,asl,t MAIJIKlTIt KNTKKlMllSJi. i ; i J c i ! S v 5 ! i W!W!W!M5iAi!!Wb As TOPICS OF THE TIMES i A In.y ninn nn't w why others linuld be fonlldi ciiotiuli work. Mexico rnn think of many owner It would prefer to tne Standard Oil Company. )r. Cook In gradually I'aruliig (o AO without pb'l.lod (log and Boiisml walrus Hipper. Now York led the hIiiiiIo llfo wlion Mildmin dim overrd It. lint It liatll nought out ninny Invent bum. A Kill never fool morn Importnni than when flu1 I" getting married, and A II I it tl never look mure InemiHpIrtl 0111. A riiliiniiinii lui built the flrnf sue- ceNnful noriipliine on the Iiirtf1r" him'. We nlwm hen nl Hint tb fh lri'-o tllllHt .. 'Tim iiwiiii n mo, utile to serve lit Imm a I lie ariMtcr our happiness." RnvH Mr. Hoekefeller. More what? Kerosene T "An to further piploratlon. ".ay Dr. Cook, "much will depend on Mrs Cook." Mm Peary has already re marked. "Never Attain'" Hi'lonHM declare there I no mien t ti t n K on nn i'(iiliiiirlliil Hlorni. Hut they ran't deny the fart that we have ft lot of weather nt that lime of year. Wlllnir Wright xuy h his aernpline la perfect, lint lie In unable to pet n per- fcH't motor. That's a good deal like ii man with a perfect with rlieu nun hin In It. Kiiiihum Ik reported to have a larxn surplus of rli h w blown. Owing to the ffortn of William Allen White, how ever. It lll he ihi less for titled for elgneis to apply. ride, hnn Increased hy more than per rent. In the country at large, but In the "wild nni woolly WeM" the per centage of liotl.i. I.lfrt In only l a. M again 27.11 for the year ls'ifl. Roh bery, too, contrary to K'-noral notion. I leiiHt rife In the western division, being no inoro than I i per rent, an against 13 6 per rent In 111 prevlmm rrlmltinl ronsiiH. (Irnnd larceny ban likewise decreased. The Went ha set tled down, ha developed antl crime and antl disorder habit and HgeiiebM, and In Home respects Is even netting an exiitimle to the Kant. The foreign- I Inn. being t:t per cent of l, ulw.le enllllllll "'' per cent of the crime In th country almost, stiaim Iv enough, the rutin reported In IS'.'O There I no apparent relation he! ween crime anrl Illiteracy, but crime shown h)' the Heme to sustain a vita relation to "the two great negative rpiilers of the social disease Ignor- nnre mid want." A recant occupa tlon, the professional anil airi Iciiltnra clashes are addloleil to major offense while, tlie servHiits and laluuliiK cla e are prone to the lesser form o crime. Drunkenness Is found In fully r.O ner cent of all criminal cases, mid one nlKiilllcant fait Is worthy of par tleular attention In police and official circle namely, that "perhap 2" per cent of the crime In thl country I Bctiuillv committed In the saloon themselvps" Of the prison population In lH'.tO over I'll per cent were enterpi A "itrunlMiril. ami yet in many cuses the "habit" of prlKoner had not been Inquired Int v Social anil Indiist i lal student will find abundant material In the criminal census, but they will also llnd gap and omissions which siifcKPMt more elaborate Inquiries for the next census. The Redemption 2! fl&vid (?orsot? Dy CHARLES FREDERIC GOSS OnprlM. fix, ty Thr Hmrrn Mwrnll t'mtipany. All Rights Rwrffd jfeJMTrMr'Mrj. is .tapaiie ' etl. incite forbid i a new. npcr mull from attemptliiK to lntr view a member of Die royal family This Is a hliul of yellow Journalism (lot nt all to the reporters' liking It Is aliened that .1. M ll.irrle wishes to obtain a divorce so Hint he may marry it beautiful young actres who hit niHile a Kro.it tilt In one of til play. The Kialllude of soma author It Ktoimdlujt. We have a dim, nebulous Niisph-lon (tut lloolti TArkliiKton'n purpose In K' Inn Into Bgrlculture Is to demoiiMtrate that a IiIkIi rlas literary man. tmrn ln with n lofty Ambition, can uticreed In raising Rood cantidoupe. Overd renal ii k. fllrtliiR and ROsslplnR re the throe cnrdluul sin of woman, AivordtiiK to h vote which was recent ly cahI by youtiR men beloncliiK to one of the ('IiL-aro churches In Kiir land tlie desire to vote could certainly have crowded out one of the el us here lltbcfore ulluded to. Solence keeps well ahead of those who make the dictionaries .lust now vlatlun- which Is still ucu In (Ik die Oonarles