Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, March 24, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    wMSte - iAf3&iM-iiMi
SATtfflbAY, MARCH H 19i7
Jflalfjeur enterprise
Editor and Owner
Entered at the Vale, Oregon, Post Office as Second Class Mail Matter
Subscription Rates in Advance
One Year, $2.00 Six Months, $1.00
Advertising and printing prices given on application
Saturday, March 24, 1917.
From some papers and many street corners we are continually
THE ART hearing the complaint that the high cost of living is the result
OF IIIGH of the cost of living high. We should go back to the good old
LIVING. days when, but when were there any good old days ? Would
we go back to the old open hearth to do our cooking instead
of using the iron stove? Would we go back to the old wooden-wheel ox
carts instead of the spring wagon and low slung auto truck? Would we
go back to the old stage and pony express days instead of the locomotive
and touring car ? Would we go back to the 'old days of poker and, barley
corn? Would we go back to the days of Divine right of Kings instead of
Democracy? Would we in Oregon return to the old convention system and
give up the primary election? Would we in Malheur county return to the
old days of internecine strife instead of the present period of cooperative
We would not. It is the chief aim of the existence of the human race
to live ever higher and higher. As we are advanced today beyond the level
of the people of the sixteenth century so will our posterity live higher than
do we. Still, we suppose that in the year 2000 a few will be telling the
progressive section of their generation that they are living too high.
High living undoubtedly does cost high. But who wants to live low?
Of course there are two kinds of high or fast living. The one that requires
licentiousness, lust, booze, and many other forms of intoxication and intern
perance, of that kind of so called high life, we are not speaking. That is
not high living nor is it fast except in the sense that it cannot endure long
without death.
But the average human being has born in him a spark of progress
That spark makes it natural and right that he should get as much out of life
as possible. Where is the harm for a poor working girl to spend her money
for clothes provided that in the righteous possession of them she is enabled
to increase her self respect. The business man would not deprive himself of
the use of the telephone or telegraph. The housewife of tho electric iron or
light All of these things are the means not the cause of our high living,
Why have they become a part of our daily life? It is because they
have met tho old things in competition and have proved their superiority.
They excell in merits of service and efficiency and that means time and cost.
Today we send messages across the world for a fraction of what it cost
before the telegraph and in a saving of time that is almost inconceivable,
In every advancement or improvement given to the world the lie has been
given to tho crowd of "it-can't-be-done-ers." Yet we listen to them and al
most believe that we should return to the old ways of doing things.
The high cost of living should be reduced. But after) taking out the
unfair profits forced upon the American public by a powerful combino of
manufacturing and brokerage interests, and after effecting a close economy in
tho consumption of all nrticles used, the balance of the excess cost should
be labeled tho high cost of killing. But the elimination of tho excess cost
still leaves a high standard.
Tho art of high living should and is being developed over and ever
higher for that is tho nature of man. Despite what the knocker, the hanger-back,
or doubter may say, this old world will never turn back. If you
don't want to keep up with the world you had better got off of it, tho soon
er tho better. Right hero in Malheur county we will soon have miles and
miles of irrigation ditches making thousands and thousands of now barren
acres green with alfalfa nnd other crops. We ord going to have an oil field
equal to any in tho world and will have gas to use for manufacturing en
terprises. Railroad development and good roads with the growth of tho towns
will improve marketing capacity and facilities. And last but not least wo
will be so busy growing, and will bo so happy about it nil that we are going
to forgot all about our little community differences nnd neighborhood jeal
ousies and will join hands in a great cooperative movement that will suc
cessfully dovclopo this wonderful county.
And the prattle of a rattled newspaper will not bo ablo to prevent
the Malheur county towns and districts from working together for their in
dividual and mutual benefit.
fas Jsa jsa to fsa
Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States of America,
BE LOYAL Our President Ho is a pacifist in doctrine and at heart
AND TRUE. Ho has been shamefully nbused by many for his sinccro aim
of preventing armed conflict on the part of this country.
