Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, February 15, 1913, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Practice in all Courts of Oregon
Vale, - Oregon
Vale -
' Rooms 3-4, I.O.O.F. Bldg.
- Attorney and Counsellor at Law
; Nelsen Building
Will Practice' In All Courts
Money to Loan on Improved Farms
Rooms 13-16 Wilson Bldg
Z Ontario, Oregon
i Attorneys-at-Law
Physician and Suroeon
? Nelsen Bldg., Vale, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon
over Vale Drug
From the Vale U. S. Land Office
The application of Jasper Hardman
.1 ITll M l
oi unity, natter county, uregon, as
shown below, was rejected .because
unaccompanied by any fees.
Henry G. James, of Ontario; lot 5
aec 30, tp 20, r 47; 11.05 acres.
George Thomas Stewart, of Drew
sey;siswjsec 9, tp 17, r 47; 80
Jasper Hardman, of Unity, eft nwj
swj nwj, nei swj, sec 26, tp 13.
ITM & 1 I .
i nomas in. iNeison, oi Nyssa; w
nei, ne nei, sec 22; swj sel sec 15
tp 21, r 46; 160 acres.
i physician and surgeon
Office in Nelsen Bldg
Dr. Harriet Sears Dr. Pauline Sears
(Graduates American School of Os-
teopothy, Kirksville. Mo.)
Cor. Richardson and Washington Sts.
Ontario, Oregon
Bell Phone 85 Independent 572
t Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Office over Vale Drug Store
Nelsen Bldg. Vale, Oregon
i Members Oregon Society of Engineers
: J. F. Miller, County Surveyor and
' U.S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor
Ivan E. Oakes, City Engineer
Office: Nelson Bldg.
'Vale. - Oregon
Surveyors and Engineers
We make a specialty of Irrigation pro
jects. Estimates of Construction and
Vale, - - Oregon.
The Future Looks Bright
with the development work now
going on. Four Standard Rigs
are racing down for the coveted
I Can Locate Yon Cheap
If You Act Quickly
Lands, Leases and Stocks in sev
eral companies can be furnished at
prices that will attract you. Get
in on the ground floor, while the
opportunity lasts. Oil Lands can
be obtained now for very little
more than the cost of locating,
which in from 30 to 60 days may
be worth thousands.
Write me about it
H. P. 0SB0RN, - Vale, Ore.
C. W. Knowles Co.
Painting and Decorating
Furs, Hides,
I will pay the highest
price for all kinds of
hide and pelts
Frank B. Glenn
The undersigned desires to thank U
frUmta am) neighbors who so kindly
minUtered to my wife during her lit
aid who sslended synps(hy anl
kindly ttWM on lit wrsln of
dseth. J, M WOO)H.
The U4i..' AM bf ti.e"fsUodlsl
tlurb 'ir4 le An ! h'
lug Mis, (iwiM,
J R Good et ux to Susan H Lackey
sej nei sec 32, tp 19, r 47; $1.
M. B. Runyon to D B Patterson
and James Frost, J int in Mabel, Pin
nacie ana Wisconsin lode claims, in
Mormon Basin $1.
U S A to Thomas C Healy, sel sec
4, tp 15, r 40; 160 acres.
U S A to Thomas G Healy, swj
sec 4, tp 15, r 40; 160 acres.
U S Land office (certificate to
James R. Lane-ley-, nei nei, wi net.
nwj sej, sec 9, tp 17, r 47; 160
Andrew Neilson et ux to N J Min-
ton, swj se Bee 15; nj nei, 8W1 nei,
sec 22; tp 19, r 37;160 acres; subject
to $2,000 mortgage ; $10,000.
N J Minton et ux to G W Fletcher,
sw set sec lo: n nei, ewi nei, sec
22, tp 19, r 37 ;160 acres ; subject to
$2,000 mortgage; $1 etc.
U S A to William Jefferson Crull,
nei sec 6, tp 17, r 47; 160 acres.
J H Cook, trustee, to Tom F Snow
et ux, nei bw! sec 24, tp 18, r 46; to
gether w 40 shares cap stock Ontario-
Nyssa Irr Co, appurtenant to said
land; $5,000.
J R Weaver et ux to J F Weaver,
lots 9 and 10, blk 119, Ontario; $1.
