Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, November 20, 1909, Image 1

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TOL, 1
Z" " - ' VALE, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMRER20, 1909. , . - j" , ,. ' ' , ' .V:..',.: : .', . ' NQ. 1
t ' 1 - , i . , - i
low will
Girl. Brought to Vale Accui Man
Of Forcing Them To Go With
Him From Bowe'
avuhu nwTci txira iition and is
Taken Orer the Lin J to Stand
Trial With Another ,
U. man, aged about 25vears, who re
fused to give his name,! but who, his
alleged victims iyp ,.ve them the
name of A. W. Sibley,
h Vale jail last Thud
vas taken rom
law unit return-
i j
ed to Boise in custody ff,f Deputy Sheriff
Jennett, to stand trial on the charge of
Inducting a minor.
5 knottier man, whojj,, charged with
being hb accomplice iB now Jn ja51 at
the Boise Capital i and wijv vei to
stand trial for thBame crime. His
name is Vern Hv sn(1 he B de
seribed as a ganier an(j a member
)f the fraternity geI,erally described as
'Parasites. " Vftle people had tho
ntimation of the.ca8C when the priBon.
, his two a'teged victims, Carrie
launtz, of Mdvaief and .Henrietta
xughman, of Boise( and j, w. Hauntz,
ather of one cf the Kjria arrived here
ist TueBday rjlorning with sheriff Bob
I'Dell, who the pri8oner in charge.
The two Kria had teen students at
ink's Busir.fsg Coiege, in Boise, ac
cording to tl' Rt,PV tld. when thev
i rtet the prip';nt,rg. How long they were
t acquainted not now,,, but by all ac-
f UnlMtl f t tl' I 1 i l
vvuiivo me was Dnai ana notning
wis known 'f it untii the man wh0 gave
hii name at c;kiow .n1 thn two vouncr
4girls disp arcdt
At the ijme jjj88 jjoughman was re
siding wuij ber mother, and Miss HaunU
Jived wit'i thm w-!, jri8 beinir clos
friends. immnHiRtfllv after the disap
pearance:, MrB Loughman sent the news
,to Mr. rauntz, who received the mes-
' Hftfiftt Vif . i U A Vila nrotf ViaMA fmtm
I? JC UC W CLO Ull HID TV t livriiv
Portlantj, at yvTeisser. The sheriffs were
inuircu'gteiy pUt on thu trail or ine iu
gitivenand gberiff O'Dell, accompanied
by Mr. HguntZ( came upon the young
Brtalrl a rooming house at Ontario.
Sibley wag not tbere at the time, but
ne wa arrested at Nampa, where it is
belie v., LnnM Accordinir to the
I C ' I iw. r, c
V story i f Mf Hauntz, who is a most re-
strickc . t. vfint he Drisoner took
i his Mged victims from Boise on the
' 10th "at. and brought them to Cald
wel.1, rhere he is said to have succeed-
in lacing them in a house of assig
nRtl0' as he is said to have done also
at tirio, for which place he left Cald
w,elln. tha Sunday next following the
'''! abduction.
mi Nampa the prisoner was brought
k'ale and placed in jail here pending
jreliminary hearing, Judge George
''yes biting appointed to act for the
"te. Deputy Prosecutor Duncan,
wever, arrived here on Thursday to
Induct the case, but the prisoner waiv
i extradition papers and consented
,oluntrily to be returned to Boise to
land trial. The charge to ba placed
Against him is that of abducting a mi
k, .T offense which is a felony in Ida
.., but only a misdemeanor under the
i va Oregon. The penalty for the
f vmi in Idaho may be as high as 20
r? ;n the penitentiary.
i Tho mbther of Miss Hauntz has -been
lad forlsome ten years, but her father
1 1 eermot careful to provide her
education and had received
to time the best possible ac
i the buMness bollege where
ushea one un weeks course
hich her professor expected
luate with how ln ghort
That the work on the railroad from
Vale to Brogan will soon be in full
swing is an absolute certainty and, in
died, at least 150 teams would now be
making the grade were it not for the
fact that the owers of ground along
the right of way seem to hold different
nninion as to the value of the proper-
tics through which the line will run.
