I . . J-v fl. 1913. irr75 ,57 " II -MMHHHMMM E MALHEUR ENTERPRISE Page Fiv )5 . Forfeiture. I SUMMONS. , , -s-W1 j Noti of for'" p b 9 1915 In the Circuit Court f fc I ..Simons for Publication. 1 ler City, Oregon, i . , Qr q fQf Mft ine Mate of . In the Circuit Court of the St ekly r PI i state of Oregon, w. '"''I f which s of record in 16 T of the "Records of VP?., nf the County Clerk 'Son which He Ie from I 3s Com. li to be i ?e same Si k from , -cupied j,1 apman le City, Oregon, , ; oVhrCo1"6 f I W Co ?7uu of administrators, and uenry bchiottman ard Sophh So tA, J " y concern: man, his wife, plaintiffs. wnu hraby notified tnat i vs. JnrHed during the calendar , C M. Crane and M. A. Murphy, de- '"F.inn in labor and improve-1 fendanta. P14' he petroleum placer To C. M. Crane and M. A. Murphy, the "P0." nlnvpr Oil & Gas Asso- above named defendants. f the w the SEU of section I IN THE NAME OF THE STATF n iutu- sr uujciuun, ioiare nerely requir the lo- ed to appear and an wer the ,Lv. plaint filed against you ir. the above entitled court within sixty days from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: the 3rd day of pril 1915, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof the plantifT will apply to the court for the relief aemanaea in me complaint, that is to say for the cancellation of that cer- - ndinir December 31, iam comraci and agreement, for the Within 180 days, after tne .prat P?,o ine p , or sk of NW4 0 i. ii on (l cia uuc r hold saw ' RPvlHed Stat st on .. - tfie office f the County CI fflheur county, Oregon, in I noi ! .f.Sr7;toH .States, and amend thereto being the amount re I S hold said mining clm for i.inrfin? December 31, 1914. TLiMn 180 days after tne rirst porxion(oi we or sr;v4 of NW'4 of '.inn of this notice you tail or in , ano a w ot NW'4 of NW'i ,rtntributr your portion of of Section 30, Township 15 South tlfie as co-owner, which! Range 43 E. W. M., in Malheur Cou,,-' ..P J25 your interest in said . ty, Oregon, contianing fifteen acres. .laim Will Deconie mo - -s'..v. v M iiiaue anu exe- Ifc. undersigned, your co-owner, cuted by the plaintiffs as owner and i.. made the required expendi-jby the defendants as purchaser, on it the terms of the said section .the 22nd day of October, 1912, at Bro ; Revied Statutes and the gan, in said county and state, and for SLnts thereto. judgment against you, and ach of r SCOTT JOSEPH. you, ior tne costs and disbursements nnhlication Feb. 13, 1915. herein. Mt publication May 15, 1915. This summons is published for six 1.1.. . , ! ' . fvoTICE TO CREDITORS, w County Court of the State of iveeon, for Malheur County, i In the Matter of f the Estate of v. French. Deceased. I undersigned having been ap- weekly newspaper nublished nnd rir culating in said County and State, commencing with the 3rd day of April, 1915, and ending with the 15th day of May, 1915, by order of the Honorable Geo. W. McKnight, Judge of the Coun ty Court for Malheur County, State of Apr 3-May 15 GEO. E. DAVIS. Attorney for Plaintiff. &d by the County court oi tne Oregon, duly made and entered this i of Oregon, tor maineur ouniy, 31 st day of March, 1915 Jnistrator 01 tne estate 01 irene feench, deceased, and having quali Jiotice is hereby given to the cred- Iof, and all persons having claims st said deceased, to present them iu ah reauired by law, within six ihj after the first publication of Notice of Sheriff's Sale in Foreclosure By virtue of an Execution in Fore- closure duly issued bv the Clerk of Alio . 1.. r . .