The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 14, 1922, Image 1

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Barbecue on Opening Day Prepared
For 3,000 Iinigest List of Pre
1 inlums Great Program of
Sports all Arranged
When the gates of the Thirteenth
Annual Malheur County Fair open
at 8 o'clock on the morning of next
Wednesday, September 20, the public
will view the most complete exhibits
ever offered in this section. The
premium offerings aggregate $3,000.
The program of races and sports is
the most extensive ever,, offered at
the Fair. The total offerings in
.prizes nmLpurses amount to $5,000.
Parade anil Barbecue
The festivities will commence with
a gorgeous parade, through the city
including three bands and many
novel, features, at 11 o'clock prompt
ly on the first day. The parade,
which will be miles in length, will
lead to the Fair grounds where a
free barbecue will be served from
12 to 1:30. This will be a regular
meal, and plenty of it. The follow
ing items will be on the menu:
bread, barbecued beef, boiled beans,
potato salad, pickles, doughnuts and
coffee with cream and sugar. Pre
parations re being made to serve
three-thousand people. The latch
string is out, and everybody is in
vited to partake of this meal. C. C.
Mueller of Vale. has charge of this
Races and Soprts
The race program in front of the
'grand stand will open at 1:45 p. m.
The dally pogram will Include run
ning races, Roman races,, auto races,
motorcycle races, wild horse races,
relay aces and boys relay races. In
addition to this there will be a con
tinuous performance of horae shoe
pitching, nail drlvjiigjcantest, clowns
Plenty of Musi
During the races a continuous
rogram of music has been perpared.
The numbers have been divided be
tween the Ontalo High School band
and the" Sage Brush Chorus of sixty
voices. The Sage Brush Chorus is a
new feature added to the Fair this
year and is sure -to be a thriller.
This chorus has has been practicing
,for some time and like the Sage
"Brush quartette which, has been pro
nounced a huge, success, promises to
keep the crowd In a
mood of Jollification.
Boys and Girls Club Day
The last day of the Fair has been
officially designed as Boys and Girls
club day and school chlldens day.
On this day all grade school children
will be admitted to the grounds free.
Balloon Ascension
Daily at 2 p. m. in front of the
grand stand will take place the
largest stunts in the art of, balloon
ascensions and paachute drops.
- Baby Show on Second Day
From 9:30 a. m. to 12 o'clock on
the second day the baby show will
be held in the Masonic Hall. En
tries from Ontario will not be ac
cepted after 10 o'clock so as to allow
the last two hours of the show for
the people coming from the country
and surrounding towns. Babies not
less than six months and more than
three years old will be accepted in
this contest. Twelve prizes con
sisting of merchandise donated by
tre Ontatrlo merchants and ranging
lIn value from $2.00 to $5.00 will be
awarded. The following points will
be considered In the Judging: age
weight, skin, throat and glands,
teeth and body symmetry.
Election of officers of tho Girls'
club was held last Tuesday night at
the homo of Mrs. E. M. Grelg. The
results were as follews:
Ada Lee, president; Ruth Lackey,
vice president; Blanche McDonald,
Secretary; Mae Piatt, treasurer.
' The club was entertained in many
homes during the past year. This
is one of the most delightful features
of this club, and one which was
' greatly enjoyed by tho girls; many of
whom are strangers were.
All who wish to give their home
to "the club for one evening this
year, are requested to telephone Mrs
S. D. Dorman or Mrs. W. L. Turner
as soon as possible, and the date will
be arranged later.
Th .lnh will meet at Mrs. Joe
BjiSJlrtlTSr the
next meeting.
Ontario merchants are unit
ing to make tho Fair this year
the biggest event ever held here.
So that they may all be in the
parade on the opening day and
be on time for the barbecue,
the stores will close on Wednes
day at 11 a. m. sharp.
On Thursday and Friday the
stores will close at 12:30 p. m.
On all the three days of the
Fair the stores will re-opon for
business at 4:30 p. m. and re
main open until 6 o'clock.
