Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, April 17, 1915, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    iPagc Two
Your business is just as importantjto you aq John D.
Rockefeller's business if to him. Regardless of the
business you are engaged in or the size of it you
need theadvantage of modern banking facilities
such as we furnish. We invite you to open an ac
count with us and prepare yourself for any unlocked
for adversities that may be born of the present world's
Total Resources over $450,000
We pay 5 per cent on money placed on
time deposits with us for periods
of six and twelve months
M. G. Hope, President
I. VV. Hope, Vice-President.
J. P. Dunaway, Cashier
B. W. Mulkey, Ass't. Cashier.
Leslie L. Hope, Ass't. Cashier
T. W. Halliday.
Geo. E. Davis.
f!nrt)nrnt ion.
L. R. Hawley, J. L. Harrington, Wal
ter Ackermun, Fred M. Pauley, Jas. B.
Cline, C. D. Miller, D. II. Bascom, L.
D. Miller, Conrad Relin, Mary E. Wil
cox, Mabel L. Gautlie, C. O. Vaughn,
Owen Davis, F. G. Avery, Charles R.
Woodworth, Lyle R. Calvert, W. W.
derrick, E. D. Avery, H. W. Hughes,
I). N. Price, Unknown Owner, Daniel
McConnell, F. C. Fuller, T. W. Back-
uie, w. it. jonnson,
Madden, Perry Whitworth, Mabel G.
Avery, E. P. Hull, G. F. Rommo, Thom
as Brackin, J. P. Zeiger, Nina D. Nel
son, J. L. KaufTman, J. E. Roberts,
John Paulson, A. W. Sansbum, J. I
fcimpson, H. J. Bonhana, W. II. Mil
ler, W. Evans, L. J. Boil, Elizabeth L.
Harris, Jessie I). Connell, K. C.
fivner, M. E. Shore, Walter Knitth,
I ! I Ulery, Mrs. T. E. Goodsell, Wra.
K. Ti'-Iiit, Phenie M. Joyner, W. B.
Ii m ( has. C. Deiter, M. E. Butler,
II. 1'. McKnce, Harry M. Williamson,
i:. Zook, Hugh O'Hare, W. B.
Huobst. Joseph Y. Barker, E. M. Wine,
E. Neir, Mrs. Ray Cushmnn, D. W.
Price, I). H. Bandy, F. I'. Kern, F. M.
l inker, Lnckwood & Harding, Orin
' T Davis Michael Rack, Fred Ul
nicr, Clark Wood, Jas. Wycoflf, Henry
Poarce, II. P. McKee, Martha Olson,
Harry R. Gaur, Chas. L. Mason, J. H.
Ilopfrgarlen, Elsie Neir, T. B. Daniels,
V. E. Anderson, Samantha Young, G.
P. Butler, W. 11. Gatwood. W. H. Fid
ler, James H. Murray, Frances II.
Bates, C. II. Schuman, W. H. Barle
mont, Mrs. Fred Armstrong, Mrs. G.
O. Maford, George R. I.adabaugh,
Frank Chandler, H. C. Seism, O. L.
Turn, E. W. Spier, R. C. McKinney,
Clyde V. Chapman, C. C. Emigh, Bar
ker & Joseph, R. Cone, Edward, H. L
Carl, Daisy Wood O'Neal, Guston Har
ri , Helen Snviites, A. S. MiKee,
Dwight S. I.ockett, O. II. Blank, Wm.
O. Snavcly, E. J. Conway, Thos. B.
Cnnnovill, H. B. Elv, D. E. Burley,
l S. Spencer, Fred B. Taft, J. II. Ha
od. Paul Schi oedcr, W. J. Groom, W.
"T, Flora Ni'ttleton, S. A. Simp-
i -!oodtn, Nelson F. Kimball,
Slmllubergcr, Mrs. J. M. Swan,
'1. Stevens, ). McSluny, Elmer E.
, ,ihis (W,nr J-'rickson, Henry Diev
I W. A. I.accoin, Eibin Olson, Frel
" mist-!:;;, Clanna Hickman, N. F
M.ll'll''l. (V H I 'KlMllKi.rltii, liitinia
' ii'son, .a. . i i ui. r.iitli lark, Kit
HopfTgarten, Elsie Neff, T. B. Daniels,
W. E. Anderson, Samantha Young, G.
P. Butler, W. II. Gatwood, W. H. Fid
ler, James II. Murray, Frances H.
Bates, C. II. Schuman, W. II. Barla
mont, Mrs. Fred Armstrong, Mrs. G.
O. Maford, George R. Ladabaugh,
Frank Chandler, S. C. Seism, O. L.
Rum, E. W. Spier, R. C. McKinney,
Clyde V. Chapman, C. C. Emigh, Bar
ker & Joseph, R. Cope, Edward, H. L.
Carl, Daisy Wood O'Neal, Guston Har
ris, Helen Smaites, A. S. McKee,
Dwight S. Lockett, O. II. Blank, Wm.
O. Suavely, E. J. Conway, Thos. B.
Gannovill, II. B. Eby, D. E. Burley,
D. S. Snencer. Vriui R Tmft .T TI !-
wood, Paul Schroeder, W. J. Groom, W.
wycou, riora Nettleton, S. A. Simp
son, C. Taylor, Mrs. Dora S. Lockett,
Philip T. Mooden, Nelson F. Kimball,
H. B. Shallabergor, Mrs. J. M. Swan,
W. B. Stevens, N. McSluny, Elmer E.
Frances, Oscar Erickson, Henry Diev
el, W. A. Laccom, Erbin Olson, Fred
Armstrong, Clanna Bickman, N. F.
