The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 31, 1922, Image 1

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Imitation of Payette Ooimnerclal
Body Accepted und Many Busi
ness Men Plan on Being
There Payette to Boost
for Fair
Ontario business men will Invade
Payette tomorrow (Friday) night.
Between BO and 67 have already
promised to be on hand to make the
trip and many of them will be ac
companied by their wives for the
women were invited too, the Pay
ette Commercial club being strong
for the ladles so that tho west
side of the river will bo well repro-
RAntprl. flirt Sne-fi Ttrllnh Oiinrtntto
-.... . . . .
. ; wm journey over too 10 waroie lor
the gathering.
On Tuesday President J. H. Davis
of the Payette club called up and
invited the speakers who are pro
claiming the gospel of the Malheur
county Pair to be present and as-
surod the Malheur county folk of an
opportunity to present the possibil
ities of the Fair at the meeting.
This is the first meeting of the
Payette club Blnce spring, and was
to have been devoted exclusively to
tho subject of dairying and methods
of extending that Industry in this
Section". Realizing, that the Fair
furnishes one of the best means of
presenting tho dairy argument to
many ranchers, the Payette men
have decided to co-operate in mak
ing the Fair successful.
Secretary W. H. Doollttle is ar
ranging for tho trip to Payette and
lining up the cars. have not
a car of your own to make the trip,
see Mr. Doollttle and telNhlm you
want to go. If you have a car and
can take an additional passenger of
two, or three, or four, tell Mr. Dee
little so.
beetle makes inroads on
several fields of lettuce
"If It is not one thing it is
two," goes an old saying, that
Is having currency this week
among the ranchers who are
raising head lettuce commercial
ly. After a hard battle to get
a stand of the salad foundation,
ranchers aro finding their crop
attacked by a brown beetle that
looks like the old fashioned
Juno bug. It is the same bug
that does arolal stunts about the
arc lights in town. Here It
does no damage, but out in tho
fields where its activity is di
rected at the roots of the let
tuce Instead of attacking the
globes on tho lights it hurts.
Out on Dead Ox Flat at the
Megordan and Lattig ranches
the Settles have Injured hun
dreds of plants by boring into
the ground and eating off the
tap roots. Specimens have been
sent to the entomologists and
efforts are being made to com
bat the pests. Some of the
farmers are hanging lamps over
tubs of water in their fields and
putting oil on the water, thus
killing a lot of beetles every
NO. 39
Experts to Judge Stock and Plans
Being Made to Have .Demon
stration of Judging Part of
Everj- Day's Program
Promises Mado to Parents pf Chll
tlren in Western End of Dis
trict to bo Kept, Tuition to
Ho Cluirgcd Outsiders
Horticulturists of County Gather to
Hear" Specialist Explain MetJi-'
ods Fruit Growers Expert-
meriting on Own Account
Meeting Held Hero Tuesday Dis
cusses Matter With F. L. Evans
Repicscutntlvo of Penn Pn
ciflc OH Company
At a meeting attended by a large
number of those interested in having
this field investigated to determine
whether or not there is a liklehood
of developing it as an oil region, F.
t L. Evans, representative of the
Penn Pacific Oil company made a
definite proposition Tuesday after
Mr. Evans said that his company
was ready to proceed to put in an
outfit here to drill after a geologist
they would name made an Investi
gations To secure the service of
this authority the company request
ed the local men to contribute
After hearing the proposition and
discussing it the meeting appointed
a committee to consider plans for se
curing the. 'funds and In determining
tho ability of the Penn Pacific Oil
company to make good on its propos
At the home of the groom's sister
Mrs. H. L. Chapmah of this city,
Rev. Henry Young read tho mar
riage service for Miss Gladles G.
Hagler and William S. Shanahan of
Boise Tuesday evening. Following
the wedding the newly weds left for
the Idaho capital.
. The Ontario Girls club will meet
next Tuesday evening, September 5
at the home of Mrs. W. L. Turner.
Mr. and" Mrs. E. M. Grelg, Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Letson and W, H. Doo
llttle drove to Halley Sunday to View
the War Dance mine,
Mr. nnd Mrs. George W. Haw are
Bntertalnlc Mrs. Haw's mother Mrs.
vAdelIne Stall of Chicago, and her
son Edward Stall of Arcadia, Flor
ida, and Miss Lilly Blester or uni
cago. With Mrs. William Viernow
of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Haw took
their visitors to Arrowrock dam this
Enthusiastic over Burns prospects
with the sale of timber lands to the
north, Sam Mothershead of Harney
county and his son Sam, Jr., were in
Ontario Wednesday enroute to uoise.