N J Minton et ux to Ernest C and
Barney Wilson, lot 8, blk 8, Nyssa
subject to taxes for year 1912 ; $800.
William E Lees et al to W G
Thompson nj, swl, nj sel, 8W1 Bel,
sec 24, tp 30, r 44 ; 600-acres ; $20,000.
H Crisman to W G Winterburn,
1 int in Orinoco mining claim, being
nwl sec 4 , tp 17, r 46; $12.50.
Fred W Morton to Mrs Lotta Chase
Smith, 1 int as above; $1.
Mrs W A Cloud to W H Wear, 4 int
as above; $12.50.
Jessie A Hoskins et vir to M D
Hall, wl swl, nei swl, swl nwl sec
10, tp 16, r 43; el sec 9, tp 16, r 43;
Ontario L & T Co to Amos K John
son, lots 14 and 15, blk 66, Ontario;
Eliza A Solders et vir to Thomas
D Barton, el swl Bel nei Bee 4, tp 18,
r 47 ; 5 acres ; subject to $500 mort
gage; $1,500.
E Littlefield to Thomas Turnbull,
nj nwl, swl bwI, nwl Bel, Bee 35, tp
23, r 40; $3,500..
State of Oregon to James M Mc
Ewen, lot 4, sec 2, tp 58, r 38; nj
swl, b nwl, nei nwl, nj sel, sec 34,
tp 27, r 38; 298.55 acres of indemnity
land; $2,985.50.
Las Animas & San Joaquin Land
Co to P S L Co, in tp 16, r 37, lots 1
to 4, sec 31. In tp 21, r 34, swl sel
sec 18; el nwl, nwl nei, sec 19; ej
swl sec 20. In tp 24, r 32, el nwl;
lots 1 and 10; sec 7. In tp 36, r 33,
swl see 14. In tp 19, r 37, nwl, nj
nwl, Bee 13. In tp 35, r 33, swl sec
26; $10.
Lemuel Rorabaugh et ux to Snow-
Moody Dev Co, part of swl sec 26, tp
16, r 47, containing 64 acres; $3,840.
Minnie Steffen to Snow-Moody Dev
Co, el nwl sec 2, tp 47; 80 acres;
Pages 488-513, Book of Deeds.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for in the Vale postoffice for the week
ending Feb. 8:
Gentlemen : H. P. Bigley, O. L.
Courebrot, William Dorman, George
Dovoe, Robert Elliott, Mr. Edill, G.
O. Eldred, J. A. Fritts, Dick Gan
non, Ernest Geraghty, J. E. Geraghty,
Will Uraham, Porfirio Griego, J. M.
Jackes, John G. Johnson (2), Lusio
Larabator, Liberato Leaf, Gilio Lib-
ordl. Milt McDonald, John W. Mc-
Donougb, Joe Ferro Maffe, Nathan
Pearson, Tom Rudelick, Ed Sooter,
John Streeby, Jake Sloan (2), L.
Tlari (2), Braulio Tsasi, Eustaquo
Tgarra, Liccateli Valentino, brnest
Watson, James Welch, W. R. Wil
son, Jose Yrigoin.
Ladies Mrs. Ada Cooper, Mrs.
Alva Pumson, Mrs. E. O. Osborne,
Mrs. F. A. Rader, Mrs. Mayme Wallace.
These letters will be sent to the
dead letter office if uncalled for by
Feb. 15.
Feb. ia-Mssons.
Feb. 15-Odd Fellows.
Feb. 18-Glee Club.
Feb. 21-Knights of Triangle.
Feb. 16 - Second Sumisy in Lent;
services at Episcopal, Methodist end
Christian churches.
Feb. 21. -Eastern Star,
Feb. IN-KrUbahs.
Feb, 17- Chsinbsr of Commerce,
Feb. IT County court, erial lneel
Id with jrt4 u.ivln-r.
fHr4 In Vl fnl .
News of the Week Tersely Told
By the Wide-awake Staff of Enterprise Reporters
(Continued from Page 1.)
W. S. Napton of Big Bend is in
the city. The new townsite of Bend
will be named Napton in honor of
this pioneer. Forty acres will be
platted and a postoffice and trading
point established. Gate City Journal.
