iWalfjcur nterprfee Malheur Enterprise Pub. Co. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. Subscription pr..e $2.00 a year Entered as second-class matter in the Post office at Vale, Oregon. Saturday, Oct 17, 1914 THE DEVIL AND US. The devil has kicked up a peach of a row in Europe, and now he has his designs upon lis, Things are moving hi3 way across the pond, but he is not satisfied with the attitude of you and of the rest of us. He wants to see more brim stone. He wants things to happen here in America. He is not content with, gorg ing himself with the life blood of the unhappy millions, abroad He would sow the seed of dis cord among the people of for eign nations who have sought homes on our hospitable shores, who have adopted our flag and our country as their own. He whispers in pur ear that the Germans are fiends, and the English pigs, and the French rascals. He bids" us argue with our ' neighbor and denounce the coun try from whence he came, and traduce the people who perchance are his ancestors, whose blood flows in his veins. He bids us proclaim from the . housetop and on the streets and in the homes that the nation which may have our sympathy is in the right; and that the people of all others are vipers fit only to be exterminated. He bids us exert ourselves in the stirring up of strife and rac ial passions among our own . peo ple, to the end that we of Amer ica may meet the same fate that has overtaken our brothers be yond the seas. He would feast upon the blood of our own fair land. He the devil would beguile us unto our own undoing. But there is a greater and w ser Being who counsels calm ness, and moderation, and con sideration, and compassion; who bids us speak gently of all peo pies, that malice and hatred and dissention may not be engender ed in the hearts of our citizens that we may safeguard the peace of our.own country, even though all the rest of the world be led astray. God warns us that we walk in the shadow of peril. . Shall we cast the devil adrift Shall we' keep America free from entanglements by curbing our tongues? God assents. The devil dissents. What say you? populated, and for every job worth the having there are ma ny applicants. Today, as we write this arti cle, every city in the country is groaning under the burden of its unemployed. Many hundreds o thousands of people are without bread and wholly dependent up on charity. This is the condi tion of the great cities today- condition which should not ap peal to any intelligent young man from the farm. The farm offers the young man a life of honor, and o peace, and of plenty. The glare of the electric ligh offers him all that he should not have. Young men of wisdom should stick to the farm. Fools have no wisdom to lose, The Health Commissioner Gold water should aspire to establish a system by which every man, woman and child in the city shall submit at least once a year to a thorough physical . examina tion goes to prove that he i3 a man of courage. But the charm ing tneory mat ne is engag ed in nursing will go to smash at the first encounter with pub lic opinion, because people wil not consent to the form of an noyance he proposes. New York World, July 20. 1914. ESTIMATES UNRELIABLE Contractor's Proposal Val ueless in the Absence of Specifications. B o n d s May be Enjoined. STICK TO THE FARM, With winter coming on, and the crops safely harvested and stowed away, many young men of the farms will be casting longing eyes toward the great cities. They would leave the green fields and their pleasures and seek the glare of the electric lights and the allurements of the great white way. They would taste of the great cr life. And therein lurks the most haunting peril that confronts our country today, for the n;v tion is dependent upon the farm er. Our population is increasing by leaps and bounds, and mil lions of additional mouths must be fed each year. From the soil of the farms must come the produce which sustains life and body for the countless thousands who throng the cities. And year by year young men of the country are leaving the farms to seek their fortunes in the human bee hives. And each one who forsakes the farm reduces the producing capacity of the country, although our constantly increasing impu tation calls for greater farm pro duction. Young men of braina are need ed on the farm. Their presence there means much to their coun. trya thousand times more than they real in. The city ottVm but one chance In a liundrH for ueccss, for ev ery Urye city j ulrutdy uvtr The citizens have now received the proposed plans for the county court house as well as a proportion from contractor to erect the proposed building for $25,000 and which la tlie architects estimate, i To the uninitiated, as almost