The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 23, 1922, Image 6

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The Girls' club enjoyed the Juve
nile party at the homo of Mrs. Owen
Tost Tuesday night, very much. The
next moeting will bo hold at the Li
brary '.whon Miss Conway will havo
tho program In charge and a very
interesting tlmo Is expected. Extra
chairs will bo provided.
A vory pretty wedding took place
in Wolsor Sunday when Itov. It. P.
Douglass of the Baptist church sol
emnized tho ceremony uniting Dol
bort Seaward and Marie Storing,
both of Ontario. The' groom is the
oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. U M.
Soaward, while tho bride is the
youngest daughtor of Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Storling, all of Ontario. Only
relatives and a few intimate friends
attended tho ceremony. Their many
friends -wish them a long and happy
life. They will bo at homo on tho
Jamicson ranch, east of Ontario, af
ter Decomber 1st.
Tho convention of Iloyal Neigh
bors hold in Fruitiand Monday night
was attended by eighty-six dole
gates from many parts of tho coun
try. Delegates from. Payette, Now
Plymouth, Ontario and other sur
rounding towns with one from
Poorla, 111., made up tho assembly.
Ida Hamblyn, state Inspector Grand
gavo an interesting address and out
lined tho work that is progressing
thruout tho country. TIioso pres
ent announce that It was a vory suc
cessful and ontortatnlng meeting.
Mrs. Herbert Paul underwent a
serious operation Monday at tho
Holy Itosary Hospital. Her many
frlonds will bo glad to hear that
sho is improving as well as can bo
Victor Johnson, tho local express
man is onjoying a weeks' vacation in
Garden Valley doer hunting. Mrs.
Johnson accompanied him and is
visiting with tho W. M. Coughn
nour's. After visiting thru the weok with
nor aunt Mrs.. Frank Draper, Miss
Huth Walla roturned to Soattlo Sat
urday. Mrs. May Draper aand chil
dren of Aberdeen, Wash., are visit
ing with Mrs. Frank Draper.
Whilo playing on tho turning polo
at tho grado school on Monday llt
tlo Ione Swaglor foil in such a man
ner that ono of her arms was dislo
cated at tho olbow. Dr. E. -S.
Fortner happenod to bo nenrby whon
tho accident occured and set tho In
Jurod momber, and tho llttlo girl
will bo ablo to uso lior arm again In
a wook or so.
President Watson P. Davidson of
tho Orogon-Wostor Colonization com
puny, arrived In Ontario last night
from Prinovlllo uftor going ovor tho
company's lauds on a periodical In
spection trip.
It. W. Jonos roturned from Twin
Falls whoro tho Laundry Owners
hold their annual convoutlon and en
joyed a phoasant hunt and a pheas
uut banquet.
Mrs. D. W. Powers ontortalned tho
Monday bridge club this wook, whilo
Mrs. John Dumpuy was hostess tor
tho Tuesday bridge club, and Mrs.
Cholsoy Boyer for tho Wednesday af
ternoon brldgo club.
Tho Monday evening brldgo club
wns ontortalned by 'Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Van Potton, tho Tuosday oven
lug brldgo club by Mr. and Mrs. El
mo Plorson. Tho Imporlal club was
ontortalnod by Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Ullllugsloy, and tho Fortnightly club
met last Saturday night ut tho home
of Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Atkon.
On Tuesday afternoon tho mom
bers of tho Carnation club motored
to Wolsor whoro with a dinner nnd
an ovonlng of Five Hundred they
wero ontortalned at tho Washington
hotod by Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Whtt-
Sovon members of tho Nyssa lodge
A. F. & A. M. headed by Frank Hall,
C. W. Edor, Dick Tenson, veteran
members, came to Ontario Tuosday
night to become acquainted with the
mysteries of tho PPP degree and en
joy the sports attendant therewlli
that they might communlcato tho
hilarity to their frlonds in the Nys
sa lodge. Tho visitors declared the
trip worthwhile.
