. The six individual membership shall ' lows: ' ' Annual embers. Any i,.; residennt of; the United States' dependencies tf?ay Itotftaae n-rnehber of the American National Red Cross upon .application'!) a Chapter and the payment of one dollar to,the Treasur er of the" Chapter in'whose jurisdic tion .the applicant resides, and may continue such membership by the an nual payment of tho same amountl Subscribing Members pay two dol lars per annum; Contributing Mem bers, five dollars per annum; Sustain ing Members, ten dolars" per annum; Life Members, tw6nty-fivo dollars; Patrons, one hundred dollars. Recruiting Officer Here. Sergeant Wm. A. Kinning of the U. S. A. regulars of Portland arriv ed in Vale on Friday mornings train and has taken up headquarters at the Post Office. Sergeant Kinning came to Vale from Ontario where he enlist ed 20 members of the Ontario high school cadet corps in the U. S. A. Regulars and will take them to Port land with him next week where they will all be enlisted in the same com pany: .Sergeant Kinnings says that the Ontario boys were a fine lot of recruits and were physically perfect in .every way. Later reports siy that Sergeant Kinning has met with success in Vale and a large number of enlistments have been secured. County Board Meets. Many Delegates From the Different Schools of the County Present at County Convention. Delegates from the various schools of the county meet In convention at tho court house Friday. Beginning at ten o'clock in the morning, sessions continued all day with a short inter mission for lunch which was served the visiting delegates by the domes tic science class of the Vale school. The convention hours were taken up in talks and discussions. Professor M. S. Pittman of the Department of Rural Schools at Monmouth Normal, was one of the principal speakers of the afternoon. War Declared On Germany Congress Passes Resolution Senate and House Pass Resolution De claring War on Germany Na tion Prepares all Resources Give- Third Degree Work. VALE WINS CLAMATORY Alma Earp Takes First Place in De clamatory Contest Giving Vale Cup for Second(Time. Miss Alma Earp of Vale won first place in tho annual declamatory con test for tho schools of Malheur county held in the Dreamland theatre at On tario last Saturday evening. It was the largest contest ever hold both in point of attendance and tho number of -ontostants entered. Every number was given with such excellence and with that perfection of memory that it was tho unanimous opinion of all attending that to have been chosen for even eighth place would have been an lonor, Mis3 Fay Clark, county school sup erintendent, presided and the judges were Mrs. OHvo M. Tctrashek of Wei ser and Mrs. Chaney of Payette. Miss Finney of Caldwell who was also to havo acted as a judge did not arrive as the main line train was late. The decision rendered gave Alma Earp of Vale, first place, thus for the second consecutive "time giving the loving cup to Vale and making only one more "win" required to give Vale schools permanent possession; Bessie Anderson of Nyssa, second; Una Arm strong of Valley View, third; and Ruth Barrett of Arcadia, fourth. In terest was keen and the contestant? each did their best for the school they represented. A large crowd from Vale, including parents, teachers friends and instructors were in at tendance, returning on the special train late Saturday night. Following was the program given: 7:30 to 8:80 Motion Picture, Peggy Hyland. Vocal solo, Miss Ruth McCulloch, Ontario. Contestants. "Who's Afraid," Vale, Al- "Tho Folly of Telling Lies," The Vale lodge of K. of P.'s at their regular meeting Thursday gave third degree work to Tom Nordale and al so voted to challenge tho Ontarto lo'dge to a 'contest for thir "degree work which it is expected will take place some time in the near future. Jim Rogers was quite ill on Thurs day evening but was able to be at his place of business Friday. Washington, April C. The war res olution passed the house at 3 o'clock this morning by a vote of 373 to 50. The vote was 82 to 6 in the Senate, The senators who voted against the resolution were Gronna of North Da kota, La 'Follette of Wisconsin, Lane of Oregon, Norrls of Nebraska, Stone of Missouri and Vardaman-of Mississ ippi. Text of Resolution. The resolution as passed wa3 as follows: "Whereas the imperial German gov ernment has committed repeated acts of war against this government and people of the United States of Amer ica; therefore, be it "Resolved, by the senate and house of representatives in congress assem bled, that a state of war between the United States and the imperial Ger man government, which has been thrust upon the United States, is hereby formally declared, and