wjj.inw.nii"iteJa&'J ?AGE FOUR The United States National Bank Total Resources Over $600,000 "'' , Wife UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK VALE, OREGON RANGE AND ALFALFA land at low prices and on ten year terms at a rate of interest that makes buying cheaper than renting or leasing. Stockmen should buy while the buying is good as range and alfalfa land is going to increase rapidly in price. OREGON & WESTERN COLONIZATION CO. A. W. Trow, Agent, Ontario, Oregon. SOCIETY PRINTING The Enterprise is fully equipped to furnish you, with the best VISITING CARDS WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS INVITATIONS PROGRAMS PERSONAL STATIONERY If we haven't what you want we will get it for you. Don't send away before you find out what we can do. 0 I MONTGOMERY & SMITH VALE f Prescriptions Our Specialty , We specialize in compounding prescriptions 5 Our stock is fully equipped to meet all demands X for drugs and proprietary medicines and sick room supplies. First class, sanitary soda fountain in connection. A, Vale Drug Store heie 31. X x NEW HATS For Spring Showing a Complete Line of KING BEE, G A G E, F I S K and ELZEE Pattern Hats Latest Shapes, Styles Exclusive Designs OREGON BRIEF Willnrd Edwards, who la attending business college at Bolso this winter, spent the week end with his relatives in Valo. F red Sheets, foreman of the Onta rio Argus, spent Monday in Vale, pay ing the, Enterprise ofllco a visit while here. Mrs. Minnie Basticn, son Carl, and two daughters, of Huntington, were in town on business connected with the U. S. Land Office. Mrs. Basticn is ono of the properous ranchers of tho Snnko River valley. H. R. Cutler, who is a resident of Anselmo, Nebraska, was a guest at tho Drexcl Hotel last. week. Claude Derrick, of Jamieson, came to Vale for tho St Patrick's dance by the M. W. A. Saturday night Jas. Holmes, from the Watson country arrived in the city the latter part of last week. L. J. Hadley, wfio ownS property interests in Salt Lake, returned to his home in Vale Wednesday, for a visit Jerry Hurley was a Nyssa visitor in the'eity Monday. Ed Daveran, who is a representa tive of the Ontario Democrat, spent the first of the week in Vale on. busi ness. XXXXXX XXXXXX x NEWS BREVITIES X x Picked Up In Vale and Nearby Neighborhood x X xxxxxx x w k x m m Social and Spelling Bee The Boy Scouts will hold a Social and Spelling Bee at the Chamber of Commerce Fri day evening, March. 31. The two teams will be a girls' team selected by Mrs. Joe Kelly and a Boy Scout team. 10 cents will be charged for admission and refreshments sold on the Cafetaria plan. Hewitt's Shows Excellent The crowds which have been in attendance at the Rex every night since its open ing under the now management, are striking evidence of the class of pic tures being featured by Manager He witt. Lasky, World "Brady-Made" films, and other features are being produced every night at the Rex. Some of the pictures shown in Vale are first-run features, being shown in this city before Boise and other towns, may use them. Manager He witt has finished arrangements where by tho "Seven Deadly Sins" being featured in the McClure publications, will be soon pictured at the Rex. An exclusive comedy night, is also anoth er plan of the management Days Now Become Longer On March 21 the sun passed the Vernal Equinox, at which time the days be come longer than the nights, thus for mally ushering in the season of Spring. Will Serve Tamales Tho Ladies Aid of the Christian Church will serve hot tamales at the Saddle Rock res taurant on Saturday, April 7th. 3-24-3t. Will Issue New Directory Walter Powers, manager of the Malheur Home Telephone company, has an nounced that the company will issuo & new telephone directory ,book the first ot April and any patron wish ing to have a change made in the di rectory or any new subscriber wish ing to get his phone listed in the new book should notify Mr. Powers im mediately. 