iW Flv6 MALHEUR ENTERPRISE Saturday. February 19, 19ld W00D-LARK" O TF1ADE MARK PROFESSIONAL CARDS wick wi 1 1 - v. k 1( I1 R. G. Wheeler R. D. Lytle WHEELER & LYTLE Practice in all Courts and U. S. Land Oflice Collcctions Nolsen Bldg. Vale, Ore, PERCY M. JOHNSON Land Attorney General Land Office Practice, Town ship Plats, County Maps. Room 203 Nelsen Bldg. Next door to the U. S. Land Office. Vale, Oregon. JNO. R. WHEELER Attornoy-at-law Practice in all Courts and United States Land Office Nelsen Bldg. Vale, Oregon Ground Floor JULIEN A. HURLEY Attorney-at-Law Rooms 3-4, I.O.O.F. Bldg. Vale, Oregon Geo. E. Davis Bruce R. Kester DAVIS & KESTER Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law Vale, Oregon )R. CARL J. BARTLETT Physician and Surgeon Offices over Vale Drug Store VALE OREGON Dr. Pauline Sears Dr. Harriet Sears Vale Ontario OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office opposite Malheur Enterprise E)R. c. c. BURROW DENTIST Nelsen Bldg. Vale, Oregon WHITE & ANDREWS Attorneys at Law Washington Loan & Trust Building, Washington, D. C. Special attention to public land and mining cases before the General Land Office and Department of the Interior. Patents for inventions. TIME CARD OF RAILROADS VALE. OREGON Trains due at Vale from Ontario and Riverside No. 139 leaves Ontario 12:15 p. m., arrives Vale 1 p. m., leaves 1:10 p. m. for Riverside. No. 140 leaves Riverside 7 a. m arrives Vale 10:45 a. m., leaves 10:45 n. m. for Ontario. Trains due at Vale from Ontario No. 98 leaves Vale 8 a. m. for On tario. No. 142 leaves Vale 2:35 p. m. for Ontario. No. 141 leaves Ontario 10 a. m., ar rives Vale 10:40 a. m. no. i leaves untano p. m., ar rives Vale 7:40 p. m. Trains due at Vale from Brogan No. 141 leaves Vale 11:00 a. m. for Brogan, arrives Brogan 12:05 p. m. No. 1421eaves Brogan 12:30 p. m., arrives Vale 2 p. m. uomedaie liranch No. 140 from Vale, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays runs through to Uomedaie. Main Line Trains due at Ontario West bound No. 19 6:33 p. m. No. 17 4:22 a. m. No. 75 (Pony) to Huntington 9:35 a.m. East bound No. 6 6:33 p. m. N. 18 2:51 a. m. No. 4 12:12 p. m. No. 76 (Pony) to Boise 8:50 a. m. JWWWWWWWWW T. T. Nelsen Funeral Director UP-TO-DATE Undertaking Parlors I I Carry a Fine Line of Undertaking: Supplies Hearse Service T. T. NELSEN Licensed Embalmer CritirtrCzirtrtrirtrirtrtt 0. K. Transfer Co. Office Phone 98; Res. 34 All Orders Promptly Filled LOST A gold neck chain set with dia monds. Finder will be suitably re warded if chain is returned to the En terprise office or to Mrs. Mabel Nor wood, Jamieson. Lost either on the train or at Vale. 2-12 TO EXCHANGE. Alalfa land wanted in exchange for forty acres, fruit land, 4 miles west of Paliades, Grand Valley, Colo., 12 acres 7 year old Elberta peaches, balance dry land in pasture, all tillable and under the government High Line project Ad drew, W. C. TilloUon, Clifton, Colo, Adv. 2-12-2t. W. H. Brooke, P. J. Gallagher, T. D. Barton, J. W. McCulloch, J. F. Weaver and wife, Rachel A. Brichoux, Prof. E. G. Bailey, A. Graves and oth ers from Ontario attended the Lincoln banquet in this city last week. C. C. Wilson, P. J. Phillips, W. L. Gibson and others from Nyssa attend ed the Lincoln banquet in this city last week. C. J. Kelley and Fred Kelley, of Jordan Valley, arrived in the city Sun day. C. M. McCay, of Riverside, was in the city Monday. T. Chas. Pritchard and wife and H. M. Grnur, of Brogan, were Vale visi tors Monday. J. C. Murphy, of Jamieson, was in the city on business Thursday. H. M. Gilliam, of Baker, was a Vale visitor last week. E. A. Fraser, of Ontario, was in the city the latter part of last week. R. E. Goodwin was in the city from Riverview last week. C. A. Lane, of Brogan, was in the city the latter part of last week. Wm. Jones was down from Juntura to attend the Lincoln banquet last week. C. W. Mallett was up from Mallett Station yesterday on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. C. Tilton, Mrs. H. S, Lancaster and Albert Lockett were among those who visited Vale from Jamieson Thursday of last week. A. McWilliams was in the city from Ontario Saturday. Duncan McRae, of Riverside, was in the city last week to attend the Lin coin banquet. County Agriculturist Howard was in the city Saturday. Mrs. F. H. Gardner, of Pendleton, arrived in Vale Saturday to take charge of the management of the din ing room of the Drexel Hotel. J. D. Rogers