Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, January 17, 1914, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    I t
! I
NOgrococi I 1 1
Admtiainf Rates :
DIUj Afc, fr Uu. W twti f tack; hy th nxwtK tl.M vt '"
lcl, 15 (wti r' r on insertion; 10 (wti rT Km each actional Insertion.
Ltl NotW. 1.W r' flr ttrtk. W ftnU rr ach aAtit.
tnHin. TKV or Aw wl, f 1.5 Incfc rt in-rton; 75 cent
r ir MiUva1 rrtov
iWalljettr enterprise
ruhliahed every Saturday, by The Malheur Entente Fubli? Co.
JOHN R1GBY. rvnusHEn asp Proprietor
NOW that the amok of battle has cleared away, the cause
lost (or won), just according to tho viewpoint of tho in
dividual it will do no harm to refer to tho article th.At appear!
in a certain Ontario paper just a day or two before election. In
that article much ado was made
VAl.K WILL WELCOME of the opposition of Vale citiiens
COMPARISON, to the proposed measure and as
an argument why they did or did
xst act ditTerentiy, it matters not which, a slur was cast upon
Vale because the city had tven grafted" out of a large amount
of money in the construction of her sewer and water system.
Whether there was or as net graft in that arTair concerned
neither that paper nor the question at issue: but if there was
jrraft, large or small. Vale occupied no peculiar position in such
matter, as seldom is such work done without suspicion, at
leaat. falling on svw.e one connected with it.
Hcwrvrr. as to the result, as the feeing of Vale citiiens in
the matter, and as regarding the rlr.a. outcome, the city has a water system arsi a splendid sewer system, which they
wvcU be without for the JUVaVO it cost. Experience might
hare savd them some money: it generally doe, but it's better
to have water and sewer at a heavy cwst than no: to have them
at aU.
Vale's taxes were high in 1?1: they are far Jes in WIS.
Vale i on a cash basis, as the report published last week will
Sow. They are able to pay cash for all that it is necessary for
the city to dev
The herded ir.dobtedresjs is the only interest-bearing: ir.dobt
esinev Is there any corr.mur.ity in the ea:err. portion of our
state that can make a better showirj:!' The cost vNf the water
and sewyr system will fall on the rising jrer.eratn. the present
ivreratn paying their pr.vrtion by pA.x'-.c tS- interest.
;s a fa:r distr.bctn of the burden.
To be ;a;n abwt :t. Vale is in a f.r.e f.narxiC oonitior..
IN the Crxvcnian ws an editorial dv-r.-.ry: up-n the necessity
of careful and inteHijren: oer.s.ider:vr. of men and uveas
sres by wters bef.w ref-lster.rj: the:r 5eire. This editorial
as cemmec.te2 urn adwrsxv by Mr. T. T. C-vr. who c'C-n-
ten.'N.v.. ard vvo.0-s.v sh.w.
ivrni 'i-.r.vr vottw; rt-: .-v-..v y
Tbe irury
asrter arise from of de-rlr.itjcr. before utvt. :he
subject. Wjjj then is ";r.teiY-Doe"' SkV.s to be a oftJCz that
sX;li be oaref-lby settlv. in cr.?er that rorer ooocl:jor.s
can or may be dra r..
vV.ncrete instance of actjor.s ir-dx-atirc ir.r;."."'.rfroe ar?
axxuabV. Wf cct on the rarr ar.i aslk a soer rvr as
to the ;r.reCpvcve of the men -"re rec.-od te ta-f or. wv ari
;ssi what he sas .11 tx be r.r.:i or. th.-s ra.ce. for .bTvs
reason. bet xv are ;sl-Si ;s static thjit his rejirks vre
de-rofatccv to the irtedrw of those h vtoi t.r free
If shecki as-k rre5fr.: W;lcr.
ro? a V-.t..mat bcsTjes he w.-clc re"
'vvi frcvsns yty rot hcrt arc
y x frotr-.rj: -as
1c te-11 zs. rr.-'bbily. t,at tt
hot: ary-way :fy iii d,-.; wcf
.w. T.Te'-..vinoe.
New f jo a star r.xire carr e-r arc asi h.rr. abec:
carrjirj: peerc pjcka,frs -)0ct oor,
hlmstfCf ojd be octaccx b th-e lrrri:A:ci roaroi zrvc th
trsiT.teve?.: rval aitX'r.te.
