b I w I I v EflflFMIIFN'MMm UlniHiiiliiiiiiil iiinli nil Hi iiim'im JU U LbUU U 1JlJlJ IrJ U U ln LIzi D A ME RCANTILE EVENT of Stupendous Importance, affording a Golden Opportunity; for the money-wise people of Vale and surrounding country,! in this startling and stupendous "Move Out Sale," commencing Saturday, Jan. 17th, and closing Sat urday, Jan. 31st. And this is the why of it all. We must move out this enormous stock in order to make room for spring and summer goods that will begin to arrive Feb. 15. Nothing old or shop worn, absolutely dependable goods throughout the store. Service and quality at the lowest prices have always been paramount in our dealing with the people. And during this sale profits will be forgot ten. Come in and see for yourself EVERY FAMILY needs some thing. You need Underwear, Clothing, Shoes and Hats, and this will be the only opportunity you will have this winter to buy at less that Manufacturer's Cost. VALE T. Saturda RADING COMPANY J anuary 17t h u Notions and Small Articles Hooks and eyes, per card, to move out . 3c Best brass pins ever sold, to move out . 3c Finishing braid, worth 10c, to move out . 5c Extra good silk elastic, sells everywhere for 25c a yard, to move out, per yard 14c Safety pins, paper of 12, to move out . 4c Wonderful Bargains in Ladies Knit and Muslin Underwear 35c and 50c corset covers, nicely trim'd, to move out 23c 50c vest and pants, to move out . . 29c 75c white fleece lined vest and pants, to move out 43c Sensational Sale of Ladies Petticoats 29 ladies petticoats, made of flowered Cfjr sateen sold for $1.50 to $1.75f to move out . I ! Ladies petticoats sold for $2.00 (1 OQ to move out pii 37 silk petticoats, in all shades, up QQ to $6.00 values, to move out . Pi0 49 dozen men's negligee shirts, cuffs KQ attached, sold up to $1.50, to move out . . OUK, Linens ! Linens ! 58.inch turkey red and bleached table damask regular value 60c, to move out . . 72-inch white satin table damask, regular price $1.35, to move out Extra large size napkins, regular $1.25 values, to move out .... Barber towels, values up to 65c doz., to move out 39c 79c 69c 48c T tNPARALELLED bargain U that every working man inj the community will realize. 89 pairs otf men's AILWool Pants, all colors, all sizes:; Values up to $3.75 M 7(fc To move out . . . P ? Boys' suspenders to move out 25 dozen best work shirts on earth to move out Ties worth 50c to move out 50 dozen Ties worth 75c to move out Men's heavy wool Sox, regular price 30c, to move out Men's flannel Shirts, worth $1.25 to $1.50, to move out ....... 15c ladies' black Hose to move out Children's Hose to move out Men's 15c Hose to move out Men's fancy Hose, regular 20c value to move out 35 dozen ladies' hemstitched hanks regular 10c grade, to move out . . 15c handkerchiefs to move out Men's 50c Suspenders to move out . 8c 39c 29c 39c 19c 89c . 6c 19c 11c 13c . 3c . 9c 39c Trunks and Suit Cases at less than Cost Sensational Bargains! Men's, boys' and children's Clothing, fine suit men's clothes, all to match fl0 QO to move out tpO0 This suit is positively worth $10.00, or your money refunded any time during the sale. 1000 Yards of New, Fresh and Dainty Trimmings at One-Half Its Former Cost 1000 yards cambric and Swiss edging and in sertions, patterns that have just come pTp in, values up to 10c, to move out . . Ok, 1500 yards of very fine edging, suitable for corset covers and night gowns, sold -I Op up to 25c, to move out 4000 yards Val. laces, 8c grade to move out 3c Torchon laces, almost given away Furnishings 100 dozen men's fleeced lined under garments, reg. 50c & 75c, to move out 100 dozen men's handkerchiefs 10c kind, to move out Men's all wool underwear, sold every where for $1.25, to move out . . . 25 dozen Coat Sweaters, many merch ants ask $1.50 for them, to move out . 39c . 