The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 12, 1922, Image 1

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No. 46
E. J. Klciniuo of ltollinghan Delivers
Public Address I'lcuslng Re-
ccptlon Given by Women's
federation Resolutions
Ontario this woek entertained the
teachers of the county at the annual
teachers' institute thoro being gath
ered 108 of the pedagogs of the
county who work under the direc
tion of County Superintendent Mrs.
E. M. Crail who arranged the pro
gram of the gathering. The insti
tute was declared one of the most
successful held in rccont years.
Two features of the gathering
took place on Monday night, the
first, tho reception which was ar
ranged by the Federation of Wo
men's clubs was most pleasing and
unique. Tho movie pantomime giv
en by the male members of the On
tario High school faculty proved a
decided hit. Piano numbers were
presented by Miss Lucille Biggs
Miss Helen Dunstone, and vocal
solos by Mrs. K. L. Peterson, Mrs.
David F. Graham and Mrs. P. P.
Ryan. Mrs. E. M. Grelg prosided.
Following tho reception Prof. E.
J. IClemme of the Bellingham, Wash
ington State Normal, one of tho in
stitute lecturers, delivered a public
lecture at the High school auditor
ium to a crowd which filled tho
room. Tho lecture i was thought
provoking and eloquently delivered.
At tho last session of the insti
tute tho following resolutions woro
adopted by the assembled pedagegs:
We, the teachers of Malheur coun
ty assembled in the Annual Teach
ers' Institute held at Ontario, Ore
gon, in October 1922, do hereby re re
eolve: BSftiS
1. To oppress our sorrow over
tho loss of our friend and fellow
teacher, Mrs. Amy Odell Stinglo,
who was well known throughout the
county and 'who was this year a
teacher in tho Nyssa Public schools.
We also wish to express our sym
pathy with her family and relatives
in this time of their bereavement.
f 2. To go on record as emphasiz-
" ing the importance and advisability
of every teacher's support of mem
bership in both the State Teachors'
association and the National Teach
ers' association.
3. To express ourselve as favor
ing tho strict enforcement of the
Oregon state law prohibiting the
smoking of cigarettes by minors.
We also favor the inclusion in the
Oregon school law of a specific
statement of tho teacher's authority
to prohibit such smoking and we
desire our representative at tho
tate Teachers' association this year
to obtain tho support of other coun
ties In this state in regard to this
4. To express our interest in the
Boys' and Girls' club work of the
. -punty and to recommend that every
(TAacber loyally support the efforts
of the county club leader in his at
tempts to build up this work.
5. To go on record as favoring
an increase in tho salary of our
county superintendent and the funds
with which she carries on her work,
in ordor that she may not be handi
capped as at present. Wo desire,
especially that sufficient funds
should be provided to enable the
County Institute to obtain and keep
the instructors during tho full ses
sion of the Institute. We further
rocommeud that a committee bo ap
pointed to wait on the County Court
in order to secure such funds.
G. To express to those Instruc
tors who have so willingly given of
their time and experience ou
thanks for their helpfulness and co
operation. We especially wish to
thank Mr. Klemmo for his willing
ness to give his excellent address
Monday ovening.
7. To express to tho faculty of
the Ontario schools, tho Associated
clubs, tho Commercial club, and the
people of Ontario our appreciation
of tho courtesies and hospitality
thoy have shown us during tho 1922
session of tho County Teachers' In
stitute. 8., To express to Mrs. E. M.
Crall, our superintendent, our ap
preciation of her unfailing interest
in our schools and her efforts to
make our work n succesB.
Ivan Oakos left tho first of the
week for Harney county where he
will spend the next few weeks visit
ing tho C. L. 8. ranches.
Jean Aiken is confined to her
home by Illness, ,
Calmly powdering her nose
just a few seconds after sho
climbed from under the car
which hod rolled over twice,
Miss Loughroy of Orogon Slope,
who was one of tho teachers
attending tho instituto here
this week, on Wednesday dem
onstrated that tho expression,
"the frail sex" is most inac
curate. Miss Loughroy was a passen
ger in the car being driven by
Paul McCulloch, who was re
turning from Payette accom
panied by M. C. Marvor of Jor
dan Valley, and James Atter
bury of the Park School about
4:30 Wednesday afternoon, and
had Just reached the approach
to tho Payette river bridge
coming this way, when a big
car passed them at a teriffic
speed, and so close that Mr. Mc
Culloch swung his car to the
edge of the road to avoid being
run down and in doing so went
off the grade. Fortunately ho
was driving slowly and though
the car was badly wrecked,
windshield and top and fenders
were smashed, but nono of the
occupants hurt. The young
lady's nerves wero so calm
that sho thought of hor powder
puff the first thing.
