Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, November 30, 1912, Page Page 6, Image 6

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No" d the train wtistie can-
;niultrmiy Sunday, t:e Onter
cotct.rstU"!! te:ng 1 b":r and v
n-'.rvte -it. Engine cCC t iew oct
cj lender heJ, and r.p".ne H t'.;fti
it drawbar. Tbe "esslt a as that
724 bar! ed clear into Vae witt a
tri-;? cf d-r-er boxcars.
flflr and the tnil two ftbetiff-r
It it the iv, to lace t st:v!'.ft or
the pre-. "ro-.ten" e .ee or ttii
line, tV: Ue Vaie trait: as t'n
f n) 45 minute to 2 benr in iter?
day this week. Also thet or.
neadty, the tr t i.ft Vale K m:rutef
behind without arptrf.
reason, cajtirg aUoat SO paMenptrs
to viri beyond the junction to k..s
their connections arid eomp'..::g
toem to
lev over i Ontario Tot',?r
bot springs itt bouse it
Y ha noel pte6t. wbo is using
tWe p-o;ertie cf tbe
ut cei'y t effect rrre for a
Vf-:r.f icted wound which tore tb
from bit foot and lodged a rem-' although Dot less tban 50 to Yfi shot
tf fne shot ir tbe muscle of his rtrur bis ankle tore the trousers leg
i"f: a: t ie. Tm patient's name is end shoe, only fea pe'iets entered tbe
. "t u Toep'.t. wealthy namesake of ( muse lee .Ja hi eh, however, are quite it
' . grandfather, also Julius Toepeit. : f.aned a result.
t r7-oTr.ineT:t citizen cf Tacoma, Wash, i Already, after a Tery few treat
Toepe'.i, tb yourptr. ahile out mertr-. the curative power tbe
rr, sbcrt himself -r. tbe ieft are bcomirj HAciftFt. and Tdee!t
k;.i.. itt a ebtTfxt Jaadfd :tb tbe carry bark to Ta'ioma witb kins
rtp-.;tior L fli-;i!'frr etel!. Tbe arc; word cf praiw for Va'.e at a
T-ffttic aTidrta!. tbe jrat pt'trr retC'rt for tbe aicted.
fCoMiniitrd f m f'tre 1.)
i.f ET.wrttiriy bi5e in hia band- , ;
Pert;:ar to rarrate, it m a rpber c; l. Eall. a boroefteader bo
n:B. tbe frPOTid aquirrel be rf tbe ; j;Te, jB y 275. E 4f E. about 8 ir..le
kind cf prey Tepe:t wa aeekit at ' fnm Va'ie waa in tbii city Monday
tbe time. Eetr.arkable to re'.ate. 1 -nA ..-ted to a rerwrter that be be-
Jieved Eocb of tbe land
in Malbeur
y farmed ly
contty eax btjsoeeeaefti!
ir.tIl;f ert dry land metbod. B;i
land Las as eieratios cf aboot 24 K'
feet abeve aea level arid lad year be
raioed a stna'l but exctliett crop of
oat; and is bit gardec be grew ne
Irrre aten&tlor eet corr., pota
toes, cabbape a.nd osiona.
To cap tbe eliuiAX in dry land
farrrirg Vr. EH eaya be pre aboct
a ra'ict; of "focben"., or pe&sctc,
hick ere eqcal to tbe bert be erer
ate. Mr. Pall and bii fatber. ere
pioneer is the Paloct (Wasbirftat)
settiwa, bere tbey early learned bow
Uncle Sam's Sacks Out of
Vale Carry Winter Sup
plies For People Resident
in Burns, Alberson and
Waj Points of the Interior
Eastern Oregon Empire.
,.SL LLAKV OF ASSESSMENT ROLL OF 3LLHLLK COLNTl, to fant t dry land of tfcat part o
; vtiued at
acre of cultivated ik.nd. 2?.?'
rw'"..vfcv-i it'll.
''-."itie larii.
Creek project,
r :rrK'ter :
' tr-t ktle
y'f h. : .
