The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 07, 1922, Image 6

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Principal Events of the We'
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Tho Roseburg-Coos Bay highway
has been closed.
Portland soon will have another
automobile stage terminal.
Bend grocers have signed an agree
ment to retail no bread not made In
Ninety-six violators of tho prohibi
tion law wore arrested by the morals
Bquad of tho Portland police force dur
ing November.
Headquarters of Willamette univer
sity has announced that $803,900 of
tho endowmont fund of $1,250,000 has
been subscribed.
More than 100 people nttendod an
annual Oregon products dinner given
at Bend under the direction of the
woman's civic league.
At a special olectlon recently the
people of Falls City voted a bond Issuo
of $15,000 to purchaso the electric
light and power plant there.
The state land department, through
George G. Brown, clerk, turned over
to tho state treasurer during the
month of November a total of $155,
087.48. Only one dog may be kept Inside
the city limits of Eugene by one person,-firm
or corporation If an ordi
nance Introduced in tho city council Is
A total of 133,053 motor vehicle li
censes for tho year 1922 had been Is
sued by tho state motor vehicle de
partment at tho closo of business No
vembor30. Roy RItner of Pendleton, nctlng
governor during the absence from the
state of Governor Olcott, arrived In
Salem Sunday night and will remain
until Christmas.
The foundation has beon completed
for tho now Brooks-Scanlon Lumber
company mill at Bend and construc
tion of tho frame work of the building
will bo startod Immodlatoly.
Following tho examples set by the
Riverside and Crabtree communities
of Linn county, Knox Butto citizens
havo inaugurated a movement In their
district for a community hall.
Vessels of all trades entered at
Portland for 11 mouths ending Thurs
day numbered 10C2, with a total ton
nage of 2,884,802. In tho samo porlod
1070 carriers of 2,884,397 tons werq
Schools throughout Union county
are making vfgorous protests follow
ing tho action of tho county court In
cutting off tho appropriations for tho
county nurse and tho county library
Tho Tillamook County Mutual Tele
phone company, with headquarters nt
Tillamook, has filed an application
with tho Oregon public sorvlco com
mission requesting a slight Increase
in rates.
Twonty carloads of dried prunes
havo boou shipped this fall from tho
plant of the Eugene Fruit Growers'
association, according to J. O. Holt,
manager, and ton carloads are left in
tho warehouses.
Tho state highway department, at a
meeting to bo hold In Portland Do
ceinbor 13, will open bids for tho con
struction of roads and bridges aggre
gating a cost estimated at approxi
mately $500,000.
In order to preserve the surfneo of
a numbor of roads In tho county dur
ing tho coming winter, the Lane comi
ty court has Issued an order regulat
ing tho weight of loads to bo haulod
ovor particular roads.
November, 1922, was tho coldest
November In tho last soven years, ac
cording to tho figures of Lee Gout
sohlus, wcathor observer at Eugene.
Tho rainfall during tho month was
the lightest siuco 1914.
Tho balanco In tho various funds of
tho city of Portland on November 30,
which markod tho end of the fiscal
year, was $1,919,945.47, according to
the financial statement compiled by
"William AdamB, city treasurer.
Clyde Lafollott, mombor of the lower '
houso of tho legislature from Marlon
county, narrowly escaped being
drowned when an nutomobllo In which
he was riding plunged off tho Wheat
laud ferry aud Into the Wltlametto
Throo mon lost their lives and $30,
000 worth of proporty was destroyed
when fire ot an unknown origin swept
the Ben Hur hotel at 247 Oak street,
Portland. Tho dead are; Chrisostomo
Madnraug, 24; Thomas Carluo, 20, and
J, j, McDonald.
Some relief was noted In tho car
situation ly tho mills of tho north
west last week, according to the fig
ures of a report for tho wo ok ending
Novenibor 25, issuod by tho West
Coast Lumbermen's association. Ship
ments were within 8 por cent of now
huslness placed on tho books of tho
152 mills reporting to the organisation.
New business wns IS por cent bolow
production and production was 4 por
cant abovo normal,
Tho district attorneys ot Oregon
will hold their annual convention In
Eugene Decomber 15 and 10, accord
ing to announcement by Clyde N.
Johnston, Lane county prosecutor,
who Is secretary and treasurer of the
stato association.
Speeders and other violators of traf
fic laws totalling 0791 fell into the
hands of the motorcycle, speed squad
of tho Portland police force during the
past 12-month period, according to the
annual report filed with Chief of Po
llco Jenkins. Fines aggregating $23,
355.35 wero collected from drivers.