Even, now ho is taking only tho positively necessary steps to protect Amor
ican life on tho high seas.
Should ho order nil American shipping to stop, the world knows that
Germany would quickly win the war. Germany nlso knows this, yet sho
has chosen to offend rather than appease this nation. If we actually enter
tho war, tho Allies will be enabled to subdue the central powers in a short
time. We profess to bo neutral. We wish to be neutral. But we insist on
protection to American life. Wilson in deciding to givo that protection is
not entering in any agreement with England nnd her allies; but is simply
enforcing his demand for tho safety of American lives.
On the other hand the munition makers want us in the war. The
Morgan interests want us with the Allies. Some of tho German peoplo nat
urally wont U8"with tho Central Powers. All of the war news given by
tho daily papers is first censured by tho authorities of one or two foreign
governments. Some is fictitious. Some mislondlng. We do not know the
real facts.
However wo hnvo this much to satisfy us. We know Wilson will
maintain pence if possible, nnd ns much as possiblo. He is in posi
tlon to know tho real facts. His judgment has been good before. It will
be good now, Ho has tho undivided confidence of tho Americnn people. He
is loo much a man to betray that Ho would rather devote his energies and
.the nation's revenues toward internal development, human nnd industrial.
But if in tho light of full knowledge ho decides that America must enter
the war, America will respond unreservedly.
And if we should, may it not result in a peace that will moan a great
advance toward democracy and tho brotherhood of man.
Ha Xa fca (fa fca
The big mail-order houses over tho entire country spend
MAIL ORDER millions und millions of dollars every year in advertising
HOUSES their wares. They do not think it enough to merely lot
ADVERTISE. the public know they are in business. They toll the peo
Plo exactly what they have to sell and they toll them what
it will cost That thoy do get many orders is regretnblo from tho stand-
point of the development of the small town. Almost any person is loyal
enough to support the local merchant providing he has what they want and
Jhey know about It But if tho merchant doesn't tell his prospective cus
toraers what ho has for salo in tho way of the most seasonable things, the
people cannot bo oxpected to go to tho troublo of finding out for themselves.
It ought to be considered almost a traitorous net to pntronlro a mail-order
concern. Tho local merchant can equal tho outside prices, if quality and
onvenience are considered. If it were not for the email town merchant we
weuJd have bo town and no trading point, in which event there could be no
dependable development of any sort
If your local dealer docs not carry the article you want tell him
about it Have others ask for it and ns soon as he sees a demand therefor,
he will have it put in stock. But If he puts in a nice new line of some sea
sonable article and then forgets to tell the public about it, tho -chances are
that he will have most 0 the line left on his hands.
The key to' the whole trouble is advertising lots of it and oTTthe
time. If the merchants will spend for advertising their wares the same
proportion as 'do the mail-order houses, they will soon remove the mail
order catalogues from the sitting room tables and will be reaping n bene
fit which they will deserve.
But from tho point of purely local patriotism, investigate the wares
of tho local merchant before sending away whether he advertises or not'
N 19 1H ft )SJ
What is your opinion of the good roads measure to be voted
WHAT DO on next June? Tho Enterprise was the, first Eastern Oregon
YOU paper to publish tho text of the measure. This week we are
THINK? printing a map showing tho routing of the proposed roads.
Send the Editor a short letter giving your idea about tho
measure. Make it short as possible and we will be pleased to publish it
Articles must be signed. This measure is of vital importance to tho pcfople
of Oregon, especially of Eastern Oregon. Your opinion will help decide the
IQ A 14 h 14
We found on our exchange desk this week a copy of a week
WJbLCOMK. ly "Journal of Service" christened "Pacific Interstate." It is
an interesting and informing paper and we extend it our
best wishes for success.