Is addliiM r.i,ildl to (lie world's vovnhular) . Aviation Itself, from the Latin avis, a bird. U hanpllv coined, for the uionopb.iics and bl plane with whbh such wondeilul Hi nmplM have been hcore.l of late are piliiij liultations of soar i in; bird- In our own country we are lieiiln hlliK to we Ihe effect of that sste n of Ktliletbs which took possession of our collide and other schools some fifteen or twenty ; hko Some f u, to lie sure, hate rcnaided the Athletic practice of our schools as n thin nomewhat overdone, and et who ha i:ot otseted a tieno ndons linproveinent in the phM.il condition lu the rciicim! Kit up and set up of our i bool lu ed out h as inmp.ave.t with tlie outh of a cencr.it ,,,, :ttl 10 whom athletic practl.e .,t mi known III our lucre icen: con-id eratlon of the college lrcd ivan a-, a liew and bc clul (.. tor In Inc n.in H), do we not t:.:nk .. b-.niiH of thoe Qualities ileil tlie puvlu. t of atlilellc piaclbv of spoil iboe dlrstly pmi. tatcd with ho!..! iiuip'.'.hniciit A etuui In, u- tn t!,e t e of food bat tsen p-e,t-.. 'ed la'r'. '.- :n".i w U Ale capable of tAainR bro t.l u and who ue wc! ki.own to i.i ttrj tiielr pre.U, t;o.i I! I . tiU'. :1, Mr. Mill ivtntt oat that tlie mi.,' lrd ndloii ef wheat U s!e,.t 'v dim tahtng A the si-nU!i.'i; !c." ee Mud as the area iloo;r. t r-,!v. and the ar: Icul'.ui pop. i'. it , n doe r.o! it m T 1 1 i E announce with a great deal of pleasure a serial that is somewhat exceptional, even in these days of active fiction. It is a story of unusual power, of wonderful pathos and yet dealing with practical, every-day life in a way that stirs the soul and teaches a lasting lesson. The story begins with a description of the home and life of David Corson, a young Quaker, whose career has been so peaceful i . r I .1 . I i 1: ..L-,nL anrl Ulo and unevenuui mat wucn a uavcnug iiiuuiiicuaim oou mo beautiful assistant, Pepeeta, visit the town, the glare and glamour of tinsel and excitement lead David to turn his back on the old life and plunge into the wide world he had only read about previously. David is entranced by the beauty of the peerless girl. He is led into a mad whirl of pleasure by the mountebank. Finally, he induces Pepeeta to desert her husband and flee with h:m. A . . I- . I . . r- -It L - f Lr : l:f nvivalisl Dnncs uavici dsck to a sense oi mis niisspcm mc. It is a marvelous life study. Everybody should read iL Sir (illbert Parker sa s of the sto rlea lu his new book, "Nor; horn l.lithis": "The tab's lu this bool bt lonn to two different epochs lu the life of the Par West The tlrst live are reminiscent of border d.is and deed of days liefoie the treat railway wa built which cl'niiKcd a waste Into it fertile Held of civilization. The re- uialtiltiH storle cover the period pmsed since the Iloyal Northwest .Mounted Police mid the Pullman car tlrst startled the early pioneer and sent 111 in Into the land of the Farther North or drew him Into the quiet cir cle of civic routine and humdrum oc cupation." Charles Iver believed that novel ist! should retire or at all event re frain from wrltliiR love stories In due season. In tils fifty ninth year the author of "Charles O'Mallev" write to Ilia publisher: "What you hint about a renil love story Is Rood, but don't for Ret that Thackeray sld that 'No old man must prate alouit love.' 1 remem ber the Ibike of WellliiRton once sav ins tii me, referrhiR to Warren's 'Ten Thousand a Year.' It Is not that he never had ten thousand a year, but he I horn. It w: never knew a man who had' As to country hoy writing about love from memory, It Is like rouiitlnn over the bank notes of a Link Ioor broken They remind you of money. It Is true, but they're only waste paper, after all " William IV Morgan' new novel. It Never Can Happen Analn." Is pub llshod 1 1 Is not ditV.oult to see from the leisurely air of Mr IV Morgan' I books thai he doe. not work sNslcmatl caily a dellnlle number of hours a dav He "just works all day on and off," he says, 'and .-oniellmes a little In the ew nir.K I be weather does not affevt bun bis nice be doc all his work In- loors He lives much of the ttine In Italy, where !t seems Impossible to hurry, ami as the writing of Ivoka Is the pastime of his later year he lin gers oxer his work wn! care and pa- ll uce "It Never Can Happen Again'' concern the love of one llluid .Inn for l.l '..::le dangbtei I .i.