3-24-tf. Reese Bros. Score Big Hit "Reese Brothers Africanders," a minstrel show, were the attraction at the Rex theatre Wednesday evening. Their performance, which kept the audience In nn uproar of laughter from start to finish, lasted for nearly two hours. Specialty acts, singing, dancing, and juggjmg, interspersed the entertain ment. Every member of the company was nn artist, and the show as a wEole was first class. Conference Excursions Via Oregon Short Lino to Salt Lake City April 3rd to 8th inclusive; limit, April 15th. See agents for rates and further de tails. 8-24-3t SPRING HATS Will Be Shown in West fall, Riverside, and Juntura. Montgomery & Smith, milliners of Vale will visit Wcstfall, Riverside and Juntura on April 5, 0, and 7, with thoir full line of King Bee, Goge, Fisk and Elzee pattern hats of latest design for tho spring. 3-17 )K )K X KC )(t 3K )K Ht IK IK )K Ht X x VALE FOLKS AWAY x x m m x x x n x x x x x x x Mrs. B. W. Mulkey, of Vale, was tho guest of her brother and sister, Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Taggnrt while nttending the Sunday school conven tion Tuesday and Wednesday. Argus George Vanderhoof, of Vale, was re gistered at tho Moore Monday, Ar gus. Wes Caviness, of Vale, passed through La Grande on number six this morning on his way to his home from Portland. La Grande Observer. THE MALHEUA ENTERPRISE LOCAL' The Vale High School met tho Boise High team Saturday night at Vale, and were defeated by a score of 31 to 22. The players, Paul Roberts, Al bert Rankin, Ward Wyman, Paul Rey nolds, Keith Swanholm, and coach R. C. Coons, remained in Vale over Sat urday night and Sunday morning, re turning to Boise on Sunday after noon's train. C. A. Palmer was a visitor in tho county scat from Sparta, Oregon, the first of the week. Wm. Remick, of Follyfarm, was a Vale visitor Monday. P. E. Joyce came to Vale from On tario the first of the week. The Ladies Aid of the Christian Church aro going to serve Tamales on Saturday, April 7th, at the Saddle Rock restaurant I s A. N. Worsham was in town from Salt Lake Wednesday of this week. Sam Moore was a Mooreville visitor in Valo during the week. L. S. Tschirgi came down from Bro- gah during the week, to transact bus iness in the county seat ,A. N. Copper, of the Boise Eilers Music House, was a Vale visitor Wed nesday. Wm. Mill er was a Wcstfall visitor in the city the latter part of last week M. J. Joyce came up from Ontario Saturday, on a business visit to the county seat. Pink Becker, of Westfall. was a Vale arrival the first of the week. T. Chas. Pritchard was a Brogan visitor in the city Monday. Wm. J. Hyke came down from Bro gan Monday, to transact business in Vale. -' S. S. Janega, of Crowley, arrived in the city Tuesday. J. D. House was a Valo arrival from Ontario the first of the week. 3K 2K JK 3iC K 3 S(C J$t 3fE 5K 3f sK X X CHURCH AND CHOIR m ' x Sunday Announcements, Choir Meetings, Etc. x x m 1 in i at m CHRISTIAN CHURCH T. M. White, Pastor. Bible School 10 a. m. Communion and preaching 11 a. m. Sermon, "Tho Christ Evangelism." 6:30 p. m. Union Endeavor. David Ellis, leader. 7:30 p. m. Song service and preach ing. Subject, "The Kingdom for the Hungry." We invite you to attend our servi ces. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Sunday evening, March 25th, 6:30 p. m. at the Christian church. Subject: The Saloon a Foe to So ciety. Leader: David Ellis. Duet by Miss Myra King and Ed ward Kimball. Strangers are especially invited. ' Everybody welcome. METHODIST CHURCH W. J. Luscombc, Pastor. Sunday Services. 11 n. m. Preacher, Dr. J. D. Gilli lan, the District Superintendent of Boise District Vocal solo, Mrs. George Hunting ton Currey. 7:30 p, m. Musical Prelude. Baritone Solo "Calvary", Mr. E. L. Kimball. Anthem by Choir, Selected. Cornet Solo "A Land of Pure De light," by Mr. C. B. Tapp. Sermon topic, "Weighed and Want ed." SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Seventh Day Adventists meet at the home of Mrs. J. Townsend every Saturday at 10 a. m. Good Readings at 11 a. m. Missionary Meeting at 4 p. m. EPISCOPAL SERVICES At Holy Trinity hall: Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, Sun day school. Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, Even ing prayer and sermon by Rev. Chas. H. Powell. Monday morning at 8 o'clock, Holy Communion. All are cordially invited to attend the services. CHRISTIAN CHOIR The choir of the Valo Christian Church meets at 7:30 on Friday ev ening. METHODIST CHOIR Members of the M. E. church choir are notified to attend meetings on Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock sharp. All members are asked to be present EPISCOPAL CHOIR Meets every Thursday night at the Guild Hall, for practice. Time: 8 p. m NovcrsUl Kerry logging road ex tended for large contract Portlnnd Through Union Pacific trains will serve "of-the-tray" lunch eon. NEWS i. m K W k IK 3I g w 5". Iw t sTS tn m ... IK IT. Ws 9 IV. SOCIETY COLUMN x x Social Functions Enjoy- cd by People of Vale x x x x x x x x x 'X x x x m x Boy Scouts Entertained. A very enjoyable evening was spent Tuesday evening by the Boy Scouts and their friends at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ellis. Dainty refresh ments were served. About fifty young people were pnnent. Entertains Bridge Club. Mrs. Geo. E. Davis entertained the Bridcg Club at her home Monday night Those present were: Messrs. and Merdames. Reed, Brown, Kester, Lytle, Mrs. J. E. Lawrence, Dr. Bur row. After awarding the gentleman's prize to Mr. Reed, and lady's prize to j Mrs. Lawrence, refreshments were served to the guests. St. Patricks Party. Miss Mary Glenn was the hostess at a jolly St Patrick's party at her home Monday evening. Those present were: Mesdames. Hadley, Neely, De- Armond, Morfitt; Misses. Betterly, Barkley, Ryder, Loveland, Clark, Wildman, Turner, King. Bridge whist was the order of the evening, refresh ments being served the guests at a later hour. The recipients of prizes were: First prize, Miss Betterly; consolation prize, Miss Barkley. Entertains P. E. O. Mrs. -John Rieby entertained the ladies of the P. E. O. society 'at her home Tuesday. Attends "Aida" at Boise. Misses Agnes Ryder and Ella Bark ley went to Boise Friday, where they attended the performance of "Aida" by tho Boston Grand Opera Company Saturday night The young ladies re turned to Valo Sunday. Tappa nu Keg Meets. The Tappa nu Keg society of Vale were the guests of Misses Ida. Coff man and Bessie Hope Wednesday ev ening. The regular work of tho even ing was postponed and the guests at tended the Reese Bros, Minstrel show, after which they returned to the home of the hostesses where they were serv ed with ice cream and cake. Attend Grand Opera. Mesdames. J. E. Lawrence, A. M. Moody and J. R. Weaevr, in company with Misses Evelyno Browne nnd Irene DcArmond, went to Boise to at tend the grand opera performance at the Pinney' Theatre Saturday night Parent-Teacher Associations Meet On Friday afternoon, March 16, the White Settlement school was the ga thering place for a joint meeting of tho Parent-Teacher association of the Lincoln and White Settlement schools. The general topic of discussion for the afternoon was Health in the Schools. After .reading of the minutes by Mrs. Bean, Anna B. Pritchett gave a very interesting talk on general health lines and gave n few simple rules which could be followed by students in their every day school life. Sup-, erintendent G. A. Ruring of the Vale schools followed with a short talk on the general topic and also gave a few moments to Manual Training in the schools. County Superintendent Fay Clark gave a short talk explaining some of the different school systems and gave a very comprehensive idea of the Gerry system which is being used with such success nt Gerry, Ind. Mrs. E. H. Ellis nnd Mrs. George Huntington Currey gave vocal solos. The meeting' was most informal and many Interesting discussions were in order. After the meeting adjourned refreshments were served by the la dies. Mrs. R. E. Weant, Miss Fay Clark, Mrs. George Huntington Cur rey and G. A. Ruring were in atten dance from Vale. Good Roads Convention. The executive committee of the Harney County Good Roads nssocia tion completed plans for the holding of a good roads convention in April to which has been extended an invi tation to W; T. Thompson, of Pendle ton, recently appointed highway com missioner from Eastern Oregon, Sen' ator Hurley and Representative Cran dall of Vale to be present and address the public. Entertainment will also be provided for the occasion.