MALHEUR COUNTY FAIR, ONTARIO, OREGON, SEPT. 20, 21 AND 22, 1922--FUN 3 DAYS---1000 WAYS tiHtfarto VOL. XXVI ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER -7, 1922 m vgm. No. 40 - .. 3 CITY'S DELINQUENT TAXES NOW $26,000 Budget Committee Battles With Ex- pcnso of City Government One Third of Entire Cost of Rnv- erniiicnt Is Interest Bill Ono third of the entire cost of running tho City of Ontario is Its Interest bill for bonds of various is suos. The total Interest bill Is $16, 000 as outlined in tho 1923 budget committteo sitting with the City Council Tuesday evening. Tho budget makers who assisted the council were: B. C. Van. Petten, chairman, H. C, Boyer, E. A. Fras er and W. P. Homanr- A. L. Cock- rum and T. H. Moore the other two members did not attend the meet ing. ' After learning that the city has now due it from delinquent taxes the gross sum of more than $20,000, means of collecting it were dis cussed, but no definite action was, taken. The budget makers worked for hours on the mass of figures and re duced the total from the last bud get slightly. The present council was warmly commended for having kept within the last budget and op orated the city so economically. No salary or other increases were al lowed savo for fuel and lights at the library and fuel at the city hall. Tho detailed complete budget is be is being prepared for publication in the near future. After the budget meeting tho council held a regular session and paid tho usual grist of bills. No action was taken on the sidewalk Improvement In Riverside when It was found that to build the walk would 'mean an outlay of $600 for the city with slight chance of get- ting the money baek Vv (3U& SCHOOLS OPEN WITH L Though Opened Two Weeks Enrlier Than Usual High School Nnm- bo About tho Same Grades Show Largo Increases With nn Increase of 45 over the number enrolled at the end of tho first week last year the schoolsof Ontario reported C04 pupils Wednes day of this week, three days after school opened. By the end of tho weok this number will be increased and after tho Fair a still larger In crease will be recorded It is believed. The High school has 15 G enrolled now and more than 200 Is expected to bo the total by October 1.. In the grades there aro 448 now or 48 more than last year. In the east side school 79 pupils are enrolled, a substantial increase over last year. To fill in the vacancies caused by the resignations of Miss Buth Ca been and Miss Lolse Wood, Mrs. J. W. Springer and Miss Emily Miller were chosen by the board. Mrs. Springer Is a graduate of Highland Park University at DesMoines, lowa, nnd taught for eight years In' Iowa High schools. She will have the Latin classes and Freshman English. Miss Miller is an O. A. C. graduate in the class of '18 and has had sev en years' experience In teaching do mestic science and arts. For the past two years she had charge of this work in the Bend High school. Now Flag Pole Sergeant W. H. Abendroth has his cadets lined up already. Many of the boys have new uniforms and others are ordering every day. The new 60 foot stell flag pole which was ordered Is here, and will be erected this -week. Each day a squad of cadets will raise and lower tho flag and make the flag salute according to the army regulations. . . After spending the summer in Chicago taking special courses in music, including a course In cello playing. Mrs. Stella Mason Cor and hor Bon Louis and daughter Virginia returned homo last Saturday morn ing. While In the middle west they visited for a time at Gilnnell, Iowa. Mr, and Mrs, O. H. Graham and family returned Sunday from Port Angeles. Washington, where they have been the guests of relative, TWKNTf CENT REUCTION ON POTATOES INTO EFFECT TODAY Effective, today the reduced rate on potatoes which was made last weok amounting to 20 cents per hundred went into effect today. The rate applies to all points in the south and middle west except those reached by the Hock Island, and the M. K. & T. Since the shippers are now using straight box cars without icing charges, it is believed that some of the crop will be able to move forward with somo profit to tho growers, but no predictions are being made by shippers. DEMOCRATS.MEET AT II Cnpt. Paul S. Moi-nii of Grange