.' ti-e ifn- i' .C2 acres, valued at
y..iy,.-A arres. valued at
: '-'M erti t. utded or paterted land
vr, d .......
itir.'irewr.U ob tc-w idtf -
1 J -J .! J -.A.J
ard n'weetied j ' 7,rr-'Te'e- - ayi oeeaea or pauer-veg -
jfritj'iKrie n.;je ...
C-rtrlc Lrht l.ret, 10 cJlet ...
Astyrribirfrs. 3S valued at
(as towRisitt. ariv"d Wedrebcej witt
a party of et :.' irt
at vxt to look afir Lit :r.teTfcft t
tbat place. He Lai beer; i'l a t'..
part of the IsFt V'.r. but ii ro
imtTrovite. Ee ix w Lin,i:f g ' -"rct.arj
atisfn i jtr. tbe outlyjk. i J,or-r
and 11 iut:-d -r e- il Vale. tNot'
I Fans irrpie?Tr-tt. wtg-jr.t, etc
. and rtocki in trade -
Secretary of State Olcott hai re
ceived a aai&ple of tbe rew 113 auto
taga. Tfcia advanced shipment ii
ncnibered 4212. and preerta a mxX
attractire appearance. Tbe tape are
made of tiatural color aluminum, wiib
tbe fifiotii h black enamel. For
protection, tbe iifn if bound with
atiff ateel wire and will be f;r.ifbed
o tbat it nay be attarbed to tbe
machine io differert way, at ty
a trap or by acrewa. Ti order cf
22,000 will reatb Falero in a few
t 2. 4.
4, 4
tbe courtry. Be if at;.Efed tbat be
will be able to raise pood crop of
oat, rye and wbeat, oc Lif botne
Ftead, and tberefore i well pleated
itb Lie new location.
Library and office fit -res ...
Stationary enpinet, ttanufartjnr.p r.aetiriery, etc
BiacfcKinith and machinist' irr-pletnert
Hou&enoid furniture -
Irrigation enterj-nses and ditches
Horses, 10.276. valued at
Mules, 215, valued at
Cattle. 15.274. valued at -
Sheep and poats, 21',7C"7. valued at
Saine, 1.57, valued at -
Beehives, 2.314. valued at -
D'.ip. -"2, valued at
TC7A.L .' .
D. Faircbild. who Las bees aoxti
of tbe equator before, left Tale Tues
dey for Peru. Be claims to be a
trother of tbe late Gen. Lee Fa:r-
ckild. Be Las followed railroad :r.p ' the local portoSce.
7,225; ail Lis life, and Las been ir Orepor
14.655 ', or and off for the past 25 years. Be
L450 could not say just wLat be would do
Cf,35C'!i Peru, but thoupfct it would be
c.OCiO more railroadir g.
43S.520 i
Mail bandied by tbe stapes out tf
Tale durir.p October weipbed 10. 5?
nounds on the Eurns route, to Eurr.s
and way poirts. and 1.43i pounds or
tie Aiberson route, to Aitiersor anu
r.-jirts between. Ttis nortb tbe
totals will be ever, preatei, tbe caii
we.ptt to date in November Lavirg
etreeded that bandied in October.
I December. notwitLstancirp tbe
annual mailicp of Christmas prS3rtf,
:s er;ectea to snow a sr.prt oecrease
under November, but eonsiaerat
more than October. This :s some
what contrary to the popular impres
sion, most people belierinp that De
cember, owinp to Christmas, is tbe
one big month in the postal depart
ment. Tbe popuiar impression may
be true is tbe American eosroopoli.
but it is not so in Tale, November
being the banner month cf the year v.
A Suitable Xtnas present, a
subscription to tbe Enterprise.
year should
total sotnewbere in the neighborhood
of &.&i,'f.i. Tbe barks are Lavirg
a tilt itb the board cf ecualiiatior.
and cr.t;l tbe controversy is settled
these f.gures will not be available.
top t2'X.Vj. making ti,e
Under the Oregon law, also, the
abote d'jes not irtclude railroads, r-1-lir.p
stock, eipress eon-pecies or teie
grapfc iices.