-Burns Tribune. 67,000 Cattle in Harney. For the first time within the his tory of Harney conuty the cattle with. in its borders have been counted by tho assessor and as a result the tax rolls will show an increase of approx imately 30,000 head, or nearly double the number that has been turned to the assessor's ofllco by stock raisers in past years. In all there are in round numbers, 67,000 head of cat tle in the county, according to the figures turned in by the assessor and his deputies. Burns Tribune. A number of Boulevard farmers went to Vale on Monday and Tuesday of this week to attend a meeting re lating to the drainage ditch system. Ontario Democrat. Cottage Grove cannery expecs great year. 1 Ill Ml 11111 1 11111 1 1114 11 11 1 Classified Ads TTITI x x m x x x x x AN INDEX TO THE LIFE OF VALE .AND MALHEUR COUNTY X X : ' X These classified columns are open to Farmers, Merchants nnd Ey- X X eryono who desiro a briof and effective medium of reaching tho public. X X This Department will solve your problems nnd fulfill your wants. X X Readers will find valuable Information and helpful suggestions. ! X Tho most widely read section of the ENTERPRISE, this department X X will place your locals where people look for them, and where they will X X not bo offended in reading' them. X X Price one cent per word per insertion; minimum charge 25 cents. X X X xxxxxx x xx x m x x x xxxxxx FOR SALE - GIRL WANTED I HAVE FOR SALE cxcepional vol- To submit application for employ ues in grade Jersey Cows. All under ment in public offlco 8tating previous association test, nnd prove to be experience, salary expected. Re good producers. Also one full blood qulrements, 8 .hours, of work daily. Jersey bull. Have rented my farml 0ver 18 ycar of -nge Elementary One mile west of Nyssa. E. H. Mc: knowledge of accounting. Ono with Donald, Nyssa, Oregon. 3-17-tf. stenographic experience preferred but Twelve acres two miles from Vale not essential. X Y Z Enterprise. good soil, fenced, 8 acres plowed, 3-10-tf. small house, fine garden land. Good W A TvT'Pr'Tl location for raising bees. Inquire of WAJNlJiilJ C. A. Gilham, Vale, Ore. 2-10-lf. 1 " ' ! BOY WANTED Good job, chance LOCATION NOTICES for sale at to learn trade and business. Inquiro the Enterprise Office for -Nitrates, Oil Enterprise office. .N tf. and Minerals of all kinds, also Proof of Discovery and Assessment Work ZT ' ' Blanks. CASH REGISTER WANTED small MILCH COWS FOR SALE size. Inquire Enterprise office. 3-3. - I have for sale all of my dairy WANTED stock including 12 head of milk cows, BEES as I desire to stock up with register- Box 474, Valo, Oregon. ed cattle. 1 have a very fine herdjof Adv. 2-17-tf. grade Jersey, Durham and Hols&in - cows. They arc all young ''cows and WANTED Clean cotton rags, suit-, high testers. They have, proven them- We for wiping machinery, at the En- selves to be the highest producing t'Prisc office. Kindly weigh bundles herd in the Eastern part ot this state before delivering. 'or 'the past five months, the lowest ' average per head has been $12.30; .' FARM LOANS the highest average $14.25 per month. - ; ; I can produce statements from the Money to loajj on irrigated ranches Payette Creamery to verify t& above 10 ?ears time- arml Payments. statement if you are interested come , . XT L, , C' ' MVELLER at milking time and take a sample of Nat1, Bk' B,dS" VaIo 0r- the milk from tho cow you like best andahavo it tested. F. C. Ellis, 2 - " i '. miles south and 5 miles west of On- ria"8 matde on d tario, Ore. 4t-3-31pd. "ty PJP X' J m VaI Cacfi J F Saturday. O. E. Carman, Vale, Ore- POULTRY AND EGGS -Adv. 2-n-tf. Three full blood Partridge Wyan- Loans made on Irrigated Farms and dott roosters, very large, 9 months City property. Mortgages bought. O. old. Grandsire sold for$17.50. Stock E- Carman, P. O. Vale. Adv. 1-13-tf. imported from England. C. A.' Gil- ' ham, Vale, Oreg. - 2-10-tf. FOR'TRADE OR SALE Blue Orpingtons Utility Fowls. FOR. SALE OR TRADE, oneslighT- Fine Winter Layers. Settings, $1.50, ly used piano. Wil consider one good $5.00 and $10.00 per 15. T. M. White, milch cow, some bees or a small gas Vale, Oregon, Phone 134. 