Pre- Cinct Mmlo County Chairman, J.' R. Blnckaby Named State Committeeman Att Nyssa on Tuesday the pre cinct committeemen of the demo cratic party met and elected offlrers and laid plans for rhe coming cam paign. J. B. Blackaby who for years has been county chairman presided and was elected state committee man, while Captain Paul S. Moran of Grango precinct was elected county .chairman to succeed Mr. Blackaby. . One of this principal matters dis posed of was the naming of an ex ecutive committee who with Capt. Moran will conduct tho campaign this fall. The men named were: Frank Hall, Nyssa; W. F. Homan, Ontario No. 8; Dr. E. S. Fortner, Fair; M. N. Fegtly, Vale, and John Blanton, Cairo. A complete list of precinct com mitteemen was named filling all va cancies and arrangements made to conduct a canvass of the county. Those who attended the meeting frsm Ontario were: Ji Jt. bIro'i- aby, W. E. Lees, Jas. A. Lackey, Col. S. F. Taylor and C. McGonaglll. SHERIFF TAKES PRISONERS TO STATEPEN1TENTIARY Burglars and Check Artists Plead Guilty Ed. Hnsson's Trial Is Postponed to January Term Somo Cases Dismissed Saving the county the cost of trial, Jack McCall, Joe Sherman and Harry Sable who robbed the K. A. Allen residence here, and Jack Hy att who passed some bad checks at Vale, pled guilty last week and were sentenced by judge Biggs to terms In the state penitentiary. Sheriff Leo Noe nnd Marshal H, C. Farmer took them to Salem Wednesday. The cases of Joe Bover and others against the Malheur Livestock com pany for trespass were dismissed by the court Tuesday, and a number of other cases are now being tried on the long calender which the court is facing. PREDICT REDUCTION IN POTATO ESTIMATE Private Reports Indicate Decrease of 25 Million Bushels in JUiiine- ,sota Alone Spud Men lo Curtail Shipments The Idaho Producers Union re ceived telegraphic Information this week, according to a roport phoned from their office at Caldwell today to County Agent L. R, Breithaupt, which Indicates there will be, 25, 000,000 bushels less in Minnesota and the Dakotas than indicated by the Department of Agriculture August report. The Union officials think it probable that tho next gov ernment report will show a mater ial roductlon.ln the total US. crop. "If this Is true, the potato market should strengthen," says Mr. Breit haupt. It is possible that an understand ing may be reached by the potato growers whereby .only the better grades of potatoes will be offered for sale, the culls being kept on the farms and used for feed,, Tho Canyon county farm bureau has called a meeting for Saturday afternoon to discuss this movement An Invitation has been extended to Malheur county potato growers to attend this meeting. , Cash and Merchandise Premiums Make Dairy Section Biggest Winner at Fair As the result of the activity of tho committee in charge of the dairy Bhow In connection with tho Fair, the exhibitors in that division will have the opportunity of securing somo handsome prizes both in cash and merchandise. The Fair associ ation is giving $200 in cash prizes. The Farmers Co-operative Cream ery of Payette is giving a special prize fund of $25 -for a cream test ing contest. In this contest the com pany will buy the cream at five cents per pound above tho station price and 20 to 40 pounds will be neces sary for each entry which ought to test between 25 and 36 per cent but terfat. The first prize will be $10, thesecond $5, the third $3, and tho fourth $2, and five additional prizes of $1 each will be awarded for tho next five. Lecture On Cream Too One of the authorities from O. A. C. will Judge this contest and mako the tests, will deliver a lecture on what constitutes a good churning cream, a lecture which in itself will be of great value to those who are engaged in dairying. J. B, Brown, manager of the creamery who is arranging for this tost declares that thousands of dol lars are lost to the farmers through the production of lower quality cream, and "if the dairy Industry Is to grow and prosper it is essential that a higher standard be produced. For this purpose the contest is be ing held as part of an educational campaign in practical dairying. The dairy contest proper will be for Jersey and Holsteln cattle of various classes