FULL LINE OF SCHOOL BOOKS and School Supplies. 0nP school bag free to each stu dent buying supplies here. All School Books Strictly CASH VALE DRUG STORE John Boswell, Prop. ,,J i - LT . in I9I! i ' Classified AdT Found FOUND-A complete set ot mud enuina tnr antk:i. i . . Buiumuuiio ueiween vaie "Ji"10, inquire at the Enter p low Ullltd For Sale FOR SAI.EnM ..... ble for putting under carpets, papering .1? blns' etc' Price. 25c per 100 at the Enterprise office. adv 6-16. Livestock SPOT CASH! Will pay spot cash for all kinds of Grain and Alfalfa SEED H.E. YOUNG TEL. 76 VALE, ORE. Note the rprrintnrAH Kronrl lt Kniffht Bros. Knunrrl noirf tion of anyone stealing horses carrying this brand. tf pigs at their sides. Four sows bred to larrow the first wpnlr nf 0.tko. ' ' w L Une Kegistered Poland Boar coming 2 yrsold. Dick T. Breedlove, Brogan, uregon. aav-o-zz-Zt. Money to Loan Money to loan on improved farm lona O C ! A a. n,. S. Timbrell.-adv. Money to loan on farms. Good terms and long time. Apply to C. C. Mueller First National Bank Bldg., Vale, Ore gon. Ad v. Miscellaneous When a competent experienced Nurse is needed, phone 25 J or write Box 422, Ontario, Oregon. 5-23-tf I J Call and see Sweeney i while at the Carnival and i get his special prices on men's tailored fall suits WANTED-Cash paid for clean cot ton rags suitable for wiping machinery. Deliver at the Enterprise office rolled in bundles or sacked. adv 5-16. LOST--One set of automobile sand chains, either on road up Willow Creek or on road to Ontario. Please notify w. w. cavmess, vale Oregon. adv Real Estate Money to loan on farms. Good terms and long time. Apply to C. C. Mueller First National Bank Bldg., Vale, Ore gon. Adv. Just received a full supply of tab lets, pens, penholders, ink, erasers and complete assortment of school supplies. Post Office News- Stand. adv-8 22. VALE GARMENT CO. I Phone 44 Opposite Light Office. TO THE SHEEP MEN of Malheur County THE undersigned will start a buck band on- his ranch locat- 3 ed near Westfall buttes, this fall. I will come for the bucks as soon as they are through, feed, shear them and care for them till next fall at the usual rates. J I have good range", lots of water, and good f grass. I will give them my personal atten- tion, and willguarantee them to be in good shape for service when I turn them over. J For further information address J James F. Westfall j WESTFALL - : : ORE. f WHWmWfW4tW,H,t',,' Hay Insurance f Insure your Alfalfa Hay in the stack during the dry season. Call and get rates C C. MUELLER Nrst National Hank Uullding Vale, Oregon We RECLEAN ALFALFA and oth er SEEDS. Interior Warehouse & Grain Co., Vale. adv-8-29-3t. Strayed or Stolen Two bay mares, each five years old and each has white diamond in face; blocky built; one weighs about 1300 and the other 1350; in good condition. One branded left stifle lazy 10 above HF connected, the other on left shoul der lazy SS above SS. Last seen on Gumpor Mountain near Pole creek. A reasonable reward offered for mares or information. Address Ben Starling, Sept. 5-Oct. 3. Westfall, Ore. WANTED Lady to learn telephone operating. Apply at Vale office. adv. FOR RENT-Tent furnished for light housekeeping. Apply at residence J. W. Corson. adv. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JULIEN A. HURLEY Attorney-at-Law Rooms 3-4. I.O.O.F. Bldg. Vale, Oregon QEO. E. DAVIS Attorney and Counsellor at Law VALE Nelsen Building OREGON BRUCE R. KESTER Attorney-at-Law Nelson Building VALE - OREGON W. H. BROOKE R.W. SWAGLER Attorneys-at-Law Will Practice In All Courts Money to Loan on Improved Farms Rooms 13-16 Wilson Bldg Ontario, Oregon We BPPt P4M AT VAT I? A J -.u nufc- nui' n III u um- er SEEHS Infoi-iM. W.,l . Grain Co., Vale. adv-8-29-3t. C. McGonagill, the Ontario attorney was a Vale visitor the first of the week. A. A. Derrick, one of the prosperous ranchers of the Willow creek country has been in this city this week on court business. C. W. Mallett was