Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, December 04, 1909, Image 2

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Keny Items Gated tram 111
Parts cl ms Weill
Lett Important but Not Lass tntar
esng rUppenirgt from Points
Outset tht Stats.
Balliager is completely exoaerafej ia
report of attorney general.
It is MJMM ia most eosst cities
that tie twitchaea'a strike vJI aot last
Mr. Faakh-t. tie Frglsh r.t
fragette, Km sailed fra New York far
Westera scatter ar 3 .i: pointed ia
th- report cf Secretary of Agricsitur
Seerearr ff wir I
e-cpr:ioz betweea r2-.ilar .it and
Switchmen' a;. i is tied s? aeari
ail trains oa th rtdJ affected, aa
tV):tuii are idle.
la tie trial cf tie ragsr trast weigh
r it was stated that rea ia eustoas
aifonn iad beea teea to receire eoi
froa trut explore.
Aa him marj. while asleep, stepped
J a rapidly noriag train. wi rntk
ir aaotaer train, aad then wn picked
cp oa.r igt.y sart.
OSeial circle ia Washington eon
s:der Ziiiya as a thoroughly irrespon
:W dictator aad trraat, aad ur toi
altiois ia Nicaragua are almost unb-
sere:arr kbox tas returne-1 tie pass
port of the Ni'araguaa minister aid
evere-J diplomatic re.atioas with tia
eoastry. Mexico and nearly all Centra
Ai'nm nations are w-.:h tie Ua.ted
Report cf tie North Bank road shows
proa: from tie w,;:6.
President Taft pat Ld oa Piaciot
a 4 k J forestry seme i.ieas.
i A Saa Fra co burglar ha ba
identified aa a veaar Seattle m.wi
C. Amosnt speat for lay, grain and
other produce (act raised on the fara)
Cnni Director Duraad'i Inatroctlonj for feed of domesti animals aaJ poui-
EUUt u tie rm Oaro. Am0OBt t mA0Xitt aBj
Washiaoa, Not. . Aa oaUjne I ctW fertiiirers.
.v. . of the meth I ' laquirr is mile rejan.aj
o4 of keepiEJ a wnt:t ryr- cf tieir L,,, fowp-irt cf lmproTemeata.
farm operatioa aaJ tja:paseat to " lEaea 0f the four qjtioaj nkfrj i
ior aa aetarate fn eeaaai aext jear f faadaaieatal laiprtaaee ia its Dear-
kaa be a iue4 fcr Talted Sutea Ca- Lag oa ajrieaJtare aj aa iaJnatry.
r.i it .u 2. LiTe etcxk: A. Number of rouaj
ni Director E. Tata tunti. It waa , ti. farm
v- PmfMwr L oraaa row i . "
er,;UtH ?L?U,UU- R jTfc of aaixai, of eaa kiad
"Tie airaataee of ""if J .-Aat reeeiTed: aad
Ei Set re rr Lrmaa C. G rigor
dfat kioEjeil ia tae jfr
trut teaaoai.
Caaadiaa riip are to be built
a tae Faeite eat aad two craitera
re aow aader war.
Eeport f tie aeeretary of trritnl
(are tare tie 1909 vae.t erop of tie
laile-d Kte breaks tae rteord.
A Tietiai of tie St. Croix dija-sr
' sars ke aotieed taioke ia tie eab:as 3-5
aaiaatee before tie fire alira waa
1 soaaded.
Geaeral Craat beberee ti Uaitel
Pt: aa ao eaase for eoaiplaiat at
tie exeeotioa of tie two Aaierieaa
wio were aiiis tie Nicara-xa rTo-
Th Bntiik ba!fet ha bees de
feated by tke ic 2 of lords, aad for
Ike ant tiae ia 3? rears tie aeats
of tie kia; are w:tiost aa.ior;:r to
eolleet taxea.
Railroad rwiteimea from St. Pail to
the eoat are oa strke for iaereaed
fa aad freat iaeoareaieaee U beiaf
experieaeed b.r the road ia mixing ap
ad mo ring traia s.
Kia Maaael of Porofa! :s r:s.:a
la Paris.
Coa;reaa Vaas prel'eu a tarii
war with Caaa-U OTr tie pa.'p aai
paper dot.
Dr. Cook, the Aret-e erptorer. is
aervoos wreek. aad has -5i iato re
treat to reeapcrate.
It it eetisaaMd that freneat ree!a
matioa kaa -t it t A,X :) to tie
wealth of tie Vets.
Private s1t-. rwm-veii ia "e Tor
ar that Va.uf u i.-n.) kae
laaded ia
tioas of ajmumii!: i ui hi' t n
th imfi:.. jm.mti
The HiMir. f vniit runt . l.t
eoast bullae. Urj lr;lt i,B.! lx
Loa Aaeiea, Sa J riw n aa t r in
It ia believed tia: ri.-..f i..t a
naee haee a:riT .-ffei to
Niearaipia, aitioaa x - at
The Chieajo A C-eas "rcn Sa.1
way eoapay ia eat ef U4 U) ti of
teeeivere, who took tlx:pt t .-" f
tie pa: two tears aT.
Ii rectors of the Cl k N-.i
wetiera aae appreet amu a;
ji),ix0') wor.a f aew rt ft u
purpose of ba.ii.aj eivti.i - u
1 coast.
lof. rVo, Vi.te-i P(a:o xrt ar..-
oner, la eharfe of tie bw a:
Mare ULaad, sa.'S tie slr4 trtuen
oa the boob are aiaip.r ;ks tli il
has bee a t'rack by ir-'t w. o
hariaf eeery appearaato 4 arxr jie
st rue a cy aeary shot.
New York cu'.oai o1m!i iae iei
rrrsted for uader wi i. a if.