every citizen must be, an or this nlay seem regular and in order. To a builder It Is all a huge Joke. We take great pleasure In submitting a few Ideas on the subject for the consideration of the voters. As to the architects estimate: The architect's estimate Is made to get the job, that Is to obtain the job of making the plans and superin tending the construction, amounting to 5 per cent of the cost. In this enso, $1,250 leaving $23,750 for the building. . . . Tlu'so architects have become no torious In submitting propositions and afterwards making the building cost more, or cutting out good ma terial anil substituting poor. Two Instances where both have boon done are immediately at hand: The Iloiso state house and the Methodist church building at Caldwell.. Other instances are at nana and worse but these will sufllco at this time To help things along it is custo mary to have a contractor put in bid that he will build the bulldln for the price. NEITHER ONE are bound under this proposition. xj,e architect will have the owners make some necessary change which Imme dlatoly absolves them under the law their plans can never be so perfect but what this can be, and always will be done. ine contractor Is In NO WAY uouna. When the time comes to build or let the contract to build THE LEAST CHANGE PERMITS withdrawal of the bid. In the present instance, there are no specifications MADE PUBLIC, j general statement of the size of th building and the rooms Is absolutely meaningless. i'. very taxpayer has the plans and may think he has the spectflca tlous. at .hand, let him take them nd see If he can find out the fol lowing: or what material U th CORNICE?" What is the quality of the glass used in the windows? What Is the depth and width of the FOl'NnATlOXS? Of what charae ter la the plumbing and sanitary system? Do the plans show a hollow wall for vaults? AVhat is the meaning f the words "up to date methods most approved," "scientific?" meso Questions are only a few that can be asked and EVERY nvir - ........ ... v. v ID U U1V contractor before he can make Did with intelligence. Anything will do for a guess, particularly If there Is an UNDERSTANDING im, iu rcbitect. ;ow let us, undorsUud another matter: Suppose there should be a chauge which Increased the cost of the bulKUug and the contractor re fused to to oi for th reason that THE CIlANtiK WAS MADE BIT It- SKyvK.vr to ins pkoidsau who will jy the difference? 8up po, th county commUnionerc fiud lhl they are ttln a cheap anl orthlnt bullJliiM What will they do aud who will pay? We toittluuu o show )oi4 Ua falUilii d( Ihu tuUre Iraiuat'lUia Mlli yulmlt i4, aiUUUBt uf um'uisU .UK Hut iil) inn, u.U.,1 t:uij tut touuiy ( ( removed you taxpayers cannot do as the kins; of France. The king of France went up the hlU with 20.000 men: the kins; of France came down the hill with 20,000 men. You can go up the hill, my friends, but you cannot come down, you must continue to climb and pay not only your own taxes, but the taxes of the men who are trying to Induce you to perform a treach erous act for their benefit and your loss. Again Mr. Taxpayer, suppose that It should prove Illegal for the city of Ontario to Issue the bonds and the voters have removed the county seat? There are many decisions that bear out this statement, late decisions, since the passage of the "Corrupt Practice" acts. Who will pay the bills for a new court house? The county seat being removed with in 90 days and the bonds failed who will pay for the removal, rents, And new (buildings? Ontario has plenty of money, they have saved It out of their taxes, and if we "wait a few years per haps they will not only build the building, move the records and Jail cells but give us a decent building and pay the salaries of the officials for a number of years." This lat ter thought was expressed by a prominent citizen at Dead Ox where Messrs. Lees and Homan made a canvass the other day. DIADOLUS. WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR BOOTH Republican Candidate for United States Senator MALHEUR ENTERPRISE r . . " i .m Mi.'iiiJ!iwpi-i,i.wiatMUM8i,il-aaw 1111 -O. Many a Me : Square A POINT OF Are you better off now than you were under a Republican administration? Are you satisfied? If you believe in the principles of the Republican Party, if you are convinced that these princi ples are best for the country, then prove it by voting for your standard bearer. Robert A. Booth, Republican candidate for the United States Senate. You know that under Republi can presidents the people of the United States have good times. You know that under Demo cratic presidents you have Dem- I cratic times. Remember the prosperity un der McKinley, Roosevelt and aft. Remember the conditions un der Cleveland and