All O.-W. R. & , N. train crewa
working on the Oregon Eastern left
Saturday afternoon for Glenns Ferry,
Idaho, there to take the Harrimnn
system examination for proficiency in
railway work, as outlined in detail
in the Enterprise of Feb. 1.
Harry S. Osborne, acting secretary
of the Vale Chamber of Commerce.
got a letter a few days ago from J.
F. Singer, sergeant-at-arma of the
Hall of Representatives at Salem, ad
vising him and others interested that
the House on Jan. 29 adopted a reso
lution directing Singer to ceaBe mail
ing copies of bills, except on specific
Frank Ash ha left the employ of
the Oregon Eastern, and is back in
Mrs. A. E. Muntt, Vale dreesmak
er, is spending the month at Endi
cott, Wash., with her son, E. Muntz,
Jr., who is in business there.
E. R. Vernon, of Creston, Or.
brother of '"Buffalo" Vernon, of
Pendleton roundup fame, secured a
marriage license in Vale Saturday to
marry Miss Mary E. Hughes. The
U.. S. National bank of this city re
ceived a letter recently from "Buff
alo" Vernon stating that he is now in
Australia duplicating the feats which
won him his reputation at Pendleton
The Union Pacific railroad has just
ssued a new timetable, giving
among other things purporting to be
accurate information the "fact" that
the altitude of Vale is some 4600 feet,
whereas the altitude as determined by
the U. S. geological survey is ex
actly 2242. At last, say railroaders,
a reason has been adduced why the
"Sagebrush Annie" is so invariably
late in running from Ontario to Vale;
and, vice versa, the cause of arrival
at Ontario from Vale ahead of sched
ule is likewise explained. .
Jim Grow, brakeman, on "Sage
brush Annie,", left Saturday for
Glenns Ferry, his place being taken
Sunday by Emil David.
Foreman Lee, who has been work
ing at the front on the Oregon East
ern, was ordered tne weekend to re
port at Pocatello, and left Ontario on
'6" the same night.
Bob Bacon, until Feb. 4 engineer
of the daily freight between Vale and
Harper, is now pulling the throttle
out of Nyssa on the new Minidoka &
Mrs. H. H. Williams returned Sat
urday to Ontario after a brief visit
at the county capital.
Miss Verna Cline, of Portland,
visited through the week with Miss
Lela Jones in Vale, and expected to
visit also at Ontario before returning
to the rainy region. '
Mrs. Walter Glenn and son, of On
tario, have been visiting in Vale the
past week.
M. A. Crandall, general, auditor
foi the Studebaker company at Salt
Lake City, was in Malheur county
Saturday checking up local accounts.
He was accompanied by R. N. Hill,
general manager for this division,
who is located at Boise.
D. E. Rhivers, chief clerk of the
Utah Construtcion Co., at Nampa,
Idaho, made a trip of inspection the
weekend out on the line. Ed Kibler,
also of the U. C. C, at Salt Lake,
was in Vale overnight last Saturday.
J. Elmer Banks, of the contracting
firm of Banks Bros., of Ogden, Utah,
which has some of the important sub
contracts of the U. C. Co on the
grade west of the tunnel, transacted
business Saturday in Vale.
George Carey haa bought into the
pool hall next to the Carey 4 Bohne
barber ahop.
Track construction haa reached
milepost 16, beyond Riverview. Nys
sa Journal.
D. C. Wells and son Ivan have re
turned from their trip to Salt
A McNulty and wife of Watson
Send a copy of
this issue of the
to some Eastern
rrived in Vale a few days ago on
the way home from a six weeks' visit
at Los Angeles, Cal.
Jeff Graham and William Moore,
who have been doing subcontracting
work for the U. C. C. at Miles 28 and
68, returned to Vale this week, hav.
ing finished their particular jobs. It
ia said they may work for Maney Broa.
A letter received thia week at
Moore villa from Oroville states that
plowing and cultivating is proceeding
in the south end of Harney county
lose to the Malheur line. It is like
wise nice and warm and aunshlny,
without any snow, in Barren Valley,
this county.
Mrs. S. A. Welch of Westfsll was
guest Mondsy at the Arlington,
Tom Ware and wife were in Vale
the fore part of this week.
George 8tewart of Prewsey was
registered Monday at the Arlington.