Subscribe for tbe Maineur Enterprise
t2- 00 per year.
Ma M
415,00 i
K520 J
Costu-ne strange and curious,
t S 5530 ' riove' ri Er-i!3ae'tltar.t and comely.
j marked tne prefence of some half
j hundred pay couples at the dance
, beid Thanksgiving night in the skat
: ir.g rink hail. About spectators
'jammed the buiidir.g to witness the
! masquerade and themselves enjoy tbe
' terpsi chore afuer masks had beer
! removed. Miss Ethel Bailett, attir
ed in a witch costume, with pumpkin
thereon, won the lady 's prize, and one
i "Ferguson, " better known as tbe in
domitable Georpe Gieason,, who was
dressed as a Chinaman., captured the
gentleman's tropfcy. Two very unique
paper dresses were worn. Miss Eatel
Tbomysos representing the V. T. Co.
and Mi68 Nellie Bill, of Boise, don
ting a Ma:beur Enterprise gown. .
Conditions in Malheur and Eamev
counties make November the premier
month for bea'-y mail sacks, present
lack cf railroads being the principal
cause. Owing to winter storms with
consequent rnuoay or snowv countrv
roads a majority of the rural dwell
ers and storekeepers ship large
quantities cf merchs.ndise just before
the inclement season and November
happens to it the month when most
of tbose shipments are made.
200 High Grade
Young Men's Suits
at $16.00
The bestlineof young
mens suits ever placed
on sale in Vale. Sizes
32 up to 40, strictly
the best models, new
est colors and latest
designs. Usually it's a
proposition of $20,$25
or $30 to suit and
please the now-a-days
young man and this
special offering will
appeal to the young
men used to the best g
that monev can buv.
(Continued trom pace L )
put in at Mile 26.5 is here, and work
wjj commence thereon the eom:np
week. Should the weather remain
fa:r;y pcod, trst bit cf construction
will likewise be fnisbej before the
pang lays off for the winter. Tbe Y
at 2". 5 will be used to turn locomot
ives, as there is no other riace ir. tbe
canyon where this can be eorvenientr
ly done.
Men's Suits and
Overcoats at$11.50
Exclusive Dealers in
Clothes of Quality
Fall and Winter Clothes
' Now on Display
(Continued from pape 1)
Every man has some favorite style and color that he
believes is peculiarly adapted to himself.
There is a substantial reason w hy this is so your
age, your build, your occupation, dictates the most
becoming fashion.
We supply your wants just as you want them sup
plied, not only as to the model but the finish, the fit
and the price.
Our Business is to Serve and to
Satisfy You
a. . i ..--.
In order to give our many
friends and customers of .Mal
heur county the benefit of
our introductory sale the
manufacturers of
Clothes of Quality
have advirtd us to continue
until Christmas the following
(Continued from Pare 1)
; is msumeient lor tbe acres over
and above the area allowed; also, to
June 15 being fixed as the time limit
; ' t for the use of such water, as f re
. w vwecuon, fcer.tuey,w:tb his wife, roertlv tbe late spring Seeds have
spent several days at Malheur City ' not passed by that date,
before oeparting. and is also imp res-' a. L. TanEren, another claimant,
sed with what he saw. Be will re- : objects to the decision in regard to
turn here after visiting borne folks two ditches whicb irrigate about 50
back East. ( -ref he owns on the ground that the
Thlagi Doiag at Malaenr City Board of Control either overlooked
It is reported that Georpe B. Bod- ,es t" Gltct or purposely ignored
sh sold Lis mill on the P.ed, White
and Blue claim to Dr. Tavlor and
others at a price around 125. COG. The
deal is said to Lave been closed last
Saturday, on bond, and aa initial
payment of 12,500 made.
F. L. Johnson Las made three leas
es oc Lis claim, each le-ase covering
an area of 2tCx6Xi feet, across the
ledge. This property is less than
one-fourth mile from Malbeur City.
Tbe leaaors are C. B. Mo'ftt of Mal
beur. and two to tbe Bumboldt Min
ing company and associates, cf Mor
mon Basin.