Manella, O. B. Chamberlain, Jennie
Hanson, A. W. Hill, Elisha Park, Ed
ward R. Cope, J. T. Nowlin, J. H. Rey
nolds. Chas. Rasor. Wall
Jno. F. Suwers, Charles Veil, Jas. c!
Beam, W. A. Forgery, II. Wade,
wade, 1. A. liarton, George
W. Hayes, James Feagins, J. A. Fel-
ton. C. Fenirins. l,nckwnnil Rrniku.D
John W. Catron, Wm. E. Lees, C. c!
i,airon, .,onrad mien, Frank L. Lock-
woou, i.ieia j. lnckwood, Marquis H.
Lockwool, Charle-s C. Lockwool, Jas.
Y. Barker, Conrad Rehm, and All
Whom it May Concern,
In the name of the State of Oregon
you and each of you are hereby noti
fied that nlxintiff iu lh n.u..o --J
holder of Cprtificntnq nf Dnli
numbored 771, 685, 559, 5(!9, 668, 666,
571 and 654, for unpaid taxes, penal
ty, intere t and costs due and payable
to plainti T for thn vMr 1'IOH iuu,,,i,l
by the Ta Collector of Malheur Coun
ty; t eru icate ino. 771 being dated
October 6, 1914. covering tracts num
bered 1 to 188 inHiiKivn- 'rlir,...
No. 585 being dated December 23,
1913. and coverinir trurt 180. ru-tifl
cate No. 559 beinflf dated December
23, 1913, and covering tract 90; Cer-
iinrnte . ma neing dated December
23, 1913, tnd covering tract 191; Cer.
tifieate N . 5fi8 beincr !nlH TWomk...
23, 1913, md covering tract 192; Cer
tificate N . 5(i5 being dated December
23, UM3, and covering tract 194; Cer
tificate No. 571. bninir rinfM TWaml.
23, 1913, und covering tract 19fi; and
Certificate No. 654 being dated De
cember 2.1, 1913, and covering tracts
197 to 210 inclusive; and that each
of said certificates of delinquency is
a hen and charge upon each several
tract hereinafter described for the scv-
i mi, (. leagms. Lock wood Brothers.
I 'in W. Catron, Wm. E. Lees, C. C.
' vtvon, Conrad Kilen. Frank L. Lock
wood, Clettt .1. Lockwoinl, Marquis II
I ockwood, Charles C. Lock wood, Jas.
Y. Barker, Conrad Rohm, and All
Whom it May Concern,
L. R. Hawley. J. L. Harrington, Wal
ter Ackerman, Fred M. Pauley, Jas. B.
('line, C. D. Miller, D. 11. Ba.scom. L.
D. Miller, Conrad Relin, Mary E. Wil
cox, Mabel L. (iaudie, C. O. Vaughn,
Owen Davis, F. G. Avery, Charles R.
Woodworth, Lyle R. Calvert. W. W.
Herrick. E. D. Awry, B. W. Hughes,
D. N. Price, Unknown Owner, Daniel
McConnell, F. C. Fuller, T. W. Back-
Mitt, W. B. Johnson,
MmhUn, Perry Whitworth, Mabel G.
Avery, E. P. Hall, (J. F. Romme. Thom
ik Brackin, J. P. Ze iger, Nina D. Nel
tn, J. L. KaufTman. J. E. Roberts,
John Pntihon, A. W. Santbum, J. L.
hnnpitoii. ii. J. iiinhana, W. 11. Mil
ler, W. Evan. L. J. Bed, Klitabeth I.
Joyner. M. K. Shore. Walter Knitth,
Fred I'lery, Mr. T. E. GoKle)l, Wm.
K, nlier, Ilienie M. Jovnrr, W. ii.
TuttU, Cbui. ('. Deiler, M. E. Butler,
II. P. MvKht-e. 1 1 mi i y M. WilliMnmoii,
Vi H. Zook, lluuh O'lUre, W. ,B.
ooll, Jom i Y. Haikrr, E. M. W'in4,
V. Neff. Mi liV Cu.lmii.ii, D. W.
I rlre, ). II. iUndy, K. P, Kent, F. M,
inker, I .ink wood A lUrdinr, Omii
), IUvl, Ml. hi. I It.rk, r,, J.
nr, i Urk Wo-.,), J. Wyiuf, llmiiy
j'.ui... II . M-Kr, Martha HI."",
l "iy )l i'll, l . J, J,
Pavnl e to nlmntifr au.i . i
charge upon each several tract taxe
ior me years ljioy, 1910, 1911, 1912
and 1913, in the several amounts here
inafter Kpocined as to each tract, to
gether with interest thereon at the
a1.0. VT JTr.cent ,er "um from
nJoo1 II1f0 fo.r Ux r year
1909; und from April 1, Udl, for tax
es for 1910; and from April 1. 1912.
for taxes for 1911; and from April 1.
1913 for taxes for 1912; and from Ap
nl 1, 1914, for taxes for 1913; and
that whore certificates of delinquency
have been isvued for taxes for years
subsequent to the year 1908, the same
bear interest upon the several am
ounts thereof at 15 per cent per annum
from the date of certificate, and that
there is also due and payable and a
lien und charge upon each several
tract a penalty of ten per cent upon
all taxes delinquent and unpaid and
advertising costs in the sums here
inafter sit forth; that in specifying
the amounts due on each teveral tract
the f ;;!!;?v;",g; !.tu !,iioii re used:
A means anHriiH,; n. means block; IM
means lot or t ...... .
""i ' means tertincate or delinquen
cy; Adv. means advertising rosta; C.
"""I' tVUimhiiia, tU flat of which it
on flU h the ortlce of the County
lerk of the County of M.lheur Conn
ly, Oirgon.
