SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1916. TM MALHEUR ENTERPRISE PAGE FIVE NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Vale, Oregon, November 13, 191G. To Joseph Ross of Vale, Oregon, Con testee: . You are hereby notified that Ows- Imr 1? rn-vnn ,!, nt,mn Tr. D.n i V-Jf VJtllll.Ull, YT11U glTCO lillCl JLV gon, as his post-office address, did on October 14, 1910, file in this office his duly corroborated application to con test and secure the cancellation of your homestead Entry No. 03652, made November 17, 1914, for SEHN W, NEViSWVi, NWViSEVi, Sec tion 14, Township 17 S., Range 44 E., Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest ho alleges that "said Joseph Ross has never established his residence on the land in his said entry; that he has made no improvements thereon; that he has wholly abandon ed the same for a period of more than six months last past, and that such absenco and abandonment is not due to his employment in military ser vice rendered in connection with oper ations in Mexico, or along the bor ders thereof, or in mobilization camp3 elsewhere, in the military or naval or ganization of the United States, or the National Guard of any of the sev eral States." You are, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your said entry will be canceled without further right to bo heard, either before this office or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to tnese allegations of contest, together with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant cither in person or by registered man You should state m your answer the name of the cost office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. THOS. JONES, Register. Date of first pub., Nov. 18, 1916. Date of second pub., Nov. 25, 1916. Date of third pub., Dec. 2, 1916. Date of fourth pub., Dec 9, 1916. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon December 1, 1916, NOTICE is hereby given that Al bert Cannell, of Valer Oregon, who. on uccember 13, 1913, made Home' stead Entry, No. 03025, for SW Section 15, Township 20 South Ranee 43 East. Willamette Meridian! has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore the Recister & Receiver. U. S Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on tho 3rd day of January, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses:i John Sperry, Mrs. E. Paulstich Chester Ames, John Tongs, all Vale Oregon. THOS. JONES, Register. Dec. 2-30. NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS Notico is hereby given that the State Land Board of the State of Oregon will receive sealed bids until 10:00 o'clock A. M December 19, 1916, for tho following described lands, to-wit All S., R. All S., R, All of Sections 38 E. of Sections 44 E. of Sections NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon November 9, 1916 NOTICE is hereby given that Rnrln M. Snauldintr. of Harper. Ore i;on, who, on October 9, 1915, made Homestead Entry, no. uhzu, ior lots 3 and 4 and SE M VS, section o Township 20 South. Range 42 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Commu tation Proof, Id establish claim to the land above described, before the Keg- islfr nnil Receiver U. S. Land Olhce, at Vale, Oregon, on the 18th day of December, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: W. H. Kime, of Harper Oregon; Wnlter Caviness. of Westfall. Uretfon Wesley W. Caviness, F. B. Zutz, both of Vale, Uregon. THOS. JONES. Register. Nov. 11-Dec. 9. PROPOSED SALE OF IMPROVE MENT BONDS Nntirn is hereby criven that scaled nronosals for the Purchase of the BONDS hereinafter described will be received at the office of the Warm springs Irrigation District at Vale, Oregon, till Friday, January 5th, 1917, at 2:00 o'clock P. M., of said day, to-wit: SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOU SAND DOLLARS Gold Bonds, of Series No. 1, Issue No. 1, of the denomination oi One Thousand Dollars each, numbered rnnRpputivelv 1 to 750 inclusive, dated January 1st, 1917, bearing Six Per Cent Infprest. navablo semi-annually on the 1st day of January and JulyJ of each year, principal and interest payable at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon, in New York City, N. Y. The said Bonds to mature as provided by statute authorizing their issue, as luuuwa. Bonds numbered 1 to 37 inclusive, designated twenty-one year bonds, due Jan. 1st, 1938. , . Bonds numbered 38 to 82 inclusive, designated twenty-two year bonds, due Jan. 1st, 1939. , , Bonds numbered 83 to 135 inclusive, designated twenty-three year bonds, due Jan. 1st, 1940. . Bonds numbered 136 to 195 inclu sive, designated twenty-four year bonds, due