Placard, poster and programs an
nousclng u Chautauqua program
for Ontario from December 1 to 6
made their appearance hero during
tho week. The committee which has
tho evQnts In charge has not yet de
termined where the entertainments
will bo held. Announcement will be
mado later.
Plenty of things happened to Jones.
So many experiences did Jones have
that wero unusually funny that tho
members of the Junior class O. H. S.
have selected them, as the vehicle
by which they will ontortaln their
frlonds and tho public at tho annual
Junior class play which is to bo
staged on December 8, tickets for
which aro being sold by the class.
Tho play Is a howling farce comedy
that in tho big tlmo circuits has
scored many a hit.
Illumination of Route Said to Be In
Contemplation by a Leading Rail
road System.
Brilliant night Illumination of Its
picturesque transcontinental route is
the plun contemplated by a large rail
road system In this country, says Pop
ular Mechanics Magazine. The Idea,
as conceived at present, Is to equip
the observation coaches of Its fast lim
ited trains with a battery of powerful
floodlights. These lights would be ar
ranged to cover a range of approxi
mately 160 degrees, with sufficient
height nnd depth to Illuminate the can
yons, rivers, lakes and mountains In
the vicinity of the right of way, as
the train rushes on through the night.
Power for operating the lamps would
be furnished by the axle-driven gener
ators with which railroad cars are
now commonly equipped, and which
ordinarily are nover used to their full
Although thus far the location of
the floodlights has been confined to
the observation car, certain officials
have suggested the advisability of
placing them along the full length of
the train. Also, further to enhance
the effect, It has been proposed to em
ploy lamps, or reflectors of various
colors, which would undoubtedlyyleld
falryllke scenes, particularly when di
rected upon snow-covered surfaces.
Railroad men In authority have noth
ing but praise for the scheme, and
while eagerly awaiting the completion
of the Initial floodlighting equipment,
have pointed out the fact that there
Is an additional and practical value
of the brilliant lights as a protection
against rear-end collisions.
Chlldron's Book .Week was ob
sorved by tho membors of tho Wo
man's club on Novombor lGth. The
meeting was held In tho now club
auditorium with Mrs. E. M. Grelg,
Mrs. S. D. Dortnan annd Mrs. J. R.
BInckaby as hostesses.
Tho members onjoyed a beautiful
arrangomont and collection of chil
dren's books. Miss Elinor Randall
prcsentod some excellent ideas re
garding child reading and traced
tho growth of chlldron's llteraturo
from Venorablo Bodo to literature
of today.
Mrs. A. L. Hunter gavo a roview
of "Tho Road to Childhood." Mrs.
E. M. Grelg gavo some valuable In
formation rogarding book buying.
Tho mombors ontorod Into n discus
sion' regarding tho choosing and ap
plying of lltoraturo In tho homes.
Mrs. Joseph Stapled, chairman of
tho annual Christmas seal sale for
th,o antituberculosis socloty lms bo
gun preparations for tho annual sale
hero, assisted by members of tho
Woman's club. Tho soals go on sale
next wook.
A real ostnto deal rocorded in tho
past wook shows that tho demand
for good property In Ontario is be
ing malntnlnod and that good pur
chases promise adoquato roturns to
Investors in Outnrlo proporty. The
doal meutlonod nbovo was that of
tho R. S. Rutherford proporty on the
comer of Oregon street and Mon
tana avonuo purchased by Fred
Lawson of the Independent Market,
nnd Includes threo lots, on tho in
side of -which is tho Ruthorford two
story dwelling. The consideration
was $3, COO which ;s deemed by
thoso who know values, an oxtremo
ly nttrnctlvo price for tho buyor.
The' proporty is noxt to tho Orogou
Trail Garago which sold this spring
for $32,000. Whilo tho proporty Is
now usod for residential purposos,
It Is right at tho odgo of the busi
ness district nnd ultimately will bo
business property. Mr. Lawson has
not dotormlnod upon what courso to
tako In improving tlio property but
has under contemplation tho erec
tion of an nppartmont house.