T. I, I.. fs It. , of C, A. to l it Haw
lev, imm, hmvi. ,im; jujo ,.j.
1111. Wit, .ON; pun, ,0'J,
T. I I H. 3. of (' . A. U I I..
Ilairinyton. tx)N y 1 1 wta. Hit UI0
.09. Itfll, .OH: U, liii 9, ot
T 8 I. -i. ll b uf i A ... u' i...
A-kHOi-H, Ui, ,, ui,
.08: 1912, .08: 1018, .0.
i . 4. L. 8, B. 3, of C, A. to Fred M.
Pauley. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1912, .08;
1913, .09.
T. B. L. 7 and 8, B. 3, of C, A. to
Jai. B. Qine. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913,
T. 6. L. 11 and 12, B. 3, of C, A. to
C. D. Miller. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19; 1911,
.16: 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 7, L. 7, 8, B. 4, of C, A. to D. H.
Bascom. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19; 1910,
.16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17: 1913, .18.
T. 8. L. 10, B. 4,of C., A. to L. D.
Miller. 1908, $.21; 1909, .9; 1910, .08;
1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 9. L. 12. B. 12. of C. A. to E. W.
Spier. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1911, .08;
1912, .08: 1913, .09.
T. 10 L. 1, B. 6, of C, A to Conrad
Relin. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1911, .08;
1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 11. L. 4 and 5, B. 6, of C, A. to
Mary E. Wilcox. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1911, .16: 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 12. L. 6. B. 6, of C, A. to Mabel
L. Gaudie. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1910,
.09: 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 13. L. 8. and 9. B. 6, of C, A. to
C. O. Vaughn. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1910, .16; 1911, 16; 1912, .17; 1913,
T. 14. L. 7, B. 7, of C, A. to Mabel
L. Gaudie. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1910,
09: 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 15. L. 8. 9. and 10. B. 7 of C, A.
to Owen Davis. 1908, $.61; 1909, .29;
1910, .25; 1911, .25; 1912, .25; 1913,
T. 16. L. 11, B. 7, of C, A. to F. G.
Avery. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1910, .09;
1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 17. L. 12, B. 7, of C., A. to
Charles R. Woodworth. 1908, $.21;
1909, .10; 1910, .09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08;
1913, 09.
T. 18. L. 1, B. 9, of C, A. to Chas.
R. Woodworth, 1908, $.21; 1909, .09;
1910, .09; 1911, .08; 1812, .08; 1913,
T. 19. L. 4 ad 5, B. 9, of C, A. to
Lyle R. Calvert. 1908, $41; 1909, .19;
1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 20. L. 8 and 9, B. 10, of C, A.
to W. W. Herrick. 1908, $.41; 1912,
.17 1913 .18.
i. 21. L". 14 and 15, B. 11, of C, A.
to E. D. Avery. 1908, $.41; 1909, .79;
1910, 16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913,
T. 22, L. 22 and 23, B. 11, of C, A.
to B. W. Hughes. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 23. L. 24, B. 11, and L. 1, B.
12, of C, A. to D. N. Frice. 1908, $.43;
1909, .19; 1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912,
.17 1913 .18.
f. 24. L. 5 and 6. B. 12. of C. A. to
Unknown Owner. 1908, $.41; 1909,
.18, 1910, .16; 1913, .18.
T. 25. L. 7, B. 12, of C, A. to Dan
iel McConnell. 1908, $.2i: 1909, .10;
1911, .08; 1012, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 20. L. 8, B. 12, of C, A. to Con
rad Rilen. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1910,
.09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 27. L. 6 and 7, B. 14, of C, A. to
F. C. Fuller. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19; 1910,
.16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 28. L. 13, B. 14, of C, A. to T.
W. Backstie. 1908, $.21; 1911, .08; 1912,
.08; 1913, .09.
T. 29. L. 17 and 18, B. 14, of C, A. to
W. B. Johnston. 1908, $.41; 1909. .19:
1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, 17; 1913,
T. 30. L. 21 and 22. B. 14, of C, A.
to Madden. 1908, $.41;
1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913,
T. 31. L. 23 and 24, B. 14, of C, A.
to Perry Whitworth. 1908, $.41; 1909.
.19; 1910, .16; 1911, .16, 1912, .17;
1913, .18.
T. 32. L. 6, B. 15, of C, A. to Mabel
G. Avery. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1910,
.09- 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 83. L. 7, B. 16, of C, A. to E. P.
Hall. 1908, $21.
T. 34. L. 8 and 9. B. 15. of C. A. to
G. V. Romme. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913,
f. 35. L. 12, B. 15, of C, A. to Thos.
Brackin. 1908, $21; 1909, .10; 1911,
.ub; jimz, .oh; iai3, .09.
T. 36. L. 13 and 14, B. 17, of C, A.
to J. P. Zesiger. 1908, $41; 1909, .19;
1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 37. L. 15 and 16, B. 17, of C, A.
to Nina D. Nelson. 1908, $.41; 1909,
.in; II0, .17; 1911, .16; 1912, .17;
1913, .18.
T. 38. L. 17 and 18. B. 17, of C, A.
to J. L. Kaufmann. 1908, $.41; 1909,
.19; 1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17;
1913 .18.
T.'39. L. 19. B. 17, of C, A. to J. E.
Roberts. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1910,
.09: 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913. .09.
T. 40. L. 20 and 21, B. 17, of C, A.
to Jno. Paulson. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913,
f. 41. L. 22, B. 17, of C, A. to A.
W. Sansbum. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09;
1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 42. L. 24, B. 17, of C, A. to J. L.