Wilson. The issue in this campaign is not one of personality. It is not one of non-partisanship. It is a question of whether you prefer any state school money loaned on DroSDeritv under Rentihlir-an nrl. lands under the project, ana saia ministration. that be,n tnf T . ; r i . , . could enter me ngni hi uuan. "i iTu you nave enougn worKf thgk -. i found that there Are your wages good.' IS your were two such loans and wrote the business what you want it to be? Governor to that effect, I inclose If vnu dpo BnficfioI wlfVi r..a herewith cony of my letter to the ' 11 j j. if Governor and his reply to the same H L is spoiled in the making. Inferior Flour, poor Groceries, any kind of Foodstuffs that are a little ''off " may spoil an otherwise perfect repast. Some grocers MAKE IT HONOR never to sell an article that is "off." They build up a reputation from which they are inseparable. It is one of their most val ued assets in business. We are of that class. YOU KNOW IT. OTHERS OUGHT TO KNOW IT FOR THEIR OWN SAKES. If you are not a customer already try us. i t Malheur Forwar VALE ding Co. OREGON :' a you believe that the present sit- I have two other letters from ftnvArnnr Wnst. one Of Which I Eave uation IS better than under Mc- to Mr. A. A. Reed and I cannot lo Kinley, Roosevelt and Taft, you cate the other at this time but l know what, tn An think that the data we .have will The wav to hrincr nrnsnpritv i f " covr the case to date rf - o r - - j .w have always suspected this. And are happy to have it confirmed by high authority. J. R. Hlackaby appeared on the scene Saturday and nave evidonc.' mediately admitted citizens of an other state, with older orchards and older irrigation systems to competition and saw that they got the premiums. Malheur citizens showlns that the Carter house block I cannot compete in the other state, and lots were over-assessed at the The fair proved a failure. ON followlng valuation: Lots 8-0-10, TARIO immediately whined and to help elect a Republican Sen-I ate. The Republican candidate in Oregon is R. A. Booth. mi n 1 inis is a uepuDiican year. Vote the ticket straight. (Paid adv. Republican State Central Com. Imperial Hotel, Portland, Or.) GRAND STAND PLAY EXPOSED : Ontario Club Tries to Steal Thunder.-Govemors let ter Given Below. I am not looking for any glory In this but simply took the matter up In behalf of the settlers with the governor. Yours very truly, HARRY FLY NX." State of Oregon, Executive Depart ment, Salem, September 18th, 1914. Mr. Harry Flynn, Brogan, Oregon, Dear Sir: I wish to thank you for yours of the 17th Instant, calling my attention to the and loans from the school fund. I have looked up the matter nd find that you are rightly inform ed as to these two loans. 1 will endeajror to use them as a means of giving your people state aid In your light Bgalnst the Willow River Purchase. Very truly yours. OSWALD WEST." Block 5, at $5,500; Improvements $S,040; total $14,140. The Drexel Hotel at Vale assessed at $21,3C0. Here, my farmer friends, is one reason why your taxes are so high. Ontario men are NOT PAYING on a just valuation. This same man owns some 3 50 lots, under-assessed, which he is asking YOU to hel; make saleable at a high figure. Will you do It? CARTER HOUSE UNDER-VALUED ONTARIO CLUB MALIGNS VALE Vale has a Perfect Water System, Worth all it cost; Ontario is Continually Calling for County Aid. To the Editors of the Enterprise, Vale, Oregon. called a special election and through the complaisance of the good citi zens drew down $13,000. The spe cial election cost $2,500. Moreover it has been proved through examination of the records that Vale and the FARMERS are paying taxes on a far greater rela tive VALUATION than is ONTAR-i IO. Thus it is PROVED that ON TARIO has been a BENEFICIARY and that YALE has been a GIVER. In one breath their club offers to move the JAIL, the same jail they have declared worthless and in ine next build NEW jails ALL is of the opinion that when Malheur county has a NEW court house it should cost and be worth $150,000, but Vale thinks .that this present court house will do very well until that time comes. They '"-it there is no necessity for TH'n ......u . ...v- .