-.u nanne. alo the doings of S.r I'ltus Sor. sip. novel ti, and In wi.e and ot the daughter o! a wealth, baronet who has become obxs-id of I lie feudal stolu ilooige M.invi'ie un, who died in Pr.,'.':.md vcciit'.y a" the age ,.f TS, w. ihe ,.i!ioi of upwards o! l.'n1 vol uuus of tt,':'.,n Cor mauv years he and Ceoigc Heuty dtvlddl between them la. t'.alN tlie entire Hntloli tie Id of lsv '...s'k-. As ,m.c writer p;'t !: tn a skct. h of lu l:tc ' l'or l''.c i,.-ir part ot Cie !a! two dec .1 Hero and I'cnu were the a, kt.owle.tkcd laureates ot the playroom : ai d the t.otid.o. and Ihe benelactors ! of ,.uii:Us isinuts. who, when in JouM . to .-, Clii'tinas prrsent for grow I'.'.g ip c'.i::,'.', i a, knew that tlio wne '. s.Ce w .;! t!.e U-t lU'U'.y l el U ,1 1 t ellll W At r.ioM , rol tV authors who r cry w !-. re ihe peop'e i-oiisuiMc u-.o-.e a id Ue K of t! to sell tn Kuroie If Oil st.t of1'"4"' 1 :l i" thlnft conttunr for a Kmir time the! I'0 lg'n b ot k of wit.tt.g tvya I 'ul ted State will ne,! to Impel j i'k mil 1 be bad reached C.c age of be: Hut the pto.ev of dlnihrittetv I S V'rni tb.t tlti.e ou h wrote vol I A.'o , and a dert. 'en. y of w t eat U' uii.lno.;'. . atid at I'.e a of t )ear lu the taluie t'be meat ttua '.urlitng out two or !fcr-e Uiy Hon It dtffeietit Theie I !. to lw Nv-s 1-es.dea a 'aovcl. v.-tn-erou short At the I'lvseiit lime a iea; len. en y j'.otlev and n.sg..'.i e at ::.. amhiaI o! oait . and If thu; Is o U. t the 1 lv IVaptt h'.s grta! Re. h work I" i. ,i ii-ri nn.) o; otner inwat In i in'M r.o sign ci oeirt . rat w. n, re CIlAPTKIt I. Hidden away m this Horn and care- eneuiii I 'cred world are spots so untei 1111,1 lieHllllfiil as to 111. Ike the f:ill ol' man seem incrediUe, and awaken In the loraxt nf the weary traveler who mos middenly upon them, a vai;uo iiiul di ar ,1, Lis. on ih.it he has slum- led Into Paradisiv Such an Kden existed In the extreme western pan of Ohio In the spring of 1S41V ll was a Valley surrounded by wooded lulls mid threaded by a noisy irook which hastily made Its way. as If upon some errand of Immense Im- ortance. down to the bin Miami not many miles distant. A road cut through a vast and solemn forest led Into the valley, and entering as If by corridor and through the open portal of a temple, the traveler saw a white farm-house nestling beneath a mighty haokberry tree whose wide-reaching arms sheltered It from summer sun and winter wind. A deep, wide lawn of bluegrass lay In front, and a garden of (lower, fragrant and brilliant, on Its southern side. Stretching uwav In to the background was Ihe farm newly carved out of the wilderness, but al ready In a high state of cultivation. In this lovely valley, at the close of long, odorous, sifn -drenched day In early May. tlie sacred silence was bro ken by a raucous blast from that most unmusical of Instruments, a tin dinner was blown by h bare-legged j who scented to take d light In this profanation. Hy hi side, lu the vine-lad porch of the white farm-house stood a woman who shad ed her eyes with her band as she look ed toward a ag.ie oblect tn a distant meadow She was no longer young. As the light of the setting sun fell full upon tu r face it seemed almost trans parent, and even the tmobserv tug must nave perceived that some deep experi ence of the sadnes ,,f l.fe bad added to l.er character tin Indescribable charm. "Thee will have to go and call him, Stephen, tor 1 think he l as fallen Into another trance." the woman said. In a low voice i:i which there was not n trace of impatience The 'child threw down bis dinner horn, whistled to bis dog and started Springing tip from where be had been watching evotv expression of his mas ters the shaggy collie bounded i 'id h.in as he moved across the lav i. while the woman watched them with a i loud and happy smile. t'ntilt. i..l l. and tnoompivhonatbl,' emotions er( awakened lit !