The ifost Wjm- 'Io lUw-l Tin, District is to Said Your rriondf Copies of tho Malheur EnLrp is2 every week. 11 1IF ii 4V frwfttgflpMa0 Mil AND VALE PLAINDEALER The Malheur Enterprise De livered to your ' home or mailed, $2.00 per year, in advance. The Leading Taper of Malheur County. VOL 1, NO. 5 VALE, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1909. PRICE 5 cents F VALE FAVOR CLOSING OF STREETS CITY AGREES TO ILL PLANS Passes Resolution Which Asks Fcr The Closing Of Six Streets MUST BUILD IN A YEAR Resolution Includes a Proviso In Fa vor Of Abandoning Present Road WOOL GROWERS WESTFALL HAS HOLD MEETING! A CHAMPION j Convene at Ontario, Transact Little Gladys Goodward Chosen to Important Business and Give Banquet Whereas, Malheur Valley Railway Company has been in consultation witr .the members of this Council, looking to the seeming of additional land with ' in the boundaries of the city of Vale, the perfecting its right-of-way throuph said city, and the construction of i depot, and ' Whereas, it is the view of the City Council of the City of Vale, that step? should be taken to aid and encourage the development of this city iy co-operation with said Malheur Valley Rail way Company in developing its sys tem through this city, and Whereas, said Malheur Valley Rail-, way contemplates the construction of i . depot or station to be located at the. foot of Main Street after the same ha? been straightened, which station it con templates shall be beautified by thf laying out of parks, concrete walks, etc. on each side thereof, and furthei contemplates the construction of good and sufficient roads-ways across it: right-of-way at 12th and 14th Street in said City of Vale, and will construct a similar road-way over its tracks at, or near the west end of the proposed yards of said Railway Company, if, in the future the same may be deemed necessary, and contemplates the con struction of freight depots at, or ne; r 15th, 16th, 17th and Morton Streets in said city, and the laying out of freight yards and" tracks. Now Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the said Council of Vale in special meeting convened this 11th day of Dec ember 1909, that we will cause the city, through its proper officials, to en ter into an agreement with said Rail way Company, containing substantially the provisions in the recitals of this resolution, and upon the signing and ensealing of said agreement, will cause to be enacted good and sufficient or dinances looking to the closing of Kith, Main, 15th, Kith, 17ch and Morton Streets, together with all alleys within the proposed limits of said freight (Continued on page eight.) The wool growers of Harney and Mal heur c( unties met at Ontario Wednts d ly and passed resolutions thanking the state's representatives in Congress for their support .of the present schecul-'s, calling for legislation to prevent the sale of shoildy wool, asking that county and state officials do their full duty to prevent range outrages, demanding that the injury done to shippers by classing sore mouthed lambs with those afflicted with lip and leg ulceration be obviated, commending mutton as meat food, thanking the state Railway Com mission for its efficient services, and in favor of the declaration of a gener al warfare on predatory animals, George W. McKnight, president of the association as well as president of the State Woolgrowers, presided and the following officers were elected for the ensuing season: President, Geo. W. McKnight; Vice pres. J. D. Killings; Secretary and Treasurer, Elwood Clark. The Advis ory Board is composed of M. B. Gwinn, Tom Turnbull, J. D. Billingsley, Frank Palmer and George W. McKnight. The officers of the association are members of the executive committee in addition to the following: -John Wood, J. H. Seward, Charlie Anderson and A. Z. Cuenaga. After the convention a banquet was served. Represent That City in Con test For Enterprise Piano OFF AGAIN ON AGAIN Bell Telephone Company Cuts Out Vale Telegrams Hut Calls Them In Again DINNER AT DREXEL TO MAJOR FRENCH Major L. H. French was the guest of honor at a dinner given last Wed nesday at the Drexel grill by John W. Crson and his associates in the Bully Creek project. The departure of the M,ajor to spend Christmas with his family in New Rochelle was made to serve as the ostensible reason for tl e graceful compliment although, of course, the dispersal of certain clouds recently by the Major's voluntary j action is supposed to be the real source j of the light ray. The dinner concluded with a little complimentary address by Mr. Corson, and an appropriate reply j by the chief guest. Those present in addition to Major French and Mr. Corson were; Mes-; dames 1). M. Brogan, Brown, Frick, Stone, Willis, Johnson; Misses Mc- Naughton, Drake, and Messrs. Brogan, I