The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 28, 1922, Image 3

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At about seven-thirty Monday
monffng a blaze was discovered on
a hay stack at the II. B. Strawn
ranch south of Frultland. A hurried
call was sent in and in a Bhort time
three spray wagons and a number
of people In cars appeared on the
scene, and thru tholr efforts a large
portion the hay was saved and the
flro kept from spreading to nearby
'buildings. Ross, the four year old
son of Mr. Strawn, admitted setting
tho blaze while playing with match
es. Lewis Russell left Saturday for
Moscow to attend tho I. U. college.
Mrs. Leo Troxell and son, Richard
arrived Sunday evening from Port
land for a month's visit with her
sister, Mrs. Ruth Van Derkar.
. Adam Blind has gone to South
Dakota, taking with him three cars
of prunes, e will have others
shipped to that point.
Dr. J. H. Maxfiold Of Alliance,
Nobr, Via, visited last week with his
sistort-JPfrHendy, leaving Saturday
for Fortlasd.
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mad
sen and daughter, Miss Catharine
will leave for Missouri Valley, Iowa,
to attend the golden wedding anni
versary of Mrs. Madsen's parents.
"The Den 0' Sweets" candy and
lunch stand which was recently es
tablished by Frank and J. W. Cal
kinsMvas sold to Mr. Mathers of
A large number of Frultland peo
ple carried off first prize on fruits,
canned fruits, pastry, flowers, etc.
at the Malheur county Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flock are the
parents of an eleven and a half
pound boy, born September 19th.
A. C. Patheal has rented his forty
acre fruit ranch on Pennsylvania
avenue to Clayton Stewart. Mr. and
Mrs. Patheal will move to Arco.
George Eldredgo and family left
Tuesday of this week for Halfway,
Oregon, where Mr. Eldredgo will en
ter the dairy business.
At tho Malhaur County Fair C. H.
Sargent took first and second prizes
and a Jersey heifer calf, second on
a bull,, and first on two year"oldbull
second on a two year old heifer, first
on a yearling heifer, and Grand
Champion on cows. He also carried
off first honors on cream for purity
and quality. His ten months old
Jersey heifer won for him Grand
Champion. She is a daughter of
Jersey Beauty Marigold.
MissSadie Morgan arrived this
week from Wisconsin to bo a guest
for a short timo at the home of her
brother, Frank T. Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carlisle were
overnight guests of Mrs. Charles
Schweitzer in the Overstreet homo
the first of the week. They are en
route .from Portland to eastern Ida
ho whero they expect to locate. They
are making the trip by motorcycle
with a side car. Mr. Carlisle is Mrs.
Schweitzer's brother.
The school board hold a meeting
at the F. T. Morgan home Monday
evening. Other members of the
families were invited and spent a
pleasant hour while tho board held
Its meeting. Later In the evening
Mrs. Morgan served refreshments.
School was closed Friday and a
number of Kolony families went to
the Fair. The prizes tho Kolony
entrants won have not all been re
ported, but will be next week.
Prune picking is in progress at the
Hall ranch where Mr. L. Larson has
Mr. II, .Burroughs and Burton
came from Now Plymouth for a
truck load of sheep Saturday.
An important meeting of the stock
holders of the scale was held at the
school building Friday evening.
i,.Ul..ii ' '
Wo have mado arrangements
whereby every housewife who reads
this paper can obtain a copy of "Re
liable Recipes" absolutely free of
charge by simply writing tho Home
Economics department of the Cal
umet Baking Powder Co., 4100-28
Fillmore Street, Shicago, 111.
"Reliable Recipes" contains 76
pages of recipes and other informa
tion appreciated by every house
wife. It is Illustrated In colors and
will prove quite helpful in prepar-
Jng the daily menu.