- anil of the t'ov by tii, fullness ami beauty of the evening world Hts senses were not el dulled nor bis feelings a.l;'J Through every avenue of lua mte'.li Rence the invsteiy of the universe tole Into h.s sensitive spirit If I breese blew ... ivs lh meadow ha turned bis , ! . ek to kiss. If tho! odor of spcat-mut from the brookside I was .1 atonnd htm h 1 rixalhed ! It Into Ins nostrils with delight He saw the h.i,l. w of a crow fym.; across ! Ihe fWld and slopped to look up n,;. Paten for the aw tali of her wImk and i hrr loud, houia caw as made her j way to tlie n.aur.g giour.da, then he lialed bevoi d her. Into th fathomless' 'depths of tt e blue skv. , nit was stirred w.th nn In.b s.-ruh awe ' Hut It was not o much the obVct ; themselves a Ihe spirit pervading I them, which tiricd the depths of the cuiio a mu.. i i no iuue p.tr.thciat ..,. ine,itiei'. wilt ivi le much h sr Hut Ibal condition ef thing nrd not and will not I pernianrnt atnes !!. bih p l.e all! atltuulat Us ralaliiR of Ilia . attle x k study of Ihs late.t t tnvli a.1 u lUlbs el Iks I idled Male, tor IW4 u4 A o iit,,n c( oius liiiiyvitant lalA with urexiidlri( data vf lh ut ef ! mad l lbs thvlia f It s tslifvrtU as 1 1 l.o la it s IVpttUtr h.lcH, Uoulklf. lt'd soies ia'Met'lis: lll 1ks ps ta l'ol F, A tllt dtuUvilloM e( DIM la Iks I A 14 i lbs ak Us ula..a its U ,,4 ti.''l lS ,.U4 l ll i ..vt s . I I !. t ell S-u I i ' l .. s I t I ' l,l I I. A I U ) " S . I . . la u'.r.R t,v th lat tl.a v; ta4.;'.e h!ituev InRen..'.!) of i'!,v: 4nj Iwlewti siiiipMclt v h , v. :-,..,tkrJ Us er!; r j rod notion W r:t:i !x k f r U v aeetnesl to keep ! : ;...ii, ku4 beait yeuiR at.d frs rr.l,t f ;sp vi'artt, with youthf-l te.v!r lo Iks da y ! 1C Jeal U t . s us) (. 4 XV e bestow the !' is, sr. and yet he did ' of language .pon a child, tat the fe. ;. lugs wbl.K that lai.g'.t..e serves oi-.lv to I mer pre I .-.nd expn-aa x:t and low within him even If be he d.imh And this gift i f Uug.iMge la often of ies ttoual le xa-i.e. and had iter. o n htm All i:,.n t-.e f.'.t riled t.i-,v with love To ! tn the alley w . r-cnen si-.d tbnu, kh It mvisi'ely t ,.t nniM:.k Atlv Cod walked, morn)!-.. n.sn and v ei-.n g To tt ,1 .Id sauntering dveaiv.'.y nd ",f '" ' w.stf..l.v the ol .'. cl d. oiv seen '-ec. t v.cte,!.- fr. m the funi house d.wr bemn s-ad- ,han " 1 i.at.y t .!,,.;, it.elf into m ro..p of ' ' '' ,f liv.i.g It, ta Ts hotac v , re at- 1 " (ached to a low . one siati.t I- !. 1 " r ' I.. ah fc'a , f its meadow i.J it , oth- Mx ' : ' ' it la a J-.p f.,i'ow trace.! acrxxa tta r-'k c' fee S..rf.e. TVs -',-a a'S was ,.r ,, d.-s f deep In tt,. ii. ty c.i s '.! f. a li. a ''!! -f '.' n . r. f,,, . t la.ta 'an If I r..... t as a u . t sea t . .. cri..t w iin 1 t'' A I'l. lal .' .: it i( h its roni I' f A tol l'lwee l I .i Va r t plo fcn J lsi.! i ,i, its .i.'f t ' t-a.h la Us t . si. ,1 a ..!- j..fcff It li,l loi.uij lal I . I'l.a '.al l .....) s u I 'a f 't'eat e.,.,i a ,. ..a SI Ms ill. i . J ( t . , ..s . iai',.-t..4J.., t . ... 4 , i i a ii.4 a J ... a-.ai ss I a '.as a ' a 4 j ' ' I I . hi . . US a. I, 4 l a . .... i . .... ....I I ' As4 ks fck sisv.s as US iWat SS ! a . the sun hnd lust I'lsappeared; be frared wit hunt seeing; and felt wit bout think ing. The boy a pproa olied this statuesque llgure with a stealil y tread, and pluck ing a long spear of grass tickled the brim.tcd neck. Tho hand of the plow man moved automatically upward as If to brush away a My, and at this un i nusi-ions" action the child, sel.ed by a convulsion of laughter and fearing; lest it explode, slurred his fists Into his mouth. In the opinion of this Ir reverent young skeptic his t'nele Pave was In a "tantrum" instead of a trance." and he thought such a dis ease demanded heroic treatment. I-'or several years this Quaker youth. I lav Id Corson, had been the subject of remarkable emotional experiences. In explanation of which the rude wits of the village declared that he had been moon-struck; the young girls who adored his beauty thought he was In love, and the venerable fathers and mothers of tills religious community believed that In him the scriptural prophecy, "Your young men shall see visions," had been literally fulfilled. Pavid Corson himself accepted the last explanation with unquestioning faith. The life of this young man had been pure and uneventful. Kxistence in this frontier region, once full of the tragedy of Indian warfare, had been gradually softened by peace and rel.g j ion. In such a sequestered rcgioiT I books and papers were scarce, and he ' bad access only to a few volumes writ i ten by quiet. sts and mystics, and to thai great mine of s.iered literature, I the Holy Htble. Tlie seeds of ki.ovvl ! edge sown by these l ooks In the rich , soil of th s young heart were fertil ised by the society of noble men. vir : icons women, and natural surround , lugs of ex iiiis.te bevuty. j None of these reflection disturbed , the ni'.tid of the barefooted box. Itiv. tug s.'