and wife, Tillie, went to Jamieson Friday to spend the week oiid. Mrs. Goodman, wife of Sheriff Aus tin Goodman of Burns, who has been in Vale the past few weeks takincr os teopathic treatment under the care of Dr. Pauline Sears, returned home Ihursday, fully recovered. George Cawlfield, a brother of Mrs. J. E. Roberts, stopped over in Vale on his return to his home at The Nar rows from a business trip to Ontario, and spent Thursday and Friday visit ing with his sister and family. Mr. Cawlfield came in his car as far as Riverside, and states that the snow is all gono between Riverside and Harney Valley. Mrs. J. C. Murphy, of Jamieson, who has been in Vale several days un der treatment for a gathering in her head, returned home last week, hav ing fully recovered. Mrs. Murphy was a guest at the Drexel Hotel while in the city and Dr. Bartlett had charge of the ease. Mrs. H. S. Lancaster and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Tilton, parents of Mrs. Lancaster, from Auburn, Wash., arrieved last Friday and have taken up their residence on the Lancaster homestead near Jamieson. FOR RENT Four room house, newly papered and painted, screen porch, sewer connection. Two blocks from Post Office. Rent very reason able. Apply at this office. 2-12 WANTED Wanted to lease on shares a bunch of horses, would prefer mares. Plen ty of water and grass. Address, Chas. A. Corliss, Fangollano, Ore. 2-19 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC On and after March 1st, 1916, the undersigned will sell coal, priced at the bins. Drayage will be paid by the consumer. BOISE-PAYETTE LUMBER CO. (Successors to Empire Lumber Co.) HOME LUMBER CO. 2-19-2t STRAYED The following described cattle, two red heifers 3 years old dehorned full ears, one branded reversed K left hip one reversed K left hip and C J right I hip. Two short yearlings red, full oars, branded C J right hip. One yearling steer red crop left ear brand ed AM left hip. One two year old' steer red with some white branded ' 3 parallel lines joining R on left hip. Any ono finding same, please notify ' W. S. Rees, Ontario, Oregon, and re-' ceive liberal reward. Adv. 1-29. PUBLIC SALE There will be a public sale of live stock, farm implements, etc, at the old Weaver ranch, near Brogan, Feb. 29th. Free lunch at noon. There will be some splendid bargains offered and a large attendance is expected. FOR SALE Range Cook Stove used eight months. Inquire at Em pire Lumber Co. 8-19. W. BIG BEND X BIG BEND, Oreg., Jan. 19. Rev. O. F. Wisner has spent the last two weeks in Vale, taking treatments for his hearing. Mr. Hickox mndo a business trip to Ontario Thursday of last week, re turning Saturday. While there he took in the Minstrel show at Boule vard Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Morley were Par ma visitors last Thursday, staying ov er for the entertainment given by The Hawaiian Singers. High water in the canal caused sev eral of. the farmers to lose part of a night's sleep breaking ice jams until the small hours of the morning. Preaching services will be held in the Wade school house throughout the week, beginning Sunday morning, Feb- rnuary 20. Evening services to begin at 8:00 o'clock. The meetings will be conducted by the-Rev. Harper of Nys sa. All are cordially invited to at tend. Milan Grame, of Ontario, visited with his aunt and uncle at the Hickox homo several days last week. Literary was enjoyed by all present last Friday evening. Owing to the muddy roads several members that were on the program were not pres ent The History Quizz, the impor tant event of the evening, was won by Miss Billeter. The next meeting will be February 18 instead of Feb ruary 25, so as not to interfere with the preaching services. The house warming held in honor of Mr. Geo. Swigert and family was attended by about fifty of their neigh bors. The host and hostess welcomed them to their new home. Cards, games, and conversation caused the afternoon to pass pleasantly, after which a dainty lunch of sandwiches, cake, ice cream, pickles and candy was served. Mr. John Holly present ed each guest with a souvenir card in remembranco of the occasion. m s s JAMIESON JAMIESON, Oreg., Feb. 17. Snow is fast disappearing in this valley. We find lots of water flowing every where. The dance at the Jamieson hall was attended by a large crowd and being very full of fun and being furnished with excellent music by the Weiser orchestra