THE ONTARIO AftGrUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 19 1922 OlilGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET School District No. 8 This original estimate Is mado in compliance with section 231-A of the school laws of 1921 and shows in parallel columns the unit costs of the several serrices, material and supplies or the threo fiscal years next pro ceeding the current year, tho detail expenditures for the last ono of said threo precoding fiscal years and tho budget allowances and expenditures for six mouths of tho curront year. ("Six months of tho current year" means six months of tho last school year.) EXPENDITUHES Expenditures for threo fiscal years next preceding tho last school year Estimated Dotailed Second yeai i'Mrst Year ITEM oxpeudlturos expenditure ftl for the for tho last ensuing School year year of tho three-year porlod PEHSONAL SERVICE: 1. Superintendent ....1 $ 2,700.00 $ 3 COO. 00 2. Principals 3 4,305.00 3,933.76 Glvo yearly Totals Q1T8 yearly Total! 4. 5. Teachers 1 1 1 1 3 4 3 7 Janitors ...3 Clerk Total Personal Services.. 2,000.00 1,700.00 1.530.00 1,440.00 1,350.00 1,125.00 1.080.00 090.00 2,325.00 300.00 $35,080.00 29.G88.30 3,000.00 1,800.00 1,350.00 ... 700.00 25 950.94 MATEWAL AND HWVL1EB: 1, Furnlturo (desks etc.) $ 500.00 2. Supplies, (Chalk, etc.) 275.00 3. Library books 400.00 ....4. Flags 10.00 6. Playground equipment .. C. Janitor's supplies 265.00 7. Fuel 1,500.00 8. Light 185.00 9. Water 300.00 10. Postage & stationery 50.00 Total Material & Supplies $ 3,485.00 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: II. S. Buildings & grounds ? 750.00 Qrd. Buildings & grounds.. 750.00 Imp. buildings & grounds .... Total Maintenance & Ropalrs $ 1,500.00 INDEBTEDNESS: 1. Bondod and Interest thoreon ? 2,805.00 2.Warrants and Interest thoreon Total Indebtedness J 2,805.00 TRANSPORTATION OF FUPILS: High school $ 1,000.00 Total Transportation of Pupils ? 1,000.00 INSURANCE: $ 925.00 Total Insurance $ 925.00 MIHCEIJiANEOUS: Home Economics, Mus. & Art Voc. Ag. Phy. Trnlnlng, Sclenco, Com. Dopt., Printing, and II. O. T. C ? 1,920.00 Total Miscellaneous j 1,920.00 EMERGENCY: 500.00 Total EinorBciicy j 500.00 GRAND TOTAL $47,215.00 2,949.00 275.00 J40.431.05 ? 285.00 352.24 353. CO 24.35 234. 03 1 394.CC 182. S7 308. C8 33.93 ? 2,870.45 1.G84.C8 002.94 30.50 2.75C.50 $35 838.44 ? 2,170.52 468.44 539.57 40.00 153.31 422.01 1,249.31 134.98 344.90 39.70 $ 5 5C7.80 $ 1,704.09 3,9GG.3C 152.00 $27,405.49 FRUITLAND BENCH $ 4,035.00 $ 2,318.12 $ 5,822.47 $ 2,451.97 $..3,050.98 $ 5 142.88 197. CO 3,254.58 177.50 177.00 235.75 235.75 $ 5,142.88 $ 3,153.35 823.75 823.75 255.00 255.00 $ 3,300.52 $ 3.37C.89 $52,037.65 $5G,495.86 $41,278.37 I, W. L. Turner do horoby cortlty that tho abovo cstlmato of expendi tures for tho yoar 1922-1923 was proparod by mo and that tho expendi tures and budget allowance for six months of tho curront year and tho ox- pondlturos for tho threo fiscal years, next precoding tho current year as shown abovo havo boon compiled from tho records in my chargo and are true and correct copies thereof. W. L. TURNER, District Clerk Ijarfro Enrollment in P. T. A. Friday closed tho contest for members into the Frultland P. T. A. which resulted in tho largest enroll monb In tho history of tho clrclo In Frultland. Thero were 79 members paid their memberships in south Frultland. and 108 members Joined frim North Frultland precinct. Tho Circle had already four members paid In making a total membership of 191 members. At tho meeting Friday afternoon Mrs. George C. Todd read a most valuablo paper on Civic Duty, There was 'music by tho Brethren trio, ac companied by Miss Opal Eldredgo on tho piano, and a piano duet by Cor lnno and Lloyd Johnson. Roll call was given and part of tho members answored with a curront event. The largest membership of tho Frult land association before was 158. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eldredgo are the parents of a son, born Saturday, Octobor 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoyden of Bloomfield, Iowa, came Monday evening for a visit at the J. W. Rus sell homo, on their way to Cnll fornlaa for tho winter. J. W. Richardson hold a salo of all his personal property at his ranch Monday. Ho with his wife, accompanied by Merritt Snowberger, loft Tuesday of this weok for Ontar io, California, going by auto. Misses Winifred Bossen, Dorothy Lewis and Grace Paxton wero up from Caldwell to spend tho week end with relatives and friends. Tho school board purchased threo now Underwood typewriters for uso in tho commercial department. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Madson and daughter, Miss Catharine returned Saturday evening from Missouri Valley, Iowa, whore they visited Mrs. Madsen's parents for two weeks. KINGMAN KOLONY -vSSIXi-' Every Woman Loves to Paint when she knows how let us tell you PAINTING is really fascinating work. Ones you ire started you'll probably not want to stop until you have rcfinished many tilings you did not Intend to do at first. Of course there are some simple directions that must be followed if the work is to be successful, for wo have a special "Home Sen Ice Paint Department" which was organized just to tell you how to paint. Perhaps some of your furniture, floors, woodwork or walls are begin nine to look a little old just on the surface. Pick out one or two things to refinlsh. Tell us about them and how you want them to look when finished. Our experts will tell you what materials to use, how to do the work step by sten, what brushes uu'll need, and ever) tiling about it. For 73 )cars we hive been making paints, varnishes, enamels, wall fin ishes and stains for women to use. They aro tho finest materials of their kind that we know. Write for Fuller's Free Advice and refinlsh a few home things. You'll be surprised how fascinating the work is and how muck )ou can save, too. Rubber-Cement Floor Paint RuferCamtat Floor fatal U duiablf , aaaiiarr aad ( waterproof diIdI for floor I of utckror. cloaata, balk room, blllt, etc. Spraada I eiatlr. eorara weu, drUa kard i over lutst, 11 colors and I nklla. Wo tUo ratio Docorot Vir. Uk Slalaa. All Porpoa Vir. IJm. SUltankila Ertaraal. Waikafcla Wall rialak.l I Huta f or-Ftoort Varnlak, ttai. Aalo Emmal, Vvllar'a Hot W.l.r Wall rial,k (kalioralao), Porck aa Sua ralat, a4 rIOMEEH WU1TK 1,1 SO, James W. Jones of Salt Lake, who motored to Emmett on 'business con nected with his orchards thero, spent tho weok end in tho Kingman home. Mrs. Floyd Andorson 'and her llt tlo son and daughter came Sunday to visit her father, D. W. Johnston, while Mr. Andorson Is in Salt Lake. Mrs. Harvoy Otis formnlly enter tained a few friends several after noons recently In honor of Miss Dur ham. Mr. and Mrs. William Kinder wore calling in tho Kolony Wednes day in the Interests of tho Canning and Pig club work. Mr. and Mrs. II. It. Otis delight fully ontertained at dinner Thurs day ovoning, Octobor 12, colobratlng tholr wedding anniversary. Tho guests wore Mr. and Mrs. Kingman and thlor guest, Miss Durham. Miss Bornlco Martin spoilt tho week end at her homo in tho Kolony. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwards and chil dren roturnod to their home Sunday after spending a pleasant week in Now Plymouth. Tho pumps havo beeit turned off nnd G. W. Brockle, tho ditch man, Is spending a vacation In Boise. Word has boon recoivod that Mr, and Mrs. B. F. Logan, formorKolony and Owyhee residents, aro disposing of their intorests near Nampa nnd will motor to California this month. Thoy anticipate making their homo In California. It is roportod that Mr. LaToureo of Emmett has bought tho II. S, Burroughs farm. Mr. La Toureo oxpocts to plant n pruno orchard. Fullers SPBKIHCATIOH "tfem $6vic Paints VamltM-lnfnsl-3raln Manufacture by W. P. Fuller & Co., Dept. 43, Sa FraasU BraocUa la IB atlas la lb Waal Fuller's "Uom Strvlca" Falstsar told bjr tie folloloj In you Ctt7. Taggart Hardware Co. Pure Prepared Paint FOIl UENT Oil SALETwo houses on East side near school. May bo had at n bargain. Sco Q. W, Haw, Ontario, tf. IMPOUNDING NOTICE Notlco Is horoby given that, In pursuanco of Ordinanco No. 