- RESPONSIBLE BANKING YOUR BUSINESS Tour business is just as important to you as John D. RockerfeUer's business is to hint. Re gardless of the business you are engaged in or the size of it you need the advantage of mod ern banking iacilities such as we furnish. We invite you to open an account with us and pre pare yourself for any unlocked for adversities that may be born of the present World's war. Total Resources over $450,000 We pay 5 per cent on money placed on time , deposits with us for periods of six and twelve months OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. . M. G.; Hope, President , W.-Hope, "Vice-President . J. P. Dunaway, Cashier B. W. Mulkey, Ass't. Cashier Leslie L. Hope, Ass't. Cashier T. W. Halliday Geo. E. Davis UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK VALE, OREGON at ft M X X BtOGAN M m - M K I K K in BROGAN, Ores., Jon. 19. Brogan U still-on the map, but pretty near froze up ns well as snowed up. Wo hare had . inoro days of snow than, of sun so 'for this month, but the snow wilt .help out the fanners. Jack, rabbit drives are favorite past times with the men nnd boys in our part of tho valley these days, and they RTo taking special pains to get rid of as many jacks as possible, but still they seem, to come, Tho jacks have spoiled many trees in the orchards, nnd the men are doing all they can to keep them out, but tho jacks don1 pay much attention to tho fences There has been n big band of sheep feeding, here this winter, but thoy were .all driven down to Jamieson on Monday to be fed there for a while. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Donbrava, who have .been spending part of tho win ter in Boise, camo home last weok. Fred Mitchell made a trip to Jam ieson Tuesday. Horry Antrpbus chaperoned a car 01 nogs to the Seattle markets last Friday. Tho hogs were shipped by Messrs. Antrobus, Breedlove, Cole aud Wagner. Mrs. 'Tschirgl entertained tho Pio neer club at her home last Thursday. In spite of the cold and snow, the la diej mo out in full force and enjoy ed themselves Immensely Tho next meeting will bo held at the home of Mrs. Voak. J. M. Addlngton is spending a few days at Payette nnd Weiser. While he is gone Alma Woodward is staying with Mrs. Addlngton. Colds and grippe seem to be the fashionable ailments those days, Among those on tho sick list are Mrs. Waller and Mrs. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Lovclaco aro leav ing Thursday for Ohio where they ex. pect to live in the future. 0. D. Love luce will stay here and keep on farming. The Grange held its regular meet ing Tuesday evening with a very good attendance. Six applications for mem bership were received. After the rejr ulor business was transacted, a short program was given, and then Mrs. Stanley Woodward and Miss Schlott man served a fine lunch. Tho next meeting will be on Feb. 1. Henry Freyborg entertained some of the young folks at his homo last Wednesday evening. They reported ft pleasant time. Some of the young folks indulged in a bobsled party last Sunday night. Slqlghlng waB so good and all the young, folks were enjoying the frolic bo much they did not get home until fter midnight, The Brogan correspondent has not been turning in any notes this winter, but has turned over a new leaf and ..will try to do better in the future REPAIRING. FARM MACHINERY ,The saving made by being able to make simple ropairs of farm ma chinery, tools nnd farm implements, has prompted a number of farmers to request that special, instruction be given in theso subjects at the O. A. C. Short Course, January 10 to February 4. In compliance with this demnnd two lines of work will bo offered in blacksmithing. Students with no pre vious knowledge of blacksmithing will bo taught how-to build and manage a forge fire; how to draw, bend, up set, forge and wold iron; how to make chains, clevises, hooks, gate-hinges, whlfllo-treo nnd neck-yoko irons, and other useful articles. Students with some general knowledge of black presented, the County Court shall hear tho same and may adjourn such hear ing from time to time, not exceeding four weeks in all, and on the final hearing may mako such changes in tho proposed boundaries as the court may find proper, and shall establish and define such boundaries; provid ed, that no land included within the limits of any city or town shall be included in any irrigation district: that Said court shall not modify said boundaries so ns to except from the operation of this Act any territory within the boundaries of the district proposed by said petitioners which is lusceptible of irrigation by the same system of works applicable to other lands in such proposed district,' nor shall any lands which will not, in the Judgment of said court, be benefited bv irrigation by said system, be in cluded within such irrigation district; provided, that any porson whose lands are susceptible of irrigation from the same source or combined sources may. in the discretion of the court,' upon written application of the owner of said land, have such lands included in said district. On the final hearing the court shall make nnd enter an or der determining whether the requisite number of owners ot tno land witn in such proposed district shall have petitioned for the formation thereof and whether the petition, nnd notice of the time of presentation thereof shall have been duly published as hereinbefore provided, and said order as so mado and entered shall be con clusive evidenco of the facts found by the court. Said court in said