.ppr. ssed Ids laughter, he tickled the sanhiirr.'. ee.-k acauv i nce more the hand rose at. toman more the toy was almost strangled wilh delight The dreamer was hard to awaken, but his tormentor had not yet exhausted his resources. No gen uine boy is ever witbo.it that funda mental necessity of childhood, a pin. and rinding one somewhere about his clothing, be thrust it into the leg of the plowman. The sudden sting brought the soaring saint from heaven to earth In an instant the mystic was a man. at d a strong one, too. Ho seized the un sanctified young repro bate with , tie hard and hoisted httn a: arm's length, above l is head Oh. Vt-ele Pave, 111 never do it again' Never! Never! Let me down" Still holding turn aloft as a h inter wo. ild b. l.! a f..:con. the reif.c.irr. ite.l 'spirit'' I... :!.ed long, loud ..:t.i n-.er-rt.y. the echoes of his laughter r ; .-. g -. n j up the valley : 'e a peal from a chime or l eds The ,;.'M's fear w is n.,.l!es, for the heart ..nd hands tht t-v.'t w ith h:m were as K'clm as a w euan's The yo'Uh. ri'e-mt l.ng some old Norse god he stood t'-ere in the gathering gloom, lower..: th child slowly, and printing a k:as on his check, said; "Thee ltttie pet. thee !'... no rever ence' Thee should, r.- er disturb a child at r.: il..y, a btrl on his nest nor a man at his prayers " "Hi.t ll.ee was not praying. I'nole Pave." th.- ! ov repli-.! "Thee was o-.U in ar.otl.. r of thy tariruma. Th .pper ( grow n Ood. the horses are ''red and SSp and 1 hive walked a m:. e to c..!l thee Crur. "mother said :t--c had . t-ance. Tell iv. e what thee !..a ace-, in thy vUiot.s I'ncle lv-' "Cod aed H;a angels" said ths young mvsr.c sof.'.x fallii-.g .ain into ths mo, .! from t , -. he h.,.1 '. ee:v ao rude ly awake red Angela' ' .-, r.-.l the young mats r:a..t '.f tU'e waa t'.inktng of any : gel at 4i;. 1 ,; h,.j ,,es tt was por ot: v Kr.,aer " ' 'o r.ot be silly " replied r.t. Por It w as eaa.sr Ins; th bloodhountli with thtn own hAnds." "I hAv told thse a hundred tlmei.' "Put I want to hesr It Bg-Aln." "Use thy memory And thy Imagln tlon." Th etiiM i,niindin forward, the tired procession entered the barnyard The plowman fed his horses, and stop pod to listen for a moment to their deep-drawn sighs of contentment, and to the musical grinding of the oats In their teeth. His Imaginative mind read his own thoughts Into everything, and he believed that he could distinguish In these Itinrtlculatts sounds the words "Good-night. Oood-nlght." "(Jood-nlfcht." he said, and stroking their groat flunks with his kind hand, left them to their well-earned repose. (in his way to the house he stopped to bathe his face In tho waters of. a spring brook that ran across the yard. and then entered ths kitchen where supper was spread. ' "Thee la late." said the woman who hud watched and waited, her fine face radiant with u smile of love and wel come. "Forgiv e me, mother," he replied. I have had another vision. "I thought as much. Thee; must re member what thee has seen, my son," she said, "for all that tnee Denoias with the outer eye shall pass away, while what thee sees with the Inner ... - . I V. . . .1 lliaa a eye abides rnrevcr. nu uu w. mssace. too?" "It was delivered to me that on the holy Sabbath day I should go to the camp In Baxter's clearing and preach to the lumbermen." "Then thee must go, my son." "I will," he answered, taking het hand affectionately, but with Quaker restraint, and leading her to the table. The family, consisting of the mother, an adopted daughter Poro boa. the daughter's husband Jacob and son Stephen, sat down to a simple but bountiful supper, during which and late Into the evening the young mys tic pondered the vision which he be lieved himself to have