Oi 1 S Ss '
With tho recent and timely advent of real spring, let us turn our at
tentions to tho rubbish piles and clean up.
h iso h isi
In either peace or wqr good roads mean, the success of the nation.
1 jfegal 1 MdmrtismwMis
Pa w p
By deciding to concede to tho demands made by tho cmployes-a few
hours before tho Supreme Court decided the Adamson law constitutional,
tho railroad managers worthily deserve the praise extended to them.
Some Wnr at That
Tho farmers of Malheur county
have got the war spirit, and about
three weeks ago war was actually de
clared. There was no waiting for any
reply from' foreign notes, no com
munications from the war depart
ment, no fuss made about prepared
ness, 350 ounces of strychnine was all
that was necessary in the way of
munition, a mobilizing of a small
squad and the war was on, and is
still on, but tho enemy is scattered
and hard to find. The troops were last
seen scirmishing the banks of the shoe
string ditch in the vicinity of Malheur
Butte. Casuality of the enemy was
heavy, about 30,000 jack rabbits.
Payette' Enterprise.
"Tappa nu Keg" is a rather sugges
tive appellation for an organization
in bone dry Oregon, and a ladles or
ganization at that Nevertheless. Vale
has a society order that goes by the
above name and seems to be popular.
Harney County News.
mer J. Barstad, of Vale, Oregon, who,
T" l. tin m,n i" tt V
vii xscwciuuvi A(t ijio, muuti xiomu-
stead Entry No. 03039, for SWVi
Sec. 11, T. 20 S. R. 43 E. W. M. and
who on July 22, 1914, made Addition
al Homestead Entry, No. 03450, for
N NW4, Sec. 14, and E NE,
Section IE, Township 20 South, Range
43 East, Willamette Meridian, has fil
ed notice of intention to make Final
Three Year Proof. -to establish claim
to the land above described, before
itegister ana iteceiver, U. S. Land
Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 4th
aay 01 April, xai7.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Fred Mnaf nf P
Fletcher, Vale, Oregon; C. Sjhublom!
of Nyssa, Oregon; C. Ames, of Vale,
March 3-31.
Mar. 17-Apr. 14.
No. 76.
Report of the Condition of the
at Westfall, in the State of Oregon,
at the closo of business March 5, 1917.
Loans and discounts $35,765.96
Overdrafts, secured and un
uonds and warrants 783.24
Stocks and other securities.. 300.00
Banking house 2,311.29
Furniture and fixtures 497.75
Other real estate owned .... 1,250.00
ivuo irom onnKs (not re
serve banks) 52.31
Duo from approved reserve
banks 7,570.35
iimxKs ana omer ensn items 184.44
Cash on hand 2,790.67
loiai t o avom discre
pancies the total should
be footed) $52,106.11
Capital stock paid in $10,000.00
Surplus fund ., 3,500.00
unaiviucu proms, less ex
penses and taxes naid fifiO.fil
Individual deposits subiect
to check 28.207.1 K
Time and Savings Deposits 9,699.35
iouu iio avoid discre
pancies tho total should
be footed) Sfi2.16fi.ll
county or Mnlhcur. ss.
I. J. D. Fairman. Cnshinr nt ihn
above-named bank, do solemnly swear
mat me above statement Is true to
tne best or my knowledge nnd belief.
r. 1 , . Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to Imfnrn m
tnis 16th day of March, 1917.
Notnrv Piilifli.
My commission expires Oct 16, 1920.
PnTjurr"!" a ........ '
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon
March 15th, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby civon W
James D. Miles, of Vale, Oregon, who,
on iunrcn za, ivi, maue Homestead
Entry No. 02855. for SEHSEU. Sec.
30, NEUNEM, SHNEM, Sec. 31, T.