School will open at White Bettie-
ment on September 4, with Irving
Harris as teacher.
Miss Florence Ready is spending
the week with friends at Pocatello.
D. F. Graham made a business
trip to Ironside on Tuesday, remain
ing over until Wednesday,
The farm bureau held three meet
ings for the fruit growers during
the week, one each at Brogan, Nys-
sa and Oregon Slope. C. L. Long,
horticultural specialist for the ex
tension service was the speaker. aT-
tentiori was given particularly to ex
amining pruning and thinning denv
onstrations ,whlchhad been started
earlier In the year, and to general
discussion of the current problems
of the orchard men.
Mr. Long is demonstrating a type
of pruning which he believes will re
sult) in much better trees being
grown than where indiscriminate
methods, or even the kinds of prun
ing In vogue among students of the
subject of a few years ago, are used.
His method calls for a tree built up
from (our to six leaders each of
which is maintained as a definite
mid-rib for the subordinated branch
es attached to it. Examples of this
type of pruning done last fall under
his Instruction were examined in all
of the orchards, as well as examples
of that type of branch as it occurs
more or less frequently in all or
chards, were pointed out to the at
tending orchardlsts and contrasted
with "twin" and "triplet" branches
which were coming- down under the
weight of the fruit, soon to become
subjects for permanent removal,
whereas the"mld-rlb" type of branch
supports its load without coming io
the ground.
The specialist believes that apples
should be thinned to at least seven
Inches apart as an average, and some
large varieties even more. Examples
of thinning wore observed and the
results studied. AC the C. A. Hunt
orchard at Nyssa, an experiment is
being carried out with Jonathan ap
ples to determine what Is the most
profitable distance for thinning this
variety under conditions. Mr. Hunt
has thinned three trees with the
apples 9 Inches apart, three more
with the apples 7 inchos apart, three
with the apples 5 Inches apart, and
left three trees unthlnned. The re
sults are already showing up favor
able to the thinning. He will har
vest each set of trees separately and
pack the fruit out .separately to de
termine Just how much each will
yield and tho different grades' and
tho cash value of the crops.
H. A. Gardner of the Frultland
State Bank and Pete Johnson, gen
eral merchant of that community,
started the special fund for the dairy
show to be held as part of tho Mal
heur county Fair. Since then it has
been growing' dally and as the re
sult the support which the committee
is receiving In its efforts many hand
some prizes will be won by the own
ers of fancy dairy stock.
The committeo which started out
to secure the dairy show fund is,
Ivan E. Oakes, secretary of the Fair,
and Dr. A. G. Moore, and they re
port that an unusually fine spirit
of co-operation has been manifested
by tho business men seen thus far.
Following on the heels of the
Frultland donations came one from
The Farmers Co-operative Creamery
at Payette, and other firms on the
Payette side are to give, for all are
Interested in dairying and desire to
see the dairy section of the Fair go.
Judges to Demonstrate
The committee plans to have the
Judgeof tile dairydlvlslon give a
demonstration in front St the grand-!
stand one day during the Fair, glvr
lng his reason for selecting the win
ning animals, thus making it possi
ble for more people to learn tho
basis for Judging stock. Requests
for this feature havo come from
many people and it is believed this
will be one of the most Interesting
of the events of the entire show.
At a mectfng of the board of edu
cation held on Wednesday evening
is was decided to establish one route
for hauling in pupils to -the grade
school who live directly west of On
tario. It was nlso decided that all grado
pupils who attend tho Ontario schpol
who live outsido tho school district
will bo charged a tuition of four
dollars per month payable in ad
vance. . I
Thoro will bo a general meeting
of all the Ontario teachers on Sat
urday morning of this week at 10
a. m.
All children who will" bo six years
of ago by January first, 1923 will
bo permitted to enroll in school thin
fall although parents aro advised
that in many cases it Is hotter for
little children not to start until they
are past six rather than before they
are six. Mrs. Jamleson and Mrs.
Homan will both havo classes of bp
giunera at the West Sidd&school, and
Mrs. Conklln will have all beginners
at tho East Side school.
Sergeant Abondroth has taken
tho orders of mnny of tho cadets for
uniforms and is still at the High
school each day forthat purpose
All grado children will enroll
Monday morning at 9 o'clock In the
same room they attended last spring.