everyone enjoyed themselves until the wee small hours of the morn ing. The Jamieson Literary and Social Society held their meeting at the hall Saturday night One of the features of the evening was a mock trial very successfully executed by the members. Geo. Bridwell acting as Judge and Messrs. Mulkey and Cleveland being brought to justice. The young ladies sewing club was entertained by the Misses Gladys and Ina Struthers. Various games were played and everyone enjoyed them selves until a late hour. Dr. Thomas W. Thurston spent Sunday with M. D. Kelley. Ralph Harvey, who has been heln- ing A. C. Lockett with his well drill ing, has been on the sick list the past few days. tt CORD CORD, Oreg., Feb. 13. Mud is now the order of the day. The snow is about all gone in the valley though there is still plenty in the hills. Mr. Hank's died Sunday morning as a result of exposure to the cold. His wife arrived from Nebraska Mon day, too lata to see him alive. He was buried Wednesday morning in the Cord cemetery. J. B. Fine and W. W. Seaweard left for Harney valley Friday morning to look after stock which they have had over there for the winter. Mrs. W. W. Seaweard and little son are visiting with Mrs. J. B. Fine while the men folks are away. The children have been having a hard time to get to school on account of so much water about Tho 'Homo M of MISS TIIEDA BARA, in "Sin" Wednesday, February 23. Vale Moving picture fans who have seen Miss Bara, in "A Fool There Was" and similar pictures, are aware of her excellent act ing ability. Don't miss this beautiful picture. At THE REX THEATRE Popular Prices S M WHITE STAR m k ttKKXMMKK WHITE STAR, Oreg., Feb. 16. The snow on the lower hills has al most disappeared. We were not in "touch" with the outside world for a week, or that is, we didn't get our mail. Miss Welboume, who closed school in the upper district for a few days on account of snow, resumed her du ties Monday. Miss Thompson, teachel at White Star, remained with her father, who has been seriously ill for some time. Mrs. L. Sloosh, of Caldwell, Idaho, Mrs. L. Paddock, of Pearl, and Mrs. F. Loveland, of Ontario, have been with their mother, Mrs. W. S. Boston during her recent illness. W. S. Pennington is recovering from an attack of la grippe. Arthur Baird, who purchased the ranch formerly owned by Arthur Mc Donald, moved, together with his fam ily, Monday. Mrs. Harrison Russcl returned Mon day to the Holy Rosary Hospital for medical treatment Jno. Thompson has gone to his ranch near Jamieson. The snow there is reported to have been three feet in depth, with eighteen inches at the present time. Mr. McWilliams, of Ontario, was up the valley Saturday, looking for horses. Tommie Boston and Miss Teressa Pederson were successful applicants here in the eighth grade examination, which wao held in January. 36 3(t 3fe JIC HE !fC COW VALLEY feu tu tf u au wK aTO IK 5 )ft COW VALLEY, Oreg., Feb. 21. Last Saturday night, Feb. 5, a high wind and rain storm struck Cow Val ley making the snow disappear in a hurry, all day Sunday and Monday everything was roaring with water. Monday night a light frost camo, checking the water a little Tuesday . iifti- n to .mi ; 1 Vi? , u -V - yet, but the slcighnding will soon be something of tho past if it keeps on thawing a few days more, Bill Wilson has been helping his brother Jim, dig a well for tho last month. Jim is expecting to strike a big flow of water on tho account of his well being near the foot of Cow Valley butte. The butte is known to be full of water. Springs break out all over tho mountain. He has good prospects for artisian water, Lynk Lynde, one of Mr. Wilson's neighbors, is drilling a well wjj.h a patent rig of his own. Using a Mow, ing machine shaft for a drill. He is going down at the rate of from 15 to 20 feet per day. Chas. Powell and his brother Morris have been very busy the last few days turning the water so that it would not wash them out They think they have tho water turned now so that it will be of no damage to them. The rabbits, not knowing how to swim, have just about all washed down the country. It is almost im possible to sec a rabbit any place in the valley. Mr. Horner is still at Ben Long- mire's place with his big drilling rig, being down 280 feet and no water yet having his bit caught in the bottom of the well, he can not do much until he gets his drill out and the weather moderates. A. Lockett, of Jamieson, attempted drilling