Jleiron, Brown, Frick, Steigmeyer, John . son Patterson, Ashford, Garrett, Willis, Cummins, Stone, McGrath. Judge W. j K. Lowery, one of the invited guests, at the last moment found himself un able to be present. Broke, Sleeps In Jail As Sheriff Bob Odell sat in bis office last Wednesday watching the shadis of evening falling a human derelict enter ed the otlice diffidently and asked for a btd. The humane B"b immediately led the stranger to one of L'nde Sam's beds behind the rtro.ig door and for once at least "stone walls did not a prison make, nr iron bars a cage." The guest slept like a top till morning and Mr. Odell prepared to ne him brr.kfM-t but the w aif decided in favor of ii'ir w ilh the I. .ir. I Je until after IJlral time, when he faded aw iiy. lie tui.1 he rume from lioi.ic. Hart Proptrtg Stil I The pon t v of r tmX Hull, I I h ti iii the II. '" I'l I- l l.l V 1.1. U,,' l t . 1 I llalli lV. t i 1 During some two days of the present week the people of Vale were unable to dispatch telegrams, just because the Bell Telephone Company gave orders to Ontario not to receive any from this ostracized burg. The cause of the Jo vian ire is a matter of mere conjecture to the unfortunate victims, but that some propitiating sacrifice had to be offered up and that it was offered up is pretty clearly shown by the fact that the service was revived last Wednesday. ' It has been said that the Almighty Company cut us out to show its eon tempt for the ungrateful ones who ventured to register little kicks from time to time about the service. It has not been stated, however, whether or not the Bell people contemplate inflict ing like punishment should Vale peo ple again dare to say they are not get ting what they pay for. The refusal to accept telegrams last ed two days this week. TAGUE CHARGED WITH TRESPASS Miss Gladys Goodward, aged thirteen, has been chosen by Westfall as its champion in the great contest now on frthe $-125.00 piano offered to the 1 u'.ies by the Malheur Enterprise. Westfall vows its determination to wrest the splendid prize from Vale and little Miss Gladys is arming for the fray with all the enthusiasm that is generally associated with the first of the teens. She says she has only one ambition in life just now and that is to be the owner of the Piano. Westfall this week hurled its defiance at Vale nd all other cities in the county and its people are certain that its fair young champion will rise triumphant at the conclusion of the tournament. MISS ANGIE LYELLS ONTARIO CHAMPION Miss Angie Lyells, one of the most popular yonng ladies of Ontario, has taken up the guage of battle thrown down by the ladies of Vale in the great Enterprise piano contest, and is deter mined never to pause before the ter mination of the period named,- - - Miss Lyells is well known in Vale and also in other towns, and expects to draw support from all quarters. Her friends, whose name is legion, are reported to be already flocking to her support. BROGAN MOVES TO CONDEMN GROUND Condemnation papers have been serv el by Sheriff Odell on some half doz en parties who own property through which the Willow River Railroad right-of-way extends. Those served are Grant O. Ridgely and wife, W. G.Ter williger and wife, W. E, Bright, Joe D. Marks, et al., W.' P. Harris and wife, and C. Beckman. Go to T. T. Nelsen's for furniture. TIMES GOOD AT WESTFALL Business at Westfall has shown a tremendous improvement in recent times along all lines and the business men of that community are in the highest spirits. The Jones Mercantile Company busi ness has more than doubled in one year. Last month their receipts exceeded $10,000. For the year just ending the receipts were $75,000. The business of the bank for the past ten weeks has more than doubled that for the corresponding period last year. The business of the Westfall Com mercial Co. which is composed of H. M. Gilliam and D. A. Eckerman, has in creased 10 per cent in 12 months. The representatives of other houses and industries have the same good news to relate. .Illlol. I .! I. 0 ti l. , ..(., J. H. Taeue was arrested last week on the charge of trespass made by Al len Kiisbach. The complainant alleged that Tague, who is a contractor on the Brogan railroad, entered his property j and tore down his fence. When the matter came up in court it was regard e 1 as the result of a misunderstandir g i and was left to arbitration. I HAMMOND SELLS i RANCH TO PORTER A deal was effected this week l y wni-h W. Porter lecomes the owner , i of Charlie Hammond's ranch near Vale. The price was $'!". per acre, less JlJuii which was paid by Mr. Porter in the shi.;c of town property. Burglar Alarm For Bank The F irst National Bank of Vale is pn paring for tin- iiihtallation of an electrical burelar alarm next February w hicli i ui.i'i'ic of t.i kind. The cur rent