THE ONTAEIO AEG PS, ONTARIO, OEEGON, THURSDAY, OCT, 19 1922 NOXICi: OP SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEnEBY GIVEN to tho legal voters of School District No. 8 of Malheur County, Stato of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETWrt of said District will bo held at the High School, on the 30th day of October, 1922, at 7:30 o'clock in tho ovoning, for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with tho levying board, and to vote on the pro position of lovying a special district tax. Tho total amount of -money needed by the said school district 'luring tho fiscal year beginning on Juno 20 1923, and ending Juno 30, 1924, is estimatod in tho following budget and includes tho amounts to bo re ceived from tho county school fund, stato school fund, elementary school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of tho district: budget ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES PKHSONAL BKIWICE: No. SuporlntDndont Principals Teachers Janitor ... Clerk"'.'".".' .....1 ....1 ....1 ....1 .....1 1 1 3 4 ....3 .....7 ,....1 ....1 .....1 ....1 Salary Per Year $2,700 1,800 1,350 1,215 2,000 1,700 1,530 1,440 1,350 1,125 1,080 990 1,200 C75 450 300 Total ?2,700 4 3C5 2,000 1,700 1,530 1,440 4,050 4,500 3 240 G.930 1,200 C76 450 300 Total ?35,080 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: Furnituro (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.) ? Supplies (chalk, erasers etc.) Library books Flags Playground oqulpmont Janitors supplies Fuel Light Wator Postago and stationary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. 7. 8. 9. 10. 500 27S 400 10 00 265 1,500 185 300 BO Total 3'485 MAINTENANCE AND ItEPAIItS: Building nnd grounds ? 760 Building and grounds 750 Total v...?l,500 INDEBTEDNESS: 1. Bonded, and lutorost thereon ?2,S05 IRONSIDE NEWS Total :. 2'805 THAN8POIITATION OF PUPILS: ,.?1.000 Total S1'000 Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Lofton and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lofton and fam ily motored to Baker Saturday Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Elms visited Saturday with friends In Baker. Mrs. J. P. Smith spent a couple of days last week visiting at tho Chas. Howard homo In Baker. 4 W. It. Lofton returned homo last Thursday from a business trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lapert and family and Jory Lawronco of Unity, were Ironsldo vlsitorsl Friday. B. Plummor and son Edison left Wednesday on a hunting and trap ping trip. Mr. and Mrs. Itollen made a trip to Nyssa Wednesday for household goods. F. Smith of Brogan came In for a load of lumber at Howard Bros, sawmill, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Carlisle and son Harvey, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Q. Whlto and daughter Norma, were ovornlght visitors at Ironsldo "Wed nesday, going to Brogan for winter apples, from Unity. Mrs. H. C. Elms spent Wednesday vlsltinir with her sister Mrs. Julia Smith at Brogan. Mrs. Chas. Boore and son Clar once went to Frultland Friday for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Morfltt of Unity wero Ironsldo visitors. Chas. Boore had the misfortune of cutting the end of a thumb off last Friday while making a brake block. C. F. Wise and son shipped a car load of beef cattle to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cape were called to Vale Sunday on account of the serious illness of his mother. John Woodcock has his thresher in repair again and is now threshing for Locey Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rose went to Vale Friday to have dental work done. Mr, Cooper of California, was an Ironsldo visitor Friday enroute to Vale. II. F. Elms of Unity, was an Iron side visitor Friday. COMPLAINTS FILED Bankers Discount Corp. vs. Wm. Hanloy. 101022. $9,422.00. Van Petton Lbr. Co. vs. Guy John ston. 10111122. Recovery os Note. $75.15. Winnomucca State Bank & Trust Co. vs, Frederick A. Sage. 101222. Replevin. $2400. Haujjhty Stare Cowed Leopard. A planter In Tanganyika Territory, South Africa, walking-' along a foot path, fell Into a big game pit In which a leopard had been trapped. Neither the benst nor the man could get out again, so the planter was "up against it," but remembering what he hud heard of the power of the human eye, he fixed tho leopard with a haughty stnre. "By this means and by making strange noises, I kept the animal at bay until a friend nppeared and shot It," he said. Others who heard of the affair, and who know the plnnter very well, point out that he Is a lean nnd slender man, not likely to attract a leopard unlesi tho latter was indeed hungry to a desperate point. INSURANCE: .$ 925 Total 9 2 5 MISCELLANEOUS: 'Home Economics, $C50; Mus. & Art, $300; Phy. Training, $125; Bctonco $225;.. Com. Dopt., $220;.. Printing, $150; Vocational Agriculture $150; R. O. T. C, $100.. Total n.320 EMERGENCY: $ 500 Total - 500 Total ostlmatod nniount of monoy for all purposos duilng year $47,-15 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund during tho coming school ycar....$G,G13 From stato school fund during tho coming school year .... 2,205 From elomontnry school fund during tho coming school yoar $1,759 Estimated amount to bo rocolvod from nil other sources during tho coming school joar $8,050 fotnl ostlmatod receipts, not Including proposed tax $18,G29 RECAPITULATION Totnl ostlmatod oxponsos for tho yoar $47,215 Total estimated iccolpts not including proposed tax 18G29 Balance, amount to bo ralsod by district tax ..