Loo Rigglns Until Recently n, Resi
dent of Prairie City Dies in
Hospital Hero of Result of
Lee Rigglns, the six year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rigglns of
Fruitland, died at the Holy Rosary
hospital hero Monday afternoon as
tho result of an auto accident which
occured in Fruitland Saturday night.
Tho little chap was following his
father crossing the street when
Henry Williams bore down upon
him, hitting him and throwing him
underneath the car. The radiator
struck the boy cutting his scalp and
frocturing his skull near tho baso
of the brain. He was unconscious
when picked up and never recov
ered. Many people saw the acci
dent and declared it to have been
unavoidable. The Rigglns family
wero until a few weeks ago, resi
dents of Prairie City, Oregon.
Byron Turner was called to Baker
Monday on business.
" Mrs. H. B. Paul 13 visiting frionds
in Vale this week.
Miss Elsie Morris of the Morris
Mllinery, left for Los Angeles Fre-
day for a six weeks visit with
relatives and friends.
E. C. Van Petton left Sunday an
a business trip to Sunnysldo and
other Washington points.
Mr. and Mrr. Fred Canfleld re
turned Saturday from Pando, Colo,
whore thoy spent tho summer in tho
interests of the Stanfield Sheep Co.
Miss Nellie Morris returnod Sun
day from Boise where sho attended
buyors' week.
Among the Ontario visitors this
woek is Mrs. E. L. Griffith of Bolso,
who is visiting her son Harold.
Mrs, Fred Curry of Juntura brot
her little son Orrin to the hospital
Monday to undergo treatment for
an injured oye. Ho had tho mis
fortune to be struck in tho oye "by a
peach stone thrown by a playmate.
Although his condition is serious,
attending physicians hope to savo
tho little fellow's eyesight.
Mrs. Hedges of Juntura, was an
Ontario visitor tho first of tho week.
From crane camo A. E. Brown,
yell konwn stockman of tho inter
ior this week. He arrived Monday.
Mrs. J. R. RaBsmussen and on
Boyd went to Emmett on Tuesday
to spend the day with Mr. ana Mrs.
Paul Cayou. formerly of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Cayou drove over that
evening to bring them home.
Geo. J. Myers of Brogan was re
gistered at tho Cartor house on Mon
From Payette to spend a day or
two camo Geo, Vanderhoof on Mon
day. C. H. Oxman who Is the only can
dldate for county commissioner vas
in Ontario the first of tho week on
business. Mr. Oxman registered at
the Mooro.
J. F Bostic who balls from Rlv
ersldefreglstered at tho Moore Sat-
Board of Equalization Determines
On n Twenty Per Ocn Reduc
tion Follows Cut on
Livestock Last 'tnr
At a meeting of tlr Board of
Equalization Monday was deter
mined to cut tho asse 'cnt on ir
rigated farm lands of 1.10 county
twenty per cent, bringing down the
valuation for taxable purposes of
tho Owyhee lands for examplo from
$100 per acre to $80 and other dis
tricts in proportion.
This adjustment was made by the
uuajilmous decision of tho board af
ter a thorough consideration of the
petition presented by a number of
land owners under tho Owyhee
Ditch in tho Nyssa torritory, and is
in lino with tho reduction in person
al property such os sheop and cat
tlo which was made last year fol
lowing tho slump in livestock val
Tux Delinquency $000,000
The last half of tho taxes collected
this year was duo on the last Thurs
day, and according to tho reports
of tho officials in tho sheriff's
office, about one half of the install
ment was paid. This will make tho
total of delinquent taxes in the
county total $G00,000, but despito
this big delinquency taxes whllo ap
parently bad is not reflected In the
conditio ofn flnancos of tho county
government itself. For example
In spite of this largo delinquency tho
county itself is still upon a cash
basis, this is true in spite of tho fact
that to pay the county's proportion
of the state taxes tho officials havo
had to draw upon tho general fund
of the county for $25,000 for last
year, and may have to do so for tho
last half of this year.
