The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 31, 1922, Image 2

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Qttj? GDntaria Argua
County Official Paper
Aa Independent Newspaper
Published Thursdays at Ontario,
Oregon, and ontorod at tho 'Ontario
post office for distribution as 2nd
class matter.
O. K. Alkon, Managing Editor
SUBSCRIPTION Ono Year, 12.00
Well meaning efforts to induce
Bottlers to come to this section of the
country for the purposo of engaging
In agricultural efforts will avail lit
tle, until tho farmers who are hero
now becomo prosperous. Then It
will bo impossible to keep settlers
So many tlroos, It has appeared,
tho men engaged in tho promotion
of development have looked on one
side of tho problem only. They have
figured out the story of a few pros
perous ranchers and have with ad
vertising folders set forth, the facts
concerning these Individual cases
using them as bait to bring others to
tho field.
In normal times that mothod is,
perhaps, Justifiable. It has been
used effectively and many people
have been brought to sparsely set
tled regions who mado good and aid
ed In the upbuilding of tho country.
Dut now wo are in a different con
dition. Few of tho ranchers in the
west engaged in ono crop production
aro prosperous. AH agriculture
noods concentrated effort and Im
proved marketing conditions, as well
as bettor production methods.
Tho need of tho hour is a well
conceived plan for bettering tho con
ditions of tho farmers who aro hero
now. A wider varloty of crop pro
duction will in part solvo the prob
lorn. Means must bo secured of
preparing tho crops raised so that
thoy can stand shipment to tho dis
tant consuming market.
Herein lies tho great benefit pos
sible from tho Introduction on a
broader scopo of tho dairy industry,
It Is both a principal Industry as
woll as an auxiliary to field crop pro.'
sin ranchers aro prosperous. Hero
tho ranchers are not. No banks
have failed in the Badger stato; alas
'several have failed In this region.
Butter fat can be produced hero at a
lower cost than in Wisconsin what
thon doos tho future In dairying
hold for the rancher here? What
docs It mean for tho business men,
the bankers, the professional men of
this region prosperity along with
tho ranchers.
And when, tho ranchers hero are
prosperous this land will bo as In
viting to the men of the east and
middle west who aro seeking new
fields, as all America has been for
tho ambitious citizens of Europe.
Our fathers came to America from
Europe because they knew that in
theso United States the opportunity
for bettering their condition' was
present because Americans were
prosperous. Residents of the crowd
ed sections of our land today will
follow the same impulse to move
wostward to this valley when our
ranchers aro prosperous. It should
thon be tho constant and ever press
ing purposo of tho business men of
this region to promote the prosper
ity of the farmer hero now, and let
his prosperity be tho magnet which
will draw others and thus add to
tho growth and development of the
entire region. We need not look
for development until our farmeVs
aro prosperous. ,
ductlon. It reduces tho forago
raised Into a concentrated form
which at a low cost, comparatively,
can bo transported to distant cities.
It can be hold for a tlmo In storage
and thus has another advantage. It
Is the moans of a steady Income;
ono of tho greatest of all needs or
tho farmer.
Tho offer which J. L. Kraft of tho
Kraft Brothers Company of Chicago,
mado to take tho output, of cheeso
from Idaho and Eastern Oregon up
to two hundred million pounds per
year, at tho same price as that paid
in Wisconsin, brings tho market to
tho dairy ranchor of this section. It
Is tho most significant offer over
mado to tho people of any section.
Thcro nro today, In Wisconsin
3000 creamorles and cheeso .factor
ies. Thoro aro not ono hundred in
tho Snake Illvor valley today. Tho
limit of forago production In Wis
consin has been reachod. Hero It
has only boon scratched. Wlscon-
Chas. Miller, ' ...-9afldd.. e b
Last Wednesday, at the home of
Supt. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Cald
well, occurod tho marriage of A. C.
C. Patheal and Miss Magge Beehley,
both woll known Fruitland people.