A baboon attakei) as aaar'.y k
hi keeter ia aa aaiaiai show ta Psrt
I'ederai iajiry iato tie bursiaf ef
the eeeaner rx. Croix tt.'.t to J-or
the cauM.
persoaal inpr.r are reaiur aae
focd br eeryoae asd wul be moot
k!T irpreeiated wiea the eetnos
c-inM tail with h- list of qies
tioas aext Apr:L The Talae of tie
ea Sfires cf farm w h depetds
n-wa their a3rarr, sal aecaraey aa
om'.r be seeared through the to-opera
tjoa of tie farxers theme. Ia bo
war eaa tie farmer extead more pra
t:il afi:aa;e to the eeass bureaa
aad ia no wr taa he reiir hLnxieil
a Tatr serr-te thin tr gettiaj cat
bit;-zii aai ac:e ca oa tie trtz.zg
of Apr.: t:e ltth txr. aai siitg np
jiatesec: of i.s la.-ai property. lae
aet;oas to be at-l lara
tror-err ar as io..-ow
1. Total raise of fan. with all baud-
iap aad ixprorrr-fnti,
2. Vaia f basilar?
3. VaJae cf al.' ;x;roTeea'.s aad
ssaehiaerT, ia:adic2 tc-OJ, wajas,
irria,?s, hiraeses. et.. aad all ap
pliances aad apparatus cd i faraa
isz oerat:oas.
4. Naxber aad Talae cf doxertie sa-
ixals. elajuiSed as foUows:
Cattle: A. Bora before January 1,
Cows aad heifers aept for Bui.
Cows aai heifers ac kept for milk.
Steers and bolls kept fcr work. Steers
aad bui.s sot kept for wore
ia 1W9 He-fer.
The Philadelphia Natioaal Leafje
caMDaii eiuo sa ba awid to a dj
to fur liJ0,iXO.
1 A New Terher wrote U03 words ia 1J
aiiajteo oa s typewriter front copy ho
aaj aeeer oeTere,
Ch;!e wiH sree t the arbitratioa of
Edward ia the Alaop cUiaa depat
!ia tae i a. tea r:ate.
lizards the Sellwuod ferry reeeaed
tw pros from a wtxkeJ hoaeeboal
mrua Jaw a the WilLaaette.
it. i ft it tuKeriij Trvm aervout
rruj. after prrnB lt r,,rd
i-r iactia vf t.upeah4ja .vr
Ate was llvwa ea the snd
I the eatraiee U Til.ih b, aa i
IheM .tre Wet .1,4 et,rl via
j Ore l.wri4
Tte ra.,al u (;
ttm n m.u.tft bi hl,A
'. aai it t Ui.4 l
B. Bora
aad buiij.
C. CalTes b-ora ia 1310.
Horses: All horses bora bfore Jaa
uary 1, Coirs bra after Jaaa-
ary" 1, l.-9. Co.'ts bora after Jaaa-
arr i. yiV).
M-ies: All sales lora before Jia-
cjrr 1. 1"9. Maie eoits tra af'er
Jiaairy 1. 1S.9. Miie eoiti bora after
Jan-iarr 1, 1JM
Attrs aad barrcs .'ill .
fw:i: Hcf! bora te:or Jaaaarr
. lj10. P:s-s bora after Jaaary 1,
Sarp: Ewes bora before Jaaaary
2. 1910. Eaxs aad wethers bora be
fore Jaaaarr I. 1910. Lasts bora
after Jaaaary 1. IS-10.
Goats aad Kids (all aiV
3. Najnber aad ra-ae of poultry orer
3 moaths old: Chuieas, diets, geese,
tarkers, Oaiaea lowj, s.geoBs.
6. aatber aad of I wirxs ox
The eeana will not ask the raise
of hoaseiold goods, aor tia: of hay,
gTsa or other fara crops oa haad oa
Apr. J IS. These items iioold be ia
eiaied. howerer, by all desirtag a coai-
pe:e tareotory of taer fara property.
"The ralae r.rea to the farat saoo.d
be. aa nearly as eaa to ;aied. tae
axouat tia: could be obtaaed for it
if olered for sale aaier aorxal eoa
ditiocs. Correat market pr:ies should
be earefaliy eoasiderei ia estxatiag
tie raiie cf lire tok.
Aitioagi the eensas merely re
quires a statemeat of total ra.i of
ail iaiplemeats aa i maeiiaery, i: is be-
ere.i taa: a .ass:aat.oa of tsee
texs osier the follow.Bi four heads
w:Il be foaad Ta.'aable:
1. Veileies: Tiis class eoxprises
sitonobiles, wajoas. earriaes aai
leigis. aad eqa;pxeat ased ia coaaec-
tMia with them, as harasaes, blaakeu,
a:pe. etc
2. Heary fara ijip.'eaeats: Coa-
pr;s all iapleaeats aai xachiaery
operated by aay pwer otaer thai
haad powr, as plows, harrows, rollers,
reapers, aiower, hay loaders, feed
graders. ete, etc.
3. Hiad aiai.aery aai tools, iaclal-
H .pea:rs' :oj.s. ices, iaorels.
sytaes. ijriis, er-.atstose. fiaa.a
m:..s. et.
4 M e..a5js a rt !: i-9. iat'.al.n
a.. sia a. aor ea.paeat as
pas. carreis, casaets. ropes,
3. Da:rr prodaets: A.
ad ralae of milk, butter aad eheeoe
I produced oa the farm ia
a. Vuaatitjee OI mi, creaai.
butter fat aad cheese sold ia 19v9 asd
axoaats receireu.
4. Poultry sad gz: A. x.t of
pouitrr cf sa aiais raueJ ia
rietier soid, coasamed or oa hia-1.
B. Axoaa: received froa poaitry
Mil ia l?-;-9.
C. and vaiaj cf e;js pto
u'ed ia
D. C-iiat-tr aad value cf tigi s-;ii :a
o. Woe! aad mohair: Number aai !
