ENTERPRISE rage 3 W A M jm.. rkBw . - I 1 a n oners. tiifn i i mii r i ' . .. - noviVw. have consolidated. ".,! it uphill business to 1,1 . twn tiHDers in one ,UPP. .nrf concluded to publish t0 rather than two Inferior other towns could profit by this example with considerable improvment small one toneWSpanBerve. -, General Crawford has ren , i an oninoin in which he designated 0 r,.- tnrkevs as gambling and Sntriy to the laws of the state. o w Cozad, 21 years old, was elected r..vnr of Canyon Citjr last week. 1 . vu Violating a City ordinance last -,ir Pendleton saloon man's busi ne39 was euspended and his saloon clos ed for thirty days. Jumping Essay on Some women will jump if they see a mouse approach ing and others will jump at a chance to get married. Men jump after the wo men, jump into prominence and sometimes jump a board bill. But the best jump a man can make is to jump into one of those tony tailor-made suits Sweeney sells. That will make him jump with delight. Vale Garment Co. Next door to Light Co. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Rob't M. Duncan Jno. R. Wheeler DUNCAN & WHEELER LAWYERS Vale, - - Oregon J C. EASTHAM ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Vale - Oregon JULIEN A. HURLEY Attorney-at-Law Rooms 3-4, I.O.O.F. Bldg. Vale, Oregon QEO. E. DAVIS Attorney and Counsellor at Law Nelsen Building VALE OREGON W. H. BROOKE R.W. SWAGLER Attorneys-at-Law Will Practice in All Courts Money to Loan on Improved Farms Rooms 13-16 Wilson Bldg Ontario, Oregon M'Culloch, Wood & Eckhardt Attorneys-at-Law ONTARIO OREGON Dr. f. l. WILLIAMS Physician and Surgeon Nelsen Bldg., Vale, Oregon. VALE OREGON DR. CARL J. BARTLETT Physician and Surgeon Offices over Vale Drug Store VALE OREGON Dr. Paulino Sears Dr. Chas. A. Sears OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Pauline Sears is graduate of Amer ican School of Osteopothy, Kirks ville. Mo., Dr. Chas. A. Sears from the Los Angeles school. Office over Vale Drug Store Phone 84 VALE, OREGON DR. C. C. BURROW DENTIST Nelsen Bldg. Vale, Oregon JOHN E. JOHNSON & SONS Surveyors and Engineers We make a spacialty of Irrigation pro jects. Estimates of Construction and Contractors. Drewsey - - Oregon. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN VALE OIL LANDS? The Future Looks Bright with the development work now going on. Four Standard Rigs are racing down for the coveted fluid. I Can Locate You Cheap If You Act Quickly Lands, Leases and Stocks in sev eral companies can Ikj furnished at prices that will attract you. Get in on the ground floor, while the opportunity lasts. Oil Lands can be obtained now for very little more than the coat of locating, which In from 30 to 60 days may U worth thousands. Write about It H. P. 0SB0RN, . Y1e, Ore. S i The People's Foium W - t in this Department the Peep! may Uiicum any Subject of General Interest. a II W 4LJ K K B Or V 4? OSTEOPATHY TESTED Editor Enterprise: Will vnu linrii give publicity to the Mowing article, ueem or more than passing it terest to the public. A Patson. 0. K. Transfer Co. OlUri I'U. 29; Ho, 34 All Oidiu lWpi! I'M The A. T. Still research Institute has completed its preliminary investigations and will soon announce its conclusions into truth or falsity of the claims of osteopathy. Ever since the birth of mis new school of practice the scientif. wunu nas demanded other proofs than the cure of the patients, so th osteopaths themselves contributed Sinn AAA . . . . wu iro.n meir own pockets to estab nan me research institute in Chi nu inBiructea the investigators to re nn.t U ii ... ic lacis regardless or the r not theories. Other research institutions r endowed by the laity, but this is only one in tne world fiananced by physi Liana, lit. jonn Ueason is director of the institute. He was fomerly an in structor at Kirksvill Mo., of which in Uv.Uvivi, luunuer ui osteopathy is president. ror years trained specialists have been conducting in Chicaga an elaborate system of scientific experiments urn animals and human beings to ascertain by labratory methods whether or not the claims of osteopathy are substan tiated by