It is believed however tnat tne aire
need which the building of the road
would supplyi nd the tremendous
value of it even to the lands whose
owners are thoughtlessly delaying the
wnrlc will bring them to a proper un
derstanding of the condition, resulting
in a commencement of the construction
work immediately. Mr. Brogan is now
here and ready to begin just as soon
as the obstructing circumstance will be
removed, and . very soon Malheur
county will be freed from the stain of
having only 16 miles of railroad within
far-its reaching limits. .
Several land owers in the Willow
Creek Valley have expressed them
selves impatiently about the matter,
stating that the policy which prevents
the building of the road and so puts off
the day when the value of all the land
will be increased ten fold is nothing
less than suicidal but the indications
now point to improved conditions that
will enable the work to go on at once.
'r h
f n tu
. t frJ
Tl. miner of Miss LougHman has
bei t nailed twice. Her present name
it iiu liiKherty.
I iringtie stay of the girls at Vtle
V Itauik was constantly at thefe
JU . nd m oh sympathy was ezpressed
i lid J fro him. as it was evident
t ' it gl as well aa her companion,
i ntenVhild, and merely the vie
t ii ' toil conciencelena schemer.
I HOP Mnmmr
nan ftArmond has just made a
) nent .lattle valued at $3494.70,
Hi i is rtltly completed several trips
H the iti-ior and reports that the
tf wil ,l.n next year as it did last
i v forvl price. The shipment
madkti November 2 and was
ururiteajlU head.
The hlheur Knterprise
i the fetial issue, has taken over
' ' riinlcalor and will be pub
' weekl and nrinted In the oflice
WTnvrtjocipied by that paper,
According to the final report of the
assessment roll of Malheur county
which . was issued yesterday the in
crease in the value of property over that
of last year is $2,210,495 or approxi
mately 50 per cent.
Kirk M. Sheldon, representing a
large house of Portland and Frisco
which supplies ropes for oil work,
corns to Vale this week and stated
while here that the people of California
are becoming much interested ' in the
local oil fields. He also said that most
favorable impression has been made on
the oil men of other fields who have
come hre. - .
To swipe a coyote skin from a place
in which he had received a nights lodg
ing and to collect the bounty on it from
County Clerk Mulkey was the enter
prising feat preformed, it is alleged,
by T. Spencer, a gentleman who ar
rived in the city Monday and was given
a place to sleep at High Bros.' barn.
When he presented the hide Mr Mulkey
informed him of the necessity for pro
curing proof that the beast had been
killed in . this county. A little thing
like a proof was nothing to one of
such abilities and soon George Jehnson
appeared on the scene with an affidavit
it is said, stating that to the best of
his knowledge the animal had been a
Malheurite all right and had been kill
ed here by Mr. Spencer. So, the war
rant was issued and Spencer obtained
the money forthwith at the U. S.
National ank.
But then came Harry jaexson to say
that Mr. Spencer should not be held
accountable for the death of the ani
mal whose skin had, he said, belonged
himself and had been storad in
High's place for quite a considerable
period of time.
Placed in such a position Mr. Mulkey
advised Spencer that Vale ia not a de
sirable place of residence for the latter
and that his absence might avert dis
agreeable complications.
Major L. II. French of New York,
C. E. He iron and Dan Patterson of
Vle returned Wednesday inst. after a
weeks tour of inspection through Mai
neur and Harney counties. hey were
deeply impressed by the richness of the
soil and the unlimited possibilities of
development, but t ael that the neigh
borhood of Vale ia the moat favorable
locality in all Oregon. Opportunities
for irrigation projects were presented
to them in many places but none seem
ed so prumiriiur of rich results as those
In this neighborhood. Incidental to
their trip they had a few days shooting
near Malheur and Harney Lakes,
They brought back with them all the
game which their auto would carry
54 Swan, averaging 23 lbs. weight each;
40 uutada geeea, 40 Brant and a num
ber of canvas back and Mallard ducka
all of which they distributed among
their Vale friends.