' v m. ... j ... .!., mm viiu uil
Sept 19, 1916, made Additional Home
stead Entry, No. 04676, for SEUSW
U, SWV4SEU. Sec. 30, NWViNEU,
Sec. 31 and NWUNW14, Section 32,
Township 19 South, Range 44 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Final Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to Dm lnnd
nbovo described, before Register and
Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Vale,
Oregon, on tho 20th day of April,
1917. '
Claimant names as witnesses:
C. R. Ames, L, W. BuVtch. G. F.
Miles, C; T. Besgrove, all of Vale, Ore
Mar. 17-Apr. 14. Register.
03039 & 03450
Department of tho Interior,
U. S. Land Ofllco at Vale, Oregon,
February 23, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby given that El-
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon
March 10. 1917
NOTICE is hereby given that Ches
ter it. Ames, of Vale, Oregon, who, on
October 9. 1913. mnde Homestead En.
try No. 02920, for SE, Sec. 11, T.
20 S. R. 43 E. W. M., and who on
Dec. 8, 1915, made Additional Home
stead Entry, No. 04209, for E NEU,
sec. 11, ana w nw, section 12,
Township 20 South, Range 43 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Final Three
Year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the Reg
aster and Receiver, U. S. Land Office,
nt Vale, Oregon, on the 18th day of
April, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
J. D. Miles, E. E. Fletcher, T. E.
Davis, C. F. Anderson, nil of Vale,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon
March 20, 1917.
NOTICE is hereby given that Mel
vina Howard, of Brogan, Oregon, who,
on April 26, 1913, made Desert-Land
Entry, No. 02616, for N NE, Sec
tion 20, Township 15 South, Range
42 East, Willamette Meridian, has fil
ed notice of intention to make Final
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before The Register
and Receiver, U. S. Lnnd Office, at
Vale, Oregon, on the 26th day of
April, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
J. O. Moudy, Leonard Cole, of Vale,
Oregon; Emery Cole, Barbara Cole,
of Brogan, Oregon.
Mar. 24-Apr. 21. Register,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Malheur County.
James W. Maney, John Maney, Her
bert G. Wells nnd Ephriam Wells,
partners as Maney Bros., and Com
pany, Plaintiffs,
Vale-Oregon Irrigation Company, a
corporation, Colonial .Trust Com
pany, a corporation, Tho Empire
Lumber Company, Limited, n cor
poration, and H. H. High,
To James W. Money, John Money,
Herbert G. Wells nnd Ephriam
Wells, partners ns Maney Bros, and
Company, the plaintiffs above nam
ed: You and each of you will please
take notice hereby that on the 27th
day of February, 1917, the judge of
the above entitled court made an or
der appointing Jnmes F. Shrader,
Esg., a notary public of tho state of
Pennsylvanm, having an office at No.
518 Real Estate Trust Building in
Philadelphia, Pa., a commissioner to
take and authorizing tho taking of
the deposition and perpetuation,of the
testimony of Theodore H. (A.)
Wighton, n witness on defendant's
behalf, residing at No. 1108 South
40th street in Philadelphia. Pa., at
the said residence of said witness, on
oral interrogatories to be then pro
pounded, on five days notice thereof
subsequent to the expiration of the
period of publication hereof ns here
inafter stated, to-wit: on the 21st
day of April, 1917, also an order on
February 27th, directing the service
of this notice and giving notice of
said orders upon and to you by pub
lication thereof once a week for six
consecutive weeks, the first publica
tion to be made March 3rd, 1917; and
you are hereby notified that pursuant
to the terms of said orders and of
this notice the deposition of said wit
ness will be taken at his place of res
idence as above stated on the 21st
day of April, 1917, before said com
missioner for use as evidence on the
trial of this cause.
Dated Feb. 28, 1917.
Vale, Oregon, Attorney for defendants
as shown in the record herein.
First publication March 3rd, 1917.
uast publication April 7th, 1917.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon,
February 20th, 1917.