fact. Dr. Deason has at last made public some of the results of all his work. His verdirfc U in the affirmative. The osteopaths have not been contented with cures. Thev demand the only kind of proof which is accepted by the scientific world, that is, proof from the labratory under what are known as standardized test condi tions as used in all research institu tions, medical schools and hospitals. Dr. Deacon says in part: "I have, with the aid of assistants, operated on about 500 animals, dogs, monkeys, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs, in which we have studied, in various ways, the effects of osteopathic les sons. Doctors McConnell. Farmer. Burns, Whiting, and others haye been doing similar work for many years. We have shown that by producing strains in the vertebral column various perverted physiological reactions, such as abdormal heart, increased blood pres sure and other visceral reflexes, may be affected. We tried muscular massage and many other passive movements, and the effects were only temporary and incomparable to the movements with fixation, which produced 'vertebral strains and lesions. "We observed the effects of perma nent lesions on 33 dogs. These dogs were all normal, and only those dogs were used which showed no physical defects. These animal were then plac ed under deep ether anthesia and sub luxations were produced. After lesion all animals showed abnormal urinary findings, such as albumen and sugar. A careful examination was made of each animal every day, and by balpa tion the lesion could easily be detected. An osteopathic treatment is not in any sense massage, usteopains oiten use massage just as most other physi cians do when such treatment is indica ed; but the fundamental principle of osteopathy ia adjustment of perverted structural relations. If a proper ad justment can be made in one minute, as it often can be made, this is all that is necessary. In the treatment of the monkeys for diarrhea I seldom treated the amimals longer than a few seconds; just corrected structural perversions, that was all. There was no massage or other kind of treatment given. I believe the least manipulation one can do to effect adjustment is all that is in dicated in many cases. This however, does not apply in all conditions. We have had excellent sucess in treating the acute affections. We can usually make the patient rest well by treatment and thus avoid the undesira ble effects of opiates, which are used by medical docto rs for this purpose. We can increase elimination, improve the circulation and nutrition and thus avoid the complications better by oste opathia than by medical means, we have done some research work no show that bony lesions predispose to infect ions, by reducing the resistance of the patient, thereby increasing his suscept- bility. We had two caseB in wi- mnnkevs. after lesion, were more sus ceptible to infectious disease than the other monkeys which were not lesion ed. Portland Oregonian. Leiknes Got $6,000 The federal court at Pendleton gave a verdict last Saturday in favor of Ben Leiknes, who was injured by a pile dri ver while working on the railroad In the Malheur canyon last September, setting the damages at $6,000. Leik nes asked for $30,000. The testimony showed that Leiknes was working with a pile-driving crew for the company last September and at the time of the accident was engaged with a Mlow workman in guildmg a pile. A steel block fell from the top of the pile driver, a distance of about 25 feet and struck him on the back, nec k anJ head. While he seemed to be only d.! at the " w" kft him permanently injur!. I nyl ,i.. (..LM U a auir.r.r from Utmuatie i..ufMl""ia ,,uW 45y,ar. M. mil proUUy ll r.fov.r. niVI i i ..i ...... r I'aii.lll d. i m- a") will. Dr. C. J. Bartlett went to TnrtlsnH Monday on a business trip, to be absent a lew days. Mr. Cleve Cammann, of Westfall, Was in thn niftf -r j .l. I j wujjio ui uays me nrst or the week. Miss May Lamberson, daughter of Ex-Judge J. G. Lamberson of Westfall was a Vale visitor Monday. Perry Maupin, the water wheel ex pert, from Owyhee, Bpent a few days