Simpon, 1908, $.20; 1909, .10; 1910,
T. 43. L. 3, B. 19, of C. A. to H. J.
Bonhana. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1911
08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 44. L. 6 and 7, B. 19, of C, A. to
Unknown Owner. 1908, $.43; 1909, .19;
1910, .16: 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 45. L. 18 and 19, B. 19, of C, A.
to W. H. Miller. 1908, $.41.
T. 46. L. 12, B. 19, and L. 1 and 2,
B. 20, of C, A. to W. Evans. 1908, $.62;
1909, .28; 1910, .25; 1011, .24; 1912,
.25; 1913, .26.
T. 47. I 1 and 2. B. 21, of C, A. to
Unknown Owner. 1908, $.41; 1910, .16;
1911, .16; 1912. .17; 1913. .18.
T. 48. L. 3, B. 21, of C, A. to W.
Evans. 1908, $.21; 1909. .10; 1910, .09;
1911, .08; 1912. .08; 1913, .09.
T. 49. L. 4. B. 21. of C, A. to L. J.
Beil. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1910, .09;
ivii, .u; isuz, .08; 1SJ13, .09.
T. 50. L. 5. B. 21. of C. A. to Eliza-
beth L. Harris. 1908, $.21; 1909. .10;
1910, .08; 1911, .08; 1912. .08, 1913, .09.
T. 61. L. 10, B. 18, of C, A. to
Jesie D. Connell. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1910, .18; 1911, .16; 1912. .17; 1913, .18.
T. 62. L. 8 and 9. B. 21. of C. A. to
K. C. Joyner. 1908. $.41; 1909, .19;
1910, .16: 1911, .16; 1912. .17; 1913. .18.
T. 53. L 19, B. 21. of C. A. to M. E,
Shore. 1908. $.21; 1909. .09; 1910, .09;
1911, .08: 1912, .08; 1913. .09.
T. 64. L 20. B. 21. of C. A. to Wal
ter Knitth. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1910,
.09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 55. L. 21. B. 21, of C. A. to Fred
Ulery. 1908. $.21; 1909, .09; 1910, .09
1911, .08: 1913, .09.
T. 67. L. 1, B. 23. of C, A. to Mrs.
T. E. Goodsell. li'08, $.21; 1909, .09;
1910, .09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913,
T. 64. L. 11 and 12, B. 24, of ' C, A.
to Conrad Relin. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19,
1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 65. L 17 and 18, B. 25, of C, A.
to Unknown Owner. 1908, $.41.
T. 66. L. 19, B. 25, of C, A. to M.
E. Butler. 1908, $.21; 1911, -08; 1912.
Vmtfo 21, 22. and 23 B. 25 of
C, A. to H. P. McKnee. 1908, $.83,
1909, .46; 1911, .33; 1912 .33; 1913 .34
T. 68. L. 6 and 7, B. 27, of C, A. to
Harry M. Williamson. 1908, $.41; 1909,
.19; 1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .1;
T. 69. L. 8, B. 27, of C, A. to E L.
Zook. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1911, .08;
1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 70. L. 1, B. 29, of C, A. to Hugh
O'Have. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1911,
.08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 71. L. 3 and 4, B. 29, of U A. to
W. B. Boobst. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 72. L. 7, 8, 9, 10, B. 29, of C, A.
to Joseph Y. Booker. 1908, $.83; 1909,
.37; 1910, .33; 1911, .33; 1912, .33;
1913, .34. , .
T. 73. L. 11 and 12, B. 29, of C, A.
to E. M. Wine. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 74. L. 22, B. 29, of C, A. to Hugh
O'Have. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10.
T. 75. L. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, B. 30, of
C, A. to E. Neff. 1908. $1.64; 1909, .74;
1910, .65; 1911, .66; 1912, .66; 1913, .68.
T. 7C. L. 4, B. 31, of C, A. to Mrs.
Ray Cushman. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09;
1910, .09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 77. L. 6, B. 31, of C, A. to D. W.
Price. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1910, .09;
1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 78. L. 7, B. 31, of C, A. to D. H.
Bandy. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1910, .09;
1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 79. L. 11 and 12, B. 31, of C, A. to
F. P. Kern. 1908, $.41; 1912, .17; 1913
T. 80. L. 8, B. 31, of C, A. to F. M.
Finker. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1910, .09;
1911, .08: 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 81. L. 10, B. 31, of C, A. to D. H.
Bandy. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1910, .09;
1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 82. L. 20, B. 31, of C, A. to
Lockwood & Harding. 1908, $.21; 1909,
.09; 1910, .09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08;
1913, .09.
T. 83. L. 24, B. 31, of C, A. to Mrs.
Ray Cushman. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09;
1910, .09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 81. L. 21, 22, 23, B. 31, of C, A.
to Orin Jeff Davis. 1908, $.61; 1909,
.28, 1910, .25; 1911, .25; 1912, .25;
1913, .26.
T. 85. L. 1, B. 32, of C, A. to Mi
chael Rack. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1910,
T. 80. L. 6, B. 32, of C, A. to Fred
Ulmer. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1910, .09;
1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 87. L. 9 and 10, B. 32, of C, A. to
Clark Wood. 1908, $.41; 1911, .16; 1912
.17; 1913, .18.
T. 88. L. 11, B. 32, of C, A. to Jas.
Wycoff. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1910, .09;
1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1333, .09.
T. 89. L. 13 and 14, B. 32, of C, A.
to Henry Pearce. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 90. L. 17, B. 32, of C, A. to II. P.
McKee. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1911, .08;
1912, .08; 1913, 09.
T. 91. L. 23 and 24, B. 32. of C, A.
to F. P. Kern. 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 93. L. 3, 4, 5, and 0, B. 33, of C,
A. to Martha Olson. 1908, $.83; 1909,
.36; 1910, .33; 1912, .33; 1913, .34.