A girl for housework. Apply at
Two Famous Ditch Builders Visit Vale, and
Work is Expected Soon.
That the country immediaVely sur
rounding Vale will soon be the scene
of activity in ditch construction is now
a certainty. ,
While plans hava not yet been defi
nitely announced, it is safe to say that
the visit of Major L. H. French, of
New York, to Vale, will result in the
construction of Water systems for the
purpose of irrigating the extensive and
rich lands in Malheur County, although
he, himself, declines at present to speak
of the matter except as a probability.
Major French is known through the
length and braadth of Alaska as one of
the most sudcessful ditch builders of
that country, having during his time in
the North effected the construction of
some of the greatest waterways on the
Seward PeninBula.
Mr. C. L. Morris, who visited Vale
last week, and who looked over the
couutry in company with Major French,
will be associated with the latter. Er.
Morris is tha most prominent ditch
On the day before yesterday ah event
occurred in Brogan which marks the
opening of a new era in the history of
that most promising cijy. This event
was nothing more or less than the birth
of the first Brogan native, a young lady,
to Mrs. Tschiriga. Dr. Taylor, who at
tended, reports the mother and child as
progressing favorably.
It has been suggested that the little
visitor be called Brogana, as that name,
particularly in conjunction with the
child's patronymic, - would certainly
make the event still more memorable.
That the local oil fields will be a
winner within a short space of time is
the opinion of James Gibson, formerly
an operator in the Pennsylvania oil
fields, who arrived in Vale this week.
Mr. Gibson after an examination of the
field says that it gives every indication
that the famous oil fields of the coun
try present. "Where the shale has
been pressed to the top and presents the
appearance it does here you may be
certain that pools exist" he says.
He visited the Ontario field on his
way to Vale and was most favorably
impressed. He states that a ten bar
rel well could have been operated at a
depth of 1900 feet but the operators
want something much better than that
and are satisfied to sink, further for it.
Since being in the Pennsylvania oil
fields Mr. Gibson has been one of the
large mining operators of Nome, Alas
ka, but seems to have a predilection
for oil work and has chosen Malheur
County as his field of work. .
building contractor in Alaska, and,
sociatcd with Major French, has accom
plished big things there as well as in
Canada and the United States.
While in Vale Mr. Morris declined to
give out any definite information other
than that he will immediately send his
superintendents here with large ditch
building equipments.
The rumor that Major Freuch and
Mr. Morris contemplate commencing
work here has already resulted in the
coming of several capitalists who know
both men and who are satisfied that the
commencement of their operations will
mean a big boom for this vicinity.
President of Oregon Association Says
Irrigation Will Make This Great
Feeding Ground of West
Tell The Enterprise
TERPRISE desires to be
the newspaper of the people
of this Town and County in
every respect, it hereby invites
residents . of . every shade of
opinion to make use of its col
umns for the expression of
their ideas in the shape of let
ters. As a guarantee of the
bona fide quality of such com
munications the names of the
writers must accompany man
uscripts, though not necessar
ily lor publication. It is also
most desirable that the com
munications be brief, and the
Malheur Enterprisemust not
be held responsible for the
opinions expressed therein. .
That irrigation alone is wanted to
make this district the great sheep -f ced
ing ground of the west is the statement
mado by George McKnight, President
of the wool growers association of the
state of Oregon.