Housewives are urged to co
operate with tho merchants in
boosting tho Fair by ordering
their supplies early on each Fair
day, or better still, by laying in
their supplies as much as possi
ble early in th.e week. This will
Schedule Makers List Caldwell,
Nnmpii'nnd-Weiser Institute for
"Xocal Games Baker
May Coino Also
Coach O. I. Paulson and Professor
L. L. Culbertson who Is, In charge of
the back field candidates for the
high school foot ball team have
arranged for the schodule for the
season. The list gives Ontario three
home games in the Idaho league, the
last three games of the season. The
first three of four games will be
away from home, starting with Fruit
land on September 30,
The other games are: Payette at
Payette October 6; Boise at Boise
October 13; Weisor at Welser, Oct
ober 20; Nampa at Ontario Obtober
27; Intermountain Institute at On
tario November 3; November 10,
open; Caldwell at Ontario, Novemb
er 17, and negotiations are being
conducted for a game with Baker
here on November 24.
Many Candidates Out
The coaches have plenty of can
didates out for places and the men
who makes the squad will have to
fight for their places. However there
is a dearth of experienced material,
but enough around which to .build
a creditable team. Many additional
candidates are expected to enter
school within the next two weeks,
especilly after tho fair and a strong
lino la oYnortnri tr, riiiH 'with f hoir .
In the back field there is a host
of candidates, three of whom won
letters last year, including Shay,
Thayer and Kanyd; while for lino
the veterans Include Wiseman and
Luehrs and possible Montle Dunton
and Guy Secoy; others likely can
didates are Kester Seaweard, John
Tattorson, Earl Skow, Kershner and
Owen Turner. For ends there are
Van Petten, Fred Baker, Delbert
Scott and one or two others, while
Cecil Reed will battle for a placo at
halt and Fred Morton Is a candidate
for quarter.
The boys have been out now for
a week and are devoting their eutlro
tlmo to rudiments of the game, fall
ing on tho ball, punting and element
ary foot ball all round. No places
nave ueeu ussigiiuu any ui uiu wuu
and everyone will have to hustle for
a place.
Second Team to Play
Since there are moro than enough
man for two full teams and desiring
to give all the boys a chance for tho
tun of playing in regular games, a
schedule has been arranged for thei
second team and games have already
been scheduled with Nyssa and
Fruitland and othes will be listed
later so that the second string men
will gain experience for the regularn
next season.
Despite adverse conditions In some
sections, Thomas J. Graves, repre
sentative -of the Beaver State Furn
iture Manufacturing company, was
In Ontario Tuesday calling on the
trade. Mr. Graves travels over Ore
gon Tind Washington and report's
business Improving generally, tho
in spots it is still slow duo to local
Miss Ione Luehrs leaves Friday or
Saturday of this Week to resume her
studies in thhoo, of commerce at
I0' A c'
State Water Superintendent George
T. Cochran Begins Hearings on
Claims; Contest Over Owjlieo
Ditch Priorities.
George T. Cochran of LaGrande,
state water superintendent arrived
in the county oh Monday and on
Tuesday at Vale' began hearings on
the filings of water on tho Owyhee
river. On Wednesday the hearing
was continued hero and today the
superintendent and the attorneys in
terested left for Jordan Valley where
on Friday the hearings will be con
tinued. One of tho features of the hearing
which has developed is the contest
started by W. L. Gibson and others
who are getting water from tho
Owyhee Ditch, who are acting on
the theory that tho owners of stock
In their company who did not uso
water on their land,, though they
owned stock, shall not be treated as
other stockholders, but on the samo
basis as though they had just taken
their water directly from the stream
itself. The officers of the Owyhee
Ditch company on tho other hand
contend that in the building of tho
ditch and tho diversion of water or
iginally that diversion covered a
right for all the land served by the
company's canal system.
Sergeant Abcndroth Tells Gathering
Of Proper Respect for Flag
Retreat Will bo Observed
Weekly on Thursdays
at. 30.
With the oadet company of the
Ontario R. 0.T. C. drawn up in
battalion formation on tho right of
tho new flag polo and tho young
women of the high school on tho loft
Sergeant W. H. Abendroth, and tho
officers of the cadet corps today
dedicated the new flag staff and held
tho first of the company as
colors were lowered.
