The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 28, 1922, Image 1

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' !
Bulky Freight Moved Thousands of
Miles When ns Good or Better
Product Could be Raised at
Home tn lixnmpio or a
, Faulty Economics'
Although for many years demon
strated that this is the best corn
section of the state, and that here
a groator yield of corn can be pro
duced than In Iowa, Illinois or Ne
braska, still there is so small an
acreage devoted to the crop annually
thousands upon thousands of dol
lars aro exported from this state to
pay for corn which might have been
raised here.
It is said by those who are in a
position to know something about
the importation of this crop that
enough corn is brought to Malheur
county each year by one sheep com
pany to keep fifteen farmers in the
county busy. In this year and other
years when potatoes and other crops
are not entirely profitable think
what the loss means.
It costs approximately $1000 for
a carload of corn shipped from
Kearnney, Nebraska, beside the
freight, which is likewise a big
item, and on every carload shipped
to Oregon that freight might be
saved to the farmers of this state.
While Malheur county is losing
this opportunity due to unexplain
able reasons, the entire state and
the northwest generally is paying
a tribute to the corn raisers of the
Middle West. In a recent Issue of
the Oregon Farmer Prof. George
R. Hyslop, chief of the farm crop
division of O. A. C. discusses this
loss of Oregon money in the fol
lowing graphic article:
How would you like to see 33
tralnloads of corn rolling down the
railroads to Portland and Seattle
each year? Probably you, do not
bolleyo that 33 tralnloads of corn
were shipped into the Pacific North
west last year, but while there were
not actually 33 solid tralnloads of
corn brought into the northwest its
equivalent was shipped Into the
cities of Portland and Seattle during
the 12-month period ended Septem
ber 30.
14 Miles of Corn Cars
Eleven hundred fcnd twenty-seven
carloads of corn were Inspected at
Seattle last year and 525 carloads
were Inspected at Portland during
the same period of time. This to
tal of 1652 carloads to these two
points where they were inspected
received, came largely from outside
the northwest. These amounting
to approximately 1,500,000 bushels
of corn, represents fully 14 miles of
loaded freight cars, that mlghthave
been filled in certain of the Oregon
corn producing districts following
the market demands.
In addition to the 1C52 carloads
there were many additional carloads
shipped to individuals, smaller deal
ers, and groups in other parts of the'
state whore grain lnsppctofs do not
have occasion to inspect the corn.
These carloads shipped Into Port
land and Seattle amount to about 25
extra bushels for each of the 66,
000 acres of corn grown in Oregon
this year.
Our Money Goes East
All tho money for the more than
1,500,000 bushels of corn went to
eastern states and much of this corn
wont through the Malheur, west
Umatilla and north Morrow county
corn-producing district. These two
warm, irrigated districts and Jack
son, Josephine and Douglas counties
can grow corn good enough to shell
and ship.
Here is another opportunity to
keep Oregon money In Oregon, and
at the same time to save excessive
freight rates on feed.
A Good Rotation Crop
Corn fits very nicely Into the ir
rigated rotation in that It is very
economical of water, as the water re
(Contlnued on last page)
After a week at homo there will
be A general exodus of the Ontario
delegations to the various colleges
and universities. Some of the stu
dents start back on Sunday while
others will remain until Monday.
Those home from the University of
Oregon are Ruth McCulloch, James
Purcell and Martin Moore,; from O.
A. C, Joyce Turner, Claude Chris
tianson, Byran Nobb and Vernon
Butler; from the University of
Washington, Ed. Fraser and Frank
Clement, and from Whitman, Wil
liam Lees.
Bernard Rader, too came home
from the University of Washington
bearing with him his sheepskin and
will not roturn, he having completed
his work for his degree. He has
taken a position In Rader Brothers
and will be in charge of the shoe
Owing to the Illness of Rev. Fr.
P. J. Stack, Bishop McGrath of Ba
ker canio to Ontario last Saturday
evening and 'presided at the regular
services at the church of the Blessed
Sacrament. While here the Bishop
remained for the Christmas services
holding Midnight Mass Sunday night
and High Mass Monday morning.
