The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 12, 1922, Image 5

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NOTICE 18 HEIIEBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District
No. 8 or Malheur County, State ot Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETTNfl of
said District will bo held at the High School, on tho 30th day of October,
1922, at 7:30 o'clock In the evening, for the purpose of discussing the
budget hereinafter set out with the levying board, nnd to voto on the pro
position of levying a special district tax.
The total amount of money needed by tho said school district during
the fiscal year beginning on Juno 20 1923, and ending June 30, 1924, is
estimated in the following budget and includes tho amounts to bo re
ceived from tho county Bchool fund, stato school fund, elementary school
fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district:
Superintendent 1
Principals 1
Teachers 1
.". L... 1
Salary Per
4 365
3 240
. i
1922, by McC'.urt Newapaper Syndicate
Total $35,080
1. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.)' $
Supplies (chalk, erasers etc.) 275
Library books 400
Flags 1 0
Playground equipment 00
Janitor's supplies 265
Fuel 1,600
Light 186
Water ;. 300
Postage and stationery 60
Total ?3,486
Building and grounds .: .'...;....$ 760
Building and grounds .. 760
Total .'.....-. .-. ?1,600
1. Bonded, and interest thereon $ 2,806
Total .-. $2,806
Total r. $1,000
.$ '926
Total ;. ." $ 925
Home Economics, $650; Mus.'& Art, $300; Phy. Training,
$125; Science $225;.. Com. Dept., $220;.. Printing, $150;
"Vocational Agriculture, $150; R. O. T. C, $100."
Total $1,920
.$ 600
Total $ 500
Total estimated amount of money for all purposes during
year $47,215
From county school fund during the coming school year.. ..$8,615
From state school fund during the coming school year .... 2,205
From elementary school fund during the coming school
year $1,759
Estimated amount to be recelved-from all other sources
during the coming school year $8,050
Total estimated receipts, not Including proposed tax $18,629
Total estimated expenses for the year $47,215
Total estimated recolpts not including proposed tax 18 629
Balance, amount to be raised by district tax $28,586
Dated this 6th day of October,. 1922.
Attest: W. L. TURNER.
District Clerk.
Board of Directors.
fc i K W.t
Friendship and Music
Complete the spirit of every day with
good music. Make a real occasion for
happiness by bringing a Victrola into; your
home and opening your doors to the mus
ic of the whole world.
Prescriptions our Specialty
Rexall Eastman Victor
Mr. und Mrs. Billy Trout lind been
married almost a year when Mr. Billy
brought home the invitation from ills
big und genial boss to spend two
weeks with him at bis camp in tho
Adirondacks. Little Mrs. Billy almost
wept with delight, although she haled
o leave their pretty little apartment.
"An anniversary honeymoon," she
told her husband.
"And a raise, with a membership In
view," lie returned. "We must make u
success of It, honey, for I'm pretty
sure our whole future depends on these
two weeks. Mr. Henry's a bug on lish
Ing, so he and 1 will hit It off all
right, and If anyone could help luvlng
you "
After the ecstasies and the packing
and the trip, the visit started auspi
ciously, and continued so for a week
and a alf. Mrs. Henry and Jack and
Jill, the Incorrigible seventeen-year-old
Henry twins, took Honey to their
hearts at once, and Billy and Mrs.
Henry waded miles of brook for trout
and bass and came bark to the camp
tired, content, and empty-handud.
"Got to. go down to the village with
this letter, Honey."
"Not In this downpour. Billy!"
"Silly 1 It's Important, and Mr.
Henry wants it to go at once. 1 met
Jock and Jill Just coming In, soaked
from head to foot. They're going to
have a corn pop and promised to wait
till I got back. Doesn't that sound
good?" ,
"Yes, but oh, run along, I'm going
to hnve n nap till you get back, 'cause
I'm sleepy, sleepy, slee-ee-py." She
nearly yawned a big. Impolite yawn
Billy bugged her, and hurried off.
Honey tugged the screen around the
couch, disappeared behind It, nnd
snuggled down by the leaping tire.