We have also made arrangements
with the Calumet Baking Powder
Co. whereby their Home Economics
Department will cheerfully answer
all questions pertaining to cooking,
kitchen equipment, e,tc. There is
absolutely no charge for this ser
vice. Write the Home Economics De
partment of the Calumet Baking
Powder Co., 4100-28 Fillmore St.,
Chicago, 111. today for a copy of "Re
llablo"5teclpea." FOR RENT OR SALE! Two houBes
on East side near school. May be
had at a bargain. See O. W. Haw,
Ontario, tf.
3, 1121. by McClura Newipaper "Syndicate.
Wednesday night, Just before I went
o bed, the big Idea came, like nn un
pected gift of real gold. I was lean
ug on my elbows listening to Eva
Herrlck dissertating about her favorite
old cream, und what Madame So-and-3a
had told her was the proper wuy to
rub the stuff in. Three of us, hard
workers, lodged In the upper uttlc
oom of the Fletcher's boarding house
m Beacon Hill.
It hadn't taken much ingenuity to
nuhu It a sort of paradise to return
to each evening.
We had each managed to acquire a
joiiify elmlr, and In these we were
jemully reposing prepatatory to
seeking sleep. Eva declared that
proper attention to one's looks meant
i tenlble lot to the working woman,
who got too Uttlc out-of-door exercise
to Keep the natural pink In her cheeks.
She looked at me critically for a few
moments, her hand poised In the act
of the proper upward rub under the
right eye.
"Say, Belle, how do you do It? It Is
right down mean of you to have such
wonderful color, and me here talking
so fast about acquiring it. Look at
her, Nelll"
I lunged forward until my face came
opposite the cheval glass, and looked
at mjself. We all looked hard. We all
agreed that I wus mighty lucky. And
then things began to buzz In my head.
I had worked pretty hard at the olllce
that day, nnd nothing had gone just
right, besides which I could not see
that It was getting me anywhere. Jim
Bryant, n clever young clerk, had been
shouting around all day about a chap's
getting out on his own, and not work
ing for n salary, een If he took to
fanning something the other fellow
hud abandoned. It Is strange how
easy this money making sounds when
you hear the other fellow talking
about It.
"Make the most of your collateral,"
Jim Bryant hud said. "Size up your
Now, If I do say It as shouldn't, my
only assets are my beaux yeux, as
Madame So-and-So would call them.
Well, why not? I smiled a slow, cheer
ful giln, and somehow the girls knew
that 1 hnd hit the mill on the head
That's the way it started, my busi
ness of creating beauty for others. The
following Sunday morning's papers
blazoned an awfully cute advertise
ment, and from then on, our delight
ful nest In the attic became my place
of business. And I was busy, too,
strange as It may seem, but tho
stiiingest part of all was getting used
to the name of Mile. Pretty.
.Mrs. Gibbon cnine flist, with a repu
tation as a professional beauty to pre
,ere though her soul perish. Then
little Betty Enderhurst, fagged from
Inst night's late supper dance, rushed
hi und demanded to bq made ready
lor a dinner that night, where she was
to meet somebody "quite special." She
looked nt me enviously nnd sighed,
and I know Just what wns In her
heart, and did my best for her.
But why go over the list? Every
body knows what the right kind of an
mhertisemetit will do. There were
eight the first day, not so had for a
It took a heap of tact. I finally got
Sirs. Gibson to leave off wearing pink
shades and to wear only blues. Little
Betty had to be told that haste and
too much enthusiasm are fatiguing
anil only make one look flustered. 1
bellied her cultivate a very delightful
repose. I congratulated myself on a
vei genuine success, deserted be
cause I had put my heart Into my
All my visitors thought our room
ajjitp unusual and exactly what they
had thought so often a beauty parlor
should be like. They did not suspect
Unit on several occasions two girls
were hidden behind the big screen,
getting pointers, and almost choking
with laughter.
Jim Bryant's married sister had
been over-doing- hospitality that win
ter, and Mrs. Gibson brought her to
me, without previous notification.