After- they get the list of books need
ed they will be excused for the day.
High school students will enroll' on
Monday and Tuesday as per the
announcement In last week's Argus.
Tho olectrical storm on Tues
day evening took many Ontario
and Frultland folk back, for tho
time being, to their old homes
In the Mlddlo West where such
capers on tho part of 4he ele
ments are not unusual. Pre
ceded by a healthy movemont of
tho elements which proceeds we
know not whither and comoth
from wo know not whenco, an
electrical storm arrived about
G:30 p. in. and used tho heavens
as a playground with brilliant
results. So long as tho flashes
tripped across tho sky no dam
age was dono, but with that un
certainty of movemont which
sometimes happens, they loft
their norlal playground and
sought objects on tho numdamo
sphere. One bolt hit a troo in
front of tho Frank RaUer resl
donco and stripped off the bark
and othorwlso trimmed it. Fire
flow In all directions and pre
sented a remarkablo picture to
thoso who witnessed the pro
cooduro. Another flash picked
out tho offlco of tho Frultland
Banner and hit it, starting a
small fire which was extin
guished beforo much damage
was done..
Joo Howrey who has charge of the
Stanfleld ranches In the vicinity of
Lochart near the roof of the county,
came down to Ontario to renew ac
quaintances and transact business
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T, Munson of Kear
ney, Nebraska, and their daughter,
Mlas Corlne, arrived last Friday for
a visit with Mrs. Munson's brother,
C. P. Skow. They jnaystay here
this winter, but are not certain as
yet, for they plan an extended tour
of the west ere they return to their
Nebraska home.
Misses Cecelia and Evelyn Galla
gher returned Tuesday from Burns
where they were the guests of Mr,
and Mrs. A. R. Olson,
Walter Taylor who for some time
past has been a resident of Eugene,
where he is attedlng the University
arrived here for a visit with his
f mother, Mrs. Frank C. Jones, and
his sister Mrs. Hart.
H. Wakerllg of Westfall, appeared
In Ontario this weok and registered
at the Carter House.
From Bonlta on Sunday came Bert
Slmonson to Ontario. He registered
at the Carter House.
Westfall must have been more or
less deserted this week, or tho West
all folk took a-partlcular notion to
travel, for that community was well
represented on the Ontario hotel
registers, 'among others was Jim
Miller who wrote his name on the
Carter House list on Sunday.
The very south end of the county,
hundreds of miles away was In evi
dence) in Ontario during the week
for Warren McHarguo was here from
Crowley, and from a still more re
mote section of- tlic. county camo
James P. Anderson of McDormltt.
Mr. Anderson lives In Malheur
county, but he is so close to the lino
that he gets his mall from the Mc
Dermltt postofflce In Nevada, and
thus he registered at .the Carter
Hoiiso. Mrs. Anderson was here re
cently and this visit of Mrs. Ander
son's followed to locate a resldenco
for the Anderson family when they
come to place their chtldron In
school. '
Two sturdy representatives of tho
land of the thistle, but now residents
and sheepmen of Malheur county,
Oregon, aro John Robertson and
Murdock Murchlson who wore In
Ontario thlsweek. They came here
from Riverside.
G. Allen Brown, a brother of tho
well known Brown family of Oregon
Slope and Payette, who Is one of the
prominent students at O, A. C, was
In Ontario last Friday and Saturday
In the Interests of the college. Mr,
Brown was tho business manager of
the O, A. C. annual last year and has
had so many student honors and of
fices that he lias, lost count. But of
more Import to many friends In this
section Is the fact that Just before
commencement last spring Miss
Cecil Losan, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Tom Logan of Brogan, and On
tario, for they lived hero two win
ters, announced her engagement to
Mr. Brown. Miss Logan met Mr,
Brown here Saturday, for being a
loyal student af. tho O. A. C, she
was likewise Interested In seeing
more Ontario students at the col
Senator Stanfleld Wires of Cut to
Missouri River Points Coloindq
And Utah Want Similar Rate
Reductions Themselves
Miss Joyso Turner who has spent
her vacation from O. A. c with hor
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Turner,
Is preparing to leave next Thurs
day for Corvallls. Although col-
I lego win not open tor several weoks
Miss Turner has to be back In ordor
to direct putting tho XI Betn IIouso
iu order for tho Incoming bevy of
coeds, for she Is manager of tho
house. Before returning to Corval
lls, however, sho will visit for a day
or two'at Hood River with college
After several weeks strenous ef
fort at tho C. M. T. C. at Camp Lewis
Owen Turner arrlvod home Tuesday
on No. 4. Tho drill was properly
mixed with sports and other diver
sions so that ho liked his stay vory
much. N
Mr. and Mrs. David Miller of tho
Big Bend, wore hero In Ontario
Tuesday on business.
