The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 21, 1922, Image 3

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Christmas Offerings From
r I js jr lH I VjwXi kj
Of the Many Acceptable Gifts, for a Man, Nothing
Could be Better than a NEW
Suit or
Either can be Had at Prices Well Within the Reach
of Everyone,
$21.50 $25.00 $27.50
The Many Sensible as well as Acceptable
Are too Numerous to Mention, so we Cordially In
vite you to our Store, where you can get suggestions
Neckwear and Hosiery
The ever Popular Gift for Men.
In Xmas Boxes, Beautiful Full Flow
ing Four-in-Hands,
50c, 75c, $1.00 $1.50
Knit Grenadines, Combination
and Plain Colors
75c, $1.00
Pure Thread Silk, Fancy Woven
and Clock Effects,
75c, $1.00
SPORT SOX Green or Brown
Heather, Imported or Domestic,
75c, $1.00
Suit Cases and Hand Bags
Full Stock Cow Hide and Kid Lined,
$6.50 $10.00 $12.50 $15.00
Silk Shirts, Kid Gloves, Slippers, Jackets
One Price Clothier
"Have a smoko on Sheriff Lee
Noe who left a state of single bless
edness for a state Qf married hap
piness on December 0, 1922," read
a neat little card pn the desk of City.
Recorder C. M. Stearns. Needless
to say many of the visitors at the
City Hall hastened to enjoy tnat
smoke and congratulate tho sheriff.
The bride Is Mrs. Bullock of Vale,
and tho ceremony was kept a pro
found secret by both of thorn.
Came to my place on the Boule
vard road, about Nov, 15, Herofdrd
holfer about one year old, so brand
visible except right ear Is clipped
on tho upper side. Owner can have
same by paying cost of advertising
and care. A. B. Cain,
Ontario,-Oregon R. F. D. No. 1
3-5 pd.
FOR SALE Pure bred Rhodo Is
and Red roosters, singlo comb,
superior new strain. Also high lay
ing strain pullets. Phone Mallett
ranch, 20M. 3tf.
lake Yonr
Christmas Dinner
Choose From our Wide Assortment of
For Assured Satisfaction Select from our
Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks, Fish
Meats, Game, Canned Goods
. - . . .-
Reihsen and Ryan
Gus Schwelzer Dies Following Slid
den Attack Funeral Held on
Wednesday Literary So
ciety Has Hilarious Meet
ing Other Owyhee
News Notes
The community was shocked to
hear of the death of Gus Schwelzer
Monday .morning. Mr. Schwelzer
was apparently recovering from his
serious illnoss which occurred in
November, and had been romping
with his little granddaughter on
Sunday afternoon. About four
o'clock ho was stricken with an at
tack of heart troublo and died at
four o'clock Monday morning, Dec.
18. Deceased leaves his wife four
daughters and two sons to mourn
his loss. The funeral services wore
held Wednesday afternoon at the
Owyhee school and Interment mado
In the Owyhee cemetery.
A hilarious time was participated
in at thq Literary Friday evening,
concluding with a debate, "Re
solved that Country Life Is moro
Pleasure than City Lifo" which was
decided In favor of the affirmative.
Mr. and Mrs. Larsen'a daughter
and baby arrived for a visit last
Wrn. Peutz Is working on tho road
near the Owyhee postoffice with no
assistance excopt what ha hires,
though tho party Interested In the
road hag promlbed to pay his share
Thero are a number of others who
have "promised to holp and now Is
the time for a large part of the
community uses the road,
Principal Events of the Wee
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
The number of persons of school age
in Lane county when the census was
taken last month was 11,921.
The latest cold snap has threatened
a tieup of a largo crew engaged In
packing apples near Imbler.
The Ilosoburg turkey market Is by
far the most Inactive the Unipqua val
ley has known for many year.
The annual convention of the Oregon
State Teachers' association will be held
in Portland December 27, 28 and 29.
Plans of incorporation for a $300,-
000 tourist hotel at Ashland have been
drawn and were sent to Salem for filing.
Scott Ward, 75, native of Oregon and
pioneer resident of Linn county, died
at his home In Albany after three
months' Illness.
Salem Heights recoived first prizo
for the best community exhibit of veg
etables, including corn, at tho Marion.
Polk corn show held at Salem.
The Bank of Woodburn has compiled
statistics, showing tho berry pack In
Woodburn in 1922 amounted to 3,988,
594 pounds, valued at $201,284.54.
Contract for the construction of tho
Griswold union high school at Helix
has been let to tho Waalo & Shattuck
Construction company of Portland.
The Southern Oregon Hampshire
Swine Breeders' association was form
ed at Grants Pass, when 35 breeders
from Jackson and Josephine counties
The Eugene chamber of commerce
directors voted to back Astoria's re
quest for a $3,000,000 government ap
propriation to assist in reconstructing
the city.
Because of the heavy snowfall and
unfavorable weather conditions in cen
tral Oregon, work on a number of Irri
gation projects has been abandoned for
tho winter.
Jesse P. Webb was pardoned by Ack
lng Governor Ititner after serving
more than 11 years for the murder ot
W. A. Johnson In a Portland hotel on
June 20, 1910.