Chafjge In Administration Will Fol
low Adjourned Meeting of
Former Body No Announce
ments of Any Kind Made
As Yet
Ontario will have a new city ad
ministration next Tuesday. At that
time the present city fathors will
meet, pay tho current bills and hear
the minutes of their last meeting
read and will then turn over the
reins of government to their suc
cessors. Mayor W. H. Doolittle and Coun
cllmen W. L. Turner and W. J.
Weese will be the continuing offi
cers they having been elected at tho
same time that tho new councilmen
wore. The membors of the in
coming organization are: Council
man V. B. Staples, C. P. Skow, J. T.
McNulty and A. G. Moore. Mr.
Moore was a member of the council
three years ago.
As yet no announeement has been
made relative to appointive officers.
J. J. Wherry, formerly of this
city, father of Miss Laura Wherry
of tho public school faculty, was
seriously injured last Saturday in
Boise when an out-bound street car
struck his auto on a crossing,
mashing tho light car and dragging
It along the rails for many feet be
fore it stopped. Mr." Whorry was
pinned in his car which fortunately
was not thrown. Into the ditch, and
In some miraculous manner escaped
death. He was injured about tho
head and body and suffered a badly
sprained ankle. No bones were
broken and he will recover. Tho
accident was due to the frosted
windshield on Mr. Wherry's car and
the fact that the street car was ton
minutes lato on Its schedule
In a united program given at the
High school auditorium last Sunday
evening the Sunday schools of the
Congrqgational, Methodist and
United Presbyterian churches made
an appeal for contributions to the
fund for the Near East. Mrs. II. L.
Peterson was chairman of tho com
mittee which arranged the song
service presented. Rev. Reese read
the scripturo and nev. James pre
sented the Biblical story of tho
birth of Jesus.
The Oregon club's Christmas
dance registered again the success
of that organization as one of the
most successful entertainers In tho
valley. The hall was beautifully
decorated Jn holiday colors and a
large crowd not only of Ontario
folk, but from the outside as well
was present to enjoy the. festivities.
The club will entetrtaln again on
New Year8 night.
Mr, and Mri. E. W. Howland
drove to Bolsa Tuesday,
Power Users' Association Instructed
to Procccil to Securo Lower
Rates Based Upon Valuation
Findings of Commission
of Idaho
At a meeting held Wednesday af
ternoon at the City Hall by repre
sentatives of nearly all of the irri
gation districts and companies using
power for irrigation pumping, as
well as a number of owners of pri
vate plants, It was determined to
request the old officers of the Mal
heur County Power Users associ
ation to proceed with tho necessary
steps for an appearance before-the
public utilities commission In an ef
fort to secure lower power rates
based upon the findings of the Ida
ho utilities commission on the val
uation of the Idaho Power company
Ivan E. Oakes, general manager
of tho Owyhee Ditch company pre
sided at the meeting and outlined
tho status of tho case as the result
of tho hearing. He said that with
so short a time to prepare for the
hearing that action was necessary
and urged tho representatives of
the -various districts and companies
to securo power from their organ
izations for action at a meeting-
called for Saturday of this week.
C. M. Beaumont of Kingman Kol
ony, Charles Lias and Otto Molll of
Oregon Slope and R. R. Overstreet
of Owyhee discussed the situation
as did Judge Dalton Biggs and Mr.
Belnap, both independent users, and
all were agreed that if T. W. Clag
gett, L. R. Brelthaupt, Mr. Oakes,
J. R. Brown and L. L. Culbertson,
who had charge of tho preliminary,
work and followed through the first
case would act further that they bo
asked to do so.
Mr. Clagett was the secretary of
tho first organization and with the
assistance of Mr. Brolthaupt and
Mr. Gunn of O. A. C. prepared tho
studies which wero presented at the
first hearing, growing the returns
secured by farmers raising crops
under pumping systems.
Mr. Brelthaupt declared his will
ingness to' again aid In compiling
the' data, but urged that someone bo
secured to visit the ranchers and get
them to present their figures. In
a recent effort to get data like this,
said Mr. Brelthaupt, only one ranch ten answered the letters sent
out, and only a portion of those
who did answer presented sufficient
figures to be of real value. To make
the proper showing ho said would
require a groat deal . of Individual
work as well as a more general co
operation than previous efforts have
Since It Is possible that a large
sum may bo saved to the ranchers
of tho county who use power, $155,
000 was the Irrigation power bill of
Malheur county alone last year, It
would seem, said several of tho
speakers that the ranchers would
bestir themselves afld make an ef
fort to present the right kind of a
showing. Some of the companies
in the association have not yet paid
tho assessment made on them for
the first hearing, and Mr. Clagott
who gave a great deal of time and
effort did so gratuitously, which
several speakers doclared was un
fair to him, and should not be asked
of him again.