- - notice to said Administrator, btu- the Circuit Court for Malheur County M. French, at nis place 01 resi- anu aiate 01 uregon, dated the 24th it on Dead Ox Flat, Snake River day of March, 1915, in a certain action einct, Malheur County, Oregon. in the Circuit Court for said County I STUART M. FRENCH, and State, wherein Geo. H. Bodfish, linistrator of the estate of Irene as Plaintiff, recovered judgment J French, deceased. against J. S. White and Lillie M. wnite, nis wite and the Malheur For warding Company, a corporation, as Defendant", for the sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollars, with interest there on from the First day of January, 1913, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum; and for the further sum of One Hundred Sixty Dollars, Attor ney's fees; and for the further sum of jited May 1st, 1915. 8-June 0. Notice for Publication. No. 03775. 'ted States Land Office at Vale, Ore. i April 16, 1915. fotice is hereby given that Ida M. trait whose postoffice address is 4tfaU, Oregon, has this 16th day ; Eighteen Dollars, costs: on which 4 1111 k h nH in t- H l a ftMlia Kn 1 . . .... judgment there has been realized the April, 1915, filed in this office her creation to select under tne pro Ions of Section 2306 R. S. the SEU the SWi of tection 8, in township South, range 41 East, W. M., con- iing 40 acres. inv and all persons claiming ad jely the lands described, or desir- to object becauseof the mineral jracter of the land, or for any oth reason, to the disposal of the appli- .should file their affidavits of pro- Iin this office, on or before the 25th of May, 1915. TIIOS. JONES, Register. ryi-29. JN0TICE FOR PUBLICATION. St 01211 Burns 04220 I Department of the Interior, Jl. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, J April 30th, 1915. OTICE is hereby given that Fran P. O'Neill, of Jamieson, Oregon, , on February 17th, 1910, made aomestead entry, No. 01211, for the ifc SEK and the NWV4 'SEV4, Sec m 30, Township 16 S., Range 44 E., Mllamette Meridian, has filed notice intention to make five-year Proof, establish claim to the land above Mcribed, before the Register and Re aver, U. S. Land Office, at Vale, Ore m, on the 8th day of June, 1915. j Claimant names as witnesses: ;George Jackson, Sheridan Johnson, hn Norwood, William Scott, all ol Jmieson, Oregon. i THOS. JONES. 9 0 t , Register. ,ojr (l-IU!ie 0. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of the Estate of Nanrv Vim a rj NOTICE is herehv "igned. Executor of the Estate of r'., Deceased, to the credi fj.i V a.L a11 Per8on8 having claims ywist, , the said deceased, to exhibit jnem, together with the necessary Kf!f wthln six months after the h . r5l Publication of this Notice, L i'!ndursL1Kned at Westfall, Ore Ptff ?J h J?-Duncan, Attorney til n w,l 1 vaie Oregon. West Ka0eon, being designated as the IZ lfuthe transaction of the busi- f vi me estate. JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Dit. ... ... Executor. I DatAf 1! PY'oation, May 1, 1915, I I p!ljtpublication, May 29, 1915, Notice For Publication. U gepIart"je"t of the Interior, 8. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, ! N0TICF i.1 1 April bth, 1915. GrieL 0 r horeby given that Peter PPlicatinn 'v1911A mad Homestead LoU l o1, 1' 17 S- R' 44 E-f and S, Ran. ,7'Se?tlon 6 Township 18 filed iE" Wi"nette MeriJian, i'Wveir Pce.0f mention to make t4thUnrt.K00f'Jt0 establish claim SR'Pter ;HVpe de.8cbed, before the at Vu, Rlceiver. U- S. Land i,!,. I'..'. vle, Orecon. on h. lit. CU- Mav- 1915. Cn!Ifi!.M witnesses: "fVahn ' ercy M- Johnson, -1 VUll, TIIOS. JONES, Register. 10-Mhv iq - r v, S 'OR SALE , mKiwi unurov. 