Claude Worsham, a local mas,
! about tes days ago staked out a va-
cant ground adjoining the new strike, ,
and six days later bonded the proper- ;
ty to Baker parties for MOO.Otf. !
them. Ee avers these ditches were
tsken out m 1 sno ty one Rickor and
have been used ever Eince.
Chafes Under Restrictions
T J. Erosran takes legal excep
tion to the in an action in
'which Frank O'Neill, W.J. Scott and
the irrigation company are made par
ty defendants. Plaintiff wants to be
able to use tbe water at any and all
; seasons of the year, and not orly be
teen February 15 and June 15. In
correct limitations to Lis land are
likewise cited, the deed to same dat
ing back to 1S72.
Laarence Faulkner, Pat Faulkner
and D. F. Bopps also make O'Neill
and Scott defendants ira like eccu
plaint and t ill cf exceptions.
Andrew S. Fields is another -o-
New browns and
grays, blue serge
and fancy che
voits.. An excep
tional showing at
a most popular
One Price Clothiers
I Judge Burke is one of those inter-, party plaintiff, w bo includes T. J.
ted. i Brosnan in tbe list cf defendants.
' One Plaat Hires 1M Men. Objectioas By Tae Cosopaay.
About two years ago. as reported ! Individual water users are not tbe
ty the Enterprise at tbe time, the only parties to this mixed up legal
tried and true Kainboa mine, situate battle aoer.t Willow creek, as the
miles from Mormon Bans, aas ; trustee in bankruptcy for the coup
bough by the United States Smelt-; fy. H. A. Ellingson. excepu as fol
ing company cf Salt Lake City for lows:
f7oO,000. This concern is second only Tbat tbe tndirgs cf fact and order
in magnitude of its operations to tbe of determination aw ardirg Laarence
Guggenheim irUresU. For almost Faulkner. 9 second feet, with a prior
tbe entire period since its acquire-i ity of 173; t. F. Bcpgs 1.E7 feet
mert , not a wheel bat been turned as cf 152; A. S. Fields 1.63 feet as
at tbe Rainbow, tbe time being oceu- cf IR: T. J. Brosnan 2 53 feet as cf '
pied with installation cf new macbin- ! Is-; H. S. Eldredge 2.75 feet as cf
Vale, Oregon
1620 A. D. 1912
Thanksgiving service at the Christ
ian church participated in ty all
Protestant churches of the city, was
an impressive part of Thursday's
observance in Vale. Tte new pews
were in place, and elt comfortable,
besides enhancing to a marked degree
the looks cf the interior cf the stone
edifice. The singing by the choir cf
20 voices of Moiart'a Twelfth Mass
could not Lave been surpassed in any
metropolitan church, and the conduct
j (Continued from page 1)
1 Entertained bg (Mboms
Ir. and Mrs. O. S. Osborn enter-talt-d
at their borne in Vale on
Thmksgiving day, the guest beinc
Mfand Mrs. J. M. Keeney. Mr. and
M John Rigby and Mrs. John E.
R:y-' The dinner was delicious and
th decorations exquisite.
I Children' Thank Offering
Fpili of the Vale schools this
we contributed $18.60 toward the
rhenomenally Low Prices
All $10.00 Suits and Overcoats JQ
All $12.50 Suits and Overcoats 10.00
All Ma.OO Suits and Overcoats
All $18.00 Suits and Overcoats
All $22.50 Suits and Overcoats
B. ROSE & Co.
try for mining opeiations oc a huge
seal. Just as tbe strike at Malheur
City is reported, the Rainbow is also
starting work, it present crew of 75
men being increased this aeek o
A l(K-toa plant has been put in.
modem in even respect, embracirp i JoLn NoraoxJ 1
both a cyanide and reduction works.
Tbe output is computed at not less
than tiJ.WJO a from now cn.
tiola the Rainbow and Humboldt enee H. Ox man arni Frank C. Ox-1
mines, in tbe Basin, are situated on . dan. Jr.. 2.ST feet as of leTS; Frank
the tame mineral tone on aLich the ' O'Neill 1.8 feet as t f l:v2. and W.
