Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, October 17, 1914, Image 1

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    YALE, Core of the "New Empire of tke West"
6fl, Irrigated Farm and Fruit Lands
The Banner live Stock County of The United State)
um- nr.
i if
VOL. 5. NO. 45
K m
p. M. Brogan Foresees Vast Garden
on Willow River
Yale citizens have advanced the
rale-Oregon company $20,000 to
(ommence work on the Bully Creek
(jstem. Work has been commenced
iod everyone is greatly pleased over
that fact. D. M. Brogan Is In thi
ist arranging details for the con
(fouance of the work. This amount
till carry the worn unui me east
ml T 1
n,nnpv s reaay. inus vaie
Cl 11 U J
puts up money to build while On
urlo is spending thousands to pull
Stress is laid on some action that
i.. .linrrari tn Viqvo taken, to
ilnder Mr. Brogan in the past and
fonder why .ne tanes vaie
'itd friendship now. We are in a
Lsitlon to state the facts. First,
rile never opposed Mr. Brogan. As
jj Ontario there are men who talk
ightingly of any successful pro-
Mr. Brogan has dreams, dreams
. . ,
iat are constructive, areams mm
HOL'LD make him some money if
irrled out, but whether they do or
.. . . ...m -AA mllllnnn
to tneir success w" .....-
j the assessed valuation of Malheur
anty and make Vale a great town.
toy times nas sir. uroguu nam,
fc'lllow River will some time oe
.1 a Pnmlli. nil DVAFV
vast earueii. j idwuij uu
l acres, cattle on the hills, fruit
a the benches, cows and hogs ana
rain on the valley land, prosperity
wrvwhere. It is my hope and
neat desire to accomplish this. Op
inion and litigation has held us
to on Willow River, hard times
md . Canadian influence .has hin
iered us on Bully Creek, but some
SOME DAY, it will come; all
can do is to work unceasingly to
ward that end. Success- will sureiy
tome if we keep earnestly at work."
"Vale," said Mr. Brogan, has a
world under her control wnen me
lime comes. Today she must fight
i stronger Adversary for her very
life, but the future is bright. Fruit,
corn, alfalfa, cattle and hogs will
sometime settle all scores."
Mr. D. M. Brogan has returned
!rom Philadelphia and is smiling at
.he fact that work is going on and
Hl eastern trip has been successful
ind settlers may hope that next
season will see them with at least
nter enough to prove tip with.
The $20,000 raised by Vale to
itart the work has proved great
Mo to Mr. Brogan in ma work
ast. , Confidence shown in the pro
tect by advancing so large a sum
ihila In tho nilddln of a fiKht for
Me had much to do with his pres
ent success.
While her enemies were putting
d offering to
irlbe the entire county, while On
Urio ringstors were devising ways
id means to pull down a neighbor,
"seising every individual In the
town that would stand for it in
fder to get money to destroy an
'tiicr town, vale quietly finds funds
help finance a project that will
H milliniw nf rl11ura in rirrula-
-.ii. w . - -
,"0. put thousands of acres unde'
tultlvatlon and fill the valley trom
'tfall to Jamieson and Vale with
BroRan, Oct. 13. To the Enterprise
I believe that to move the county seat
from Vale to Ontario would be a seri
ous mistake and it would be especially
detrimental to the people of the Wil
low River Valley as we are fruit rais
ers and must look to our neiehborimr
town for a market for much of our
product. The better and larger town
Vale becomes the more of our fruit
they can and will use. While Ontario,
being located so near the Idaho line
and the fruit districts of Payette and
Fruitland. naturallv buv their fruit and
supplies from those places and cater
particularly to the people across the
Snake to our disadvantage.
Their basis of comparison always
seems, both as to prices, quality, etc.,
to be the Payette bench.
Human nature if naturally inclined
to be selfish, and we feel like assisting
the people and locality that help us and
whatever we do to assist and build up
Vale must indirectly helD Brogan and
the Willow River Valley and increase
the value of our property.
In a new country like ours it is very
necessary, to achieve success, to all
pull together, to build up, not tear
own, and I am selfish enough to think
that our first and best efforts should be
towards the building up, developing
and advertising Malheur County and
not our neighboring state.
There seems to be many reasons why
Vale should retain the county seat,
outside the natural one of right and
The only reason that Ontario has ad
vanced, I think, is they want it, and,
aa an inducement for support, offers to
build a court bouse at a cost of $30,000.