as follews: " Jerseys 1. Bulls 2 years and over, 1st $7.50 and $5 In merchandise at On tario Furniture Co. Second prize $5 cask. 2. Bull under 2 ycars and over one, first ?7.5U,casn ana zo pounu bucket International Stock Tonic by Ontario Pharmacy; second prize, $5 cash. 3. Bull under 1 year. First prize $7.50 cash and ono gallon Naphalen Dip, McCreight Hardware Co. Second prize $5 cash. 4. Cow, 3 years and over. First prize $10 cash and one Inner Tube by Ford Garage, and ?2.50 in mer chandise at Troxell Implement Co., nnd also ono Auto Wash Brush by Luehrs Drug Store. Second prize $5 cash. 5. Cow under 3 and over 2 years' Frist prize $7.50 cash and one As- Expert Summarizes His Views About Dairying in this Section Each of tho nationally known dairy experts who visited Idaho Xhls month and spent part of one day In Malheur county, was aslced by tho Argus, at the close of the trip toex press briefly his views on this sec tion as a dairy region. This Is the reply received from J. H. Frandsen, dairy editor of Capper's Publication, and formerly professor of dairying at the University of Nebraska. "I have' been In dairy campaigns In a great many states when it was necessary to put forth a groat deal of effort to persuade the Governors to give sympathetic assistance; but here the situation is remarkably dif ferent. The Governor of Idaho is not only sympathelc, but has struck out boldly as a leader and Is spend ing much valuable, time giving the people the right perspective regard ing the tremendously Increased pros perity that will come if you follow tho suggestions to enter the dairy business, "Since I was located in Idaho I have travelled in practically every dairy state In this country and olse whero in the world, and I am Just Miss Mao Murphy of Beulah, was a week end visitor here prior to go-j ing to Brogan where sho will teach this year,. On Friday evening, September 15 a meeting will be held of all the members of the Woman's club, tho Music club and the Girl's club to consider tho question of federating into one organization with depart mental activities. The gathering will convene at the assembly room nt tho Public Library. J. H. Wolfe of Nyssa was an On tario business visitor on each of several days this weok. Mr. Wolfe recently returned from an extended trip to the coast country. tor Dross Hat by Aloxander Co., and 100 pound sack of Kerr "Mllkmak or" by Cash Grain company. C. Cow under 2 and over one. First $7.50 cash and $2.50 in mer chandise at Relhsen & Byans, nnd 50 pound sack of flour by Cash Gro cery. Second prize $5 cash. 7. Cow under one, 1st $7.50 and 500 pounds coal by Boise Payette, and stable fork by McDowell com pany. Second prize $5 cash. 8. Champion bull. First prize Blub Ribbon and $5.00 by First Na tional Bank, and sack Calf Meal by Pete Johnson of Fruitland. 9. Champion Cow. ' First prize Bluo Ribbon and $5 In cash from Ontario National Bank, and 1000 pounds coal by Van Petten Lb. Co., and $5 In merchandise from Inde pendent Market. Holstclns 10. Bull 2 years and over. First prize. $7.50 cash, and 25 lbs. Inter national Stock Tonic by Ontario Pharmacy, and $5 in merchandise by Ontario Furniture Co, Second prize $5 cash. 11. Bull under 2 years and over one. First prize $7.50 cash, and gallon Nnpatlen Dip by Mc Creight Hardware. Second prize $5 in cash. 12. Bull under 1 year. First prize $7.60 cash, and ono gallon Canteen by Ford Garage. Second prize $5 in cash. 13. Cow 3 years or over. First prize $10 in cash, and 100 pounds Kerr "Milkmaker" by Cash Grain Co., $2.50 In merchandise by Trox ell Implement Co. Second prize $5 in cash. 14. Cow under 3 years and over 2. First prize $7.50 cash aand one sack mill Feed by Andrews Grain Co. Second prize $5 In cash. 15. Cow under 2 years and over one. First prize $7.60 in cash, and $2.50 In merchandise by Relhsen &. Ryan. Second prize $5 in cash. 16. Cow under one year. First prize $7.50 In cash, and 500 pounds coal by Boise Payette, and 8 pounds Snowdrift by Cash Grocory Co. Second plze $5 in cash. 17. Champion Bull. First prizo Blue Ribbon nnd ono 14xlG photo graph In natural colors by Sellgman Studio, and one sack Calf Meal by Pete Johnson. 