94 t,lJ Ullim mhi proved; grain du..ri.urJ",MMW,,," J' 14 C.. MuklUr'VakOr. M M K N N N N sum of Four Hundred Fifty-three and 75-100 Dollars, on sale of personal property included in the said Execu tion; NOW THEREFORE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That I will on the 18th day of May, 1915, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the main entrance of the Court House in Vale, Malheur County, Ore gon, sell at public auction to the high est bidder, or bidders, for cafih, the following described real property, to wit t The East Half of the Northwest Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter in Section Thirty-three (33); and the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of bection lwenty-eight (2n); and addi tional entry for West Half of South west Quarter, Section Twenty-eight (28); and Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and the Southwes: Quarter of Northeast Quarter, Section Thirty-three; all in Town -hip Fifteen (15) South, Range Forty (40) East Willamette Meridian, containing three hundred twenty acres; Taken and levied upon as the pro perty of the said above named De fendants, J. S. White and Lillie M. White, his wife; and the Malheur For warding Company, a corporation, or as much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment in favor of Geo. H. Bodfish and against the said above named Defendants, with in terest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 15th day of April, 1915. BEN J. BROWN. Sheriff, By Ross A. Soward, Deputy. First publication April 17, 1915. Last publication May 15, 1915. . . . . L PeFPn for the Countv f Moil,..,.. mou- DOUGLAS SMITH. AI RERT rTra i r 1 ' t v. o i WORTH Tr t tS .BUTTER. w m ir Trustees. Pluintiffs, vs. T wM;fW,aJm,ani Defendant To W. M. WAYMAN, the defendant You are her.-by required to appear and ,W-er ,Lhe fmPlaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause on or hpfnro date of first publication of this sum mons, and if you fail so to answer by !J! !ate' to-wit: May 15, 1915, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in their com- fc li., .l: lhat the plaintiffs have the following several judgments against you and that same be Decreed a nrst and prior lien against the sep arate tracts of real property describ ed, each tract of which is in Malheur County, Oregon, to-wit: . Judgment for $3500 principal, with interest 6 per cent per annum from Jan. 27, 1911; $fi0 water maintenance; $14.56 taxes; $350 attorneys feei and that same be a lien against ESW4 NL'4 Sec. 16 T. 16 S., R. 43 E. W. M. . Judgment for $1015 principal, with interest 6 per cent per annum from Aug. 31. 1911: $18 water mninLnni.. $4.38 taxes; $101.50 Attorneys fees, and that same be prior lien on Lot 105 Jamieson Acreage Tracts. , Judgment for $87.50 principal, with interest 6 per cent per annum from Aug. 31, 1911; $0 water maintenance: $.37 taxes; $25 attorneys fees, and that same be a Drior lien nn T nt mfi Jamieson Acreage Tracts. Judgment for $1032. 60 principal, with interest 6 per cent per annum from Aug. 31, 1911; $18 water main tenance; $4.38 taxes; $103.25 attor neys fees, and that same be a prior lien on Lot 107 Jamieeon Acreage Tracts. Judgment for $262.50 principal with interest 6 per cent per annum from Aug. 31, 1911; $6 water maintenance: $1.09 taxes; $26.25 attorneys fees, and that same be a Drior lien on Lot 112 Jamieson Acreage Tracts. Judgment for $525.50 principal with interest 6 per cent per annum from Aug. 31, 1911; $9 water maintenance: $2.19 taxes; $52.50 attorneys fees, and