NOTICE "is hereby given that Ed
ward C- Moys, of Brogan, Oregon,
who, on March 26, 1914, made Home
stead entry, No. 03205, for N SW,
and NWW SEU, Section 32, Town
ship, 14 S., Range 42 E., Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to mako Final three 'year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Register and Receiv
er, U. S. Lnnd Office, at Vale, Oregon,
on the 28th day of March, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George England, William Vearnow.
Charles Hodson, and Henry Moys, all
of Brogan, Oregon.
Feb. 24-Mar. 24.
In the County Court 6f the State of
Oregon; for the County of Malheur.
In the matter of
the Estate of
John E. Roberts, deceased.
Order appointing day for final settle
ment John Rigby, the Administrator of
the Estate of John E. 'Roberts deceas
ed, having rendered ana presented for
settlement, and filed in this Court, his
final account of his administration of
said Estate.
It is ordered: That Monday, the
Sixteenth day of April, A. D. 1917,
being a day of a subsequent term of
said Court, to-wit: of the March
term thereof, A. D. 1917, at One
O'Clock P. M. of said day, be and tho
said is hereby appointed for the set
tlement of said account; and that no
tice of said settlement be published
in the Malheur Enterprise, a. newspa
per published in Vale, Malheur coun
ty, Oregon, as often as once a- week
for four successive weeks prior to said
day of' settlement.
Done at Vale this Sixteenth' day of
March, A. D. 1917. f"
geo. w. Mcknight,
Mch. 17-Apr. 14. County -Judge.
Everett. Wash.. March 5. 1917.
To Robt. Zimmerman, Peter Stokes,
i-red Newiand, your heirs and as
signs: You are notified that we have ex
pended durimr the vear 1916. S100 in
labor and improvements upon the Pe
troleum Places claims of the Chas.
ir. Murdock Oil & Gas Association
covering the SW1 of Section 19,
Township 17 South of Range 45 East
of the Willamette Meridian in" Mal
heur county. State of Oretron. the lo
cation notice of which is recorded in
iiook 9, Page 381, of the "Records of
Oil" in the office of the Countv Clerk
of Malheur County, Oregon, in order
to hold said claim under the provi
sions of section 2324, Revised Stat
utes of the United States, and tho
amendment there to approved Janu
ary 22, 1880, concerning tho annual
labor on mining claims, being the
amount required to hold said mining
claim for the period ending Decem
ber 31, 1916.
And if within 90 days from the date
of personal service of this notice or
within 108 davs after the nuhliVntinn
thereof, either or all of you fail or re
fuse to contribute your portion of
such expenditure as a co-owner, which
amounts to $11.11 each, your inter
est in the said claim will become the
property of the undersigned, your co
owners, who have made the required
Muenimure oy tne terms 01 saia sec.
tion ot tho itevised Statutes.
Date of first pub., Mnrch 10, 1917.
Date of last pub., May 12, 1917.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Malheur,
The Union Central Life Insurance
Company, Plaintiff,
John C. Stewnrt, Lillian N. Ste
wart- husband and wife. James E,
Bates and Ethel Bates, husband
nnd wife, G. W. Abernnthy and A.
M. Abernathy, husband and wife,
Marvin M. Hurst and Una L.
Hurst, husband and wife.
To John C. Stewart and Lillian N.
Stewart, husband and wife. James E
Bates and Ethel Bates, husbnnd and
wife, Marvin M. Hurst and Una L
Hurst, husband and wife, defendants:
OF OREGON, You ore hereby requir
ed to appear and answer the com.
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit within six weeks from
the date of service of the complaint
and summons upon you, and if you
fail so to answer, for want thereof
tho plaintiff will apply to tho court
tor tne react demanded in us com
plaint to-wit:
That Judgment be entered in said
action foreclosing a certain mortgage
executed to plaintiff by the defen
dants, John C. Stewnrt and Lillian N.