in vale last week. Sam Ballantyne, one of the leading sheepmen of Idaho and president of the woolgrowers association of the Gem State, was in Vale Friday of last week, on his way to the interior country on a sheep buying trip. Mrs. Emily Anderson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. B. Donahey In Port land, and Mrs. Frank Jones, her elder daughter, is taking care of her home here during her absence. Mrs. C. C. Mueller entertained the Episcopal Guild Monday in honor of the departure of Mrs. J. M. Keeney, who left Wednesday for Pendleton. J. M. Keeney and wife, formerly of the Drexel Hotel, went to Pendleton Wednesday, where they will make their future home, Mr. Keeney having stock interests in Umatilla county. D. E. Rhivers, manager of the Utah Construction company, made a horse back trip to Baker City, returning to Vale Tuesday. W. W. Smith, of the Narrows, Har ney county, was a visitor in Vale the first of the week. I Lola I. Morelock, of Watson, was in Vale Sunday. Angus McLean, who has been on a visit to his old home in Scotland for the past six months, arrived in Vale Monday on his way to his home at Al berson, for which place he left on Wed nesday's stage. Saxton Humphrey has installed a large pump and gasoline motor for irri gating his yard and pumping water for domestic purposes. Howard G. Norton made a trip to Malheur Wednesday on business con nected with his automobile work, mak ing the trip in his car. The Ladies Civic Improvement Club will give a free picture show tonight at the Bungalow. Every one is cordially invited to attend and learn something about flies, their danger and methods of destroying them. The "fly" cam paign is on and they hope to make Vale a practically flyless town the ensuing season. The school children have been invited to attend en masse. Attorney C. McGonagill, of Ontario, was at the county seat on professional business Wednesday. Robert R. Robbins and Miss Grace B. Bailey, of Nyssa, were licensed to wed at Caldwell Tuesday. Miss Bailey has a ranch on the Black Canyon lands' just across the river from Nyssa. Tom Bowlin, the barber who worked in Vale for Charley Hammond just be fore he closed his shop here, was mar ried in Caldwell Wednesday to Lulu Cupp. Alex McPherson, of Ontario, was a Vale visitor Tuesday. Jim Diven came in from his ranch on Dry Creek Wednesday, and was accom panied home by Mrs. Diven and Dan, who have been visiting in Vale and On tario the past two weeks. Quite a party of young people came over from Ontario Tuesday night to at tend the Civic Club dance, accompany ing the Dreamland orchestra, which furnished the music for the occasion. The Pierce brothers and their fami lies, who arrived in Vale a few weeks ago from Oklahoma, and have been liv ing in town while they prospected for homestead lands, have located places on some oi me peirwieum " which have been thrown open to settle ment west of this city. for who has been sick some time, is again able to be out. Raymond H. Trask and Maude E. Childs were m arried at the jneinoaisi church parsonage by Rev. C. E. Hel- man last Saturday. C. C. Wilson, attorney from Nyssa, was in vaie inurujr -- professional business. A D. McCann was down from Clover creek Thursday on a brief business visit to Vale. Miss Gertrude Morfitt returned to n: WoHnuUv. after visiting with Vale friends for a few days. G. W. Long, agent for the auto safe ty tire, was a Vale visitor Wednesday. He now makes Portland his hca.3iua ters. Miss Edna M. Clark, a niece of E. R. Hamilton, arrived in Vale last week on a visit to her uncle. IPs r-7")?! i9i!? Dr. Pauline Sears returned home last week from a three weeks visit at Po cotello with Dr: Grace, Parker, who is located at that place. Dr. Sears says the weather was cold and disagreeable all the time she was there, and that a snoW storm visited that section last week. She was very much astonished to learn that there had been the pres ent quality of clear and ba'my weather in Malheur county during all the time she was absent. Miller postoffice will receive its mail supply from Rye Valley, under the con tract now in operation. Miller