Of course, this could only be a tem
porary arrangement, for if Malheur
county grows as we all anticipate, and
hope, it will very shortly be necessary
to put up a court house very much Iar
crer. and I. for one. believe that the
taxpayers of Malheur county will be
willing to build thur own court house
and have become great enough not to
ask for donations, and in the meantime
think the one at Vale will do very nice
ly until that time arrives.
Mrs. L. G. Willis.
v I fcounrY ATTORNEY is)
oy a
town that helps to
country In order to
There is suniething for the tax-
Wyer to nondpr nvpr Will VOU
''P destro
Hid up
'H ft timn that alwava nulla
40,11 Will you continue to give
t coterie of rlngsters who have
,rn bold in their success and are
' o puffed with pride and bo In
herent to th0 rights of others
lht they boldly offer a bribe to
lest men and women? The
uair has presented them with
'1!.00 and a 2.000 bill In
ar to jo it. xow they want the
county turned over to them.
J ctlon .f thl8 aggregation of
fc th at the expense of
'ttMr. thtir insufferable pride re-
lm""'-'ii: He that li proud,
P llm-n if; .ri,je , n, own
( f bl u inimpat, hU own
wi . '"ver ltraUos lt
In II ..
" l uvour the oJ
IS $100,000,000
London. Germany has Imposed a
fine of 2,000,000 ($100,000,000) on
Antwerp as a war Indemnity.
The population of Antwerp Is about
292,000. The levy, therefore, Is ap
proximately $342 per capita.
A dispatch to the Reuter Telegram
Company from Amsterdam says that
General von Bessler, commander of
the German troops that captured Ant
werp, has Issued the following proclamation:
"To the Inhabitants of Antwerp:
The German army has entered your
citv as conquerors. No citizen shall
be harmed and your property shall De
spared If yeu refrain from hostile acts.
All refractions will be puniBhed ac
cording to the law of war and may
lead to the demolition of your beauti
ful city."
It Is said that the German soiaiers
are active la mastering the fire in
Antwerp. Only public nunaingn wen.
damaged. No prominent cnurcn was
struck by a shell.
Tha r.prmans agreed In the terms
of capitulation not to disarm the civic
guards or make prisoners oi maie.
between the ages of 18 and 30 yean.
m'1' ' ll' ! proud His U,
s li-i- vi Ki-udrlu l twd,"
... he li.W. lm-
k" f it i kU(,.L.;e i
Marconi Fails In Suit.
New York. The federal district
court ruled that It had no jurisdiction
In the suit brought against Secretary
of the Navy Daniels and four naval
censors by the Marconi Wlrlea Tele
graph company of America, lo prevent
the government from keeping clo.ed
the wlrelena t"0,, l 81"c"et'
Ma,. . andHea .. N. Y. Tb. com.
pauy'. i.plUlon for aa Injuucllon
wae dlm''l
terlmtr i Indlcied.
fbkSMO- wmi-Mi primer,
,ut of U'Z
. .. fr.Ui'i
The wonderful effrontery exhibited
by the shapers of public opinion in On
tario is shown in their circulars in re
the new county court house. If their
assumptions are correct, Ontario town
might come up missing a lot of money
to be apent on something else. Buying
some more fair deficits perhaps.
Their call for bond election is $30,000
to purchase a site ana build a $25,000
building after Nov. 3 including jail.
Therefore there are no bonds to sell
until after Nov. 3 and then only in case
the measure carries.
In such case the certificate of depos
it for $15,000 in each of the banks
means only that the city has that much
money for you will note that C. W.
Piatt who makes the deposit is the
treasurer of the city of Ontario.
CREDIT OF THE CITY, but that the
city has deposited to the credit of its
own committee, To what depth of
chicanery are these people descending
that they take the people of Malheur
county for just plain simpletons.
You will also note that no one has
made any payment to the architects
for their Dlans. Their commission will
be 3 for the plans and specifications,
and 5 i superintendence by the arch
itects is demanded and it generally is
and should be, particularly in this case,
for who will there be to get the con
tractor out unless it is the architect.
Thus there has gone from sight $1,250
out of the $25,000.
The bid of the contractor is just one
huge joke. This contractor has a rep
utation as a contractor and therefore
the conclusion must be reached that he
has some understanding that he will be
protected. No sane contractor would
make any such rash statement as sent
iit. without amnio protection.
