The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 23, 1922, Image 4

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Principal Events of the Weo'
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Tho school budget at Albany for
next year Is placed at $112,059.
The annual meeting of the Linn
county farm bureau will bo held on
December 9.
Members of tho Moose lodge are
planning to orcct In Corvallls a home
to cost not less than $40,000.
Work on the Mount Hood loop high
way within the Oregon national forest
has been endod for tho winter.
Governor Olcott urges the people
of Oregon to observo "American Edu
cation Week," December 3 to 9.
Not earnings of Happy Canyon, the
side show of tho Pendleton Round-Up
during tho year 1922, were 18784.20.
An nbsociatlon of former University
of Oregon Btudents and graduates In
Linn county was organized at Albany
Six warehouses belonging to J. F.
O'Bryant and operated In Haines by
tho Marshall Grain company, have
been sold.
The state treasurer, on December 2,
will consider bids for the sale of Ore
gon district Interest bonds aggregat
ing $231,000.
If members of tho city council do
not change present views, one-way
traffic Is certain to have a trial In
Portland soon.
Bishop William P. Remington, re
cently electod to tho Episcopal diocese
of eastorn Oregon, was Installed In
his otflco Sunday In Pendleton.
Governor Olcott has completed the
task of signing $150,000 of road bonds
which wero sold at a recent mooting
of tho stato highway commission.
Scottish Rlto Masons from various
sections of the Willamette valloy hold
a mooting at Salem and perfected or
ganization of the Rose Croix club.
Approximately 75 per cent of tho
, Oregon prune crop for 1922 has been
sold and 50 per cent of It has been
shipped, according to fruit men of
William McKlnloy and Charles Peel
of Tillamook wero killed when an
automobile In which they wore driv
ing wont off the grade at tho bridge
at Beaver.,
Snowfall on tho Blue mountains In
several soctlons of tho Umatilla na
tional forest is now over 12 inches
doop, according to J. C. Kohns, forest
The section of tho old Oregon trail
stnto highway between Baker and
Huntington In Baker county has boon
materially improved during tho last
few wooks.
Taxpayers of Pendleton decided at
tho recont election that tho council
should not exceed tho 11-mtll levy,
and tho proposed budget uf $114,311
must be cut to $97.1 8f.
Figures prepared by D. O. Boyer,
Marlon county clerk, show that out of
a total of 94 women selected for Jury
service during tho last year, only 21
have consented to act.
Of the 12 precincts In Lane county
that voted November 7 on the question
of whether to allow stock to run at
large, four voted in favor of It and
eight to keep tho stock up.
The Coast Power company In Tilla
mook has closed down for three
months pending improvements entail
ing tho expenditure of $160,000 In the
building of a now and up-to-date plant.
Complete election returns from all
counties, part of them unofficial, show
that the so-called compulsory school
bill carried In Oregon" by 13,986. The
exposition measure was defeated by
12.581. .
Sealed bids will be received by
tho County Court of Malheur coun
ty, Oregon on December G, 1922, for
tho following supplies for tho Sher
iff's and Assessor's offices of Mai
nour county, Oregon, for tho year
2 100 page registers.
1 Settlement book.
C400 Tax receipts in triplicate.
17 Screw post binders, for tax re
ceipts. 2 Assessment roll binders, Russia
& Corduroy, lottered.
550 Long assessment roll sheets.
550 short Assessmont roll sheets.
1 set leather tabbed Index sheets
for rolls.
7 Individual L. T. index sheets for
rolls, lettered as follews: E.
O. L. Co., O. W. Col. Co., M. L.
L. S. Co., P. L. S. C, Public
Utilities, Irrigation Dist., Sher
iff's Ass'ments.
7000 Assessment statements and
600 Assessment statements and dup
licates for listing corporations.
500 Personal property demand
statements and duplicates.
500 Personal property statements.
1 Sot 100 subdivision index to fit
assessment sheots.
7 Canvas transfer binders to fit as
sessment sheets, lottered.
4 Kabrlkoid 8xl2 Chicago screw
binders (for porsonal P. sheets)
3G0 Dupllcato receipts, bound in
books of 20, numbered 1 to 360
3000 Rocord ownership sheots.
6 Tray binders to fit ownership
3 doz Hardmuth No. Koh-i-noor No.
6 lead pencils.
1 doz. Hardmuth No. Mophlsto No.
73 b hard copying pencils.
3 doz. rubber slipovers for pencils.
doz.' Pyramid pins.
M doz. Typewriter erasers.
1 doz. Carter's F. Q. 8xl3 blue
carbon paper.
3 pnekagos 9x4 white blotters.
1 pint Sanford's blue black ink.
2 doz. Manila reversible envelopes
Tho above supplies to be of good
workmanship and finish.
