WWJWP HWWB(pWPWPfiBWHRi THE ONTARIO AEG PS, ONTARIO, OBEQON, THURSDAY, DEC. 71922 nnBHiiMHBH r-a mm 11 1 a&a """M 1 rt - I Only 14 Shopping Days )0 m CflHStmaS SilOppJRg M) Headquarters for Santa MBHnnnmMaaaHDBannHinHBn j See Our Xmas Display Oil I I" l Dil l Visit 0ur Store 0ften H JANTA TABLE LINEN 85c to $3.50 NAPKINS .... $1.25 doz. to $7.50 TOWELS 15c to $2.00 BATH MATS $1.25 to $6.50 BLANKETS $1.65 to $18.50 BED SPREADS . .$1.75 to $12.50 LADIES' SUIT SALE 30 OFF LADIES' COAT SALE 25OFF LADIES' DRESS SALE 20OFF HANDKERCHIEFS FOR GIFTS PONGEE 35c to 50c LINEN 15c to $1.25 BOXED 25c to $2.50 CHILDREN'S . . 10c to 50c PICTURE HDKS 5c to 25c SHE WILL APPRECIATE HUMMING BIRD HOSE AT $1.50 A PAIR IN XMAS BOXES A SLIPON SWEATER A BATH ROBE AND SLIPPERS TRUNK OR SUIT CASES GLOVES CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS AUTO ROBES STEAMER SHAWLS DANCING PUMPS In accord with the Christmas spirit of giving, we have placed our entire line of LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Garments in a special Xmas sale. COATS, SUITS and DRESSES Not a garment reserved. Every one goes for Xmas Shop ping. SUITS 30 DISCOUNT COATS 25 DISCOUNT DRESSES . . 20 DISCOUNT SILK UNDERWEAR Van Raalte's ITALIAN SILK COMBINATIONS ........ $4.50 VEST, Pink, White $2.75 BLOOMERS, Pink & White $2.75 Why not a SiLBi SHIRT FOR HIM Pongee - - $4.85 HOLIDAY TIES KNIT 50c to 75c BROCADE ... .50c to $1.50 rHRKT IAS GIF 777 COAT I Ml 1 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL FURS in the very .newest Styles. MUFFS $4.50 to $35 SCARFS .... $7.50 to $50 SPECIAL $4.85 to $9.50 GIVE HER A or DRESS SUIT or WAIST SILK KIMONA SILK PETTICOATS SILK BLOOMERS TOILET ARTICLES CHRISTMAS SPECIAL SILKS in Canton Crepes. Crepe de Chine, Satin, Taf feta and Georgette.. .All the best shades . DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY BElHa -t IRONSIDE ITEMS STOCKMEN BRINGING CATTLE IN FOR WINTER FEEDING. Neighbors Entci tallied at Thanks giving Diiinei' Bonus Law Ap praises New Itanchcs Chas. Emlson of Ontario and I. W. Hope of Vale were In this vicin ity the past week inspecting land for the Bonus Loan commission. W. R. Lofton, Guy Wise and Croves Bros and Oliver and Claud Monta wont to Vale Wednesday on business. A. McWUliams and Claudo Donlck wero in this vjclnlty this week on business. Mrs. E. J. Beam and son Arthur, y and Walter Lawrosco motored to On tario Tuesday after Mrs. Lawrence. G. It. Dickson went to Brogan Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Faust of Camp Creek wero Ironside visitors Monday. Mrs. Bert Lawrence returned home Tuesday from a trip to Vale and On tario. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Elms and Loo Thompson-wero dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. White Saturday at Unity. Mrs. C. F. Locey and daughter Mary and Mrs. Clarence Hydo of Ar cadia, were dinner gue3ts of Mrs. S. D. Duncan Thanksgiving. Tho Locoy family attended the funorallof Mrs. James Washani Sun day at Malheur City. G. A, Tureman left Tuesday for Ontario. Messrs, Ben Rutherford, Sommers and Smith returned homo Saturday X Moved To Moore Hotel Block WrL Turner's News and Music Store FULL LINE OF XMAS GIFTS THAT ARE DIFFERENT. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS For tho Whole Family REMINGTON PORTABLES For tho Student. ANSCO CAMERAS, not Kodaks best on the Market. BUXTON KEVTAINERS Just what HE wants. RUST CRAFT GIFTS nationally advertised. NELKE DOLLS for tho llttlo ones. ' , FINE LINE OF CARDS, FOLDERS, BOXES & TRLMMJNGS. Magazine subscriptions make good presents. Cut rates W. L Turner News and Music Store. Moore Hotel from Malheur river where they have boon gathering cattle. Mrs. Frank Jones has been very 111 for tho past weok. Oryal Nickles who has been laid up with rheumatism, Is taking treat ments at tho Vale Sanitarium. Ha Carlisle arrived here Tuesday from Ontario, and will attend school hero this winter. Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Elms of Uuity and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nickles of Ironside wero dinner guests at tho Arthur Van Buren home Thanks giving day. Mrs. Fred Lawrence and children, and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Elms wore Thanksgiving dinner guests at the J. P. Smith homo. Mr. and Mrs. Burko were guests of Mr. and Mrp. Chas. Boor for Thanksgiving. Carol Locey and Miss Earnestino Locoy and Miss Ruth Howard at tended tho masquerade dance at Brogan Thursday night. Horbert Ricker of Vale was a visitor nt J. P. Smith's Thursday niglrt. Charley Smith of Brogan ac companied him. WARREN SCHOOL HAS LARGE AnENDANCEjHIS YEAR Good Education Week Will Bo Ob- served Old Fashioned Spelling Beo to bo Staged A very pleasing Thanksgiving program was given at Warren school on Wednesday ovening, Nov. 30th. Miss Daisy Secoy and Miss Elsie Poolo, who teach at tho Warren school, spent Thanksgiving with their parents In Ontario. Friday ovening, Dec. 8, tho War ren school will observe Good Educa tion Weok. There is to bo a spell ing match and a program given Jointly by Kingman Kolony, Owy heo and Warren. Tho school reports a largo atten dance this year, there being forty seven pupils attending at this time. Mrs. Ed. Thompson of Ontario, was a guest at tho Frank Anderson homo on Thanksgiving. Miss Daisy Secoy spent tho week end with Miss Alma Homan of King man Kolony. New soats are being put In tho school house during vacation. Three pupils from tho Owybeo district will begin school here Monday. VALLEY VIEW ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE ATTEND COMMUNITY DINNER Annual Valley View Gathering Tn Success Ico Ponds Thin Boys Got Ducking Bojs mid Girls Clubs nt Woik Other Notts Tlie community dlnnor Thanks giving was a big success and a largo number wero present. Over ono hundred and twonty-flvo were sorvod. Lolo Besllslo i3 back in school again after a long absence. Somo of tho boys tried skntlntr Sunday but met with disastor as tho ico was not strong enough. The clubs aro now In working or dor. Tho Oirla club has for Its president, Volma Bollslo; vice presi dent, Merle Kenny, and secretary, Boatrico Griffin. Tho dairy club, Homer Oft, presldont; George Moel ler, vice president, and David Grif fin secretary. Tho teacher will soon movo Into tho cottage as It Is now nearly ready. Mr. Moollor is pasturing a largo band of shcop. A truck which wbb broken down on the boulovard last week was left over night, and In the morning It was discovered that sovoral parts had been stolon. Tho Fraslor family of Wolsor wero guests at tho Moollor homo Sunday. BAPTIST CHURCH !' J- Tho Evangelist, Dr. S. J. Reid, will spoak at all tho meetings of the church next Sunday, Bible schoolat 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. A meeting for mon 2:30 p. m. B. Y. P. W. service 0:30 p. m. Spoclal gospel service 7:30 p. in. At the mcu'B inciting ho has a special message to tho business tnun on tho topic, "Can a Christian bo a successful business man?" Hear him for ho has a wonderful story to toll. Special singing by the men at this service. Services overy night next woek Chas. H. Blom, pastor. TWO BOYS DROWN WHEN CAR PLUNGES INTO SNAKE RIVER inter-Mate Bridge Between AVelscr mill RIvenlale Scene of Sail Ac . . eldent Car but Not Bodies Recin ei oil Other Rlvcr ilnlo Items Gerald Evans and Howard Leo, two Weisor boys wero drowned Sun day morning when tho Ford run about in which they wero driving across tho bridgo, plunged through tho railing Into tho watora of tho Snake river. Searching partios re covered tho car but tho bodies wero not recovered though searching par ties have been at work over slnco tho accident. It Is bolieved that the car In which tho boys woro driving hit ti loose plank, nnd slnco they woro driving fast tho car was thrown against tho rail so hard that it crushed the. rail. J. Hancock, who was crossing tho bridgo at tho timo turned and saw tho accident and tried to savo tho boys aftor thoy rose to the surface by throwing n plank to thorn, but before he could do so thoy sank nov cr to riso again. Tho saddest