that same be a prior lien on Lot 113 Jamieson Acreage Tracts. Judgment for $542.50 principal with interest 6 per cent per annum from AllT 31 1Q11 CC wotur mnlnfannn.a, $2.19 taxes: $54.25 attorneys fees, and that same be a prior lien on Lot 114 Jamieson Acreage Tracts. Judgment for $1120 principal with interest 6 per cent per annum from Aug. 31, 1911; $18 water maintenance; $5 taxes; $112 attorneys fees, and that same be a prior lien on Lot 120 Jam ieson Acreage Tracts. Judgment for $245 principal with in terest 6 per cent per annum from Aug. 31, 1911; $3 water maintenance; $1.09 taxes; $25 attorneys fees, and that same be a prior lien on Lot 131 Jam ieson Acreage Tracts. Judgment for $262.50 principal with interest 6 per cent per annum from Aug. 31, 1911; $6 water maintenance: $1.09 taxes; $26.25 attorneys fees and that same be a prior lien on Lot 132 Jamieson Acreage Tracts. Judgment for costs and disburse ments herein to be apportioned to said several tracts. That the Court order the said sev eral tracts Fold as provided by law in strict foreclosure and in satisfaction of the judgment against each several and separate tract and that defendant and all persons claiming under him either as purchasers, encumbrancers, or otherwise be forever barred and foreclo-ed of any right, title, interest or claim in or to said lands, and that the period of redemption be fixed by the Court under strict foreclosure. This summons is served on you by publication in the Malheur Enterprise, a weekly newspaper, for six weeks, being seven issues, by order of Hon. George W. McKnight, County Judge said county and state dated April 1st. 1915; the first publication being April 3rd, 1915, the last publication being May 15, 1915. ROB'T. M. DUNCAN, Attorney for Plaintiffs. .Real Estate Transfers Complete List of Deeds Recorded by the County Clerk of Malheur County since the last It sne of The Enterprise. April 26th to May 1st, 1915 State of Oregon to Marshall H. Finch and W. M. LeVier, SEA SW SW4 SEV4, 36-19-41. Mar. 25 1914, $400.00. State of Oregon to Marshall II Finch, NE ENWtt NW4SEV4, SW4SW4, 36-19-41., March 5, 1915, $2400.00. U. S. A. to John Urlezaga, Lots 2 3-4 SEV NW4 2-30-45. July 29th., 1913. U. S. A. to Oliver Crews, SEHNW 4 SHSE4 NEV4SEtf 8-14-39. Feb. 27th, 1914. U. S. A. to John Maxam, EV4SWV4 WSE 34-26, NWV4SEV SWViNE Vi SEV4NWVi Lot 3-3-27-39. Nov. 4th, 1914. Frank E. Knox et ux to Walter Han- Gipson et vir. W,i NWV4SWV4 28- 15-47. April 23, 1915. $2500.00. Frank Palmer et ux to Walter Han- na, Metes and Bounds in Bl. 5 Had- ley's 2nd Addition to Vale, February 12, 1915. $125.00. Ben J. Brown, Sheriff to O. S. Smth, SEUSENE4, 18-19-47, April 28. 1915. $450.00. F. R. Sprague et ux to Domingo Bengoa, SW.4SEV4 32-39-42. April 15, 1915. $10.00. U. S. A. o Fred E. Locey, WV& S W',4 30-14-40. April 1, 1915. John Murphy to A. M. Lackey, Lots 1-2, Block 42; 11-12-13-14 Bl. 239; 16 to 20 Bl. 109; 11 to 15 Bl. 32 Onta rio. April 21, 1915, $500.00. W. H. Philbrick and R. B.Greenwood et ux to C. O. Scott, NEV4 21-16-47, February 1, 1915. $1.00. Oregon and Western Colonization Co. to Ontario Advancement Co., EV6 1915. $875.00. W. I . Beach el ux to E. M. Moore, Lots 6-7 Bl. 41, Ontario. April 14, 1915. $10.00. Joseph H. Deen to Bertha M. Deen, NEUSEtt 36-17-39; WSEV NE'4 U. S. Land Office. Complete Record of Homestead, Desert and Other Entries at the U. S. Land Office at Vale during the past week. Chas. C. Chamberlain, Durkee, E SEV4 13-12-42, lot 3, 18-12-43, 140.66 acres. v Arthur F. Riddle, Ontario, lots 2-3 SEUNW'4 SW4NEVi 3-17-47, 159. 