A. J. Hall, lnsuranco adjusted, was
an Ontario visitor on Tuesday. Mr.
Hall came down from Boise on busi
ness. A. A. Tyler of Eugene, a brother
of Dr. C. M. Tyler of this city, will
bo hero this week with a party of
Wilametto valloy folk who aro inter
ested In ranching and aro desirous
of oxchajiglng their holdings In tho
valloy for proporty over hero. Thoy
left Eugene on Tuesday and aro ox
pected hero today.
Mrs. Homer Qtlham of Baker, ar
rived here last Friday to visit with
her daughter, Mrs. Wllmer Doyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Payne and family
and Mrs,. Retta Payne returned this
woek from a Btay at Payette Lakes,
William Butler was a business
visitor at Juntura whore ho wont to
buy somo sheep.
P. J, Gallagher loft Tuesday ovo
nlng for Portland on business,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W, McCulloch and
family spent tho week end at Pay
otto Lakes.
Mrs. Jr A. Cooper of Tho Dalles,
was tho guest Saturday of Mrs. W.
H. Brooka.
Mrs. Helen Clemont who has been
tho guest of her son Harry B. Clem
ent at Baker, and Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry B. Clement arrived In Ontario
last week and wore tho guests of
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wisdom at their
homo southwest of town,
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Dorman nnd
family and Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Footo
and daughtor of St. Louis returned
Tuesday from a (rip to the. Payette
Mr,' and Mrs. L. R. Brlethaupt re
turned Saturday from a trip tp Ba
ker countyj While gone from hero
Brlethaupt delivered lecturos to the
ranchers of Baker and Union coun
ties on tho alfalfa weevil and Its
methods and means of battling It.
Tho regular monthly meeting of
PnncrpfrnHnnnl Tjwllua Alrl will fin
held Soptember 5 at tho homo of
ura. -w. . wen,
Senator R. N. Stanfleld wired J.
R. Blackaby Tuesday informing him
of tho reduction of 14 cents per hun
dred weight on potatoes to Missouri
river points mado by tho Interstate
Commerco Commission, and Indicat
ed that a further reduction of six
cents would be made following tho
adjustment of rates In connection
with tho roquest of Utali and Colo
rado growers for reduction.
Tho campaign for- tho roductlon
in potato rates startod in the Boise
valloy and was actlvoly pressed by
tho Boise, Nampa nnd Caldwoll
commercial organizations and tho
Idaho delegation assisted, apparently
by Senator Stanfleld who evidently
kept in touch with tho situation.
When It ibecamo known that tho
Idaho bodies wore asking for a ro
ductlon of full 20 cents per hundred
wolght tho Utah and Colorado peo
plo objected sinco that would reduce
tho Idaho .rate bolow their tariff, so
tho commission has equaled the
Utah and Colorado rato. Just what
the effect of tho roductlon will bo
remains to bo seen.
Assurances Received That Pajetto
,....,, ,,, v.uiiuiuuuiy win bo at
fair Enmassc Will Urge
Dairy Breeders to Exhibit
Headed by President E. C. Van
Potton, Vice President W. F. Homan.
Secretary W. H. oolittlo of tho
Commercial club and Secretary Ivan
E. Oakes of tho Fair Board, tho
members of the Commercial dnh
Fair committeo Journeyed to New
Plymouth last Friday evening to nt
tond tho monthly dinner of the New
Plymouth Commercial club. Tho
committee took with them, as tholr
star attraction the "Sago Brush
Quartette," Reese Jenkins, Jack
Jlmmerson, Byron Turner and Al.
Tho quartotto was the most worked
feature of tho gathering nnd so dod-
ular was its offerings with tho New
Plymouth men that Ross Mason tho
chairman of tho meeting, called for
iho singers' entire repertoire.
After a remarkably fine- chicken
dinner preparod by tho women of the
Baptist congregation, short talks
woro mado by Mr. Van Petten, Mr.
Homan, Mr. Oakes, Mr. Doollttle. J.