23G, of tho City of Ontario, I havo taken up and impounded tho following de Rcrlbod animals found running at largo within tho corporate limits of tho City of Ontario, in Malheur county, State of Orogon, to-wlt: Gray horso, nbout 11 yoars old, wolght about 1300 lbs. branded thus on loft foro leg. Bay horso, ngo unknown, wolght about 1300 lbs., wlro cut ou both hind legs. Ono hind foot white. Bay horso nbout 8 yoars old, no visible brand, weight nbout 1000 lbs., threo whlto feet. And that I will on tho 26th day of October, 1922, at tho hour of threo o'clock P. M., of said day offer for Balo nud will soil abovo doscrlbed animal at public auction to the high est blddor for cash in hand, at tho City pound In said City of Ontario. Taken up this 16th day of Oc tober, 1D22. Posted this 17th day of October, 1923. H, C. Farmor, City Marshall. FOR SALE at Farmers' prlcos, 3 WANTED Another good ranch on boors six months old. full brothers which to grow potatoos, Advlso to gilt which won aweopstakes at O. F. (Potato) Smith, Huston, Ida. County Fair. Seo M. H. Qreen, Phono 4 00-11. S, 45 St. Rlvordalo, Oro., oppojjtq Woisor. 2t YOU! You, voters of Oregon, must decide November 7 whether or not you want the state to take away your God-given, -American right and privilege to educate your child as you deem best. An Initiative) bill, sponsored by a certain element of our cltl zons, known as the compulsory education measure, will be on the ballot this general election. It purports to compel children up to certain years to go to school (a very good thing In itself), but it goes so far as to tell you that you must NOT send them to any private school. Thero is already a compulsory education law on our statute books that is working well. It, however gives you tho right to say whether your child shall bo educated In the public or a private school. YOU decide; but this now bill denies YOU the right to determine this question. Do YOU want such a law as this in Oregon? Pol. Adv. Fresh Cow for sale. Call 208M. BOYS! GIRLS! COME TO OUR STOKE. Get a Fuel Saving Week Tag. It will admit you to tho Majestic Theatre for any performance during week of October 22 to 2S. FREE All that Is necessary If for your paronts to go to tho theatre with you, Colo's Hot Blastt Heaters, Ranges and Furnaces burn approximately twenty pounds of air to every pound of coal. Air costs nothing coal is expensive. Burn more air in a Cole's Hot Blast and save one-third to one-halt of your fuel bill. Cole's Hot Blast Heaters burn hard coal, soft coal, coke, lignite, briquettes, wood, corn cobs, corn stalks ANYTHING. Ontario Furniture Company The Thor Will Eliminate All the Rubs In Your Week,sJ Washing Only 6c Worth of Electricity Next Monday morning just pile your dirty clothes In a Thor, snap the switch and go about your other work. The Thor will do tho washing better than it was over dono beforo, and at a cost of not to exceed G cents for current. Before you know it, your clotheB are on tho line and you've hardly realized it was wash day. (I l TV f fr lr fV y y p j rN llt IW lEiPPk When your clothes are placed In tho cylinder of the Thor, they are carried a over and over through the foaming suds. Not a gar ment can remain in tho bottom of the tub only half cleaned, as is true with many types of washers. - ' Why Break Your Back Over a Wash Board or Hand Power Washer? Electricity stands ready to eliminate the drudgery of housework, Just as it has lowerod labor costs and brought about .greater efficiency in hun dreds of thousands of offices and factories. Glvo this invisible sor vnnt n chance to help you. Ordor your Thor Washer today. It will pay or itself ovory month you uso it, and then some. -Will put an end to "Blue Monday" in your home for all time. -Will give you possession of the wonderful Thor Washer. fit-, HP Balance Terms of $6.75 a Month No woman should have to mako a slavo of herself, scrubbing her nalln oft and ruining nor health, when such a splendid Electric Washer can bo bought ontsuch remarkably easy terms. Order yours today. 1 Idaho Power Company X r t' -1 t v i V! ' ' r 4 V I .