Engraving, Such as Was Common In
the Earlier Ages, Has Practically
Become Lost Art.
The engraving of cameos has prac
tically ceased to be pursued as an art.
Roman manufacturers cut stones, in
large quantities to be used as scarf
studs and as settings In linger rings;
and in Rome and Paris nn extensive
trade Is cnrrled on In the cutting of
shell enmeos, which are largely export
ed Into England and mounted In
The principal shell used Is the large
bull's mouth shell, found In Etst In
dian seas, which has a sard-like un
derlayer. The black helmet of Mada
gascar and the pinky queen's conch of
the West Indies are also used.
The famous potter, Joslah Wedg
wood, Introduced a method of making
Imitations of cameos In pottery by
producing white figures on a colored
ground, this constituting the peculiar
ity of what Is known as Wedgwood
warp. These cheap cameos are large
ly machine made, or are turned out
by rough workmen and touched up
by the better type of artists. In some
cases these enmeos are made of stone,
such as cornelian, sardonyx and cor
al, hut none of them are of a high
type of art.
also discussed somo of the many
things learend by tho growers this
"Wo had contracts for 1500 acres
between Ashton and Welser said
Mr. McCall and we prepared to han
dle at least that many cars, when we
actually only shipped 22G cars. All
tho overhead for a business of 1500
cars is thus placed on the 226 ac
tually shipped.
"The failuro of the crops due to
hot weather was something that no
ono could forsee, and came so sud
denly that we wero taken by com
plete surprise and had to work out
tho best wo could. The charge of
20 conts per crato mado to tho
growers has been credited to them
and will be repaid next year and tho
year following from the savings pos
sible by reason of tho fact that the
supplies we have on hand can be
used next year."
Tho producers union sold approxi
mately one-third of all tho lettuce
sold from tho territory and tho
growers nt tho moeting nftor listen
ing to the rumors as to prices paid
to other growers apparently were
satisfied that they got on an aver
age as much, if not more than other
growers -will net. So far tho grow
ers of tho Producers Union are the
only ones who have actually received
cash for their crops, so far as could
bo learned..
Advises to Hold Potatoes
Mr! Hall in discussing the potato
situation advised those who had
storage space to store their pota
toes. He expressed the belief that
beforo spring there would be an in
creased demand for spuds which
would Justify shipment.
According to the reports given at
the meeting on potato returns none
of the ranchers had to pay freight
bills for the potatoes shipped while
tho averago price received by the
producers was about 42 cents per
bushel. The price In some cases
went as low as 15 cents per bushel.
The company still has a largo quan
tity of sacks on hand and has not
determined upon a plan for settle
ment for those advanced but not
Make Your Appointment
Xinnias Photos
The Time is Short!
eQmtin Jhtbto
Under Advisement.
"A newly elected squire In Wiscon
sin," says a western lawyer, "was
much oluted by his honors, but was
not sure that he could carry them
gracefully. So he haunted the court
house to gather stray crumbs of wis
dom from higher courts which sat
"One day he sat In Judgment on
his first case, and when the testimony
was nil In and the argument made, he
announced :
" The court takes this case under
advisement until Wednesday morning
next, when It will lender a verdict
In favor of the plaintiff." "Pittsburg
"The MEN of
Coming Sunday
"FREE AIR" The Best Com
edy Drama of the Season
Sunshine Comedy
Burton ' Holmes Travelouge
"A Cruise to Vera Cruz"-
(Continued From Page One)
County Suporlntondont Mrs. E. M.
Crall, assisted by tho Ontario Post
of tho Amorlcan Legion, is to hold
n mooting nt tho High school audi
torium on Decomber Cth to prcsont
to tho peoplo of Ontario tho prob
lem which this county faces In tho
Americanization of forolgn cltlions.