A. Laknoss nnd George K. Aiken for
tho visitors; Mr. Mason called on
Rev. Rice of tho Congregational
church to respond. He exprossed
the appreciation of tho Now Plym
outh folk for tho visit of the com
mitteo and declared that the spirit
of co-operation manifested would be
reciprocated by Now Plymouth, as
did Mr. Mason.
Commute Preparing for Additional
Novelties Baby Show W1U Bo
First Day Feature Special
ist Coming to Aid
Evory meeting of tho coramlttoo
which Is arranging nttractlpns for
ontortnlnmont horo during Fair
woek marks the addition of definite
arrangements for some event. Chair
man II. L. Potorson and his assist
ants nro marking progress every day
until assurance is on hand now that
tho Fair will bo what has boon
planned, tho biggest In many yoars.
Merchants of tho city havo pro
pared for tho Baby Show which will
bo hold on tho first day mothors
Who havo prlzo winning babies and
all babies aro prlzo winners, of
course, aro going to havo the center
of tho stago on tho first day.
Mr and Mrs. E A. Frasei -drove Arrangements have been started to
to Boise to spend tho day Friday,
nnd on Sunday accompanied by tholr
son, Edmund S. Fraser nnd Misses
Viola Husted nnd Hortonso Wells,
drovo to Starkey Hot Springs.
Back from a trip to Chicago, Wil
liam Hauloy of Hurnoy couuty.pasuod
through Ontario Monday morning.
Mr. Hanloy declares that tho crops
In tho Middlo West aro blggor than
ho has seen In yoars. Ho looks for
a rovlval of business too,
Judgo and Mrs. W. W. Woodland
family who havo boon tho guests of
rulntlves In Grant county for several
weoks returned homo last Friday.
During their stay ovorj thoro tho
Judgo cullod upon many old time
friends In the Interest of his candi
dacy for tho district bench, but that
did not provont him from enjoying
tho fishing at Strawberry lako and
many of tho mountain streams of
Grant. The fishing was fine, too,
ho declared. Save for tho soctlon
from Austin to Whitney tho roads
aro flno and the trip can be mado
readily In a day,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clomo onjoyod
a vacation nt Payette Lakes and
have returned to their homo horo.
Mr. and Mrs. Wnrron Taylor of
Clilco, California, arrived by auto
from their homo'ln the south to viBlt
with Mr. Taylor's undo, Jamos Bul
Ion who llvos south of town. They
expect ta tour this section before re
turning. Years ago Mr. Taylor re
sided horo.
Mrs. William Tharp of Now Plym
outn was Uio guest at the J, II.
Tharp homo tills weok.
W. H. Drooko returned Saturday
from Portland and other Wilametto
valley points where ho wont on a
visit. While on the othor fllclo of
the mountains ho was one of tho
guests at tho dinner which Wallnco
McClammant gavo to Vice President
Calvin Coolldge.
have ono of tho state authorities on
hoalth nursing horo for talks on
tho caro and feodlng of babies iu con
nection with tho baby show, so that
Ilko every feature of tho Fair this
yoar, real educational worth will
attach to all tho numbors.
Merchandise prizes woll worth tho
winning will bo awarded to tho win
ners in tho various ago classos' Into
which tho babies will be divided,
and this featuro will bo ono which
tho mothors of Malheur and adjoin
ing counties will appreciate. .
Merchants to Decoiato
A uniform plan of decorations for
tho business houses of tho city has
boon worked out nnd n committee
this weok en II oil upon ovory business
uouso and secured orders for bunt
ing In tho official colors to bo used In
dolllng-up tholr establishment. Thus
Ontario will start to put on Its doll
clothes nnd bid its visitors a merry
wolcomo and contlnuo to show them
all a big tlmo during tho entire week.
Tho committee Is also hearing
from communities In tho uppor coun
try that aro preparing to send horso
shoe pitching teams to tho Fair to
compote for tho prizes in that ro
Juvonatod sport which is now pop
ular all ovor tho country, nnd with
thla spirit of competition manifested
It Is certain that thoro wlll'bo some
thing doing ovory mlnuto of the Fair
Randall Sage and his daughter,
Miss Grace, drovo up from McDor
mltt Tuesday, Miss Sago camo hero
to take tho train for Bandou, Oro.,
where sho will teach ngaln this yoar.
Mr, Sago will remain hero tor two
weeks on business.
I i