order shall designate the name of said dis trict and divide said district into five divisions, of as nearly equal size as may bo practicable wnicn divisions shall bo numbered, first, second, third, fourth and fifth. One director, who shall bo a resident of the State of Oregon and a bono fide owner of land situated in tho division, shall be elect ed by each division; provided, that if a majority of the holders of title pe tition for the formation of a district the County Court may, if so request ed in the petition, order that there may be either three or five directors, as said court may order for such dis trict, and that they may be elected by tho district at large. Said County Court shall forthwith give notice ot an election to be held in such propos ed district for the purpose of determ inlncr whether or not the same shall be organized under the provisions of this Act. Such notice snail describe the boundaries so established, and shall dosignate the name of such pro posed district, and shall be published once each week for at least four sue; cessive weeks prior to such election in a newsnaDer published within said county; and if any portion of said dis trict Ho within another county or counties, then said notice shall be pub lished in a newspaper published with in each of said counties in the same first Tuesday in February next fol lowing their election, the board of di rectors shall meet and organize as a board, elect a president from their number, and nppoint a secretary, who shall each hold office during the pleas ure of the board. The board shall have the power and it shall be their duty to manage and conduct the bus iness and affairs of the district; make and execute all necessary contracts, employ and appoint such agents, of ficers, and employes as may be re quired, and to prescribe their duties: establish equitable by-laws, rules and emulations lor the distribution and authorization of the district by the mitted to said electors, it 3hall so de United States to mako collections ofjclare of record in its minutes, and money for or on behalf of the United may thereupon submit such questions States in-connection with any Feder- to said electors in the Same manner al Reclamation Project, whereupon the : and with like effect ns at such pre .1 ! 1 1 11 1. . il n1 nsx nnf I r fllatl inn H'Vtn Vinntla nninniiivar district shall be authorized to so act and to assume the duties and liabili ties incident to such action, and the said board Bhall have full power to do any and all things required by the Federal statutes now or hereafter en acted in connection therewith, and all things, required by the rules and reg ulations now or that may hereafter be established by any department ot vious election. The' bonds authorized by any vote shall bp designated as scries, and the series "shall be number ed consecutively as authorized. The portion of bonds of a series sold at any one time shall be designated ns an issue, and each issue shall be num ed, under the provisions of this Act, except for the benefits accruing there to by reason of the construction or maintenance of a drainngd system or works by said district, until such time ns such irrigation district shall pur chase, lease or acquire by condemna tion or otherwise, such ditches, canals, reservoirs, pumping plants or other works including wnter rights: provid ed, however, nothing in this Act shall inhibit the board of directors from at bcred in its order. The bonds of each ' any time entering into a contract re issue shall be numbered consecutively. 1 snrptinr nnv InnHa within onl.t rtto- commencing with those earliest fall-jtrict, exempting such lands from 11a- '.he federal government in regard ing due, and they shall be designat-1 bility under this Act, except from lse of water among the owners of said ' thereto. In case of Construction by eu as twenty-one year bonds, twenty ands. and generally to perform all tho district of any canals, dam, reser- juch act3 as shall be necessary to fully voir, pumping plant, power plant or carry out the purposes of this Act other necessary work for the collec- The said by-laws, rules and regula- tion and distribution ot water, tions must be printed in convenient case the district contracts for th iUllil UIOIUUUIIUII Jil WIG uiova.wv, and it is hereby expressly provided that all water distributed for irriga tion purposes shall be apportioned ratably to each land owner upon the basis of tho ratio which the last as sessment of such owner for district purposes within said district bears to the whole sum assessed upon the district; provided, that any land own er may assign the right to the whole or any portion of the waters so ap portioned to him for any one year. Provided, further, all water, the right to the use of which is acquiredby the district under any contract with the United States, shall be distributed and apportioned by the district in accor dance with the Acts of Congress, and rules and regulations of the Secretary of the Interior, and the provisions of said contract in relation thereto. Section 56179. The board of di rectors shall hold a regular monthly meeting, in their office, on the first Tuesday of every month, and such special meetings as may be required for the proper transaction of busi ness; provided, that nil special meet ings must be ordered by n majority of the board, the order must be en tered of record, and five days' notice thereof must be given by the secre tary to each member not joining in the order. The order must specify the business to be