Grace Bryant, who had sometimes
called at our office to steal Jimmy for
a tea dance or to help entertain some
girl visitors, recognized me at once,
as was natural, since I am, as I said
before, not altogether ugly. Her Ideas,
like those of my ancestors, were along
n narrow plane. Mrs. Gibson never
came again, but whenever I saw her
she was wearing a becoming shade
of blue. I wondered If she thanked
me down deep In her heart.
While Betty Enderhurst got the
reputation for outdoing the Baltimore
belles In their lazy ease of manner,
I stood on the edge of failure, watch
ing my line, fat bank account slipping
) slowly away Into the haze of ruin.
Then again I awoke to the possibil
ities of even this situation, inspired
to a real flight.
Yes, I've taken two attractive
rooms, now. They .are hung In ash
green and silver, Chevallat has an
order for a beautiful golden wig to
tit Eva Uerrlck's dull brown locks,
and Eva Is splendidly ready to be my
assistant. She's got the key to fit
the golden lock, if you'll forgive the
pun. My own wig Is the smartest
white affair you over saw, and my
name Is . Oh, well, my name Is
equully smart And If you want to
he beautiful and successful and radi
antly kuppy. Just look me up. Bon
jour, uiesdamMl
. 1912. by McClura Newspaper Syndicate
"Oh. Mister you stepped right on the
biggest pink rose nnd spoiled my May
At this startling accusation Grant
Murely halted abruptly. A half Jocose
apology sprang to his lips, but with
the next breath he blessed the kind
breeze which hnd blown the flimsy
object b'toss his patl
Huddled on the cur- r "study"
In child life, such as th- ted artist
had sought In vain on many quests at
home nnd abroad.
"Don't movel" he commanded, whip
ping out the ever-ready sketching pad.
'Good I" as the child remained passive
only her ejes growing big with won
der. "A second more, little lady
and presto I We have a masterpiece In
the rough. Now, then." exultantly re
turning the pad to his poenet. "wen
see about that or big red rose."
Grant could scarcely repress n smile
as the child held up a sadly crushed
replica of the natural flower In cerise
tissue paper.
"Mother made It" with a pride that
went straight to Grant's heart.
Grunt's smile gained the mastery,
but his tone wns duly apolegetic:
"Well then. Miss Kittle, wliat no you
sny to becoming my model? Oh. I don't
menn' to begin work this very
minute "
The little maid had shaken out the
varl-eolmed streamers attach., in her
faded gingham dress. "I'll go with you
now. I want to earn some money right
nwny. The dispensary doctor told
Mother she mightn't to gn balk to work
this week and now she needn't."
An hour later Sister Clarice received
them In the studio.
To Kittle that ornately furnished
room proved a veritable Wonderland.
Now. she gazeif In awe at a noble
Mohawk chief then, smiled buck at a
dainty little Hub miss, with a huge blue
how atop her golden rurls. But It was
when she faced the portrait hem-nth
the rich Oriental canopy thai Kittle
littered nn ecstatic Utile "Oh !"
She caught a warning glance from
Sister Clarice. The Instant Grunt left
them nlnne Kittle hrorhed the sub
ject. The girl of the picture hnd been
Grant's sweetheart time. Kittle did not
IMca the sound of that "once." She wns
sure Sister Clnrlie did no! like It,
either there wns such sorrowful n--prel
In her gentle voice.
.lust then Giant returned lo an
nounce the car waiting to take Mls
Kittle home.
Sister Clarice kissed her warmly
and whispered: -'I have planned a
little putty out to my place tomorrow
I'.esldes nur .louitg iilnyinnles. will
iiiiiv brim. your mother or some eiy
Ji'iir friend "
I Klttle's little he:irl leaped Jn.voul,
And nt seven thai m enlng the proiin
mistrcs of a palatini uptown mansion
whs surprised to sny the least, on
entering her daughter' Imudolr to
confront n crotesiiue Mule llgr.ri' In
fniled glnuhnm nnd lliilteil"-. paper
"Who won't yon (tiH'ilJrtii next Kill'
aheth?" sl'e expostulated we.ikly.