is de veloping into quite a town, there being a hotel, barber shop, store, pool room and postoffice. They need a butcher shop at present, as their meat supply coming from Huntington or Baker City spoils before it reaches them when the weather is warm. Pitcher Woodward, who was on the Vale team last year, will be one of the mound artists on the Payette team this year. In the first game played by the Payette aggregation this year against the Emmett team on April 5, Wood ward pitched his team to victory, 17 to 2. ; , A declamatory contest for a silver cup is announced at Weiser, to be held May 8, and at which two of the Mal heur county contestants, Viola Husted from Ontario, and Ruby Morehead from Nyssa, have been entered. You have seen the latest fashion, how they wear the hobbles slit, and you can't deny this gash on women's skirts has made a hit; surely it relieves the tightness style has cased the lady in, but you're showing no politeness when you rubberneck and grin. Attorney C. M. Crandall of this city has been in the Harney country the past week, consulting with the republicans touching his candidacy for the nomina tion for joint representative of Malheur and Harney counties. Mrs. Helen Judd, mother of Mrs. Bruce U. Kester of this city, and who has been visiting in Vale for the past few months, will leave for her home at Lancaster, Wis., today. She goes by way of Portland, and will be accompani ed that far ou the trip by Mr. and Mrs. Kester, who will spend some days visit ing in Oregon's metropolis. H. and W. Kiesenbeck and Geo. K. Graham arrived in Vale Monday even ing from Burns on their way to Boise on a business trip. They came to Jun tura in Bob McKinnon's auto, a big new Studebaker No. 6 which is making the round trip in a day three times a week, with Roy Mullen as driver. They speak in the highest praise of the quick and comfortable service and careful driving. The boys said they had a race with Lester Hamijton's auto as far as Nigger Flat, but the latter got stuck in crossing the flat and came into Jun tura two hours behind them. Joe Kiser and wife, of Vale, are vis iting Nels Peterson and family at Mil ler, Mr. Peterson being a brother of Mrs. Kiser. A. Winans, sage of Sunrise Valley, arrived from Portland Tuesday, having driven overland from The Dalles in his new auto. The roads were in a very bad condition, and he was three days in making the trip. Mr. Winana states that he will put on an auto passenger line between Sunrise Valley and Vale in the near future, making three trips weekly. A part of the road is in a bad condition at present, and the Winans brothers offer to put in some money and assist the work of the county in putting them in first class shape. Attorney Leslie J. Aker, of Ontario, was in Vale Thursday looking after legal matters preparatory to the con vening of the April term of circuit court. A. R. Mcintosh, the insurance man and truant officer of Ontario, came over to the county seat Wednesday. Bill Dowell, the popular storekeeper of Skull Springs, spent the week in Vale, making a few permanent invest ments. Mr. Dowell says business is good in the sheeb country, and it cait be denied that business was good in Vale while Bill was here. The dance given by the ladies of the Civic Improvement t'lub Tuesday night was well attended, and the ladies net ted a neat sum to be used in the exter mination of the fly pest In Vale. E. M. Blogett and wife from King man Colony, were Vale visiters Mon; day. WANTED-Chickens at the Drexel Hotel. -adv. Apr. 18, Interior Warehouse and Grain Co. VALE, OREGON Flour, Feed, Hay, (iraln and ScihIh Wire and Nail Storage Farm Machinery, Waifon. (Ja Knjrliim Power Tractora Poultry HupplicH Phone V). i. F. Davies and John Patten, of Emmett, were transacting business in Vale Tuesday. Jose Francisco, of Boise, was here looking over the Vale and Malheur country the first of the week. A. B Crosfield was here from Ontar io Wednesday. Hugh W. Copple, of Portland, was in Vale a few days the first of the week, on his way to Barren Valley, where he has a homestead. He went from Vale to the ranch on horse