THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1922 FRUITLAND BENCH Bon I'atheal arrived frum north ern Idaho to Join Mrs. I'atheal and chlldron who havo been visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Wayne for sever al months. Mrs. It. I. Greone has returned to Arco after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Otto Swanson. Mrs. Decker, living near Fruit land was seriously injured last Sun day when sho was caught between two cars. Mrs. Decker was about to got in her car and when wakling in front of it was struck by a car belonging to Guy Oraham, which upon being started -was found to be set in revorse and backed into the Docker car Just as Mrs. 'Decker passod. Sho was caught between tho two cars and sustained painful Injuries to a hip and anklo. Tho new dralnago system, Drain ago District No. 3, Payette county, will bo Installed Just as soon as $17, 000 drainage bonds are sold. Saturday Willis Halbeck enter tained a number of friends at a birthday party. It being his Eth blrhday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Amick are tho parents of a son born Friday, October 27th. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith, Mrs. Cul ber and Mrs. Mabel Roberts and children were down from Welser Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Chllds. Leo Howe Is enjoying a visit with his father F. E. Howe of Bozcman, Mont. He Is on his way to south ern California for tho winter. Mrs. Leen Troxoll and son, Rich ard have returned to Portland after a month's visit with her sister Mrs. Ruth Van Derkar. ANNOUNCEMENT I heroby announce myself Demo cratic nominee and candidate for re-election as Circuit Judge of the the will of tho voters at the coming election, Movomber 7. I seek your support on my record as Circuit Judge for the past 12 years, and, It re-elected, will per form, the duties of Circuit Judge in a fair, Just, and oqultable manner, to tho best of my ability, as In the past. DALTON BIGGS. (Pol. AdT.) CIRU HIT JUDGE As the Republican nominee for this office, I respectfully solicit the support of tho voters of the 9th Judicial District, comprising Grant, Harney and Malheur counties. I have lived In the District 32 years, and have practiced law 27 years. If elected, I will devote my entire time to the offlco, and will dispose of all litigation promptly, Justly and im partially. Wells W. Wood, Ontario, Oregon. (Pd. Adv.) Directory of Ontario's Business Firms DR. J. A. MC FALL Eyesight Specialist Eyo Glasses and Spectacles ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK Tho Oldest Bank In Malheur County "Sorvlce that Servos" Capital and Surplus $100,000. HOTEL WILSON Tho "Homey" Hotel of Mainour County. Good Meals 40c HOME MADE CANDIES PURE AND DELICIOUS Take a box homo for Sunday BON BON CANDY SHOP . . . . 8. Jj. Tompkins, Prop ItEIflSEN & RYAN The Home of Good Eats and Low Prices Phones 3 and 131 PURITY BAKERY Ernest Barcus, Prop. All Kinds of Breads, Cakes and Pastry RADER BROS. Dependable Merchandise "Not the Cheapest, But the Best" Signs BYUON TURNER BLACKABY JEWELRY STORE Home of "Gifts that Last" TROXELL IMPLEMENT CO. Farm Operating Equipment McCorroick, Deerlng and P. & O. THE INDEPENDENT MARKET Phones 6 and 135 If Its Good To Eat We Have It If It's Farm Produce We Buy It Hi WELLS DAIRY Phone 34 W2 Service day and night. Tuber cular testod cowb. Clean and sanl- tar equipment. ' ONTARIO PHARMACY O. M. Castleman, Prop. Prescription Specialist Victor Phonographs Itoxall Remedies Eastman Kodaks MORRTS MILLINERY & NOVELTY SHOP Palymre Waists Women's And Sport Clothes Drosses H. R. UDICK Plumbing and Heating Domestic Water Systems TAGGART HARDWARE CO. Malheur County's Largest Hardware Store J. C. McCREIGUT HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed KINGMAN KOLONY Mr. and Mrs. Zlerlliie and family took Mrs. Zierllng's sister who has been visiting them, back to Fruit- land. Mr. Brockie, the ditch rider, left Monday aftternoon In his car for Salt Lake City. Messrs. Zlerllng and Drlscol will leavo the latter part of the week on a deer hunting trip. Messrs. Morgan and Kingman shipped a carload of wheat from Overstrcet station the fore part of the week. The Kingman Kolony P. T. A. will give a Hallawe'en party on Satur day evening, to which tthe com munity Is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Kingman, Miss Dur ham and Mrs. Otis spent last Tuep day in Ontario. Mrs. Maurice L. Judd was taken to the Ontario hospital last Friday where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. She is reported to bo making a very satisfactory re covery. Her mother, ( Mrs. Over street is stayisg at Ontario for a few days in order to he with her. Miss Nellie Durham who has been a guest in the Kineman home for the past eight w-oks leaves Wed nesday for her home In Chicago. 