Stewart on December 28. 1912. se
curing a promissory note for $600,
which mortgage described the folow-
ing property in Malheur County, Oregon:
The East half (E) of the South
east quarter (SEU) and the South
east quarter (SEU) of the North
east quarter (NEH) of Section eight
(8) in Township seventeen (17)
South of Range Forty-seven (47)
East of the Willamette Meridian: and
tho Northwest quarter (NWU) of
the Southwest quarter (SWU) of
Section nine (9) In Township seven
teen (17) South of Range forty-seven
(47) East of the Willamette Meridian.
and was recorded on January 10, 1913,
at Page 108 of Book P of the Mort
gage Records of said county. That
said judgment will order the salo of
the mortgaged premises and the ap-
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office.
Vale. Oree-on. March 10. 1917,
To FRANK J. BURTON, of Rockville,
uregon, uontestee:
You are herebv notified that AN
Rockville. Orecon. as his post-office
address, did on February 16, 1917, file
in una oiucc nis amy corroborated ap
plication to contest and secure the
cancellation of your homestead Entry
Serial No. 02372 mado July 30, 1912.
for tho WNW, SEUNWU, NE
4SWl4, of Section 33, Township 26
S., Range 45 E. Will. Meridian,, and
as grounds for his contest he alleges
that "said Frank J. Burton has never
established his residence upon the
land in his said entry: that he has
made no improvements thereon of any
Kinu; tnat ne has wholly abandoned
said land for more than six months
last past, and that such absence and
abandonment has not been due to his
employment in the military service
rendered in connection with opera
tions in Mexico, or along the borders
thereof, or in mobilization camps
elsowhere, in the military or naval or
ganization of the United States or
the National Guard of any of the sev
eral states."
You are. therefore, further notified
that the said allegations will be tak
en as confessed, and vour said entrv
win oe canceieu without further richt
to be heard, either before this office
or on appeal, if you foil to file in this
office within, twenty days after the
FOURTH publication of this notice,
as shown below, your answer, under
oath, specifically responding to these
allegations of contest, together with
due proof that you have served a conv
01 your answer on the said contes
tant cither in person or by registered
You should state in vour answer
tho name of tho post office to which
you dosire future notices to be sent
to you. THOS, JONES, Register.
Dato of first pub., March 17, 1917.
Date of second pub., Mnrch 24, 1917.
Date of third pub., March 31, 1917.
uate or fourth pub., April 7, 1917.
plication of the proceeds in satisfac
tion of the indebtedness secured there
by and for such other and further re
lief as under the premises may be
deemed equitable and just.
Service of the summons nnd com
plaint in the above entitled cause is
made upon you by publication on the
order of the Honorable Dalten Bicrcrs.
Judge of tho above entitled court, said
omer being maue and entered on tne
13th dav of March, 1917, and directs
the period of publication to be six
weeks. The first publication of thi
summons is on the 17th day of
March, 1917.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Resldinc at Boise. Ida.
Mar. 17-Apr. 28.
In the County Court of Malheur Coun
ty, State of Oregon.
In the Matter of
the Estate of
Moses A. Woodruff, deceased.
the 'undersigned Administratrix of
said estate, under and by virtue of
and. in compliance with the terms of
those certain Orders made and enter
ed by the above entitled court on the
8th day of May. 1914'. and on the 21st
day of February, 1917, authorizing
perty hereinafter described, I will, on
and after the hour of 2 o'clock. P. M.
on Monday, the 26th day of March,
1917, at Vale, said County and State,
offer for sale at private sale, subject
to confirmation by said Court, the said
real property described as follows, to
wit: The South Half of tho North
west Quarter (SNW). and North
east Quarter of the Northwest Quar
ter (NEUNWU), and the North Half
of the Northeast Quarter (NNEU)
of section-Thirteeri"'(13); also" the
Southwest Quarter (SW"4) of Sec
tion Twelve (12), all in township
Twenty-one C21) South, range Thirty-three
(33) East, W. M., containing
z4v acres, more or less, situate in
Harney County, Oregon.
