' Cut down Fill a good oil heater with Pearl Oil. At the touch of a match you have a cheery, friendly heat for very little cost. And you can easily carry this comfortable warmth from room to room wherever it is wanted with no heat wasted in 1 unused rooms. Pearl Oil is economical. Every drop delivers rear-heat when and where it is needed. Pearl Oil ia refined and re-refined by our special process, making it clean burning no dirt no smoke no odor. Sold in cans and in bulk by dealers everywhere. For your own protec tion order by name Pearl Oil. i. PEMLWL fl-urr? Trr-wr TPiSsJ company AND JLIGHT yBMIBB ic.uini. vrofrriTTfj! ii in iitri WSSi Savf " ODLE'C ; PATENTED ttJ HIGH OVEN RANGE" ;' sXkis savss not only1 the initial cost, -but the upkeep of a heating stove. Cole's High Oven Range has the same Hot Blast principle of combustion that hasmaae Cr,W Hot Blast Heaters famous. Guar 46 anteed fuel saving is yours with this remark able combined Heater, Cooker and Baker. WehpoW tchalitxsill dolet us tell you about it m Ontario Furniture Company 1 "Se McFall nn i UK. J. Eywlght Specialist, Ontario, Ore. THE the Fuel BUI TKe Cost of a Heating StcOe Not onlp can you cook and bake you can heat one or two extra rooms with ft. iwsWHR and See Better" j i bi'caii i WE GRIND OUR OWN LENSES A. IT1 I ALL Phone 147J ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, XUTCETJIHUrRIFPSJCCir By virtue ot an Attachment Ex ecution duly issued by tho Clerk ot the Circuit Court ot tho State ot Oregon, for tho County ot Mainour, dated tin 12th day of September, 1922, in a certain suit In tho Circuit Court for said Stato and County, wherein Tho Godfrey Hardware Co., o corporation, as plaintiff, recovored judgment against Wlllard Hanson and Ruby Hanson, as defendants, for the sum of One Hundred Forty five & G0100 ($145.60), with in terest tnereon at me rate 01 ion per cont por annum from tho 17th day of November, 1921, and tho further sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) as attorney's fees, and tho further sum of Twelve & 60100 Dollars ($12.60) for costs and disburse ments, in which Judgment It was further ordered by tho Court, that the property attached in said action, and hereinafter described, bo sold for tho satisfaction of said Judgment In the manner provided by law, which judgment was enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's office of said Court on the 11th day of September, 1922. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN, That I will on tho 21st day of October, 1922, at tho hour ot 11:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at tho north main entrance door of tho County Court House at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest biddor for cash, the following described real property, to-wit: Commencing at tho Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section B, Township 1G South, Range 47 E. W. M., in Oregon and run thenco north 80 rods on tho west ( Brogan, with Interest thereon, to llno ot said Southwest Quartor, gether with all costs and disbursc thonco run east CO rods parallel to , monts that havo or may accrue. the south lino ot said Southwest quarter, thence south 80 rods paral lei to west line of said Southwest Quartor, thenco run west GO rods to placo of beginning, also an 8 acre tract of land described as follews: Commencing at a point on the south line of Southwest Quarter, of Section 5, Township 1G south, Range 47 E. W. M., which Is 60 rods east of Southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter and running thence north 80 rods, thenco run east 3G7 feet, then run In a southerly direction to a point on south line of said South west Quarter which is 160 feet from said point of beginning east, thence run 60 feet -west to said point of beginning. Tho above real property taken and levied upon as tho property of the said abovo named defendants, Willard Hanson and Ruby Hanson, to satisfy tho said judgment In favot of The Godfrey Hardware Company, a corporation, and against the said above named defendants, with in terest theieon, togethor with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated av Vale, Oregon this 19th day of September, 1922. H. LEE NOE. Sheriff By C. W. Glenn, Deputy Date of first publication, Sept. 21, 1922. Date of last publication October 19th, 1922. Dato of sale October 21st, 1922, at 11 a. m. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution In fore closure, duly issued by the Clerk of tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Malheur, dated tho 19th day of September, 1922, and directed to me, upon a decree and order of sale rendered In said Court on the 19th day of Juno, 1922, wherein State Land Board of Oregon, consisting of Ben W. Olcott, Governor, Sam A. Kozer, Secretary of Stato, and O. P. Hoff, State Treasurer, as plaintiff, and P. II. Brogan, William Jones, and The First Bank of Juntura, Oregon, a cor poration, as defendants, a judgment was rendered in favor of the above named plaintiff, and tho defendants William Jones and The First Bank of Juntura, Oregon, a corporation, and against tho abovo named de fendants P. H. Erogan; In favor of the above plaintiff, for the sum of Ono Thousand Dollars ($1000.00), with Interest thereon at tho rate of six per cent per annum from tho 2Sth day of Septembor, 1921, and the further sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) reasonable attorney's fees, and the further sum ot Six & 70(100 Dollars (SG.70) as costs and dis bursements: In favor of the defendant William Jones', ia the sum of Ono Thousand Dollars ($1000,00), with interest thereon at the rate of ton per cent per annum from the 14th day of June, 1921, and tho further sum of Ono Hundred Dollars ($100.00), reasonable attorney's fees, and for tho further sum of the defendant William Jones' costs .and disburse ments in this suit, to bo taxed: In favor of tho abovo named de fendant The First Bank of Juntura, Oregon, a corporation, in tho first causo of action, for the sum of Ono Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1250.00), with lnterestt thereon at tho rate of ten per cent per an num from tho 14th day of Juno, 1921, and for the further sum of Ono Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($126.00) reasonable attorney's fees and for tho further sum of tho de fendant The First Bank ot Juntura, Oregon, costs and disbursements in this suit, to bo taxed; In thosccond cause ot action, for tho sum of Ono Thousand Dollars ($1000.00), with interest thereon at the rate of ton por cent per annum from the 14 th day of June, 1921, and tho further sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100) reasonable attorney's fees, and for the further sum of the defendant The First Bank of Juntura costs and disbursements in this suit to be taxod; which judgment was onrollod and docketed In tho Clerk's office ot j said Court in said County on the 19th day of Juno, 1922, it was further ordered and decreed by tho Court that tho premises hereinafter des cribed bo sold by tho Sheriff ot said County as under execution, and tho proceeds of said sale bo applied as follews: First, to tho payment of j the principal, Interest, attorney's fees, costs and other claims o tho plaintiff faoreln; second, to tho pay ment of tho principal, Interest, at torney's fees, cotsts and. claims ot the prlncIpaTTnteresT, attorney's fees, costs and claims of tho said .defend ant The First Bank of Juntura, Ore gon, a corporation, herein; and after paying all ot tho amounts duo the said plaintiff and said defendants William Jonos and Tho First Bank ot Juntura, togother with costs and charges of making such salo, and tho ovorplus, If any thore bo. be paiu over to tuo defendant P. II Brogan. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN, That I will on Monday tho 23rd day of October, 1922, at tho hour of eleven o'clock In tho fore noon of said day, at tho north main entrance door ot tho County Court Houso at Vale, Malheur County Ore., sell at public auction to the highest bidder or bidders for cash, the fol lowing real property, to-wlt: Tho Southwest Quartor (SW&), and tho Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quartor (SWSEU) of Soctlon two (2), Township nineteen (19) South, Range Thlrty-sovon (37), E. W. M., in Malheur County Oregon, togethor with all and singu lar tho waters and water rights ap purtenant thereto, or used in con nection therewith. The above real property taken and levied upon as the property of tho said defendants P. H. Brogan, Wil liam Jones and The First Bank of Juntura, Oregon, a corporation, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgments In favor of the abovo named plaintiff, and tho abovo named defendants William Jones and Tho First Bank of Juntuca Orogon, a Corporation, and against tho above named defendant P. II. Dated at Vale, Oregon this 20th day of Septombor, 1922. H. LEE NOE, Sheriff By C. W. Glenn, Doputy Dato of firsb publication, Sopt. 21st, 1922. Dato ot last publication, October 19th. 1922. Dato of Salo October 23rd, 1922, at 11 a. m. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON NO. B-G547 IN BANKRUPTCY In Tho Matter of Michael Need ham and Peter H. Conroy, indi vidually and as partners as NEEDHAM and CONROY, Bank rupts. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 23rd day of Septombor, 1922, Michael Noedham and Peter H. Conroy, individually and as part ners as Needham and Conroy, tho bankrupts abovo named, were duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that tho first meeting of their creditors will be held at my offlco in Vale, Oregon, on tho 9th day of October, 1922, at 11:00 A. M., at which tlmo said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a Trustee, and trans act such other business as may prop erly corao before said mooting. Claims must be presentod in forms required by tho Bankrupt Act, and sworn to. Dated at Vale, Oregon, Septom bor 25, 1922. Ross W. Soward, NOTICE 3 OF VltAINA rAGE DISTRICT ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a meeting of the owners of land situated in tho Valley Vlow Drain age District, Malheur County, Oro gon, will bo hold at tho Valloy Viow School Houso on Monday, November 6, 1922, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m. for tho purpose of oloctlng ono supervisor for said district, for a term of threo years, and to conduct such other business as may como be fore said moetlng. By order of the board of Super visor of tho Valloy Vlow Dralnago District this 11th day of Oct., 1922. E. C. INGRAIIAM, SEAL Prosldent . W. J. SHAFFER, Secretary NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department ot the Interior . ..." U. S. Land Office at Vale, Orogon. Septombor 20, 1922. Notlco is hereby given that Charles F. Hager, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, who, on Decembor 28, 1908, rnado do3crt land ontry No. 0240, for SDVi, Section 13, Township 17 South, Range 4G East, Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notlco ot inton tlon to make final Proof, under tho third paragraph of tho act of March 4, 1915, to establish claim to the land abovo described, boforo Regis ter and Receivor, U. S. Land Offlco, at Vale, Oregon, on tho 23rd day of November, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Rosa E. Hager, of Klamath Falls, Oregon. J. II. McKInnon, of Pay etto, Idaho. Oren Boyer, A. J. Whltosldo, both of Ontario, Orogon. Thos. .Tones, Roglster. fliiffrcwiflillllllllllllM TURKEYS! If you have turkeys write us today. We are compiling crop information and will have some some interesting letters to send you. ' DO IT NOW! Page & Son, Portland, Ore. Forty years in business. OCT. 19 1922 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ' Orogon Stato Highway Com., sup That tho following claims agaln3t plies, $68.42. muuuur cuumy, uregon. tor tho month of July, 1922, wero consid ered, ordered paid, continued or dis allowed as follews: AUGUST 3, 1022 GENERAL FUND Tholma Brown, salary clerk's steno. $100.00. Catherine Cody, salary clerk's steno. $90.00. W. W. Hinton, stock Inspector, $33.33. Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, appro priation indigent, $10.00. Mrs. Leon Izaguirro, appropriation Indigent, $25.00. Katharine Gecy, appropriation indi gent, $25.00. Mrs. Anna Townsend, appropriation indigent, $25.00. Mrs. Claudo Hanes, appropriation, Indigent, $25.00. Mis. Emma Balrd, appropriation Indigent, $35.00. Ada V. Nowby, appropriation indi gent, $25.00. B. L. Baker, appropriation Indlgont, $30.00. Mrs. Myrtlo Smith, appropriation Indigent, $30.00. C. B. Tapp, salary, Janitor, $100.00. Mis. Amanda Hlnehart, rent of ware houso, $25.00. Robt. D. Lytic, exponso, $107.15. E. H. Test, expense. $5.20. II. Leo Noo, sheriff, tax robato, $51.89. II. Loo Noo, sheriff, miscellaneous exponso, $91. 1G. II. Leo Noe, shoriff, car mlleago, $12G.10. H. Loo Noo, shbritf, traveling ex ponso, $120.87. II. S. Sackott, county clerk, record ing RIWI deeds and office oxpeuso $14.71. C. C. Muollcr, otfico expense nnd supplies, $33.28. Q. C. Mueller, premium on bond; $150.00. E. M. Crail, expense, school Supt. office, $21.12. P. S. Morton, doputy assessor, $130. J. T. Halo, bee Inspector, $52.30. Malheur Enterprise, official adv. & supplies clerk, $71.05. Malheur Enterprise, supplies sheriff $22.50. Ontario Argus, official advertising, $39.G5. Bushong & Co., record leaves, $20.17. Glass & Prudhommo Co., supplies assessor, $10.04. Glass & Prudhommo Co., supplies, cieric, ifiii.uu. National Sales Servlco Co., suppllos shoriff, $4.00. A. E. McGlllivray, liquor nnalysis, $1.00. A. E. Mcailllvray, drugs, indigent, $4.30. Vale Trading Co., exponso, Indlgont & C. H., $3.90. Vale Trading Co., supplies, $5.55. T. T. Nelson, burial Indigent $G3.35. J. A. Wrotcn, caro of Indlgont, $42.50. Holy Rosary Hospital, caro ot Indl gont, $284.70. Mrs. J. E. Chester, caro of Indlgont, $3.70. Bolso Payette Lbr. C- supplies in dlgont, $8.50. Juntura More. Co., supplies indigent, $9.80. Juntura More. Co., supplies indi gent, $30.00. E. A. Frasor, suppllos indlgont, $32.99. E, A. Frasor, suppllos Indlgont $7.34 E. A. Frasor.supplles Indlgont $G.G0. 