THE ONTARIO ARQOS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 12 1922 'amS rT-T Tlrfrr i irT i Unmiiiiy mmMi'Wmmm wMntHeafeayhereverjou want it. A lighted match to a good oil heater and your room is soon flooded with a warm, happy heat How convenient! No furnace to stole and coax along, no ashes to bother about. And, if you burn Pearl Oil, no smoke, dirt, nor odor. Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by a special process developed by the Standard Oil Company. Get it in bulk from dealers every where. Order by name Pearl Oil. PEARL (KEROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT Healtk Comfort Economy Safeguard trie health of your family keep your home always warm and cosy with POLE'C V. ORIGINAL i ORIGINAL HOT BLAST HEATER Gives even steady heat day and night. Guaranteed to hold fire 36 hours, and will burn any fuel. n.nlvr tliie i tl Original Hot Blast heater Js guaranteed to save one-third your fuel. There are m Tr 1 many imitations, but only one Cole's 1 Original Hot blast Come in today while Is complete. Ontario Furniture Company "See McFall and Sea Better" DR. J. A. M'FALL Eyesight Specialist, Ontario, Ore. ACROSS THE. STREET FROM THE POST OFflCE HUNDREDS of convenient and necessary things for your homes, including CHINA AND GLASS WARES, ALUMIN UM, ENAMELED AND TIN WARES. THE VARIETY STORE OPPOSITE POSTOFFIOE Notice to Sheepmen! Bucks for sale Hampshire's, Lincoln's, Panama's and Rambouillet's. See HARVEY TEST, On tario, Oregon. fOIL feraSf STANDARD "$IilJj COMPANTI Mi ifw l c'hf""u JS. i smm our slock WE GRIND OUR OWN LENSES Phone 147J ONTARIO, OREGON NOTCE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By vlrfuo of an Attachment Ex- ocution duly issued by the Clerk of tno circuit uourt or tno stato of Oregon, for tho County of Malheur, dated th 12th day of September, 1922, in a certain suit In tho Circuit Court for said State and County, wherein Tho Godfrey Hardware Co., a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered judgment against Wlllard Hanson and Ruby Hanson, as defendants, for tho sum of One Hundred Forty five & G0I100 ($145.60), -with in terest thereon at tho rato of ton per cent per annum from the 17th day of November, 1921, and tho furthor sum of Tweuty-Qvo Dollars ($25.00) as attorney's feos, and tho further sum of Twelve & C01Q0 Dollars ($12.60) for costs and disburse ments, in which judgment it was further ordered by the Court, that tho property attached In said action. and hereinafter described, bo sold for tho satisfaction of said judgment In tho manner provided by law, which judgmont was enrolled and docketed in tho Clerk's office of said Court on the 11th day of September, 1922. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN, That I will on tho 21st day of October, 1922, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at tho north main entrance door of the County Court Houso at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest biddor for cash, tho following described real property, to-wit: Commencing at tho Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 16 South, Range 47 E. W. M., In Oregon and run thence north 80 rods on the west lino of said Southwest Quarter, thence run oast 50 rods parallel to tho south line of said Southwest quarter, thence south 80 rods paral lel to west line of said Southwest Quarter, thence run west 50 rods to place of beginning, also an 8 acre tract of land described as follews: Commencing at a point on the south lino of Southwest Quarter, of Section 5, Township 16 south, Range 47 E. W. M., which is 50 rods east of Southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter and running thenco north 80 rods, thence run east 367 feet, then run in a southerly direction to a point on south line of said South west Quarter which is 160 feet from said point of beginning east, thence run CO feet west to said point of beginning. Tho above real property taken and levied upon as tho property of the said above named defendants, Wlllard Hanson and Ruby Hanson, to satisfy the said judgment In favor of The Godfrey Hardware Company, a corporation, and against the said above named defendants, with in terest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated av Vale, Oregon this 19 th day of September, 1922. H. LEE NOE. Sheriff By O. W. Glenn, Deputy Date of first publication, Sept. 21, 1922. Date of last publication October 19th, 1922. Date of sale October 21st, 1922, at 11 a. m. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution In fore closure, duly 'issued by tho Clerk of tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for tho County of Malheur, dated tho 19th day of September, 1922, and directed to me, upon a decrco and order of sale renderod in said Court on tho 19th day of Juno, 1922, wherein State Land Board of Oregon, consisting of Ben W. Olcott, Governor, Sam A. Kozer, Secrotary of State, and O. P. Hoff, State Treasurer, as plaintiff, and P. II. Brogan, William Jones, and The First Bank of Juntura, Oregon, a cor poration, as defendants, a judgment was ronderod in favor of the above named plaintiff, and tho defendants William Jones and Tho First Bank of Juntura, Oregon, a corporation, and against the above named de fendants P. H. Brogan; In favor of the abovo plaintiff, for the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00), with lnterost thereon at tho rate of six per cent per annum from tho 28th day of September, 1921, and the furthor sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) reasonable attorney's fees, and the further sum of Six & 70100 Dollars ($0.70) as costs and dis bursements; In favor of tho defendant William Jones, In tho sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00), with Interest thereon at the rato of ten per cent per annum from the 14th day of Juno, 1921, and the further sum of Ono Hundred Dollars ($100.00), reasonable attorney's feos, and for the further sum of tho defendant William Jones' costs and disburse ments in this suit, to be taxed; Iu favor of tho abovo namod de fendant The First Bank of Juntura, Oregon, a corporation, in the first cause of action, tor tho sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars (?iZ5U.uu), with lnterestt thoroon at tho rate of ten per cent por an num from tho 14th day of Juno, 1921, and for tho further sum of Ono Hundred Twenty-flvo Dollars ($125,00) reasonable attorney's fees and for tho further sum of the de fendant Tho First Bank of Juntura, Oregon, costs and disbursements in this suit, to be taxod; in tho second cause of action, for tho sum of Ono Thousand Dollars ($1000.00), with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from tho 14tb day of June, 1921, and the further sum of Ono Hundred Dollars ($100) reasonable attorney's fees, and for the further sum of the dofendant The First Bank of Juntura costs and disbursements In this suit to be taxed; which Judgmont was enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's office of said Court In said County on the 19th day of Juno, 1922, It was further ordered and decreed by tho Court that the premises hereinafter des cribed bo sold by tho Sheriff of said County as under execution, and tho proceeds of said sale bo applied ob follews: First, to tho payment of tho principal, Interest, attorney's foes, costs and other claims of tho plaintiff herein; second, to tho pay ment of the principal, Interest, at torney's fe, Gotstif sad claims of ' tho principal Interest, attorney's fees, costs and claims of tho said defond- ant The First Bank of Juntura, Oro- gon, a corporation, herein; and after paying all of tho amounts duo tho said plaintiff and said defendants William Jones and Tho First Bank of Juntura, togothor with costs and charges of making such salo,- and tho ovorplus, if any there be, bo paid over to tho defendant P. H. Brogan. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN, That I will on Monday tho 23rd day of Octobor, 1922, at the hour of eleven o'clock In tho fore noon of said day, at the north main entrance door of tho County Court Houso at Vale, Malheur County Ore., sell at public auction to the highest biddor or bidders for cash, tho fol lowing real property, to-wit: . Tho Southwest Quarter (SW3i). and tho Southwest Quaiter of tho Southeast Quarter (SWUSEVi) of Section two (2), Township nineteen (19) South, Range Thlrty-sovon (37), E. W. M., in Malheur County Orogon, together with all and singu lar the waters and water rights ap purtenant thereto, or used In con nection therewith. The abovo real property taken and levied upon as tho property of the said defendants P. H. Brogan, Wil liam Jones and The First Bank of Juntura, Oregon, a corporation, or so much thereof as may bo necessary to satisfy said judgments in favor of the above named plaintiff, and tho above named dofondants William Jones and Tho First Bank of Juntura Oregon, a Corporation, and against tho abovo named defendant P. II. Brogan, with interest thereon, to gether with all costs and disburse ments that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon this 20th day of September, 1922. H. LEE NOE, Sheriff By C. W. Glonn, Deputy Dato of first publication, Sept. 21st, 1922. Date of last publication, October 19th. 1922. Dato of Sale Octobor 23rd, 1922, at 11 a. m. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR CHARLES E. BALL, Plaintiff, TS. LEE MOURICE WEBB, BERTHA IONE WEBB, KATIE ELLEN JOHNSON, formerly Katie Ellen Webb, and RUFUS JOHNSON, her husband, and W. D. PATCH, and all porsons unknown claiming any right, title, claim, lien or inter est In and to tho real property de scribed herein, Defendants. TO: "All-persons unknown claim ing any right, title, claim, lien or In terest In the property described herein", as follows, to-wlt: South Half of tho Southwest Quarter of tho Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 15 South, Rang, 47 E. W. M. Malheur County, Oregon, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you aro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filod against you In the above entitled suit on or beforo the oxpiration of six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this Summons, and it you fall to do so for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in said Complaint, to-wlt: For a Judg ment and Decrco against tho above named defendants, Leo Mourlce Webb, Bertha Ione Webb, Katio El len Johnson, RufU3 Johnson, and W. D. Patch for tho sum of $1371.75, with interest thoreon at tho rate of 8 por annum from August 22nd, 1922, together with $150.00 roason ablo attorney fees and for costs and disbursements of said suit; and for a further decree of tho court for the foreclosure of tho Mortgage de scribed in said Complaint, and for tho salo thereof to satisfy said judgmont and decree, according to the law and practlco of said court, and for a deficiency judgmont against tho dofendant W. D. Patch; that it bo furthor ordered and ad Judged by said decree that tho de fendants, Leo Mourlce Wobb, Bertha Ione Webb, Katie Ellon Johnson, Rutus Johnson, W. D. Patch and all persons unknown claiming any right, title, claim, Hen or lnterost In and to the real property described in the Complaint herein, and each thereof, have no claim, right, title, lion or interest In, to or upon said real estate or any part thereof, ad verse to the claim and title of tho plaintiff herein, and that tho defen dants and each thoreof be forever enjoined and restrained from assort ing any right, title, claim, Hen or interest or any part thoreof advorso to plaintiff, and for such other and furthor relief as to tho court may seem just and equitable. This summons is published pur suant to an order of tho Hon. Dalton Biggs, Circuit Judge, duly mado and entered on tho 29th day of August, 1922. R. W. Swaglor Harrison McAdams, Attorneys for Plaintiff, residing at Ontario, Oregon, and Wolsor, Idaho, respectively. Dato of first publication, August 31, 1922; dato of last publication, October 12, 1922. NOTICE Of Caucus to nominato candidates for City Offices. Notico Is horoby given to tho le gal votors of tho City of Ontario, Orogon, that a caucus will be hold at tho City Hall in said city, on Monday, October 16th, 1922, at tho Hour of 7;30 p. ra. for purpose of nominating candidates for tho fol lowing City Offices: Ono Mayor, Six Councilman and Ono Treasurer, to be voted for at tho general olov tlon on November 7th, 1922. By order of tho Common Council, Clay M. Stearns, (SEAL) City Recorder, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON NO. B-G547 IN BANKRUPTCY Iu Tho Matter of Michael Need ham and Peter H. Conroy, Indi vidually and as partnors as NEEDHAM and CONROY, Bank rupts. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 23rd day of Soptembor, 1922, Michael Neodham and Peter H. Conroy, individually and as part nors as Ncedham and Conroy, tho bankrupts above named, were duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that tho first meeting of tholr creditors will bo hold at my office in Vale, Oregon, on U10 9th day of Octobor, 1922, at 11:00 A. M., at which timo said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a Trusteo, and trans net such othor businoss as may prop erly como boforo said mooting. Claims must be presented in forms required by tho Bankrupt Act, and worn to. Dated at Vale, Oregon, Septem ber 25, 1922. Ross AV. Soward, MADE BUSINESS OF, MURDER William D'jrkc, Infamous Irishman Also Instrumental In Adding Slnnlficant Verb to Languaue. Burlto and Hare were two notorious body-fciiatcliers, or resurrectionists, who carried on their infamous trade In Edlnbuigli. William Buike was born In Irclnnd In 171)2, and went to Scotland ns a laborer about 1817. In 1827 he was living In a cheap lodging house kept by another Irish laborer numed William Hare. About the end of 18-7 one of Hare's lodgers, an army pensioner, died, and Burko and Hare sold tho body to Dr. Robert Knox, nn Edinburgh anatomist. Hare there upon suggested body-snatching ns a business nnd Burke agreed. The two men then stnrtcd in to entice poor traeleis to Hare's or some other cheap lodging houso. The victims were plied with liquor and then suf focntcd under mattresses, without ninrlvs of violence. Doctor Knox took the bodies and pnld up to 14 ($00) for them. At lenst IB people had been nnudorod In this way before Burke nnd Hnro wore arrested. Hare turned King's evidence, nnd Buike was found guilty and hanged In Edln buigli on Januury 28, 1820. Hare found Scotland too hot for hlra and went to England, whore ho Is bolloved to have died under nn assumed name. The veil) "to burke," meaning to suf focate, to strangle, to suppress, or to put out of tho way secretly, had Its origin in Burke's method of doing away with his victims. WHERE GREAT EXPLORER LIES South Georgia Inland, Tomb of Sliackleton, Lonely Spot In tho