Ground was broken Xor tho first cot
tage of the W. C. T. U. children's fnrm
home near Coryallis Saturday after
noon, according to announcement by
officers of tho farm homo corporation,
Articles of incorporation wero filed
in the state corporation department at
Salem by the World's Electro-Industrial
exposition, to be held in Portland
In the year 1927. The capital stock is
Snow, varying in depth from two to
three feet, forced suspension of the
Pelican Bay Lumber company's log
ging operations near Kirk. Two camps
employing about 280 men, were closed
for the winter.
Francis T. Wade, prominent attor
ney of Moro, was appointed district
attorney of Sherman county to suc
ceed C. M. Huddleston, who resigned.
The appointment was announced by
Acting Governor Ritner.
The grading on the Shea hill cut-off
on tho Lcbanon-Cascadla road Is about
completed, and the rocking will start
in a few days and will continue this
winter, nntil the road Ib fully complet
ed. This new road Is 3.8 miles long.
Vincent Astor of New York city,
head of the Astor family and a' direct
descendant of tho Colonel John Jacob
Astor who founded Astoria as a fur
trading post in 1811, telegraphed tho
Astoria relief commlttco $5000 for its
Announcement of the letting of tho
contract for reconstruction of the cen
tral Oregon irrigation district main
flumo south of Bend has been made,
the Warren Construction company's
bid of $136,098.90 being accepted by
the directors.
The cost ot commodities in Oregon
has Increased approximately 10 per
cent during tho last year, according
to bids received by tho state board of
control for supplies to bo furnished
to the stato institutions during the
next six months.
Alvln M. Owsley of Texas, national'
commander of the American Legion
and rated as one of the foremost ora
tors of the country, will arrive In Ore
gon on January 4 and will address a
mass meeting In Portland on Friday
night, January G.
The state highway commission, un
der the laws of Oregon, has authority
to condemn lands for right-of-way pur
poses within tho boundaries of Incor
porated towns and cities, according to
a decision by Judge Percy Kelly of the
Marlon county circuit court.
Because the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph company refused to comply
with an order issued by the public
service commission requiring the cor
poration to set up and keep a separate
depreciation reserve account, tho com
mission sent a letter to John Carson,
district attornoy of Marlon county,
urging that ho Institute proceedings
In the courts for the enforcement ot
the penalty proWded by law In such
A strip of tho Pacific highway nine
feet wide has been compl- ted between
Canyonvllle and Galesville in Douglas
county, accoidlng to information re
ceived at the offices of tho state high
way department.
Provided tho governor-elect and tho
legislature guarantee tholr action will
be legalized, the state highway com
mission will take up on December 29
the building of the Columbia highway
through tho burned area of Astoria.
This and the approach to the city will
amount to about $250,000.
There wero 67 fires In the Crater
national forest during tho last season
according to the report of Hugh B.
Rankin, supervisor of that forest. Tho
cost to tho forest service of suppress
ing these fires was $7010.18, and tho
damage to timber inside of tho na
tional forest was $1057.31.
George William of Haines was found
guilty at Baker of manslaughter by a
Jury In circuit court which heard evi
dence bearing on thg first-degree mur
der charge of the prisoner growing out
of his confessed slaying last summer
ot Tom Paine, a recluso living In a
small cabin in the hills west of Haines.
Necessity of Increased facilities for
handling the rolling stock of the
Southern Pacific company at Its
Brooklyn shops in Portland has re
sulted In active construction work be
ing started on three new buildings,
which will cost approximately $50,000,
according to officials of the company.
Resolutions requesting the state
legislature to do nothing to disturb
the workings of tho present state com
pensation law were adopted at a con
vention of tho Loyal Legion of Loggers
and Lumbermen at Springfield. Tho
meeting took up several problems of
legislation and also the matter ot an
advance In wages.
A warning was issued to all dance
hall managers In Douglas county that
in tho future tho presenco of an intox
icated person at any dance held within
the county will mean the immediate
forfeiting of the license issued to the
dance manager unless a warrant is
secured for tho arrest of the person
disturbing the dance.
A poison campaign against the Jack
rabbits of the high desert in DcBchutes
county will bo started within tho next
few days under the direction of an
expert sent out by the United States
biological survey In order that tho
stores ot hay saved for winter feeding
of cattle may not be devoured by the
voracious rodent hordes.
It was reported at Salem that tho
Eastern & Westorn Lumber company
of Portland Iiob purchased approxi
mately 1,000,000,000 feet of timber In
the Cascade rango In Marion and
Clackamas counties from tho Foster
Timber company of Milwaukee, Wis.
The tract lies north of the Sliver Falls
Timber company holdings.
The state labor department sent a
representative to Astoria to Investi
gate the labor situation there. Reports
reaching C. H. Gram, labor commis
sioner, indicated that a large number
of men wero headed for tho lower Co
lumbia river city, while others who
were employed thero beforo tho fire
are leaving for other cities.