transacted and none other than that specified may be transacted at such special meetings unless al the members be present. All meetings of the board must be pub lic, and a majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for trans action of business; but on all ques tions requiring a vote there shall bo a concurrence of a majority of said board. All records of the board shall be open to the inspection of any elec tor during business hours. The board and its agents and employes shall have the right to enter upon any land ti mnko survevs. nnd may locate the npppss.irv irnVnt.inn nr rlrninnce works this Act. the board of directors of any and the line for any canal or canals, such district shall, as soon as prac- or in e con struction thereof the bonds of the dis trict may be used at par value in pay ment thereon anu may oe aeuverca by the board of directors at such times and in such amounts as may be necessary to enable the dstrict to car ry on such construction, or make the payments due by it under said con tract The use of all water required for the irrigation of the lands of any district formed under the provisions of this Act, together with all water rights and rights to appropriate wa ter, right-of-way for canals and ditch es, sites for reservoirs and all other property required in fully carrying out the provisions of this Act is hereby declared to be a public use more nec esary and more beneficial than any other use, either public or private, to which said water, water rights, rights to appropriate water, lands or other property have been or may be appro priated within said district to an ex tent less than the whole thereof. Section C 6181. The said board is hereby authorized and empowered to take conveyances or other assurances for all property acquired by it under the uses and provisions of this Act, in the name of such irrigation district, to and for the purposes herein ex pressed; and to institute and main tain nny and all actions and proceed ings, suits at law or in equity neces sary or proper in order to fully car ry out the provisions of this Act or to enforce, maintain, protect, or pre serve any and all rights, privileges and immunities created by this Act. or acquired in pursuance thereof; and in all courts, acts, suits or proceed ings, the said board may sue, appear and defend in person or' by attorneys, in the name of such irrigation district Section 7 6182. For the purpose of procuring necessary reclamation works and acquiring the necessary property and rights therefor and oth erwise carrying out the provisions of and tho necessary branches for the time and manner. Such notice shall I same on any lands which may be renuirc the electors to cast ballots which shall contain tho words: "Irri gation District Yes," or "Irrigation District No," or words equivalent thereto, and shall also contain the names of persons to be voted for to fill the various elective offices by this Act hereinafter provided. Any per son, male or female, of the age of twenty-one years or over, whether a resident of the district or not, who is a bona fide owner of land situated in tho district, as shown by the last as sessment roll shall be entitled to vote at any election held under the provi sions of this Act; provided, that a bona fide claimant to an uncompleted title under the public land laws of smithing will be given work in weld- Aho United, S8 or f th, State f 1 i rmf -11 tit . uivkuii Dtiuii Ltiiobtucu lu tt aiiio VVJU JilKlUUU u oLuuy of tho different grades of steel, effect of heat, nnd troatmenfof tho quality nnd temper of stool. Tho use of the color scale in tempering, and finally the forging and tempering of steel tools are also included. Among other debts of grntltudo n man owes, he finds out later, is that to certain girls who refused to becomo his wife. IRRIGATION DIST.LAW (Continued from pngo 1.) be conferred, by law, upon such irri gation districts, nnd such districts when so organized shnll hn lrnnwn nnrl designated as municipal subdivisions I hold tho office from tho first Tuesday ot tne state, having lull power of'"1 reoruary next niter sucn election solf-govornmcnt and control in all fr wo years and until his successor n bona fide owner of lands within the meaning of this Act; provided, fur ther, that the vote of any corporation holding title to land within tho dis trict may bo cast by said corporation as a single land owner through nny officer or agent of said corporation authorized by resolution by its board of directors. A copy of such resolu tion certified by the secretary under the seal of the corporation shall bo presented to tho judges of election at the time the vote is cast. Section 3 617X). Election of Offi cers in Each District Oath nnd Bonds Of. An election shall be held in each district on the second Tues day in January, 1913, and on the sec ond Tuesday in January each two years thereafter, at which n treasurer and board of directors for each dis trict shall be elected. The person re ceiving tho highest number of votes tor any onico to bo tilled at such elec tion shall bo elected thereto, and shall matters pertaining to tho general pur poso for which such districts nre or. ganized. Section 2 C168. For the purpose of organizing an irrigation district as provided by this Act, a petition sign ed by the required number of holders of title to the lands within the hnnn. dories of such proposed irrigation dis trict, snau bo presented to tho coun ty court of the countv in which the land, or tho greatest portion thorcof, Is, situated: said petition shnll set forth and particularly describe the boundaries or the proposed irrigation district nnd shnll state that it is the is elected and qualified. Within 10 days after receiving the certificate of election hereinafter provided for said officials shall take the official oath and filo the same in tho office of the board of directors, nnd the treasuror shall oxecuto and deliver to tho board of directors an official bond in the sum of not less than fifteen thousand ($15,000) dollnrs nor more than fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars, to bo ap proved by tho board of directors as to amount nnd sufficiency of sureties, anu eacn member ot tho board of di rectors shall execute an official bond in the sum pf five thousand ($5,000) nurnoso of the netitinnir tn nntnnlto 1 dollars, which said bonds shall bo an' an irrigation district under the provi- proved by the judge of the county -I -J ,1 I ... tit. .1 ......... l. J .1 - siuna oi una aci, nnu snau pray mat ",lu uu iwuracu in wie oi- the same be organized herenndnr Tho petitioners must accompany tho petition with a good and sufficient bond to be approved by tho County Court, in double the amount of tho probable cost of tho organizing of sucn uistrict. conditioned tlint the bondsmen will nnv all tho sntd costs in caso said organization bo not af fected Such petition shall bo present ed at a regular meeting of said Court, or at any special mooting called to consider and act upon said potition, and shall bo published once each week for at least four successive wooks bo fore the timo at which the snmu is to be presented, in some newspaper printed nnd published in the county where said petition is presented, to gether with a notice statin c the time of the meeting nt which the petition will be presented and if any portion of such proposed district lios with in, another county or counties, then said petition and notice shall be pub fico of the county clerk Ihereof and filed with tho secretary of tho board. All official bonds herein provided for shall ho in the form prescribed bv law ior me oinctni bonds or county oilicials. Provided, thot in enso any district organized under this title is nppointed fiscal agent of tho United States or by tho United States is au thorised to mnko collections of mon eys for nnd on behnlf of tho United States in concction with nny Federal reclamation project tho treasurer and each director shall execute a further and additional official bond in such sum as the Secretary of Interior may require, conditioned for the faithful discharge of tho duties as fiscal, or other agent of the United States un der nny such appointment or author ization, nnd nny such bond may be sued upon by tho United States or any person injured by tho fniluro of such treasurer or n director or the dis trict to fully, promptly nnd completc- nmu nouwon ana notice snau oe pub-'"1" lu uyi 1'iumjjuy mm tumpi lishod in a nowspaper published in 'v perform their respective duties, each Of said counties in the snmo timo Section A f178. fWnnimtlnn nf and manner. When such petition is ; the Board Duties By-Laws On tho deemed best for such location; Said board shall also have the right to ac- auire, either by lease, purchase, con emnation, Jr other legal means, all lands and waters and water rights rights-of-way and other property, in eluding canals and works constructed and being constructed by private own ers, necessary lor the construction, use, supply, maintenance, repair and improvement of any canal or canals and works proposed to be constructed by said board, and shall also have the right to so acquire iand3 and all nec essary appurtenances lor reservoirs, for the stornge of needful waters, or for any other purpose .reasonably nec essary for the purposes of said dis trict. The property, the right to con. demn which,, is hereby given, shall in clude property already devoted to puD lic use which is less necessary than the use for which it is required by the district, whether used tor irrigation or any other purpose. In case of pur chose of any property or right, the bonds of the district hereinafter pro vided for may be used at their par value in payment and in case ot con demnation the board shall proceed in tho name of the district under the pro visions of the laws of tho btote ol Oregon. Said board may also con struct or contract for the construction of the necessary canals, dams, reser voirs. pumping plants and other nec. essary works for the collection and distribution of water in, and for the drainage of said district, and may do any and every lawful act necessary to bo done that water may be lurnisiied for the lands in said district for irriga tion purposes and said district may provide for nnd furnish water for lands not included within such irri gation district upon receiving proper compensation therefor, and said dis trict may dispose of and furnish elec tric power in or out of said district upon receiving proper compensation therefor; provided, that any district furnishing electric power outside of said district shall be deemed a pub tic utility within the meaning of Chnpter 279 of the General Laws of Oregon for the year 1911, as to elec tric power s6 furnished outside of said Jistrict. And said board may enter into any obligation or contract with tho United States for tho construction, operation and maintenance of the nec essary works for the delivery and dis tribution of water therefrom under tho provisions of the Federal. Itecln mation Act and all Acts amendatory .hereof