In connection with tho dedication
Sergeant Abendroth gave a short
talk on etiquette to tho flag repre-
senung mo regulations wuicii are
the official government orders and
laws concerning its uso on various
George K. Aiken was tho only
other speaker and ho took for his
subject, "Americanism," briefly sum
marizing what this now much used
term means, and tho duties of citi
zenship it lmposses.
Every Thursday afternoon at 3:30
hcroaftor, during the school year,
tho impressive ceremony of "re
treat" will bo held by the cadet
corp, and to this the public is in
vited. Sergeant Abendroth has taken
ordors for $750 worth ,of uniforms
and it is hoped that by Fair timo
those will have arrived and tho en
tire battalion will bo ready for in
spection in full uniform some day
( durnj, tue fa,r
jv. A.
W. JnnicsT" Formerly of
Glcnns Ferry Comes to Local
Church: Rev. W. J. Lus-
coiubo Transfcred to Jer-
omo Church
Rev. nnd Mrs. Henry Young and
Mrs. Frank Draper, Mrs. Bernard
Benson and Miss Lillian Doty who
weo delegates from the local Method
ist Episcopal church to the annual
conference at Caldwell last week
returned home Monday reporting a
most enjoyable session.
In the assignment of pastors by
Superintendent Ewlng, Rev Young
who has finished an active year in
the local church was given tho
church at Joseph, Oregon, the third
largest in tho portion of the district.
Rev. A. W, .James who for the past
year has been pastor of the church
at Glenns Ferry, Idaho will como to
Ontario to succeed Rev. Young, while
Rev. W. J. Luscombe, who was hero
for several years has been sent from
Wendell, Idaho to Jerome.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1922
Dinner Furnished by Vale Folk En-
joycdjPnpers Recall Old Timers
Meeting Lust AVeck De
clared Most Successful
of Scries
James Duncan . of Nyssa was
elected president of the Malheur
County Pioneer's association at Vale
last week at tho business session.
which followed the interesting pro
gram and the big dinner which was
furnished by tho citizens of (Vale.
The dinner was as is always tho case,
most successful Indeed, and was the
BUbJect of many complimentary tri
butes by the guests.
In the afternoon Judge G. L. King
of this city presided at tho mooting,
and Mrs. Nellie Jacobs, secretary of
tho association, read communica
tions from a number of old timers,
including one from W. J. Cuddy, an
editorial writer on the Oregonlan
now, but for years tho editor of The
Argus. B. L. Mlllikm, the poet
laureatte of the association sent
forward from his Walla Walla home, i
ins annual poem or praise tor tno
old timers and like Mr. Cuddy's
letter It was highly praised.
Nearly one hundred Ontarlans
attended all or part of the day's
festivities and the Sage Brush
quartette of this city added a few
musical numbers to the program.
Former Baker County Judge Now
With Orcgon-Wiislilngtoii Joint
Stock Land Bank Declares
Tills Section Equal to
. Oregon's Best.
Judge William Duby, formerly
county Judge of Baker county was In
Ontario several days last week and
tho first of this, while inspecting
ranch properties hero for tho Oregon-Washington
Joint Stock Land
Bank for which ho is appraiser In
this territory.
Although In a general way famil
iar with nil this section Mr. Duby
expressed himself ns astonished at
what a closer Inspection had rovoai
ed. "There is no part of Oregon
which surpasses the Snako, Malheur
and Willow river valleys," said the
Judge. "While many portions equal
It in tho production of given crops,
none can point to tho variety and
quality which can bo grown here.
Whon the ranchers go Into the dalry
lg and thus make a market them
selves for their alfalfa and corn and
other field crops this will bo certainly
tho most stable and prosperous soc
tlon of Oregon, that Is what I am
going to tell tho men I represent,"
said tho Judge.
A. E. Richards who gave his ad-
dross as Everett Washington land
who was convicted of having gallons
of moonshine in his now Maxwell car
In tho city park, talked himself out
of Jail last wook. Richards told
Doputy Sheriff, Phil Schnur that if
ho could get out ho would sccuro
the monoy to pay his fine from
friends In Idaho. Phil fell for the
con talk, and let Richards go.