18. Champion" cow. First prizo Blue Ribbon, and $5 cash from First National Bank, and 1000 pounds coal by Van Petten Lbr. Co., one pair Driving Gloves by Tho Hub. back hero to tell you that no coun try can ralso as good, or as cheap dairy feeds as you havo hero. And I know of no country with as good climatic conditions, nor markets, provided thoy aro properly organ ised. , "Whore a country Is as far re moved from markets, an effort should bo made to market products in the most concentrated forms. There is no better way to market your alfalfa and other forago crops than through good dairy cows. "My advise to tho ranchers of this section Is to got Into dairying for it is a good stabilizer. Tho dairy cow pays you every day. Grow into the dairy business; don't Jump into it. If you do not go Into tho business yourself somo ono olso will and will tako your heritage from you. Thore are such food opportunities for suc cess in dairying business heho that unless tho people here now take ad vantage of tho opportnlty at hand thoy will seo eastern and middle western dairymen coming horo to enter tho field and tako their oppor tunity from them." Henry Hatch one of tho woll known ranchers on the Oregon sldo of the lino west of Parma, was in Ontario on business Monday, Mrs. George Oram formerly of Ontario, but now a resident of Boise, accompanied by her daugh ter, Miss Margaret, spent Saturday and Sunday here the guests of Mr, and Mrs. L. Ready, having accom panied Mrs. Ready back from Boise. Mrs. Oram and her daughtor mado tho stop here on their way to Los Angeles wliero Miss Margaret is to matrlculato In tho University of Southern California, Jas. T. Adams came down from Clover Creek, JLVNV ONTARIO FOLK GOING TO PIONEER PICNIC AT VALE There Will bo a gcnoral oxodus of Ontarlans for Vale tomorrow to at tend the pioneer picnic which is an annual event at tho county seat. Tho Vale folk will furnish dinner at noon and an Interesting program of events will occupy the day. RODEO AT HOPE WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY Settlement Abovo Vnlo Plans After, noon's Entertainment nnd In vites Folk From Tills Section tion to Enjoy Fun At Hope station, west of Vale, Sunday afternoon an old fashioned frontier day rodeo will bo hold. Tho Bottlers near Hopo have formed the Hope Rodeo association, 'and aro going to put on an afternoon's en tertainment which John Toms tele phoned tho Argus, would be worth seeing. Tho Hope fellows havo a numbor of buckaroos who aro willing to stake their reputations on thotr ability to handle outtlaws and aro featuring a big bucking contest and a series of horse races. A comploto program has been arranged with a numbor of horse races on the sche dule, and there will not bo a dull moment in the afternoon. Mr. Toms asked tho Argus to invito all tho folk down this way to bo present at the Bhow. "Wo will give thom a good time, you can assure them that," was his message. Tho show starts at 1:30 nnd will be suappy. NEW COUNTY CLUB LEADER SUCCEEDS II. I WELLMAN W. D. Kinder of Prescott, Washing ton Aftlves for Work Assist ing Bojs and Gills to Select Exhibits for Fair Contests Accompanied by his wifo, W. D. Klndor, tho now county club IeaTl- or who succeeds II, R. Wellman, nr- rlved In tho county last weok, and this weok Is engaged In holding se lection demonstrations showing tho boys and girls how to select tho best spoclmons for oxhlblt nt tho Mal heur county Fair. Mr. Kinder who Is an O. A. C. graduate, has had four years of practical exfeorlonce In farming, having worked on his father's farm In Washington since he was ablo to do his bit, and his work will bo soc ondod by Mrs. Klndor, who likowiso is nn experienced worker In agri cultural affairs. Like hor husband Sho Is an O. A. C grnduato and wns employed for several years in tho poultry oxporlmont section of the coUego. Mr. and Mrs. Klndor wcro In On tario Monday onrouto to Kingman Kolony and tho Big Bend to hold demonstrations. Thoy aro also deop ly interested in tho campaign for dairying In tho county and Mr. Kln dor is to arrange for tho contest In dairy record keeping launched by tho Argus, and has asked H. C. Sey mour, leador of tho boys and girls club work to Judgo tho contest. ONTARIANS GUESTS OF PAYETTE BUSINESS MEN Largo Delegation Piesent at Meet ing Where Dairy Campaign Was Discussed