Some time later she woke to the
sound of voices, one Irritated and fret
ful, the other soothing.
"But, dear " the soother was say
"I know, I know," the Irritated voice
of Mr. Henry answered his wife, "you
nre going to tell me It's my own fault,
but how the but how could I know
It wns going to be like this? Usu
ally when wo've been up here ut this
time of the year everything's been One,
Honey, an unwilling eavesdropper,
neld her breath. What could he mean?
Mrs. Henry wns speaking.
"Surely, dear, you can afford to
be magnanimous, nnd forget that these
two weeks haven't been nil thnt yon
She wns Inughlng nt him, nnd he,
as nlwnys when she Inughed at him.
forgot bis grouch and laughed rue
fully. "You're an nngpi Clare," he told
her, "hut this hinmd trout season has
got me. Let's go and see If Bill is In
Fight yet."
Honey lay cowering among the pil
lows. "This blamed trout season ! This
blamed trout season!" It heat Into her
brain. Then she had fulled after nil.
nnd Billy's life was ruined. Their
visit wns not a Riiccess, but u mKer
nhle failure, und It was her fault.
Poor Billy, It mennt so much to him
nnd she lind spoiled It all. Tours
rolled down her cheeks. What hud
she done? Why? Why? She would
go to Mr. Henry and jisk. and tell hm
thnt It was her fault. Billy must have
his raise.
She staggered to her feet, pushed
aside the screen nnd stared nt Billy,.
still In his dripping oII-rUIiis.
"Why, sweetheart," he began, and
the storm broke, rivaling the one rag
Ing out-of-donrs. On his breast Honey
punted out her story, and Bill), nt
first inclined to laugh at her, grew
serious and then alarmed. This thing
meant so much to Honey, nnd if he
had done anything to queer It, he'd
straighten It out or
"There, there," he said lightly, "don't
cry, Honey. You're Just a silly little
girl. He didn't mean anything. It's
Just your Imagination. Too vivid
Ho wants to see me now, Just ns soon
as I get off my coat, nnd everythlng'll
be all right."
"But he said: "This bl-hlamed trout
season 1"
"Well, but" Billy was worried lilm
self. "Honey, listen, I'm going to see
Mr. Henry now. Bnthe your eyes and
wait for me hero und then we'll see
what's to be doue. Will you. Honey?"
Honey went off with her tears and
troubled soul, and Billy squared his
shoulders and marched Into Mr.
Henry's den. Honey came back tear
less, nnd wulted, still companioned by
that same troubled soul. And then,
when she could bear It no longer, Billy
shot out of Mr. Henry's den, hugged
her, kissed her, nnd snt upon the
couch Hml held her on his knee. He
laughed and laughed until Honey wu
ready to burst Into tears again
"Dearest," he gasped, "-fnu dear,
silly little kid I Mr. Henry's crayj
about us. You're sitting on thekneo
of the Junior partner of Henry. Mill
ard & Henry, right now, and Mr
Henry says I owe it nil to you HeV
stuck on you, darling."
"But, Billy, 'thoMp blamed trout'"
"Exactly, We wallowed through
fathoms of water, and have we caught
one? We have not. They are the
trout Hint nre 'blamed,' Hnnejhtinrh
not your poor, unfortunate lish of u
"Billy I My Billy Trout!" gasped
IJoney. nnd nut silent, thankful with
nil her heart that the fishing hud been
in good lust year, when she cuugh
Kej Billy.
03, 1932. by McClure Nwpaper Syndicate
Nurbe Crane was really responsible
for It all. When she saw wealthy
Chatles Ladd's room full to overflow
ing with benutlful llowers, she sug
gested that he send a few to "the lit
tle girl across tho hall," who had none.
Big-hearted Charles Ladd gladly act
ed upon the suggestion, without know
ing that the "little girl" wns little
ouly in Nurse Crane's ejes had, In
fact, reached the mature age of nine
teen. "Who was lovely enough to send
me these?" Lois Wilson queried as she
snatched tho roses eagerly and cud
dled them against her cheek.