back. O. R. Johnson has moved his studio and tent over to the Hope building just across the street from the Union Block. Miss Gerturude Morfitt returned to Boiso Wednesday, alter visiting with Vale friends for a few daas. Mrs. Payne, who came over from a Medford and located a homestead near Harper spent Easter Sunday in Vale. ATTENTION Chamber of Com morce, remember that you are invited to the Methodist church for the servic es Sunday, 19th, at 8 p. m. Text, "I am a citizen of no mean city." Acts 21-39. The Pastor. Joe Cohen of the Nampa Brewery was in Vale a few days the first of the week. F. C. Oxman shipped a carload of horses from Durkee to the eaatern markets the past week. Mrs. Ellen Case, of the Vale Milli nery store, went to Parma on business last week. Mrs. H. R. Dunlop and Miss Mary Glenn of this city spent Easter Sunday with friends in Boine. WANTED A woman to cook on a ranch. Apply at the Enterprise office. April 18 tf Mr. and Mrs. George Schweher vis ited with relatives in Ontario Sunday. WANTED-Chickens at the Drexel Hotel. adv. Apr. 18. T. W. Davidson made a business trip to Boise the latter part of last week, returning home Sunday. Wm. and Dave Mcintosh have start ed up their bicycle shop again in the room they formerly occupied, next to Saddle Rock restaurent. Doolittle, Jeweler, handles only goods which are guaranteed to give satisfaction. adv. Only a few more days left to register. Better step lively now. Doolittle, Jeweler, can make your watch keep time. adv. You will have to register if you want to vote. A SNAP FOR SOME BUCKAROO A pair of chaps, good as new, at Young's second hand store.--adv. Why not register while you think of it. We repair everything in the watch and Jewelry line. Satisfaction guaran teed. Doolittle, Jeweler, adv. Judging from the registration, Mal county is very thinly populated. Reg ister now. F. C. Silberhorn will be pleased to give free estimates on house painting, paper hanging and kalsomining. Pric es warran:ed reasonable and work first class. P. O. box 464. adv. D. H. Denton arrived in Vale Sunday fron Bonita. Doolittle, Jeweler, can make your watch keep time. adv. Frank Vines was down from his ranch west of Vale Sunday. If your watch is sick take it to Doo little, Jeweler. adv. W. W. Dowell was in from Skull springs the first of the week, having business before the Vale land of fice. Dr. P. A. Simmons, the Eye Special ist of Boise, will be at the Drexel Ho tel on his regular trip for one day only, Monday, April 20th. adv It. WHITE STAR NEWS NOTES White Star and Malheur Valley. The ranchers have been having trouble with the Irrigating ditch, but all turned out and soon had it in good shape. Wm. Harris and family have gone to live on their ranch on Bully creek, which ia near the big reservoir. The young people will miss Mr. Harris es penally at their parties, lor he la one of the finest violinists on the Mai heur. Misses Ora Robbina and Bertha Shreves visited friends in Ontario last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zee came down to Vale last week to get their little boy who has been receiving medical treat ment under Dr. Pauline Sears. Misaia Leon a Mansur and Lulu Boston who are attending the Industrial Insti tute at Weiser, will spend Easter here at their homes. Frank Loveland, of Ontario, passed through here last week en route to Barren Vallry , where he will spend part of the summer looking after his stock. T. A. Boston has gone up to qis ranrh on Cottonwood to take rare of it during the summer. MasUrs Wendell Thayer and Carl Mansur ara twenoUdaKrlrullural boys of tl valley. Hiue of their v( Ul'Us are itvw really fur um, W, f.yon xi A. Kol.bint are prunli.g tUif iifl,i i, J'rojit ' tftgt.i I t $ n'id Uli cf fruit. The Best Furniture for our Customers Th best is none too good for the patrons of this store, and for the purpose of supplying our custom ers with a class of Furniture that cannot be excelled in beauty, dur ability or perfect workmanship, and at the same time keeping the price at a moderate figure, we have studied the market and fac te ry constantly, and are prepared to give our