seen, nnd the message which he believed himslf to have heard. In his musings there was not a tremor or a doubt; he would have ns soon questioned the reality of the old farm-house and the faces of the family gathered about the table. He was a credulous and unsophisti cated youth, dwelling in i realm of imagination rather than In n world of reality nnd law. lie hnd much to learn. His education was about to begin, and to begin s dots nil true and effective education, in a spirltunl temptation. The Chebers say that when their great prophet Abriman was thrown Into the tire by the order of Nlmrod, the flames Into which ho fell turned Into a bed of roses, upon which he peacefully re clined. This Innocent Quaker youth had been recfllilng upon-a bed. of roses which now began to turn Into a couch of flames. (To be continued.) 7 k"BVaa. ' ITALIAN COLONIES IN TEXAS. Snidleate with $1,000,000 Capital Arranvea for Two Settlements. Two localities In Taa are to be the scenes of a new plan in coloniza tion, according to a report from Rome, eays the New York Herald. An Ital ian syndicate will establish la the middle part of the State two agricul tural colonies, each composed of 100 families, or about 1.000 persons In all. brought directly from the agricultural districts of northern Italy. The entire scheme calls for the ex penditure of about $1,000,000. One- third of the amount has been subscrib ed by Texas capitalists headed by Capt. Nicolinl, Italian consular ageut at Galveston. The rest has been fur nished by a syndicate organized last winter hi Milan, and presided over by Lulgi Lu.zatU, former minister of finance ta the Italian cabinet. The scheme calls also for the estab lishment by one of the Italian steam ship companies of a direct Hue be tween '.he .Meu:tf rranean ports and Galvesio-.i. The idea of colonizing the Italian ally, and onee ( Immigrates In the agricultural dis tricts of the south d.ifes back to tho time the Italian ambassador, Sig. P.s Planches, made a tour of Louisiana and Texas, and was favorably im pressed by the prosperity of the sev eral Italian agricultural settlements already existing In those two States. The splendid possibilities of the Southern States for those taking up laad soon attracted the attention rf j northern Italian capitalists, whiv la ; ferested Senator Pe Martlno. president i of the colonial institute of Rome. He said ho was willing to lend his sup : port to the enterprise provided the syndicate would accept a cenafn con trol ou the part of the colonial Insti tute. The result was that a commission of three members was formed and sent here to Inspect the land. The com mission arrived In New York In Jan uary, and after a brief stop In Wash ington went directly to Texas, where1 it remained for A month making a thorough survey of the laud from t.ie point of view of practical farming, j ltefore leaving Texas the commission! onnrmed an option on 62,000 acres of The Apple llarrel. rt stood In the cellar low and dim, Where the cobwebs swept and sway ed. Hobllns- thp Htnre from bOUKh and limb At the feet of autumn laid. And oft, when the days were short and drear And the north wind shrieked nnd roared, We children sought In the corner her- And drew on the toothsome hoard Foi thus through the long, long win ter-time It nnswered our every call With wine of the summer's golden prime Sealed by the bund of fall. The best there was of the earth and air, Of rain nnd sun and breeze, Changed to a pippin sweet and. rare t'.y the art of the faithful trees. wonderful barrel was this, had we Tts message but rightly heard, Filled with the tales of wind and bee, Of cricket and moth and bird; Rife with the bliss of the fragrant June When skies were soft and blue; Thronged with the dreams of a har vest moon O'er fields drenched deep with dew. Oh. homely barrel, I'd fain essay Your marvelous skill again; Take me buck to the past, I pray, As willingly now as then Hack to the tender morns and eves, The noontides warm and still. The fleecy clouds and the spangled leaves Of the orchard over the hill. Edwin L. Sabln, in Lipplncott's. Composition Vegetables. PAT, (fluot rati PBOTEI of Si : .v.f . .'. : V Tl,-..