Credit for tho successful showing
made by Malheur county farmers at
previous hearings was attributed to
tho work of. Mr. Clagett and Mr,
Brelthaupt by several speakers, for
from It resulted tho ton per cent re
duction secured this year with tho
elimination of the surcharge which
was granted two years ago by the
Oregon and Idaho commissions.
A mooting of all the power, users
in this section of the valley will be
held in Boise on January 22, called
by Mayor Sherman of Boise. At a
meeting of the Commercial club di
rectors proceeding the meeting Wed
nesday it was decided that no re
guest for a reduction In commercial
rates to make up tho difference In
Irrigation- rates would be requested
by the city.
R. H. Wilkinsou of McDermott,
was an Ontario business visitor on
Tueday. With him came Martin
and Rosslo Echave, stockmen of the
McDermltt section.
Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Payne entor-J
talnod the Carnation club at a
ner Tuesday evening
Fire Hundred,
followed by
Budget Board Listens to Arguments
of Adiocntcs of County Agent
Service Market Rontl Fund
Continued State Levy
After listening 'all day Wednesday
to tho arguments pro and con on the
matter (if retaining tho services of
the Coifnty Agricultural Advisor,
the county budgot board consisting
of the County Judgo E. II. Test,
Commissioners Frank M. Vines and
G. W., pean, and William Jones, H.
C. Boyer and A. A. Gutteridgo ad
journed to tho next day and on
Thursday formally ncted upon the
various budgot proposals and fixed
the amount to be raised for next
No radical changes were mado In
tho budget estimates as printed a
month ago though some of the itoniB
were pared down which together
with tho reduction of tho amount
asked f( r state taxes makes the to
tal tax jiill of the people of tho
county iirer $20,000 less than It was
last yea This is true In spite of
the fact that in order to meet tho
first payment on county road bonds
voted in 1918 thero was included in
tho budgot an itom of $10,000 to re
tire boirds.
Tho taxpayers present, and thoro
was a representative gathering from
all sections of tho county, wore
practically unanimous in favor of
continuing tho county agent work
and club work too, so that service
continues. The Item for market
road to match the state appropri
ation was left in the budget also;
while tho appropriation for the sup
port of the county fair was reducod
from $1500 to $1000. A number
of the ofuor Items were trimmed
down nijo'so that the total amount
levied is more than $10,000 legs
than tho preliminary estlmato. This
difference was taken up by the ad
dition of $10,000 for tho bond pay
ment and tho net saving to tho tax
payers Is practically equivalent to
tho reduced amount asked by tho
Officers of tho various Masonic
bodies wore elected at tho annual
meetings of tho lodgos last week and
In some cases wore Installed tho
night elected. Last Thursday Aca
cia Lodgo No. 118 A. F. & A. M.
elected the following efficers: John
R. Rasmussen, W. M.j Irwin, Troxoll
S. W.; J. W. Springer, J. W.; E. A.
Fraser, treasurer; D. P. Dearborn,
secretary. On Tuesday night of this
week these officers wore Installed
as wero tho following appointive of ef
ficers: James Turnbull, chaplain;
H. L. Poterson, marshal; D. C. An
derberg, S. D.; W. M. Walker, J.
D.; A. L. McDowell, S. S.; C. R.
Augustus, J. S and R. S. Ruther
ford, tyler.
R. A. M. Elects
Zadoc Chapter R. A. M. elected
and Installed last Friday evening
the following offlcers: J. C. Mc
Crolght, II. P.; Ivan E. Oakes, K;
J, W. Springer, S.; II. L. Peterson,
treasurer; W. M. Walker, secretary;
Daniel Purcell, P. S.; Irwin Troxoll,
C. of H.; W. F. Homati, R. A. C;
II, L. Peterson, Murray Morton and
E. A. Fraser, M. of V.; It. S. Ruther
ford, sontlnol.