Jan. 1st, 1941. Bonds numbered 196 to 262 inclu sive, designated twenty-five year Winris. ritip. Jan. 1st. 1942. Bonds numbered 263 to 337 inclu sive, designated twenty-six year bonds, due Jan. 1st, I94d. Bonds numbered 338 to 420 inclu sive, designated twenty-seven year bonds, due Jan. 1st, 1944. Rnnila numbered 421 to 517 inclu sive, designated twenty-eight year bonds, due Jan. lBt, 194o. Bonds numbered 518 to 630 inclu sive, designated twenty-nine year bonds, due Jan. 1st, 1946. Bonds numbered 631 to 750 inclu sive, designated thirty year bonds, due Jan. 1st. 1947. These are Municipal Bonds author ized by vote of the District under and by virtue of the Statutes of the State of Oregon and the organization of the District nnd this issuo of bonds have been adjudicated and decreed to be regular and the valid obligation of the District. The purpose for which these bonds are authorized and to which the pro ceeds thereof will be applied is to uni fy and increase the capacity of the ir rigation systems embraced in the dis trict by constructing a reservoir to hold the flood waters of Malheur Riv er and improve its various canals so as to serve 18,000 acres in addition to the 12,000 acres now cultivated. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check of one per cent of the bid, and the purchaser shall make his own examination as to va lidity and shall print the bonds, both at his own cost. The Board of Directors reserve their statutory right to reject any and or all bids. Full information may be obtained by addressing the Secretary at Vale, Oregon. By Resolution of the Board of Di rectors dated November 8th, 1916. THE WARMSPRINGS IRRIGATION DISTRICT By JAMES HARVEY, President. ATTEST: JOHN RIGBY, (Corporate Seal) Secretary, Nov. 18-Dec. 30. . . S.. R. 39 E. All of Sections S., R. 40 E. All of Sections S.. R. 43 E. All of Sections S., R. 44 E. All of Sections S., R. 39 E. All of Sections S., R. 43 E. All of Sections S., R. 42 E. All of Sections S., R. 43 E. All of Sections S., R. 41 E. All of Sections S., R. 42 E. All of Sections S., R. 43 E. All of Sections S., R. 40 E. All of Sections S., R. 41 E. All of Sections S., R. 42 E. All of Sections S., R. 41 E. All of Sections S., R. 44 E. All of Sections S., R. 43 E. All of Sections S., R. 42 E. All of Sections S., R. 45 E. All of Sections S. R. 42 E. All of Sections S., R. 42 E. All of Sections S., R. 43 E. . All of Sections S., R. 44 E. All bids must be accompanied by a recularlv executed amplication to nur- chase,' and check or draft for at least one-fifth of the amount bid. Tho Board reserves the riitht to re ject any and all bids. Applications and bids should be ad dressed to u. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked "Application and bid to pur chase stato lands." G. G. BROWN. Clerk State Land Board. Dated at Salem. Orecron. October 11, l'JIU. Oct. 14-Dec. 10. 16 and 36, T. 19 16 and 36, T. 21 16 and 36, T. 22 16 and 3G, T. 22 16 and 36, T. 22 16 and 36, T. 22 16 and 36, T. 23 16 and 36, T. 23 16 and 36, T. 24 16 and 36, T. 24 16 and 36, T. 25 16 and 36, T. 25 16 and 36, T. 25 16 and 36, T. 26 16 and 36, T. 26 16 and 36, T. 26 16 and 36, T. 27 16 and 36, T. 27 16 and 36, T. 28 16 and 36, T. 29 16 and 36, T. 32 16 and 36, T. .33 16 and 36, T. 35 16 and 36, T. 35 16 and 36, T. 35 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In the Circuit Court of the State of Orecron for the county of Malheur William F. Schultz, Plaintiff, vs. Maude A. Schultz. Defendant. To Maude A. Schultz, the above nam ed defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in tho above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. And it you lau so to appear and answer or otherwise plead to the said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony here tofore and now existing between the plaintiff and the defendant be dis solved, and for such other and furth er relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. You will take notice that this sum mons is served upon you by publica tion by order of the Honorable George W. McKnight, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur, which or der was made and filed on the 20th day of November, 1916, and directed that this Summons be published in the Malheur Enterprise, a weekly newspaper published at Vale, Oregon, for six consecutive weeks, including seven publications; and that the date of the first publication thereof is No vember 25, 1916. WHEELEK & LYTLEj Attorneys for Plaintiff. First publication, Nov. 25. 