While the county itself has no
outstanding warrants there are few
of tho taxing subdivisions whoso de
linquencies in payment of taxes ac
counts for most of the largo total
can boast of bucIi a record. In
other words tho County Court is
almost alono among the taxing di
visions of tho county that has so
trimmed its expenses that it has
kept within the sum that the peoplo
havo paid, though to do this work
contemplated has not been done
Tlirco States to Join In Considering
Short Cut From Bolso to Cali
fornia Sohslon to bo Held
for Tlirco Days
County Judgo E. II. Test headed
the vanguard of delegates from this
end of tho county to atend tho meet
ing of the I-O-N road boosters to
bo hold in Jordan Valley tho last
throe days of tho weok. Today
James A. Lackey, R. W. Swagler,
Earl Blackaby and O. fC. Aikon are
leaving, whilo P. J. Gallagher Is is
understood will represont tho Oro
gon Highway commission.
Boise, Caldwell, Nampa and Wln
noraucca Nevada, and according to
reports reaching horo, one or two
California cities will be represouted.
When Luther W. (Bill) Lowry,
who calls on tho buyors of paper In
this section for tho Zollorbnch Pa
per company, with headquarters at
Boise, reached this city Tuesday he
was not alono. Just ft half hour
boforo ho drove Into Ontario Bill
signed papers in a matrimonial ex
cursion before Judgo Will Wells of
Payette, wherein ho named Miss
Frances Katherlne Marlin, of Cour
do Alone, Idaho, formerly of Tampa,
Florida, as his traveling companion
for life. Bill was1 so happy when
ho reached Ontario that ho could
hardly wait for an ordor and ram
bled on his honoymoon trip which
will take Mr. and Mrs. Lowry to the
wostern end of the territory before
tholr return to Boise where thoy
will mako their homo.
Jordan Valley was roprosonted
by a numbor of teachors this weok
at the institute, among whom wero,
Miss Holon McCormlck, Mrs. E. F.
Whelan, Mlsa Gladys Jory, 'Miss
Lorna Powell and N, C. Marver,
Miss Vada Morfltt visited friends
In Ontario for a few days on her
day homo to Malheur City from the
Shay's Goal Following Touchdown
. In Second Hnlf Gives Ontario
"Victory Teams Aro Evenly
Matched Piny Bolso
By a score of 7 to G Ontario High
won tho first real football gamo of
tho season Friday afternoon nt
Payette. Shay's goal kick in tho
ifw try-for point system brought
tho victory after a serios of off
tacklo plays and two lino smashes
put over the tlolng touchdown.
Payette started like a winner and
scored tho first touchdown of tho
game In tho first halt when two On
tario fumbles gavo tho Apple Pick
ers, tho ball near the Ontario goal.
Failing to negotiate tho point after
tho touchdown tho fellows from
across tho river lost the hard fight.
Again in tho second half due to the
excessive penalties handed Ontario
and a thirty yard run around Scott's
ond on a fake play, Payette was put
In a position to score and win, but
lost through poor generalship. Af
ter two line bucks failed to gain
thoy tried another fake around
Scott's ond, but tho lanky ond was
not .caught twice in tho same way
and threw tho runner for a ten yard
loss. Again tho play was tried with
equally dlsasterous results for Pay
ette, and Scott retrieved himself for
his first mistake, and Ontario was
out of danger.
In tho second half Ontario was
penalized 7G yards all told and that
lead to somo hard feeling botween
officials and spectators who criti
cised, uselessly of course the decis
ions. Prof Walker of tho Payette
High nnd G. K. Aikon of tho Argus
exchanged compliments and blows
whdn both lost their tempers tem
porarily. No damage was done
This week Ontario Journeys to
Boise to meet Coach Keano's braves
aattlody Park In one of tho crucial
games of tho season.
Hold Tieo. Planting .Day. nt
Cemetery on October ID
Public Urged to
Ono of tho very first stops of tho
forward program adopted by the
women of tho Federation of Wo
men's clubs is that of aiding In tho
beautifying of tho Ontario cemetery.
To this ond tho federation has ap
pointed Thursday, Octtobor 19th as
Tree Planting Dty, and has arranged
a fitting program for that occasion.
