r -b o o B S t & o"i &S-.A !t i h 1 I II I n a THE ONTARIO AUG OS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1922 After a fire, one of the first men welcomed by the man who suffers tho loss in this section, is A, J. L I Hall. arlltlRTftr fnr tnnnv rnmitnnfaa - Jeff Wilson of Burns, was one of wlth headquarters in Boise. Mr. LOCAL PERSONALS the names which adorned tho regis ter at the Moore Tuesday. O Henry Schuppell who toils Idafio- ains about tho beauties of Oregon sILife, was an Ontario visitor on Tues- p3ay and AVednesday. a Ironside is a new address which vDonald McLeod, tho well known sfiheepman gave when ho registered Jthls week at the Moore. If Mr. pMcLeod changed his addross with ovory movement of his Jjands of ifcheep he would indeed bo hard to t(locato but he is in Ontario so much ythat ho can call this his home if he Bwants to. , J. D. Fairman of Argentino beef fame, was an Ontario visitor Mon flay. Mr, Fairman is a man of many Hactlvltics and is known to practical ly everyono in tho upper country. jjTwo years ago Jack mado his bid for ifame by writing a treatise on canned ,boof that was given wide circulation and publicity. What Mr. Fairman toally works at, howovor, is running fjho bank at Harper. q Will Jamieson, who has been down In Nevada, with some of tho Stanfield gflocks, was roglstered at tho Moore t(Monday. it Majestic. Theatre ONTARIO FRI. and SAT. JANE NOVAK in "BELLE of ALASKA" A DRAMA OF THE ROARING YUKON; ALSO COMEDY and NEWS. SUNDAY, M.ON., TUESDAY PAULINE FREDERICK In Roads of Destiny ALSO COMEDY AND NEWS JOHN ANDERSON is back on the job Mr. Anderson, who for years wus tho offlciont tinner for tho U. S. Plumbing & Heating company, has returned to On tario. Folks who lmvo soon bis work realize that moans good work. HE FIXES FLUES Mr. Andorsou Is an export on Furnace and stovo flues. Look over your furnace now. Havo nil repairs mado bo foro winter. This will moan tho saving of time and money' for you. H. R. UDICH'S . PLUMBING ami HEATING. ONTAUIO, OREGON . . . Hall came here Monday to adjust tho loss on tho Holdon Clement wheat stack fire. Harry Kennard, who is the deputy water master for this county, was in Ontario over the week end, accom panied gy his boss, Rhea Luper, who has been appointed supervisor of water distribution by the state water board. u. i I'owcu .or uoise, tho com mission man who has a plant here, was In the city on business Tues day. A Two auto loads of Ontario people who though they have lived within reach of it for years, had never seen the Arrowrock dam, motored up to tho gigantic pleco of masonry Sunday. In the party to climb the thousand or moro steps were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rader, Bernard and Harrison Rader, Mrs. E. C. Van Pet ten, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Petten, Miss Amy anfiold and Mrs. Jacob Prinzing of Nampa. Mr. anu Mrs. v. a. staples mo tored to Boise Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Powers and family drovp to Council Sunday. Mrs. Pat. O'Brien returned this week from a soveral weeks' stay in the hills on a camping trip. Mr. O'Brien remained In tho upper coun try for several days moro of vaca tioning. P. J. Gallagher returned Filday from Burns whoro bo wont on busi ness. Ho made the return trip from tho Harney metropolis with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Swagler. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of Bolso, motored to Ontario Sunday for dinner and then proceed to Pay etto whoro Mr. Brown boarded tho convention special bound for Wal lace. Mrs. S. S. Widlgor of Superior, Wisconsin, is tho guest of hor daugh ter Mrs. W. E. Lees. Mrs. Andrew Lackey and Miss Ruth Lackey who toured tho Yellow stone during tho past two weeks re turned homo Monday after on ox tondod visit In St. Anthony, Idaho with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lackey. II. C. Boyer is back from New York whoro ho wont in search of merchandise for tho coming season. O. H. Graham loft Sunday for Port Angoles, Washington, where Mrs. Graham has spent tho summer while ho was In tho east and middle west on business. Judgo and Mrs. E. H. Test nro back from a trip to Wallowa Lakes; enthusiastic over tho beauties of that region. a P. E, Joyco, monalng Peto, not Pat, one of the many of tho Joyco family ongagod In tho sheep bus! ness In Malheur county, registered at tho Moore fiom Juntura this week. BAPTIST CHURCH Bible school at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11. a. in. Servico at Owyhee, 2:30 p. m. Junior and Senior B. Y. P. W at 7:00 p. m. Gospel service at 8:00 p. m. rrayer service weu. at s:uo p. m. Chas. II. Blom, pastor. FOR SALE Bartlett, D'AnJou, Flemish Beauty, Clairgeau and Seckell Pears. Hophurst Orchard, 2 miles south of Payette. Dhone 343R3 3t. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE .STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE. . . ..COUNTY OF MALHEUR.. .. In the Matter of the Estate of C. D. CRIGLER, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by A. L. Cockrum, administrator of tho Es tate of C. D. Crigler, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said Estate to pre sent such claims with tho necessary vouchors, according to law, within six months after tho first publica tion of this Notice to A. L. Cock rum, Administrator of said Estate at the First National Bank of On tario, Oregon. A. L. COCKRUM, Administrator of the Estate of C. D. Crigler. de ceased. R. W. Swagler, Attorney for Administrator. Date of first publication August 24, 1922. Date of last publication, September 21, 1922. Wostrnll Couple Married Rov. Henry Young of the Metho odlst church at tho parsonage last Monday, read tho marriage servico for Llborty P. Chastain and Miss Mario Fahy, both of Wcstfall. Caid of Thanks To tho many fi lends and neigh bors whoso sympathy oxprossod in tho hour of our boreavomont at tho death of our boloved mother, we chorish, and to those organisations and individuals who manifested their sontlmonts In beautiful floral plocos, wo doslro to oxpress our gratltud.". Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McDowell. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF ORGEON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY In the matter of the Estate of Os car Merrill, presumed to be Do ceased; Notice is hereby given to tho said Oscar Merrill, presumed to be de ceased, and to any and all other per sons to whom it may concern, That on the 14th day of August, 1922, a Decree was duly entered In tho above entitled Court and cause, to tho effect that the said Oscar Mer rill died on or about the 1st day of March, 191f, tho said day and date being about the last date and upon which tlio said Oscar Merrill, pre sumed to be deceased is known to have been livelng. It was then and thoro adjudged and decreed that In case that satisfactory proof was not offered to the above untitled Court in tho abovo entitled cause, showing that tho said Oscar Merrill, is or was living at the time of tho enter ing of tho said Pecree, within the period of Twelve Weeks, from the first publication of this noticethen, nnd in such event that Roy A. Kel loy or some other suitable person would nnd will bo 'appointed as an Administrator of the Estate of the said Oscar Merrill, presumably de ceased. It is further ordered that tho said Oscar Merrill, living, and any nnd all other persons to whom (these presents shall como, greeting, who shall have knowledge of tho i fact, if it Is a fact that the said Os car Merrill presumably deceased is still living to appear in the abovo on- titled Court, and offer proof if any thoy havo showing that tho said Os car Merrill Is not in fact deceased on or beforo tho expiration of 12 weeks from the date of the first publication of this-Nottco. E. II. TEST. County Judgo of Malheur County, Oregon. Date of first publication August 24, 1922. Date of last publication Septembor 7, 1922. PAID LOCAL ADS Tho Church of Christ of Frultland nnd Mldvalo will hold a mnss meet ing nnd baskot dinner at tho Fruit land chinch on Sunday. August 27. Everybody cordially Invited to nt I tend. Owing to the difficulty of keep ing account of items for this col umn, tho mistakes which occur In telephone conversations due to mis- unaersianuings, tne Argus has de termined to place this column on a cash In advanco basis. To uso this column therefore write your ad, count six words por line and remit as follews: For first insertion 10 cents per line, all subsequent inser tions 5 cents per line; mail check, or It coin la used boo that same is wrapped so that it will not drop from onvelope. Garago Equipment for Salo at a bargain. For information apply H. W. Champnoys,.Vnlo, Oregon. 2t SCHOOL SHOES FOR BOYS FOR GIRLS TTS time to get them ready for school, and among the most important arti- cles of their whole outfit is their Shoes. Look over these prices, then come in and look over the shoes. m GIRLS BROWN CALf LACE SHOES OUR TOP GRADE DRESS SHOE FOR GIRLS SIZES 2$ TO 7 ... $4.85 sizes ii to a ... p4.Z5 SIZES 8 to 11 ... $0.75 BUSTER BROWN LOW ELK SHOE the real shoe for hard 8er- ice. $4.95 $3.95 $3.45 FOR BOYS BUSTER BROWN SHOES forBOYS FOR BOYS, WEAR .LONG THE AND SIZES 2 TO 7 SIZES 11 1 to 2 SIZES 8 to 11 BROWN LACE SHOES OF GOOD QUALITY i $3.35 $2.75 $2.45 SIZES 2 TO 7 SIZES 11 to 2 SIZES 2?& to O SIZES 10H to 2 KIND THAT liOOlt AVELL. , . $4.95 . $4.45 TAN ARMY SHOES OF FINE QUALITY SIZES 2jJ to O SIZES 1 to 2 I $4.25 $3.75 SIZES 8 M to 11 FALL BROWN TRINMED ELK SCOOT SHOES $2.95 $2.75 2.45 SIZES 2)L to O SIZES 1 to 2 SIZES HH to 13 GINGHAM WEEK GINGHAMS FOR SCHOOL DAYS CLEAN-CUT CHECKS, GAY PLAIDS, RICH DARK DESIGNS. ALL ARE FASHONABLE AND PRACTICAL FOR FALL & WINTER USE GINGHAM IS THE RIGHT WEIGHT FOB INDOOR sAVEAR IN SCHOOL OR HOME.. .IT KEEPS THE CHILDREN HEALTHY. IT KEEPS THF CHILDREN WELL DRESSED.. .ALL THIS WEEK WE ARE FEATUl ING THE NEW FALL DESIGNS.. . JwllUB- Rader Bros. Co. Ontario The Store that Saves You Money Oregon ron PASTURE 80 acre field that ' WANTED -Man with car to sell best low priced Cord, Tires made. $100.00 per week and expenses, Graham Tiro Co., 3681 Pipestone, Benton Harbor, Mich. 38 2t has not been harvested this sum mer. Good pWe for bunch of sheep. John Coyle, 3V& miles west of hos pital. 38 It LOST Rear cushion for Dodge car, between Ontario ,and Nyssa, last week. Roturn to this office and re ceive reward. 3g 2t MALHEUR COUNTY B H B B IH H ONTARIO OREGON SEPTEMBER 20, 21, 22, 1922 FUN 3 DAYS---1000 WAYS Mkflottesaus) nmammmGitwnminmmimm