THE ONTAKIO AEG OS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1922 5 i v i i i PAID LOCAL ADS TEACHER OP PIANO Mrs. Chris tiansen. Phono 170 W. 34 4t WANTED Man with car toi soil , Poultry Foods Prepared Right Here We have just received one of the new Jay Bee Grinders for grinding all kinds of poultry foods. There is not another grinder of this type in this section, and its merit is so well known that we are certain the ranchers, here will appreciate its installation. We Specialize in all kinds of Feeds and poultry supplies DON'T SELL OUR BUYER Andrews Old Boyer Building. aiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiBiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiii YOU WATCH THE PENNIES ---and the dollars will take care of themselves IT does not take many saving purchases at this store until you have saved the first dollar. And jg the saving does not stop there, for every day the J process can be repeated. H Hi This has' been demonstrated by many j Ontario housewives who realize the bene- j fits of shopping of seeing what they pur- j chaise and, enjoying the convenience of get- ting everything they need for the table j right here. In other words ... j Our cash and carry plan saves money for you J Try some of our many cold meats for your next picnic dinner-Every thing for picnics U RYAN ONTARIO, illlllll MALHEUR COUNTY ygyc"isiz3t.2cxzit- arxssc; best low priced Cord Tires mado. $100.00 per wdek and, expenses. Graham fjro Co., 3681 Pipestone, Benton Harbor, Mich. 33 2t FOR IlENT Modern G room house. Phone 89J. " It. poll SALE: Young plgB. Phono prepared YOUR GRAIN UNTIL SEES YOU. Grain Co. Ontario, Oregon I & REIHSEN 1 OREGON SEPTEMBER 20, 21, 22, 1922 FUN 3 DAYS--1000 WAYS 2 t FOR RENT OR SALE Two houses on East side near school. May bo had at a bargain. See O. W. Haw, Ontario. tf. FOR SALE; Grapes. Frank Zeller ranch. Phone 20 G J, Ontario. FOR RENT Furnished bedroom with bath and garage. $10 a month Phonq 173 M. 2t LOCAL raw M. V. Hart returned Monday from Portland where ho was called by the illness of his mother. Up at Wtstfall they have some funny ideas, sometimes at least that is how James Graham must think as the result of an experience ho had thero recently. Mr. Graham had Just completed extracting a lot of honey from the comb and left the fluid for a short time, and when he returned it was gone. In all he "lost" 450 pounds, or more than' all Westfall's total population would, need for a year or more. Honey af ter proper treatment is said to make at times a most acceptable substi tute for the de'cotions prohibited by a famous statute. Dreamland . Attractions Friday and Saturday--THE GREAT ALONE, Monroe Salisbury. Scenes from College Campus to Canadian Snow Fields. Mutts Comendy. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday A CONNECTICUT YANKEE in KING ARTHUR'S COURT. Mark Twain's greatest Comedy. Wednesday and Thursday LA DIES MUST LIVE, Betty Compson, Star Comedy.. 20GW3. MT11-i--xninwiimnn"iiniii iiwrniimiimimmnnii MHiiiiniiirtmi SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR CHARLES E. BALL, Plaintiff, TS. LEE MOURICE WEBD, BERTHA IONE WEBB, KATIE ELLEN JOHNSON, formerly Katie Ellen Webb, and RUFUS JOHNSON, her husband, and W. D. PATCH, and all persons unknown claiming any right, title, claim, Hen or inter ost In and to the real property de scribed herein, Defendants. TO: " "All persons unknown claim ing any right, title, claim, Hen or in terest in the property described herein", as follows, to-wlt: South Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of- Section 30, Township 15 South, Range 47 E. W. M. Malheur County, Oregon, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this Summons, and if you fall to do so for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in said Complaint, to-wlt: For a Judg ment and Decree against the above named defendants, Leo Mourlce Webb, Bertha lone Webb, Katie El len Johnson", Rufus Johnson, and W. D. Patch for the sum of $1371.75, with interest thereon at the rate of & per annum from August 22nd, 1922, together with $150.00 reason able attorney fees and for costs and .disbursements of said suit; and for a further decree of the court for the foreclosure of the Mortgage de scribed Ik said Complaint, and fori tho sale thereof to satisfy said judgmont and decree, according to the law and practice of said court, and for a deficiency Judgment against the defendant V. D. Patch; that it be further ordered and ad judged by said decree that the de fendants, Loo Mourlce Webb, Bertha lone Webb, Katie" Ellen Johnson. Rufus Johnson, W. D. Patch and all persons unknown claiming any right, title, claim, Hen or interest in and to tho real property described in the Complaint herein, and each thereof, have no claim, right, title, lien or Interest in, to or upon said real estate or any part thereof, ad verse to the claim and title of the plaintiff herein, and that tho defen dants and oach thereof be forever enjoined and restrained from asset-ting any right, title, claim, lien or Interest or any part thereof adverse to plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem just and equitable. This summons is published pur suant to an order of the Hon. Dalton Biggs, Circuit Judge, duly made and entered on the 29th day of August, 1922. R. W. Swagler Harrison McAdams, Attorneys for Plaintiff, residing at- Ontario, Oregon, and Welser, Idaho, respectively. Date of first publication, August 31, 1922; date of last publication, October 12, 1922. BIS FOR TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS The directors' of School District number Eight will receive bids for tho transportation of pupils, for a period of thirty-five weeks, five days in tho week, commencing Monday, September 11, 1922. The route commences about tho quarter section lino between section two .and eleven, Township Eighteen, Range 4G E. W. M and runs directly east to the School house, a distance of about four and ono-half miles. All bids to bo filed with tho Dis trict Clerk ou or boforo Wednesday, September B, 1922, at Eight o'clock p. m. TJio successful matter win uo required to furnish a bond in the sum of $500.00. Tho Board resorves tho right to re ject any or all bids! By order of the Board of Direct ors School District No. 8,. Malheur County, Oregon. W. L. TURNER, District Clerk. E. A. Holt loft Saturday for an ex tended visit in the middle west dur ing which he will stop at Milwaukee, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City and other cities of that section. Brings More Comfort to Mother MOTHER has enough work without worrying about a balky furnace or mussy stoves. Install a Sunbeam Furnace nnd she'll never again com plain to you about the house being cold. And she won't be reminding you so often that the coal pile's" getting low because the Sunbeam Furnace actually makes your fuel go further. H. R. UDICK iSUNBEfiMj FLYTOX The foremost Scientific Instltue ofxthe world developed this product to kill Flies, Mosquitos, Cock roaches, Moths and Bed Bugs. No dust. Harmless to people. Avoid substitutes. "Sold by a retail deal ers. PAVEnE VALLEY REX SPRAY CO. Distributors PAYETTE, IDAHO e ml 8lkJ SB The real, substantial citizen does not come from the spendthrift class. The chances are ninety-nine to one that he started with a savings account, Each of us, chooses the class to which he belongs. In the interest of good citizenship, to the end that your future may be happy and assured, we urge that you start an account with us now. ONTARIO OREGON MAJESTIC Friday and Saturday "ONE CLEAR. CALL" With an all star cast including Mil ton Sills and Henry B. Walthall. Feel the thrill of THE NIGHT RID ER'S RAID. A great story. Comedy Peace and Quiet. International Nows. SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY MATINEE SUNDAY Staring Dorothy Phillips Told in a thousand scenes of drama, smiles, thrills. Thousands of play ers, thousands of horses, wild ani mals, vast panoramas and intimate insights upararlled in motion pic tures. Nine massive reels. m V . m ft