fcaturo of tho acci dont is that it all but wipes out tho Evans famlly.lcavlng tho mothor Its lone survivor, nil of tho others hav ing been drowned in the wators of tho Snake. Fourtoon years ago Mrs. Emma Evans, Gorald's mothor, saw her husband nnd a son and daugh ter drown while sho tried In vain to aid thorn. Young Leo was tho son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Loe of Weisor. Search ing parties havo been engaged ovor since tho accldetll dragging tho rivor dynamiting it and walking Its banks as far as Huntington In tho hopo of recovering the bodies. Dreamland Attractions ! FRIDAY and SATURDAY Marie Provost THE MARRIED ElAPPER Buffalo Bill Serial SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY Human Hearts Harold Lloyd Comedy ADMISSION 15c and 40c "TOM DEAR, DOES THIS SORT OF SQUARE THINGS" Tho first snow fell here Monday night. Mrs. Charlie Sponco and three childron left recently for their homo noar Wellsvillo, Utah whoro thoy will spond tho winter with relatives. Mrs. II. G. Joseph ontortalned n number of friends nt dlnnor Thanks giving. Edwin Patch Is recovering from nn oporattlon for tho removal of tonsils and adenoids. J. Frcoman and W. S. Saulsborry loft n few days ago for Oklahoma wit htwo carloads of apples, llobt. Uanoy Is able to bo out again aftor an illness of sovoral weeks' duration. Aftor a fow days suspension on account of tho Illness of Mrs. Anna Prichett, Annex school was rosumed Monday morning with Harry Beck worth of Wolsor ns teacher. E. C. Saulsborry roturned Mon day from Washington and Contral Oregon where ho spent a number of days on business. Mrs. Nancy Mathors nnd Mrs. Sherman and son Harold of Wash ington county, spout Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Thorn. Mrs. S. S. Record has been suffer ing from n sprained nnklo as a re sult of falling down a basomont stairway. Mr. and Mrs. Rtloy Cox nnd two sons, Grover nnd Charllo wont to Caldwoll Saturday to visit relatlvos. Miss Sarah Grant Is visiting rel atives and friends In Baker for a couplo of weeks. Miss Mildred McCullough spent Thanksgiving with rolatives at Nampa. Charlos Holstrum loft Wednosday for Santiago, Calif., whoro ho will Kith H3ror.GertrudeCi3.re l-tiry V- ton. tescil StTpsoaPaiiisyWMbco GeoHar hhorno CTVolii a shipttidoux drrmsy&fe rCt- BBtiggflggBS gsy u& DadeafGd to tna MotnerytflhsWOi u ii.iiTi k?ffVT' frlJ kv Ki"fl tt-gpt DREAMLAND SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY ADMISSION 15c and 40o spond tho winter with his family, returning noxt spring. Mrs. J. M. Joseph visited relatives and friends In Bolso Thanksgiving. FOR SALE Modern house, attrac tive homo closo in. A bargain. Soo W. L. Turner. 52tf. LOST In Ontnrlo Nov. 9th, a crank for Chandler car. A. W. Hamil ton, Wolsor. G2 2t NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING OF ACCOUNT OF ADMINISTRATOR In tho matter of the Estate of Sarah A. McCartney, decoasod; Notlco Is hereby given that tho un dorslgnod, Administrator of tho Es tato of Sarah A. McCartnoy, do ru.isod has filed his final account ns administrator of tho estate of said deceased, In tho abovo entitled court. That Monday, tho 8th day of Jan uary, 1923 has boen set for hearing of the said account, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., In tho County Court Room in tho County Court Houso in tho City of Vale, Oregon. At which timo nnd placo any per son IntorcBtod in said ostato of said docoasod, may appear and fllo ob jections to said aeon nt if any thoro bo. Ward Canfield, Administrator of tho Estate of Sarah A. McCarttuoy, deceased. Dato of First publication, Decom- bor 7, 1922. Dato of last publication January 4, 1923. fp$tojfF A. Check Book is Your Receipt Havo you paid tho sam n't provo it? will do away assurance ot vgnlenco of a llttlo added favorably on ovor thought you hava o bill twlco, but could- A checking account with this, Besides this safety thoro Is a con checking account and a prestige which reflocts you. Ontario National Bank ONTARIO, OREGON Oldost bank In Southeastern Oregon