will le l'il.eed by ll.lTJ loueli i n t ic .' and will ri.ig u M Hllld bill wi.l.v.le the building Will a two immiIc, o th it the Miami will U beard il over tin" i :t) bud IiiU' ll fur- Uu r. II f In t i ... Il l l. r- j it it II V 1 1 ii In of ( L IL I.ll' M. ONE ARREST IN EACH WEEK Only Twenty Five People Arrested In Yale In Six Months By The City .Marshal. According to the records of Judge Wilson the number of arrests made by City Marshal Dan Eno during the past six months is twenty five, and the amount coming to the city treasury from that source is only $19H.OO. Some of the arreBts were made for Vc-ry trivial reasons and two-dollars fines are conspicuous, but some of the contributions are much more respect aMe. A lady captured first honors by paying $V).00 for having sold near beer. The majority of the cases were of course, violations of the moral xJe fjrthe support of which prohibition was particularly forged. Cift from Mr. Seeley Mr. ('. A. Gilhaiti, one of that School Board, bus rccdvwl front I'rof. Keeley of the Vfcl School a haiidrn library tl lo . Ie te. from th brat of T. T. Nclwcii' Urut uk. Whils a httU Ctrl) for faiila the tflfl to M-olilU. - - U l T. T. Nvlvi' for fjriiiUir SUIT AGAINST HERRON OFF Major French Voluntarily with draws Claims to Bully Creek Waters CAME TO BUILD NOT TO 03STRUCT Hands Over Rights But .Will Re turn to Accomplish Greater Things The action instituted by P. F. Cum mings, a suit brought against C. E. Herron et al. and involving the ques tion of the possession of the waters of Bully Creek, has been dismissed upon motion of the plaintiff. The injunction prayed for by Cummi g and which had been granted and made permanent, has also been vacated. As is well known in Vale, the insti gator of this action was Major L. H. French, of New York, and his motive was the desire to control the waters of Bully Creek coupled with the belief that he could legally do so. To that end Mr. Cummings made an applica tion to appropriate the waters of Bully Creek and of Indian Creek, and located a reservoir site at the point commonly known as the Lumberson Reservoir site. On the strength of this location a id appropriation the above mentioned suit was brought, the validity of the water rights under which Herron and (Continued on page 8.) OIL MENS WORK . IS REWARDED The Long Sought Fluid Shows Itself on Property of Eastern Ore gon Oil Company TWO PINTS IN BUCKET Contractor Stops Work to Hasten to Portland With Good News For The Stockholders That the long desired oil is at last on the point of gushing forth in Mal heur county seems to be a certainty from the news which is now being whispered around amongst the people of this city. The rumor that a find of considerable importance was made has been prevalent for some time and an investigation has proven that the re port was well fpunded. The story in a nutshell is that Keys and Hunt, the men who have the contract for boring on the property of the Eastern Oregon Oil and Gas Company, have struck oil in a quantity that is sufficient in their opinion to guarantee that a well will be brought in before very many days have passed after the resumption of work. Grant Keys, one of the con tractors, pumped up a bucketful of sand recently which contained an un usually large quantity of oil. He is an old oil man and makes the calculation that the amount of oil contained in that one bucket was at least two pints. F. M. Loy, general manager of the company, who arrived here some days ao has begun doing assessment work on the other proertieH of the company and will continue to work to the full capacity. Mr. Hunt, immediately after making the find, started for Portland to report, and the drill has been left idle pending a presentation of the fact to the directors. Story Exaggerated In its issue of ymt 'rday, Friday 17, the Idaho Statesman published a dis- j patch from Nyssa stating that a 15 I I barrel oil well had been brought in on ' the projerty of the F.antern Oregon Company, but T. W. Davidson, a mem ber of the company, who is now at tie Drexel hotel here, ami who has U-rii overlooking the work, stall! tUy to a representative of the F.ntrpriiM9 that tha tory U exuKKcrstcd. Mr. David a, m says, however, that oil ha In-rii found but th ipjmitity rannut yet b UelrriiiiiiM! ow tug to tho fart that Wt-r liSi Uell l-hrouliteri"!, Aci-onluiK to the dip..t. h the Inform s' ton wa (iw n k.jI y K. M. Hunt, wIiy has U,e roiitrtul for UrinK. VALE PEOPLE WINPRIZES Charlie Thebaud and Bert High Amongst Lucky Exhibitors at Ontario Fair Charlie Thebaud won two first prizes for chickens and Bert High captured two firsts for his stud horses exhibited at the Fair held in Ontario this week. , During the progress of the Fair sev eral Vale people attended and all were enthusiastic in praise of the efforts made by Ontario