Action In tho lower house of con
gress for relief of Astoria fire suffer
ers will follow upon a telegraphic re
port of the conditions requested by
Secretary of War Weeks, It was decid
ed after a conferenco between Repre
entatlve Hawloy ot Oregon, Majority
Loader Mondoll and Chairman Madden
of tho house appropriations committee.
The Association of District Attor
neys of Oregon, In annual session at
Eugene, went on record as favoring
tho repeal of tho prosent woman Jury
law on account of its cumbersome pro
cedure and Impossibility of procuring
a Jury in many statutory cases whoreln
the law requlros that half of tho Jury
shall be women and also favoring a
law compelling womon to servo,
There wero four fatalities in Oregon
due to Industrial accidents during the
week ending December 14, according
to a report prepared by tho stato in
dustrial accident commission. Tho
victims were: II. II. Nestle, mill work
er, Eugene; W. W. Mead, logger, Ma
pleton; A. H. Johnson, foundryman,
Portland, and Frank Arnott, wood
bucker, North Bend. A total of 505
accidents were reported for the week.
Plans for an elaborate summer club
Iioubo and bunting lodge, to bo the
equal ot any game association club
house In tho northwest, wore drawn
up at the meeting of tho Santlam Fish
aud Game Protcctlvo association held
at Albany. Tho association, which
comprises several sportsmen and am
ateur huntsmen clubs of Linn county,
plans to build the clubhouse at Clear
lake, one ot the most beautiful loca
tions in the west.
To move the entiro perishable fruit
crop In the states of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho would require every re
frigerator car in the United States for
one trip betweon tho place of produc
tion and the markets, according to II.
H. Corey, a member of the Oregon pub
lic service commission, who baa been
In Washington for several weeks at
tending tho railroad merger bearing
before the Interstate commerce com
mission. Mr. Corey said he was told
that the recent car shortage was not
due to a lack of curriers, but was the
result Of Insufficient moilve p.owoc
Wllhelm Cuno, general manager of
the Hamburg American Steamship
line, who Is now chancellor of Germany.
Washington, D. C. Responding to
an invitation from the president, gov
ernors of 15 states came to Washing
ton Monday for conference with Presi
dent Harding on ways and means for
effectively clamping down tho prohi
bition enforcement lid.
The governors came here fresh from
tholr three-day conference at White
Sulphur Springs, where, in a rather
Informal manner, tho samo problem
was dlsoussedi
Cognizant that tho present system
of enforcement has not brought about
the highest deslrablo results antici
pated, President Harding mado It quite
plain to &e governors that hereafter
dry agents, federal or stato, must work
In closest cooperation. Only in this
way, Mr. Harding will point out, can
the "national scandal" of prohibition
laxity stressed in the message to con
gross, be dealt with.
The question of tho proprloty or ex
pediency ot tho dry law waa not an
Issue In this conference. President
Harding 1b concerned with effective
enforcement. Ho will make this clear
to tho governors.
Snowfall, though light, praetlcally
has eliminated tho danger ot forest
fires in tho Umatilla national forest,
according to otflcluls. Tho forest has
not had any big flreB this yoar.
Sherman county this year lost tho
distinction of being tho first county
In Oregon 'to sond Its election re
turns to tho secretary of stato for
official count. This year tho honor
went to Hood Rlvor county.
Tho third annual district conven
tion of tho Royal Neighbors of Amer
ica was held In Baker with 60 dolo
gates, representing camps from Pon
dloton, La Grando, Ontario, Elgin,
Halfway, Cove and Island City,
Tho state emergency board mot In
Salem Friday to consider an additional
appiopriatlon for tho erection of a now
dormitory at tho state Industrial
school for girls to ruplaco tho ono
which was burned a few months ago
With 79,104 votes cast for governor
in Multnomah county finally tabulat
ed, tho result gives this Important coun
ty to Walter M. Plorco, democrat, by
a lead of 8172, Complete unofficial
returns from the 425 precincts In tho
county givo Olcott 35,490, Plerco 43,
668. Based on complete or Incompleta
roturns from every county, tho dem
ocrats In last week'B election appar
ently mado a gain of eight members
of the house In tho state ieglsluturo
which convenos next Junuary. Tho
minority party also gained two seats
In the senate
Bootlegging Ring Gigantic In Scope,
Scattlo, Wash. Operations of an In
ternational liquor smuggling organlza
tlon oporatlng automobiles and speed
boats between Pugot sound and British
Columbia cities wero uncovored by
documentary ovldenco found when pro
hibition enforcement officials arroated
Herbert B. Hallowoll and Joe Szernoy
here, federal agents announced.
Ohio Woman First Supreme Judge.
Columbus,0. Miss Florence K. Al
ton, Cleveland, olected an associate
Justice ot tho Ohio supreme court ot
tho Novombor election, took tho oath
ot office here Sunday, Sho will be
the first woman in the world to sit as
a Judge In such a court, it is said.
FOR SALE Modern house, nttrnc
tlvo home close in. A bargain,
Soq W. L. Turner. C2tf.
Suitablu for Bread, cuko or lard
containers. Sugar Bowl.
LOST Between Vnlo nnd Mai
lott ranch, ono 32x4 tiro, on
rim. Finder please loavo at Argus
oftlcu (or reward. 3 It