1916. Last publication, Jan. 6, 1917. PUBLIC SALE OF DELINQUENT STOCK OF KlVEKolUK IKKIuA TION AND POWER COMPANY. There is delinquent upon the fol lowing described stock of said cor poration on account of assessment evied on March 28th, 1916, the sev eral amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as fol lows Names No. C. Shs. Amt. Ed. H. Coulter 109 1 $ 2.50 F. M. Grout 120 20 24.60 C. M. Ingles 100 10 15.00 Chas. G. Johnson 110 60 60.00 N. F. Kimball 14-74 20 50.00 Frank Hedges 134 10 15.00 Luke Bros. 12 15 19.95 W. D. Patch 82 40 40.00 A. M. Webb 106-44 25 52.50 Ellen D. Webb 45 5 6.00 C. A. Yenter 105 5 12.50 A. W. Hamilton 60 20 25.00 W. Scott Neal 99 26 26.00 G. C. Moss 59 20 20.00 And in accordance with law and the bv-laws of said Company, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary, will be sold at the Annex Schoolhouse in Malheur County, Oregon, at 2 P. M., on the 9th day of December, 1916, to pay the assessments thereon together with the expense of advertising and costs of sale. C. H. SPICER, Secretary, Riverside Irrigation and Power Company Nov. 11-Dec. 9. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION EQUITY NO. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur E. B. Alsop, Plaintiff, vs. Oregon Mil itary Land Grant Company, a cor poration; Oregon Valley Land Com pany, a corporation; it. J. Martin and J. II. Borders, Defendants. To Oregon Military Land Grant Com Eany, a corporation; Oregon Valley and Company, a corporation; R. J. Martin and J. H. Borders, the above named defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby noti fied that E. B. Alsop is the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1052, issued on the 13th day of May, 1916, by the Tax Collector of the County of Malheur. State of Oregon. for the amount of $68.23, the same being the amount then due and delin quent for taxes for the years 1910, 1911, 1912 and 1913, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon; and of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1053, issued on the 13th day of May, 1916, by the said Tax Collector of the County of Malheur, for the amount of $68.66, the same being the amount then due and de linquent for taxes for the year 1914, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon tho real property assessed to the Oregon Valley Land Company, of which the Oregon Mili tary Land Grant Company is the own er as appears of record, situated in said County and State, and particu larly bounded and described as fol lows, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter (SE), North Half of the Southwest Quarter (NSW?4). and the South- west Quarter of the Southwest Quar ter (SWUSW) of section 3, in township 31 South, range 42 East, W. M. You are further notified that said E. B. Alsop, on May 13, 1916, paid the taxes on said premises for the year 1916. in the sum of S27.30. as evidenced by Tax Collector's Receipt NO. 043U. And you are hereby further noti- ned that the said E. is. Alsop is the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1070, issued on .the 31st day of May, 1916, by tho Tax Collec tor of tho said Malheur County. Ore gon, for the amount of $86.16. the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the years 1910. 1911. 1912 and 1913. together - -IT- ... . . 1 i . . wiwi penally, interest ana costs tnere on; and of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1071, issued on the 31st day of May, 1916, by the said Tax Collector of the said Malheur County, for the amount of $73.84. the same being the amount then due and de linquent for taxes for the year 1914 together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon the real property assessed to R. J. Martin and J. H. Borders, of which the Oregon Mili tary Land Grant Company, a corpora tion, is the owner as appears of rec ord, situated in said County and State and particularly bounded and describ ed as follows, to-wit: Tho North Half (N). and the Southeast Quarter of tne southwest uuartcr (SEttSWVi) of section 3, in township 31 South, range 42 East, W. M. You are further notified that the said E. B. Alsop, on September 30, 1916, paid the taxes on said premises for the year 1915, in the sum of $35.44, as evidenced by Tax Collec tors Keceipt NO. 04HZ. And you are hereby further notified that the said E. B. Alsop is the hold er of (Jertihcate of Delinquency num bered 950, issued on the 18th day of March, 1916, by the Tax Collector of the said Malheur County, Oregon, for the amount of S36.10, the same be iner the amount then due and delin quent for taxes for the years 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912 and 1913, together with penalty, interest and cpsts there on; and of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 960, issued