-.,1111 niiin nouses as are . Imposed and VALE AS WELL AS wu.KKS KNOW THAT THE PRO ! POS.M. of the ONTARIO COMMER CIAL t'LI'H IS SIMPLY TO GET 1 ne 1 tu .M Y Drogan will commence real ship ment of produce during the en suing year. The work of the past years will then commence to show. I There haa been some difficulty be tween the settlers and the Willow river comoanv and the nuitor U nnm I -. - - 1 u the courts and will probably oe A OM f niorlaU A Ja this connection the Enterprise commented somewhat strongly upon he tld for votea made by the On ario Commercial Club and belon we raouau connrmauon or our tatements at that time. In a circular letter sent out with the plans and alleged specifications Lees Investigated by the Officers. Once more e are compelled to .h.Anl.il. m failure In H II A I nd liv The atate hai the ..me Privilege!, wnom we are amS(a that have the other settlers, and tbey are entitled to give tholr quota ( ankUtauce in court costs and ex petuei. Mr. riyun. at the Insistence the Urogan Commercial Club on behalf of the aettlere, vlltJ Gov. Vt and later corrpondd with him. The rorrecpondence follows: "Uroaan, Ore. (VI. , . Kdiuir fuiaipilf, Val, Oivgon, of associating. Once more has the bright Oregon un circled the hUh heavens, shedding Its glory alike on the Jut and the unjust, and we must acknowledge defeat In our high purpose. l.at week e hoJ up ome of whet we pieumd to be r. uielbeuiatli a error In cr l of III tatr. kp)vt 11 ( OllUlM ns as present as t'Vidonce an.i ihn ,. , . ..v j ur I'Vcry public building of evrv n the statu le nad faith of th COMMERCIAL CLlil. VALE TAXPAYER. :o,l for countv ONTARIO l. U.M M I I TED .in,1 thxt "' iM WILL EVENTUALLY HE ;FAIt MORE THAN $150,000. Vale -'ei.s tae past of the two tow the ..resident f th.. ,.,...., V 1 ule-v the l"' v , Hu t IIIPIT .il 1... ..... .-.. ,.i uuu mis uiu in, i,.01,;t, about many things that VALE was about to do. thlnii Mm. v v 1 i- was to do later ami has sneeriniv alluded to the indebtedness of VALE In Judging what a community ni do In the future It is ouly fair that what the community has dune should be considered. YVL1-; Mit!t the present court house. VALE Ins neer rwoivel one p.iniv of i ). NATION in return. VALE expended a ei l n . e sum for water teni. . ui I.,,-,. tn. vestment for u tn of h. 1 hU.. WHY? Hei.lll.Mi the rmmu h,.4, located iii Vale aud I lie ,ii, n, conM.ied it due to the plioi'i.i; it 1 111. uii . 1 y t!iUt tl,i 1 WATt:i mnVlrut io, riiii.w ftii pmpitec. I'll) t nit II I i4k ol JUNTURA BEATS ONTARIO VALUE The Tax Dodder Does not Uve up the Line, so Say KiTords. th. be ill I J Ul I) Mailt ua U . wr Mr,--1 lulu Ihal (he artW'le IM tuvy a oiu Itul l!u wviw!o 1-1. ml . u u ta k. i'Uln H!f tluvcruor Wril iu- wra.tti. I, Juipliug Ihal ',U - Nu M 1 A It I. n,u vuM rul la fete liila thai I laiih ui fi pnli wmiu moi onto) ii.ii.j 1. ,j. , , stiU . It itMli iu4 e If I lift a wai'lliau lUvti OulsHa LwlJIuiti v luu.i 1.1,, . i.l.j , 1.1 I' I I a :, 1 1 " ' f 1 4k .In I " -I .III Ulll ! li III .4 I I ) l .it I lll.ll . I , I t '!i niaiili klBMii. lilt 1 ltn U ulllral. inn. '"e ....l,i ,. 4jkB, ' "' 1 u 'l"Hl III! Jill " ' ' Ul till. ' ' 1 I ' I n il paper to longer misrepresent them. Dream that the high plane adver tised by the Argus as one on which they were standing was not the out come of finding that they were avoiding their taxes which the farm ers were compelled to make good. (Argus assessment $500; Enter prise $1,650). Arising and examining the books we found the astounding fact that Vale was not the only Malheur county town with property far more valuable than Ontario prop erty. The Juntura Investment company has some 920 lots assessed at $26, 755, and some 700 'acres of acreage property, cut into 5 or more acre lots assessed at $21,880. The On tario Townslto company (whose heads are fighting day and night to convince citizens that a bribe is honest and to be just Is to give to Ontario) have some 915 lots assessed at $12.20 per lot. Most of these latter are In the beautiful River side Addition, (road land.) Here then is the supposed new county seat of Davla county, Jun tura, assessed at $29.00 per lot, J. M. P. Corson at Vale $20.00 and the rand-stand players at Ontario only $12.20 per lot. We cannot suppose that they mean that we are associating with one of the men who wander almost alone on a "high plane of .honor." As for the comment that the tax dodger Uvea In Vale we remark that there MAY be one or two In Vale, but VALE is not, HAS not, WILL NOT pose. It's the Ontario grand-stand real esate man that proposes to pose, HAS proposed to pose, and we presume WILL pro pose to -poe on a "high plane of honor." DIABOLUS. Poeta hava vtundad the wicked ness of the world in comparing the evil with the good. Therefore, in order to find support against ruth less spoliation and unbounded avar ice we have but to examine iu pages of divine inspiration. i" the poet state the case between Vale and Ontario: With ihla thera truti. In my most lll-ompoed affection, men A ktaunchltfss avarice, that, were I a u. I should tut off the noble (or H"" lauds; llr hu Jl, u4 H'U olltr li'itiko; Aul in in. iiu tistljie uuM l i" Uiaku l.iti buUKir '! 1 H"1 ' l.liulj IwlM ij'intuli uujul a a 1 (i st lt i"iA e'H .! 4 LiJl.v) K.(lvjl4 (ltu v tliu FOl ch.on orise r hie clain atth