to make the time of the visitors as pleasant as possible. On Wednesday the wool growers of Harney and Malheur counties assem bled in convention and one of the big events for Thursday was the, formal opening of the new Snake River bridge. Vale band attended and a ided eclat to the occasion, while banquets and other functions provided much pleasure. Walter Clenn is another Vale man who brought home a trophy. He re ceived first prize for his exhibit of white-legged chickens. BORE FOR OIL BY FIRE LIGHTS Great Bonfires of Sagebrush Blaze ' Every Night Around The Rigs in The Field IDAHO LOVERS STILL MARCHING ON VALE That the march of Idaho lovers still continues Valeward is shown from day to day by the county court records. On last Wednesday J. G. Johnston, of Pay ette, and Miss Alice Heap, of Emmett, were made one by Judge Richardson. Tl e youthful appearance of the bride sug gested once more that the Idaho law must be thanked for one more mar riage here. Pleasant Surprise Party The seventeenth birthday of Miss Ha zel Hess, which occurred last Thursday, was made the occasion of a very pleas ant surprise party by her friends. The following were present: Misses Glenn, Robinson, Neilly and Draper; Messrs. Pollock, Welch, Clan cey, Rose and Swydensky. During the day Miss Hess became the recipient of some very nice presents. YALE LUMBER COMPANY SOLD A deal was effected this week by which the Vale Lumber Company pass es from the hands of its present own ers to others. B. W. Mulkey is mentioned as the principal in the new ownership but it is saia that outside people are associa' ed with him who intend to enlarge the business considerably. The Oregon-Idaho Lumber Company is the name under which the business will be transacted in future. F. B. Zutz negotiated the salo. Out on the hillside great bonfires of sagebrush blaze every night, and fi r some time the blazes were matters of mystery until it became known that tht oil men had hit upon the expedient of using the brush for lights. Large piles of the brush are gathered every night by three or four parties who are engaged in the work of boring and when old Sol retir. s the work never stops.' .Sometimes when all the fires are ignited they illuminate the country for miles around :4idnear them may be seen the men working around the machines like pictures illustrating the performances of II. G. Wells Martians. The scheme is said to be a -.lew one and the men who have adopted it claim to be the originators. SAYS NEXT YEAR House Burned A small residence belonging to Chas. Thebaud, and located on his ranch near the main residence, was destroyed by fire yesterday morning. ENTERPRISE GETS j MORE COMPLIMENTS: The Harney County News of Dec- j ember 8 says: - j The Malheur Enterprise is the name I of the new paper at Vale which has : absorbed the Plaindealcr, recently j Started there, and which is really the healthiest looking paper already that is published in Malheur county. The EvatiHton, Illinois, Index of Dec. 4 has the following: Mr. W. K. Lowrey, a formerly well known EvaiiHtonian, sends the first , i cjpy of the Malheur Enterprise, u good ' . I'Mtking weekly published at Vale, On, I An article which is so well written that it is suspected the judge was the uil ( thor sets forth the many advantages i of the new town of Brogan, "tin; seat of a little empire. H. I.Upton, publisher of the Block ton News, Block ton, Iowa, write as fol lows in acknowledgment of the receipt of a copy of the Enterprise : "I was very much surprised to find it so gooxl a puer and to find thiny moving off so brinkly in that section in which you are interested." Sew Light For City The bill for city lighting for the .i-t two months was allowed by the nl c Mined Inst Thnrnduy evening, and Manager Carter prun imI thul the four IditHiiml htfhU rr4' i'"d fr omc t dm tfo will I iiit..ll.. within Wtik. 'J be bill for (' liiohU. v. at VA. KING OF JAPS COMESTO VALE Hires all the Japanese for Railroad Work on all the Harriman Systems TO GET MEN FOR 0. S.L. It is Expected That One Thousand Hands Will be Employed in Ex tending Road. WILL BE OUR BEST H. C. Oliver, freight agent of the O. R. and N., who was in Vale during the week, states that the railroad business near Vale and the surrounding districts will be far better next year than ever before. The improvement is noticeable over a large radius and many new sidings are being put in. Mr. Oliver has recently been transferred on promotion to the Spokane district. HOPE IS NOT SATISFIED If Railroad Persists In Present Demands, Hope Will Not (Jive Main Street Property The firm of Hope Brothers has de cided not to donate its Main street property for the straightening of that thoroughfare should the railroad com pany persist in the demand for the closing of till the streets mentioned in the resolution to the