on the 1st day of April, 1916, for the amount of $27.75, the same being the 'amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1914, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon real property assessed to the Uregon Val lev Land Company, of which the Ore gon Military Land Grant Company is the owner as appears of record, sit uated in said County and State and particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Tho Northwest quarter of tho Northwest Quarter (NWNWU). and the South Half of the Northwest Quarter (SNW ) of Section Eleven (11). in town ship Thirty-One (31) South, range ortjr-two (42) East, W. M. You are further notified that the said E. B. Alsop, on September 30, 1916, paid the taxes on said premises for the year 1915, in the sum of $12.82. as evidenced by Tax Collec tor's Receipt No. 5483. Said Oregon Military Land Grant uompany, as tne owner oi tne legal title to all of the above described property, as the same appears of rec ord, and each of the other persons above named, are hereby further noti fied that said E. B. Alsop will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree fore closing the lien against the property above described and mentioned in the said Certificates. And you are here by summoned to appear within sixty days after the hrst publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay tne amount due as above shown, together with costs and accrued interest at the rate of fif teen (15) per cent per arnum, and in case of your failure to do so. a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named respectively. This summons is published by Or der of the Honorable George W. Mc Knight. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Malheur, and said Order was made and dated this 11th day of Oc tober, 1916, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 14th day of October, 1916. All process and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the State of Oregon at the address hereinafter mentioned. DAVIS & KESTER. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Valo. Orecron. Oct 14-Dec. 16. Real Estate Transfers Sure Proof. Banks "Is young Featherly a responsible sort of per son T Brokes "Yes, he's responsible for most of the mistakes in our depart ment." Jack o' Lantern. What you want may not necessar ily be your rights, even when you call them that Complete List of Deeds Recorded by the CoHnty Clerk of Mallear County since the last Iuae of The Enterprise. Andrew Craig et ux to Geneva 1 Wiley; SWViSWVi, 29-32-41; Dec, 10, 1916; $1. U. S; A. to Grover C. Wilkinson, E 24-16-40; Oct 20, 1916. Ben J. Brown, sheriff, to Geo. II Bodfish, Lot 6, Blk. 70, Green's Ada Nyssa; Sept 12, 1910; $421.14. R. M. Carlile ct ux to Geo. H. Bod fish, SEUSE14, 20-19-47; Oct 19 1916; $500. James B. McCain ct ux to Sabino Andonegui et al, SWUSEVi, SEtfS WVi, 27; NWNEU, NEHNWVi 34-28-45; SWViSWU, 26; SEV4SEU 27; NE14NEV4, 34; NWViNWU, 35 EV4SWH, 26; NEViNWVi, 35-28-46 Oct 17, 1916: $8,800. U. S. A. to Jason S. Hunter, WN W, WHSWK, 5-18-38; Nov. 11 1898. U. S. A. to Martin Willis, EV&NE Vi, NEUSEV, 13; SESE, 12-18 37; Nov. 2, 1891. U. S. A. to Walter E. Woods, EH SWV4, SWUSEVi, SWViSW, 35 15; Lots 2. 3. 4. SWViNEVi, 4-16-42 Aug. 2, 1916. C. L. W. Green et ux to James W. Turner et al; SNWVi, 5-16-47; and portion of Lot 4, 6-16-47; con. in all 133.2 A.; Nov. 28, 1916; $13,360. Dora Lasa et ux to F. R. Sprague portion of Lot 2, 19-41-43; Aug. 12, 1916; $100. B. F. Gamble to Grace G. Thomp son et vir; Lot 1, WH of Lot 2, Blk. 6, Arcadia. John C. Green et ux to Jane E Turner, NW, Lots 1, 2, SWViNEVi 9-16-47, except 1 acre; Nov. 18, 1916; $14,600. COMPLAINTS W. Mockler vs. W. L. Keller, Dam ages, Nov. 27. I. P. Hart vs. M. V. Hart ct al Foreclosure of Mortgage, Nov. 28. John P. Houston vs. Marconi & Candolfi, Accounting, Nov. 28. Minnie B. Caviness vs. City of Vale, Nov. 28. Ontario Advancement Co. vs. W. A. Stevens, Foreclosure of Contract, Dec. 1. MARRIAGE LICENSES Chas. C. Gossott and Clara -Fleming, Nov. 27. Chas. H. Wilson and Agnes Pahan, Nov. 29. No Escape. "I couldn't get out of marrying her,'.' Henpeck explained. "When she proposed, she said: 'Will you marry me? Have you any ob jection?' You see. no matter wheth er I said Yes' or 'No' sho had me." "Why didn't you just keep silent, then?" inquired his friend. "That's what I did, and she said, 'Silence gives consent,' and that end ed it." Tit-Bits. There is no such thing as monop olizing trouble, although some make a strong effort in that direction. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Uregon, for Malheur County. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas W. Halliday, Deceased. ine unuersignea naving been ap pointed by tho County Court of the State of Orecron, for Malheur Coun ty, executrix of the estate of Thnm. as W. Halliday, deceased, and having quauuea. notice is nereoy given to the creditors of. and all persons hav ing claims against said deceased, to present them, verified as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice to said Em ma 11. Halliday, at her residence in Vale. Orceron. or with C. M. Crandall. her attorney, at his office in Vale, mainour (jounty, uregon. EMMA 11. HAliljlDAY. Executrix of the estate of Thomas W. Halliday, deceased, Dated November 17th. 1916. First publication, Nov. 18, 1916. Last publication, Dec. 16, 1916. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In the Circuit Court of the State of Orecron for the County of Malheur Annie Kenedy, rianitiff, vs. Richard Kenedy, Defendant To Richard Kenedy, the above named defendant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of tho first publication of this summons. And if you fail so to appear and answer or otherwise plead to tne said complaint, the pialntm will apply to tho court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved; that plaintiff is the own er of and is entitled to one undivided third of the real property mentioned in said complaint; that plaintiff be awarded the care and custody of the minor children of plaintiff and de fendant: that plaintiff be allowed the gross sum of $200 for her own sup port, ana tne gross sum oi $zuu eacn for the nurture and education of each of the four minor children of plain tiff and defendant; for the costs and disbursements of this suit: and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem just and equitable. You will take notico that this sum mons is served upon you by publica tion by order of the Hon. Dalton Biggs, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Malheur County, which order was made and filed on October 26th. 1916. and di rected that this Summons be publish ed in the Malheur Enterprise, a weekly newspaper published at Vale, Oregon, for six successive weeks; and that the date of the first publication thereof is November 4, 1016. Attorneys for Plaintiff. f irst rubiicauon, Nov. 4, line. Last Publication, Dec, 16, 1916. U. S. Land Office. Complete Record of Hoaettead, Desert tad OtW Entries at lie U.S. Laid Office at Vale doriBctke past week. Joseph Garcia, Dcnio, Harney Co, Lot 1, NEV4NWU, SEHNWU, SW V4NEU, NHSEU, 7; NWUSWtt SWUNWtt, 8-41-38, 312.89 acres Albert E. Robinson, Joran Valloy, SV4SWV4, 6; ESE, 6-29-44; 160 acres. Clara Hill, Yoncalla, SWViSWtf 29; SEViSEU, 30; NEVi, 31; WtfN W14 32-13-43, 320 acres. Edward L. Sizcmore, Juntura,. NE SE, 34-19-37, 40 acres. John Gordon, Skullsprings, NEUN WVi, 34-23-40; 40 acres. John Nelson, Malheur, Lots 1, 2, 3 4, EVfcNWVi, 30-14-40; EV4NEU, 25 13-40, 319.68 acres. HERALDS OF THE COMING KING (By Request of tho Seventh Day Ad ventists.) The Sienboards. A cluster of sicms which nre the precursors of His coming stand out boldly in the fores-round. Twentv- five centuries of fulfilled prophecy form the background. With one voice, they proclaim the comincr of our King. God has written it in hea ven above and in earth beneath, nn nouncing in advance certain unmls- tanaoie characteristics that will iden tify the last generation. Unlimited in their scone, and un paralleled in this intensity, thesn characteristics will bo found in every clime, and recognized in every walk of life. There are world sipns. con. spicuous and indisputable because of their universality and thoir intensity. Doubtless each one has been witness ed in certain localities, in a minor de gree, at some time. But tho tlmn nrn. phesied must come, when they will meet in the superlative decree, nml in a single generation. The generation now liviner is wit nessmg tne incontrovertible signs which identify it as the lnnt Thin generation is marked. Tho living God has plaoed His signboards in every walk of life. in the industrlnl wnrlH the financial world, the social world, the physical world, the political world the religious world, the scientific world, and in every other snherc nt human activity, that all men every where may read and heed these por tents of our times. Occasionally ono encounters n iron. ius who seems to have trouble mak ing a living at it LEGAL ADVERTISING Mrvrrriret WITRRRAH nf t,o 1 nuiu, on tne vtn day of Nov., 1916, there was estimated to the voters of that part of Hif Tlonrl m.A.;.n4- fst of the Snake River, the question ouuu BtucK run at large" at which election there were cast 13 votes for Stock running nf Inroo nml 117 . n - -, - o ' '. iuwo against stock running at large, and meiu was u majority or 1U4 votes against stock running at largo in said district, now iYtnvfyn Notice is hereby given that after expiration 01 sixty days from De cember ?th, 1916, the date of the first jjuuiicuuon 01 mis notice, to-wit: on and nffnr RpKnmw 71. 