among the county seat visitors this week. E. I. Brogan, of Ontario, was among the attorneys in Vale on professional business this week. George L. Baker, of Drewsey, was among the Vale visitors the first of this week. Water Master E. E. Kendall of Jam ieson, was among the Vale visitors a few days this week. Albert Butler was in the city from Jordan Valley Tuesday. Mrs. J. A McNulty, ofJWatson, was visitor at the county seat the first of the week. Frank Matney, the Burns sheepman was in the city a few days of this week, C. H. Oxman was down from his big ranch at Jamieson a few days this week. Harden Lockett was in the city from Brogan. A. A. Roberts was in the city from Juntura Monday. C. E. Amidon came over from Ontar io Monday. W. G. Armsrong, of Ontario, was among the Monday arrivals in the county seat. J. M. Addington, was in the city from Brogan Monday. F. Bergeron, of Burns has been in Vale this work. W. O. Rust, of Juntura, was in Vale Monda R. H. Lockett, one of the pioneers of Malheur county, came down from his ranch on Willow creek the first part of this week. Miss Ruth Bernard, of Oreana, was among in Monday arrivals in the coun ty seat. Attorney C. C- Wilson, of Nyssa, was in the county seat a few days of this week. J. W. McCulloch was over from Ont- tario Tuesday. E. M. Dean was in the city from Nyssa Wednesday: Attorney P. J. Philliws, of Nyssy was in Vale Wednesday. H. T. Frances, the Nyssa lumberman was a Vale visitor Wednesday. J. D. Billingsley was over from Ont ario. W. H. Gibson, of Nyssa, was in the city Wednesday. D. K. Worsham, of Malheur, was among the visitors at the county seat Wednesday. METHODIST CHURCH Text for sermon at 11 a. m., Sunday, Sept. 6th, Ps. 104:24 "How manifold are all thy works. At 8 p. m., a labor day ser mon. Text, Luke 10:7 "The laborer is worthy of his hire." Rev. C. E. Helman made a business trip to Boise this week and waa accom panied home by his wife and daughter, who had been visiting at Jerome and Shoshone. CHRISTIAN CHURCH-11 a. m., We are Building" is the pastor's sub ject and in the evening at 8 o'clock, "Evidences of Effort." All are cordi ally invited. Mrs. A. M. Rinehart returned Mon day evening from an extended viait to the coast. Mrs. Rinehart visited Un ion, LaGrande, North Yakima and Se attle during her absence and returns with fresh strength and determination to push the enterprise of sinking the well in which Messrs. Front and J. S. Edwards are also interested, to a suc cessful conclusion. DR. F. L. WILLIAMS Physician and Surgeon Nelsen Bldg., Vale, Oregon. VALE OREGON INTERESTING ITEMS FROM MOOREVILLE Rabbit Situation Becoming Seriom Homesteaders Becoming Dis couraged School Direc tors Hare Problem Mooreville, Aug. 28. Ben Seward has returned from his visit to Ontario. Called at Mooreville this week. C. L. Cook has finished threshing. Mr. Cook had the finest grain raised in the valley. Charles Coutz celebrated his 54th birthday Sunday, with a big dinner, candy making, etc. All present had very enjoyable time and left at a late hour wishing Charles many such birth days. Glen Moore is digging a well on his homestead and clearing brush. Glen is going right alter the sage brush, ex pects to put in forty acres this fall. It is getting to be a serious problem What are we going to do about the rabbits? Why not form a club Hnd have rabbit drives every two weeks with a bis- chicken dinner at noon and a fine for every one who stays at home without a written excuse from the president of the club? Let us get busy and start something or quit farming for the rabbits are taking everything Homesteaders are getting discouraged Taylor Slack threshed for the first time this season and had about 75 bush els of rye. Again our school directors are up against it. The question is where to have school. Deserted claim shacks are all there is and not many of thone to choose from and not very desirable locations. The children complain of the want of light in all the buildings for school. The directors will do the best they can and hope by another year to have our own school house. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mickey have moved down on the lake to be near school this winter for Elmer and not for want of water as reported, as there is plenty of water on Rye Grass. Any one desiring a good cook for threshing, haying, etc., or a nurse to, care for small children can find a good one at Mooreville. At present he has a steady job. James E. Young is back on his home stead. Mr.' Hanson is digging a well. Mr. Harlan has gone out after anoth er load of freight. S. F. Sutton is building a large grainary and machinery hall. We are hoping Mr. Sutton will give us another dance when completed. We are all feeling very much dis couraged when we think of putting out crops and see the thousands and thou sands of rabbits ready for them. The average homesteader is not able to fence against them and it is almost useless to try to raise anything only to have the rabbits take it as soon as it comes through the ground. S. F. Sutton finished threshing, and had a good crop, as fine oats as I ever saw. Wheat and rye were both good and was all sold at the machine. Commissioner Moore is on the other side of the mountain but is expected, home this week. Some one was prowling around the post office last night about midnight but was tackeled by the big dog and given quite a tussle. Lost his knife but can have the same by calling at the post office. Jumped over the gar den fence and crossed the lake. The dogs are very peaceful in the day time, but will not tolerate midnight prow lers. W. E. Coder is clearing sage brush and breaking up new ground. Carnival Bargains! IN FURNITURE During the three Carnival Days, Sept. 3-4-5, 1 will give 15 per cent off On my entire stock of first class Furniture. T.T. Nelsen Vale,0r. POST OFFICE CIGAR STORE . D. ROGERS, lrop. Directly adjoining Post Office. Best place in Vale to buy candy, nuts, cigars, tobacco and pipes. Fine Stationery and Post Cards ORANGES, P.ANANAS AND LEMONS WHEN IN VALE MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS All the leading magazines, newspapers and periodi cals always on the stand. SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN FOR ALL PUBLICATIONS itlalfjcur enterprise Always on Sale. rKtlJ L. JUHNMJN Former proprietor of the Drexel at Vale Now conducts the HOTEL MANIT0U BOISE IDAHO Rates 75c to $1.50 per day When in Boise you are cordially invited to visit Hotel Manitou 5 Reduction in Toll Rates r t Call operator for new rates to points to which you want to talk. I Malheur Home Telephone Company:: D. D. Holten has left for the east. MOOREVllXEITE. Now la the time to get Into the stock buslnew. High prices for beef and mutton has depleted the ranges. High prices will continue lndefla. Itely. QR. CARL J. BARTLETT Physician and Surgeon Offices over Vale Drug Store VALE OREGON Ur ' Pauline Sears Dr. Chss. A. 8ars OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Pauline 8r is gra'luaUof Amer l.an Kchool 'f teowthy, Kirks villa. M., It. ('!' A. Srs from O.o Urn Ai'gvlcs echini. OnVe ovr frug Ktire 'h.,r,e H VA1.K, OK WON K. Transfer Co. 1 Humim r Dm iiiin ',....( IV ill' C)ll. I f, HDKItOW IHHHH1 Veto, Orttfux j I ' i . . . .. i. .ii A I i' i J ...... i... i "' 7.''J; t4 r i ' ! Me; - i During the Big Carnival do not fail to see our display of Feed Grinders, Hay i! Cutters and gasoline en- i! gines. Manure spread- ;; ers and John Deere farm ; machinery. Expert on ; the floor. Interior Warehouse and Grain Co. :; J,.(MtMtMtlllHt(tlttltlHtltMHt(Hlltll m Butter Wrappers Printed neatly and upon short notice at the Enterprise Job Office GrjOQCOQOQOg Prices $1.25 for the first 100 and 25c per 100 for additional wrappers printed at the same time. We use the the best specially prepared butter wrapper parchment and ink, print the labels in the form required by law, and will guarantee satisfaction PHONE 42 m ffl t II V. r