81 acres. Henry L. We:tfall, Ironside, EttN E4 NWKNEK 15, SW4SE4 10-16-38. John Underwood, Payette, Idaho, S M SW4 25, SU SEV4 26-16-46, 160 acres. Elbert E. Beattie, Crowley, Stt 17-27-40, 320 acres. Chas. W. Hallford, Hereford, NWV4 NEV4 10, SWUSEV4 3, EttSW4 3-13-40, 160 acres. Hance C. Benson, Huntington, WV4 SE4 24-13-44, 80 acres. Orrcn II. Talbott, Riverside, WV4S EV4 35-25-88, lots 3-4, sec. 1, lots 1-2 SWVNE4 2-26-38, 305.58 acres. Geo. N. Dotson, Malheur, lot 4 sec. 3, lot 1, 4-14-40, SESEV4 33, SWV SW4 34-13-40, 160.71 acres. Clarence I. Scott, Vale, SW4 32-18- 44, 160 acres. Milton M. Shofner, Vale, NEV4SWV4 NW4SW4 29-14-43, 80 acres. Otto Browlert, Vale, NWV4 8-17-45, 160 acres. John II. Purcell, Parma, Idaho, lot 5, 6-22-47. Bruce R. Kexter, Vale, NWSEU 8-18-45, 40 acres. Emil G. Wagner, Vale, SEtt 2-17- 44, 160 acres. Joseph P. Weber, Harper, SWSW '414, SEttSEtt 15, NNE 22-21 41, 160 acres. James Malloy, Sheaville, SW4NW Vi. 13-27-46, 40 acres. SWV4 Lot 3-31-17-40. $1.00. May 1st., 1915 COMPLAINTS FILED IN THE CIR CUIT COURT SINCE LAST WEEK COMPLANTS THAT WERE FILED J. J. Davis vs. Sunset Oil and Gas Co., Recovery of Debt, $773.50. MARRIAGE LICENSES Marshall A. Holmes to Ada Freed lund, April 30th. Notice of Sheriff's Sale in Foreclosure. By virtue of an Execution in Fore closure duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the County of -Malheur and State of Oregon, dated the 1st day of May, 1915, in a certain ac tion in the Circuit Court for said County and State, wherein Benj. F. Campbell, as Plainiiff, recovered judg ment against A. E. Barradell, Albertie E. Bolen and John L. Bolen, as De fendants, for the sum of Eight Hun dred Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from August 15, 1910; and for the further eum of Eighty Dollars, Attorney fees; and for the further sum of Twenty Dollars, Costs; ,, THEREFORE NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN, That I will on the 7th day of June, 1915, at the hour of 11:00 in the forenoon of said day, at the front entrance of the Court House in Vale. Malheur County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, or bidders, for cash, the following de scribed real property, to-wit: The Northeast Quarter (NE'4) of Section Twenty-eight in Township Sixteen South, Range Forty-seven East Willamette Meridian, together with the tenements, hereditaments nd appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, all lying and being situate in the County of Malheur and State of Oregon; Taken and levied upon as the pro perty of the said aboe named I'',4'" dants, A. E. Barradell, Albertie L. Bo len and John L. Bolen, or ax much thereof as may be necesMury t satis fy the said judgment in favor of Uriij. F. Campbell himI aguiiut the uil above named DefemlunU. with lntr . t !hH,(.ii. toifHhwr with all i,'"s w . : - .. . I ... n.uv.l'liu and tfuburrmmi j Mun i(j juci P.U.I at Vk On-gun. this -ail duy of May, k, , I1IMU N. Mninf 1 V" fly (u A. rii'MNxt l JIU1) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Vale 0371 Burns 01531 Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, May 4th, 1915. NOTICE is hereby given that Ben jamin William Corbett, of Harper, Oregon, who, on March 13th, 1909, made Homestead entry, No. 0371, for the NEU, Section 34, Township 19 S., IV an CPA d I K Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make five-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Of fice, at Vale, Oregon, on the 15th day of June, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: William Cramer, William Cnpe, bd Ward Carter, Henderson Hart, all of Harper, Oregon. Register. May 8-June 5. If you want to find out what the town of Kuhlidge amounts to ask a high school student who lives at Po dunk, twenty miles away. Too good to lose .1 Vhcn a builder lets Malthoid get vay from him thru misrepresenta on and a desire for a cheap ofing, he invariably makes a mis ";e which costs him much personal 'loyance and loss in the end. ,'tboid is a durable, satisfactory cr- and vveathe. -proof roof ' "li j.