The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 28, 1922, Image 6

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We have re-
Once more the season is at hand for New Years Resolutions.
solved to give even better service.
We wish to thank each and every one who has helped us to
increase our business for the past year. Our aim is to please you and we hope
that we have merited your confidence and good will and that a continuance of
our pleasant relations may be looked forward to.
Y,ou have our assurance of our personal interest in your
' order from the time it is received until the goods reach your kitchen table,
whether it be a large or small order, and we shall do all in our power to prove
that this firm is well deserving of its long sustained record of taking good ,
care of its' patrons.
We extend to you our heartiest wishes for a Happy and
Successful New Year, and a cordial invitation to visit or call Our store at any
Yours very truly,
, 4r . "dJi :
, w t ' r i.
(Continued from pngo Ono)
hold that tho company took this
t business with its oyes opon, knowing
that this cIobs of users could not
stand a full chargo for powor and
that, having Invested monoy, years
and labor In their farms, thoy could
not now bo cut off from their wntor
supply Just bocnuso It did not pay.
Tho commission Bald that it would
bo morally wrong to mako tho
irrigation peoplo pay ratos that
would put them out of buslnoss,
and unfair to make other powor pa
trons pay for their sorvlco, where
fore, tho powor company itself must
bear tho burdon by oarnlng only a
partial return on such property as
It has luvostod in this business.
Ono ruling of tho commission
which nttornoys bollovo may have
nr-roachlng offocts. hnd to do with
rtho uso of a depreciation rosorvo.
It was sot forth that tho powor com
pany had collected ?76,000 from its
(ratepayers as a depreciation rosorvo
to, replaco wornout proporty, but had
lnstoad invested It In now property,
whloh It had Hated in Its inventory
On tho grouud that tho company Is
not entitled to a roturn from proper
ty for which tho pooplo huvo put up
tho monoy, tho commission cut this
amount out of tho valuation.
Tho commission's opinion finds
littlu fault with tho power com
pany's Inventory of physical propor
ty. It compllmonts thoso who pre
pared it in this language;
Tho lurontory wado and filed
by tho Idaho Fowor company
lists ovory item of its property
and rights that could bo found.
Tho work appoars to have boon
carofully done, as closo chocks
rondo by the onglneorlng dopart
mont of tho commission dis
closed. Somo errors have
crept in, but in vlow of tho
magnitude of tho work, tho
number Is loss than might roas
nbly be expoctod, und wo bo
llovo tho off oct to bo negligible.
I), i Tho terso and formal ordor of tho
II .commission, which accompanies
itlio opinion, sots Monday, January
ffir2, as tho date for tho oponlng of
, the liearlugs upon ratos, to bo based
urOB tho new valuation. It follews:
,"U Is thoroforo ordered
"I, That tho 8im of $11,638,-
1(9,60 be, and tho Bamo is liorcby
lfijcl as tho ruto baso -rnlimtlou of
tho Idaho Powor company, as of De
combor 31, 1919.
"2. That of said rato base 13.25
per cont is as of such valuation
duto, not ontitlod to a full return.
"3. That a hearing bo had to
bring tho vauntlon down to date and
fix rates, and to prescrlbo rules,
regulations nnd forms of accounts
for tho accumulation, protection and
oxpcndlturu of depreciation funds.
"4. That Monday, January 22,
1923, at 10 o'clock n. m bo fixed
as tho timo, and tho offices of the
commission at Boiso, Idaho, as tho
placo for such hearing.
"Dono in open .sosston at Boise,
Idaho, this 21st day of Doc., 1922.
enough corn to meet tho northwest
ern domand by shelling and ship
ping tho grain, tho corn crop is ono
of tho best things for fattening
stock. It may bo mado tho basis of
a very largo hog finishing industry.
(Continued from page Ono)
qulromont for tho crop is q'ulto low.
Another groat ndvautngo of tho
corn crop is that It leaves tho lanO
In excellent condition for fall seed
ing to grain or somo other crop.
A still further advantage is that
tho harvest period Is aftor tho hay
harvest on tho Irrigated projects Is
couiploto, and this oxteuds the labor
porlod through a longer tlmo, dis
tributing It to hotter advantage.
