The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 07, 1922, Image 2

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ullfe (JDittario Anjua
County Official Paper
An Independent Newspaper
Published Thursdays at Ontario,
Oregon, and entered at tho Ontario
post office for distribution as 2nd
class matter.
O. K. Aiken, Managing Editor
An advertising schomo presonted
tho City Council Monday night with
what amounts to an exclusivo fran
chlso for tho uso of public streets
for Its medium ought to bo given
serious consideration before It is
put over. At first blush it appears
a vory plausiblo, and from tho city's
viewpoint, cheap. It looks like
something for nothing, but It Is not
Under tho terms of tho franchise
tho foreign advertising company Is
permitted for five years to main
tain cans on tho principal street cor
ners Into which rubbish, such as pa
pers,, peelings of all kinds and simi
lar trash may bo deposited to be
emptied once each month, or ofton
or If so ordered by thovc!ty council.
Theso cairn aro to cost tho city noth
ing, but tho company Is empowered
to placo advertising on tho sides of
tho cans and collect for the same
Tho Argus Is Imformed that the
cost of this advertising Is to be $2. CO
per month for each ad, or $10.00 per
can. By simple multiplication this
amounts to $120 per month; $1440
per year, or a total of $7,200 for the
Hfo of tho franchise.
Tho Argus is also Imformed that
tho cost of tho cans will be from $10
to $15.00 each. Tho cost of paint
ing tho 48 signs will not bo moro
than $100 at the outsldo maybo with
sorno changes during tho year tho
total cost will roach that flguro;
wniio tno cost or naving tho cans
dumped once per month during tho
year might reach total of another
$100 per year, thus making the total
cost to tho advcrlslng company dur
ing tho Hfo of tho contract loss than
$1000, for which It would receive
However, this is not tho only
ground for objection to such a fran
chise. This company pajs no tax
to support tho city and If Its cans
woro stolon or otherwiso destroyed
It would uso the officers of tho city
to protoct Its property rights; tho
city In this franchlso Is surrender
ing a portion of tho city's public
stroots to a privnto concent, that
an outsldo concern at that. Tho
city compelled tho reino al of tho
poles of tho Idaho Powor Company,
and tho Malheur Home Tolephono
Company from tho streets, at a big
oxponso to thorn, nnd now this adver
Using company conies asking for
permission to uso the streets often in
tho vory placo whoro poles woie re
moved. And both tho light and
phono company aro big taxpayers
Noedless to say, advertising of
such a nature as would attract at
tontlon on such cans would have to
bo In varied colored paint and gener
ally such signs are unsightly, so
much so that in many cities where
campaigns for a cleaner and moro
attractive city have been waged they
havo been tho object of attack. It
Is not to bo oxpectcd that they would
bo any less objectionable here in
Such cans If emptied only once a
month would certainly bo a meanco
to tho health of the community for
flics breed In less than that time.
Of courso tho council could order
moro frequent cleanings, but If the
council has to wait for tho company
to caro for this, Instead of having an
omployeo of tho city look after Its
sanitation, It Is delegating a civic
In view of tho present financial
situation of the city, It such cans are
ueoded in Ontario, with tho street
commissioner on tho job all tho
time the city Itself could If It wants
to go Into the advertising business,
placo the cans and havo tho com
missioner clean them out, at less
than half what this foreign advertis
ing company wants and make money
at It.
tho following claims against Mal
eour county, Oregon, for tho month
of Septomber, 1922, were consld
orod, ordered paid, continued or
disallowed as follews:
OOTOI1KR 5, 1922
Malheur Enterprise, official adver
tising, $5J6.
Malheur Enterprise, official adver
tising, $37.70.
Malheur Enterprise, supplies sher
iff, $17.50.
Malheur Enterprise, supplies and
oxponso Co. Supt., institute $35.00
Gato City Journal, official advertis
ing, $6.50.
Gate City Journal, official advcrtls
ing $7.40.
Jordan Valley Express, official ad
vertising, $8.00.
Holy Rosary Hospital, care of Indi
gent, $230.15.
Thos. W. Thurston, caro of indigent,
H. W. Steelhammer, care of Indi
gent, $36.00.
Ontario Launrry, laundry indigent,
Vale Drug Store, drugs for indigent,
Rostcin & Greenbaum, clothing, In
digent, $18.00.
J. C. Penny Co., clothing indigent,
A. E.McGilllvra y, supplies, indigent,
Juntura Merc. Co., supplies indigent,
Mrs. J. E. Chester, care of Indigent,
E. A. Fraser, supplies, Indigent,
RaderBros. supplies indigent, $4.50.
Vale Trading Co., expense, indigent,
Malheur Home Tele. Co., phones and
tolls, $38.65.
Vale Electric Co., lights, $31.79.
City of Vale, water, $1,50. '
Alfred Vogue, freight and cartage,
O. G. Luehrs, drugs, Indigent $16.50
John Malone, care of Indigent,
OCTOBER O, 1022 "n
Brogan Trading and Lbr. Co., sup
plies Brogan-Malheur road, $44.79
Continuation of Present Rela
tions With Burlington
Is Desired.