"Why. mother. I am not doing the
honors' on this ncinslon" seienelv re
piled her daughter "Klllv bus conif
to Invlle me to her Mny flirty"
It wns Kittle who proposed thin
they crown Miss Elizabeth Qui en o
the May. 'Mid the cheers of thf
young merrymakers the ceremony was
Watching from afar Grant noted the
Incomparable grace with which Elba
beth received the homage of her di
minutive subjects. He waited until
the youngsters started a second raid
in the greenhouses, then, with quick
ening heartbeats, crossed th'e lawn
"Mny I claim the day's privilege nnd
offer my poor homage, oh. mnt beaute
ous Queen?"
The limpid gray .eyes did nut waver
before his reproachful gaze.
"Ah, your majesty, do you remeinher
as I do that other May day when
a group of village lads "nd Inside?
crowned you their Queen? it was 1
who placed the wreath upon your head
that day." A note of bitterness hard
ened the manly voire "Before anothei
May day your father had become a
factor In the Industrial life of n great
city while I remained the small town
toller and dreamer j dreaming of a
future whose brightness you were to
"Then, one dark day your father de
molished the poor drenmer's every all
castle, treating hi" suit as inter pre
sumption In the light of j-onr socln'.
elevation. Not long afterwards I saw
you on the nveiiue a gorgeous butter
fly of fnehlon nil frills and Inres. Mj
heart seemed to die within me. I
realized your father was right. I bar'
been presumptuous aye. mad "
A soft hand stayed further utter,
a nee.
"Ah. boy, denr. In your woundw!
pride you were unjust to the heurt he
neath those frills nnd laces the sunn
heart that beat beneath the simple
pinafore thut other May day"
"Beth I"
A few minutes later Kittle marched
past them at the head of her flower
bedecked playmates. The llttlp miild'i
step took on an added dignity, for six
hnd achieved her heart's desire. Ir
Miss Elizabeth's ees w beheld tin
light tluit mniln the picture In Mr
Grunt's studio so beautiful the llghi
of perfect happiness.
Unrolled for hx.-iiw are pnictli'ti
confessions. I'ninMlii.
Itabson Sees Great Opportunities
For Municipalities
Wellesley Hills, Mass., Sept. 23,'
1922. Roger W. Babson this week
Issues a warning to cities and towns
to got busy on their municipal im
provements Immediately. His reas
ons aro as follews:
"A revolution Is to tako placo In
city development during the next
decade. The automobile is to havo
as creat an effect on living condi
tions as the sewing mnchlno hnd on
weaving. As the mill has takon tho
placo of the homo spinning wheel,
so tho suburb Is to take the place of
the city for residential purposes.
Tromendous movements from the
city to the suburbs may bo expected
during the noxt few yoars. Wise
cities will begin to immediately pre
pare for this great sububan devel
opment, which, in many cases, will
mean the extension of city limits.
"Such a revolution In living must
result is tho extension of water
plants, expansion of sowerago sys
tems, and a tremendous ora of now
road building, home building nnd
other improvements This will cause
a great demand for carponters, ma
sons, plasters, and common labor of
all kinds. The building boom has
not yet reached its height. Every
fgeaturo connected with building,
from the supplying of the raw ma
terials to the furnishings of tho
honve, should prosper for the noxt
year or two. This is tho real reas
on why certain forms of labor aro
scarce today and why certain build
ing materials and commodities are
strengthening in price. It Is tho
real reason why the mine operators
of tho Central states and tho mill
owners of the Eastern states havo
been obliged to take back tho work
ers at tho old wages. It Is this
emigration from tho city to tho su
burbs which has changed tho labor
market. Of course labor loaders
Watch Your Savings Grow
when you install a
7 "HE famous Hot Blast Draft in this
remarkable stove burns all the com
bustible gases from the fuel under-draft
stoves waste this valuable portion of the fuel.