Storage liisy
Tho Btorage and handling oqulp
niout for corn is usually not pro
hibitive iu prlco. Tho corn, after
husklug may bo dttod successfully
In slutted corn cribs, or it may In
many Instances bo stored In tem
porary cribs mado of woven wiro or
fenco rails and covered with bundles
of corn fodder,
Tho storage on the oar Is usually
Just long enough to got It fairly
dried out, aftor which It Is sboltod
and roady for Bhipmont.
Tho shotting and cloaulng equip
ment Is not prohibitive In prlco, and
tho are many districts In tho com
belt that have Itinerant shelters that
novo from farm to farm and sholl
tho corn at tho production point.
Moru Corn Itss Coal
Sevoral of the com (Trowing dis
tricts of Oregon uro districts of ex
treme fuel shortage, so that com
cobs will mako a very valuablo by
product for fuel purposes. Iu ad
dition to tho possibility of growing
Tho Christmas party given for tho
Girls club nt tho homo of Mrs. C. It.
Emlsou was very well planned and
gieatly enjoyed by about thirty mom
bors. The houso was beautifully do-
corated In Christmas greens includ
ing Christinas troo an' everything.
Ono of the features of the eve
ning was tho singing of Christmas
carols by concealed singers whoso
Idontlty caused lively speculation
among tho guests until the quartette
was brought Into the' room and
provod to bo somo of tho High
school Qleo club members, Ethel
Conwny, ltuth Itoborts, Orvlllo So
ward, and William Wiseman. Tho
singing was a real treat.
Santa left gifts for each ono pros
out with appropriate sontlmonts in
vorso (or othorwlso) nnd aftor ro
froshmonts thoy all loft with kindly
toolings toward tho two committees
who had planned and carried out a
very successful party.
Thoro will bo no meetings during
tho holidays and January 9th will
start tho Now Year with a party at
tho homo of Mrs. Daltou Iltggs.
Tho annual mooting of tho Con
gregational Ladles Aid bo hold
at the homo of Mrs. C. P. Skow In
tho afternoon of Wodnesdny, Jan
uary 3. Mrs. Vlornow assisting as
assistant hostess.
Ranchers Attention
January 20
At The
Southwest of Ontario.
Only bestpedigreed stock offered
Tho district convention of the B.
Y. P. U. will be held at tho Baptist
church here on Monday with dele
gates from the various societies of
tho organization in this section.
Carlton Lathrop of this city Is pres
ident of the organization. The fol
lowing Is the program to be held:
2:30 Song Service nnd Devotional
Led by Harold Adams, Payette
3:00 Address of welcome
Myrna Secoy, Pres. of Ontario
B. Y. P. U.
Rep. of Pruitland B. Y. P. U.
3; 15 Buslnoss Session.
3:30 B. Y. P. U. Goals for tho New
Year W. A. Shanks
Special Music..-.. Ontario B. Y. P. U.
4:'15 Summer Assembly
A. L. Back
4:30 Round Tabla Conference
1. Stewardship in tho Church of
tho Future and the Young Peo
ple's Part in It.
Led by Rep. of Emmett B. Y.
P. U.
2. Tho Importanco of Prayer in
the Devotional Moetihg.
Lod by Rep of Weiser B. Y.
P. U.
, 3. What is Worship and What
Place has It in the Devotional
Led by Rep. Now Plymouth
B. Y. P. TJ.
5:00 Social Hour
6:00 Lunch
7:00 Song Service and Devotional
Led by Harold W. Adams, Pay
ette. 7:30 Roll Call and Response with
B. Y, P. U. Yolls and Songs.
7:45 'Eloctlon of Officers.
Special Muslc....Ontnrlo B. Y. P. U.
8:00 Address
By H. G. Young, Director of
her long Illness, especially to Dr,
Weose for his faithful attendance,
and the words of sympathy and
kindly help at tho time of her death
and burial.
We also wish to express our ap
preciation of the beautiful floral of
Orrln Bull and family.
We desiro to express our heart
folt thanks to our friends and neigh
bors for their many acts of kindness
to our dear wife and mother during
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ivan E. Oakes went
to Boise Tuesday on business.
Miss Dollio Rollins went to Boiso
Tuesday for a short stay.