"Oil, a little hoy across the hall,
who had more than he wanted," Nurse
Crane carelessly said, and Immediate
ly went uway and forgot all about It.
Lois sent n note of thanks the very
next day. She printed It, to make sure
the '"lltle hoy" could read It rather
crooked printing at that appendi
citis. So, of course, he printed his re
ply, and the childlike correspondence
flourished until his broken leg hnd
mended enough to allow lilm to go to
the piazza, the very same day that
she took her first tilp there.
It was Nurse Craue, as It happened,
who Introduced the two, nnd her sur
prise at the misunderstanding was
equal to theirs at finding each other
grown up.
"Shall I play marbles"' with you, or
will you play dolls with me?" Lois
nsked after the first astonished ques
tions nnd answers were over.
"Either, as long as we play together
nicely and don't quarrel," lie respond
ed, deciding that the hospital was not
quite the drenry place he hnd, up to
now, considered It.
The morning passed quickly, with
exchanged confidences and friendly
comersatlon. So did the next, and sev
eral more following, until the two
felt like very old acquaintances. Then
came a day when henry, pouring rain
made the piazza Impossible. Lois In
her room gave up to the queer bodily
aches und pains that had been grow
ing more and more troublesome
through the night, Hnd to the queerer
heart-ache which had been developing
for several days.
Dr. Gordon looked grove when he
found her so.
Mennwhlle, Charles wns having
troubles of his own. For several days
he had been annoyed by a very un
comfortable little conscience. Now he
began to realize clearly the fact that
lie, an honorable, upright young man,
engaged with nil due formullty to
Miss Sjlvla Preston and receiving
dally dainty notes from her In her
distant home, wns falling deeply In
love with Miss WlUon.
When at last that long, dreary day
had worn to n close nnd Charles wns
trying to forget his perplexities und
settle down for the night, his atten
tlon was attracted to a subdued com
motion across the hall. At last u low
moan reached him. He rang his hell
furiously and a nurse responded. Ills
anlou.s Inquiries drew forth little In
formation, however.
He lay hack on Ids pillow, great
beads of perspiration standing on Ills
forehead. "Lois- Lois," lie wlilspeied,
nnd knew that In losing her lie had
lost his mate the one woman de
signed for Mm.
It wns thus that Nurse Crane found
him when she mude licr morning
rounds. She looked keenly nt his
white, set fuce, smiled a wise little
smile and said seftly:
"I wouldn't worry. She Is better,'
you know."
"She I Do you mean Lola?" Charles
sat straight up, regardless of the In
jured leg.
"Why, yes," Nurse Crane looked
puz.led, "Didn't jou know she was
taken worse yesterday and they hnd
to operate In the night? She has been
very low, but her condition Is quite
satisfactory now," she went on, notic
ing the anguished bewilderment In his
eyes, "nnd If all goes well she will
soon bo back In her old room,"
"Did you care so much?" she said.
"More than all the world," he whis
pered, und closed his eyes as she tip
toed from the room.
The days went by with Lois gaining
On the duy he wns first to visit Lois
he waited Impatiently for the appoint
ed time, firm In this determination.
Mall time broke the tedluusness of ids
waiting. There was the usuul violet
scented envelope the note wus short
this time Ids fnce altered strangely
as he read. Sylvia, bis old pal, had
found the same wonderful expcrlenco
tlmt hud come to lilm. She felt she
must tell him und break the engage
ment before his homecoming. Her
heurt ached for him, but frankness
wus the only way.
The clock struck three. Without
wnlting for the nurse, ho made his way
with surprising quickness across the
narrow hall und through th half-open
door, Lola wns lying, frail and sweet,
looking deep Into the heart of one of
his roses as though To read some word
less message there.