Woll known spoakors will bo prcsont
to discuss tho Amorlcanlzatlon plan
which Ib being followed by tho Le
gion nnd by tho educators of the
Whilo thoro is slight need for this
rnuntv. tburo aro portions of tho
county, especially In Cow Valley,
whoro hut n fow of tho Amerlcnn
settlors can aponk tho English lan
guage. Among thorn through tho
nctlvlty of Uov. J. A, O'Connor, a
school was started this fall which
Is being taught by Miss M. Carter
of this city, ,
In tho presenco of n tow Immedi
ate frlonds, nt tho Episcopal church
In Payette, Sunday following tho
morning sorvlco, Ror. Ashcrott road
tho marrlago sorvlco when Mrs, Nell
O. Bodford of this city boenmo tho
brldo of Clnronco Croutor, also of
Following tho coromony tho brldo
nnd groom motored to Wolsor and
took tho evening train to Spokane,
Seattle, Vnncouvor and othor coast
points for tholr honoymoon trip. On
their roturn thoy will make their
homo nt Richardson street and Indi
ana avonuo.
, Both tho brldo and groom aro well
known In this section. Mrs. Bed
ford enmo to Ontario four years ago
from Twin Falls and stneo coming
hero has owned nnd managed tho
Osborne Millinery, whilo Mr. Crou-
j'tor, who has long boon connected
with Alexaudor company, has boon
managor of tho local branch of tho
company for tho past four years.
Slnco coming to the city ho has tak
en an active tntorest In tho affairs
of tho Oregon club, tho Shrlno club
and other social and buslnoas activities.
wll provo that." thoy both said.
Prices Vary in Pools
Mr. Hall reported that the grow
ors will net from tho first pool which
ended tho week of October 14,
$1,65 per crnto, ttlie second week
tho prlco for tho pool averaged
135 per crate, tho third weok tho
avorago was $1.15 per crate; tho
fourth wook $1.45 per crate, tho
fifth week $1.00 to $1.65, and tho
last week, of tho few cars not yet
roported 'upon keop up tho average
of thoso roported the prlco por
crato to tho growers will be $1.80
per crate.
"No fancy ottuce was grown this
yoar," said Mr. .Hall. "This was
duo probably to the weather con
ditions, and to tho lack of oxporl
once In growing under which many
of tho ranchers worked. Somo fine
lottuco was raised, but little or no
fancy. Thoro wns oven a llmltod
quantity of U. S. No. 1.
iH'tttico Can Ho Over Done
"Yes, lottuco can bo ovor done In
this section" said Mr. Hall. It all
tho acreago originally planted from
Wolsor to Ashton had matured tho
market would not have been as
strong as it was. However it tho
grower averages as much as 75c per
crato he Is doing well," ho said.
Strike Debt) Hl Start
"A strike on tho part of tho pack
ers employed In tho Imperial Valley
to co mo hero to pack lettuce, nnd
tho Inadequate freight service on
box shocks was tho causo In tho do
lay in getting tho packing plants
ready on the date first given the
growers," explained Mr. McCll, wh
Specials For
We have made your Fruit cake for
you. Delicious with candied fruits,and
nuts. 50c per lb. in 1 and 2 lb. sizes.
Your dinner won't be complete without
Also home-made mince meat and
pumpkin pies.
A nice line of cakes and other good
ies for your Thanksgiving Dinner. ,
Don't Forget to Visit Us
Purity Bakery
Ontario, - Oregon
1-4 Off Sale of All Fall
and Winter Millinery
We are offering our entire stok of hats, including
Dress Hats, Sport Hats and Tailored hats ot a twenty-five
per cent reduction. This is a splendid oppor
tunity to get a new hat before Thanksgiving.
Ontario, Oregon
Dinner Delicacies
Oysters - Fish - Crabs
Cranberries .
Sweet Potatoes - Vegetables
Everything For The Dinner
Reihsen -Ryan
.v.!8ifB 4-vj)mJki--"
A v ..