city council. M. G. Hope states that he would be satisfied to give the property, which, he sayii, contains nearly half a block, if the railroad people agree to the open ing of Fourteenth and Sixteenth streets. He has no objection to the closing of Main, Fifteenth and Seventeenth streets and has i.lready notified the representa tives of the railroad of his purpose. Should his wishes not be met he de clares it his intention not to relinquish the Main street ground without com pensation. INTEREST INCREASING IN VALE OIL FIELDS T. W. Davidson the well known oil man has rec. ntlv visited Salem, having been requested to go there by several business men and hankers of that town who desired to become familiar with the conditions of the oilfields in the neighborhood of Vale. Mr. Davidson says the interest 'n the fields is i ic easing in Portland ami oilier places and this fact is borne out by the many communications re ceived by the Malheur Enterprise from various parts of the country, whose prople desire to bear the facts about oil. ALL OIL GROUND HELD BY OWNERS IM-al oil men stale, that for the first time since the discovery of the oil fields n 'ar Vide, no oil ground will remain open or re-location at New Years. This fact, is cau..ed by the tremendous campaign of nsicsKinrnt that was in a'lgurtetcd here this fail and which con-tiniJe.-l. Men int. rented ill the fields have com.! from all quartern with rigs to p. rform the HHM-hcincnt work with the i. milt that not onu rig of all that hi e here i-t no .v itlle. Mutirial For Brogan It. It. I'.ve . ..if.-jil. of i'.tilroud gr.4iii g m it. i i,d hi riv. i l.tat 'I utility for the V illow Itis. r rM'lioitd iomiuny tit be pl.t. d III l ollillil.oO'ill InillK dllttl ly aflef lldoll'lll','. S. Inaki, who goes by the name of King of the Japanese of the west, came to Vale last week and left again last Sunday after having transacted some business connected with the ex tension of the O. S. L. railroad into t ie Bums country. Inaki takes contracts for supplying al! the Japanese labor both for con struction and section work for the Har riman systems and constantly directs the movement of thousands of men. Engineer Ashton believes that one thousand men will be employed in the work of building the railroad and the impossibility of obtaining an ado- . quate supply of white men renders the employment of Japanese necessary. The visit of the "King" is bolieved to mean that construction work will not now bo much longer delayed. It is safe to say with certainty that tho work will be in full swing before sum mer. MOVING OIL RIG BY ITS OWN POWER The Hutchinson Oil and Gas Com pany of Union is now moving its $2,5X0 boring rig by its own power across the Malheur oil fields. This work is usual ly done by means of horse teams but haste was found necessary and a d,elay would have been caused by the search for horses. The company is engaged in preparing for assessment work. . MALHEUR OIL CCNPANY BRINGING NEW CASING New casing is expected to arrive at any time now for the Malheur Oil and Gas Company whoso representative will install it immediately upon its ar rival. Vhey aro now preparing to haul it to the rig and will work night and day. Will Erect Tank Just as quickly as the matters relat ing to the right of way through the city are settled tho 0. S. L. railroad company will sink a well and erect a water tank. Engineer Ashton believes the work will bo begun very soon. Sew Meat Market Opens C. O. Duncan and Charlie Thomas opened a new meat market last Mon day morning in the old Newton Build ing, opposite the Vale-Burns stage line otlice. Mr. Duncan is well and favor ably known as a victualler in Vale and Mr. Thomas has been here for some time. "Tell the people" they say, "that wo will sell the best meat at the most reasonable prices, so that all can af ford to eat". That their words are Ixime out by the facts is evidenced bv a visit to their market, whose owning is one of the many proofs now coming to show the city's Hilvance. 1, I ii ' f. i ii,, ( m.oI. uim, TOWN MAY HAVE HOT WATER VERY SOON C. Ii. Oxman and George W. Hayes will bring the question of the ht water franchise before the Council at its next meeting and hope to have mat t ts definitely arranged at that time. It is the intention to buy or lease th Kinehart springs. PAYNE MEETS STATE EQUALIZATION BOARD S. L. Payne has returned from the - L ni'.'fling ol couniy aeoi wiucn imp, place recently at the behest of th State K.quali;tatMi Board, w hich di sred to In id whither or not tha aaaes n had complied with the law as to ' i'4nh values. This .uiiimoniiig of the county asses 1 rs is due to a protest entered lat year by Yamhill county. Vr. I'aynu states Hist the lncra in !'! of property in Malheur county howt.l up will anioniM lha ulhrr .ouiiti. pi pioK.ition p lh miuU. (ion, "I