-antci! it. EMPIRE LUMBER C0..VALE ORE Booze probably kills a great many more people than snakebites, and there are other remedies that are worse than the ailment. It i-n't much sport to kick a man when he's down, but the Bum Sports' dub is the largest and fastest grow ing organization. There are always plenty of college orators, but a good third baneman add greatly to the joy of the glad commencement season. man gets drunk, he says, to for- ', Im .roubles, and while drunk gets - ,o. Man U not noble. pui.'t 1-i.y any MltMiitiuii to what f.,r tb " Hrt .ubli. ii.iii My , Jul ft. .Mt itullr0ii Juno "1 '"" Nul ll tit " lUI ,,.! ,ur ... l Ut a ll "''' Our Serials "THE CLUTCHING HAND" (Saturdays, Matinee and even ing) "THE TREY O'HEARTS" (Sunday Nights) "THE MASTER KEY' (Monday Nights) Come and enjoy yourself ev ery evening. Clean comedys, stirring dramas and exciting ae rials. Admission 10 cents. The Rex While it is bad enough to spit on the floor, it is not us bad as spitting on the wall and ceiling, as some men do. When you k a mn about hi health, and U by "I fd H'tly good f.r n," d'id up'"" irl'K olJ. If you mI ""' i""y fiily tUt I )( lt " tHii.fi.titii U I . , .1 I'i. B. JI.fllllH ,, ....-. ..t'U M1 tt u l"i i j.i !. . 1 ISDBBBULinnDDODnnDDBn h a nn is n ISBBflBBBflflBBflflBBBflBl HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Five good blade sheep shearers. Call by phone at my ex pense before May 10th. W. J. Alt now, Drewsey, Oregon. 5-8-2t, FOR SALE Twenty acres. Improv ed. Terms. V. B. Staples, Vale, Ore, 5-8-4t. FOR SALE For milk and cream phone 72-j, Sunnyside Dairy. adv. 2-20tf Dance at the Isis every Saturday evening. adv. For Sale One force pump, all com plete with 270 ft. of pipe; good as new; cost $115, will take $60, if ta ken soon. Call on O. K. Transfer Co. MONEY TO LOAN "MONEY" The mint makes it and under the terms of the CONTINENTAL MORT GAGE COMPANY you can secure it at 6 per cent for any legal purpose on approved real estate. Terms easy, tell us your wants and we will co-operate with you. PETTY & COMPANY 513 Denham Building, Denver, Colo. May 8-3-mo. WANTED A man to retail Raw leigh Products, town and country. Largest and best Line. One of the oldest and largest Companies in the world. Six Factories and Branches. Products supplied from new Pacific Coast Branch. Quick service, low freight. We want only industrious men, capable of earning $100 and up per month and expenses. Must have means for starting expenses and fur nish Contract signed by 2 responsible men. Address W. T. Rawleigh Co., Oakland, Calif., giving age, occupa tion and references. adv. 3-13. Wanted Clean cotton rags, suitable for wiping machinery. Enterprise of fice. WANTED To sell or trade 258 acres of agricultural land in Long Val ley, Idaho; 2 miles from R. R. station; 1 mile from school; good house with 5 large roomi; 3 good barns and other outbuildings; all land fenced; plenty of paid up water; hot springs on ranch. Will sell and give terms or trade for Malheur county land. Call on or ad dress, Ernest Hite, Westfall, Oregon. March 13-Jul.l3. REWARD $25.00 reward will