::ai we:zat oi aee-: sasra :a j.-.j
aai aaouat receiver irox
6. Crops: For eaci crop harvested oa
e firm ia l.i-a i"ive aaxber of aires.
tae qaaatity proiatei. aai tae
of the products. The aaxter of aires
of each erop to be sisated for harrest
;a 1919 waj also te eaxie4 tor by tae
eauaerator. Ti:s caaaot be deteraiaed
much before the date of the eaaaaer-
at:oa. iasteai or ?"-v:aj tae nuac-er
of acres ia orchards aai riaeyaris.
rre as aear'.r as po:ble the aaxber
of trees aad r:ae of bear.aj ae. The
quaat:ty of certain fruit products, as
cidrr. viaear. w:a aad dried fruits
pr-ij:ed ia i!9 will t-e rejaire-i, as
.J aiso tae qaaat:tr aal raiae oi
St, srrap aad molasses produced
from eaae. sorghum, soar beers aad
n; trees.
7. Sales of r-ecied pro due's ia 13'liJ:
A eoar.ienble part of the aaaual pro-
iicuoa of cora, oats, ba.-.ey, astir cora,
ai.0 xajze. hay, aax a:er aai straw,
ether straw, eora staiks aai ottoa
seed is asjally coasuxed oa the fira.
ij-:zz to this fi.'t. a report will be
ai.ked eoacerair the quiat:tr of each
of thee pro'iacts i ia l.'j aad tie
'aaouats realized therefroa.
. Pores: prodicts: The vaiue cf ill
fores: products cit or produced :a 1."9
far firm esasuxptioa wlu t-e asaed.
as wJi also the value of siailar pro.i
nets eat or produced for idle, iaclai
izz receipts froa tie sale of staadiag
9. Irriatioa: Farxers who irrigate
their 'aad will be asked to report tie
source froa which water is obtaiaed.
the number of acres of pas:are laad
irr-.ated, aad tie total irrigated acre-
"This oatliae covers every iap-orv
aat questioa that will be asked eoa
eeraiag the fara products of 19.
Aaer.caa agricaltmre is so diversified
aai so hijraiy specialized ia maar of
its bnacies tha: aay schedule designed
'.3 secure a fairly complete exaibit of
its resources aad op-entioas xast aes
essarily eoataia a lare aaxber of ia Tie avenge fara operator
wvil ax b called utoa to aaswer oae
seveath of the prjte questioas. heace
the soaewiat forn.dible appeanace
of the schedule aaoiid cccu.oa ao
alara. j
"iiore thaa four xoaths rexaia ia
Order Promptly Obeyed cy 2J00 Men
Throughout Northwest.
Paul. Tec. 1. After 15 days of
r"-i.ition b-tweea the
Nationsd Appls Siov Gir Sayremscy
to o-oe Barer Valley.
Medford MeJfori aai tie Scae
river valley are re.ioiciif over the
saowia made at tie Na::aal Apple
show, wheo the rweepstake prte was
awarded Tronsoa : Ostir.e ca s car
of Spitienbergs.
The awardis of tiis pri:e to tie
R4-ae nver Taiiey is a great r.ctory
for" tie fmit rrcwers aad w-.ll bnag
the recofc-aitios to which the d str
eotitled as the greatest frai: ro'-i
section ia the world.
The prire wiaaiaz ar?.i cs
ia orehard aboot 20 rears c. -iZl
four years ago froa J. H - -.T T
Troncna ir G-jt.r. f-r ill. The
p.ace coasij:s or i.".' a:rs.
Wiaa;:r of tie tit.e art e
'-. wori! w:ll fr:J i irXiai for
iog-ie river ralley fruit, it:
he fishioa ia ail eii'-e.-a
where fruit is purchased for q-
.e. to wcxiau :
w:ll be
itr. re
he Med-
aieii by
ia: w: ce te;
;- hive looked
? of p
ford braa L
Medford w-ill sow
leaps aai boaais ia the ir.
HaBire-ls of aores cf
to fruit, and mea i
askance at the future cf tie ladastry
are plaaaiag to secure kxc o. t
profits which seem to :e ia store ia
t.Tis va.ey.
B:g Mass Meeting Will Cccrene at
Salem for This Fu-T-om
Salex -"Marloa coat;y .5
j'i roads. A ioti
starred to iaterest the
entire couatT ia a caxraua f-r better
h:2bwar. To secure the i co-op-eratioa.
a xass xet:a2 his bees calle-i
for T'e-'exier . 6 aai 1". "-a farm
ers aai baia xea w.ii er.. coa-
si ier the a ivaacernut -:f tie cvuatv.
s to aare
at hi beea
t-:t.e f the
j -
. -
t far
re aak
- r:-a i
the build; ag ts? of
ties and the ;-itherl:2 of
her the work.
Alrea!r e:2rt rc-id i -t s
I22 steclal lev.e ei -11- t
bu;M;ag. Taey ire scatter i w
tie coa5tr. howi-2 s-:t.-"1 -r
iaterest la the movexeat.
It is beheTe-i that tie - -2 year
will see aa uaparallelel -t-v-1 ; of
2--i road building :a Mir.oa vuay.
For th:s ras-ra a 2 :-! art is i--lred.
aad the ropratioa of every xa ia
the eouaty is earae:ly vj2it.
lae pnac:pai ta:aess of tae xeiag
u c-e to -levise metao-is or ectria2
faais for the proaot:-a cf p-rxaaea
real woric ra:s r aa 1.. :xr-ortaat
topic :a coase-rtioa w-lth rfce raorexeat
and it is probable tbat there will be
ideas a iraace-i which will of won
ierfu! value to every oae.
1 aere are rsi -!:tr..-s :a tie
eouaty. Each ci these districts
superviwr. aad it is p-robabl s-a:
of tae sarerv:sors w.!: a
x-t.nj is for everv xia. n.i 1
State Hortecmltsral Society to Cccrene
U Prnlaad.