0-iber 2G STATEMENT OF THE OWNER SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULA TION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 21, 1012. Of the Ontario Argue published weekly at Ontario, Oregon for Octo ber 1, 1922. State of Oregon ) County of Malheur )ss. Before me, a notary public in and for the state and county aforesaid, personally appeared Geo. K. Aiken, who, having been duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and says that he Is the owner of the Ontario Argus and that the folowlng is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, manage ment, etc. of the aforesaid publica tion for tho date shown In the above caption, required by tho Act of Aug ust 24, 1912, embodied In section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the roverse of this form, to--nrlf! 1. That the names and address es of the publisher, editor, and busi ness managers are: Geo. K. Aiken, Ontario, Oregon. 2. That tho owners are: Oeo. K. Aiken, Ontario, Oregon. Lulu Piper Aiken, Ontario, Oregon 3. That the known bondholders, and other security holdors owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None. Geo. K. Aiken. Subscribed to and sworn to be fore me this fifth day of October, 1922. W. H. Brooks, My commission expires October 20, 1924. (Seal) WANTED Furnished house or rooms for housekeeping. Phone 106R. FOR RENT Furnished Room In Modern house close in. ' Inquire Western Union office. FOR SALE Buick six roadster in good condition. Inquire at On tario Furniture Co. It. FOR SALE Milk Cow. Phone llfiW. '48 2t. Our new DRY CLEANING plant has now been in operation one year and we take this means of thanking our customers for the part they have played in making it the great success it has become. We have the best equipped plant between Boise and Baker and the 0LNY one between Caldwell and Weiser. To date we 'have invested six thousand dollars in our DRY CLEANING building and equipment and this a mount would have been larger if it were not for the fact that we use muoh of our laundry equipment for both purposes. We will continue to add to this and improve as time goes on and hope to merit your increasing patronage. We have featured "0DERLESS DRY CLEANING" in all of our adver tising and this is the only kind we have ever sold. It is a term that should not need to be used any more than "FRESH EGGS" there should be no other kind. However, since the public is offered more than one var iety we will continue to "Tell the World" that ours is 0DERLESS. Dry Cleaning makes your clothes last longer because it removes the dirt, grit and grease that are natural enemies of fabrics and in- clines you to be more careful with your own garments. It kills moths and germs. In other words it's a good old wagon. While it's on your mind, get out your winter things and send 'em for a ride. Yours For Clean Clothes, Rain Water Jones Ontario Laundry and Dry Cleaning Works II THE MEN AND THE ISSUE PIERCE OLCOTT TAXES WHO AND WHAT THEY ARE .jt Walter M. Pierce Camo to Oregon when a boy and by industry and efficiency became a successful man of affairs. Pierce is a genuine farmer and stockgrower; a large land own er, and the tax he pays each year is almost as much as Governor Olcott's salary. Pierce was almost tho only member of the Oregon Legislature that lifted a voico against or voted against excessive or foolish appropriations. ' Pierco has safe and sane plans to reduce taxes on land and town homes by placing part of tho taxes on wealth now untaxed, such as timber in forest reserves, franchise tax, income tax. Pierco is opposed by certain timber and public service inter ests who aro carrying on a dirty campaign of misrepresentation against him; they dread his tax program and fear that he will make thorn disgorgo profits and share taxes with the over burdened landowners- farmers. An Ben W. Olcott Came to Oregon about 14 years ago; got into politics; in 1910 was campaign manager for the DEMOCRATIC candidate for Governor. Was appointed Secretary of State by a Dem-' ocratic Governor. Elected Secretary of State. Climbed into tho Governor's chair upon the death of Gov. Withycombe. Got his salary raised from $5000 to $7500 a year. Again a candidate; sort of a perpetual motion politician. mrJ3ER0E SAYS IIE mLL LOWER TAXES; IN OLCOTT'S ONTARIO SPEECH AND OTHER SPEECHES HE SAID .n?,y COULD HARDLY BE LOWERED AND 'MIGHT GO HIGHER'; PIERCE WILL DISPENSE WITH A GOOD PART OP THE 435 AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS THAT THE STATE OWNS AND MAINTAINS, SUCH CARS NOW BEING USED IN A POLITICAL WAY TO BOOST OLCOTT BACK INTO OFFICE. 1922 OLCOTT SAID LN ONTARIO THAT STATE TAXES HAD INCREASED ONLY. 43 PER CENT BETWEEN 1916 4 22; NOW LOOK AT YOUR TAX RECEIPTS. AND. SEE THESE LEVIES FOR MALHEUR COUNTY. AND. LEVY IN MALHEUR COUNTY FOR STATE PURPOSES 1916, LEVY IN MALHEUR COUNTY FOR STATE PURPOSES 1921 4.7 MILLS 10.4 MILLS PIERCE IS A TAX PAYER; OLCOTT A TAX EATER; PIERCE IS A PRODUCER; OLCOTT AN OFFICE HOLDER MR. TAXPAYER, CERTAIN INTERESTS ARE FIGHTING PIERCE TO PROTECT THE POCKET. BOOK AflATWRm HIS TAX PLANS; YOU PROTECT YOUR LAND AND nOME BY VOTING FOR 1? jj 8L 1 yc. J ' Political Adv. PIERCE FOR GOVERNOR