T. 94. L. 11 and 12. B. 33, of C, A.
to Harry R. Gaur. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 95. L. 13 and 14, B. 33, of C, A
to Chas. L. Mason. 1908, $.41; 1909,
.19; 1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17-
1913, .18.
T. 96, L. 17, B. 33, of C, A. to J. H.
Hopffgarten. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10:
1910, .09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 97. L. 13 and 14, B. 34, of C, A.
to Elsie Neff. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913. .18.
T. 98. L. 15, N. 34, of C, A. to T. B
Daniels. 1908, $.21; 1909, .00; 1910,
.09: 1911, .09; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 99. L. 16 and 17, B. 34, of C, A.
to W. E. Anderson. 1908, $.41; 1909,
.19; 1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17;
ivia, .in.
T. 100. L. 18 and 19, B. 31, of C, A.
to Samantha Young. 1908, $.41; 1909,
.19; 1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17;
1913, .18.
T. 101. L. 22, B. 34, of C, A. to G.
P. Butler. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1911,
.08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 102. L. 8, 9, 10 and 11, B. 35, of
C, A. to G. H. Gatwood. 1908, $.83;
1909, .38; 1910, .33; 1911, .33; 1912,
.33; 1913, .34.
T. 103. L. 12, B. 34, of C, A. to W.
H. Fuller. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1910,
.09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 104. L. 1 and 2, B. 38, of C. A.
to Jame H. Murray. 1908, $.21; 1909,
.19; 1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17;
1913. .18.
T. 105. L. 3 and 4, B. 38, of C, A.
to Frances H. Bates. 1908, $.41; 1909
.19; 1910, .10; 1911, .16; 1912, .17-'
1913, .18.
T. 106. L. 5, 0 and 7, B. 38, of C, A.
to C. H. Schuman. 1908, $.02; 1909
.28; 1910, .25; 1911, .24; 1912, .26;
1913, .26. '
T. 107. L. 8, B. 38, of C, A. to W.
H. Barlemont. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10
1010, .09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913',
T. 108. L. 9 and 10, B. 38, of C, A.
to Mrs. Fred Armstrong. 1908, ,$41
1909. .19; 1910, .16; 1911, .10; 1112. i
.17; 1913, .18.
T. 109. L. 11, B. 38, of C, A. to Mrs.
G. O. Maford. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10
1911, .08; 1912, .08: 1913, .09.
1'. 110. L. 12, B. 38, of C. A. to
Geo. R. Ladabaugh. 1908. $.21; 1909
.09; 1910, .09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08 '
1913, .09.
T. 111. L. 13, 14 and 15. B. 39. nf
C, A. to W. H. Barlemont. 1908, $('.
1909. .28; 1911, .25; 1912, .25; 1913.
T. 112. L. 4. B. 40. of C. A. to
Frank Chandler. 1908, $.21; 1909 09
T. 113. L. 5 nd 6. B. 40, of C, A
to S. C. Seism. 1908, $.41; 1909 pi-
1910, .1(1; 1011, .16; 1912, 17; 1913, .18'.
T. 114. L. 8. B. 40, of C, A. to O
L. Rum. 1908, $.21; 1911. .08; 1912
.08; 101 3. .09.
T. 115. L. 9 and 10. B. 40, of (,
to B. W. Hughs. 1908. $.41; 1909 !)
1911, .16; 1912, 17; 1913. .18.
T. 116. L. 13 and 14, B. 40, of C. A
to R. C. McKinney. 1908, $.41; 190'
.19; 1911. .10.
T. 117. I.. 15 and 16. B. 40. of C, A
to Clyde V. Chapman. 1908. $.41; 190't
.19; 1910. .10; 1011. .10; 1912. .17.
f t t L) I I ... ....
4. ip. i,. 1 1, ii. or r., a. to
I'SA, B.42.ofC.,A.toE.
P'ffiRS2, B.43 ofC A
to jas Y. Barker. 1908 41
.19; 1910, 16; 1911. -16; 1912. -17
''MIL. land 2. B 41 of C A"
to Guston Harris. 1908, $, 1; 1909,
Hdlmaites3'! $.21; 1H09, .10;
19l1,;2n: i192;nd;2 B 45, of C, A.
to Unknown Owner. 1WM-4.1: nt c
T in i 34 and 5, B. 45, or t,.,
T. 131. -i. L ', 1()ns .gi.
A. to Daisy vvoou " '
roil,. 25; 1912, .25; 1913 .26
mo T .! n AZ ftf C. A. tO O. A.
Simpson. 1908, MMfL1910'
,.o. in ) OB- 1I13. .1)1).
m ioo T m R 45. of C. A. to A.
S.WKee.l9E ;21 ;09, .10; 1910.
,09; 1911, .08; 191A wL1.J "1
rv 10. 1 1! nnrt 12. B. 45. Of C, A.
to Dwight S. Lockett. 1908, $.41: 1909.
.19; 1910, .10; iyu. ll"
1913 IS
't'.'iV,.' L. 1 and 3. B. 46, of ' C, A.
to O. H. Blank. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913,
f. 136. L. 3 and 4, B. 47, of C, A.
to Wm. 0. Snavely. 1908, $.41; 1909,
.19; 1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17;
1913. -18. , . c A
T. 137. L. 5, B. 47, of C, A. to S. A.
Simpson. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1910,
.09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 138. L. 8, B. 47, of C, A. to E.
J. Conway. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1910,
.09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913 .09.