Thomss Van Zsndl of iuris passed
through Vsle Mondsy,
Sylvester Klrl.srdaon, a Lrother vt
Mrs. J, H. Woods, wh died Ufa
uitiisy, attsMM Ike funeral Im VsU,
eJ ei.j'SiiU4 !' tl Ih H"
"With) auburn hair and melting
Willowy form and winsome smiles;
She is sure some doll."
A. B. Macpherson, county school
superintendent, of Ontario, paid an
official viBit to Vale Sunday and Mon
ri. u. Hodge, one or the big men
of Huntington, paid a visit Monday
to the Frontier City.
Max Crandall of Portland has been
experting the county books this week
Miss Esther Hill left Thursday for
Los Angeles to remain. She will be
followed later by her mother, who for
the present stays behind in Vale.
G. W. Hutton, of Payette, Idaho,
a cousin of Mrs. F. L. Cook of Vale,
was here Sunday and took the first
tenor part in the Christian church
choir quartet. He had not known,
prior to his local visit, that he had
any relatives in Vale, and was as
agreeably surprised as Mrs. Cook.
The first turtle dove, harbinger of
Spring, was seen Monday in Vale.
J. W. McCulloch, Ontario, attorney
bought a round-trip ticket to Vale
Monday, using both ends of the paste
board the same day.
Subscribe for the Enterprise.
FOR SALE 1 Westinehouse Elec
tric motor, 3 H. P. 220 volts. 3 chase
60 cycles 1700 R. P. M. 1 Krogh cen-
tnlugal No. 2. 40 ft. of 1
pipe, one foot valve. This pump and
motor are on one base, shaft transmis
sion, making a very suitable outfit for
lifting irrigation water This outfit
will be sold at a bargain. For further
particulars, write R. W. Larson,
13-1 Ontario. Oreeon.
FOR SALE Livery Stock & Busi
ness, btock of clothing & gents furn
ishings, Hardware Stock. All of the
above enjoying good business in good
live town in Eastern Oregon; write.
12-4t Geo. S. Mills.
FOR SALE At Hieh Barn. Vale, bv
Davies & Misenhelmer, Mammoth jack,
7 years old; also, yearling crrade coach
stallion, will be 2 years in May.
FOR SALE Bunealow located on
lots 3 and 4, block 4, Hadley Addition.
Price reasonable. Address,
12-4t E. C. Smith, Council, Ida.
FOR SALE 560 acres of sagebrush
land within two miles of Vale, under
the Bully Creek irrigation project.
Sold in large or small tracts. Will clear
and plow the ground if desired.
12-4t UEO. t. MILLS.
BLUE PRINTS Of any Township
in the Vale Land District showing all
Land entries to date, $1.00.
12-tf John E. Johnson & Sons.
FOR SALE One Belgian stallion
yean old. Broke, sound and gent
le. Also a "Lightning lull-circle hay
press. H. E. Young, Vale, Ore.
FOR SALE 1800 acres of land with
reservoir and water. There is water
sufficient to water 4000 acres that is
accessible to this water-shed.
12-4t Geo. S. Mills.
Good acreage under Bully Creek Pro
ject. It will pay you to look into this,
Address "a Enterprise omce.
Weiser Steam Laundry. Leaves on
Mondays and Wednesdays, returns on
Thursdays and Saturdays. All bundles
promptly delivered. L,. K. Johnson,
13-tf Agent, Hays Bldg
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the Vale Threshing Co. will
please call on the undersigned and set
tle at once as the M, Rum ley Co., of
whom we purchased our machine, are
crowding us for money.
13-2t W. S. LAWRENCE.
Creditors Take Notice
All persons who are indebted to Dr.
H. T Hoople are hereby notified that
their accounts have been left with me
for collection, please call at once and
settle. Sam TmxbKLL.
ere U Your Ckanet I
We have a 160 acre homestead or desert
claim under the Bully Creek Project
that we are offering for 30 days only
at $160. Over 100 of tillable land; good
location. Will easily sell In a year
with no improvements for $1500. See
us about it.
12-2t John K. Johnson & Sons.
The case of the Norris Safe A Lock
Co. va. the Citizen's State Bank nf
Ontario, which had been set fortale
by the sheriff at 3 p. m., Feb. 10,
was postponed until the same hour
Feb. 17.