or supplementary thereto and .ho rules nnd regulations established .hereunder; or the board may con tact with the United States for n A'ater supply under any Act of Con rress providing for or permitting uich contract, and in caso contract has been or may hereafter be made with .ho United States as herein provided, londs of tho district may bo depos ted with the United States, at nine ty per cent of their par value, to the imount to ho paid by tho district, to .ho United States under nny such con tract, the interest on said bonds to be orovided for by assessment nnd levy is in tho case of other bonds of the district, and regularly pnid to the United Stntes to bo applied as pro vided in such contract, nnd if the bonds of the district are not so de- nosltcd it shall be the duty of the board of directors to include as part of nny levy or assessment provided lor in section oibo, ns amended nere in an amount sufficient to meet each ear all payments accruing under the lerms'of any such contract: and tho board may accept on behalf of the district, appointment or the district ns fiscal agent of tho United States, or ticable after the ofganization of any such district, by aresolution entered on its record, formulate a general plan of its proposed works, in which it shall state in n general way what works or property it proposes to lease, purchase or acquire, and what work it proposes to construct, nnd the esti mated cost for carrying out said plan, and how it proposes to raise the nec essary funds therefor; for the purpose of ascertaining, the estimated cost or value of any such work, said board shall cause such surveys, examina tions and plans to bo made as shall demonstrate tho practicability of such plan, and furnish the proper basis for an estimate of tho cost of carrying out the same. All such surveys, ex aminations, maps, plans and estimates shall be made under the direction of a competent irrigation engineer to be employed by said board on such basis of compensation ns it may determine, and shall be certified by such engi neer. Said board shall then submit a copy of the same to tho State En gineer, nnd within 90 days thereafter the State Engineer shall make and file a report upon the same with the said board, which report shall contain such matters as in the judgment of the State Engineer, may be reasonably necessary. Upon receiving said re port said board of directors shall pro ceed to, determine the amount of mon ey necessary to be raised, and the chnracter and extent of contract and obligations necessary to be under taken, and shall immediately thereaf ter call a special election, at which shnll be submitted to the electors of said district, the question whether or not the bonds of said district, or the right to enter into an obligation or contract with the United States, in tho manner, in the amount and to the extent, as determined nnd herein pro vided, shall be authorized. Notice of such election must be given by post ing notices in three public places in each election precinct in said district for at least 20 days, and also by pub lication of such notice in some news paper published in the county where the office of tho board of directors of such district is kept, once a week for at least three successive weeks. Such notices must specify the time of hold incr the election, the amount of bonds proposed to be issued, or the extent t tne obligation proposed to be un lertnken: and said election must be held and the result thereof determined md declared in all respects as nearly as practicable in conformity withthe provisions of this Act governing the ilection of officers; provided, that no nformalities in conducting such elec- lon shall invalidate the same, it the alection shall have been otherwise fairly conducted. At such election tho ballot shall contain the words "Bonds Yes" or "Bonds No," or other words equivalent thereto. If a majority of the votes cast are "Bonds les, tho board of directors shall ause bonds in said amount to be is sued or such portion thereof as may ie necessary from time to time; but if contract is made with the United Stntes as in Section 0179 as amended herein, provided, nnd bonds are not a be deposited with the United States "n connection with such contract, bonds need not be issued or if rcouir- od in addition to such contract bonds ihnll be issued only for the amount needed in addition to such contract Tf the majority of the votes cast at my bond election are "Bonds No," he result of Buch election shall be so leclared and entered of record, and vhenever thereafter said board in its 'udgment deems it for the best inter ests of the district that the question of the issuance of bonds in said amount or any amount, shall be sub- two year bonds. They shall be ne crotiable in form and payable in mon oy of the United States as follows to-wit: At the expiration of twenty- one years from each issue five per cent or the whole number ol bonus ot sucn issue; at hte expiration of twenty-two years, six pur cum; iu wie cajjjiuhuii or twenty-tnree years, seven per cent; at the expiration of twenty-four years eight per cent; at the expiration of twenty-five years, nine per cent; at tne expiration oi twenty-six. jcais, ten per cent; at the expiration of twentv-seven years, eleven per cent: at the expiration of twenty-eight years, thirteen per cent; at the expira tion of twenty-nine years, fifteen per cent; at the expiration of thirty years, sixteen per cent; provided, that such percentages may be changed 'sufficient ly so that every bond