Oreg?B fra.t growers fr?a the or
chard disrrrct is every part of the
state will meet ia Portlaad next week
for tie twestr-foartk aaaaal sseet;si
of tie Ore-gra State Horticsltaral So
c:etr. is auiitioa to tae m::s ses
05 ef th society, which are of grpat
Uteres: to hort:f3.tur.ts generally, it
is exp-eted that tie taest displsy of
arps ever aaue
Portlaad will be
hows ia tie auditorium oa the fifth
k Fraak aaaex.
f the foeietr will
i-tr of the Meier
where the se-ssioas c
be hell
Ab-jct !""- ia trexiaxs ia cash aad
xe-ials w.U be cfTerei exhibitors for
the b-?st fruit iurliys. aai this feature
cf the E.eet.aj prx ses to N 1 notable
Miay wi? are iavre? ia hor
tirulture sal ia ir.rrtrg will stteaJ the ee"::i of the Hrrticu'.tnra!
soc:etT aai ti-r-se of the rr;oa State
ra:ry aj: i:::a. wh.:h will hold its
atee-tirrs ia the W.ixea of the Worli
hili ixxed ately fjllow-ag the horti
cuitorai s-oc:etr xeetirf Tie railroads
have o?ered special rites of a fire a-ii
a thirl for the rouai tr p f:r iota
Valley of Orchirli.
The Boane r.ver valiev sow hi s-jx
of the iir2: orcharls ia Oreoa.
Th-oasaads of acre are g.vea to apples
aad pears, the latter beea very
proatable ia receat years. Oae of the
orchards ia tae if sot
Switchmen s nint-.-.u- n . ..
of Nort h America aad the joint flUUA OS I bi UlIUUMlllU ncJ3IIODI
With Mcaragnan Tyrant.
,..--;-p r.t railroad managers, repre
s-?2tis2 13 railroads of the northwest,
a :avolvicg swncamen w
taxe effective at 6 o'clock last n:ght.
The mea are employed by railroads
w- fir.s jr and north of St. Paul
froa Lake Sup-erior to the Pacific
cot. aad. naless spee-iily settled, the w;ll meaa s serious interruption
to tie traSe.
Twenty three hundred men are in
reived. All Hill line switchmen in Seattle,
Tacoxa. Belliagham. Everett, Spokane
aad ether western division points sre
Passetfr tra:a where neceesary are
t-eicg made up by terminal supenn-
eadests aai taeir as.s:stsnts.
The ri:lral managers eharge that
he strike orirr is a riolation of the
sr'.r;t c coatereace peaamj i
arbitratioa uader tii? Erxlman law.
The sw.tchxea dec.are the railroads
f.r ed tie :sue.
for doable piy for iua
sal cvert:x
a 'iar cr tea ao-rs :a tae ui
wi-chrres. w:tch teaiers. towermen.
fcrl-r aad aistant yard-
Brands Zalayt at I rrt sponsible Trot,,
bis Maker Question of War
Laft to Congrass.
tae largest ia tie sra'e, . .;a: of tae
Western Orchards eoxpaur. consisticg
of 11-30 acres, all set to viaag trees.
Tie fara eoasists of 1T.V stres. all of
which w-;n be set to trees wi-hia the
ex: few years. Next srr :zz 231' acres
rill be set to arples aai p-?ars. the laal
haviag receive-! speciil eultivatioa this
year. The orcharl cow rerreseats
40.C-00. aai is cwaei by xea ia Chi
C32--'. who becixe iaterestel ia '.'rezia
a few year ar?. J. A.
aa old ralroai xia. is
Vesterlun i.
-.a ? a
It a
hit his occapatlosi cr his -aalia2 ia
:oe comxaaity. .j ln32 a he : iaer-
H-ed ;a roai builiirj.
New Corporations.
;1-! Arti'!s i. is-'Arroratioa
tae firs etc., Bot
three classes.
"Maar farmers greatly caieresti
mate the total value of their po;
awas of ti:s eiaracter wiea consider
iag ties ia tie aggregate, aad it
aiy by preparing an neaued list as
suggested above that aa accurate esti
aa. of their worth eaa be made. The
va-n au.gaed th;s class of property
.a lie tareatory saouu be the esti
nated aaooat it would bring at pub
la act.oa naler favorable conditions.
A :a the case of the farm inven
Ury. a tpciai blanks are required for
ta rtori of farm products of 19'9
Aa fi.tarr at book with leares at
.Vaj t.s Khe wide will be found
aea.-4it. Ti follow. ag information
wii t Tit:
L Farat t ijtu-n is 1: A. Amount
rpeat ta eass fr fara labor (exclusive
of bob wora).
B. Estimated value of hone rent and
c-oard furnished farm laborers is ad
i.t;on to cash wiges paid.
Preach General Assassinated.
Faris, Nor. 30. A man believed to
limine, and having an ini:2iBsrv
g-vanc aijainiit the war department
u ana Bfriouxlv wounded (.ieneml
Veraa-I today ou the tei of the Hotel
.ii!:nntal. l he man wits arretted
La:r it ws liamed that he had nii
:ia tieneral Yerand for Oeneral
Bria. -Biaiater of War. Th assailant.
- is ta Algenao, wts overpowered
us o acu.ty. 11.1 was found to bv 1
wa.t az arsvaal of rxvolvers and Ug
grt o-sertl erand received bullets
is th ak aad forehead, aad his con
i.t.n is ccat.aered serious.
sVica, Chorea Kept Her
fvttie, Nor. ST. Supported for
.an by tie Columbia R.ver Coafer
of tie Methodist church, dying a
iw uays ago asi leavt&f aa estate
va:u4 at, Un. lihas I'res, ia
aiid wife ef th late Xfr. lra. pas
tor or th Kint Method: church of
1'aytjs, caaited d.appoiataat ia
church circi at Paytoa, Waah whea
aer waita was had knows. Si
wiild her fortua to riative is Aits
trsl.a without coatr.butiag a peniv to
th church which had mad comfort
sble xiiac poMibU for her dunsg
Japan Publish Factory Laws.