"All tho surplus bhecp which have
been Koing East in the past, " said Presi
dent McKnight, "should have been ma
and fed hero but this cannot bo done
until more land shall have been re
claimed and hay supplied." We have
now got in Portland two new and im
mense packing plants and there would
be no longer any necessity for shipping
the sheep East were irrigation an ac
complished faot here. The shrinkage
going East is so bad that an almost in
calculable amount of money is lost to
this district annually, and every sheep
man, as well as those others who also
hold land here, are unanimously and
deeply anxious to see the rich lands in
this neighborhood brought under the
water which alono can convert this
county into the great producing terri
tory which it so eminently qualified to
be in every other respect."
The license fees for saloons and bil
liard halls were paid in last Monday
evening at a special meeting of the
City Council held for the purpose. . All
the licenses were renewed and a
billiard hall is added to the list,
amount received in license fees
$170. ' '
What is considered to be a most re
markable geological discovery was
made last week on the property of the
Eastern Oregon Oil and Gas Company's
property. This discovery is nothing less
than that exceedingly hot water has
been found above and below cold water.
Cold water was found first at a depth
of 250 feet and at a depth of almost
exactly 500 feet very hot water was
encountered. At a depth of 650 feet,
D. M. Hunt, who has "charge of the
drilling was tiomewhat surprised to
again run into water as cold as that
found near the surface. Mr. Hunt,
who has operated virtually in every oil
field on the North American continent,
states that the existence of hot water
between the two strata of cold water
can only be regarded as proof that the
middle stratum has been heated by a
chemical process, which is expected to
be a subject for a most interesting in
vestigation by scientists at some future
time. The oil men believe also that the
discovery will throw much light on the
origin of tho famous hot water springs
of this locality.
That the old Eldorado mining ditch,
which haa its intake on Burnt River,
and empties into Willow River, has
been purchased by the Upper Willow
Creek people is the news received this
week by J. E. Lawrence of the First
National Bank. The' only provision
now remaining to insure the consuma-
tion of the deal is the proof that the
title ia perfect. The ditch carries 600
or 700 inches of water which will be
added to the Willow supply.
Under the auspices of the Episcopal
Club Mrs. Thomas W. Claggett acted
as hostess Wednesday afternoon ut a
delightful tea in her residence.
Those present were Mesdamcs Dun
lop, Caviness, Eastham, Weant, Sta
ples, Claggett, Eskridge, Lee, Roberts,
Hadley, Johnson, Spier, Dixon, Robin
son. Tucker, rord, Onmes, Miller,
Six coyotes all in a bunch was the
sight seen by T. W. Davidson, the
well known oil man, at a point 8 miles
directly North of Vale last Tuesday.
Mr. Davidson says the coyotes. took no
notice whatever of him. He also re
ports having seen a number of. sage-
hens and only regrets he had no gun in
his possession.
To begin work of preparing the City
Park for the planting of trees thereon
and for its general beautincation a man
was engaged this week by the members
of womens Civic Improvement Club,
The first step will be the stertilizing of
the ground, after which it will be
nlouirhed and trees planted there next
The Club is about to federate and
wilt do so just as soon as the constitu
tion has been prepared. It meets on
tho second and fourth Thursday of each
month. The last meeting was held at
Mrs. llalliday's at which twenty ladies
were present and dainty refreshments
were served. The club has also decid
ed' to take ud the Bay View course of
reading and unamously declared in
favor of taking up the study or our
own country. The cost is $3.50 per
year and 13 ladies bought the books.
In a case tried at Malheur City last
week in which Vale attorneys were em
ployed on each side, one juryman
a verd.ct, which was ac
When only two day s, had elapsed
since their arrival In V,, A. C. Drei
ser of Lewis ton, Idaho, and J. C. Yan
dell of John Day, Oregon, purchased
the livery barn of Wade and Wade and
ara now doing business at the well
known stand. The tale was made Ut
Monday two days after the owners had
ended a cine days trip across country.