the; president, be and ho is hereby author ized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the Unit- ( Continued on page 8.; Wilson Urges War. Ask Congress to Declare Formal Wnr on Germany Address Will Be ' come Famous Document. Washington. President Wilson Monday, accepted tho "gage of battle" with Germany, whoso acts havo con stituted war against tho people and the government of the United States. Following are a fow brief extracts from his address that English, French and American Press speak of as greatest document of this century: "With a profound sense of the sol emn and even tragical character of the step I am taking and of the grave responsibilities which it involves, but in unhesitating obedience to what I deem my constitutional duty, I ad vise that the congress declare the re cent course of the imperial German government to bo in fact nothing less than war against the government and people ,of the United States; that it formally accept the status of belli gerent vhich has thus been thrust up on it, and that it take immediate steps not only to put the country in a more thorough stato of defense, but also to exert all its power and em ploy all its resources to bring tho gov ernment of the German empire to (Continued on page 8.) Clean Up Week Announced. To the People uf Vale: Recognizing the benefits, material as well as asthctic, to 7c derived from a clean and attractive town, in ac cordance with the established custom, therefore, I, Jay Kimball, Mayor of the City of Vale, hereby proclaim and set apart April lGth to 21st, inclusive, as CLEAN UP WEEK and do earnestly recommend and re quest that all persons thoroughly clean their premises, remove all rub bish and accummulation, to the end that the property within the City may be put in a clean, military and at tractive condition, to the betterment of the health "of the entire commun ity. JAY KIMBALL, Mayor. SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 PER YEAR ORGANIZE FOR RURAL CREDITS City Council Meets. VALE TO GIVE RECRUITS PATRIOTIC FAREWELL Mayor Kimball has asked the business men of Vale to elose their stores Saturday, April Ht at 1 p: m..and join in a big patriotic rally and farewell to a1 number of local boys who have joined the regular army here this week. The Vale Band will be out and a large crowd will ga ther at the depot to God Speed the boys who will leave with Sergeant Kinning on the 1 p. m. train. Building and Fire Limits Ord'nancr Passed To Audit City Books ...r!l Wmh Wilms At the regular meeting of the city he,P Potion of staples Farmers Will Form Loan Association in Vale- Saturday Many Al ready Promised to Join. There will bo a meeting in Vale, Saturday, April 7th, of a large num ber of farmers of -the valley for the purpose of organizing a .National Farm Loan Association. Thore are about 25 who have al ready signified their intention of go ing into tho matter and endeavor to place long time loans on their prop erty at a low rate of interest. The law was published in full in the Malheur Enterprise and should bo carefully studied by those whoso loan is liable to trouble them under stress of possible war times, while tho gov ernment, on the other hand will cer tainly do everything in "its power to council Thursday evening, tho ordi nance for regulating construction of buildings and defining the fire 'limits of the city of Vale was passed for the secomf'reading, having been taken up earlier in the week at two special meetings. The proposed auditing of the city's books was discussed and roferred to the finance committee. In order to make the city laws conform with the state statutes on prohibition and gam bling, tho general subject was dis cussed and the attorney directed to prepare such ordinances. This will permit the city to collect fines on ar rests made by tho pollco on these charges,- where as now the offenders must be turned over to tho county who collects the fines. Attend ,M. . At Convention. Percy Johnson, Paul Freeman and Mr. Suitter went to Ontario Wednes day where thoy were in attendance at tho Malheur county convention of the Modern Woodmen of America. County Good Rokds Convention in Vale April 24-Many Delegates Coming Convention to be Attended by Dele gates From all Parts of Coun ty Measure Favored by all Chairman I. W. Hope and other members of tho general committee report that they have received com munications from many sections of the county and that the Convention to form a Malheur County Good Roads Association to be held in Vale, April 24, the first week of the April term. of tho Circuit Court, will be well attended. Nyssa, Ontario, Brogan, Ironsides, Juntura and many other points have been heard fronr'and all seem to be enthusiastic over organizing