T. 139. L. 9, B. 47, of C, A. to
Thos. B. Gannovill. 1908, $.21; 1909,
.10; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
f. 110, L. 14 and 15, B. 48, of C, A.
to H. B. Eby. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913,
T. 111. L. 1, B. 49, of C, A. to
Hugh O'Have. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10;
1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 142. L. 2 and 3, B. 49, of C, A.
to D. E. Burley. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 143. L. 4 and 5, B. 49, of C, A.
to D. S. Spencer. 1908, $.41; !909, .19;
1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 1 1 1. L. 6, B. 49, of C, A. to Fred
P. Taft. 1908, $.21;1909, .09; 1911, .08;
1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 145. L. 9, 10 and 11, B. 50, of C,
A. to Fred P. Taft. 1908, $.61; 1909,
.28; 1911, .25; 1912, .25; 1913, .26.
T. 146. L. 13, B. 51, of C, A. to J.
H. Hawood. 1908, $.21; 1909, 10; 1910,
.09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 147. L. 7 and 8, B. 52, of C, A.
to Paul Schroeder. 1908, $.41; 1909,
.19; 1910, .16; 1911, .17; 1912, .17;
1913, .18.
T. 148. L. 9 and 10, B. 52, of C, A.
to W. G. Groom. 1908, $.41; 1909, .19;
1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913,
"X T. 149. L. 11, B. 52, of C, A. to
W. Wycoff. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1910,
.09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 150. L. 12, B. 52, of C, A. to
Flora Nettleton. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09;
1910, .09; 1911, .08; 1912, .98; 1913,
T. 151. L. 1, B. 54, of C, A. to Flora
Nettleton. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1910,
.09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 152. L. 2, B. 54, of C, A. to C.
Taylor. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1910, .09;
1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 153. L. 3 and 4, B. 54, of C, A.
to Mrs. Dora S. Lockett. 1908, $.41;
1909, .19; 1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912,
.17' 1913 .18.
f. 151.' L. 7 and 8, B. 54, of C, A.
to Phillip T. Mooden. 1908, $.41; 1909,
.19; 1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17;
1913, .18.
T. 155. L. 1 and 2, B. 56, of C, A.
to Unknown Owner. 1908, $.41.
T. 156. L. 3, 4, 5, and 6, B. 56, of C,
A. to Nelson F. Kimball. 1908, $.83;
1909, .37; 1911, .33; 1912, .33; 1913,
T. 157. L. 14 and 15, B. 56, of C, A.
to H. B. Shallaberger. 1908, $.41; 1909,
.19; 1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17;
1913, .18.
T. 158. L. 23 and 24, B. 56, of C, A.
to Mrs. J. M. Swan. 1908, $.41; 1909,
.19; 1911, .10; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 160. L. 3 and 4, B. 58, of C, A.
to Mrs. J. M. Swan. 1908, $.41; 1909,
.19; 1911, .10; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T. 161. L. 5, B. 58, of C, A. to W.
B. Stevens. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1910,
.09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09.
T. 102. L. 6, 7 and 8, B. 58, of C, A.
to N. McSluny. 1908, $.62; 1909, .28;
1911, .25; 1912. .25: 1913. .20.
T. 163. L. 9, 10, 11 and 12, B. 58, of
( A. to Elmer E. Fiances. 1908, $.83;
T. 104. L. 16. B. 58. of C A rw
ear Erickson. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10;
1910, .09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913,
T. 105. L. 17 and 18. R. 68 f r a
to Henry Diebel. 1908, $.41; 1909, '!l9;'
1910, .16; 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913.
i n.
T. 166. L. 21. B. 58 of C 4 Mr
A. Laccom. 1908, $.21; 1909, .09; 1910,
09; 1911, .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09
i. uu. ii. zz, and 24, B. 58, of C,
A. to Erbin Olson. 1908, S.fij. lonq
28; 1910. .25: 1911. .25- Wo
1913, .20. '
T. 108. L. 2. B. 00. of C A n v.i
Armstrong. 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1910
"9; 1911, .08; 1912. .08; 1913, 09 '
T 109. L. 1, 2, 3. 4, B. 61, of C, A.
to Erbin Olson. 1908, $.83: 1909 37
lj10, .33; 1911, .33;,1912,,.33; ,1913:
. Tl- 17P- h 5 6 and 7- B- 6. ot C. A.
VAP71'LArmrstronL'- 15WR' -6i: 1909,
1913, 26 ' ' U' ,25: 1912' -25:
T.' i-l". L 8. B. 61, of C, A. to Er-
bin Olson. 1908, $.21; l)09. .10- 1910
09: 1911 .08; 1912, .08; 1913. 09 '
r. 1.2, L. 9. B. 01. of C, A. to
l Unna Bickman. 1908, $.21: 1909 00-
;;;;. mi. .os: 1912,'. 08; m
T. 173. L. 10, B. 01 of C A a M
F. Manella. 190S, $.21 1909 ' lo"- 1910
09: 19'OH;19l!;..V8!T9V,1!o91910
n r. ,4i K11, B- of C- A. to O.
B. ( hamherlam. 1908, $.21- 1909 09
1911. .08; U.12. .08; 1913 09 ' '
T. 175. L. 12, B. 61. of C. A. to
Jennie Hanson. 1908, $.21- lq in
to Jno. F. Swe 1908 $ 41 1 1909,
.19; 1910, .16; 1911. .16;
tim L 4 5 and 6, B. 64, of C, A.
to till Feif. 1908, $.62; 1909, .28;
1910; 26; 1911, .25;' 1912, .25; 1913,
T 185 I-. 1. 2 and 3, B. 65, of C, A.
1. IP.). I.. ....'(,, 1000 .27!
to Jas. C. iicam. , iwo,
"L1-5 r'65 ,oVc:a. to W.