patrons the best in Furniture at the lowest price. T. T. NELSEN, Vale, Ore. f EAT At The Royal First-Class Meals 25c up. Tables Jor Ladies OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Attention, Mr. Rancher! H. E. YOUNG, Phone 76 Vale, Oregon WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER HAS A FULL LINE OF SPRING SEED GRAIN Wheat Corn Alfala Seed Barley Rye Vetche Oats Blue Barley Beardlen Barley Field Peat Tall Meadow Oats Rape Kaffir Corn Millet HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR & FEED Conkey'a Stock & Poultry Supplies EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINATIONS Eighth Grade State Examinations will be held May 7 and 8, 1914. Program for Examinations: Thursday Physiology, Reading, Geo graphy, History and Civil Government. Friday Grammar, Writing, Spelling, Arithmetic and Agriculture. April ll-May 2. Malheur County has demonstrated that it Is the best corn producing section In the west. Classified Ads Found FOUND A complete set of mud chains for automobile between Vale and Ontario. Inquire at the Enter prise office. Livestock FOR SALE 95 head of ewes at a bargain. Apply to V. S. Curtis, Vale Oregon. FOR SALE Two heavy bay brood mares. One gniy mare weight 1650. Will soon foal. One stallion coming two years old, from registered sire. Address B. Wagner, Brogan, Oregon. Mch. 14 tf. Note the registered brand of Mc Knight Bros. Reward paid for convic tion of anyone stealing horses carrying this brand. tf The value of is recognized by everyone It's the greatest roofing material -on the market. Otherwise we wouldn' t carry it. We know that our customer! demand the best and we demand tha best for them. That "best" is Malthoid the roofing that is water- and weather proof more than merely in name. Let u talk to you about it. EMPIRE LUMBER CO.. YALE, ORE FOR SALE Fourteen Hereford bulls for sale. Address Blackwell and De Armond, Vale, Oregon. Feb. 14 FOR SALE-3 head of registered Short Horn bulls. Address S. J. Bean Vale, Oregon, or call at the ranch i mile west of Mallett Station. 4t Money to Loan Money to loan on improved farm lands from 8 to 5 years, interest Sf. S. Timbrell.-adv. Money to loaa on farms. Good terms and long time. Apply to C. C. Mueller First National Bank Bldg., Vale, Ore gon. Adv. Miscellaneous Ranch for rent. Box 68. Juntura, Oregon. Jan 31-tf Widow wants position as housekeep er. References. Box Si. Brogan, Oregon. tf Real Estate Post Office Cigar Store JM ROGERS IN NEW quarters. Best place to buy candy, nuta, cigars, tobacco and pipes. Fine atationery and Christmas cards. Oranges and lemons. Subscriptions taken for all publica tions. Enterprise Always on Sale Vale Transfer & Livery Co. Phone 121 General Transfer Business Flno IUtfs and Teams STORAGE GOOD RANCH FOR SALE One mile aouth of town. 143 acres, nearly all in cultivation. 40 acres alfalfa. Price reasonable. One third down and balance on time. Will trade for sheep. Address V. 8. Curtis. Vale, Oregon. FOR SALE The most desirable res idence property in Vale. Located in Neisen Addition. Must be sold at onee. Price right. See C. C. Mueller. Vale Oregon. Nov 16-tf Person's Laugh Tells feuch. The manner of laughing is a reliable ludlcatton of a person's depth of thought and self-control. For In stance, the chronic glggler usually Is a person of shallow thought, while the quiet person, who seldom luughs and only rarely smiles, has a great Intens ity of feeling and tboughtfulncsa. Hint for Young Musicians. Begin your practice with enthus iasm. Don't put your practice oil be cause you have "plenty of time." You cannot know your piece too well, but remember that one hour of steady, concentrated practice Is better than four hours of carelesa atrummlug at the piece. Evidently Not The fellow who ssld. "One half ct the world does not know bow the oi!i' er half lives," evldeutly did not eiUt In a period of ladles' Aid socMlu, Thursday Afternoon VYuUt clubs, I.' dls of the Kouud Table, Hum in Cir CUs and like oraanUailous. Juil, salt of I"c'n4 Net. Tlit luk j( l-i't'stld 0tt'c4 jlA'Hl IVVJ Vf I'i fcVt-s. utf mfc, - ) t i I I t M H t . i . t