jTi THE ONTARIO ABGPB, ONTARIO, OREGON, THUBSDAY, DEC. 7, 1922 Toys, Dolls, China, Glassware A general lino of goods for the Christmas Trade MECANICAL TOYS, WHEEL TOrS, LIGHT ART, GLASS WARE, HAND PAINTED CHINA WARE, DINNER SETS IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN WARES, ALUMINUM WARE, PICTURES, POTTED HYACINTHS AND NARCISSUS BULBS, In fact a groat variety of articles suitable as season able presents. It Is to your interest particularly at this time whon morioy is so scarce to buy whero you can get tho best prices. ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE POSTOFFICE ETY STORE Ontario, Oregon. .DON'T OVERLOOK LOCATION, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. Christmas Turkey Situaiion The wind-up of the Thanksgiving turkey deal was rather unsatisfactory in most markets. Seattlo and Portland mar kets carried over considerable surplus duo to slow domand from consumers and heavy unexpected lato receipts. San Francisco markot was entirely demoralized Wednesday bo foro Thanksgiving duo to tho heaviest recoipts In tho history of thoir business. It Is estlmatod that 300,000 lbs. of tur koys woro carried over which will havo to bo disposed of at Christmas or Inter as frozon Btock. Chicngo and Central West murkots woro ulso over-supplied. Wo aro also advised that thoro will bo heavy importa tions of turkoys for Ciiristmns from Canada, France, Argen tine and Australia. With tho hoavy supply still to bo marketed, It will bo ne cessary to nmko somo early shipments for DocembeT to dls tnnt markets, and wo will send out our noxt uuotntion about Docombor 8th. CAUTION: Too much caro cannot bo tnkon in bleeding, drosslng and cooling out your birds If you do your own kill ing. Bo suro that ovory bird drossed Is absolutely free from feathers or pin feathers with tho exception of the small fan or wing tips up to tho first joint, which should be loft on. Wo suggost you koop In touch with our local buyer Mr. Mc Murron. Swift & Company PRODUCE DEPARTMENT WHEATON THEATRE WEISER One Night, Friday Dec. 15 First New York Road Show of the Season JOHN GOLDEN PRODUCER of UGHmfiJ"TH FRST YAR 'TURN TO 7f mSHT'ert 'WANK- U ffffffiS OREGON SLOPE OREGON SLOPE RANCHERS EXPERIMENT IN HELD CROPS Farm Bureau Members Outline. Ex tenslvo Program of Experimen tation for Coming Ycnr Other Slopo Items TOM WISE IN WHATOHM COMEDY TRIUMPH Suminyli y Aue Strong seam the usa: mm laughter This Is Not a Movie Prices 2, 1.50, 1. 50c $ Tickets on Sale On and After Dec. 12 AT CUTTING DRUG STORE, WEISER, IDAHO Tho annual Farm Bureau meet ing of Oregon Slope was held at 8 o'clock. The following program of work was adopted for the coming year: Experiment in crops, wheat and soy beans by A. A. Outterldge; beans and corn by A. Brclthaupt, Jonas Brown and P. M. Boals; pota toes, J. L. Brown; lettuce and cauli flower, by O. W. Lattig; fruit by, P. M. Boals. committeeman; dairy stock by C. A. Karst, committeeman Tho election of chairman resulted In J. L. Brown receiving the honor by a unanimous vote. E. B. Conk klln of Cairo, was present and re cited several of James Whltcomb Riley's poems, which were greatly onjoyed. County club leader Kin der played several selections on tho violin, accompanied by Mrs. Kinder. At tho close of tho meeting Mrs. Kinder sang a number of solos with Mrs. Breithaupt at the piano and Mr. Kinder on tho violin. A. A. Gutterldgo and P. M. Boals woro guests Wednesday noon at tho Commercial club luncheon at On tario whero they presentod the view point of the rancher In regard to the oxtenslon service of O. A. C. and tho nocosslty of continuing tho work of tho county agent. It has been estimated that thirty thousand bushels of potatoes were loft In tho ground and aro frozen on tho Slopo, because of the low price. Mr. Ewlng lost two valuable horses recently with mountain fev-or. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wilcox and children and F. B. Wilcox were de lightfully entertained at 6 o'clock dinner Wednesday evening at tho T. II. Carlco home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lattig, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Karst, Mr. and Mrs. L.. It. Breithaupt and Water Davis and family and P. M. Boals and fam Ily enjoyed their Thanksgiving din ner together at tho Boals homo. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Clough, Geo. and Maude Culp wore entertained at tho J. L. Brown home Thursday ovoniug. Rook featured the eve ning's entertainment. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Vincent en tertained eleven guests at Thanks glnvlng dinner. Otto C. Miller and son spent Fri day and Saturday in Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. 3. J. Simpson and children wero gusts of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Karr on Thanksgiving. Mr. nnd Mrs. B. L. Brown have had as their house guests tho past week, Alvln Snydor of Nnmpa, a brother of Mrs. Brown. Mr. Withers of the Mosquito Flat moved to tho A. It. White ranch last week. Mesdames J. L. Brown and Clay ton McVickors ontortalnod n unm bor of friends at n delightful Thanksgiving dinner. Goo. Howard of Wolser spent tho wook end with his brothor D. W. Howard and wifo. John Connor visited at the J. G. White homo In Ontario Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Christian and Mr. nnd Mrs. Dll Christian of Pay- otto wore guests Sunday of Otto Molli and wifo. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and daugh ter Betty aro spending a few days with rolatlves in Glonns Forry. Mosdamos John Coates, Henry Unbey, Mason Clough, P. M. Boals, Chas. Skippon and Miss Maudo Culp woro ontortalned Saturday after noon at tho homo of Mrs. E. L. Brown. Among tho many Thanksgiving day dinner parties was that at which Mosdames W. L. Stevens nnd A. C. Miller wero hostossos. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs, Amor Gorton, Mrs. Grimm, Horbort, Marvin, the hostess and their husbands. Mrs. Otto C. Miller ontortalnod a few friends with "500" on Thanks giving ovoning, Mr.s S. E. Chap man and Mr. Miller, winning high score Herman Borgnmn nnd Hlldred Follows of Wolser wore guests at tho homo of Miss Mary Conner Sun day ovoning. The mothers of tho students of Plonoor school woro honor guests Wednesday afternoon at a Thanks giving program nnd lunchoon. Mrs. Jacob Jonseu and sons wero ontortalnod at 6 o'clock dinner Sun- day at tho homo of Mrs. J. D. Conner. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Limning of Wotsor wore guests Sunday at tho Amor Gorton homo. Rov. Snow of Payette will con duct a series of mootlngs nt Park school house beginning Sunday ovo ning, Docombor loth. Everybody la urged to bo present at theso mootlngs. Sunday school at 11 a. m. ill 1IIIIIIIII1 We have stocked some very useful and attractive goods for the Christmas Trade this year, and in vite your inspection. H UNIVERSAL PERCOLATORS EVERYONE GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. WE HAVE A BIG LINE OF THESE AND THEY ARE PRICED RIGHT. . ALUMINUM WARE SOME VERY ATTRACTIVE NEW GOODS AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU. THE O'CEDAR LINE MOPS, OIL, WAX THIS IS A VERY VALUABLE LINE FOR DECORATING. PYREX COOKING GLASS OUR STOCK OF THIS IS ALIi NEW AND VERY LOW IN PRICE. HOLLAND SILVER WE HAVE SOME CASSEROLES IN THIS NEW SILVERWARE THAT ARE VERY MNE, AND MUST DE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. EOR THE CHILDREN BROOMS THAT AKE GOOD. AVASH BOARDS, TUBS. THESE ARE A!LL GOOD MERCHANDISE, AND NOT THE TRASHY KIND SO OFTEN SOLD FOR CHRISTMAS. Then when it comes to staple, reliable Groceries, we sure have the line you want. Our goods are bought because of their merit. We stand behind everything we sell. "Your Satisfaction is our Success." E. A. ERASER The Gift Supreme m. MAN, WHY NOT GIVE YOUR WIFE SOMETHING THAT WILL DELIGHT HER ON CHRISTMA.S AND ADD TO HER HAPPINESS THRU OUT THE YEAR. You can havo tho Hoover laid away by making a small cash payment of I xjfiin iffrlil m m y,um $2 d V- B9 2. m FJ one Her L. 1 7his Christmas! jffllk And the balance can be paid in easy monthly installments aftor January 1st. It Beats, as It Sweeps, as It Cleans Vhe HOOVER It Beats as it Sweeps as it Cteam In one easy, rapid, dustless operation, the Hoover beats out from tho depths of the rug all nap-wearing, dlseaso-laden grit, sweeps up nil the surface litter, erects crushed nap, freshens colors and carries away every partlclo of dust and ' dirt. The Hoover Is tho prido of every woman who owns one. It stands in tho cleaner world as the Cadillac stands In the motor world. Its sturdy construction and sound value make It a roal Investment In tho homo. Place Your Order Now Come In today and make a 2 deposit on your Hoover. Wo'll hold it for you and deliver It on Christmas eve. Electric Shop IDAHO POWER CO. m r II A -i