be paid for in formation leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone taking poles or wire from any of our lines.. Malheur Home Telephone Company Vale and Ironside Telephone Co. DANCE Dance at tho Isii every Saturday evening. adv. KODAK FINISHING KODAK FINISIilNI-Ivelopinp, printing, enlarging. Quick service and first-class work. Price list for the asking. The Uurrell Studio, On tario, Oregon. adv-l-SOlf. .1 U l ltwH r-:" U'vb tf l v. yti Thvie aie aUo those who study Phakvspeaiw lrau he got by with slufT whidi the mails wwulj bar In tli I'j.j.jikh day. W.t 1.4 1 I-.11. if lbs (dd fh- iitni li. nd. I. lilt !i;d Intuits til ll, u (.., At it. U 111 4muIii, fj'lmii'tf Deposit Your Money in the First National Bank of Vale, Ore. and pay all your bills with checks, which is a more convenient way and at the same time es tablishes a credit. In making loans a Bank will always take care of its customers first. Give us your business and we will treat you right. OFFICERS J. S. Edwards, President T. W. Halliday, Vice President C. 0. Nelson, Cashier W. R. Wilkeison, Vice Pres. J. E. Lawrence, Asst. Cashier Drugs by Mail . People in the interior who wish prescriptions or drugs sent by mail should write us. SAFETY FIRST! We sell only pure drugs. There are 1 imitation medicines as well as imita tion gems. The only way you can tell not being a pharmacist is to patro nize a druggist that you can absolute ly trust. You are taking no risk what ever when you send us your mail or ders. We have been in this business for years and can be relied upon. Send us your mail orders. Vale Drug Store PRICES RIGHT GOOD QUALITY PHONE 4 FOR YOUR GROCERIES M. F. GROCERY 100 Per Cent Attention WWJVJ (ti r . r e r ine Best rurnmire ior our customers: :;T. T. The best is none too good for the j patrons of this store, and for the 1 purpose of supplying our custom ers with a class of Furniture that 1 cannot be excelled in beauty, dur ability or perfect workmanship, and at the same time keeping the 1 price at a moderate figure, we 1 have studied the market and fac te ry constantly, and are prepared 1 to give our patrons the best in 1 Furniture at the lowest price. NELSEN IBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB&EBBBBBBBflBBBBBBBBn a H a a n a a H n u u u M U M 13 H a u u u H Hotel Oregon Portland, Oregon and the Hotel Seattle Seattle, Washington cater particularly to the residents of Eastern Oregon. Our rates are low, and we are glad to extend every reason able accommodation. Both hotels are conducted on the European plan. Rooms $1.00 per day and upward. WRIGHT & DICKINSON, Proprietors M a u u u II 11 11 lOEBnDDBBBDDBBBBHHaUBBQaBQaDBBQOOQaasaB ti il n ti ti ii is El ii ti ii u u M M M 11 M H ti ti a sa ii ii ti ii u u ti NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington Street PORTLAND, OREGON Krinodrltl and ffuniLhed throughout. Unquestionably the most centrally lUd house in I'ortlaiwi. W ithin radius of four blocks from our doors are locaUd ticket olfWs of all railroads and steamboat rornpsnles: U banks; I'i theatres and show-houts, 6 dipartrni-nt stores; Chamber of (oiiuiivne; ('oininvrclal Club; tAk I'lub; l'rt-s Club; tuU'raph oincvs; ImmI oltii, I'ublla library; ntUMiuui of art; and all Ihelsrgitat oilue IuIU1miiis t u worlh KjutUting to l In llta iMlt ut tl life of l t'Uy, We ink iw t rharye fur mow" luiever. Our rU am: Uan wlUw.ut bath, II iti aixl ty, llb Ulli II, U) ami up, AuUinnbiL bus uutml Ulii. Caia limn (litUiii tlviu m Imi buUl vwry minuUs. B - - - I I I . .1 I I - - ''I (' !; If II 4 v., If y t i : i. I ' i