Cathorlno Cody .salary, clerks steno.
$100.00. Brogan Trading and Lbr.Co., sup-
Vera Boasley, salary, clerk's steno.,' piles, Brogan-Malheur road, $2.59.
W. V. Hinton, salary stock lnspec
tor,$33.33. Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, Appr.
indigent, $10.00.
Mrs. Leon Izagulrre, Appr. indigent,
Kathorino Gecl, Appr. indigent, $25.
Mrs. Anna Townsend, Appr. Indi
gent, $25.00.
Mrs. Clando Hanes, Appr. Indigent,
Mrs. Emma Balrd, Appr. Indigent,
Ada V. New by, Appr. Indigent, $25.
B. L. Baker, Appr. Indigent, $30.00.
John R. Huntor, Appr. Indigent, $30.
C. B. Tapp, salary, janitor, $110.00.
Mrs. Amanda Rinehart, rent of waro
houso, $25.00.
E. H. Tost, expenses, $5.15.
H. Lee Noo, offlco expense, $87.41.
II. Leo Noe, special deputy hire,
II. Leo Noo, prisoners meals and
collection of taxes, $154.80.
II. Leo Noo, transportation of pris
oners, $65.88.
II. Lee Noo, car mileage, $237.55.
E. M. Crail, expense, $33.21.
Robt. D. Lytlu, oxponbe, $164.28.
II, G. Kennard, water master.
J. M. Grover, Asst. water master,
Wm. M. Walker, services rendered,
Harvoy Garago, car hire, $13.75.
Bancioft-Whltnoy Co., suppllt: cir
cuit Judge, $7.50.
National Sales & Sor, Co., supplies
olork, $4.00.
Glass & Prudhommo, election sup
plies, $81.76.
Glass & Prudhommo, supplies clerk,
Ontario Arguo, supplies, $91.80.
V'Jliit5wSAViV In I'l iVJO'jil 'I'i'i !j' Bill' Mpf' ,tchmXi3I
Triendly Warmth
Winter's chill soon vanishes when
you have a good oil heater filled
with Pearl Oil. The touch of a
match brings a steady, friendly
warmth many hours on a single
Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined
by our special process, which makes
it clean burning no smoke no
odor no dirt.
Buy Pearl Oil in bulk -the same
high quality kerosene as the Pearl
Oil sold in five gallon cans.
At dealers everywhere. Order by
name Pearl Oil.
Aarm2M StUttUAD
tJmJviB ou. .
Valley Merc. Co., supplies
Malheur road, $9.70.
Boise Payette Lbr. Co., supplies, Bro
gan-Malheur road, $5.20.
Home Lbr. & Coal Co., supplies Brogan-Malheur
road, $122.95.
Roy Harrington, labor. Brogan-Malheur
road, $110.00.
Dallas Harrington, labor Brogan
Malheur road, $11.00.
Jack Dolan, labor, Brogan-Malheur
road, $66.00.
Jesse Wall, labor Brogan-Malheur
road, $6.00.
L. Jft. Kelley, labor, Brogan-Malheur
road, $36.00.
Joe ICanyld, labor, Brogan-Malheur
road, $82.50.
Jack Peorson, labor, Brogan-Mal
heur road, $21.00.
Fro"d J. Test, expense, N. J. V. Mar
ket road, $4.50.
Wm. Hickey, expense, N. J. V. Mar
ket road $2.50.
Francis Turner, expense, N. J. V.
Market road, $2.50.
Malheur Home Tele. Co., tolls, N.
J. V. Market road, $2.00.
Oregon State Highway Com. truck
parts, N. J. V. Market rd. .62.
U.S. Mfg. Co., supplies, N.'J. V.
Market Road, $199.4 6.
Holly Bros, supplies, N. J. -V. Mar
ket road, $40.30.
Standard Oil Co., supplies, N. J. V.
Market road, $35.79.
Roy Smith, cartage, N. J.V. Market
load, $40.00.
Homedale Forwarding Co., supplies
N. J. V. Market road, $228.50.
W. W. Howard, expense. N. J. V.
Market road, $30.00.
J. F. Joyce, expense, N J. V. Market
road, $31.00.
Fred J. Test, labor, N. J. V. Market
road, 170.00.
Fred M. Gramso, labor, N. J. V.
Market road, $140.00
Wm. Hickey, labor, N. J. V. Market
road, $26.25.
Poto Tumor, labor, N. J. V. Market
road, $32.50.
Francis Turner, labor, N. J. V. Mar
ket road, $27.50.
J. F. Joyce, labor, N. J. V. Market
road, $250.00.
Marlin Gramse, labor, N. J. V. Mar
ket road, $S6.67.
Jack Weaver, labor N. J. V. Market
road, $100.00.
Oregon Trail Garage, expense, gen
eral road, $62.80.
J. C. McCrelght, supplies,
road, $1.87.