Htur Chapter O. E. 8.
At tho election of offlcors for
Star Chapter No. 60 O. E. S. tho
following wero chosen: Miss Ros
Ina Clement, W, M.; Mr. II. L.
Peterson, W. P.; Mrs. Bessie Ready,
A. M.;Mrs. Delta Llnglo, conductross
Mrs, Kloo Test, associate conduc
tress; Mrs. Grace Turner, treasurer;
Miss Luella Callln, score, tary; Mrs.
Eudora Anderson, chaplain; Mrs.
Paulino Piatt, marshal; Mrs. Ernes
tine Boyer, organist; Mrs. Myrtle
Poterson, Adah, Mrs. W, M. Walker,
Ruth; Miss Luella B. Callln, Esther;
Mrs. Adeline Haw, Martha; Miss
Clement, warder and R. 8. Ruthor
for, sentinel.
Theso officers will be Installed
tonight with Mrs. Minnio C. Letson,
past Worthy 'Grand Matron as In
stalling officer.
L. G. Olson of Boise, formerly of
this city, was In Ontario on buslnoss
today. Ho Is tearing down the old
dln-lwater tank usod by ha Ontario
'Water company and moving it to
Ontario folk wero tho principals
named In two largo damago actions
fllod in the district court last week.
In tho first action T. II. Mooro and
Theodore Mooro aro named defen
dants In n damage action for $10,
000 for Injuries suffered by Mrs.
Ivy Tyler. Tho action grows out of
an accident In which Mrs. Tyler was
struck and thrown to tho pavement
by tho light truck belonging to tho
Mooro hotel and driven by a Kor
oan porter over a year ago. Tho
second action was brought by W. E.
Leos against Malheur county in tho
sum of $4000 for damages alleged
to have been suffered to a ranch bo
longing to him on the Owyhee. Tho
damago claimed Is alleged to have
resulted from the constructing of a
portion of tho Nyssa-Jordan Valloy
highway through tho property.
Dr. E. R. Huckleberry of tho U.
S. public health service was In On
tario Tuesday and delivered a lec
ture to tho medical men of the city
and a number from Vale, Payette
and New Plymouth at the offlcos of
Doctors Weeso and Fortnor. His
subject was that of preventative
methods for curbing social diseases
Among tho doctors from out of town
present were: Doctors Woodward
of Payette, Stoolhammer of Vale
and Drysdalo of Now Plymouth.
Mrs. Orrln Hull, Mother of Large
Family, Many of Whom Livo
Hero, Passes After Life of
Usef illness
Mrs. Orrln Bull dlod at her homo
wost of tho city at 7:30 Sunday
morning, Dccombor 24, 1922, after
an illness of several months. .
Funeral Borvlcos wero hold at 1:30
Tuesday afternoon from tho home,
and at 2:00 from tho United Pros
bytorlan church, Rov. F. E. Spring
er of Caldwoll, officiating, assisted
by Rev. D. D. Roeso of tho Congre
gational church.
Intormont was mado at tho Ontar
io cemetery.
Maria Elizabeth Wakoflold was
born at Tiger Lake, Carver county,
Minnesota, Doc. 30, 1958. Her oar
llor lifo was spent In southern Min
nesota, where she was loft father
less whllo still a small child, hor
father giving his lifo for his coun
try during tho Civil War. In 1879
she, with her mother and step
father, moved to Star Lake ,Mlnn.,
and on June 22, 1881 she was mar
ried to Mr. Orrln Bull at Forgus
Falls, Minn. They Immediately
commonccd housekeeping on Mr.
Bull's farm at Maine, Minn,, whero
practically all their married lifo was
spent and their family of nine chl
dren wero born. One daughter An
notto, dlod In Infancy. Nino years
ago last Novombor Mr. and Mrs.