a good road association, and are also hearti ly in favcr of the bonding measure. State Road Conference Postponed. Instead of being held April 7 or April 14, as originally announced and later amended, the state-wide confer ence of good roads supporters has been postponed to a date to be an nounced shortly. As delegates have been elected from ' TLEQEMB. nearly every county, indications are that the meeting' will be well attend ed. The Statewide Legislative Good Roads Committee, of which Dr. W. A. Wood of Hillsboro is Chairman and Bruce Dennis of La Grande is Secre tary, feels that the conference is so important that thoy desire to arrange it at such a dato as will insure tho largest attendance and the best results. Juntura Coming. All those interested in securing bet ter roads aro rged to attend a meet ing at tho Town Hall next Saturday night at eight o'clock. Tho object of this meeting is to discuss tho propos ed now State Highway from Bend to Vale via Burns. Also the matter of organizing a, good roads club will be considered. All other towns in Mal heur and Harney counties are organ izing and if Juntura wishes to be rep resented in the movement we will have to act at once. Remember next Saturday night at 8:00 at the Town Hall and come. Juntura Times. TT - V I 0"LiBm. ifJilj& 3 MM 'flOADfl DCfttOMATCO BY THC CdMMtftftlON SCCAUSff ST, . rr.Tr 31f2ta'!&t . ' Trf WCHt DCKtONATtD 0T THC LESISUTURC IN fioummtmua&'UMm 5 SXbL1 tmi Sonoma ACT, O nlu nuV , , -, r? SSSS8 SKZ?i '' ftoAoa pcswwATto br tut coomtsKw in tppmow , . -"oj3t-. ' T i ""jtOpi vr.qnp V4v vj -to tmoi dcsionatid or txi u&jw-tufl 'J jten .8SST . On" . (CANMCXI MACMO i IJirT. MUM - - iBIJWT; " QM.IWMT 4cfJ!!m r 'I BO"'- N fT cvp-S- nrrdl STATE R0AD II 3jlr f SYSTEM , J!3,C18J M Jl KV- ir ROUTES DESIGNATED 4 .2 K BY THE OREGON T-vSp s ! ! 7 STATE HIGHWAY JT-feY- i!" hrn COMMISSION rZZS KTWZ iF-- X. J U. S. GOVERNMENT 1 4b TS5fe ' fej Y - N-OTAWnOALMA, twfir-LMSll i t - SMCi.tMruut.rtnitm. ONTARIO, PLANS ASSOCIATION W. 'F. Ilomnn to Explain Law at the 'Mcetin? Tuesday, April 10--Crev ton Organized Nyssa Should. A meeting ha,s been called for 1:30 p. m., Tuesday, April 10th, at tho. 0n-( tario City Hall fpr the purpose of or ganizing a Federal Farm Loan Asso ciation. A( large number of farmers are desirous of taking advantage of this pew act in order that they can got money for improving their "farms or for paying off old high priced mortgages. It is proposed to include the terri tory from the section lino two miles north of Nyssa and boundedon tho east- by SnakeiRlver,.onftho.north..J)y west to include the lands undar the I Nevada ditch, Owyhee and "Shoe string ditches as far south as tho said section line. This will make it possi-. ble to organize a compact territory and also make it possible to organize other associations with Nyssa and Valo as center, says W. W. Howard, county agricultural agent. &omo- counties nave as many as twenty or more associations' formed! it present, while but one has been or ganized in Malheur county, tho one at Crcston. It is expected that a large sum will bo applied for here, for , x largo number of farmers have ask- ;d to have the organization.. W. F. Homan, Cashier Ontario Nn- 0 (Continued on page 8,) MUCH ACTIVITY IN OIL FIELDS r Fortune Teller Predicts Success of Vale Oil Field Western Pacific Drilling Others to Operate The big drill is now pounding awn at the Western Pacific oil well In Sand Hollow. Tho company secured water at a depth of 220 feet and will no longer bo forced to haul water for tho boilers and general use, Tho En terprise will begin next week and pub lish tho log of tho big 14 inch well. Mystery Lady Predicts Success Lore, tho mystic fortune teller at tho Rex Theatre In Valq Thursday evening, was asked "Will the Western Pacific Oil and Gas company strike oil?" She unswored that they wouldl strike oil at the present site and in many other places and the develop ment of the field would accomplish wonderful things for tho city of Valo. Sunset Operates Again. Word was received this wook that the Sunset Oil and Gas company had resumed drilling at their location about 12 miles north of Valo. Will Drill at Ontario. Drilling for oil here at Ontario is a not distant possibility, says the On tario Democrat, Monday night at the city hall David Miller, president of the Consolidated 0)1 and Gas company of. America, addressed a meeting- of the I Commercial club, declaring the will ingness of his company to sink one or more wells here if a modicum of encouragement were given. He had previously conferred with officials ofJ, he old Ontario Oil and Ga company. The commercial club passed resolu tion declaring faith In the Malheur oil field. (Continued on page 8.) ' to