V. B. Stapleh, supplies,
road, $141.41.
V. B. Staples, supplies,
General road, $19.95.
Van Petton Lbr. Co., supplies Gen
oral road, $133.40.
Van Petton Lbr. Co., supplies Gon
eral road, $139.20.
John Tons, labor, nnd supplies Gen
oral road, $27.50.
J. O. Barnard, labor and supplies!
General road, $25.50. I
i. Tamuryn, salary ana expense,
General road, $169.65.
P. B. Glenn, viewing Goneral road.
M. II. Doollttlo, VIowing Gouoral
road, $5,00.
Ambroslo Elorrlaga, labor, Goneral
road, $80.50.
P. V. Fahmey, labor General road,
Bon Rose, labor Goneral road,
Geo. Roo, labor. General rd $1S.00,
E. C. Ingraham, labor, General road,
E. L. Brown, labor. General road.
Arthur Conner, labor, General road,
J.L. Brown labor, General
L. A. Walker, estimate No.
V. Mnrkot Road, $4632.39
W.W. Thompson, labor Watson road,
A. W. Ferguson, labor Watson road,
J. C. Symo .labor Watson road, $122.
G. W. Dean, Com. Foes and expense,
N. J. V. Markot road, $43.95.
W. W. Thompson, labor RD No. 15,
A. W. Ferguson, labor RID No. 15,
Rosa Thomuson, labor RID No, 15,
J. C. Symo. labor, RD No. 16, $37.50
w. vines, labor ana expense Gen
oral road, $68.95,
Washington, D. C. "Halph Budd,
president of the Great Northern rail
way, attacked the selection of the
Great Northern by the Interstate com
merce commission as the road to bo
divorced from tho Burlington In tho
proposed consolidation of northwest
Budd argued In hearings before tho
commission that if it is felt that either
the Great Northern or the Northern
Pacific should be divorced, it should
be the latter. He testified that argu
ments advanced for grouping the
Great Northern with the Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul, opposing it to a
union of Northern Pacific and the
Burlington "for competitive reasons,
wero erroneous."
Contentious that tho Northern Pa
cific and the St. Paul were parallel
and comDetltlve In Montana aro un
founded, he declared, because tho re- '
gion where the roads parallel Is moun
tainous and sparsely settled and little
traffic originates there.
President Byram of tho Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul was one of the
most agreeable witnesses to be im
agined. He said ho came to help the
commission, not to hinder. Hesaid
his company was favorable to the
commission's plan, which would com
bine the St. Paul and Great Northern
and would just as readily accept a
plan uniting his road with the North
ern Pacific.
Ho suggested, however, that If any
further consolidations were contem
plated his road would welcome a com
bination with the Union Pacific
Constant Changes Necessary In Roof
to Keep Interior Heat as
It Should Be.
The Eskimo makes constant chances
In the thickness of the roof of his
snow house, or Igloo, to keep Its In
terlor heat uniform.
VUhjalmur Stefansson, the Arctic ex
plorer, tells about a snow hut built
at 50 degrees below zero. Each block
of snow used In Its construction was
necessarily of the same temperature
and contained what might be wrongly
termed a great deal of "latent cold."
To neutralize this cold It 'was neces
sary to keep the Inside of the hut for
a considerable time at a temperatur
of CO degrees Fahrenheit.
Snow Is so nearly a non-conductor
of heat that, once the "Intent cold"
had been neutralized, the heat of hu
man bodies alone kept the tempera
ture well above the freezing point,
een when a hole In the roof was open
for ventilation. Sometimes when the
heat rose too high the loof would be
gin to melt. Then the roof had to
be b!iaed on the outside anywhere
from two to four Inches thinner so
that the cold from the outsldo would
Denetrnte the snow iinVa
lfvrt ssrjffl
N. J.
Men's Gifts
That are gifts at
Prices that are a pleasure!
Ladies; you don't want your
name connected with, any
thing cheap still you want
If you pay $1.50 for a piece
of neckwear you don't
want "him" to think that it
only cost Six Bits.
For your information this
storo's values are never dis
puted by men.
They know right well that
our quality is revered and
our prices respected.
Tho Christmas Gift Show is
now on and it's tho biggest
in Ontario.
's Yeast makes
The Best Bread
For Sale at
all Grocers
Weiser, Idaho
For Christmas morning call
and make your selection now while
our stock is complete.
$25 to $275. Easy terms.
From $2.00 to $60,00
Buy your Christmas goods here
and draw a phonograph. With
each 50c purchase you get a
chance to win a $125.00 phonograph.
Prescriptions our Specialty
Rexall Eastman Victor
-. !TT7r-n,UllMI&(Mll?&N . --Jse-.
' i irvuiyafi
In these days of high prices and advanced liv
ing costs you have a double incentive to save.
The savings hank account of today represents
tho foundation of many a fortune of tomorrow.
Building up a reserve is not difficult after you
have begun it, but tho important thing is the
We invite you to make that start with us.
U 4. wi.