Tokio, Nov. s:.Wua th v.w f
meeting Ubot pioblBss befor thr b
cos. .xiiji.i, U govrmt udav
published a w b ll la tosii:ii
th factory law. Va Ier th statBt.
I'cs go Ui lamed at afft. th
rwj'.vuif vt childrtB sdr li yars
oil is rvk.b.ld is fstlori. Wva,
r a I U s adr 14 r cr
f " lV,r)cg at Sail, aa k
ltit i alloatd wrs SI
l'f war Maa aat M.reu
tar I
which to rev.ew tie results of tie year
l:!tJ aai prepare for :he of " the
eauaerator. But preparation of a
writtca record should be commenced a:
oae. o oae saouli attempt to coa
plete i: ia oae evea:a2. but tie work i
should be divided as indicated ia the
above out.ine. oae evecuaz be:a2 ztvea
ap to fara expenses, a secoai to live
stock, a third to diiry products, and
so oa through the list. In tils way
each topic caa be givea the eoasidera-
oa ;t ceserves. aad tae resulting fig
ures are certain to oe more accurate
thaa if compiled hastilv."
sare as f...ows:
A- ri;i :2- No. !". KeEvoVa
aai Pr:-e.":v Order of FHk: iccor
r- ri'o.-s, R. J. Pii:-iaJr-..E. J. C. 1 ntoa
C. Law. F. J. i.'ara'T aad F. C
c-'xr-any: pnacipal o
Members of Police Commission Are Not
Those "Suggested."
Saa Frinc:s-o. Nov. 23. p. H. Mc
Carthy, who was recently elected mayor
oa the Union Labor ticket, has selected
the members of the police commission,
aad the announcement comes as a se
vere blow to the union labor grafters
who looked to McCarhy to reward taeru
for their efforts in his behalf.
Not a labor man figure among those
Joseph Leggett, an old time Demo
crat, and a maa of s:er!.ng,
remains oa the board, while the two
new men are to be William MacXevan,
member of a real eate firm, and Lou?
Blot, whj is connected with a down
town wholesale coxm ss.oa firm.
The labor leaders are a'rea Iv di
gusted with tie ia i-pea ieace of Mc
Carthy. On of taem said, when
asked hnw Ubor was faring with the
mayor elect: "Aw. yoa eau't to-ci
him sine he was eleced."
Farmer Block Railroad.
Spokane Baciue if tie faljre
the Great Nortiern ra.lf)ad to see
.anl: -ari-ai s-tocic. incorrorat
or, (.r. a. Metz2-r. I. L. Cohen aai
Hit-r. a F. Ataxia.
Porvaa i atioarv i Wo.-.denwire
company: prlaeipal office. Portlaad;
ap.-i s-o-.t. JI-.O.'VhI; incorporator
. I. Brius. T. Walce Buist and
'. aarlr-s C. Duacia
Notarial Commissions.
e!e-n Notar.a: commisioc have
ben i"i:e.l v rt. n M. Patteron. Corny
pia: Jo- M. Flub-r'v. Lebanon: T. J
M 'i. .arv. i.t--; a. C. Morgan. Morjaa:
John 'V. Oliver. G. L. Webb. Isaac
weet. M. A. M. Asa ev and A1. y
i'orthind: M. Inlev. Fore:
Tove: 1. T. IV-anert. Marhfie!d: J. L.
fampbei:. Glendale: Bartlett Cole. H.
. vonaer and D. .1. Fortes. Portland;
Walter J. Loju. Nehalem; Samuel d.
White. Cove; E. D. Whiting, La Grande;
LeRoy Park. The DnlUw; E. W. Haine
Fort Grove; C. W. Corbv. Newberg!
aa I Let L. Pearoe. S.ilem.
a water
E'phrata, where
water for 16 years. F. A
son made a filing aid Yj'
:ae sir a n-ar
as c-een gHtia2
To'liver and
;.ie m-i-e-
pending the settlement of a si t a? 1
a half doira moil engines have ga
dry on the ma n 1 a of ti i.ri-
Northern as a re-!t. Tw, tra n are
laid up at Fphrata for lack of water
Ephrata is tie onlv n'at.oa S-twevn
Wilson creek and Inn. lad at whica
engines caa get water.
Mob SHoots Down Kegro.
Meriden, s, Nov. 2T Morgan
Chambers, s negro, was takea from
Town Marshal Broadway aad Deputy
Jo Camp at Meechaa. 12 mile west
of here, tonight by 2 V masked anea
aad his body riddled with bullet. The
egro had Mrlier in th dav hrm
aai robbed Mart. a Dre!er, "aa agd
citiaea f Pout, 4 will station two
mile wt of Meechaa. Dreler ideati
d h ssaaiiaat. Marsaa! Broadwav
sd rvputy Caaip started with th
seiM tr tse .:. ia ts wv th-v
r toafroated by the mob, wh ch took
th ig-o hy fore.
"TaAs Away Tor Oaatost."
Vu-xor.s. K C, Nor. ti Tn
tnr IW... ropioB, fro-m Atiat.e
ports, tola broiit frow Mai
t ti Frpi,-i (fia' Ari was
dntea 1st a p.idy sll .i yarn frua
r ter ia w.ub a tok :'-.r fro
V.t :or- lt scta, tad tat
L.tM ftrr ht' J ttUI I
rowpaauu.o f-r,-i.t cf f-f
t i U I. Hal (4 rtfc
.f r, u r UI fivai tte
Or Bans $3000 in Gold.
Baker City One of the richest vein
of gold ore discovered ia Raker county
is now being worked by the Humboldt
Min eg company at their mine :n Mor
mon Uf a. Th- ore runs .t'vi t, th
toa. aad is boig takea from a -.n
ab-out sevea i-, mide aai of ua-kn-iaa
i-p-h. Wi: -he eomp-anv ha
beea working on the rich ve:a for' some
ii'tle t.sie. ta-y did a-t rtiak- an aav
uat.l today, aad were surprivd at the
richae of tie vela. The mine is in
the same ev,loa tad is near the famous
Rainbow mine.