Co-operation of Communities Stressed Ton autos loaded with Ontarlans, mon and women, Journeyed to Pay otto last Friday avonlng to attend tho meeting of tho Payette Commer cial club whero tho special subject of discussion was tho continuation of a campaign to Incrcaso tho dairy Industry In this region, Jas, H. Davis, prosldont of tho Payette club, presided and addresses wore mado by Joel L. Priest, general agont of tho Short Lino, who urged co-operation between the various communities and pointed out tho benoflts of such a campaign; Frank W. Brown, secretary to Governor Davis of Idaho, undor whoso direc tion tho dairy campaign .was insti tuted, gavo an oloquont rcsumo of tho effort and sot forth many of tho adcantages which must nccruo. Ho (Continued on last page) PRIZES OFFERED FOR BEST DAIRY RECORDS Competition Open to Members of Bojs' nnd Girls' Clubs of Coun ty Argus Gives 910 nnd J. A. Lnkncss Gives $5-00 Tills Year The boy or girl who exhibits the best record of milk tostlng and dairy record keoplng at, tho Malheur,, County Fair will win tho special $10 first prize donated by tho On tario Argus. Tho second best re cord shown will win the $5.00 prizo offered by J. A. Lakness. A third prizo will probably bo- offered by some other Ontario business man. Arrangements for this contest aro being made by County Club Loader W. D. Kinder, and ho has already interested a number of tho boys and girls of tho county in tho contost. This contost Is going to bo an an nual event. Noxt year if present arrangements aro carried out it will bo necessary for tho boys and girls to oxhlblt a calf that was raised by tho contestants and thoy will tako part In tho Judging contost too, as well as presenting a record of milk tostlng nnd 'dairy herd record keep ing. It is plannod that next year the first prizo will bo either a pure brod calf or a substantial sum toward tho purchase of a puro brod animal. Already In tho county thoro are sovoral groups of boys and girls who nro doing work in tho dairy animal project of tho boys' and girls clubs. No calf clubs were organized but tho young people are keoplng tho re cords of three or moro cowa each and are thus getting started. GREAT SHOW TROUPE HERE DURING FAIR Simp Bothers .Shows Thltty Car loads of Them Five Big Rides Two of Tliom Abso lutely Now to Finnish Fan For Fair Visitors to tho Mainour county Fair will havo tho timo of their lives, that was certain when tho Fair management complotod ar rangements with tho roprosontatlvo of the Snap Brothers Shows to bo horo' during Fair woek. This com pany with its 14 shows, flvo big rides and concessions roq aires an entire train to move from town to town. Ita baggage a,nd parapher nalia crowds 30 cars. Bosldo tho Forrls wheel, Merry-Go-Round and Whip, tho company has two now rides, tho Soaplano and tho Frolic. -Both of thoso are ab solutely now to tho west. They havo boon out only two years and havo novor been shown In this sec tion. Carries Two Bands An Idea of tho slzo of tho attrac tions may bo. galuod from tho fact that thoy carry two bands, and that thoy havo tho ontortalnmont fea tures of tho Western Washington Fair at Puyallup and havo shown at all tho big Fairs in- Canada and Washington this year. Ontario, got thorn becauso thoy aro billed for the Idaho Stato Fair at Bolso tho weok following and go from thoro to Salt Lake City. Thoro Is no 49 show and no ob Jectionablo features. Tho stunts aro tho biggest ovor seen in this soctlon and tho Fair aro congrat ulating themselves on gottlng thorn to stop hero. PHOTOGRAPHER HACK AFTER LONG TRIP THROUGH SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown who loft horo last fall for California, re turned to Ontario thin wook and havo takon tho homo of Mrs. Emma Cover on tho eaststdo, Mrs. Conver having moved to' Payette, Mr. and Mrs. Brown roport a wonderful trip during which thoy had many unique oxporloncoH, Once In Utah last wintor thoy ran into snow drifts and had to havo their car hauled on a slod for two days. Thoy visited LosAngoles and Journeyed leisurely through Now Moxlco, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming and Idaho on tholr roturn. Whl'dUhe Orand Can yon is wondorful, tho Royal Gprge Is not oqual to tho canyon of the Salmon,, saya Mr. Brown,