Messrs Preaaer and Yandell arc old
time ljvrry men,
, . -
Weaver, Welch, Darby, Horron, Cole, ugni m
Huston. Meuller. Dunn iwav. llamil- ! iepluu
ton and Miss McNaughton and Piatt,
The regular meeting of tho club is
held every other Wednesday and eigh
teen ladies who arc not members of
the church have joined for the laudublo
purpose of identifying themselves with
the good work which is being accom
plished. The small charge of tdn cents
U initfl for the refreshments and tho
money will be applied to the purchase I the plntifT. Tho
..t 1,.m nn which a churrh will ha -' Morfitt s. Hockley.
Only three jurymen were available
and two were excused on peremptory
challenges, but it was decided to go on
with the case with the remaining o le
When he brought in a sealed verdict he
auked that he be permitted to consult
an attorney before having it opened.
I lis request, however, wa denied, and
the verdict was found to be in favor of
was that of
If the number of passengers travel
ing by rail to and from Vale over the
local branch can be taken as a criterion
upon which to base a guess as to the
increase of Vale's population it may be
said that the passenger traffic for the
past twelve days shows that the popu
lation is increasing by exactly five
persons every day or at the rate of
1,825 a year. The figures for those
coming in during last month were not
available but the number going out in
October was 815, and the proportion of
those going out to those coming during
October is about exactly the same as
the proportion of those going out to
those coming in during the past 12
Charged With' Maintaining House'
of III Fame At
' Ontario
Was Owner of the Place in Which
'Two Young Girls Recently
Here Were Caught
Came In , Went Out
Nov. 5 41 24
" 6 30 38 .
" 7 30 , 20
" 8 85 30
"9 32 . 33
" 10 42 . 21
" 11 27 27
" 12 36 . 43
" 13 .. 39 27
14 ... 19 - ; v 26
" 15 29 24
" 16 40 27"
400 340
Informations were filed yesterday
morning here against a woman, whose
name is unknown, on the charge of
keeping a baudy house at Ontario. " In
this house it is alleged the two young
girls, who were brought here this week
were found. From information receiv
ed, it is said, from at least one of the
girl this woman conducted a regular
white slave traffic . and maintained a
house devoted to - immoral purposes.
Judge George Hayes : acting for the
prosecuting attorney's office filed the
information yesterday morning and in
them the wonan's name appears as
Jeannie Doe her real name not yet
having been known for certainty.
That sho is no amateur' in the game
which has brought her under the dis
pleasure of the law is believed by the
authorities to be proven by her speed
in making her get- away. No doubf
exists, however, that sho will b quid
apprehended and brought to trial.
When asked if they believer 1 that the
woman had conspired with the man
who is charged with abduclin the
girls, those interested in tho case de
clined to express an opinion, and it re- '
mains now to be shown whether or not
a regular white-slavo traffic is being
conducted between tlii3 part of Oregon
and the adjacent parts of Idaho and
To prevent his capture a hobo .whose
name is unknown, but who is a Finn by
nationality, held a boy named Garret
in a cabin during a whole night this
week and threatened to kill Garret
should the pursuers who sorrounded the
house presist in the attempt-to capture
him. The man according to his own
confession which was alleged to have
been made by him shot a night watch
man named Flemiug and it was for this
crime he took flight and became a
hunted fugitive.
Every attempt to coax the man from
the cabin was unavailing and the boy
was kept in a state of constant terror.
The fugitive is a Finn who was unable
to express himself properly in English.
Efforts were made to dope some food
sent into the cabin by the pursuers but
the fugitive compelled Garret to taste
every morsel first, guessing the inten
tion of those outside.
Nampa, Nov. 19 Garret escaped
from his captor yesterday, and the
Finn on resisting further was shot to
death. '
ed as soon as possible. Some 40 guests
were present laBt Wednesday and the
1 receipts exceeded $3.00. "
Two Couples AMrried.
Two couples were married to-day in
Vale by Jinlfi Richardson. None vt
the parties was a result itt of Val t
j Wm. Ira Ck-ments unl U hu Mund
Thompson of Idaho were riarrit d st
the Goodrich Hotel in the forui.ot.i) pi d
, Guy W. Kei dull of Un tU
t and Catherine K. 5owen f CuW't ruu
were married in t!:c ftcii.on ut ll.r.
rprexcl Hotel.
