THE ONTARIO ABGrjS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC, 21. 1922 g will" Hmnm3ammaaBmamBmKmumuzm3BEczzzai NEWSY ITEMS FOR Holiday Greetings t from The Quality Store of Portland, Oregon rrrt The Quality Store m U of Portland. Oregon riFTH. flXTH, MOBAI50N. AlOf A TS- J CLUB WORK ORGANIZED OVER THE NEXT THf Boys of IShenlulo Club Given Farm Bureau Pins For Winning Third Plnco at Kviiositlon Sewing mill Dairy Herd Rocord Keeping Most Popular A largo por cont of tlio time the last two weokH lias boon spont In or ganizing club work for this year. Dairy record Uooplng and sowing aro tho main clubs bolng organized now with two cooking clubs. Jordan Valloy has two of tho largest clubs In tho county. Thoro aro 24 mombors enrolled In tho sow ing club and 17 members In the cooking club. About half of tho 17 enrolled In cooking aro boys. Mrs. Winona Hood, who is teaching In Jordan Valloy this year is carrying on tho cooking club work and Mrs. Walter Loouoy has charge of tho sewing club. Valloy VIow has two clubs organ ized. Eight members aro onrollod in tho Dairy herd record keeping club and five In the Bowing club. Miss Margarot Griffin has chnrgo of tho sowing and Tommy Amldon has tho dairy hord record keeping. Jefferson has thrco clubs, sowing, cooking and dairy hord rocord koop lng. Thoro aro flvo mombors on rollod In oach club. At prosont lo cal loaders huvo not boon found for oach of tho clubs. Iltvordalo has two clubs dairy hord record kooplng and sowing. Miss Lncllo Grant has charge of tho girls' sowing and Mr. Orvlllo Green tho boys' dairy herd rocord kooplng. Wudo school has two 'clubs, sow ing and dairy hord rocord kooplng. MIko Eachus has chargo of tho lat ter and Mrs. Claudo Eachus tho formor. Whito Sottlomont has two clubs, sowing and dnalry hord rocord koop ing, Mrs. Harris has chargo of tho sowing and Mr. Harris has tho boys' work. Kingman Kolony has organized a sowing club for tho wlntor months. No club has boon organized for tho boys as thoy want n pig club in tho spring. Bnstn Crooy school has n sowing club of throo mombors. Tho school Is very small and this is tho first your that club works ha boon thoro. Mrs. G. J, Moyors, wlfo of tho touch or, has chargo of tho work. Itcsorvolr school has n thriving club undor tho leadership of tho touchor Moll Carted. Thoro aro flvo mombors In tho club. Ironside school has two llttlo girls tnklng sowing. Miss Mary Lo coy Is helping tho girls thoro. In several othor places thoro aro application cards out to uno member. Soino of tho schools aro so small that thoy do not havo ouough children of club ago to mako n standard club, so thoy bocomo nou-atondard club meiubors and compoto Just tho samo as tho thoro wore flvo or moro of thorn. That a groat doal of lutorost is bolng shown in club work this year is shown by tho fact that pooplo aro willing to uct as local Joadors, upon being askod for tho first -tltmo. In only two communities ho fur havo local loaders boon hard to find. At tho Annuul Farm Iluronu moot Ing hold In tho Grange Hall at Cairo, Docombor 15, tho boys of tho Illverdalo stock judging team wore prosontod with Kami lluroau plus by Govornor-eloct Walter M. l'lorco. Tho boys aro now honorary members of tho Farm nuruau and will con tinue to bo so until they roach tho ago of 21 years. Tho boys aro on tltlod to bronze modal won at tho Pacific International livestock ex position, which woro to havo been presented at this time, but tho me dals did not arrlvo. As soon us thoy roach huro thoy will bo award ed to the boys. ENGLAND CANNOT PAY DEBTS, SAYS PREMIER London. Prime Minister Bonar Law emphatically argued in tho house of commeiis the Impossibility of Great firftaln paying the American debt while reoelving nothing from Germany, Franco or Italyi He said he was con "tlnoed such a policy would reduce the standaYd of living in this country for generations. The prlmo minister said there was almost no hope of a solution of the reparations question unless Great Britain and Frande acted together. He hoped both governments would utilize the interval before the reassembling of the premier's conference on January 2 In finding some common method of dealing with the problem. The British government, ho declared, could not look with equanimity upon any action by an ally which would have tho effect, not of reducing repar ations but of making