Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, September 05, 1914, Image 4

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iflaHjeur (Enterprise
Malheur Enterprise Tub. Co.
Subscription price
$2.00 a year
Entered as second-class matter in the
Post office at V ale, Oregon.
Saturday, Sept. 5. 1914
The petition of W. E. Lees and
others for the removal of the
county seat from Vale to Ontario
was filed Wednesday and taken
under consideration by the coun
ty court till the 8th, the court
desiring to look into the matter
carefully before passing upon it.
The bluff of the Ontario paper,
in which an attempt was made
to intimidate the county court
and compel the railroading thro'
of the petitiion without examin
ation, did not work.
To get a vote on the question,
it requires on the petition three
fifths as many names of voters
as there were votes cast at the
last general election. At the
November election two years ago
only the men voted and there
were only about 2000 votes cast
in the county. The addition of
the women voters increased the
number of voters it the county to
perhaps more than double the
1912 vote. And now, although
the voting strength of the coun
ty may be five or six thousand,
it is necessary for Mr. Lees to
secure only three-fifths of two
thousand signatures of voters to
his Ontario petition in order to
bring the matter to a vote.
His workers have no doubt se
cured the necessary number of
signatures, as it is stated that
they have some twenty-five hun
dred names. Of these, perhaps
two-thirds are legal voters, but
more than enough to call for an
election, though perhaps less
than one-third of the present vo
ters of the county. At the elec
tion Mr. Lees, to win for Onta
rio, must secure three-fifths of
the votes in the county at the
present time.
Mrs. Lees, who appears to be
the leader of the fight for the
county seat, has for years been
the agent of David Wilson, for
mer owner ot the Ontario town
site, or the greater part of it
and who still owns several busi
iness blocks and a large number
of vacant lots., Many hundreds
of these lots are of course culls
at this time, and not very sala
ble, but if the county seat dea
could be made to win, a boom
could be put on in Ontario, and
it i . .
uiftte iuis uisposea oi ac a nice
profit. Mr. Wilson is not a resi
dent of the State of Oregon.
Many of the voters who signed
the Ontario petition have volun
tanly stated that they will not
vote for the change. The public
generally, the people of Vale in
eluded, would like to see Mr
Lees sell the Wilson town lots at
a good profit, in fact, they would
like for the Ontario Townsite
company and the Ontario Ad
vancement company and the
management of the Road Land
company, sell their properties at
a good price, but the taxpayers
of the county will most strenu
ously object to paying the cost of
putting on the boom, especially
as is amounts to building up ont
Malheur county town by tearing
down another.
ine, especially by compulsion, ev
ery man. woman and child in a
population of nearly 100,000,000,
Quite a number might resist.
But compulsory medical exam
ination would be futile without
conipulsory medical and surgical
treatment, just as a certain
style of inquisition was seen to
be futile without the accompany
ing torture. Are the people of
this great coun.ry willing to be
delivered, boued hand and foot,
so to speak, into the clutches of
this medical octopus? Editorial
from the Sf. Louis Tost Dispatch
Jut.c 29, 1914.
The People's Forum
In this Department the People
May Discuss any Subject of
General Interest.
The appeal waa tliHmisHcd.
Last January the county rourt des
ignated the Malheur Enterprise as the
County Official Taper of Malheur Coun
ty, because this paper had the largest
circulation of any paper in the county.
The Ontario Democrat, which had
nearly 400 less subscribers than the
Enterprise, abused and villiired the
county court, terming its action
"The County Official Steal," charged
that the Enterprise list was "alulled"
and finaly appealed to the circuit court
from the decision of the county court,
promising all kinds of revelations when
the case came to trial.
The appeal was dismissed.
The Enterprise has adhered to a dig
nified and honorable course of respect
able journalism, refusing to exchange
bdlingsgate with its adversary, well
knowing that if the case were e
brought to . trial our strongest, most
effective and crushing answer would be
delivered by the court.
The appeal was dismissed.
All the threats against, the county
court, tho abuse and charges of graft
and favoritism, lose their poignancy
and evaporate into thin air when the
complaining witness, after promising
the public such a treat in exposing
graft and fraud, admits the falsity of
all his utterances, by letting his
Appeal be dismissed.
To the Editor: The legal editor of
the "Ontario Democrat" is to blame
for placing that most excellent expo
nent of high class journalism in a ludi
crous position before the thinking pop
ulation of the county.