Drexkl mine is locaUd. j J. Scott 1.T5 feet as cf 1?77. 1 ex- '
foaer for tha Rair.bow and Hum- eeptiOt3 it, a!!), are not sustaird by
boldt is trottffct from Sr.aka river, the eiienc. and are runirary to Ua, i
mil. diUtt. over a specially eve- tr tb. alleged rraon tha! each arid
atrurUd Bigh.uita. tlrrUit lit ail of thee land oarer. unicr te '
afctrh s Ukea la. r U boild .Willow river d:ULr an-utria-
U4 more aat.r itan the) LaJ a l
aM am .
l7Si; P. Harris 1.13 feet as cf
j ISM; S. V. Bess 4 feet as cf l?Sr7;
; M. G. and J. W. Hope 2 feet as of
, 1SS7; J. A. Hoskins 1.7 ftet as of
173; J. T. Logan .5 feet as cf 172;
J. T. Logan I.Sri feet as cf ls3; J.
iW. McCulioch 1.25 feet as cf 1!j6;
.25 feet as cf 171 ;
, John Noraood 3.06 feet as cf 173; 1
Clarence H. Oxman and Frark C.
Oxman. Jr.. 2.5 feet as of ls71 ; Clar- !
cf the service by Rev. C. E. Belman,
Rev. F. L. Cook and Choirmaster Orpoa Boys and Girls' Aid Societ,
Smith was a'.l that could be desired. Jot '.digent children.
Not less than
the service.
20- persons attended
at grat mim. Tkis pwaer is torn
a.l(l. fur ictr.l t (r.(iu on
U"li Ut Mh y)t( H.il4 e tb.
4 .lit. I
Modera Woodatra Cajetaed
Sprirgfeid. 111. Hold. rg tie new
rates cf the Modern Woodmen to be
burdensome to members artd exces
sive and ur.necesary. Judge Shirley
cf the Sargamon circuit court Las en
ured a rpetual ir junction restrain
ing the bead camp from putting the
rates into effect. As the organiza
tion is an Illinois corporation, the ir
junetion is effective all over the Uni
ted States and Canada.
Alaaay CUert Eadaasaeau
A tarj --Moie ttan ta been
sub. r.tJ in Altar y toward tb en
doan.ri.t ful of Cr.aur Altaey
r TktMkoiving at Oataria.
liss Nettie Ricker, third grade
teSxer. was a tasser.eer WedneaH.v
' )ntario to spend Thanksgiving in
ister city.
Reunion at Jamitajn
iss Mabel Rideelv. a rtonnlar
Vas teacher, apent Thanksgis-inf
i home lolks at Jam eson.
l a)
Thanksgiving at Boise
is Delia Nelson, sUrKgrapher at
juDty clerk office, spent Thank.
with borne folk in Boisa.
CAN MNi fiy, r A tut
l'K llt'ST rotrJortat 1,.
fwrr.t .ovM a t . i Li t fofi.M.
tut ii Uiv at oa si li .1 i.ov. 4f
Jv.iti W, ('. !', nl, ;u i
a ai t . V
t I . j tlx. k I -..
tw A Url ti .i, i.4 V!
a it of I i t i io, 1 1 t g.t.1. .
J- -' It i ... i .i . , , t t
' ' ' . .
ti r...t ...... ,
L. CrandaM of Bon it left
Monday with her yourg oa to
pmd Ttanksgiv rg with her daugb.
Ir, Mim Utti. Crandali, at Bak.r,
ra ihe girl i atUndirg chol.
may Im r.maia la Hak.r until
tr th hoiid).
M. 0, W. II.).. l7fTMd) If
'm for 'ii..;1., !.. a a,i,l
b k.ati t s it .r lUiiim, Mr
-4 M. I rit-Mt l'it(ia
i in Ul t4 1 ) I li
-1 1
' " 4 .( W t 0 M V
( ;
rt,i . u t. ..I itMi