a well for Mr. Longmire last year, getting his drill caught at about 200 feet Mr. Long mire tried to blow the drill loose with giant powder blowing his cable in two at the drill. Mr. Lockett quit and let Mr. Horner have the job. J. F. Reed and wife were callers at the John Logan home Feb. 10. Mr. Reed advises all the Cow Valley farm ers to get busy and put in all the crops this spring that they can get in. He says prospects are sure for bumper' crops on account of the rab bits being almost all gone. The Brogan Ironside stage had a hard time to get through the valley Feb. 10 on account of high wajer. If it keeps on' thawing many more days the mail will have to be carried through the valley on a boat Morris J. Powell is stopping with his brother Charley for a short time, They are breaking some colts that they traded for last fall from Ruther ford Bros, of Ironside. Andy White was in Vale from Cow Valley last week on business. Mrs. Frank Wilkinson and family spent Sunday with E. G. Moudy's. Prospects look good for more falling weather in Cow Valley. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury aa mercury nil! aurely deatroy (ho aenae of amell and completely derange tlie whole avatem when entering It throueh the mucous aurfacea. Such artlclea ahould never be uaed except on preecrlptlone from reputcble phyalclana, aa tlie'damate they will do la ten fold to the eood you can poaatbly derive from Ihem. HaU'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O.. contalna no mercury, anu la taken internally, acting; directly upon the blood and mucoua a; lur- facea of the ayatem In buvlna' llaira s J la: tia B-er Ine. It la taken Internally and ma4e In L aurrn euro te auro you gel in Toledo. Ohio, by F, J, Chanty Co. Ti iimoniaie free. void ny nruffiite. vntt its car boi. Tiki Malt a Jenny Fill In aenitlaatloa. enlly Plllt tr aenitlaatTi 3(C JK Ht Xf 3K )U )K JK Hi ft K BROGAN I St X X I I 11 IK I HI 1 BROGAN, Oreg., Feb. 16. Snow has ceased falling in our part of thf county for a while at least and the weather is some warmer. The sun has warmed up things and water is coming down the creek at a pretty good clip. Some of the people on the I lower lands are looking for floods. The railroad company has been look ing after the bridges and is prepared to take all measures to keep the track open and safe. Tho jackrabblts that were driven to shelter by tho snow the first week of the month, are getting out again, and trying to finish the destruction they started before the heavy snow. They are getting bold enough to come up to the door yards of the houses on the outskirts of the town, Some of the Portland papers have the news that the Brogan rabbit drives have the killing of 30,000 rabbits to show for the energy of tho men and boys this winter. If a bounty of 5c were paid, just think how many danc es and oyster suppers we might have. As it is, we have decreased tho dan ger to our alfalfa stacks next year to some extent Mr. and' Mrs. Goodwin returned from Portland last week, where they have been spending a month. Mr. Willis went to Valo on Tuesday to look after business matters. Last Saturday the Grange had an afternoon meeting and initiated a class of 11. After the class were re ceived as full members, the members served a very fine dinner to the new members, and also as a celebration of a year's successful work. Mr. Ken nedy was a guest at the dinner. Several of the young folks attended the dance at Jamieson last Friday night and reported a fine time. Mrs. A. A. Reed, who has been very ill, is reported as improving rapidly. Mr. T. J. Logan went to Vale Tues day, to look after business matters. C. I. Woodward and C. M. Cole came back from Vale Tuesday, where they had been looking after business matters. Quite a few cattle arc boing fed in tho vicinity of Brogan, and many loads of alfalfa are being hauled to the feed yards. The Grange held the regular meet ing last Tuesday night, and after the regular meeting a valentine party was held. Ray, Cole was ono of the un 3Uccessfu, 'Mntestantll in tho games, ald was rewarded with an all-day ' sucker- ay WM popular with e girls for a while, FANGOLLANO 3t MC SIC 9tC HC MC 30( SIS Stt 3C SH. Corliss and Leo Marsters went to Harper this week. They will bring back seed grain, feed and flour, also seed field peas and alfalfa seed. S H. Corliss expects to keep a supply on hand to sell to the people at a rea sonable price John Owens made a