This ubiquitous arbiter elegantiari
um, with his Mephistophelian charac
teristics and Latinnic proclivities, ut
tered a first page order to the board of
county commissioners to do their duty.
"This is ME, understand?" kind of an
With'his article "Vox Populi" does
this representative of nothing in par
ticular practically insult every citizen
of the county through their commis
sioners. These men who have given of
their best to the county and through
whose management the county is now
out of debt, which fact has given On
tario boosters an opportunity to saddle
their own indebtedness on the county
and rendered them confident of adding
some $200,000 to it, are compelled to
silently suffer uncalled for and gratui
tous insults.
Of such stuff are men with warped
and jaundiced mind made, full of in
sults for their superiors in intelligence
and position before the people, jealous
of the success of others and willing to
force angels to wallow in the mire.
Never "Vox Populi!" Never could
the plural be used to designate any
congregation which would endorse that
unthinkable insult to honorable men!
The heading was simply an error. It
should have been "Vox Asinorum."
Examination of the Malthusian doctrine
showing that each human has blood
germs representing many millions of
ancestors, leads to the conclusion that
there must be representatives of J3a
laams Ass now on earth.
Thv old fable of "The Ass in the
Lion's Skin" is appropos. The Ass did
very well until he attempted to emit
the Lion's roar, at which time the pop
ulace became wise and stripped off his
Sand Hollow.
It was the opinion of the 3500
members of the American Medi
cal Association, in session at At
lantic City, Wednesnay, that
"public welfare would be con
served if every man, woman and
child were to be subjected to a
compulsory examination as to
physical fitness once a year."
Thia scheme of the strongest
organization of the most numer
ous medical school has been gath
ering headway for several years,
but not, we may be sure, among
the proposed victims. It is a gi
gantic plot to foist a medical tyr
anny upon the people, the full
results of which uro not hurd to
A yrarly compulsory medical
examination would, of court v, be
m juicy plum, financially, to tho
xlating medicine man. Hut it
vtoull n! so mean an Mionnuua
addition to tliffr number, for it
Would n) f ct email titek to t'MiNi'
uany seiiiement ot tiie hitler con
test for tlie republican nomination for
Justice of the supreme court between
Justice McNary and .Indue llenson was
inadn certain when Secretary of State
Olcott announced that the canvass of
the vote would be made Saturday,
which will kIvp the successful candi
date until Tuesday to file his accept
ance. The canvassing board is com
posed of Governor West, Secretary of
State Olcott and State Treasurer Kay.
Judge llenson leads In the race by
one vote, but a stipulation provides
that several precinct In Multnomah,
Washington, Tillamook and Hood
fllver shall bo reciinvassed and thero
Is a possibility that tho result will be
changed. There also Is a probability
that i.l ballots in Sixca precinct, Hur
ry county, which were thrown out bo
cairao the electors voted for too many
candidates for governor, will be count
ed in the supreme court race.
All persons having nominations
must file acceptances by that time or
their names will not be certified to
the county clerks to bo printed on the
ballots. There la a further require
ment that any person nominated who
has failed to file a verified statement
of expenditures cannot be certified to
for the official ballots. Statements
must be filed even though no money
was expended.
$100 Reward, $100
The readers of this miner will be
nli-aswl to learn Unit there Is at least one
dreaded riiseiiHe that science has been
utile to cure III all Its HtaRea, and that Is
'atari h. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only
positive euro now known to thp medical
fraternity. Catarrh beinB a constitutional
disease, rpiulres a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
lernallv. aeliior directly linnn the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system, there
to dcstroyitiK the foundation or the dis
use ami ulvlmr the patient strength by
hulldliiK tip the constitution and asslsllm;
nature In doinur Its work. The proprietors
have so much faith in its curative pow
ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that it fails to cure. Bend
for list of testimonials.
Adiln-m: V. .1 Ctll-INKY CO , Toledo, O.
KeM liy nil I iniutldlR, 7ri
Take Hall' I n m I ly J'lll for constipation.
of Sa";e Hen
Wr sYnsion.--Tho administration
bill to create a federal bureau of ma
rine war risk Insurance, with a $",ut)0,
000 fund to meet possible losses to
American whipping, passed In the
house by a vote of 2:10 to r8. It has
already been passed by the senate.