Tho County Court deslros in this
bid. a separate price on each Item
and reserves tho right to purchase
any oi mo iionis usiuu uuuvu uuu iu
cut out any Items that it, desires,
and reserves tho right to reject any
and all bids.
Each bid must bo accompanied
by a certified chock for 5 per cent
of tho amount of tho bid ns a guar
anty that tho successful btddor will
enter Into a contract with Malheur
County, Oregon, for tho falttitul
norformanco of the contract. Thcso
bids should bo addressed to H. S.
Sackott, County Clork, and marked
"Bids for supplies for Sheriff's and
Assessor's offices."
By order of tho County Court.
II, S. SACKETT, County Clork.
rOIt KENT Five room furnished
house. Phone 53W It.
FOR RENT Modern house, attrac
tive homo closo in. A bargain.
Seo W. L. Turner. 62tf.
FOR RENT two unfurnished house
keeping rooms, one byock west of
Ontario Hotel. it
LOST In Ontario Nov. 9th, a crank
for Chandler car. A. W. Hamil
ton, Welser. 52 2t
Tho first Saturday of each month
the Ladles Aid will have a cooked
food sale. 52 4t.
FOR SALi: Good milch cow com
ing fresh soon. J. L. Gray ranch.
Benito Mussolini, chief of the Fas.
clstl, who was recently made premier
of Italy.
Washington. A conference of pro
gressives, in and out of congress, was
summoned to meet In Washington, De
cember 1 and 2, to organize for an ef
fort to take control of congress and to
enact a program of progressive legisla
tion. The call for the progressive confer
ence was signed by Senator La Fol
Iette as president, and George Huddle
ston, vice-president of the people's "leg
islative service."
The people's "legislative service,"
which Issued the call, Is an organiza
tion formed by progressives in con
gress following tho 1920 election.
Coincident with Senator La Follette'a
announcement, Senator Capper, Kan
sas, leader- of the bi-partisan farm bloc
in the senate, announced the farm
bloc's program for the next two years.
For weaving Rag Carpets or rugs,
call Mrs. A. F. Rupp. phone 130,
Payette, Idaho. 52-lt
ROOM FOR RENT Desirable front
bedroom close to bath, close in.
One or two men prefered. Phone
229. 62tf.
FOR RENT Fivo room house and
bath, $25 per month. Six room
house $15 per month. See W. H.
Doolittlo. B2tf.
LOST A small white horse, weight
about 1050, loft my placeflnd-
er notify owner by leaving word at
Argus office. tf
Jf 4
I am now prepared to do all
kinds of sewing at the Sam
Taylor home, back of Ontario
Laundry. Mrs. Wm. V. Shim-
ek. tf.
LOST between Wells Dairy and
Wm. Butler residence, on road run
ning west of Gramso orchard, 0110
army overcoat, had Delicious npplo
lh each pocket. Finder please leave
at Argus Office for reward. 52-2t
Fair Enough.
"I'm surprised to see such on emi
nent lawyer defending n bootlegger."
"Turn nbout Is fair play."
"Ho wns the bootlegger's cllepl.
Now the bootlegger Is his client
Birmingham Age-Herald.
Preaching at 11 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. ra. and 7:30 p.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Junior Endeavor at 4 p. m.
C. E. at 6:30 p. m.
D. D. Reeso, pastor.
Tho W. C. T. U. will meet Thurs
day, Nov. 28 at the homo of Mrs. C.
E. Bingham. Those wishing to rldo
should be at McDowell's store by
2:15. As this is a Thanksgiving
meeting let each member and friend
bring a glass of Jelly br other deli
cacy to be sent to the sick by the
Flower and Relief committee.
TURKEYS Bourbon Reds for sale.
Excellent breeding stock. Hens and
Toms both. Seo O. V. Halloway,
Ontario. 52 6t
t Chance
Granite Ware
' Last Saturday our granite ware was gone
long before half our patrons had a chance, so
this Saturday we are going to put on 100
more pieces of
1 O cents
with any purchase of $2.00 or over.
Limit, one to a family or customer
Remember we have only 100 pieces so shop
Saturday being our last day of the sale we
are putting on some extra specials; come in
and look' them over
Quast Bros.
Ontario's Exclusive Shoe Store
Oregon Branch Demands Large Sum
In Damage Action.
Portland, Or. Suit for $30,000 for
actual damages and $100,000 exem
plary damages was filed against the
federal resorvo bank of San Francisco
In federal court here by the Brook
ings State bank for damages alleged
to huvo resulted from a campaign of
persecution that the Brookings bank
acciibes tho federal reserve bank of
having Instituted against it to compel
It to clear federal reserve checks at
par Instead of making the usual ex
change charge of one-tenth of 1 per
Last year an injunction suit was
filed against the federal reserve bank
to stop its alleged operations against
the Brookings bank, and this suit is
an outgrowth of the litigation at that
FOR SALE Grade Yearling Bull,
weight about 650. Price right.