6c 89c 95c Onc-piccc Dresses at Less than Wholesale Prices. . IMPORTANT! lU im inlxr, ur carry a full and complete utock of lAyht and Heavy Hardware and tirocerle. Sensational Sale Ladies Skirts You cannot afford to miss this one mighty avalanche of bargains. Prices that will shoot into the enemy's camp with deadly aim. One lot ladies' and misses' Skirts in all sizes but different styles and makes, sold do Qfl up to $6.00, to move out . . . you) Voiles and Panama Skirts all must go re gardless ot former cost. Overcoats Cravcnette and rain coats, the wry frn no thing, worth $12.50, to move out . JO All Mall Order promptly filled, Huhjert lo utock on hand, I'OSTAUR MUWAIU LADIES AND MISSES SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, SKIRTS AND K1M0NAS In fact everything to be slaughtered unmer cifully. All of these are new and stylish. Ladies' and misses' Suits, comprising all styles, all colors, short, medium or long, some are mannish modes, semi and form-fitting backs, not a one in this lot sold for less than $18.00 i Eft to move out ....... ll.JU Men's Overcoats in English covert cloth, in plain and fancy effects, convertible collars, worth $18 of any man's money dQ on to move out . . , VOV 88 pairs of boys' knee Pants, 50c A Q and $1.00, to move out OC Another high grade COAT in new effect, 52 inches long, presto collars, some serge lined, some Italian satin, worth $25 MQ CQ to move out ....... plOOJJ Boys' nobby suits, worth $4 do OQ to move out pJJ All wool cassimere Suits, extra well made, worth up to $22 Clflft to move out tpIO.UU Men's Suits in dark mixed cheviots, depend ably lined, hand tailored, sold and jn on actually worth $15, to move out . h5J05J Boys' Suits and extra pants, sold jo OQ up to $5.50, to move out . . . pOOJJ . . . $14.29 $22.50 and $25 Suits to move out . . . Shoes at Sensational Prices 90 pairs ladies' Shoes, sold and actu- QQ ally worth $5, to move out . . . . 18 pairs of men's work Shoes M QO value to $4, to move out . . . . $1'0 150 pairs high grade heavy do n Shoes, worth $5, to move out . . pJUJ 400 pairs high grade Florsheims and O'Don nells, sold up to $5.50 d0 QC per pair, to move out yuuo 160 pairs ladies', misses' and children's many different styles to pick from, all sizes, sold as high as $3 d CQ to move out plD 250 pairs of ladies' elegant grade of vici and patent kid, gun metal, military and Cuban heels, Goodyear welts, worth up M QQ Boys' Shoes, worth to $3 to move out .... to $3.50, to move out $1.89 vorth up to $5.75 J0 QC 48 pairs hl-cut, worth up to $5.75 to move out '25 pairs men' hi-cut cuff and buckle, oil tunned tock, $8 value &P CQ to move out . . . . J)U.jJ 19 palm, 10-Inch cuff and buckle, linemnn'i boot, genuim Napa tan utock, vul QT u4 up to $8.f0, to move out PU Ju Dry Goods at Ridiculous Prices 1500 vards of anron Ginerham. best I7l grade, reg. 10c val, to move out . 1 2 2000 yards bleached muslin, yard wide, splen did qaulity. The kind that you always Op pay 12 l-2c for, to move out . . O" 1500 yards of Lonsdale 36-in. domestic, stand ard the country over, 15c the regular 1 1 price, to move out . . . ll 5000 yards Calico, all patterns, but not many in each piece, per yard to move out . . . . v 1000 yards of new fall Percales, ' regular price 12 l-2c and 15c, to move out . 1500 yards of Outing, most any pattern you want, worth 10c, to move out . a" 1000 yards of Henrietta Cassimere voile serge and voile in the very latest shades, also fancy Suiting and mannish cloth, per yard JQp to move out . . . . Silks and Satins to go regardless of former cost. 39 pieces of beautiful voiles and albatross in evening shades, strictly swell, regular CQp price 85c, to move out . . . OV 1000 yards best grade Outing Flannel suitable for kimonas, dressing sacques and night gowns, in all shades, sold everywhere 1 1 for 12 l-2e & 15c, pr yd, to move out 1 1 V; 3500 yards of unbleached Muslin to move out ..... 500 yards double width, fancy Worsted, pretty designs, in all the leading shades, OQp worth 40c a yard, to move out . 9c BLANKETS AND COMFORTS SELL FOR LESS THAN COST OF PRODUCTION 200 mixed Blankets, excellent weight, regu lar values $2.50 and $3, to move out 40 all wool Blankets, eleven-quarter, most merchants ask $6 for them (Jyl OQ to move out . . . . Jrr. Jc and $3, $1 QQ Hats ! Hats ! $5 Stetson Hats to move out $3 Rival Hats to move out $3.85 $2.29 10 per cent discount on all Rubber Goods. You know the place Vale Trading Co. VALK, OKKfiON iiSwiH t iB mUi iU tit 'lit t AW "UtimSt 8 ' lii't "'