Ills eyes gave the message tho rose
bad fulled to convey, und hers an
swered the light in his. Ills hands
clasped hers tightly and
A gusp from the doorway. Nurse
Crune stood there, on her face a mix
ture of bewilderment and surprised
"I suppose I n m responsible for
this," she said, after a moment. Then,
bending closer the elderly fucu on
which no romance had ever left lis Im
print, she added seftly: ,
"Bless you. my children! How fust
I you huve both grown up I"
Wollesley, Hills, aiass. Oct. 7,
1922. Discussing tho statement of
certain bankers that the country Is
headed for another period of infla
tion, Itogor W. Babson today ls-
suod tho following statoment from
his statistical offices at Wollesley
"For readers who are not bankers
and oconomlsts, let me first oxplnin
is a simple language what Is meant
by inflation. Mon who aro ac
quainted with tho Bahsonchnrt ot
Business Conditions know It is made
up of two linos first a normal lino
representing tho permanent growth
of tho country which looks like a
simple up-hill grade nnd a second
lino which looks like tho outline of
hills and valleys. This second lino
represents temporary business con
ditions. For a few years it is abovo
tho normal lino. Whon tho two
lines coincide, business Is normal,
but when tho second lino is above
tho normal lino, bankers say wo aro
having inflation, whllo when this
lino is below tho normal line, bank
ers say wo aro having dotiation.
Just now they say wo aro threat
ened with nnothor period of infla
tion. "Tho normal lino of business Is
dotormincd by tho honesty, lntol
llgenco Industry, and thrift of tho
people. Comparing tho health of
business with tho health of a per
son, wo would say that tho normnl
growth depends upon how wo be
havo and how wo tako caro of our
selves. Tho temporary business
lino, however, is affocted by stim
uli tho samo as our body. A stim
ulant may greatly exhilarate us
but wo know tho offect is only tem
porary and tho reaction afterwards
Is very depressing wo feol much
worse in a few days. This is tho
scientific explanation of tho com
mon saying, 'I feol llko tho morning
after. Thoro aro several reasons
why tho bankers may ho right In
saying that a temporary period of
inflation is at hand. Tho country
during tho past year has been given
three distinct stimulants, which
should artificially holp business and
thoroby cause Inflation.
"Tho first of theso stimulants
was tho Immigration Law passed a
year ago and which was recontly ro
onactod. This Is known as tho 3
per cont Law,, which limits tho emi
gration from any country In ono
year to threo per cont of tho people
now horo from that country. It is
practically a tariff on manual labor.
If continued it will cause n famine
of common labor in this country. It
Is tho reason why tho United Stntos
Stool Corporation and other con-
corns aro Increasing tho wages of
common labor. If this law con
tinues vory much longer it will
cause nn Inflation In tho wngos of
common labor and thereby tend to
bring about a gonoral Inflation.
V25 A 7ff bS
Lots of Democrats have
been cussing The Statesman
for over 60 years, taking it
all that lime still taking it.
Just because it tells the
news honestly.
Tho only reliable history of the
Democratic party In Idaho Is In
tho files of Tho Statesman ask
any leading Democrat If tills Is
not true.
After all tho best way to know
about Tho Statesman Js to read
It for a while
May wo not send It? '
By mall or carrier
Dally and Sunday, per month,
70 cents.
By mall only
Dally without Sunday, per month,
60 cents.
By mall only
Sunday only, por month, 25 cents.
l'Kll CIONT Ih nlloncd on Ike
moiiUily Hiilincrlptioii prli'r
when adtnm-c pnyntriit In
mndo far n period of four
luonthM or IoiiKrr.
time. As tho Immigration restric
tions cause an inflation In wages,
and tho tariff an Inflation In prices
so this Turkish episodo may causo
an Inflation in interest rates.
"Theso three factors may causo
temporary Inflation. None of them
howovor, affect tho long swings of
business which are determined by
fundamental economic law. So far
as tho long swing goes, we aro In a
period ot deflation which will con
tinue for some years to como. Ovor
tho long porlod of years the ten
dency of wages prlcos and Interest
rato3 will continue downward.
Howover, It is vory llkoly that this
tondoncy has temporarily been
chocked and wo will havo all the
car marks of a period ot, prosperity
during tho next fow months."
General business ns reflected by
tho Index of tho Bahsonchnrt Is at
tho highest point in over two years.
Activity this week Is hut C por cont
below normal as compared with 7
por cent below last week and 19 por
cent bolow a year ngo.