As a result of the tremendous num
bers of motor tourists visiting the
Oregon caves of the Siskiyou national
forest, which followed the opening
last season of automobile roads there,
Fred Cleator of tho Oregon office of
lands will seo about utilization of
state land In that region for recrea
tional purposes.
Cargo lumber shipments from the
Columbia river for tho month of No
vember were much less than during
the previous month, according to sta
tistics compiled by Deputy Collector
of Customs Lamb nt Astoria. Sixty
nlno vessels loaded at tho mills on the
river In November and their combined
cargoes totaled 48,354,418 foot of lum
ber. With but throo or four days' work
remaining on tho Crescent lake dam
for tho Deschutes county municipal
Improvement district, all possibility
that snow will prevent Its completion
Is removed. With favorable weather,
all of the work contracted by the
United Contracting company for the
Tumalo project will be completed by
February 1.
Notice of appeal to tho supremo
court has been filed in the circuit
court at Salem by the city of Port
land, In Its suit brought against Sam
A. Kozer, secretary of state, and tho
Associated Oil company to restrain
the state from collecting gasoline tax
on cars operated by the municipality.
In tho circuit court an order was is
sued adverse to the city of Portland.
There wero throe fatalities in Ore
gon due to industrial accidents dur
ing the week ending November 30,
according to a report prepared by tho
state Industrial accident commission.
Tho victims were: Earl Perkins, state
traffic officer, Oak Grove; Erlck
Erlckson, logger, St. Helens, and Jack
Mclver, carpenter and millwright, Win
chester. A total of 453 accidents were
Tho salmon pack of the Columbia
river district, which Is considered one
of Oregon's greatest Industries, did
not 'equal In value this year the pack
of tho flvo fruit cannepies located in
Salem. Tho canned fruit pack in .the
five Salem canneries aggregated 677,
000 cases, which wore sold at an aver
ago of $4 each. This would fix the
valuo of the fruit paok of these con
cerns at $3,040,600.
J. E. Wheeler of Portland, member
of the Soper-Whoolor Timber com
pany an1 part owner of the Portland
Telegram, has purchased the defunct
Klamath Pine Manufacturing com
pany's plant at Pelican City, accord
lug to announcement made at Klam
ath Falls. The plant adjoins that of
the Pelican Bay Lumber company,
and comprises a G3-acro slto, and a
small sawmill. Tho mill will bo en
larged and a box factory added.
With the coming of winter Union
county market and county road work
is being wound up for tho season.
Soveral projects aro now completed,
among them being the market road
work on the Union-Medical Springs
road, and graveling on tho market
road between Cove and Union. Con
struction work on tho Cove-Island City
road is being completed. Grading on
the Island City-Elgin road and the
graveling on tho La Grando-Kamela
project are both completed and open
to travel.
Oregon's outstanding debt on Sep
tember 29, the closo of the fiscal year,
was $50,138,722.58, according to the bl
onnlal report completed by O. P. Hotf,
state treasurer. The indebtedness In
cludes state highway bonds In the
amount ot $34,500,000, district Interest
bonds aggregating $734,000, farm cred
it bonds totaling $450,000 and world
war veterans' state aid bonds ot $15,
000,000, less $25,000 redeemed high
way bonds and loss a sinking fund ot
the world war veterans' stato aid com
mission ot $520,297.42.
Award ot a aalo ot 7,157,000 feet ot
timber on the Brelteubuah river to
tho Hammond Lumber company by
the Santlam national forest was an
nounced by O. C. Hall, supervisor ot
the reserve. Tho area Involved In the
sale Is adjacent to a rich timber belt
sold to the Hammond company about
a year ago, A logging road has been
constructed through this traot to tap
the larger holdings. Under the sale
contract the lumbor firm pays $2 a
thousand feet tor tho Douglas fir and
red cedar, $3 for tho white and sugar
pine and 60 centB for the hemlock
Tho historic mill race extending
past the campus ot the University ot
Oregou at Eugene will bo straighten
ed at a point opposite Vlllard hall to
make more room for a sidewalk on
Franklin boulovard. Tho city coun
cil has authorised the expenditure ot
$3000 In the work.
Oscar E. Keller, congressman from
Minnesota, who filed charges of Im
peachment against Attorney-General
Lausanne. America and Japan both
lined up with Great Britain iyid Italy
when they took their stand against
Isinet Pasha's contention that Turkey
had wiped out all the capitulations, or
extra territorial rights for foreigners,
by declaring them null In October,
Richard W.a3hburn Child, spokes
man for the United States, said that
If any legal dispute should arise, the
Washington government would be ob
liged to take the same position as the
allied powers.