Merrill Citizens in Bad.
Klaxath Fall Several parties re
ilcg ia th- riciaity of MerrJl have
been saaxoced to Portlaad in conaec-
oa with the cuttiag of timber frox
goreraxent reserves. It has a.wav
bcee-ri customary for the people of that
seetioa to eet "their wood supplv froa
the juaiper grores in the f ot hills. The
forestry service made a ruling prohibit
iag the cutting of juaiper oa govern
ment lands, anl tae partie who have
beea summoned to Portlaa i to appear
roerore tae fe.ieral raad ;urv are
charged with violating this ruling.
Sells Wieat at 99 Cents.
Baker City The larzest wheat deal
made ia this section of the state ha
just beea eessustnated br the Balfour
Guthrie company, which purchased the
holdings cf the Oregon Mill Grain
company, whose elevator wa des'rove
by fire. The deal involved 80.'v bush
els of wheat, snd the price was &9 eeat
per Dusael oa board the cars at For
.ana. mis aeai is taten to mean taat
tae mul j-eople will not rebuild this
.r xea.
Washington. Dec. 2. Sewetarv .
State Knox late te-lar retume.t n.
paisr-orts of FVlipv Rodriguer. ehars
d 'affaire nf the Nicaraguan 2ati0.
with a letter scathiDzlv dnnn;.
the Zelavan administration t tK.
rnment of Nicaragua.
The le'ter is definitelr .lee;iro,t
rprer,t the views of Preid-nf T,.
days, holidays 1 and is alxiut as plain spoken as an
aa alraace of 60 cents, thing emanating from the state rfL
partment in many years.
The extraordinary feature af the let
ter is that it seems to evince aa inte
tion on the part of the I'nit-d States
to hold President Zelaya r-TRa!lr re-p-nible
for the alleged torture aad
execution of the American. r,..
aa'sters: a r.oiitioa of the ru.e pro-
diag for the payment of p-enaity in
cae of failure to permit switchmen to
ia the middle of
their shift at a stated period, which
contemplates double pay ia case where
it becax secessary 0 work a portion
of :he meal hour, "aad the elimination
of the physical examination and the
age hxit placed upoa iwitchaien en
terlag the service.
Both sides to the dispute issned
statement tonight. That of the rail
road managers declares that an in
creae of 2 c-ats aa hoar, or 20 cents
a day. was offered by the railroads in
territory wet of Billing and Havre,
Mont., "but declined. Further increases
were refused, the statement says, be
cause pay of switchxen had been in
creased previously aai sow averajes
xore thaa ! a month. The rail
roads ;av the strike orler was issued
while a conference with United States
Coxxerce Coxxissioaer Kaapp and
I'arei State Coxxisioaer tf Labor
Neill. loosing to arbitration under the
F.rix.ia act. wis pending. Bad faith
;a ca..;a2 tae stn.-ce :s eaargei
and Groce. and exhibits the
Newport Short of FneL
Newport With wood all around
dry wood cannot b had ia the local
marsets. Dealers sav ther cannot eet
enough cut ia the summer to last during
the winter, yet there are people who
eomp'.aia that there is no work to be
aa i. Dealers offer good wages to wood
cu::ers, put tew tnere are wao care to
Prineville The Redmond Commercial
cub has .auached a svstematio cam
paiga for a direct countr road from
Prineville to Kedmoad. The club is
conferring with the county court, and
is taking other steps to ge: plans per;
ieciea lor lae new roaa.
Country Schools Costs 116.000.
1 10 erect a scaooi costm?
llrj.OW ia a district where s few vtars
ago the aad was worthless, is the ac
complishment of the Feradale school
d.strict, three miles north of Freewater.
Wheat Track prices: Bluer-m.
1115; club. $1.0.1; red Russian. 1.01 u. ;
valley. 1: Turkev red. 1.04; for-v'
fold. 1.04.
Barley Feed. r-V-3't; brewing sis.;
per ton.
torn Whole. 33.30; cracked. .U..3i
per ton.
tuts No. 1 white, 131.731.50 rer
Hay T.mothv. Willamette vall-v
lv,:19 per toa: eatera Oregon. !".
I! altiirt. f 1 1(5.5.1 elovee tH.,i U'.
Appropriations Not for Salaries.
aleai Ia aa opinion rendered re
ceatiy. Attora-y General Crawford ha
held that ti appropriations male for
he several etr-r m-at tat:or.s in 1 f
f-reat pars -f tae state bv the leg
lature last winter are not available for
tae salaries of professors of the Oregon
Agr. cultural coyg even while eng-ig-d
ia supervisiag tae work at the stations.
Ta- aioaey caa be u-d oalv ia proniot
:ag tie work of tie s-a:ioa. Tie
a wa tei bv
tae coi.ege.
Apple King Visits Hood Riyer.
Hood R vtr E. Wi uler. one of
the ;f of th Rogie river dis
tr.ct. ai astaag-r of tae Bear Creek
Orchard company, spent a day :a
R:ver oa h.s return f ro.n " Sp.'aae.
here i ha i bea .a tie in'eret of
hi company, that a ie a Urge d. splay
of fra :. Mr Wh i-r spent ti t.a
ill :a liod R.ter ut!:Jtt. t ts-
.a p.aa:.
no. a .orge 434 ar.
Ooremor Bnsoa Rtaras.
Sa it ; .ers.,r B.-i.5 an i Dr R
K. I. aer. ij.r airadea: of ta
at .-;.n I r tie uulr, at Sjl n
trr.tei at lie frv t3e aota.
aer b. a .3t rr t U,t w- to ra
y a .sort l. ,,!... ,r p os t3
v.aa.i al W.j.'i,-..,, .r. 4, B,ou4
j ta I atp j i rir. ia lv,ag - e.4a:
rtory at Klaaitta r-la.
i a. , -w r J ar,,
I'-. s g a t f.-( ,tr .., (
' k ; . ri-... 1 1
tk Mig jaa a.
io t ail
J . ej OvV !.( af :Uf 4a.
aeut. fl.-i.-i: 18; gram fl.VJli.