shall be in an amount of one hundred dollars or multiple thereof, and the above nrovl sions shall not require any single bond to fall due on partial payments, ine board of directors may in its discre tion issue said bonds so that they shall Commence to mature in eleven years instead of twenty-one years in which case they shall mature each successive year thereafter upon the same basis and percentage as is above provided for bonds commencing to mature on the twenty-first year. In terest coupons shall be attached there to, and all bonds and coupons shall be dated on January l or July l next following the date of their authoriza tion, and they shall bear interest at a rate of not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on tho first day of January and July of each year. The principal and interest shall be payable at the places desig nated therein. Said bonds shall be each of the denomination of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, and shall be signed by the president and secre tnrv. nnd the seal of the board of dl rectors shall be affixed thereto. Cou pons for the interest shall be attach ed to eacn bond and signed Dy tne sec. retarv. Said bonds shall express on their face that they were issued by tne autnonty oi mis Act, huiiihik ii nnd nil amendments thereof, and shall also state the number of the issue of which such bonds are a art The secretary shall keep a record of the bonds sold, the date of sale, the price received, and the name of the purcha ser. In case the money raised by the sale of oil tho bonds be insufficient foi the completion of the plans and works adopted, and additional bonds be not voted, it shall be the duty of the board to provide for the completion of said plan by levy ot assessments tnere for, in the manner herein provided. Section 8 6185. Said bonds and the interest thereon and all payments due or to become due to the United States under any contract between the district and the united states, accom panying which bonds of the district have not been deposited with the Unit ed States as provided in Section 617 amended herein, and all obligations r- . i - , . .i : j ior me payment oi money uuuiunzeu and incurred under this Act. shall be paid by the revenue derived from the annual assessments upon the land in the district, and nil the lands in the district shall be and remain liable to be assessed for such payments as herein provided, and under and sub ject to the provisions oi mis Act. Section 9 6186. The board of di rectors shall, on or before the first Tuesday in September of each year, make a computation ol the wnoie amount of money necessary to be rais ed by said district for the ensuinp year, for the purpose of paying all charges and expenses, or the issuine ol any bonds as herein contemplated, for the construction, purchase or ac quisition of any canals, works or prop erty as contemplated, and the expense of maintenance of the irrigation sys tem aiftl works of said district, in terest on any and all bonds thereof and all payments duo or to become due the ensuing year to the United States under any contract between the district and the United States accom panying which bonds of the district have not been deposited with the United States as provided in Section 6179 amended herein, and including any special assessments that may have been ordered or determined up on, in compliance with this Act, and all other charges or expenses of said district, lawfully incurred or to be in curred of whatever name and nature. Said amount of money when so deter mined by saidboard shall be and con stitute an assessment upon all of the land included in said district, and shall be apportioned by said board to the lands owned or held by each person, firm or corporation, and each United States Government land entry for which water rights have been provided by said district and contract therefor made with the entryman thereof, in proportion to the number of acres of debts already incurred, upon condition that the district be exempt from any liability or duty to furnish water or other benefits to said land. The assessment upon land shall be a lien against the property assessed, and the lien for the bonds of nny is sue shall be a preferred lien to .that for any subsequent issue, except that the lien for all payments Tiue or to be como duo under any contract with the United States, accompanying which bonds of the district have not been de posited with the United States as pro-, vided in Section 6179 amended hero in, shall be a preferred lien to any issue of bonds subsequent to the date of such contract, and such lien shall not be removed until the assessments are paid, or tho property sold for tiio payment thereof. Section 106206. After adopting a plan for said canal or canals, ,stor age reservoirs and works, the board of directors shall .give notice, by publica tion thereof not less than once a week for three successive weeks in one newspaper published in each of the counties composing the district (pro vided a newspaper is published there in) and in such other newspapers as .hey may deem advisable, calling for bids for tho construction of ' such works, or of any portion thereof; if less than the whole work is advertis ed, then the portion so advertised must bo particularly described in such notice. Said notice shall set forth that plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the board, and that the board will receive sealed pro posals therefor, and that the contract .vill bo let to the lowest responsible bidder, stating