Suppose the election fails ana ine
county seat is not removed. Are the
bonds sold? Surely ir tney are bo.u
now they are sold always, or until pay
ment is enjoined!
Just notice that certificate or aeponn
OF ONTARIO has deposited to the
credit of TH E COURT HOUSE uu iu-
Ti,.fnr the city haa deposited iU
own money and made it payable to one
of its own committees.
This ia a case of "fooling some oi
the people part of the time."
The Alaska Oil Company, con
sisting of7ames Frost7 RfrsV A. M.
Rlnehart and Jonathan Edwards,
are steadily going down on their
well about one mile from town.
They are now down some 900 feet
In material showing good Indica
tions. These people are selling no stock,
nor are they advertising their af
fairs. Simply making a great en
deavor to develop oil, which will
be of great benefit to the entire
county as well as to themselves.
There are a number of Insinu
ation In re the oil matter being
made. They have no bearing on
the county seat matter, but will be
taken up on their merit at the
proper time.
The" Ashland' Commercfafinib will
secure 11000 to be added to the fund
for the normal school at Ashland.
The State Kdltorlal association will
meet iu annual convention In Oregon
fliy Krldsy for a two days' se"lon.
Oregon City's total drbt, eirludlng
wMter fjnd bond, and unpaid r
r.n.sonth. fund. U 61.0MJ.
Hurr.y aiabee .f ' '"c Mh
y are drlvou " Ul-veira
f llOlll
VUlb )lel' T "'
T U Mr up
,r..,i4 f.r umrrnei4 ' "
.. .i u.iil ' " '"
n.u.j... l I"-
iM "'
Paris. A score of bombs, launched
on different quarters of Paris by two
German aviators Sunday, killed four
civilians and wounded 20 others, of
whom 12 were women and girls. The
damage done to property was small.
A pennant which was dropped at the
same time as the bombs from tho
German airships bore the inscription
In German:
"We have taken Antwerp; your turn
will soon come."
The airmen appeitred noon after
noon. One began the attack by drop
ping a bom'j near the Northern Hall
way terminal, another In Hue St. La
rare and a third, which landed at the
rear of the Cathedral of Notre Dame.
Three more bombs were hurled by the
same airman In the vicinity of the
The second aeroplane aluo flew over
the cathedral, dropping four bombs,
one of which lighted on the roof of the
church. A second fell In the square,
where the bishop's residence Is situ
ated. A third struck the parapet of
the Qual de Bourbon and glanced off
into the Seine.
The board of equalization has finish
ed its labors and the complete result
will be published later. For the pres
ent it is well to note that they have
raised practiially all of the low bhscss
ments called to the attention of the
public by the Enterprise. Not any of
them'nave' b"eeri 'raised "to as high a
point as they should to offset the in
equalities between farms and town
property. The Ontario Land and
Townsite Co. escapes and is really the
worst offender of all unless it is the
Blackaby interests in speculative lotH.
The owners of tho Democrat and Ar
gus, under oath, stated to the board
that their plants were worth less than
$300. The board declined to consider
that stat'.-nient and raised them to
$1,000 each.
The A. M. LacKey building was rais
ed to $8,000 and T. T. Nelsen of Valo
owered to $8,000. Those who know
the two buildings and their location
can decide on the justice of this.
The J. A. Lackey building was rais
ed from $3,r.(M) to $0,('(0. It is now as
sessed about one half its proper assess
ed valuation.
The Carter House was not raised.
Let the people decide for themselves
aa to this valuation being correct.
The Moore Hotel suffered the great
est raise, but the proprietor neglected
to make tho showing that the property
was unfinished at the time the assess
ment was niadu March 1. This proper
ty was raised from $1!),00) to $12,000.
In accordance with tho understand
ing had with tho people's taxpayers
committee last spring, grazing lands
were assessed at $2.00.
Proposed County Division Meets with
Overpowering Opposition
Baker Cattle Have Blackleg.
Baker. The first cruses of blackleg
reported In a long time have been
fouud on lb James Fleetwood ranch
t Hereford, on Burnt JMver. Mr
Fleetwood has I1 several calves and
Vther ranchers-In the vldnliy ar fol
lowing lh eiaiiipl" ' ' by ltoui
Bros. proinluut rum h-r, In vaccina
lion of rslvts
Poelorflif If Robbed.