Yet ac.n. ;f f as.Ved Vr. Fir-esor. abect tr-a:e
cf ribllv t.l.:os woc h ro: oo.rr.bat the .rrCr
tXw oorosd ;o rv.lvjes
This my rech th ctocs of'ir..tVir. cf '-.TtiCrjoe At
ini.x-jca: iTtevlrr: w HUN Aa?.L" v. rrn l"v trc
ecy Or.
- T,oc? .t. ftfiit cxlr rrxTj o.rr.T.r'jTrirr tr..?s
T .v.Tofrr..r th rvi-rvrv; c' the V.;c-piLr, tri :vr
vtct, frris fr.-rr. the i-rec-rcca: rrATj o.-.rr.rjT. v-s.
Thosj viccj rrTTjrks vr. to favr th tho: th
Mvc-jxr. :Ttrrs:$ ar? rf i .r.T.c fr.irr.
VWF.?LVJtf.AN? th .xti-rv.r d..-.ri- rix
AN"? ANYir.NT. o.irtr.-i7:.r.,c t.rv-.r rn.-rn-y .Vvi..-f
i..- trx: th virr..tu.ra
tvr ahoit to strlU. It. trevrt tTn-s uJ0.-J.T.r wrf
hv ?tc Vr t-Vr -ks T.iiv: o X' t j. rir.
ro bti.wa.Tyyrv It rvwn. tjm. t m.vw-rr M;rft.r'ir- h
rv.ncj arc Srf V ctT.n.ii: f.v".v :;rj -..v rr;lTrv
TO? p .V
Tfc th. 7ksor t.V -.iv:n t: .: .cna.t :rrr. rf-rtx..T
.rc:onv ik-i. that r.tS.'r t.-..r jT-rrc ao srr.ij
tia: tSr :rV'Ti v rrik tSrrr snxl. Tr.s -rv i.r .irr?..-
rtr. thfcr Trcinc i. v .V iv-r frnrr. tv
?c-.'s. thry Uf he It tr a.r- ti a hviw-tf s?.r v
vt ochr loTxi. :? -s w ijr. x.Tj.-4o- a.r.
" V ' i-TtCk r v;,- v stx.t '.it :.T.i.rc.a-
Jvc t at a.1
; ra v, t ri.irvj-. .cr-r is
t.wt t r to o.,:-.. -li t.i twe;
t v a.jy frat -rt trc v a. t- rrv'.-
1J1'-'' - -',T .'c t.s ttxrcj. 'ut-
--f a rrt rox'r n u iru-utrou. f ti. .rx-ttr- tnt n.
rot Lrt ti Vviii u xi zxc -r,x w T
oc. th? kl. '
rOvv o-v-tw.:. ,xt t or.o. j, .
rAlVT-J AV7 TrTT .n-o
vAIXWLN. rrU4, s v JuC
, -5 ar .of r.o.' n rnn
lovM.lit fnn: a.r t tx rt-r.T,w-t : o t
ta.tiAti4 nt TK1-t ta,-nv- KC u.w if
r aO. iut a U., uwt iC :i.a .ittv
w qfv. . . . i ...........
ms t ion which should be of value to every farmer, but tho real
value come from the farmer who obtains the different bulletins
and after reading and studying them asks further information
from the nearest experiment statin.
Examination and comparison shows that different localities
only a few miles removed frvm each other will not raise suc
cess the same variety of a certain plant, riant that do best on
.tlkali soil can Iv designated by the experiment stations. The
best crosses in either plant or animals can be determined by
asking. A -at fund of information is to be had by merely ad
dressing a letter to the proper authorities.
If yvu have no other person in mind write to your congress
man or senator: that's what they were elected for and they
take real pleasure in serving their constituents.
At tent km to the vernment investirations and summary
of how to market different crop wi" prove of preat advantage
to every farmer, (..xvis from the store and vegetables and other
farr.: product may nw be shipped by parcel post. The farmers
hou!d set in touch with their customers and take advantage of
the facilities the government is and which evenone is
helping to pay for.
CESSATION of work on the Oregon Eastern is attributed to
weather conditvr.Ss but it is nevertheless a fact that work
went on at an exceedingly s'jow rate during the fall months.