Great Antarctic Renlon. An Intel estlng picture of Ufo in South Georgia Island, the "Gnteway of the Antnrctlc," whoro Slinckloton was burled, was given by nu explorer who made n research expedition thero a few years ago. At tlint time thoro was only one woman on the Island, and she was tho domestic In the house hold of Cnpt. 0. A. Larson, u former Antnrctlc explorer who had settled down us head of a Norwegian whaling station on the Island. "Below my soli tary tent," the correspondent writes, "tho grassy bank sloped sharply to a milk-colored glacial stream entering an Inlet of tho sea only 00 yards away, A qunrter of a mllo across thu Inlet stood the perpendicular front of a beautiful valley glucler, coming down between peaked hills from tho lifeless, silent Interior, Penguins bobbed out of the sea below tho glacier nnd were my most Interesting callers, for their curiosity could not resist a human Iip Ing. Sou elephants crawled uncon cernedly up tho stream below me nnd went to sleep among the hummucks on the bench. Above the tent on the plateau of tho llttlo promontory, seven pairs of albatrosses carried 011 their courtship nnd nesting, along with glnnt petrels, skims, kelp gulls and the pretty little antarctic titlarks, tho only lund bird of the Far South, whose cheerful song was almost the sole homelike fcound." 'TIs Mel 'Tnln't Mel Now get this It's good. Two sets of twin brothers occupy their tlmo in the business life of In dianapolis. One sot Is Louis nnd An drew Hoover, ns alike as tho aces on a pair of dice. Tho other Is William and Charles Small, as similar us banana. Lou Hoover knows BUI Small, but ho doesn't know Chnrles. Cliarllo Small knows Andy Hoover, but he doesn't know Lou. The oilier duy Lou Hoover met Clmrllo Small on tho street, "Hello, Hill," said Lou. "There you nre, Andy, all messed up again. I'm Charlie not Hill." "Well, ou hnven't anything on me I'm Lou, not Andy." Indlamipolts News. Loud-Cpealclng Reproducers A new dictaphone icproduoer bus been Invented which Is claimed to be fur miperior 10 present Instruments of Its class. Tho volume of sound can bo altered by shifting a smull lover, and Increased to such n degree, it h clnlmed, that head receivers nre not noeessary, Popular Mechanics Magn-zlne. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MALHEUR COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF CLARENCE W. HO WARD, Deceased. Notice is horoby given by tho. un dersigned administrator of tho Es tato abovo named, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against tho Estate of Clarenco W. Howard, deceased, to exhibit them with tho necessary vouchors accord ing to law, within six months aftor tho first publication of this notico at tho home of the administrator of said estate at Vale, Oregon, or at the office of the attorneys of sale estate. The first nottca hereof ra pub lished in the Ontario Arjus, this 3rd day of August, 1922. ANDREW W. HOWARD, Administrator of said Estate. BROOKE & GALLAGHER, Ontario, Oregon, attorneys for estate above named. NOTICE FOR PUllIilOATION Department of tho Interior . ... U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon. September 20, 1922. Notico is horeby given that Charles F. Hager, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, who, "n December 28, 1908, mado desert land entry No. 0240, for SEVi, Section 13, Township 17 South, Range 4G East, Willamette Morldlan, has filed notico of inten tion to make final Proof, under tho third paragraph of the act of March 4, 1915, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before Regis ter and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on tho 23rd day of November, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Rosa E. Hager, of Klamath Falls, Oregon. J. H. McKInnon, of Pay- etto, Idaho. Oren Boyer, A. J. Whiteside, both of Ontario, Orogon. Thos. Jones, Register. Professional Cards k Legal Guarantee GiveriW No need of Knlfexia piiln contlnuo work. Ask to ceo Qlu-o-iili I'ilc 'treatment. ONTARIO PHARMACY IVAN1.E.OAKES ConsultingflEngineer Irrigation &.Drainage work General Engineering Office City Hall, Ontario, Ore. DR. J. O. BARTLETT PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Oftico in Wilson Bids. Over Post Office ONTARIO, OREGON DR. R. A. MOON Chiropractic Physicians Electro-Tlierapoutisto Splno & Nerve SpeclaUsU Phono 1S8 Ontario, Ore. DRS WEESE&FORTNER OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 12 and 2 to 0. Office over First National Bank. Telephone No. 33 J. Ontario, Ore, DR. A. R. ROBERTS Dentist Between Ontario Pharmacy and Depot. PHONE 52.F-1 DR. HARRIET HEARS Osteopathic Physician Wilson Illdi;., Over Ruder Phono 40 DR. O. M. TVLEH DENTIST Office in Wilson Bldg. Otflco Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Phono 117 for Appointments. PS Machine Shop For all kinds of Machine Repairing Ontario, Oregon ; I ! . 1 ct ! m m 1 ft 1 -j L; 1- m 1 M ni s-'ssapv . --aHWfi!" J.-Jfc.A