trip to Crow ley the past week. He reports the people there are working hard on the rabbit bounty question. Clark Spencer visited Crowley the past week. Earl Willsey has taken some of his horses down to the valley where he expects to feed them through the rest of the winter. Mr. Willsey reports his stock are doing fine this bad wea ther. There is about two feet of snow here in the valley. It is reported that there is 5 feet of snow in the Jun iper mountains. Mr. Brewer made a trip to Moore- ville tho past week. Chas. Cook, of Mooreville, was look ing after some of his horses in the Juniper hills tho past week. The mail stage has been forced to go through tho flat owing to the deep snow in road canyon. Don't forget the masquerade ball given at the Fangollano Bchool house Feb. 19, for the benefit of the school. Why not bring the rabbit bounty question to a vote of tho people at the primary election this spring. What is the use of putting this off. Get busy. MMIKMIKKMMINK MALnEUR M W W W W XI HE MALHEUR, Oreg., Feb. 14. The funeral of Mrs. J. S. Derrick was held here Saturday the 12th at 2 o'clock p. m. and was attended by a largo number of sorrowing relatives and friends. A party of young people spent the evening yesterday with Mr. Minaug ham at tho Reservoir. Card games were the .main feature of the even ing and all report a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dotson are vis iting at Hereford this week. L. L. Boswell, of this place, and Henry Boswell, of Brogan, will attend the dance at Hereford tonight. Calie Jones and Mert Moudy have gone to the Rainbow Mine to try and get work. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Woreham and Mrs. L. E. Worsham visited Wednes day at the Golden Eaglo. D. J. Buchanan Is in town from the Howard farm today. H. M. Derrick and wife took dinner at the Golden Eagle Sunday, Miss Thelma Morfitt is on the sick list this week. Mrs. C. W. Morfitt has been visit ing her mother Mrs. Mary Smith .the last week. She will return homo to day. Court Wr)o4eock md a trip to. tht Mtf SW DON'T WRITE TELEPHONE Gel in personal touch with that ou-of-town pa tron. Talk with him over the Long Distance. The quickest method of communication,' More satisfying than the Cold Type of a letter. Buy ing and selling by Telephone is by all means the most prompt and economical. A maximum of service at a reasonable cost. Every one of our Telephones is a Long Distance Station. MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY Walter Powers, Manager m S Wholesale H Stockmens & Ranchers Supplies I I a McCormick Cutting Machinery Oliver Plows P & O Plows A. B. C. Power Washing Machines Nisco Double Beater Manure Spreaders International Gasoline Engines, Tractors, Threshing Machines, Automobile Trucks Weber Wagons Farm Truck Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, Cotton Seed Cake, Corn, Poultry & Stock Remedies ALFALFA SEED H. E. YOUNG Telephone 76 Vale, Oregon i n u M a it m m m M m Hkiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijf Rogers News Stand Latest newspapers, magazines and periodicals our specialty. Fine confectionery and a com plete line of cigars and tobacco. Everyone in vited to make our store your head quarters. J. D. ROGERS Phono 98 Vale, Oregon i Malheur Construction Company N. H. Suitter, Prop. Having purchased tho planing mill and equipments of the Malheur Construction Com pany and moved the same to the building oppo site the Vale Garage, I am better than ever pre pared to do all kinds of contracting and build ing, cabinet work and job work of all kinds in the line of carpentering and cabinet making. All work will bo handled promptly and at rea sonable prices. Rainbow last week and reports the roads in bad condition. Cecil Smith, of Ironside, who has boon feeding his cattle at trio Cart wright plee, moved hom. last wmV. Poison QUICK, CERTAIN, DEADLY-- ALWAYS READT. NEVEH FAILS. Deatroye aqulrrela, rophera, prairie dope, aage rata. Apply early In Spring; when thf hun gry peata awake from Winter's aleep. Money back If It eyer falls. "Wood - Lrk,r for 2s years haa etood every tat. U'a crop Inaur ance agalnat rodant peata. Manufactured by Clarke-Woodward Drue Co., Portland. Ore ton. Buy from your dealer, VALE DRUG STORE lai and Retail : S m m 9 m n :1 i IB PH II Vale, Oregon FOR SALE 1800 fino wool owes, bred to conrsal bucks to lQmb'in April. Inquire Unf tr od States Notional Bank, Vale, Orn."S Adv. 2-ltf. '