Not only are tho women thorn
solves to further this work, but thoy
aro requesting ond urging tho pub
lic generally to unite in tho effort.
Tho following Is tho program for
the day has been arranged by the
Tree Planting Day nt City Cemetery
Tho Heart of tho Treo
"What doe ho plant who plants a
Ho plants tho friend of sun and
Ho plants tho flag of breezes froo,
Tho shaft of beauty towering
Ho plants a homo to heaven anlgh,
For song and mother croon of
. bird,
In hushed and happy twilight hoard,
The troblo of heaven's harmony
For thoso things ho plants who
plants a treo.
Song Music Department
Dedication of Trees Rev. Blom
Recitation To ho Supplied
Treo Planting
Song Music Department
Mrs. E. C. Van Petton, Mrs,
'Ivan Oakos, Mrs. D. W. Powers,
Mrs. W. E. Hodges and Mrs. Jon-
1 nlo Upson wore Ontario visitors
from Juntura Monday,
Among the Brogan residents who
visited Ontario this woek wero list
ed, Mrs. Axtel Reed, Misses Lou la
Baker, Mao Murphy, and W. Capps.
Miss Bcatrlco Brown of Rockvlllo
attended tho Instituto this week.
Frank Vino? and A. M. Moody
were business visitors the first of
thq week,
According to a wire recoived
by P. J. Gallaghor today, Gov
ernor Ben Olcott with repre
sentatives of tho Oregonlan and
Telegram will reach Ontario
Friday morning onrouto to Jor
dan Valley to attend tho meet
ing to discuss tho I-O-N road to
California. No details of tho
length of tho Governor's stay
in this section woro glvon.
According to a buletin from tho
offlco of tho State Engineer the
following permits for tho uso of
water havo been taken out recontly
by citizens of Mainour ceunty:
To W. S. Darrow of Eaton, Idaho
for the appropriation of water from
Snako rivor for irrigation of 25
acres, at an estimated cost of $1000.
To A. L. Holland, of Ontario, for
tho appropriation of wntor from
Snake river for irrigation of forty
To R. E. Barney of Brogan, cov
verlng tho appropriation of wator
from Polo Crook for irrigation of
twonty acres.
To O. L. Ashcraft of Parma
'Idaho, covorlng tho appropriation
wator from Snako river for irriga
tion of forty acros.
W. L. Thompson of Vnlo Said (o bo
Pioparing to Seek Removal of
County Judge E. H. Tent and
Commissioner Frank
Rumors wero circulatod In the
county on Wednesday of this weok
to tho effect that tho proponents of
tho recall who havo been at work
for throo years In an effort to se
cure onough names to start a recall
election against County Judgo E. H.
Tost and County Commissioner
Frank M. Vines, that thoy will fllo
tho potltlou on Friday of this weok.
Tho propononts of tho offort havo
boon working so long tthat moat of
tho pooplo have forgotten all about
It, bus tho deep seated fooling which
animated Mr. Thompson apparontty
has not downod and tho county will
probably witness tho offort unless
logal action forestalls thorn. Only
twenty-five per cent of tho voters
aro ncedod for this petition.
Lived for Years in Ontario nnd Went
fall nnd Was Well Known to
Old Timo Residents of This
Funeral services woro hold Mon
day aftornoori at tho Mothodlst
Episcopal church for Mrs. Elslo A.
Falrchlld formerly a resident of
Ontario who died last Saturday at
Nampa whore for tho past two yoars
she mado hor homo with hor daugh
ter, Mrs. Graco M. Rodgors.
Mrs. Falrchlld was for many
yoars a rcsldont of Mnlhour county.
Sho samo to this section In 1890,
settling at Westfall whoro sho lived
until 190G, moving thon to this city
whero sho mado hor homo until
1920 when sho moved to Nampa.
Sho Is survived by four daughters
Mrs. Lilly A Oates of Winnoraucn!
Nevada; Mrs, Rosa O. Goodrich of
Portland, Orogon; Mrs. Josso A. Al
lon of Cornnlng, N. Y., and Oraco M.
Rogers of Nampa, Idaho, Mrs.
Falrchlld has been a christian from
her childhood. Sho has been Iden
tified with tho McthodlBt Episcopal
church horo slnco 1910,
Monday afternoon tho funoral
Bormon was preached by Rov. A. W,
James, and Intormont was mado in
tho Ontario comotory. Tho pres
ence of a largo company of old
neighbors and friends of former
yoars was an oxpresslou of regard
;is well ns fitting trlbuto of rospoct.