Tho ceremony was performed by
Rev. C. Hankins of the M. E. church
at Caldwell, and was witnessed .by
a few of the immediate friends of
tho bride and groom. They will re
side on the Patheal ranch south of
Many Mllllont of Acres Have Changed
Hands Sines the Signing of
the Armistice.
Since the armistice almost 4,500,000
acres of Scottish land has changed
hands, or practically a quarter of the
country, reportB the London Times
correspondent at Glasgow.
During 1021 over 000,000 ncres were
sold, against 800,000 In 1020. Although
prices have fallen, fully 5,000,000
($26,000,000) must have been lnrohed
In last year's sales, and the total
turnover since the armistice Is esti
mated at 52,500,000 ($202,500,000).
The decrease in estate sales last
year shows that the "boom" Is on the
wane, for the people who made war
fortunes and who were the estate
agents' best clients now find their
wealth diminishing us quickly as It
grew. Trade depression has,, of
course, left Its mark on the estate
market, with the result that prices for
estates are nothing like what they
were a few years ago.
Estate agents, however, hold out a
hopeful prospect for this year. It Is
expected that the cessation of large
buying will continue for several
months, probably until the next budget
proposals are known, hut that this
will be followed by a revival. Im
proved conditions In the Industrial
world would give a fillp to the estate
market, but agents are confident that
even without the Impetus, good busi
ness will be done next year In the
buying of land.
Best, biggest, cheapest tablets and
Note Books -
Joo Browning of Fruitland, was
bitten by a dog near Brogan a week
ago. He thought little of It "and
went deer hunting. Upon returning
ho found that tho dog, which had
boon kicked by a mulo previous to
this, had bitten three other persons,
and had killed somo sheep and chick
ens. Stato authorities upon exam
ing tho headof the dog, thought per
haps tho animal had been suffering
from rabies. Mr. Browning, who Is
receiving medical attention, at Vale,
howovor seems to be improving.
Miss Nellie Heckes' underwent an
oporatlo for appendicitis last Fri
day. Last Saturday ho'r condition
seemod critical, but later reports
indicate she Is recovering nicely.
W. F. Shearer, manager of tho
Cheerylnnes Lettuce company, was
near Fruitland Monday Inspecting
tho twonty-flvo acre lettuce field
operated by Denny & Company.
Miss Mary Hollenbeck was In tho
Holy Rosary hospital this wook hav
ing undorgono an operation for tho
romoval of a bono In tho nose.
Blind Beggar Refused What Most
People Would Consider Most
Precious of Life's Gifts.
"Buy a pencil, please." Tills was
the monotonous sing-song plaint of a
ragged blind man on a prominent
downtown corner. A Detroit million
aire heard It. It gripped at his heart
strings. He decided to help cure the
poor victim.
A specialist of International repute
was summoned. He said he could re
store the pencil peddler's sight by a
delicate and expensive operation. The
millionaire told him to go ahead. Then
the blind man amazed the philan
thropist and the physician by refusing
to be cured.
"I want to be blind," he said. "If I.
got my sight back I'd have to go back
to hard work. Please don't give me
back my bight. I'm happy this way. I
make a lot of money through m?
blindness. It's easy work. I'm happy
and I want to stay this way."
The millionaire then had a watch
set on the happy victim. He found
that every evening at the end of the
peddler's day's work, a handsomely
gowned, pretty young woman drove up
to his corner In an expensive motor
car, bundled the peddler Into the car,
and whisked him off to one of those
Jazz places of song and dance. The
blind man was having n high old time
of It every night.
When he tried later to have his li
cense renewed, the millionaire pre
vented It.
Lead Pencils, 3 for 5c
Tablets for - - 3c
Penholders for . 5c
Erasers, 2 for - 5c
Ink - - 10c
Pencil Boxes - 10c
Typewriting Paper
Prang Paints
Prescriptions our Specialty
Rexall Eastman Victor
i nr i mp
They are GOOD!
The modem vmyf
Turn In at tba tin of tb
Meld. Smfa, thoreuxh fluking-
with Ckl FluUnc CHI
nd rc&lHnc wilfa 7,ttm i
tht correct grid.