Jialla - Mafr frkei. Ilr I he '"
,,f M.n ,m.h.flu ! Kiiklrull, taking
l v) li, i oh. ! Irani. -II
All li'l.iH I" 'I.
W i 1. 4 I' M' -W
I , I... i. i H I"" l' "' '"
i!.. ...'I ' -' t'
tl -4l 'I
Wahhington. Administration leu.,
era In congress lire making every ef
fort to wind up the session by next
Saturday nighl, vv tl li at-Hiiranecs from
tho president that It will be unneces
sary to return until the first Monday
In December. Whilo no nfw legihlu
tion Is to be, there Is no
certainly, however, that action on the
"war revenue" Wi(J cuii be completed
within the week. When It hits pussed
the senate, a conference will be neces
sary and tho prospect I hnl It will bo
October 20 befoio conjie ad
journ. "We will expedite the bill In the
senate as rapidly as possible," said
Chairman Simmons, of the finance
committee. "Democrats are not dis
posed lo change the measure as it
came from the caucus."
Hepubllcan senator are liow Inclin
ed not to prolong drtmie, a many of
them lroiiKly ilmlre lo K' J !""
campaign. Several attacks on tin
nu anure already hum hi . n i j t .i 1 and
oilier will folio.
eiuo( tulle leaders Impn Hi it
AUxka coil l.ii d I- ihImK bill m i) be
ljniri lii ii. lit it inn In Hie" for ad
jolll MIH III (HI It' IM Will be lii loll
oi ii.i.ri'"' ll "il'i"
kl.'.oi II. r ihi.i.'.ii.
Iii If l.i' iji.i.i.I r.jili an i no bl i Mil I" iU
l( lliii .i. i. II. v I .'I I' i I r H.
l lui n:i!u.i ''' li.'W n.d
ti.. a , iil l w ! 'i ' I
Gret-t ado is being made about the
up-keep and care of the county proper
ty at VbIo.
Upon the advent of th present board
of county commissioners and the new
county Judge into the affairs of the
county, tho offices and officers were
scattered over two towns. Tho treas
urer had an office in first one and then
the other of the Vale banks, the coun
ty school superintendent in Ontario.
The sheriff's office has been arranged
to include the county treasurer and this
arrangement saves expense in deputies,
one of the sheriff's deputies acting as
deputy treasurer. The county school
superintendent has been made comfort
able in an office in the building.
The grounds were leveled and a ce
ment walk replaced the old board walk
which had done service for many years.
A beautiful lawn has been laid out. In
fact the place has taken on a new ap
pearance and a prospc-rous one.
A visitor at the county seat finds all
the offices in the same building.
It is expected to soon include the dis
trict attorney in the same building.
There is great complaint that the dis
trict attorney is never available when
needed. That a district attorney should
have the court houso moved to him is
one of the absurdities of the situation.
He is legal advisor of all county offi
cials, and either he or a deputy should
be in constant attendance at the court
houso where the county court holds
daily meetings.
" Tf dlasatisfTed with the management
of the affairs of the county will the
Ontario boss indicate which one or two
or three of the commissioners they
propose to recall? Do they expect to
take tho management away from the
county commissioners and run It as an
annex to the commercial club?. Should
Ontario control the board of equaliza
tion just now what would they do?
London. Antwerp bus fallen Into
the h inds of the Hermans, but Us cap
ture, Important nnd stirring us It has
been, was robbed of much of Its In
trinsic: value, it Is contended here, by
the cMenpu of the garrison.
The first official admission that the
British participated In tho defense of
Antwerp Is contained in at. Admiralty
announcement that three naval bri
gades, with heavy guns, bad been sent
Iheiv dining the latt week of the Ger
man attack. The announcement adds
that In the retreat from Antwerp two
of the British brigades reached Ostend
safely. The. other, however, wae cut
off to the north or Lokeron. a town In
ICast Flanders, and 2000 of the men
were Interned In Holland.
The retreat of the Belglnn army was
accomplished successfully.
The Hermans, after shelling the city
Itself for many hours, making It un
tenable, entered the town through the
suburb of Berchem, to the east.
The real extent of the destruction
within tho walls of Antwerp will be
slow In renchlng the outside world
from unnartlsan sources, for the rea-
I son that communication with the city
is either cut or entirely In the hands
of military authorities. From The
Hague it Is asserted that the cathe
dral of Notre Dame has not been damaged.