C. A. Powell has bought out the
business and interest of T. B. Selby
in the Selby transfer and dray line in
Vale. Mr. Powell worked for Mr
Selby a long time before making the
buy, and is wellknown among the
people of the city. Mi. Selby has
not announced his intentions for the
future, but will remain in Vale for
the present at leant.
The Vale high school will hold its
tryout Feb. 28 for the debate at Nys
sa, March 8.
W. L. Hall of Portland this week
visited his brother, E. C. Hall. It
is their first meeting in 14 years.
Union Pacific automobile car No.
75093 had a very hot box on one axle
Monday when it arrived in Vale, but
the train was not unduly delayed
John Gilchrist, superintendent of
the Pacific Live Stock Co., was a
business visitor here Wednesday.
John Cannon was over from hi
stock ranch near Westfall during the
current week.
J. Elmer Banks and Fred Banks,
of Salt Lake City, Utah, passed
through Vale Monday.
G.H. Bridwell was down this week
from Jamieson.
T. Turnbull of Crowley was a visi
tor Monday in Vale.
Miss Hudson, telegraph operator at
Brogan, was down Monday.
Joe Flanagan, general foreman of
the U. C. C, was a guest Monday at
the Drexel.
J. M. Craig, editor of the Gale
City Journal, was in Vale over Tues
day iiight. He reports that J. W.
Crockett, the Nyssa contractor, has a
contract with William Turner for the
immediate construction of a 2-story
house, 30x48, on the Wilson ranch;
that W. G. Casey has just loaded a
car of mixed mules and colts and an
other car of mares, the animals being
shipped to Berryville, Atk.
Mrs. Otto Metschan and little son
Max left Wednesday for their home in
George W. Michael, of Braymer,
Mo., arrived thia week to look over
the country and may locate in Barren
Valley if that portion of Malheur
county meets with his approval.
Leo Schmidt left Wednesday for
Clinton, Mass., to place orders for
shoes and other eastern goods for the
Vale Trading Co. He will return by
way of Washington, D. C, where,
with W. G. Norton of Vale he intends
to witness the inauguration of Wood
row Wilson as president of the Unit
ed States.
Roy Crockett, clerk in the V. T.,
was a passenger Wednesday for Nyssa.
Charles S. Leavitt was over Mon
day from Ontario.
E. S. Purall, of Payette, Idaho,
was in the city Monday.
. J. E. Carlson and A. Anderson,
both of Andrews, were guests Mon
day at the Arlington hotel.
C. H. Oxman of Jamieson was a
caller in the city this week.
G. S. Ridgley of Jamieson was
down Mondsy.
Cradle, Altar, Grave j
CLEMENT Near Ontario, Or., Feb.
6, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Holden
Clement, a son.
'McGETRICK Nine miles southwest
of Vale, Or., Feb. 11, 1913, to
Mr. and Mrs. John McGetrick a
.son; weight, 9 lbs.
TAGUE-At Brogan, Or., Feb. ,
1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Emory
Tague, a son; weight, 10 lbs.
Latett Sport In Town
Biff Prizes
I!ft Tool ftfi'l ItillUrdTftblre
iii town
Vale Pool Room
W, Vl lMUiV, 'r'tlrtr
VERNON-HUGHES - Marriage li
cense issued at Vale, Or., Feb. 8,
1913, to E. R. Vernon and Mary E.
Hughes, both of Creston, Or.
ROSE-HALL Marriage license is
sued at Vale to Louis A. Rose and
Fay Hall.
NEWELL-BASSETT- Marriage lie
ense issued at Vale, Feb. 6, to T.
B. Newell and Kizzy Bassett.
cense Issued at Vale, Feb. 6, to John
P. Hennlngs and Amy L. Ludlow.
WICKLUND- At Riverview, Or.,
Feb. 2, 1913, infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Wicklund, aged
WOODS -At Vale. Or., Fb. 9, 1913.
Mrs, Margaret Woods, of rmu mo
rula, aged 20 years,
I'AOLO At point 22 piiUs west of
vale, by hand of sln, I'aolo de
'elo, an Italian laborer,
MAIIONfcY-Vele, Or., Fb. II,
ll'M, lufsiit M-it tt Mr, and Mrs., and 4 months,
WA'iONk'H Al HriSM, Ktb.