3-3-5tpd. engine ns part payment, will give FOR SALE-Thoroughbred R. I. JJ". Ca" r A" Red eggs from the best prize winning ron ??r? and egg laying strain in Washington. . "' $1.00 per setting. Address Mrs. C. Some brick business blocks and fine Herren Jamieson, Ore. 3-31-p. residences, and some small and large FOR SALE White Orphington fanns in Whatcom county, Washing Hatching Eggs. Also baby chick's and ton A pnrt of this property can be canaries. Mrs. A. B. Cox, Jamieson, tfaded for Mnlheur county farms; ir Oregon. 4-21-p. "Bated alfalfa lands preferred. Jay B. Edwards, South Bollingham, Wash- FOR SALE Pure bred White Ply- ington. 3-24-5t. mouth Rock eggs for hatching, price . $1.50 for 15. Mrs. C. M. Lackey, R. $60,000 road being surveyed across 1, Payette, Idaho. 3-24-3t. Morrow county. FRATERNAL H PROFESSIONAL M M DIRECTORY DIRECTORY mm im VALE LOCAL OF THE SOCIALIST PARTY Meets on every Tuesday evening of each month, nt the Hayes building, ob liquely opposite the court house. Vis itors always welcome. CIVIC CLUB MEETINGS The Civic Improvement Club holds its' regular meetings on the second Thursday of each month. All inter ested in civic work are cordially in vited to attend. Library open from 7:45 to 9:30 on Wednesday and Saturday evenings nnd 2 to 4 Saturday p. m. ANNA M. WHEELER, Pres. JOSEPHINE LYTLE, Sec'y. Will Grow More Crops. A greatly increased acreage in grain will be the order of the day in Harney this coming' season, especially among the dry farmers, if the signs do not fail. Many- are planning on large plats of potatoes. Of course, at the present price of seed, such will be difficult to secure, but many have made provision already and a large acreage will be planted to spuds. The grain acreage will be greatly increased, encouraged by the high price of meat stuff, especially pork, there will be big incentive to growing all the grain possible. This, too, is encouraged by the never ceasing ef forts of the superintendent of the Ex periment Station in advocating the for this section, and by his earnest grains for this section and his earnest endeavor to get as much of this seed into the hands of the successful grow ers as possible. That there will be an abundance of water for irrigation the coming sea son is now assured. The snow is very deep in the mountains and there is more on tho level and foothills than a year ago. It promises a most pro pitious season for the dry-farmer who thoroughly understands the science of this method. Burns News. Salem Associated Oil Co. to build $30,000 distribution plant here. SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1917. 1 H UlUlillllHI I I 1 1 I 1 14 fr,-r-H"f-H"I"I"M"I' R. G. Wheeler R. D. Lytle WHEELER & LYTLE Practice in all Courts arid U. S. Land Office Collections Neisen Bldg. Vale, Ore. PERCY M. JOHNSON Land Attorney General Land Office Practice. Town. ship Plats, County Maps. Room 203 Neisen Bldg. Next door to tho U. S. Land Office. Vale, Oregon. JNO. R. WHEELER Attorney-at-law Practice In all Courts and United States Land Office Drcxel Bldg. Vale, Oregon. Ground Floor Geo, E. Davis Bruce R. Kester DAVIS & KESTER Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law Vale, Oregon alien A. Hurley G. A. Hurley HURLEY & nURLEY Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law Neisen Bldg. Vale, Oregon. DR. CARL J. BARTLETT Physician and Surgeon Offices over Vale Drug Store VALE OREGON Dr. Pauline Sears Dr. Harriet Sean OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Graduates of American School of. Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. 1st Building North of Vale Drug Storo Vale, Oregon Pacific Coast Defense League or ganizes with primary object to ob tain construction of military highway from Canadian to Mexican line. Will ask Congress for appropriation. Ben Odell was an Onlario arrival in the city Wednesday. J. S. White, of Bonita, was a Vale arrival this week, a guest at the Ar lington Hotel.