Germans In Ghent.
London Tho Belgian city of Ghent
Is now occupied hy the Onrinans, ac
lording to an Amsterdam dispatch to
the Reuter Telegram company. Ublaus
have arrived at Htlzaete, a short dis
tance from Chniit, and the commander
announced that 6u()0 soldiers must be
quartered In the village.
W. C. T. U. Ends 3 Day Session.
The Dalle.-. The 31st annual con
vention of i lm Oregon Women's Cbrl
Hun TeiniieiaiK t'nlon came to a
clou In this i lly after a three day
.inn 'Hi- folio Ins new officers were
elected. I'rt idiil, Mrs. Jwiutle Kemp,
(i.ill.iiid; inirmpoiidlli wreUrjf,
Mi. Miry Bunnell. Mr MlimvUU, r
i. In, einiary, Mi Mde Hear,
Iiu'.ik'i. Ii1ju4
I 'I I'M
lib li i ll
f jij.r i'.i r: i
The following remonstrance has been
sent to the Enterprise for publication
as news. It demonstrates that there
ia much opposition to county division
within the lines of the new county. It
ia not supposed that the people of Mai
heur county desire to lose the popula
tion and the valuation and voters will
be likely to follow the lead of the tax
payers up there.
The entire county division matter
seems to have been gotten up to sell
Juntura property and provide offices
for a number of non-producing soldiers
of fortune:
Fellow Taxpayers: For many year
we have pioneered together in Malheur
and Harney counties, and one of our
greatest troubles haa been to find fund
to meet our ever increasing taxes.
Through rapidly increasing values
and an economically administered gov
ernment, Malheur county is practically
free from debt and Harney county is
rapidly approaching that condition.
Taxes were apparently about to be
reduced on account of this fortunate
We are now confronted with the pos
sibility of having a third county form
ed which will go through all the ups
and downs through which we have just
passed in Harney and Malheur.
It is an absolutely sure proposition
that taxes will be greatly increased in
all three of the counties: In Malheur
and Harney because of the loss of val
uation without any appreciable de
crease in expenditures, while the new
county will be aa expensive as any oth
er new county has ever been and, on
ATED by Legislative enactment, will
be greater than any of the older coun
ties in their infancy.
Again, the road work in our new and
sparsely settled county will be an enor
mous burden for many years.
The cost of running the new county
will aggregate more than $(30,000 per
year, while we will be called upon for
a new court house, jail, new records
and record vaults and everything that
follows the making of a new county in
the way of surveying, roads and
schools. To this must be added the
expense incident to having the old re
cords transcribed, compared and certi
fied. In this connection we call your at
tention to the neighboring county of
Grant: Grant county, on a levy of 19
mills on a valuation of $6,000,000, and
further special taxes, raised $143,000.
Of this amount some $10,000 remains
The valuation of the new county will
be about $2,000,000, with an equal
number of officers and other expenses.
It is therefore certain that the taxes
will be little if any less than forty
mills per annum, at least for a number
of years.
Below w hand you a list of officers
of a county organization, omitting their
salaries with the statement that such
salaries will be in no case less than a
living wage for a man with family.
Circuit Court.
Court Stenographer.
County Judge.
County Commissioners.
Justice Court snd Expenses.
County Clerk, Deputies and Office
Sheriff, Deputies and Office Expenses.
County Treasurer, Deputy and Office
New Records and Transcription of
old Records.
Assessors. Deputies and Office Ex
County School hxtienses, and County
School Superintendent and Office Ex
County Printing.
County Attorney.
Feeding Prisoners.
Transportation of Prisoners.
Care of insane.
Care of Indigent.
County Physician.
County Surveyor.
Sealer of Weights and Measures.
New Record Books.
VtUnnery Surgeon.
8 lock Inspectors.
Bridges and Roads,
Scalp Bounties.
Kltn-tlon tapensea.
Fruit Inspection.
Water Master.
Coroner Lxpenaee.
Hute Tax.
Hah Sutton, Cord
, C.'A' C'VJf, Moorevllle
Jiiiui Wmh, KivwsLU
ftkitXiS Hil, ItlvelsU
A.. VMUa VanaUr
ti M MrUfti'E, Citato
r. r. )limir, fMwj
And tH fiUf in iu44
III VVI'ltf.