Fresh IVuts Apples. 1 .r 3 per Nx:
pear. 11-:!. .30 per box. quince, fl.2.3
1J0 per box; cranS-rries, i.,i 9..30
per Parrel.
Potatoes Oregon, f .1 ,7 T V per s.iek
sw-e; p.taoes. p,-r pound
egetable Artichoke. 7V per doa.:
beans, I V per jiun.l: eabbag-. .;!
per poun i; ce.erv. f.l.TJ,:, pr rl.
horserad sh. I V per doien; puno
a.ns. i .i ic: sprouts, v per pouad;
"i:;. ' i-10;, 73c .ill,
.-j,- e-tar .e Turnip. 73c .il
per ac; carro:. 1: beets. I! 23; ruta
bag-a. Il l) per sack: parsnips. 112.3.
tnioni Oreaou. 1.30 r sa-k
w.,-. . ..... . ' . .
.v...,. v .. . creamery, extra, joe ;
fancy e-eamerv." 32'-.. iSoc per
re. (Butter fat
1"" aerag- ii pr wjj cajr pitter pr.ces.
Eggs Kreah (Vegon. extras. 43c vr
doiea: eatera. 32.i3 per dozea '
po iltry Hen. 1,3.,; I V, e; snrsag
13..: 13 Uc; rooster. 9- ,1V; ducks 1 .
1'V gvre. 11,: 12c; turkev. l:v' .r"
dreed, 15c.
Pork Fancy, ! pef poun 1.
Veal Extra. 12 il2Uc rw r.,f
lattle Fvet -eer. H.3.WUV flf
to g.M'd.'l -4 23; milium aai feeder.
1-1 .3."..! J.T; bet cow, f t 3- : 3 73 .
aied am. .t 3 73; eomsio to m-d i n
2 3. ,.: 3.73; bull. 2..:2..V): ,. ?
2 3.1.; J 30; e !, light 5J3 ;.).
heavy, 4 4 73.
nogs lie.t. '!: Md;a
;I ? 5; oekers, It .- 4 73. ar.tera. tJ3 f4v
far a go.!. JTJ fc-, , fJTj
4 (if gi. ) J ,1 TJ; UtV.
I 5 - ' '
If er.p, J :Jet ! e r r
a. tl, l-.r trJp JJ; H 4
U 1 - t atr lrg..s Ii7.'j ii.a.k...( IU i,,.!
-- .
Oil King Guarded to Poll Assassins' or
Cleveland. O.. lVc. 1. Acttng cpon
inforxatioa given by a man who said
he overheard a conversation in which
plans to aa:nate John D. Rocke
feller were discussed, the police guard
ed Forest Hill. Rockefeller's home, all
night. The information was giren by
Sawyer Sxith. of Minerva. O., who
?aid he heard the plot discussed by two
xea at Alliance. O.
Sxith. who is a luxber dealer, said
that while visiting in Alliance Sunday
night he accidentally caxe near two
mi near a railway track. He heard
the xea plotting against Rockefeller,
aad said they declared they were to
t-e well paid for either killing or kid
naping hix.
I: was agreed by them that it would
t-e eaier to kill, and the reward would
be tae same, smith says. I: is believed unit
trat :n consequence of this warning
Mr. Rockefeller decided not to attend
a church banquet last night, at which
he w-s to have spoken. Mr. Rockefel
ler left todav for New York.
nation of one government hold;n; JSe
ehief executive of another practically
as a common malefactor.
Zelaya is branded as a violator of
solemn international conventions, a dis
turber of national and international
p-eace, a tyrant whose admin'mrratiot
nas ben a blot upon the name of good
Secretary Knox visually announces
the recognition of the Niearazuaa r-
olutionist. declares it to be the eos
victwn of the United State that the
revoluririn represents the sentiments of
a majority of the Nicaraguan P-opl.
and that there is evidentlv no rm.
sible government with which the Unite!
ftate C3a deal.
He thrt-fore announce that .j
tie will b held accountable for their
action as affecting the interests f
Arr.ercan and the peace of Central
He further informs Senor Rodriguez
that, while he ha lost his diplomatic
quality, he may still serve as aa "ns
oc'.a! channel of communication with
the faction which he is regarded as rep
resenting." This bring the crisis as near to the
status of war as it eould bo brought by
executive action without a definite dee"
laration by congress, which will eoa
yene next Monday. Mr. Knox's letter
in all but so many words makes it plaia
that the action represents the wish aad
attitude of all the Central American
States with the single exception of
Hon iara, which is regarded here as ea
tirely dominated bv Zelarj
King's Agents Are Without Authority
to Collect Taxes,
Loclon. Dec. 1. The house of lords
Alleged Attempt to Smuggle Jewels Ints
Country Leads to Loss.
New York. Dec. 2. The Chesbrongh
pear! necklace was seized today by
' unector Loeb. wco appraise it 315
with the dutr added, at !2.3.0OO
The owner is Mrs. Fremont B. Ches
brough. wife of a millionaire lumber
man of Det-oi: and Boston.
Two customs inspectors swear tier
found a bill of sale for the pearls last
?.Lsy in the false bottom of one of Mrs.