Mrs. D. W. Powers and daughter
Pauline left Monday ovonlng for
Wlnnemucca for a short visit with
her parents.
Mrs. J. R. Jlmmorson of Payette
spent Christmas with her daughter
Mrs. Larue Blackaby.
Carlton Lathrop spent Christmas
day at his home In Emmett, return
ing to coach the Hi basket ball team
for its opening game Friday with
An qnjoyablo Christmas party was
hold in tho Library auditorium on
Thursday, December 21. by the Fed
eiatlon of Women's clubs. Hqstess
es for tho occasion were, Medames
Drano, Herron and Clement. Each
guest brought a tiny stocking con
taining a silver offering as a
Christmas gift to the Library Fur
nishing fund.
Mrs. Earl Blackaby was tho hos
tess for the Wednesday bridge this
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Homnn will
entertain tho Imperial club with a
dinner bridge party this evening.
Honoring her mother, Mrs. Emily
Hall of Midland, South Dakota, who
Is spending the winter here, Mrs. P.
J. Gallagher entertained this after
J. M. Weaver of Cow Valley was
a Christmas week visitor In Ontario
as the guest of his daughter Mrs.
W. W. Howard.
Misses Anno and Margaret Mc-1
Glvern who are members of the
Portland public school ' faculty,
spent Christmas woek with their
paronts, Mr.' and Mrs. John McGlv
ern. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Blackaby and
family came from Homedale to
spend Christmas with relatives
here. Mr. Blackaby Is now ono of
tho commissioners of Owyhee coun
ty, having been elected at the last
Mrs. C. W. Tyler and children
went to North Powder to spend
Christmas with Mrs. Tyler's paronts.
Mr. and Mrs. Qlnrenco Crouter
and Allan Bedford spent Christmas
day with friends in Boiso, returning
Tuesday. -
Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Roberts wont
to Union, Oregon last Saturday to
spend Christmas with Dr. Robert's
The Dearborn street station, ono of
tho big passenger depots of Chicago,
was destroyed by fire.
A bill proposed by Senator Johnson
of California provides that railroad!
must not declare dividends until their
rolling Btock and equipment aro it
satisfactory ordor.
The I'ord Motor company is about
to build a $6,000,000 manufacturing
and assembling plant in Chicago which
will employ approximately 10,000 men,
according to an announcement Thurs
day FOR SALE Largo type Registeied
Poland China Boar. See Ed. Du
Pro, Ontario, R. F. DD. No. 3. 4-8
New Years
THE GOLDEN RULE has just finished by far the
Most Successful year of its existence.
More successful in the "volume of business done
more successful particularly in the liberal. measure of good will
and confidence you have shown toward us, which we attribute to
our efforts in trying to make this store your ideal of what a store
should be.
To us there is a greater profit than that of making
money, and that is the knowledge of having rendered a just ser
vice to every customer we do not want anybody's money unless
we can give full value for it.
The beginning of another year inspires in us a deter
mination to make this a better store in every way. Mr. Make It
Right has become a life member of this firm and during 1923 will
guard your interest by insisting in his usual emphatic manner that
you above all must be satisfied.
The Buying Power of this organization will be exer
cised to your advantage in even greater measure than ever before.
Larger volume means larger and more advantageous buying,
which enables us to buy for proportionately less. Every facility
of the Thirteen Store organization will be exercised in effecting
the very lowest prices possible for our customers.
We have determined to more forcibly emphasize the
meaning of Every Bay a Bargain Day throughout the coming
year. This will not bo a Hypodermic Sale Store at high feVer
at certain intervals, but a Hurry Up or Get Left Store every day
in the year, with uniform and the very lowest prices at all times.
Sale prices areyin effect here every day, all the time,
at the beginning and last of' the season. When the sale word is
used in our advertising, you may know that it is worthy of appli-.
cation in the strictest sense of the word.
Golden Rule merchandise at regular prices represents
the same values as are offered by most stores at reduced prices,
even at the end of the season.
We appreciate the loyalty of our friends and patrons,
and assure you that we will strive to continue worthy of your con
fidence and support. Th&nfc You.
May Your New Year Be Happy and Prosperous.
) V