it more difficult. It not Impossible, to obtain them. This was taken as a reference to tho French proposal for occupation of the Ruhr. POLISH PRESIDENT IS SLAIN Artist Regarded as Crazed Kills Chief Executive. Warsaw. Gabriel Narutowicz, first president of Poland, was assassinated while visiting an art exhibition. He was killed by an artiBt named Nlewadomskl, who fired threo shots. Every shot took effect. Wlewadomskt, the assassin, has long been regarded by his associates as mentally derangod and his act Is looked upon as due to the motivation of his disordered mind rather than as tho result of a deflnlto plot against the life of tho newly elected president, President Narutowicz had just con eluded an address formally oponlng the plcturo exhibition when Nlowa domskt stopped up to the platform In tho Hue of pooplo shaking the presi dent's hand and fired throe shots at closo range. Tho president dropped fatally wounded while the crow,d pounced up on the artist assassin. Denver Mint Quard Shot In Robbery. Denver, Colo. Three bandits shot and probably fatally wounded Charles Lintou, a federal reserve bank guard, and uscapod with about $200,000 In curroncy of $5 denomination, which was bolng loaded onto a federal re serve truck In front of the Denver mint. The funds woro being trans ferred fiom tbo mint to tho local fed eral reserve bank. Harding For Bonus, Veterans Assured. Cluclunatl, O. Assurance that Pres ident HaiilliiB would support a bonus for ex service men, provided a foaslblo menus of financing the bonus can be found, was Riven Colonel C. II. Forbes, director of tho veterans' bureau at Washington before a joint conference of uatlonal and state executives of the Veterans of Foreign Wars hero. Missoula, Mont, Jarred By Quake. Missoula, Mont. A slight earth quake was felt hero at 9:55 Monday night. Hosldents were awakened, pic tures shaken from walls and dishes rattled. Supreme Court Justice Pitney Resigns. Washington, D. C Associate Jus tice) Pitney of the supreme court has eut his resignation to President Harding; Naval Limitations Approved by House, Washington, D. C The naval np proprlatlon bill, carrying a request that tho president negotiate with for eign powers relatlvo to limiting' con struction of war craft under 10,000 tons, waa passed by the house The bill, which carries a total of 325,000. 000, provides for an enlisted naval force ot 86,000, tbo same as fixed last year. The bodies of George D. Linn, pro prietor of the Eugene Sand & Gravel company, and Henry Nestle, an em ploye, were swept down tho Willam ette river when a boat capsized op posite the gravel plant. Tho two men were stringing a cable across the river. Six small children and one woman, Mrs. Ivor Johnson, died and threo grown persons and one child suffered severe burns when a can of gasoline, mistaken for kerosene, exploded when the contents woro poured into a stove to aid a smouldering fire set fire to a two-family home in the west part of Eugene. The proposed paving of the 11-mile section of road between Albany and Corvnllis on tho Benton county side will bo put up to -the state highway commission at the next meeting with full assurance of tho support of the two counties as the result of a confer ence of members of the Linn and Ben ton county courts and tho Corvallls and Albany chamber of commerce. Marked reduction in the salaries of practically all state officials, both elective and appointive, with tho ex ception of secretary of state and state treasurer, will bo proposed at the next session ot the Oregon legislature. The bill setting out the proposed new schedule of salaries is now being pre pared, it was said, and will bo ready for introduction on the second day of tho session. William II. Klepper, president of the Portland club of the Pacific Coast league, was forever barred from furth er participation in the affairs of the National Association of Professional Baseball leagues, In a resolution adopt ed by tho board of arbitration of the organization. Klepper was charged with making and filling an alleged false statement relative to tho capital stock of the Tacoma (Wash.) club, which he organized. Heal and personal property of the Portland Flour Mills company In Mult nomah county was bid In for an aggre gate of $1,172,670 at sheriff's sales held in Portland. Wallace McCamant, on behalf ot a committee holding $3, 000,000 ot tho company's outstanding 8 per cont mortgage bonds, acquired title at tho forolosure sale, this be ing tho first step In tho plan for turn ing the properties over to tho Sporry Flouring company of San Francisco. The Northwest Association of Sher iffs and Police, which convenes In Portland January 18, 19 and 20 for Its second annual convention, will pay particular attention to the problem ot enforcing tho prohibition laws, accord ing to word received by Chief of Police Jenkins of Portland, vice president of the association, from L. S. May, presi dent, a noted criminologist. The or ganization, starting out with 100 mem bers, has Increased its membership to 400. A clear-cut" resolution In favor of strict enforcement of the dry laws is oxpected at the session. Five state senators met in Pendle ton and agreed to contlnuo to support Senator Jay H. Upton ot Prlnevllie for president ot tho state senate. The senators present were Rltner, Robert son, Dennis, Taylor and Ellis. Senators Upton and Strayor were not present. The senators comprise tho Eastern Oregon delegation who had met In caucus before and agreed to support Upton. Senator Strayer of Baker, was in communication with the "sage brush" group by long distance tele phone, and Is said to favor tho agree ment to support Upton. Incendiarism was responsible for the conflagration which destroyed the business section of Astoria, according .to both Mayor Breuimer and Chief of Police Carlson, and local radicals are under suspicion. Investigation proved that the fire at the outset began in two separate places, simultaneously, ac cording to Chlof Carlson, At least a dozen citizens who were In the vicin ity of the Bee Hive department store when the conflagration started said they were certain that two rostnurants " one at either sldo of the department store wore rgalng furnaces, while tho store showed no sign of tiro. Tho value of taxablo property In each county In Oregon, Including that equalized by county boards and that equallzod and apportioned by the stato tax" commtislon, Is $1,000,499,160.38, ac cording to a roport prepared by the state tax commlsslou. Tho value or taxable property in each county uis assessed and equalized by the state tax commission and apportioned ac cording to th respective county ratios aggregated $123,707,064.54, while the value ot taxable property assessed -by the county assessors aud equalized by the county boards ot equalization 'to taled $885,792,095.84. Tho report shows a total ot 10,508,027,02 acres ot tillable lands In Oregon, with an aggregate assessed value ot $250,827,512. Tim ber lands aggregate 3.379,073.32 acres, the assessed value being fixed at $64, 436,895. The assessed value of 12.492, 445.60 acres ot itcu-tlllable lands la tk state tj?0,S12,562. XMAS GIFTS A Few Suggestions for the Late Shopper FOR HER I FOR HIM' Diamond Ring Lavallier Bar Pin Ruby Ring Pearl Beads Wrist Watch Ear Rings Lingerie Clasp. Silverware China Cut Glass Sets, Fountain Pens Pencils Candle Sticks Scarf Pin Waist Chain Watch Signet Ring Emblem Ring Cuff Link Tie Clasp Emblem Pin Cigarette Case Waldemar Knife Keytains, goldfilled Bill Folds Travelling Sets Smoking Sets Fountain Pen Pencils SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE AT EVERY ONE'S PRICES GIFTS THAT LAST Doritl et filet awarmvp" youren&ne ion A poor cold test oil will not lubricate your motor in cold weather. It congeals in the oil reservoir and is not responsive to the action of the pump, therefore while your engine is warming up it is running practically without any lubrica tion. The result: worn bearings, scored cylinder walls, and drain on the batteries. Zerolene for Winter Lubrication Zerolene No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5 flow freely at zero, so that the en gine bearings get oil even when the motor is cold. The correct body of Zerolene will make starting much easier on your battery, elim inate the danger of burnt outbear ings and noticeably increase the power and responsiveness of your engine. Consult the recommendr ations for winter lubrication as shown in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) imieixnverfisDeed less mctionaod wear im&iTtdlvMgfJdn .u. r"vvi VVA " V ft u &ff v )) B(srrvJr -ia JKOOft.lSi'WSy: ;rtti5giEIV!IKlSl jSJCTwj --r m MmMZjm i HZ3.ii rm "u-k.. j. fh. KU I f,i I' ' .1.11, -,.