the timo and place for opening said proposals, which, at the time and place apointed, shall be open ed in public; and as soon as conven ient thereafter the board shall lot said work, either in portions or ns a whole, to the lowest responsible bidder; or they may reject any or all bids and readvertise for proposals, or may pro ceed to construct the work under their own superintendence. Contracts for the purchase of materials shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bid der. Any person or persons to whom a contract may be awarded shall en ter into a bond, with good and suffl :ient sureties, to be approved by the board, payable to said district for its dsc, for twenty-five per cent of the amount of the contract price, condi tioned for the faithful performance. of said contract. The work shall be dono under the direction and to the satis faction of a competent irrigation en gineer who shall be employed by the ooard on such basis of compensation as the board may determine, and such vork when completed, shall be approv id by the board. Provided, that the provisions of this section shall not ap ply in the case of contract between the district and the United States. Section 11 6192. After the board of directors shall have completed its jquaiizauon oi said assessment, it shall certify one of the copies or du plicates thereof, made by it during that year, to the county clerk.. The :ounty clerk shall enter the apportion ment so made, upon the county as sessment ron, against tne property therein respectively described, in the same manner that other municipal as sessments are entered by him on said assessment roll, except that the total ium apportioned . to and charged against each description of land there in contained, shall be entered hv the clerk as the irrigation district tax against the same, such tax shnll h collected and accounted for in the jame manner as other municipal tax es and the collection thereof enforced in tne same manner as the other tax 3S of the countv. Lands lvinu- within such irrigation district patented to the State of Oregon and sold by the State on certificates to parties, individuals or corporations, shall be subject to as sessment and collection of irrigation district assessments the same as any vinu an otner lanos in irrigation dis tricts. In case of neirlect or refniml of the board of directors to cause such assessment and levy to bo made as in this Act provided, then the assessment and lew herein provided for shnll h made and equalized by the Countv Court of the county in whichahe of fice of the board of directors is irnnt. ed, sitting for the transaction of coun ty business, at the same time that said "court levies county taxes, and in the same manner with like effect that the board of directors is rennirof tn make the same, and all expenses in cident thereto, shall be borne hv such district, and such levy and assessment shall be entered on the county tax roll by the county clerk in the manner in this section provided. Section 12 6214. In case the vol. umo of water in any stream or river shall not be sufficient to supply the continual wants of the entire country through which it passes and suscep tible of irrigation therefrom, then it shall be the duty of the water com- irrigable land owned or held by each missioners. constituted ns horoinaftoi- person, firm or corporation, so that, provided, to apportion in a just and each acre of irrigable land in the dis- equitable proportion1; a certain amount trict shall be assessed and required to of said water upon certain or alter nate weekly days to different local ities, as they may, in their judgment think best ,for the interest of all par ties concerned, and with nun rcvn-pH t-r iu uujjiituw;, Kivin uiB uusL-ripuuii oi uiu legai ana equitable rights of all pay the same amount as every other acre oi irrigable land therein. Tho board shall prepare a list or record of said assessments and apportionments the ownership or holdings of each per son, firm or corporation therein as sessed or apportioned, one of which shall be a permanent record in the office of said board; provided, that in no case shall any lands be taxed for irrigation purposes, under this Act. which from any natural causes can not be irrigated, or which are incapa ble of cultivation; and provided, fur ther, that where ditches. canalsreser- voirs, or other irrigation works or pumping plants are actually construct ed una in operation at me time oi tne Said water commissioners shall con sist of the chairman of th hnnr nt directors of each of the districts af fected. Provided, all water, the right to the use of which is acquired by the district under any contract with the United States, shall be distributed and apportioned by the district in accord ance with the Acts of Congress, and rules and regulations of the Secretary of the Interior, and the provisions of said contract in relation thereto. Section 13. That Section 6183 of Lord's Oregon Laws be and the same organization of the irrigation district, is hereby repealed the lands actually irrigated therefrom Filed in the office of the Secretary at that time shall not liable to be tax- of State February 23, 1915. THE VALE HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM Medical Baths and Health Resort. Rooms and Board. Treatment of Rheumatism a Specialty For Information address DR. TIIOS. W. THURSTON, Superintendent VALE HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM COMPANY, VALE, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON as it i r