101T :i. i 11 be unlawful for stock to run at large n j fe P.r"on pi that part of Big iiciiu f 1-1 1 iii'i. luiii nnar at River in Mnlhonr rmmtir n.AA . vuiii.j, vracfeuji, un der penalty of ten dollars for the first vuuiiou, anu iwenty dollars ior each and everv Rnhnnnimnf AffnneA 4- l. recovered frnm hn awn ,inu . - - v ui auwii stock in a civil action in the name of tne ptate oi uregon, as provided by oevtiuii 00 id 01 ioras uregon Laws as nmcndnd hv Phinitm. Rn r 11.. " J v.ihj.. iUU ul tllU erenernl lawn nf flrmn 1011 VT11J.NC&B my nand and the seal of mc uunty vyourt 01 Maineur boun ty, Oregon, this 6th day of Dec, 1910 . , . VY. It. TLB, (SEAL) County Clerk, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Officq at Vale, Oregon , , December 2, 1916. NOTICF. in WaIiv i.Iu.1, 41.J r.., ley E. Carman, of Vale, Oregon, who, on May 4, 1915, made Homestead En- ... XT nnoin . WU, NWKSEVi, Sec. 26, T. 16 S., .A ." w- w,t nna wno n June 18. 1915. made Atlrl'l Hnmnotnn.l T!. try, No. 03942, for NESE, Sec tion 2R. Tnumahln 1fl BtU 44 East, Willamette Meridian, has fil- eu notice 01 intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the lnnrl iiKava AnaUnA VAnn . uvuwtlUVU UC4U1U Register and Receiver U. S. Land Of- nee, at vaie, uregon, on tho 11th day of January, 1917. claimant names as witnesses: T) S-ll . , n . ... nay unnsienson, raui wogner, Freda Wagner, D. F. Boggs, all of Vale, Oregon. THOS. JONES, Pnmsf etv Dec. 9-Jon. 6. NOTICE OF HEARING: MINERAL LAND Department of the Interior United States Land Office Vale, Oregon; Dec. 1st, 1916. NOTICE IS Hrcnrcnv nrvRW that upon tho application- of Lew L. Boswell and bv authority from ihn Commissioner of the General Land Office therefor, a hearing will be had at this office on Wednesday, Jan. 3, 1917, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M.. to determine the mineral or nun. mineral character of the SENE, Section 86, Township 13 South. Range 40 East of Willamette Meridian, In Malheur County, Oregon. AH persons claiming the above de scribed 40 acre tract or any part thereof as mineral land, or for mining purposes, are hereby cited to bo and appear at this office on Wed., tho 3rd day of Jan., 1917, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M of said day, then and there to offer testimony as to the character of said land. THOS. JONES, T?Arrlr Af. ftint publication, Dec. 9, 1916. Fourth publication, Dec 30, 1910. DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY IN THE First National Bank of Vale, Ore. and pay all your bills with checks, which is a more convenient way and at the same time es tablishes a credit. In making loans a Bank will always take care of its customers first. Give us your business and we will treat you right 5 per cent Interest paid on Time Deposits ' ' OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS E. I. Brogan, Vice President Chas. E. Flynn, Cashier C. W. Nelson ? S. G.Willis ; J. T. Logan T.HE UNIVERSAL CAR J Figuring from either end cost or upkeep the Ford is the most eco nomical, costing only about two cents a mile to operate and maintain less than any other car. The expense var ies with the driver and the conditions but all agree that Ford expense is the lowest in every sense. Chassis $325 ; Runabout $345; Touring Car $360; Coupelet $505; Town Car $595; Se dan $640. All prices f. o. b. .Detroit. On display and sale at Vale Hardware Co., Vale, Oregon. nr For Lumber Building Materials, Posts and Coal, you will find us always prepared to give you the best grades, the best service and our prices are right. Give us a trial. The Home Lumber & Coal Co. Agents for the famous Aberdeen Coal. VALE - - OREGON Public Sale ! At C. A. Lane's Ranch, V4 miles west of Brogan DECEMBER 12th, at 11 A. M. Closing out without reserve, horses, cattle, hogs farm implements and household goods. ..Every thing must go, no reserve easy terms. J. M. Swanson C. A Lane I Auctioneer ; 1 1 I I I V I 1 1 I I I I1IH Owner NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington streets, Portland, Oregon. SPECIAL RATES Room with bath privilege, single 7Bc up; doublo $1.00 up.. Room with private bath, single fl.CO up; doublo $2.00 up. AUTO BUS MEETS TRAINS Streetcars from Union Depot to our doors, Cars from N. O. Depot, tranfer at 5th St. L. Q, BWETLAND, Pres. and Mgr.