-:-?.:! "."'I-O . j WWIIAJl.lAlli.iaBA.trJat riTfin-Yft " sV r J - . - ? '.'3ar '-WOTE ID. 09 CAftBOtTiuwTIS iX MINCRAl" MATTER COW' ta' Hired it$ and (he Doaa, An exchange 'resents each of the two sides ofltbfarrn labor question in this sonicivh homely but forcible manner: J "He felt thfitie was working too hard for the ;pi received; he knew better than thetoss how the work should be laid it; he caroused on Sunday and Wo dead to the world Monday; he waJealous of the other hired men ha. t fired! "He had noregular hours; he shifted teams fM one man to anoth er; he spent htstne In town; he had plenty of spare inn In his house, but gave the hlre( an the best tn the hay loft; he grtbled about trlfles-o his hired man qi" A TrosbWiine Weed. Reports come frot perennial sow this firm foothold, makit It the greatest w-eed enemy with ' has to contend. It from one farm to Ontario that thfi has gained a lich the farmer has been spread ' bother by the threshing machines the numerous seeds being easily car od being advocated ft is to sow winter rye pasture it the folow can be followed in nips or buckwheat. are secured and fought at the same tie. led. One meth- its eradication September and g spring. This ne by rye, tur- this way crops sow thistle -WATER cciuaac t While vegetables are given a low value as food for man or beast on account of their large percentage of water, the dry portion is highly nu t.itlve. In the potato the 22 per cent of solid matter Is nearly all available for food. The proteids as flesh form ers and the carbohydrates as fat pro ducers are essential parts of food. Fowls BudEggi, Farmers' Bulletin Jo. 128, United States Department f Agriculture, says: "The eggs c ' off rent kinds of domestic poultry r In size as well as appearance, an 1 tire I also a con siderable range In U- tue of eggs of different breeds. Tws, hens' eggs range from the srioll tes laid by ban tams to the largu lies riL by such breeds as light I n.unrs. t'a'aJTav- erase a hen's e. g U 2.27 inches in length, and 1.72 "leiln diameter or width at the i r acW point, and weighs about 2 c to the pound (1-.. Generally speakin' are smaller than those of ducks s hens' eggs, while geese are consiii eggs, on an ave inches, are rather and weigh abou 17 ounces to tl-e weigh about 5.J j 'i , or eight eggs . nds per dozen), 'h eggs of pullets ' Ce of old hens; vnhat larger than e of turkeys and i. i larger. Guinea : I oisure l7xllj . fited at one end, ounces each, or 0 i?n. Goose eggs ounces each, or 1 I--V-V b i ;. .'V ' Krep the linad Drair Going. Bad roads are an extravagance that no farming community can afford. Just what they cost in unnecessary expenses It takes but a moment to de termine. A team and driver are -asonably worth ii a day, na by the use of these It is a-f?ible to deliver to mar Wat trom your home luo bushels of corn. Hauling over pood roads, the cost of delivery is 3 cents per bushel. Rut if. In consequence of bad roads, but fifty bushels can be delivered, the cost Is doubled and the difference is what the impassible roads cost you. Continue this calculation, applying it to the hauling of all your crops, and it quickly becomes apparent that It amounts to a very burdensome tax. Good roads help la every way; thev promote sociability by making friends and relatives accessible, and by means of them it Is easier to reach the laud. 23.000 of which Is near Keeohle 1 lhcklls and lurches and to generally and the other 37.000 on the TrmltT uo B:u, ruj - l:lin?s w-": ake river, near Palestine. The price stipulated for the Isni t. rtes from $11 to $12 30 an acre According to the expert of ths com mission th svndicat ts to frnuh each colonist with A house of thre life really worth living. laalonrn for 1'oBlirr. Sunflowers are grown by many pouHrvmec and fara:er. The seed make an fxoel'.er.t feed for pou'trr rooms a ww and a mule. Thev w ,nd ca ' "Si''-V ind rrofl:aVy pr j j Also receive free transport- - or dUl'1 Tt J "a ' a la j themselves a:k1 families and a" .v'er I rom 43 crP fu''Hva:eJ the same , will r.eed for the frst war T"e 'and ' S " W"tn r'r' tte j .v- . - v. ...... i ed out and fed to the toj.'rrv .. s to a.tuv.t to mini's wr.h thvva ef hell- Tbaa wo: It 4 i 1.1 r.t dars f bar t.s Iks Mras Itrkal. CenJ jcor ica 'a'l va t tiala1 lai.1 ths I'lM ll. sat. sir. Ataxn' tn.l' l.! l'aMssf