Pineapples Have Strange Cousins.
Tho pineapple belongs to a very In
teresting family of plants, called the
Bromellads, all of which are purely
American, and none of which were
known In the old world until Import
ed from the new. Most of these are
natives of Brazil.
The pineapple Is the only member
of the family that produces a large
fruit formed by thickening Its tlowcr
axU and by Inclosing Its seeds In
fleshy bracts. It Is Also peculiar In
tho fact that It grows on the earth,
Instead of up In tho branches of trees
or on rocks, as do nearly all Its rela
tives. These are like the orchids In
many respects; they draw no suste
nance from the earth through their
roots but live on rain. This they catch
In their leaves, wtilch are rolled Into
perfectly water-tight reservoirs. New
York Herald.
When folks drive Into the inter
ior they always try to make Beulah
in Agency valley the objective point
for lunch or dinner, where Mrs. Bar
ney Tlllotson presides over the des
tinies of one of the best places to
eat anywhere, and there Is a big cool
porch upon which to rest before
making the drive ovor Ben Delr of
Agency mountain, as he case may
he, depending on the direction of the
trip. Agency valley sets tho name
from the fact that it is the location
of the Agency ranch from which
tho supervision of tho P. L. S. ranch
es in this section is given. Beulah
nnd Agency wero represented in
Ontario during tho past week by
Mrs. Tillotson and Mrs. William
Nance, whose husband is tho foreman
for tho P. S. L. properties in this re
gion. Both the visitors declared
that it is cooler at their homes than
It is down here.
Miss Freda Wallbrecht of Vale,
was a guest Sunday or Miss Blanche
McDonald. Y
From Caldwell on Sunday camo
Messrs. Henry and Peter Quast,
father nnd brothers of AI. Quast of
this city, for.a short visit.
After an extended stay in the cool
breezes of the Wllamette valley, Mrs.
William Jones and her daughter,
Miss Katherlne, returned homo on
School Supplies
Why not use & Reming
ton Portable Type
writer for your themes?
Facts About Cyclones.
From the study of clouds an official
of the weather bureau concludes that
the ordinary cyclones that traverse
our country from west to east are not
morn, than two or three miles In depth,
although their diameter Is nfttny hun
dreds of miles. In other words, their
motion does not affect tho upper re
gions of the atmosphere. In the case
of hurricanes he finds that the depth
Is greater, amounting to as uiuch as
Ave or sis miles. But higher currents
blow directly across the c clonic and
untl-eyclonlc areas which produce
storms and fair weather at the sur
face of the earth. Somo of this In
vestlgator's conclusions upset formei
Ideas concerning the circulation of the
atmosphere. New York Herald.
Plant That SneezesT
The recent discovery of a cough
ing plant has beeu reported. The Vul
garisation Sclentlfluue mentions still
another species which sneezes.
The former grows In certain trop
ical countries and bears a bean-like
fruit. It appoara to have a decided
distaste for dust, and when a little
Is placed on one of Its leaves the.
respiratory organs of tho plant Inflate
and the dust is expelled with a curi
ous noise, for all the world like a
child with the whooping cough.
We aro not told tho name of either
plant and doubtlosa they are closely
related, If not Identical. Kansas City
You will nevor havs a
better opportunity than
during this month to pur
chaso an Electric Ranee.
A big special purchase
makes it posstblo for us
to make the unusually
low cash payment of 5
and monthly payments
of only $10.
No Leeway.
"How about this hunting with the
camera J"
"Takes t. man of blameless charac
ter to stand 11 You gotta stick to the
truth." Judge.
Cook the clean, cool, convenient way. Eliminate tho uncertainty of
cooking and baking. Forget about buying coal and carrying out ash
estf5 will put any stylo or size Ellectric Range in your home and at
$10 a month it la soon paid for.
Romember, this offer is for the monthe of September only. Act quick
ly If you want to avail yourself of It. You may not have such an oppor
tunity for years. Call for a demonstration at any Electric Shop of the
Idaho Power Company.
MMMMittiBiw BswMb"