Bui sold tho homo placo and came
to Ontario, Oregon. Horo they
built a beautiful country homo south
wost of tho city, and whero thoy
hoped to spend many years together
and In tho companionship of their
children, most of whom reside In
Mrs. Bull was a Christian from
girlhood, and after hor marriage
with her husband, united with tho
Prosbytorlan church of Maine, and
after tholr removal to Ontario, bo
camo members of tho United Pres
byterian. Of a quiet, rotlrlng na
turo hero homo was hor world, but
alio strovo faithfully to bo a truo
help-inato to hor husband and a de
voted mother to hor children, always
untiring In hor offorta for tho com
fort and wolfaro of her family
Truly It can bo said of her, "She
Lookoth Woll to tho Ways of Hor
During tho long weeks and
months of her last Illness her lifo
was a beautiful oxamplo of faith and
She loavos to mourn hor depart
ure her husband and night clldren,
th reo sons and five daughtors, Mrs.
Lola L. Secoy, Schuyler O. Bull, Mrs.
Florence L, Koofo of Ontario;' Mrs.
Mrytle L. Smith of Porram, Minn;
Barney L. Dull, Mrs. Jennie J
Oramso, Earl V. Bull of Ontario,
and Mrs. Hazel B. Hlckox of Cald
woll, Idaho, and fourteen grand
children besides her many frlonds
who chorion tho memory of a good
and, noble womau.
Commission to Meet Noxt Month to
Nnmo Rates Order Declares that
on Irrigation Equipment
Full Rate of Earning Can
not bo Expected
Users of oloctrlc power for irri
gation purposes are dated by reason
of the findings roportod last Thurs
day by tho public utilities commis
sion of Idaho on tho question of the
physlcnl valuation of tho properties
of the Idaho Powo company upon
which rates for service aro based.
By the ordor of the Idaho commis
sion, which by agroement tho Orogon
commission is to concur, tho value
of tho company's property is placed
at $11,638,459.60; of which, how
over, only 13.25 por cent of $1,542,
095.80 represents tho oxcoss power
devoted to irrigation purposes. And
concerning this portion of tho prop
erty tho commission doclaro3 that
tho company cannot expect to make
a full earning. This is a vital find
ing In which tho powor users aro In
terested, and Is one which Is .deemed
of great importance, not to tho pow
or usqr ofs this section alono, but
other Irrigated roglons where powor
is usod for pumping.
Ask for Double Amount Allowed
Tho caso which has boon ponding
for nearly two yoars Is doomed a
victory for tho contentions of tho
Southern Idaho Powor usors associ
ation of which the Irrigation com
panies of Malheur county and tho
City of Qntarlo bocamo members.
The company in Its argument for val
uatlons and in Its sot-up of values
claimed a total value of $22,567,890
Tho dlfferenco botweon tho figures
prosontod by tho company and that
allowed by tho commission Is to bo
found almost ontlroly In items
which tho commission doclared can
not bo rightly charged to tho prop
erties. Thus there woro ollmlnatod
from the company's table:
The cost of obtaining money as an
olomont In tho oxpense in building
tho utility.
Tho value of non-useful and non
oporatlvo properties.
Tho capitalization of deficits in
curred during tho struggling yoars,
and Inflated purchase, prlcos paid to
consolidated companies.
Tho elimination of portion of tho
property from full earning basis,
such as Irrigation properties.
Some of Tho Cuts
From the company's valuation
tablo upon tho principal outlined
abovo tho following woro a few of
the cuts made:
For non-oporatlvo property throo
million dollars; for the cost of ob
taining mnnoy a reduction of $1,
245,577; for tho capitalization of
deficits $1,972,087; for Inflated
purchases prices thoro was elimin
ated $1,500,000,
Tlio commission set a guldo for
tlio capitalization of tho doflclts at
varlanco with tho Wisconsin thoory
which will hove widespread results
It Is bolloved. In this connection
the commission said:
Tho consuming public doos not
guarantoo tho utility any cortatn
rato on amount of return
Tho utility Is ontltlod to a reason
able roturn, If It can earn It. It
must earn what it gets and It gets
only what It earns. If tho employ
ment of good management, econ
omy, efficiency and offoctlvonoss
does not produco a sufficient earn
ing, a rate change Is indlcatod; but
n utility property Is not lncreasod
n valuo by a failure for a time to
oarn a full reasonable roturn any
moro than It would bo docroasod in
valuo by earning moro than a reas
onable return,
Tho "Irrigation load" was a high
ly controversial point In tho caso.
Tho powor company was found to
have $1,542,095.89 Invested in tho
sorvlco of Irrigation farmers, but It
(Continued on last pago)