Richards camo to Ontario, hung
around a while and some tlmo dur
ing tho night returned to Vale whoro
ho broke Into tho garago where the
car was attached, stolo it and do
parlod for distant scenes. The fel
lows are now kidding Phil a bit, and
tho offices aro vainly trying to lo
cate Richards and tho gas buggy.
While asleep at the homo of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mc
Greagor, Lctha, their eight months
old daughter passed quietly away
Sunday Soptembor 3. The llttlo baby
had been ill for several months but
her death was not expected and her
parents were badly stricken by tho
sudden ending of her illness. Funeral
services wero held tho following
Monday. Rev. Charles II. Blom of
the Baptist church off Iclatlng. In
torment was mado at the Ontario
Every Indication is given that On
tario will entertain tho biggest
crowd in its history next wook during
the fair. This moans that tho
hotels will not bo able to care for
all tho crowd and It will bo necessary
for some of tho citizens who have
sparo bedrooms to co-operate with
the hotels in caring for tho guests.
Already many homes have beon list
ed and assurance Is given that a
comfortablo bod will bo available for
all who come to town. In order to
systematize tho handling of the
crowd tho fair committeo urges that
all those who have vacant rooms,
tolephono the number they can sparo
to the Moore Hotel, whoro n list will
bo kept. Call phone No. 1 If you
haxo such a room and kindly "Do It
Now," is the roquest o'f tho Fair
Mood of Jersey Ilieeds Grent Lend
ers Mows in Pedigreed Stock
AVhicli will bo Shown at
County Fair by On
tario Breeder.
After an nbsonco of several years,
blue blooded dairy stock will take
Its place In tho stalls at tho county
fair, and file winners of tho many
dairy show prizes, especially in the
Jorsoy division will be worthy nn
lmals for the competition which ono
Ontario herd will furnish, guarantees
Few peoplo In this section realize
tho quality of Jorsoy stock which Dr.
E, S. Fortnor and his hord super
intendent, Roger Atherton, havo
been developing during tho past fow
years, but It Is true that Just north
of tho city at tho edge of Rlversldo
Records aro being mudo In milk pro
duction which, with tho breod-llne
backing which tho animals havo,
prosages great things. Thoro on tho
Fortnor ranch Is somo of tho vory
aristocrats of Jorseydom, sons and
daughters or near rolntlves of ani
mals known the world over, whero
ovor dairy breodors forgathor.
In tho hord thore nro now 20
hoad, all pure bred registered ani
mals. Seven of theso nro being
milked, five on official tost and two
are already ontorod In tho register
of merit AAA and ono to tho regist
er with tho ratine AA.
Tho hord Is hoaded by a Stirling
bull, Oneida Glow Roamor, sired by
Pogls Oneida's Chief, dam Sultan's
Mary Rosa and with tho proud record
of nothing but sliver nnd gold modal
animals In his pedigreed two gener
ations back. Oneida alow Roamor
Is a first cousin to tho sire of tho
three world's rocord cows, nnd a
known nephow of Vivo La Faanco,
tho world's rocord cow of nny brood.
Tho first daughtors of this bull
will como fresh this fall with
wonderful prospects. His first sister
has Just finlshod nor throe year old
test and won a silver modal with
5C5 pounds of buttor fat and a milk
test of seven per cent.
Tho other bull of the herd Is Lulu
Wllda's Lad. . His first calf will bo
dropped this fall. Ho Is tho hajf
brother and only grandson of Lulu
Alphea of Ash-burn, world rocord
cow 800.3 pounds of buttor fat start
ing tost nt ono year nnd 10 months.
Her record was recently broken by
her first cousin which scored 829.
His mother nnd two sisters havo
recently complotcd their records at
an avorngo of two years and two
raonthB, whon "they droppod their
first calves and the thrco nvornged
C30.C4 pounds, establishing a world's
rocord for throo sisters of this ago
for Jorsoys or any othor brood.