Another noteworthy incident that oe-
curred during the trial was the drop
ping of a .44 calibre revolver from tha
pocket of the defendant while be was
on the witness stand.
C. L. Morris the largest ditch builder
of Alaska, the land of ditches, and
contractor whose fame aa a contractor
is spread over the whole Northwest
rame to Vale on a short visit last
Thursday, arriving here in company with
Major L. H. French andCharlas Herroh
from Boise. Mr. Morris probably holds
Uic record for ditch building on the
western slope of the American Conti
nent. The extent of the work accom
plished by him may be guaged by the
fact that the ditches constructed by on
Seward Peninsula alone, if placed end
to enid, would extend a distance of
more than 350 miles. He ia now en
gaged in digging great waterways in
Canada and in immense orticms else
where nd always with success that
has placed him at the very pinnacle of
his calling.
Taking the receipts for freight of
the locrfl railroad for last month and "
comparing them with tho correspond
ing month for the two years just pro
ceeding the present one it is found that
the business increases by approximate
ly $3,000 per month from year to year. .
Last month, October, tho receipts were
$13,785.98. For Octohor 1WX they"
were $10,177.98 and for October 1907
the total freight traffic was represent
ed by tho sum of $7,268.31 . v "
In October 1'JiiS tho amount of freight
received at the Vale depot was 1,370
966 lbs, while for last month it was
2,312,072 lbs.
R. B. Hoyt th? popular agent of the
road at Vale, states that tho amount
of business transacted during tho pres
ent month indicates that it will be tbj
greatest of any previous month in tho'
history of tho line.
The very latest . reports from the
Malheur Oil and Gas Company's scene
of operations at Sand Hollow are to
the effect that ' oil sand has been en
countered at a depth of 1500 feet and
that the operators expect to bring' in
a' well immediately after the removal
of the water which camo to delay the
work. A light casing was iimcrtcd for
the purpose of pumping tho water but
this casing broko. A wire has, how
ever, been sent to California for heavy
casing that will bta:d the pr-aure.
The Presbyteriaij Hall at Ontario whs
destroyed by fire lit Wednesday night,
as well as a large lurniturc shit that
wns attached to tl building and which
contained a fmo 'Yc of furniture. The
loss by the destruction of the hull will
amount to $l,5UO,' whilo the loss due to
the destruction of the funiitro will also
reach a high figure. ,
The fire tk place before midnight
and no cause has boen amigued. It is
rbelieved by many, however, that the
blaze started at the rtar of the building '
which is orcupiod by soma Japanese,
who may have been careless in themat
ic of light or fireplace.
KLept will be taken ImmeJiattly ly
the members of the churc). to nice
fund for the erection of a ne building.1
Will Oprn Office Here. I
L. W. Cook, a promiotnt mining man,
wlto U operating around Baker City, j
cm! who paid a virit to Vale this week, -exjrmui
t!so insertion of opening of-
lid here. Ito will engage inancxtco
ivo rtnl mthto Uu ut-and says t).; t
the future of VaU, Uka tuoi.!y f, f , UJM;fu, XmM
t.rl, l.t i:, l.:a ryt , j,f ; i Druf (v.
IIP. Oaborw, tha well known
tract r, has begun Ote construction
a brh k reiitu- for lit Hurley
back of the U. Y. company.
J. J. Robiiuon, lii-cornjnicd l-y Elr.',
Kobiiihon, Mih Kmh kvlii: uu i'.u.i t'.vo
j you'i:cT children, arrived in Va!c Ibis
liriM. ' week anu ui i " ) 11 Ht-iu-r ).
j Mr. ItobhiMuo lu ed .'jc nnl p4. r.t 0-r
. . 1 . I. ... 1
vUt ci! Pt 1)0 j t'i lul il xi vluq it of Vh for I .a
i ;