Hit Ws" r, tf ittutit"ita, fttfvi
i't var
knew what happened; the blow on the
skull must have killed him Instantly;
it was hard enough to have felled an
The county officers found on the
body Utah Construction Co. time
hecks to the amount of $157 but no
fash. They also found that the man'a
watch had been atolen, the leathern
chain which had held the timepiece
being still fastened to a suspender
button. There was a photograph of
Paolo's folks, two of the pictures be
ing his father and mother. He is
not believed to have been a married
man, but there is a reasonable chance'
that he did have a family, either in
Italy or some part of America. An
effort will be made to find his rela
tives. Paelo was paid off at Construction
Camp No. 14, which is 57 miles west
of Vale, Feb. 6. and was evidently
walking by easy stages to Vale when
killed, which must have been either
on the 7th or 8th of the month. The
spot where his body was found is 35
miles distant from Camp 14, and on
the site of former Camp 8, now aban
doned. He may have been followed, or may
have had a companion on the walk
but the theft of the watch indicates
that money was also stolen, or an at
tempt made to do so in the event
that the murderer did not know Paolo's
assets were in the form of time
checks. The slayer, whoever he was,'
wisely left the time checks on the
body, as they would have made the
strongest kind of incriminating evi
dence if found on anyone arrested for
the crime after its commission.
T. T. Nelson, undertaker at Vale,
embalansd the body, which will not
be buried for a few days, in the
hope that further developments will
occur tending to fix the blame for the
Temperaturea in Vale, at 7 a. m.,
as recorded by the Enterprise ther
mometr, were as follows:
February 19
February 220
February 3-26
February 428
February 620
February 618.
February 722.
February 810.
February 915.
February 1019.
February 1113.
Februarv 1215.
February 1316.
Coldest day of winter, Jan. 10, 8
below zero Warmest day of winter,
at 7 a. m. January 15, 40.
A young man who some months ago
hung up his shingle, "attorney at
law," has not yet been overwhelmed
with clients A friend, entering the
office the other day, observed on the
desk a cheap alarm clock. "Taking
it home, eh?" he observed. "Good
thing. Everyone'a liable to over
The lawyer smiled. "I have not
purchased that clock for the reason
you mention. 1 bought it to wake me
up when it's time to go home," he
said with a faint attempt at a smile.
of bright new Carpets are here
for your careful and critical in
spection. They are new arrivals
from the best factories, repre
senting the latest artistic designs
and most exquisite colorings. We
have also included in our new
atock a large variety of Turkish
and Persian Rugs of original
patterns. All sizes of rugs, suit
able for anv and every room.
T. T. NELSEN, Vale, Ore.
Beaver Board
Better Than Lath and Plaster
Oregon-Idaho Lumber Co.
All work guaranteed. Nothing to delicate for me to repair.
Your old gold and silver taken in trade for new goods. 18
yeltrs practical experience at watch and jewelry work
2 doors south of P. 0.
Vale, Oregon
J. O. MOUDY, Prop.
Board. Room and Baths $2 per Day
All natural mineral spring water used. Hot and cold
.Hair Cutting and Massaging a Specialty
Shoe Shining Parlors. Try one of our Famous Shampoos
Located In Fontofllct Mock, Om Door South llardwlck Jewelry Store
Fifth and Washington Streeta PORTION I), OREGON
Remodelud and refurnished throughout. UmiUf stionably the most
centrally I x-ated house in Portland. Within radius of four blot'ks from our
doors are located tirket offices of all railroads and steamboat companies:
14 banks; U thestros and how-housts: 6 department stores; Chamber of
Commerce; Commercial Club; Klks Club; 'r Club; t leraph offices;
iMt office, public' library ; museum of art; and all the Urgt oific buiUiinu
It is worth something Ui be in the mlcM of the life of (lie city. We make
no extra charRe for same howtwr, Our ratus are: Itooin without bath,
?1imj and up: with balli U.M and up. AulomoliU bus meets trains. Cars
rout Union lMt iats the hoUl every few niinutvs.
I., g W;TI ANIi, IW and Mgr.
Subscribe for the Enterprise