Baron Hnyashl for Japan said he
had great sympathy with Turkey's
dislike for the capitulations, because
his government onco labored under
the same system. Japan, however,
had taken 20 years to build up a legal
system satisfactory to the foreign
powers, and Turkey, ho believed, would
require tho same time for the samo
Iamet told the delegates that Turk
ey's resentment against the capitula
tion system was beyond tho compre
hension of foreigners. These special
rights, he said, wero no longer neces
sary, as tho nationals of othor coun
tries receivo adequate protection from
tho Turkish courts and other institu
tions and should not expect different
treatment from that accorded Turkish
James Couzens, mayor of Dotrolt,
was appointed to succeed Senator
Russia's harvest this year Is satis
factory, according to a statement Is
sued by M. Bruchanoff, people's com
missary for food.
Treasury operations in tho last
twelve months resulted in a reduc
tion of nearly three quarters of a bil
lion dollars In tho national debt.
Tho cost of living In Germany con
tinues to mount. The Index figure for
tho necessaries ot life roso 102.2 per
cont In November as compared with
Representative James It. Mann of
the Chicago district ot Illinois, former
republican floor leader, died at bis
home In Washington, D. C. Ho was
CG jours old.
Regular preaching service Sunday
nt Congrogatlonul church at 11 a.
m., nnd 7:30 p. in. Sunday school
nt 10 a. m. Junior Endeavor at 4
p. m. Dr. Harrlsou, tho state sup
erintendent ot missions will bo
with us.. A cordlnl Invitation Is ox
tended to all. D. D. Ueoso, pastor
FOR SALE! Good Jersey cow giv
ing 4 gnl. milk, test 6. John
Molonaar, two mllos west of town.
During tho month ot Decomber we
glvo ono chanco on a $125 phono-
grnph with ovory 50c cash purchaso.
Lost a gold Wrist Watch with
gold chain attachod. Finder pleaso
return to Dr. C. M. Tyler and receive
liberal roward.
FOR SALE 40 ton capacity San
vlch Hay Balor equipped with 14 h.
p. engine. Thorough state ot re
pair, $300. Inquire of A. M. Rich
ardson, Alturas Hotel, Caldwell, Ida.
FOR RENT Two furnished house
keeping rooms. Inqulro Argus.
FOR RENT Six room modorn tur-j
nlshed house. Call 74 M. 2
A picture every mother, son and
daughter should see.
The M. E. Ladles Aid will have
a Christmas bazaar December 1G,
1922 with all hand made articles
for Christmas GITts. 2-7
Tho first Saturday of each month
tho Ladles Aid will have a cooked
food sale. 52 4t.
FOIt SALE: Good milch cow com
ing fresh soon. J. L. Gray ranch.
ROOM FOR RENT Desirable front
bedroom closo to bath, close In.
One or two men prefered. Phone
229. 52tf.
FOR RENT Five room house and
bath, $25 per month. Six room
house $15 per month. See W. H.
Doollttlo. 52tf.
LOST A small white horse, weight
about 1050, left my placeVifind-
or notify owner by leaving word at
Argus office. tf
TURKEYS Bourbon Reds for sale.
Excellent breeding stock. Hens and
Toms both. See O. V. Halloway,
Ontario. 52 6t
FOR SALE! Two cars dry land ru
ral seed potatoes, field selected
and rogued $1.50 per 100. Eli
Keller, Ririe, Idaho. 52 6t
FOR SALE 47 head Poland China
Pigs. Tho price is right, so are
tho pigs. O. F. Mallett ranch, by
Mallett station. Ed Campbell, phono
20M2 62-4t
FOR SALE Grade Yearling Bull,
weight about 650. Price right.
C. W. Garrett, 3 miles west e?'
Ontario. 52-3t.
Mrs. Lott Johnson Is now pro
pared to do sewing at residence two
blocks north of west side school.
Phono 87M. 48 4t
LOST Diamond Ear-ring. $50 re
ward. R. W. Jones 51-4t.
sale, from tested cows. Call B. K.
Ingle at 50j. tf
Develop your mind by a good
course at Link's Business College,
and your earning " power is in
creased immediately. Don't put off
getting started, you might never
have the chance again. Such things
have happened.
A picture every mother son and
daughter should see.