Wdut It s n atiar nh ttt Vn4u.Soi His ll.asl tis na ra f. .t.u.a,4 rta' t...:tl ,:. s I'- ' u Ti.: lss Ba a ...taU t,, ,f t. n ll. al Ak Sen as taa i n u s u.s A I. M f kroa iv.a ns trai a V aa r. ;.on rams ii ll luo t.i p:i 117 t M d Am h ' Wains M.S'. I aj a tv , t.rava s... I . a rs " "11 H'l v a " 1 a'. I .. i tas l.a ih -'Ii ii i i . t ii. t r 'a a . ; i I 1 a. a l, t.l t ,r a . t tf , fa'.ksr s tn Jn.t ra 'a' I as 1 a ' I Ii . ii Urn 1 ' ' t. as l .l i. aa ti l.a.a ' . I a. r-l . i i ai I ii ak i i.i t i...,., ,,..4 a.av. ii s i. i sol. s a i ...a( . . it at k l t , i , . a a i.i f a i-i s i ii..i hi a 4 i tt.'u mi.. aio to ns Cvlv- j cist At cost price, w '.ta lntermt At ( I !er cent. And !f :i jvaytasnta are ' j n; ad durln th frst te-. yt4r ths' t w'.or.'.st will :hn t er.t'.rely !cd ; pr..lent Wh'! rert speaVs of tiv.port'r.g tr.e first : 0 fdn.l'.: : j.i r.ot r'.aVa a vrt of the tr.it th i rt'.Ata ot?e-t is to re'.'.ev th cor.fs- j ,j j tloa of th Ita'.laa d :rv a th r:: t I a Trk 1' caj.v aaj rva:a ::ir.rf Cs " t.raiatu al r.taf An-or.i If. a tt.lt ,ar rs.,a who'. or ground. !f th auaflower heads Ar throan into the chicken vara. tr. b:r.U ::: thresh th seet cut IheU.ariVt. m.:h C0 -Xins to th tror ,t : a xcrl!nt fAtteclcj :,xv. and .-r. VJ a;tti cracked corn Vt- (Ov d reault t . t.-o :h. Mitoti to the u:.r. rr arrja, but It U a (W-l ta.nj t- r; is r-..tn4 for another irar. i a-u ttt' via'.d. r'S vf -aJ-AtlcB tt Wsat f'l ' V: 1: :' A-a im j a s JV.t s Us Cist k f tt f !.s ker.cr I .. ' 1 1 1 lit1' t ' .i , it II i sJ I ' i T'lbb I It' ll It. ' : i a 1 1 ' I I )- l-aa l I U, out for it hi4l Is ujob Ihs ch.c.. TUf w'Jl a,g t tir 1 a aT " '!: ri ot'tj f'. t ltf a UVl.A (ii, ,:; i.,a At f.atsr. llltiaj 'a ta all IMill I II A at Ale, lalAlLI tts ttv t Ot tl !. t.t IL titavai asiy ILs alvut if tL v. a. .. i.s Tt' hi aaJ.. liAJ.aLia L.aJ l.n .1 ... ,-A ..a . i - w r'af. a. ,,v. t a,.- al ii.4i.,H auk hi IL a laii,.. m A a.i.. .i . ... . ---- - - - - - " - - afa-as 'a i. a. i ue l.. n. . . - . . . .... A A IM i a la kfc.a .a.... - . . . 1... . w w ' afi itif - - i a 1 1 1 tvit a -.f us ,k ( Jtx 914 about 5 pounds j r dozen that Is, more than ihr ti es as much as hens' eggs. The ejfs of wild birds are said to be sms'-r than those of the same species w1 t tf,ome3ticaed. Wild ducks' eggs ai v tto be, on an av erage, 1.97 to . " inches In diaaeter; domestic J-ic'.f , eggs, 2.36 to 2.5S inches. t ? .. - . Wonina I. Chicikea Yard. September Is I. good month to look about for t'oct-. end If one has not al ready se,tb-d j;t a a particular varie ty, a hint in th t direction may be of some use. l"nl- t a wrxnan can afford to k p pletty i f help she should not keep over-fifty owls. I feel that I am writing ar the rotnan who takes car of hr' ch liken; herself unit in he would say that If she ha the room it Is t' good plan to keep a small flock of tw varieties ae for broilers or fricassees and oc for laying eggs, and len ii comes o the genuine bust nass, then give ne the Black Minor ca. The eggs tre large and pur wlte. The beasare almost perpetual lert aad do ot make good moth en. The eggs wil command the high eif. fancy price, and if your stock Is pure you can art the eggs for sittings at! prices aoccrcng to the stock you fhe Plymoutfc Rocks or the Wyaa-i-Ve are suiU".!e breeds for trott er or for honw jse. I think there ll atre money ta he selling of eggs t irvat custom, or even in tho mar kek, than In toilers. Ther is les work and leas rrr. Th latter ! 1 good layer f the do Cot get to fat. but when tis oecura mak a do Pla st her. ! ! - -2a as Has Raalaai. . Salt burled j, few mciea in tlw iround in certiji apou iu attraa th hogaand ctifina thrnPrttty clo ly to Aurfc plAc. It U natiraj for a hog to root, bul tf rou aat..prtVett Ufa froa d tn ao a sinn a ring la th snout wJ anar tht pvJsa. It la a gra ,uuk to rri a h by muiiUiiBteia aara E,tr UM tcial ta ) Suaaful . iter, mQl'lUt their 4t:-.sJaJ f . tr tusj f.turiu."ru ui U4 vu kia f .j Hi tlds !,0 U A c lM f ''P It f'va.fci l.-'lka A.S l UilaklU It., .a t4 J,4 Ik v y( I i, a. U,i ., -a rvai f Ua M, ,,,4 l Is4 44 w s.s k-4 ,4iai 4 4 at U trlal4 V, I I, t I vv ii ci w ii r I.. kilj de, ki- I Mu . d .i ii it , 'I ll.r I . . ,