$28,586 Datod this Oth day of Octobor, 1922. Attest: W. L. TURNER, "ft. H. LAXSON, District Clork. Board of Directors. VALLEY VIEW Tho eighth grade are writing the nows notes for Valley View this winter. Freeman Gentry has been absent from school an account of an in jurod arm, sustained while playing ball. Mrs. A. F. Burr entertained tho seventh and eighth grades last Fri day ovenlng in honor of the birth day anniversary of her son Lawr onco. A very pleasant ovenlng was spent, games being played, after which refreshments were served. Rev. E. E. Martin preached nt the school houso Sunday nftornoon. Tho lettuce growers nro harvest ing their crops, and report very good ylolds. Tho people In the Valley View district wore very well awaro of tho fact that pheasant season was open whon they heard tho reports of tho guns last Sunday. LoRoy Dean and Paul Mooller wore well paid for the time they spent last Sunday hunting, as they brought homo a number of pheasants. success jpBMteiwiik' IWIiivaiiMBiiBiiJifci3BMSiWili LVftirc HijfWW In these clrtys of high prices aud advanced liv ing costs yon have a double incentivo to save. Tho savings bank account of today represents tho foundation of many a fortune of tomorrow. Building up a reserve- is not difficult after you havo begun it, but tho important thing is the start. Wo invito you to make that start with us. l MALIIEUU COUNTY REAL ES- TATE TRANSFERS IlECOKD- KI OCT. 7 TO OCT. 14 U. S. A. to David M. Miller, lot G Sec. 31-21-47. 11221. Northorn Pacific Ry. Co. to Jor emlnh Collins & Co., SEUSEtf Sec. 5-1G-45. 82422. $410. P. E, Cavaney et ux to H. Crls man et ux SWttSW.. Sec. 13; SE HSEtf Sec. 14; NW 1-4, nnd WN EU Sec. 24-27-38. 9822. $10. U. S. A. to Augustln Ponson, E Sec. 1-27-39. 11520. U. S. A. to Leo Shoton, SE'iNEVi Sec. 24-14-42; lots 1 and 2, ENW M, WNE 1-4 Soc. 19-14-43. U. S. A. to Leo Sholton, NEViSE Soc. 24-14-42; lots 3 nnd 4, E SWU, WHSEU Soc. 19-14-43. Wm. H. Dofroos et ux to Arthur L. Holland, 40 acres on Mortons Is land. G217. $2000. H. C. Eastham ot ux to L. 'IC. Bullock, lots 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, block 3, Hadloys 1st Add. to Vale. 92022. $4000. U. S. A. to Lewis L. Seward, SE ViNWU, SWUNG 1-4 Sec. 24-28-37. 121706. U. S. A. to Mary I. Seward, NWU NEtf Sec. 24-28-37. 11314. Lowls Seward ot ux to Frank Clement, NWtf"NEU, SEViNW 1-4. SW 1-4 NH 1-4 Sec. 24, SW 1-4 SE M, SHSWU Sec. 13; SSEU. SE 1-4 ,SW 1-4 Sec. 14; N NWtf. S W ViNWU Sec. 24-2S-37, 10422. $2000. Frank Lynch ot ux to Kntherlno Roborger, lots 1 and 2, block 28, -Nyssa. 10222. $1.00. Economy. Longlocks had just receded a check for $10 for one of his poems. "Now, dearie," said his wife, "let's deposit that check In the savings ac count and Imagine wo haven't got It." "Where will I deposit this bill for tho new hat jou got last week and imagine I haven't got It?" From Judge. No Genius Without Pessimism. Schopenhauer, In his doctrine of the futility of life, emphasizes the fact that nonius Buffers more deeply and feels more Intensely Just because of Its ab normally developed wiu ana intellect, nnd that, therefore, genius without pes simism, Is unthinkable either In the field of poetry or philosophy. The placing of Shakespeare and Buddha In juxtaposition Is quite In line with the trend of modern thought. Buddhism, like the Tagorc cult, Is at present in the forefront of Interest, and it Is safe to say that during the entire century preceding tha nnr thprn was less written and said on tho subject of Buddhism than In the past year. The most widely rtivoruwit Intellectual currents are being traced back to the Buddhistic source, and every new system or philosophy and all modern historical researches are built up on Buddhistic foundations. Exchange. !') IT PAYS if you have anything to sen, if you have anything to trade, if you want to buy something, Use the Classified Columns of The Statesman It Is the Eeal MARKET PLACE OF IDAHO Send for any Information that may help you In writing the advei tlsement. Wo want It to pay you. OTjASSDjTED ADVERTISING RATES. Rate per word Counted on eoUd Une basla: nnnh tnonrtlnn. nflr word .....- One week (7 Insertions), per word.. One month (30 insertions), per word Ammusne ordered for a stated length of time, no ad to count less than 10 words. .-- 1 STATESMAN BOISE, IDAHO T IHIIHBII WBaleft Is Large tEae Sena t iit The sun is the largest but you can hold the cent so close to your eye that you'll lose sight of the sun. Don't let a cheap price or a big can baking powder make you lose sight of quality. IT'S TOASTED ffl I one extra process fm H whfoh gfvos a jl H delicious flavor H KwCKru M&mmm E"W The Economy WBSESS Is the quality leav ener f or real econ omy in the kitchen, alwaysuseCalumet, one trial will con vince you. The sale of Calu met is over 150 greater than that of any other baking powder. PJWMH V CONTtNTSIl S SSSM BEST BY VEST VMS WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER . . . and now, if our estimates are right, the fastest-growing cigarette in the United States. In the long rim, quality does tell -VP 'le It a cur lionrtt be ' ' Jin that fur the price a.kcd, Clioterflrld Firs tho Rrc-tcit ralue in 'IutUUi Mend ciga-. rctte ever offered to ttuulten. LIjecU & Myr Tobacco Co. ) i V 4 1