A Forgery ' 1908, $.21; 1909, .10; 1910,
ViXlW a.
toWalln'ce Pledger. 1908 ( $41; 1909,
19- 1911, .16; 1912, .17; 1913, .18.
T 189. Ii. 3 and 14, B. 9, of Town
of Nv sa A. to Wade. 1908,
$LK; 1911, 10.01; 1912, 9.43; 1913,
T 190. L. 9, 10, 11 and 12, B. 1, and
16 feet by 50 feet of Town of Jordan
Valley ami L. 3 B. 25, of Eldredge's
Addn. to City of Vale, A. to T. A.
Barton. 1908, $54.72.
T 191. L. 11 nnl 12. R- 1. of skel
ton's Addn. to Town of Wcstfall, A.
to John H. Howard. 1908, $4.06; 1909,
1.20; 1910, 1.28; 1912, 1.68.
T 192. L. 3, 4, 5 and 6, B. 31, of
City of Vale, A. to Geo. W. Hayes.
1908, $13.45. .
T 194. 75 feet bv 120 feet in S. W.
Corner of SWV4 SWi SEU in Sec.
29 Tp. 19 S., R. 47 E. W. M., A. to
C.'Feagins. 1908, $2.21.
T. 196. SWU NEW, W SEW n
Sec. 19, Tp. 17 S., R. 41 E. W. M., and
NW'4 NE14 in Sec. 30, Tp. 17 S., R.
11 E. W. M., A. to Jas. C. Kelsay.
1908, $35.03; 1909, 55.21; 1910, 27.92;
1911 34.50; 1912, 27.53; 1913, 29.39.
T. 197. All of Sec. 25, Tp. 30 S., R.
42 E. W. M., A. to C. C. Catron. 1908,
$31.80; 1909, 26.04; 1910, 15.44; 1911,
15.12; 1912, 16.00; 1913, 50.81.
T. 198. All of Sec. 33, Tp. 30 S., R.
42 E. W. M., A. to C. C. Catron. 1908,
$31.80; 1909, 26.04; 1910, 28.66; 1911,
15.12; 1912, 16.00; 1913. 33.41.
T. 199. SEVi NE'4, SEV4 and EH
SW'i, SWU SW',i of Sec. 21, Tp. 29
S., R. 45 E. w. M., A. to u. J. matron.
1908, $15.90; 1909, 13.02; 1910, 7.72;
1911, 7.56; 1912, 8.00; 1913, 25.63.
T. 200. All of Sec. 25, Tp. 29 S., R.
15 E. W. M., A. to C. C. Catron. 1908,
$31.80; 1909, 26.04; 1910, 15.44; 1911,
15.12; 1912, 16.00: 1913, 51.26.
T. 201. All of Sec. 27, Tp. 29 S., R.
15 E. W. M., A. to C. C. Catron. 1908,
$31.80; 1909. 26.04; 1910, 15.44; 1911,
15.12; 1912, 16.00; 1913, 51.26.
T. 202. EH, EMsW'i and WHSWV.,
SW'4 NWU of Sec. 29, Tp. 29 S., R.
45 E. W. M., A. to C. C. Catron. 1908,
$29.81; 1909, 24.41; 1910, 14.48; 1911,
14.18; 1912, 15.00; 1913, 48.06.
T. 203. All of Sec. 31, Tp. 29 S., R.
15 E. W. M., A. to C. C. Catron. 1908,
$31.80; 1909, 26.04; 1910, 16.98; 1911,
16.63; 1912, 17.60; 1913, 53.80.
T. 204. WVz of Sec. 33, Tp. 29 S.,
R. 45 E. W. M., A. to C. C. Catron.
1908, $15.90; 1909, 13.02; 1910, 7.72;
1911, 7.56; 1912, 8.00; 1913, 25.63.
T. 205. NV2 and NWV4 SEV4, NMs
SW'4 of Sec. 35, Tp. 29 S., R. 45 E.
W. M., A. to C. C. Catron. 1908, $20.87;
1909, 17.31; 1910, 10.62; 1911, 10.50;
1912, 15.00; 1913, 87.26.
T. 206. All of Sec. 21, Tp. 30 S., R.
45 E. W. M., A. to C. C. Catron. 1908,
$31.80; 1909, 26.04; 1910, 15.44; 1911.
15.12; 1912. 16.00; 1913, 93.98.
T. 207. NW4 NW',4 of Sec. 27, Tp.
30 S., R. 45 E. W. M., A. to C. C. Ca
tron. 1908, $1.99; 1909, 1.63; 1910, .97;
1911, .95; 1912, 1.00; 1913, 3.20.
T. 208. All of Sec, 29, Tp. 30 S., R.
45 E. W. M., A. to C. C. Catron. 1908,
$31.80; 1909, 16.02; 1910, 15.44; 1911,
15.12; 1912, 16.00; 1913, 136.70.
T. 209. All of Sec. 33, Tp. 29 S., R.
46 E. W. M., A. to C. C. Catron, 1908,
$31.80; 1909, 62.16; 1910, 15.44; 1911,
15.12; 1912, 16.00; 1913, 136.70.
T. 210. All of Sec. 35, Tp. 29 S., R.
46 E. W. M., A. to C. C. Catron. 1908,
$31. 80; 1909, 16.04; 1910, 15.44; 1911,
15.12; 1912, 16.00; 1913, 87.26.
That all of the above property is
situated in Malheur County, Oregon.
That the following named persons
claim some interest in the tracts here
inbefore described, to-wit: Tract No.
189, J. A. Felton, Lockwood Brothers,
Frank L. Lockwood, Cleta J. Lock
wood, Markus II. Lockwood and
Charles C. Lockwood; Tract No. 190,
H. Wade; Tract No. 194, James Fea
gins; Tract No. 196, Wm. E. Lees;
Tracts Nos. 197, 210 inclusive, C. C.