That is why Cole's Original Hot Blast Heaters
are guaranteed to consume one-third less fuel
than any under-draft stove of the same size.
' Stop and think what this saving will mean
claim credit for checking wage cuts;
but It clearly Is not duo to them.
Henry Ford's flivvers aro causing
this demand for homes In the su
burbs, and tho consequent demand
for mechanics, carpenters and com
mon labor.
"Wlso aro tho cities nnd towns
that take advantage of these now
conditions. Those city fathers who
do not, will miss a great opportun
ity. Moreover, tho tlmo Is now es
pecially propitious for municipalities
to capitalize this great movemont.
Money rates aro low. Thero Is n
good demand for municipal bonds.
The Federal Income Tax nnd state
and city taxes aro especially favor
able to municipal borrowing. How
long cities will havo tthis advan
tage I do not know, but tho situ
ation certainly should ho seized
whilo It lasts. Nothing helps a city
so much as good paving, a splendid
water supply, proper sewerage, and,
of course, good schools.
"This especially applies to tho
Southern cities which havo not In
the past hnd tho available funds
that some of tho Northorn cities
havo had. Great opportunities
present thomsolvos to those cities
that aro to benefit from river im
provements, flood protection, and
other natural problems. Now Or
leans, Is an Illustration for a city
which should tako advantage of this
prcsest opportunity of low rates In
paving Its streets and developing Its.
"During tho noxt ten years wo
will witness a great municipal rnco,
yes, a great municipal Marathon
race. The cities which are now be
hind will havo an opportunity of
getting in tho front ranks; whilo
some of the cities now In the front
ranks will drop back Into tho lower
places. Tho result of the race will
dopend upon the vision of those who
direct thoso cities."
Theso changing conditions are al
ready evidenced by tho Business
Barometer Flguro of tthe Babson
chart which has reached to 7 por
cent below normal. I expect this
sub-normal condition to soon disap
i, . . . m i i , ,
to you with coal at its present
Cole's Original Hot Blast will
Save one-third your fuel
Burn any fuel
Hold fire thirty-six hours!
Step in today and let us show you this
pear. Wise nro tho cities which
plan their improvements and mako
their contracts while business is
still below normal.
Do you know how Buffalo BUI
got his name? Why tho entire coun
try loved Abraham Lincoln?' How
John Wilkes Booth escaped after
tttthe asslnatlon?
"In the days Of Buffalo Bill,"
which conies to Dreamland theatre
on Friday and Saturday, Is a. re
sume of tho most wonderful and in
spiring epochs of history that Amer
ica has over known. From an edu
cational standpoint Its value cannot
ho overestimated, and from tho
standpoint of romanco and enter
tainment it Is wholly satisfying.
To finder of suit caso or engin
eering instruments takon from tho
Eastern Oregon Land Co. car by
Mooro Hotel Friday night. Ploaso
return instruments to Enstorn Ore
gon Land Co. and recolvo roward.
a meeting of the owners of land
sltunted in tho Valley View Drain-
ago District, Malheur County, Ore
gon, will bo held at the valley view
School Houso on Monday October 12,
1922, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m
for the purposo ot olecting ono
supervisor for said district, for a
term of throo years, and to conduct
such other business as may come bo
tore said mooting.
By order of tho board of Super
visor of tho Vnlloy Vlow Drainngo
District this 11th day ot Sept., 1922.
SEAL President
Bible School, 10:00.
Morning Worship, 11:00.
Servlco at Lincoln School Home,
3:00 p. ,jn.
Junior and Senior B. Y. P. U 7:00
Gospel Service, 8:00 p. m.
Chas. H. Blom, Pastor
great fuel saver.