The Northwast Quarter (NWU).
.and the West Half of the Northeast
Quarter (WNE), and the North
Half of the Southwest Quarter (-N
SW'i) of section Thirty-six (36), in
township Twenty (20) South, range
Thirty-eight (38) East, W. M., con-
bciiujug o4u uLrca, mure or less, sit
uate in Malheur County, Oregon.
Such sale to be made for cash in
hand, and the lands described situate
in Harney County to be sold as a
whole and in one parcel, and the lands
described situate in Malheur County
to bo sold as a whole and in one par
cel. Dated this 24th day of February,
Feb. 24 to March 24, 1917.
Quincy, California, Feb. 5, 1917.
To L. F. Baily, your heirs and assigns
You are notified that I have expend
ed during the year 1916, $100 in labor
and improvements upon the Petrole
um Placer claims of the Powder Val
ley Oil & Gas Association covering
the SWU of Section 27, Township 19
South of Range 45 East of the Wil
lamette Meridian in Malheur county,
State of Orecon. the location notice
of which is recorded in Book 8.
Page 162, of-the "Records of Oil" in
the office of the County Clerk of Mal
heur County, Oregon, in order to hold
said claim under the provisions of
section 2324, Revised Statutes of the
United States, and the amendment
there to approved January 22, 1880,
concerning tne annual labor on min
ing claims, beintr the amount reauir.
ed to hold said mining claim for the
period ending December 31, 1916.
And if within 90 days from the
date of personal service of this notice
or within 108 days after tho publica
tion thereof, you fail or refuse to con
tribute your portion of such expendi
ture as a co-owner, which amounts to
$12.50. your interest in the. said claim
will become the property of the under
signed, your co-owner, who has made
the required expenditure by the terms
ot said section ot tne itevised Stat
Date of first pub., Feb. 10. 1917.
Date of last pub., April 14, 1917.
Serial No. 04060
Public Land Sale.
Department of the Interior,
,U. S.,Lnnd Offico nt Vale, Oregon,
February 21st, 1917.
. NOTICE is hereby given that, .as
directed by tho Commissioner of the
General .-Land offico, under provision
of Sec;2455, "R. S., pursuant to the
application 'of John H. Rose, Serial.
No. 04060, wo will offer nt public sale
to" the highest bidder, but at. not less
thnn $3.60 per acre, nt 10:30 o'clock
A. M., on the 30th,day of March, 1917,
next, at this office, tho following tract
of land: Lots 1, 2, 3, and SEViNEU,
Section 67 Township 15, South, Range
39 East, Willamette Meridian. "
This tract is ordered into the mar
ket on a showing that the greater por
tion thereof is mountainous or too
rough for cultivation.
The sale will not be kept open, but
will, bo declared cltsed.whon thotfe
present at the hour named have ceas
ed bidding. Tho person making the
Inchest bid will be required to Imme
diately pay to tho Receiver the
amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to
file their claims, or objections, on or'
before the time designated for sale.
THOS. JONES, Register.
Feb. 24-Mar. 24. Receiver.
By virtue of an execution in fore
closure duly issued by the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of the State of Ore
Eon, for Malheur County, dated Feb
ruary' 16, 1917, in a certain action in,
the Circuit Court of the said State -and
County, wherein H. J. Heydlnuff,.
as . plaintiff, recovered judgment
against J. H. Taguc, Junior, general
ly known as Harry Tague, Susie
Tague, his wife, Chas. R. Tague, J.