It is rumored that the O.-W. R. N. ccmranv will r.;t c:r.-
ever cvmr.etcc it w;.: tv rv tr.e
0. S L. The latter w-ld le far
RiYr Basin, as it wo-uld a competing' line to the coast. tl:ur.i
rheir terminal on the oovst are yet to be cbtair.od.
In connect vn with the resumrtvn cf civ rations, h.-wever.
we publish boow some re-marks made s-; .etinir ac: by
K. Lane:
If ccr cvmm;
w-e are to cvr.tinue as a m-.::t-;
ro." It
to be uent. if
c. .n.rerrvtii r.t communities ant in. tivtuta.s.
" v art . "..ii ...v ct t. r
exist ir r
toer omers. ire r?;r.-ey must r.r.u tui.a: -r-r;s:-mecT
in rai:r.-.iis is rcth a.-tive ir. s-e-rure. A
revruli'--g S:cy whi-ch is :t fxir t: th-;.r h:
is :r.rlr.:te ujutigv to :he ;cmur.:-r :o.i.: ;t is
atterr :.rt.r.g to serre. T; rf ;'ust t: tte ?t;;:-."i-cers.
r"f"sver. 5;;s r.t mei t-i.T :t ;?tiof
may rot asi iZ th ir.." H1 .th:ct
oJLt. to- so.rr h;c to hi li.5".r - br.fd: :r:rt
ar.v r.'usti1."? 3."r. to h."r t.v- 10.-""
.-.1 "re-gor . .crrx. .u: toiur rt-resfrri.t.v; ;r.:e.rri
larg" cf e.vtotcc gt:;rr.i.:,rC :u.-i ijt
.o?i-,r rerci ir.cioati a grri. oesre to j.c.-r the- ;ui
riJyyc a?, rm
feC t4at I : umtC .i to tiki :tr i --;.!. ;:-ir
ac-iroi gr.-crd." Suooi-ssrIy i.tis th.s : ;: irrX
lav hfvv.rr reje-ratic to to titrr.-.rji
..hT. la'is to tr utofrs:::t :o.i iSl :
t'. roi so;cc h iihxzsfi :o:rr resCirt-tig to rr.irtu: li.-rr.
Tr. .toj-o,itr.: ; I aoz z:c n-C ici:cg?. i 13 to tir
" s-rxta.-.r xt vVc'tvrf.'tic to fxr.res it. :c.t.j:o.. I in s.
to ftrirt icr.:;o-r'nr.t ;c to lit v. - zlzj-. to
fotrc -witi tla.. "re: .- n; ritirif.-i to nirtil v.
L, StvT I an r;c suiftu-.Jititlr i.v: :: r:njroir:
:.t v-iT ;c to ottr T:.:s t: hi
O-'iT.foiOoi rr rrv s:.iof rs.
. 5. 1-o sjir.;y :?roitr T:.r-.r::nn r.i "ret n;: a
avit nao-iuil litv. Hi t ;orf :r :o ? .. ur.
rvocr.. vou o.'itcx.r it to rf-u." ret " - -i.i--t
arrov.rg a- to ociTciiisjtrT.
T'lTr.nci :TiC7 it "17"" it ms r:o : vo.?. A rfit
tv-AOi'tritr is "IT
-"-- A ?klllr n.:o-mi-iM. :o : t-.s tr- v.-
-v-rrtro' :t t.iio; re uf Trus i-s; ;? t r-;o. ?et toj- t i2z.r trtrt to.-.r; i.- e- r.o-.;J
T.ot T:iri f-n.?$ t: 'IT' is a- 1 ret.rr- 1 :.e.rt
rr--iU.i. Ml xTTi SCmtTV'tOO. ii"i t: 1:,;. t.; r; T ;0-?-- i
rfseotiti. 'r.;? ftitur ."x't-: :: f-:.-..rr L.
p a itc t.rt.t.'t.r rrir : :rm ;: ? ;.rt'o.