Heifers Making Records
Two heifers that aro finishing
their tests nro, lino brood from Chief
Engineer, tho sire of aolden Glow'u
Chief, Tho foundor of tho blood lino
tho famous W. M. Ladd herd. Those
heifers aro making 305.07 nnd
387.05 In 30G days, rcsportfully nt
two years of agp. Two other holfors
also two year-olds mado 3GC.CC and
395. CD or an avorngo production for
tho four of 373.40 or Just 32 less
than tho amount roqulred to havo
ontltlod each of them to sliver
modals. Tho records woro mndo
despite tho fact that since Juno 1st
thoy havo beon fod nothing but
alfalfa hay. Had they been fed
corn ensilage as well as alfalfa It is
believed that all would havo secured
410 pounds and Uiub boon recorded
as silver modal cows.
No. 42
Ranchers Havo Many Problems to
Fnco Prico Called Home by
Wire's Death Car Short
ago Relieved Slightly
Shortago of cars and tho market
conditions for various crops are the
uppermost problems In tho minds of
Malheur county ranchers theso days.
Tho prune ranchers secured somo
reslef whon tho Shot Lino distribut
ed a number of rofrlgerators to all
points on Tuesday nnd Wednesday.
The prlco for prunes strengthened
soinowhnt and choorod them a bit;
some sales wore mndo at 45 conts per
suit caso nnd many cars wore ship
pod. Tho potato mnrkot strongthenod
also and offors of 60 conts f. o. b.
here were quoted, though tho Chi
cago prlco was $1.70 ono day during
tho week.
Tho lottuco growers mootlngs which
wore schoduled for this and noxt
week woro postponed duo to tho
sudden death of Mrs. Goo. W.
Prince, wlto of tho field superintend
ent of tho California Vogotnblo
Union who was to have addressed
tho mootlngs. G. W. Dean dlroctor
of tho Idaho Producers Union for
this section announces that arrange
monts will bo made In a fow days
for theso meotlngs ami dofinato dates
Aftor making a thorough canvass
of tho Ontario section, Mr. Doan ro
ports thnt tho lettuce growers havo
now a 7G por cent stand wlilch Is
doomed vory good In vlow of tho
fact that this is tho first oxperlonco
many of tho ranches havo had with
this crop. '
Another feature of tho week in
marketing circles was tho publica
tion of a lottor filgnod by represent
atives of practically of tho banks
fi'feF&iRnpn to Welser nnd on tho
Bolso branch and Emmott urging tile
ranchers to rofuso to consign their
potatoes, and further, thnt unless
thoy can got a cash prlco that thoy
koop their spuds on tho fnrm. Tho
lattor also urged that no outside
labor bo used so that as little cash
as posslblo bo usod.
County Superintendent E. M. Crnll
Announces Dates of Meeting of
Pedagogs to bo October
O, 10 and 11
On October 0, 10 and 11, Ontario
will bo tho hosts for tho annual
gathering of tho podagogs of Mal
heur county for tholr Institute
This announcement was made this
wook by Mrs. E. M. Crall, county
superintendent of schools who wns
In tho city during tho first of tho
wook. Tho charactor of the pro
gram, and tho speakers who will bo
prosent has not yot boon nnnounced
but will bo ready somotlmo prior
to tho oponlng of tho Institute.
Joo Flnglor who for somo tlmo
past hns boon In chnrgo of tho signal
sorvtco of tho Short Lino with bond
qunrtors hero, 1ms resigned his
position and has purchasod nn In
terest In tho Ontario Garago with
Poto Duford. Thoy plan on complet
ing tho building which Mr. Duford
built and in oxtondlng their sorvlco
1 1)y t10 ntiilItIon of electrical Hue,
batteries, etc.
Another mombor of tho hord, a
mnturo cow Is still on tost and her
rorord bo far Indicates that sho will
make tho silver medal. This cow
Is a throo fourths sister of Vivo La
In developing his herd Dr. Fortner
Is crossing tho Btralns of tho Ladd
hord nnd tho Van Klook herd of
Bonvorton, both of whoso hords arn
counted among tho best Jorsey herdo
In Amorlcn. Tho success which his
cows havo shown already this yoar
ho attributes to their brooding nnd
tho caro given by Mr, Atthorton and
whon he has completed his silos and
now bams so that still moro favor
able conditions will prevail la con
fldont that roconds will be establish
ed which will domonstato tho pos
sibilities of this section as ideal for
tho brooding of dairy cattlo.