H. Tague, Senior, known as . Joe.,
Tague, Vena Boswcll, as defendants,
for the sum of Five Hundred Fifty
& No-100 ($550.00) Dollars, with in--terest
thereon from the 3rd day of
March, 1915, at the rate of eight per
cent per annum; for the further sum
of Fifty-five Dollar's ($55.00) attor
neys fees and for the further sum -of
Thirty-two & 80-100 Dollars ($32.80)
costs and disbursements;
BY GIVEN That I will on the Znd
day of April, 1917, at the hour of
2:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said
day, at the main entrance of the Mai-,
heur County Court House in Vole,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder or bidder's for cash, the
following described real roperty, to
wit: . The SEW, the E SWU and the
SEM NW, Sec' 26 Twp. 20 S. R.
46 EW. M. together with 30 shares
of water in the Owyhee Ditch Co.,
used on, with and appurtenant to said
lands, all lying and being situated in
the county of Malheur and State of
Oregon, together with the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise ap
pertaining, and all the right, title,
interest- and estate of-the said, mort
gagors in and to the same including
dower and the claim of dower,
Taken and levied upon as the pro
perty of the said above named J. H.
Tague Jr., generally known as Harry
Tague, Susie Tague, his -wife; (Jhas.
R. Tague, J. H. Tague, Senior, known
as Joe Tague, and Vena Boswell, as
defendants, or as much thereof as
may be necessary to satisfy said judg
ment in favor of H. J. Heydlauff and
against said defendants with interest
thereon, together with all costs and
disbursements that have or may ac
crue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 3rd day
of March, 1917.
BEN J. BROWN, Sheriff,
First Publication March 3, 1917.
Last Publication March 31, 1917.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Malheur County.
First National Bank of Hastings, Ne
braska, a banking aorporation,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Vale. Oregon,
March 7tb, 19X7.
NOTICE is hereby given that John
T. Sperry, of Vale. Oregon, who, on
August la, mia, made Homestead En
try. No. 0S30, for E SEU, SWViS
EVJ. Sec. 21. NWUNEU. Sec. 28. and
who on Feb. 26. 1917. made Addition
al Homestead Entry, No.' 05357, for
nisswSi swvisW'A, sec. za, and
NEUNE'i. Section 28 all in Town
ship 19 South, Range 44 East Will
amette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Register
and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at
Vale, Oregon, on the 13th day of
April, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Chester Ames. Howard McLav.
Harry Garrett. Otha Ray. all of Vole.
Mar, 10-Apr. 7. Register.
W. C. Cooper and H. S. Johnson part
ners doing business under the name
of Cooper and Johnson; Daisy B,
Johnson and Bertie Cooper,
In the Namo of the State of Ore.
gon, You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer tho complaint filed
against you in tho above entitled
court and causo within six weeks from
the 17th day of February, 1917, the
date of tho first publication of this
summons, and if you fail to answer
or otherwise appear, for want there
of the plaintiff will apply to the' court
for the relief prayed for in its com
plaint, to-wit:
For judgment and decree for the
sum of $793.10 with interest thereon
at the rate of 10 per cent per annum
froth November 28th, 1916, and for
the costs and disbursements of the
And for a further decree foreclos
ing the plaintiff's mortgage for the
said amount and against the follow
ing described real property in Mal
heur County, State of Oregon, to-wit:
The-East Half of the Southeast
quarter of Section Sixteen (16),
Township Seventeen (17) South,
Range Forty-four (44) East of Will
amette Meridian, Malheur County,
And.Jfor.tho sale of said nrnnp.rtv
by the Sheriff of Malheur County,
Oregon, to satisfy the claim of the
plaintiff on account of tho said mort
gage and that you and each and every
and all of you be forever foreclosed
and barred from any and all right,
titlo and interest in and to said pro
perty or ny part thereof, and for
such other and further relief as to the
court may seem meot and equitable.
This summons is published by vir
tue of an order mado and entered on
the 8th day of February, 1917, by
the Honorable Dalton Bicrcrs. Judro
of the above named court and cause
and in which order the said court "di
rected that this summons bo publish
ed in the "Malheur Enterprise" once
a week for six successive weeks.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication Feb. 17, 1917.
Date of last publication Mar. 24, 1917.