LOST An automobile tpw chain,
between Ford Garago and first road
going south west ot hospital. Find
er please return to Ford Garago for
reward. 2 It
By virtue of an execution In fore
closure duly Issued by the Clork of
tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of Malheur,
dated tho Gth day of December,
1922, in a certain suit in tho Circuit
Court for said Stato and County,
wherein LaGrande National Bank,
and Cove State Bank, both corpor
ations, wero Plaintiffs, and C. L.
Rowo and D. B. Richardson co-part-nera
doing business under the firm
namo and style of Rowe & Richard
son and D. B. Richardson and Clara
Richardson, husband and wlfo, were
defendants, a Judgment was ren
dered In favor of the above named
plaintiff LaGrande National Bank,
a corporation and against the above
named defendants C. L. Lowe, D. B.
Richardson and Clara Richardson
for the sum of Two Thousand Eight
Hundred Two and 95)100 Dollars
($2,802.95), with interest thereon
at tho rate of Eight per cent (8)
por annum from the 8th day of Sep
tember, 1922; a judgment was also
rondered in favor of the abovo
named plaintiff Cove State Bank, a
corporation, aand agairisF the above
named defendants, C. -L. Rowo, D.
B. Richardson and Clara Richard
son, for tho sum of Two Thousand
Soven Hundred Thirty-eight &
87100 Dollars ($2,738.87), with
interest thereon at the rate ot Eight
por cent (8) per annum from the
8th day of September, 1922, togeth
er with Four Hundred Fifty &
No100 Dollars ($450.00) attorney's
fees, and costs and disbursements
hehoin taxed at Eighteen & 401100
Dollars ($18.40), which Judgment
was enrolled and docketed in the
Clerk's office of said Court in said
County on the Gth day of December,
BY GIVEN, That I will on Saturday
the Gth day of 'January, 1923, at the
hour of eleven o'clock In the fore
noon of said day, at the north main
entrance door of the County Court
Housd, at Vale, Malheur County,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder or bidders for cash,
tho following described real proper
ty, to-wit:
Tho North Half of tho Northeast
Quarter (NNEU) of Section
Thirty (30), Township Sixteen (16)
South, of Range Forty-seven (47)
East of the Willamette Meridian,
and the East Half of the Southwest
Qua'rter (ESW&j and Lots Three
(3) and Foux (4) of Section Nine
teen (19) in Township Sixteen (16)
South, of Range Forty-seven (47)
East of the Willamette Meridian,
together with all water, water
rights, ditches and ditch rights
thereunto belonging or appertain
ing, together with tho tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in any wise
Tho abovo real property taken
and le,vled upon as the property of
tho above named defendants, or so
much thereof ns may be necessary
to satisfy the said judgment in favor
of the above named plaintiffs and
against the above named defen
dants, with interest thereon, and
attorney's fees, and all costs and
disbursement that have or nay ac
crue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 7th
day of December, 1922.
H. LEE NOE, Sheriff.
By C. W. Glenn, Deputy.
Date of firsts publication Decem
ber 7th, 1922.
Dato of last publication January
4th, 1923.
Dato ot sale JanuaryOth, 1923, at
11 A. M.
We have gathered to
gether a large stock of
Gift Merchandise
for Christmas presents
Come in and look over
our stock of Watches,
Diamonds, Rings,
ffl atch Charms, Pearl
Beads, Cuff Links,
Lavalliers, Fountain
Pens, Etc.
, Kiwi hi 7
Attend the meeting for men at
2:30 p. m. Baptidt Church.
Mrs. Telon Harrington Downing
has resigned as Director of the De
partment of Food Economics of Ar
mour & Co. Chicago, however, has
not lost Mrs. Downing who is na
tionally known as ono of tho leading
Domestic Science experts of tho
country. She has moved from 'tho
big Armour establishment to take
charge of tho Home Economics De
partment of the Calumet Baking
Powder Co.
Mrs. Downlng's new position will
afford her a broader field as tho
Calumet Company havo initiated a
Domestic Science campaign, for tho
benefit of American housewives, that
practically will touch every homo in
tho United States.
As a lecturer on dietetics, cook
ing and Domestic Science, Mrs.
Downing has appeared before many
important Women's clubs In tho
United States. She brings a pres
tige and wide experience to her new
Not a gorgeous set not a costly
gown not a spectacular scene
none of theso things is In "HUMAN
HEARTS". Tho simplicity of it
cries out with a world circling volco
of love. You'll love itB smiles nnd
tears. You'll thrill at Its dramatic
Ford Owners
Ford Garage
t- -j 3a.morr