The bill establishes for the first
time In American history a federal
marine Insurance, though It Is restrict
ed to risks of war and especially ap
plicable to the Kuropcan emergency.
It Insures American vessels, their
freight anil passenucr moneys and
cargoes "whenever It shall appear to
the secietary of the treasury that
Amerlc.tu vessels, shippers or Import
ers in American vessels are unable in
any trade to secure adeipiate war risk
insurance on reasonable terms."
What she doesn't know may not hurt
a woman, hut, her .curiosity seems pain
ful until she finds out.
It may be said for the week-end vis
itor that she doesn't ling-er as long- as
some of the o. f. varieties.
This also is the season of the year
when most of the ball teams begin
winning next year's pennants.
The girl who married for money and
loesn't get it, can't expect much sym
pathy in this sentimental sphere.
Fashion note: The advance fall cre
ations indicate that slouchness and
style will continue to be synonomous
A happy home is one where the
children spread the scars of battle ov
er the furniture without fear of future
Most men seem to think that a ten-
ent cigar adds greatly to general ap
pearances when they return to tho old
home town for a visit.
Measles and the truth "take" UilTer
ntly. No two members of an auto
mobile party, no matter how conscien
tious, tell the same story in regard to
the time consumed on a cross country
When a girl comes home from board
ing school with some funny looking
How era painted on some china plates,
sno gits the other girls together to
form a club saying: "This town needs
stir ing up in art."
Call at our store and see
what we have on display for
We offer the following at slashing reduced prices:
Men's Furnish
ings Dress and Work Shoes.
Ties. Hats. Underwear.
Dry Goods
Lawns. Shirtwaists.
Woolen Goods. La
dies' shoes. Ging
hams. Underwear.
For Children
Shoes. School Dres
ses. Hats. Underwear.
Hollyhock Flour.
Silk soap. Floral
Coffee., Cereals. Sop
ade. Washing pow
ders. Tobacco.
Hay for Sale
I havu for sale at mv ranch at Jam-
ieson about HHI tons of alfalfa hay, N)
tons of ti iue rye and 7.' tons of mixed
wild hay and alfalfa. Will Ktll the lot
or any part, i all on or address
J. W. Kl N.SM.I..
Sept. 5-1 k. Jamieson, Ore.
Malheur County has demonstrated
that It U th beat corn Drodui'lim
kcttlou lit 111 Went.
M nil ion r (Vtunljr Itas A,nni,(mm)
errs nf dvudltl giatlug ul,
U 1 1 Id'V I. a u lf In. i l i t I y
whiili i, iii i ii i . L ( iiui it ,
t openlmgeu. A dispiilch to
Wolff bureau from lieilin says:
'iirinn partly fogRy weather sev
eral small Hritlsh cruisers and two
flotillas, comnrlsiim about 4 (leal rov
ers, appeared In the North sen north
west of Heligoland.
"A desperate isolated engagement
ensued between them and our small
forces. Small Herman cruisers steam
ed westward and on account of the
short distance came into contact with
iieveral large r.'njihsh cruisers. Thus
the miiser Ariadne was attacked at
.hort liy two large cruisers of
he I. ion class and t-tttik after a glor
ous fl.;hl The majority of the crew,
iiiinlorlng i&O, were aed.
"1 he detro)i r N 87 was bombarded
by a Miull cniUer and tru de.iroyers
and imk. Hh weut e!ou firing her
Kin The .mail rruler K.. lu sad j
Mln hi iiiUnlnit, and actoidina. to
tho t ( u i r dupait In i sunk sf '
ler sa en " htm ,ih mm em my f
supi l"l I. in e " 1
The liKhtintf litrentth of the principal Kuropeaa nations in time
of war totals nearly 'Jo.uhmxio. im i.i. ...i.. i:i v. k. ........ n. .rmi,. entente, cou
-i f.i.... i. i i . ... .. .... - - .t -
1.-.I.U v. .u.uu. .uu suu ou me otner Bide, aupporUus Austria, la the triple alllauce
ie- uamely, Germany, Italy and Austria lUelf.
Vsl I.
Ml siiJ
ur iinr
JjlH'tlwU (f WH.j
!' I'mb ta l U.I
I A solid aluminum percolator,
I $4.50 and the Malheur Enterprise one
one year, all for only three bucks!