Che. trough 's trunk, bat the pearls
were missing. According to Vhes
brough. the iewels were being held t
his order in Toronto. Canada. Collector
Loeb say that he insisted upon pos-
...... nua. ' 1 J , -7-1 ,w
tonight, for the firs: time ia 3-X" rears 'v' " - wai
refuse.! it formal assent to the bud-1 " 'mitr-
get. therebv making it ill--al for the1 " -r,n-nuea to pre. tfl g-vera-king's
agects to collect taxes with ' f2 , f'a!m- 31 " Julr 2 he ob-
wcica to carrv oa the goveramea '-'-e.i .ae or.ginais. He has held them
" . " 11-1.'- ...inH... . J .1 .. .. ,
iais action ot tae peers was takeni ' ' . " t'rw taac iaer aai
ia direct d. -regard of the advice 0f , never '"a ia this country. Such proof
sue a ao.e x-xbers as Rosehenr Tnr. I r no- tera torhcoTning.accori.cgt
ley. Lord Jaxes of Hereford. Lord ' M" I-oeb- l today the ncklaee was
Cromer. Lcri Balfour of Burleigh, the ":"da a preliminary to action against
tar! of Lytton. Lord Courtnev an.l th -nr- '-aesM-rough.
Archbishors of Caate'rburv' and r,t 1 "
The budg'
now go before the
Wilhelmina Shows Speed.
Newport News. Va. ".w 3ivT.
h. roJtF "s" J:ih:r today the big freight
try, wi.l dissolve the house of com
mons aad order a general election.
Whether the present liberal house aad
irstry hall be sustained ia initing
the budget will U the isue ia the
ChUd Ordered Released.
Fresno. Cal.Br 4 writ of habeas
corpus Mr. Minnie Spring todar re
gained posses-ioa cf her 4 -rear-old
daughter. Ruth, held by Mr. aad Mrs.
Frank D. Holland" for debt. The Hol
lands claimed 130 for the care of tne
hild. Judge Choreh. who issued the
rn:. sa.d that ia this civi'.ire.l .t-
the of a chUd uader lien or
chattel mortgage was not to be t)io-,
of. The charge were brought under
aa old territorial law. The orSciAl-s
say the arrest was a case of persecu
tion and not prosecution.
Rebels Defeat Big Fore.
Colon A w.rele dispatch received
f-om Blueneld says: After rive hoars
of Cgatmg ye-erdar rj revolution
ists ua-ier General Mituty defeate-J
y") government troops under General
Zaquei ia the aouataias abeve Raxa
several staadards and a quant -v 0f
arm and axxuaitioa fell o' the
aaais of Ueaeral Matatv waea ae
goteramec: tro-ops w.tiirw. fie
-e.ayaa troops los: .) n.ea killed aai
many wouaded. while ti revolution
it. wao fougat bm:ad boulders aad
c:ar protectees. kst xea killed.
T. R. Sees Lion Spesxini.
Loaliaaa. Br.ti.h Fjj 1 ,-.t
oael Eor::, Kerxit Roosevelt, Ed
ruad H:.Vr aad Lesl.. A. Tarltoa ar
rived her. today fro tl G-a.a.aghca
, .ateaa. a.i are la spleai kaalta.
Aaioag th uga-s wi:ae,d was a dis
pay of ..oa Wlta trert by
Maad. warrx'.-s. Ta i!tihit,.. i
tar ...-g oae. Th.s ereaisg the partr
U irv,eed to Nviro, hr they will
t gje,ti of Lord lVlmr, u Jt
tr a raaci. uanl ru..,.. i.
,, - v, -a
.-i proceed to Nairobi.
Exchtus aWat, IH.0CO.
NW York A M:1 ;fSi t A..S .4
ti r4 an paii toda t. '
a ti N.w Yori &io iUs-. M
.' f Ui .) p.. J fuf , mmW,
. r, gi. The Ui 1. It llarrt
13 .) . ,.a ..... ,
Us sa.u., k44 mi4 Ut
passenger steamer Wil helm! Ba
bul!: by the Newsport News Shipbuild
ing Drydoeking compaar, developed
a speed of 17U knots an hour. 24
knots in excess of the eoatraet speed.
oal oil wis ued a, faeJ. The ship
will use this fuel during her run of
13.'.0 miles to San Fraacisco. and will
the first steam vessel to attempt
such a voyage with oil fuel. The Wil-h-'.miria
was built for the Matsoa Navi
gation company, and will p!r betweet
Honolulu and Saa Fraacisco."
Oral Betting Under Fixe.
Oakland. CaL. Dec. 2. With tk
service of subpenas on P. J. Treat, sec
retary of the New California Jockey
club: George H. Sxith. who came ts
Emeryville to inaugurate the oral bet
ting sys'ea. and oa William F. Forse.
a d-tect:v-. a- 1 Robert MeKibben !at
today, at th- Exerwill racetrack. Dis
trict Attorney W. H. Donahue, of Ala
meda county, announced that th g-ad
jury would take up the subject of bet
ting t-re. The men who were served
w:th subpena will K aV.l annear
before the grand jury tomorrow.
Borough Chief Accused.
New York. Dec. 2. Removal of Bird
S. Coler froa the presidency of th
Borough of Brooklyn is asked of Gor
ernor Hughe by th commissioner of
accounts in a communication accom
panying eharges agaiast Mr. Coler
drawn up today for submission to the
governor. Iacompetener, maladaia is
tratioa and misconduct in office and -nous
wast of th public funds, ar tie
accusations ia the report. Th charges
will b thoroughly investigated.
Sixths Cripplss Biisins.
St. Paul. Dec. 2 Errr line of is
du"T :n the aorthwest dependent apoa
th movement of supplies is erioui
affected by th ttr.k of th railroal
witchmea. wi th begaa at 6 a'cloch
Turtday veaiag.
It u estimated that upward ef !J.(w
"'' iJ t git oa account of th
tr.k order,
Mora I. W. w. AAaa tad.
( Paa. Wah.. TV. "Tir w.3
flag cf in., ho. .(ad ir 1 l
W W rug(:." 44ouae4 VV
'ef -4'!.vs tu!4y, fw;;.U4 la. f
''l xf 14 auor trt wak "I
f-M tl .a wul U S4aa,
af 1 ttra iMHt.ili, 4 .1 sir4
s.w Ua4ia lb .-.. I y U