That all of the ApUnA
named and all persons interested or
wnom u may concern, are hereby no
tified that nlaintiff will onnlv t tVio
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for a decree foreclosing the liens
against the property above described
and mentioned
... uv.u v.w ktnvuvva c 1 114
each and all thereof, and you and
eacn oi you are nereby turther sum
moned to appear within sixty days
after the first, nnhli
mons, exclusive of the date of the first
puDiicauon, ana defend this action or
nav the amount Huo no cknum
together with costs and disbursements
herein and accruing interest and costs,
and in case of your failure to do so,
a decree will he rumloro.i f,.i:
the liens of said taxes interest, pen-
iw unu expenses against the
several tracts of land above described.
inPrate of first Plication, March 27,
All Drocess and ninnn in
ceeding may be served upon W. II.
yiuue ai ma onice ana post office ad
dress at Ontario, Oregon.
1)ic. A it
Mar. 27-May 29.
T. 176. L. 17. R. 62. of C A to A
W. Hill. 1908, $.21; 1909 09.
08; 1912. .08; 1913. .09.
T. 177. L. 18, B. 02. of C A t
Klisha Park. 1908. $721- 109 in"
'i:,10- -O-': 1911, .08; W. .oS;'l913.
i onraa Ivenm. 1908, 21; 1009, .Jo-
T. 58. I 5, B. 23. of C. A. to Wm. ' ,"S 'Ml. .; 1912. .08;, T. 178. I., i-i, 0 nd "1 B p t
E. IWh-r, lan. $.21; 1509. .10; 1910. "'L, .... , , , C. A. to Edward R. C. pe 1008 fiV'
.09: 1911 .08; 1912, .08; 1913, .09. I J- . 2. 13 and 14. B. 41, I'MKi .js; P.MO. .25; i "S ' h V
T. 69. L 3 and 4. B. 23. of C. A. to ?' A- u 1 Kmigh. loos. .o-.'; .25; I'.i.j, :.(! ' ' u' -ft' l9l-'.
Phenie M. Joyner. 1908. .41; lOOt). .19; I ;,1,!'JJj 1910, .33; 1911, .H.l; 191 2. .3.1; j T. 179. 1,. 22 and "8 B ,tt r a
1910, .16: 1911. .16; 1912. .17: 1913. .18 P' '?, , . , to J. T. Nowlin ihw i
W. R. Tuttle. IWH. 141: IDOt). .!. IUrkr 4 J.ii.i. 1mh. f: !...). hi ' ' U' ,l ' lM" 11 "913.
Saturday, April
tt tttitrn rvTirnp f i
111J Ull kJ J -- . . i
i I 1
' , ., , , , . i - 1 ' 1 I
Trader's Day
.vciy nq Saturday
List your horseTT55'
days before Sale to
enable manager to
write to the buyan
W. G. Norton
T. T. Nelsen
Funeral Director
I Carry a Fine Line of
Undertaking Supplies
Hearse Service
Licensed Embalmer
0. K. Transfer Co.
Office Phone 29; Res. 34
All Orders Promptly Filled
Rooms 3-4, I.O.O.F. Bldg.
Vale, Oregon
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
Nelsen Building
Land Office Practice Land Scrip Real EiUte
Nelsen Building
Will Practice in All Courts
Money to Loan on Improved Farmi
Rooms 13-16 Wilson Bldg
Ontario, Oregon
Physician and Surgeon
Nelsen Bldg., Vale, Oregon,
Physician and Surgeon
Offices over Vale Drug Store
Dr. Pauline Sears Dr. Chas. A. Seart
Dr. Pauline Sears is graduate of Amer
ican School of Osteopothy, KirKi
ville. Mo., Dr. Chas. A. Sear? from
the Los Angeles school.
Office over Vale Drug Store
Nelsen Bldg.
Vale, Oreito"
Civil Engineer . .
(Member Oregon Society Engine
Vale, Malheur County, Oregon
Land, Ditches and Reservoir 2w
Township Plats $1.00
Write Me for other Information
Every person down in
his heart
knows that booze is awful. Why et
en the rough-necks deplore the ne
that their favorite prize fighter
taken to boozing.
ItUl. im. .17: IMS. .1M. ;'. ; U'li. ..'. .,7. T. , , , .,
T. til. 1.- II lf II on.t if II "'I ..I I'"". .1". ... I II 1. ... .. ". A.
...17 1010, ..13: Mi VVi I'A'.M"' " I1""'. ! '' . 'il ' ' 6' m'
. una . .11: 11 TI lull it. ..... .... r ..
"'i iii . a. ' ..I, I.
The Real Estate Hustler
Alfalfa, wheat and stock farms
for sale. Homestead locations.
I have some good alfalfa farms
as low as $50 an acre, 3 and 4
miles from Vale, Plenty ot water. U V" J
want to sell, list your property with inc. "
you want a bargain in anything, b me. I
v,u, .
T. 14:. I.
IS. II V'l. ,.f v., A. Iu Ifn 11
knoM l)h,r. I !, Jli IVIU, .OU; T I.M I f'. Ii, 7 tu k ,,f ll i.
"i ii, .. ia, ou. ',a .i.i ii i c.i u..m ;.,.,
T mi ) M lo, H f r , a I :ii I'"", :h, h-ii, .i, i n u
i rut, r. (uoti, fi; iio '
li IHI, M, I IMS. If, I oil, if. j I ,-& If, ,7i , ..,
I 1, H iV.i. i,t IV A ... i l...
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trade for anything, sell everything.
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