"Tho Tariff Bill, which was passed
last month, is a second causo of in
flation. Whother or not such a
tariff is good for tho country is n
political question and Is not for mo
to discuss, but? all students nru
ngrood that It is Inrgoly a tempo
rary stimulant. The tnrlff helps
tho manufacturer tho snmo as tho
Immigration Law Increases produc
tion or makes two blades of grass
grow whoro only ono grow boforo.
Tho tariff will causo an Incroaso in
tho prlco of goods tho snmo ns tho
Immigration Law will causo an In
croaso in wugos. Increasing prices
and Increasing wngos, however do
not mako tho country any richer.
Tho country becomes richer only ns
it has moro houses, mora bushols,
moro tons, and moro yards of goads.
Marking up tho price ot goods ac
complishes nothing. With about a
thousand dollars you can today buy
a million Gorman marks and bo
como a millionaire but you aro no
richer than boforo,
"Tho third ovont that will bring
on tho inflation, hnpponed last week
when England gavo In to Turkoy.
England has been tho one groat
country outside of Amorlca which
has stood for law and order; for tho
payment of dobts nnd sound cur
rency, Tho lack of Franco nnd
Italy to back up England on tho
Turkish mattor has shakon ttho con
fldonco of tho world in Europe and
Eurodean securities. Even somo
Englishmen tthomsolves aro saying,
'What's tho uso. If no ono will
back us wo had bettor let nature
tako Its course.' This moans that
Europo instead of chocking Its hnd
leaders, has glvou In to thorn. Tho
Turkish victory la a victory for tho
inflationists of Europo. Tho back
ing down ot England is defeat for
tho sound money lutorests of tho
world, This is bound to havo an
unfortunato offect In this country
and causo hlghor intcrost rates.
The cheaper Intorcst rato period In
which wo havo boon, ontorlng mny
temporarily bo chocked and evon
money may bq scarco for a short
Eugene F. Pratt and son
of Ironsldo woro overnight
at tho DoBord homo Monday, hav
ing brought Mrs. Pratt down to tho
teachers' Institute in Ontario.
S. D. Blgolow is digging nnd pit
ting his potatoes this year.
Mr, Larson preached Sunday af
tornoon at tho school houso.
Mr. and Mrs. Robort Wallace and
family hnve moved onto tho old
Krogh place
Mrs. Chas. Johnson of Big Bend
Is visiting hor sister Mrs. Oco Sch
wolzor and family.
Mr. Ilppoy and son Roscoo aro
holptng Joo Miller of tho Kolony
this week.
John Cantrell of Montana, Is visit
Ing his son, Ray nnd family.
Mrs. Ruth Klinefelter Is attend
ing toachors lnstltuto nt Ontario
this week,
Orandma Bradley is visiting at
tho homo of hor daughter Mrs, Har
ry Pratt and family near Eramott.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Cantrell and
daughter Dottlo Bollo, woro business
visitors In Vnlo Monday.
T. M. Lowo Is hauling tho school
coal ton tons, from Nyssa this wook
Fred Snivoly visited nt Poutz last
John Wall roturnod to his home at
Creston last weok after a fow days
visit at tho Lowo homo.
Qrandpa Wallace Is looking after
tho placo and chores during tho ub
sonco of KlIngbnck'H In Walla Wal
la. Fred suroly mado a rocord
making tho trip from horo to Walla
Walla, 200 mllos In ono day with
his Ford,
O. Browning and family arrived
homo last wook, having boon nb
sont somo tlmo picking fruit.
Hemstitching and plaiting, Andor
nou & Carlton, 4 blocks wost ot tho
Mooro Hotol. Your patronage ap
preciated. Prono 90J. 2
FOR RENT Two light bousekoop-
ing rooms with bath; also garage.
Mrs. Geo. Qllham, phono 39W. 2t
conveniences and closo in. In
quire Western Union office.
FOR RENT Fivo room houso with
bath, ?25 per month. Inquire
43 W.
Fresh Cow for sale. Call 203M.