W'st-o riti-tiooi f;o fr'"-i'rtirir lt t: .""tr.rrr rtoei
:irit to-irrjo-tf. rrtic TtuxZ' t: ric r.o.;-no t: s-rrtivrulir
::x.z Txrrvz Qrctrtei z: rlrtifs zn rx-:o t :s t
JXTCUiiti T" Jt Jirii-O rft i.s po "'-p - - -
JiK -ms if to.i:. tror. zzn rt-to-ti;o nx--.l -
Tr- ptoi-ir:e.i uruo ja -f ? rzi'z :;: t:t- v" -.- -
trttei vo? itit rtte-r r.iTtrt vll. : i-l - :l ivi
.r.itt rt Ti c-um zur n zw'-t f.url-'.t-.'ti" rr. ; - -
T4 r-imi lif zz ztx lz ?-ao-.:.r r. .. v ;n.L : 'a
rev e: io- rtd" uz.z :mr :i.r t" oi-:.z-z '' -
tfs n a rou.r.r a Kter:f z ir.. x-z : ;;.i
zz ii iift':.atr ycttz o"m-i vrr: tri u; :o. i-o- v " - - -
t'i' t?ir.;t-ci(:a.'0' -tl tr:z.; -.!. -.; 1. - -.. .
.eiu'.T z: ti sirtari..' r.ui- vll r. --; ; ' -. " '
viin-i ic ;r"x,-,it a,t ui-.o.KtK:. -.z;.- j.:..r - ...
i 14 1 ttW Ij't .Zi, Vl !U .rt:? n h ; , v .
n.i. it' it-r. ..-...- x
. at i;s- Tt -!n:.t.;
N a K.t-.:; 4 I,,.'., fc !..4 1 ; ,
fcsl ONE TEAR.
Subscription Rates:
SnUCTLT w Advanck.1
trot ;
Entered aa second -cIm matter at the pt office. Vale, Ore (ton.
more prone to look for reasons than ever before and just why
hundreds of innocent people should be punished and all Oregon
held up to scorn because a few gamblers and thugs are defiant
will have to be explained.
Candidates better get off the fence quietly and calmly and
steal into the fold as quickly as possible. Glittering generalities
won't do; specitic statements will be required.
THE Christian Science Monitor of Dec. 19 reviews a new book
from the pen of it founder, .Mary Baker Eddy. This
book seems to be a collection of short writings and letters not
previously published. Mrs. Eddy ha stamped modern civiliza
tion with her name in such man
NEW BOOK BY MARY ner as but few great men or
BAKER EDDY. women have succeeded in doing.
The cult, or sectT of Christian
Scientists, which originated through her teachings, is rapidly
becoming a great power in every portion of the civilized world,
and it is everywhere a power for good.
The devotees of this new idea, or rather the continuation
of an old idea, are an optimistic family, believing only in good,
and propose to suppress all idea of evD in the human mind.
There is no evil except through a perverted mind, and that
mind can le cured, is the sum and substance of their belief.
Mrs. Eddy hs accomplished much toward making this a
tetter w;rld to live in and whether one believes in all of her
ter.ets or r.-t. i: must be conceded that her accomplishment ha.3
beer gv-xi. good
r the whole world.
Qt: Ci.xro t'tzi sd cf your food
forij ens ctcezl jXzt hJ ones
Sorts Sfadt to Yoar Aftsrare at
Special AttttSoa Paii tt Qeaxixx td Prasi&g
Tt-23 Yfur TreV) t
YALE GARMENT CO., G. R. Sveecej, Mir.
Fsrst Dor-r Szst
rf cf t1 I
The Best Furniture for our Customers
Tr !e-Ft is ror tc: gxti i'.s ti
pcr;:e cf F-;r'..--"-f ozr nr-i.z,-en
iii a cIlaj cf Frrrre '-,
i-blirT vz jrft w:rcxzai
tii iz tie fx.t z-tt ceriif lie
rrir a: a rroieniis fr, rt
Lire ftiiroi tie r trie: an; fiir-
rj fzarzzL-j. arc t rjrfC;arc
to fTTe oz? zikzrzcs tie
T. T. XELSEN, Vale, Ore.
The Enterprise
Does Artistic Printing
, ' JL 'M f I:
: -
Protect YomChildren's Ey
:o rtuie a sxx-ioess c lit.
!)o gr, Cb, erer
sx- 7h T:V r o jar
r...- - i T;: , k.tft t-V eye cr
I ;
3 ;
M j
! f
. - , , V i