C. W. Garrett, 3& miles west of
Ontario. 52-3t.
FOR SALE Two cars dry land ru
ral seed potatoes, field selected
and rogued $1.50 per 100. Ell
Keller, Ririe, Idaho. 62 6t
During month of December we give
one chance on a $125 phonograph
with every 50c cash purchase.
FOR SALE 47 head Poland China
Pigs. The price is right, so are
tho pigs. O. F. Mallett ranch, by
Mallett station. Ed Campbell, phone
20M2 52-4t
Mullln's Measure.
Mr. Morgan did not rise from his
chnlr behind the nlr-tlght stoe In the
Kitting room when his wife hurried
In and told him that Mike Mullins
wns In the kitchen and wanted to see
"What do' you let him in for?" he
asked reproachfully.
"He wants to buy a hoss, that's
why," replied Mrs. Morgan. "You'd
huve made a great to-do if I hadn't."
"No, I wouldn't," Mr. Morgan said,
is he reluctnntly rose. "I know Mul
lins' size. I can't do business with
him. He wants a cheap hoss. And I
ain't got anything I can sell less'n
?15." Exrhange.
Mexican Charges Unfounded.
Washington, D. C. Charges that the
United States has interfered unduly In
the drafting of internal legislation in
Mexico, which have culminated In an
outburst of anti-American sentiment
in the Mexican chamber of deputies,
were declared by the state department
to bo wholly unsubstantiated by the
During month of December wo give
one chance on a $125 phonograph
with every 50c cash purchase.
FOR RENT on share plan, 38
acres choice land under cultiva
tion, no buildings, four miles east
from Vale, north side of R. R. In
quire Theodore Moore, Mooro ho
tel. 52-2t.
B. C. Liquor Shipments Big.
Vancouver, B. C. Approximately
26,000 cases of whisky and 1600 bar
rels of bourbon and other liquors have
cleared from British Columbia ports
In the past three weeks for Mexico. .
Wheat Bluestora, $1.48; soft white,
$1.24; western white. $1.25; hard win
ter and northern spring, $1,18; west
ern red, $1.16.
Corn Whole, $41; cracked, $43.
Hay Alfalfa, $18.5019 per ton;
valley timothy, $21; eastern Oregon
timothy, $2122.
Butter Fat 48049c
Eggs Ranch, 5057o.
Cheese Tillamook triplets, 32H
33c; Young Amorlcas,32H34o; block
Swiss, 3032o; cream brick, 2803Oc.
Cattle Choice steers, $7.007.60;
medium to good, $6.2507.00.
Sheep East of mountain lambs and
choice valley lambs, $11012.50.
Hoge Prime llffht, $9.2509.76;
smooth heavy, IS09.
Wheat Hard whlto, $1.30; soft
white and western white, $1.25; hard
red winter, soft red winter and north
ern spring, $1.22; western red, $1.20;
Bis Bend blueatem, $1.60.
Hay Alfalfa, $23; timothy, $27;
straw, $15,
Butter Fat 62057c.
Eggs Ranch, 48050c
Cattle Prime steers, $707.40;
medium to choice, $6.5007.
Hoge Prime light, $9.76 10;
tinootu heavy, f7.60O8.60. ,
An ounce of Push and a course at
Link's Business College, Bolso, will
put you ahead of tho other fellow
with short foresight. Pounrs of
Pull on him will most likelyf fall to
put helm oven a little above the
C U Tl
-i '' I
is I
g I
VUwJirrt (pot
A Turkey in the Roaster is
worth Two on the Roost
Wo want your shipments olther
now or for tho holiday market.
There Is a large crop and early
shipments are advisable. Send them
along ns soon as they are in condi
tion. Wo will get you top prices.
40 years in the business
And A Stock of Thanks
giving Goods in Town;, is.
Worth 2 in Transit
At Toggery Bill your Thankd
giving clothes are ready and
waiting: for yeu: we are not
waiting for them.
Even if you were a visiter in
New York you would have
to hustle to find more variet
ies than we've hustle to put
before you this week,
In suits and o'coats we have
everything you want from
wings to wishbone.
In hats, a twenty pound' as
sortment instead of just en
ough to go around.
In shirts, everything except
the neck.
White meat, dark meat,
drum aticks, whatever you
prefer; they're all here a'nd
they're all ready!
Suits $20 to 45
O'coats $15 to $35
Hats $3 to $5
Union Suits $1.50 to $5
Shirts $1.25 to $5
Toggery Bill
The Ideal Xmas Gift
Eastman Kodak
If it isn't an Eastman it isn't a Kodak. All others
are imitations. We have them from
$1.75 to $60.00
Victrolas from '
$25.00 to $275.00 ..
During the Month of December with Each 50c Cash
Purchase We Give One Chance on a $125.00 Phonograph.
Prescriptions our Specialty f