0. G. Luohrs, drugs Indlgont, $29.50. Ontario Coal Co., suppllos Indlgont, $6.50. Wooso & Fortnor, Mod. atten dance, indigent, $15.00. Goorgq T. Caroy, caro of indlgont, $12.65. Dr. Thos. W. Thurston, caro of in dlgont, $90.00. Mainour Home Tel. Co., phonos and tolls, $35.40. Vale Electric Co., lights, $29.10. City of Vale, -vvator, $3.28. 1. M. Beach, frolght & Ctg $2.83. Vale Moat Co.,Ico court house $4.65. Blake-McFall Co., supplies court houso, $2.83. Frank Brown, Ex. insane, $5.00. Malheur Titlo & Abstract Co,, com piling list ot lands, $5,00. Dr. R. O. Payno, vital statistics, $10.25. Dr. J. J, Sarazln, vital statistics, $1.50. W. L. Turner, Insurance $134.00, Ontario Real Estato Co., Insurance on Fair buildings, $55.00. REVOLVING FUND L. R. Brelthaupt, rodont control, $182.27. ROAD FUNDS F. M. Vinos, labor, $105.80. Wm. Hlckoy, sinvoy, $15.00. Poto Turner, survoy, $15.00. Marlln Gramso, survoy, $17.50. Fred J. Test, exponso, $7.GG. J. C. McCrelght, suppllos, $G.25. Jones Merc. Co., labor nnd supplies, $20.00. Van Pottou Lbr, Co., labor and posts $101.45. Ambrosia Ellorrlaga, labor $190.50. Wnltor Gramso, labor, $54,00. J. N. Burns, labor, $39.00. Waltor Gramso, labor, $31. GO, J, N, Burns, labor, $21.00. Ed. Folgor, labor, $18.00. H, Tamblyn, mileage, $10,00. Home Lbr. & Coal Co,, suppllos, $112.50. Bolso Payette Lbr. Co. , suppllos, $40.95. Bon Rose labor, $44,00. Taggart Hdwo. Co., supplies, $7.20. City of Ontario, repairs, $9.00. Mr. Pnrker, labor, $3.00. E. A. Frasnr. supplies, $2.50. E. Dillon, labor, $1C,00. Peto Potorson, labor, $16, GO, Mrs. John HInklo, board and room, $34.00. L, F. Huckor, supplies, $2.95. Holm & Yturri, labor, $11.95. Bob Hussoy, labor, $20.00. Roy Harrington, labor, $50.00. Carl Musterman, labor, $42.00. Jos, Kanyld, labor, $35.00. Jack Poarson, labor, $9.00, Standard Oil Co,, gasollno, $32,87, Oregon Trail Garago, supplies, $35.55. Chas. Davis, labor, $30.00. (Malheur Home Tel. Co., phonos, J. P. Joyco, $2.20. Juntura Garago, labor and supplies, $1G.10. G. W. Dean, foes and expense J. V. market road, $29.95. J. F. Joyce, expense, J. V. market road, $40.65. Fred Test, labor J. V. market road, $169.90. Frod Gramso, labor J. V. market road, $130.00. J. F. Joyce, labor, J. V. market road, $250.00. Marlln Gramso, labor J. V. market road, $24.00. Walter Gramso, labor, J. V. market road, $8.00. J. N. Burns, labor, J. V. market road, $G.00. Marlln Gramso, oxpeuso, J. V. mar kot road, $4.00. Standard Oil Co., supplies, J. V. market road, $1G.78. W. W. Howard Est. No. 1 J. V. mar- kot road. $4974.43. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MALHEUR COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF CLARENCE W. HO WARD, Deceased. Notice Is horoby glvon by tho un dersigned administrator of tho Es tate above named, to tho creditors . of and all persons having claims against tho Estato of Claronco W. Howard, deceased, to exhibit them with tho necessary vouchers accord ing to law, within six months after tho first publication of this notice at tho homo of the administrator of said estato at Vale, Oregon, or at tho office of tho attorneys of salt ostato. Tho first notice hereof ts pub lished In tho Ontario Argus, this 3rd day of August, 1922. ANDREW W. HOWARD, Administrator of said Estate. BROOKE & GALLAGHER, Ontario, Oregon, attornoys for ostato above named. Professional Cards k Legal Guarantee Given J No need of Kntt-no pain continue work. Ask to sec Glc-o-nl I' lie Treatment. ONTARIO PHARMACY IVAN E. OAKES Consulting,JEngineer Irrigation &;Drainage work General Engineering Office City Hall, Ontario, Ore. fr DR. J. O. BARTLETT PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Offlco in Wilson Bids. Ovor Post Offlco ONTARIO, OREGON : DR. R. A. MOON Chiropractic Physicians Electro-Therapeutists Spino & Ncrvo Specialists Phono 1C8 Ontario, Ore. DRS WEESE&FORTNER OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. Office over First National Bank. Tolephono No, 33 J. Ontario, Ore. DR. A. R.ROBERTS Dentist Between Onluilo Pharmacy and Depot. PHONE BS-F-1 DIt. HARRIET SEARS Osteopathic Physician H'llHon 111(1., Over Radcrs Phono 40 DIt. O. M. TYLER DENTIST Office In Wilson Bldg. Office Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. Phono 117 for Appointments. m. rs tVlachine Shop For all kinds of Machine Repairing Ontario, Oregon iTlfI'Ml 'XjZv,E?r" : s-xwUMnnmaaft?' W"' .yJ-ftAr'iaajBfewwyn TVTilHKITIBIfil taMbat