Two daughters woro prosont at tho
funeral, Mrs. Rosa O, Goodrich and
Mrs. Graco M, Rodgors,
Among tho Vale representatives
at tho instltuo woro Mrs. B. M.
Crall, county superintendent, Mrs
Robt, Crummott, Misses Lois Van
Dovanttor, Madgo Balloy, Hazol
Daloy, Qraco Daloy, Anna Watklns,
Burgosa F. Ford and Thoodoro For
Budget Board Reduces Salary of
City School Superlntcnucnt to
$12700 Other Cute Made
On Cash Basis HUH
Tho budgot board for School Dis
trict. No. 8 at it3 mooting last Fri
day ovening reduced the salary to
bo paid the Superintendent of tho
City Schools from $3500 to $2700
for next year in its recommenda
tions to tho voters of tho district.
Prior to tho opening of tho meet
ing Superintendent J. M. McDonald
announced that ho would not bo a
candidato for the position of super
intendent of schools noxt year, so
that tho budgot makers would bo
able to proceed without considoring
that olomont in detormiuing its po
sition in tha questtlon of salary for
tho head of tho system.
Tho members of the budgot board
who workedi with tho school board
woro H. L. Peterson and C. P. Skow
representing the bualnoss men, and
Seymour Ross . representing tho
farmors. Tho board also cut a
numbor of tho other Items in the
budget which will bo lowor than in
sovoral years despito tho continued
growth of tho schools.
So far this year, and Judging by
the rolativo amount of taxes paid in
tho district, which is estimated at
80 por cent, sufficient funds aro on
hand to keep the district on a cash
At a special mooting of tho Coun
cil Monday ovening the city fathers
decided to protoct tho city's inter
ests by bidding in some of tho prop
erty 'within the city on which Btate
and county taxes havo not been
paid. It tthe city did not do this
tho bidders who purchased tho prop
ortty when the county sells it for
taxos would oscapo tho payment for
local improvement districts. Tho
council decided to buy only such
proporty as is worth tthe assos
monts against it.
Tho rig of tho Western Pacific
company wlrtch -was in oporatlon
abovo Vale for somo timo since waa
haulod in sections through tho city
during tho past week to tho alto of
Its now location on Llttlo Willow
ovor in Idaho. Tho Idaho company
is oroctlng residences nnd substan
tial work preparing for operations,
said W. A. Bartlett who was in On
tario Wodnesday, It is belioved
that tho rig will start drilling on
Llttlo Willow within two weeks.
Acting in tho capacity of apprais
ers for tho Oregon Soldiers' Loan,
S. D. Goshort of Nyssa, and I. M.
Hope of Vale, woro busy Wednes
day looking ovor sovoral claims in
Ontario. Along with C. R. Emison
of Ontario, they oxpoct to loavo to
day for Jordan Valloy whoro thoy
havo a numbor of appraisals to
John Kcano of Now Meadows, ro-
glstorol nt tho Mooro Wednesday.
D. W. Powers wont to Stolns
Mountain for tho woek ond and
brought back a flue young buck.
Tho Monday Brldgo club mot this
woek with Mrs. O. M. Castloman.
Mrs. O, G. Luehrs was hostoss
this weok to tho Woduoday Brldgo
Tho Episcopal Guild mot this af
ternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. W. W.
Tho Wodnosday Brldgo club met
this woek with Earl Blackaby. Mr.
and Mrs. Blackaby also ontortalned
tho Monday Brldgo club.
Tho Fortnightly club mot Satur
day ovening nt tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. RasrauBsen.
Tho Tuesday Evening club mot at
tho home of Mr. and Mra. R. W.
Tho Imporlal club Is mooting this
oronlng with Mr. and Mrs. J, M.
On tho hotel reglstora this weok
appoar tho names of many out of
town visitors. Among them are,
Bert Slmonson, Harper; Blancho
Jarvls, Jamleson; Mr, and Mrs. Geo,
Archibald, Jordan Valley; Violot M.
Olson, McDcrmott; Anna D. A.
Pratt, Ironsldo; Mrs, R. J. Davis.
Nyssa, and Mr. and Mrs. Drlnkwoter
of Drewsey.
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