The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 24, 1922, Image 5

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Fall Shoes
Come in and see the new
Styles and Patterns.
Don't forget we are
Headquarters For
Just received a new ship
ment of Oxfords and Pumps
for the school girl, sizes
21-2 to 71-25black & brown
qQ OC Per
Silk and Fibre Hose gfc 69c
Quast Bros.
Roman Beauties Well Knew the Value
f Tlmo 8pent at the Toilette
The toilette of the Roman beauty
was a vastly Important affair. The
maids who assisted In It were usually
Greek slaves, and the length of time
devoted to Jt may be Judged from the
fact that, like beauties of France so
many centuries later, the llomun
woman often had the poets and the
philosophers of the day to divert her
Airing Its progress, a favor of which
they seem to have been less apprecia
tive than their descendants In Prance.
The equipment for the toilette was
both elaborate and complete. Combs,
mirrors of burnished bronze, bottles
for perfumes and boxes for rouse and
whitening preparations arc all to be
found In collections of Roman toilette
articles, and many are the harsh
.rvrds on the subject of the feminine
toilette to be found In the writings of
their masculine contemporaries who
disapproved of charm In their women,
yet seem with masculine inconsistency
to have disapproved equally of women
without maim.
Effect of Radiating Seeds.
By careful measurement of the
quantity of carbonic acid produced by
germinating radish seeds, Alfred C.
, WtaUrn Newspaper Uslon
looking at her ndored
"Why," she asked Impulsively, ''do
you neer liuve your picture taken,
Mollle? I have not seen one In the
house, and you would " Janey's eyes
were caressing, "make such a loe!y
Miss Mollle Demtng, spinster, smiled.
"No one would value my photo
graph, unless It might be you," she
replied. "My relatives would doubt
less write polite notes of appreciation
when they received them, and rele
gate them to some unreniembered cor
aer." "You know better than that," Janey
She Jumped to her feet.
"Anyway, I want a picture and I am
going to have it. You look especially
lovely today, like some sweet shepherd
ess lady, with your soft crinkly white
hair, and your true-blue eyes. Poor
Terry will be glad of a Job. He really
hould have been an artist In tho city
Everything for the Feet
Hosiery Foot Appliances
Sentiment, holding him here, alone pre-
Hedneld and Elizabeth M. Bright, both vented."
or me nurvnru meaicai scnooi, round
that seeds which had been exposed to
the action of radium rays produce
that gas more rapidly than those that
have not been radiated. Production of
carbonic acid gas Is a measure of the
rate of metabolism, which Is the proc
ess of growth and breaking down
that takes place In all living matter.
Washington Star.
Odd experience.
Ono dark sight when I was driving
along a lonely road, my horse became
frightened and -refused to proceed. In
looking ahead to discover the cause, I
saw a ghost-like figure standing In the
middle of the road. Believing that
Someone was trying to frighten mo,
I whipped the horse and attempted
to run the Joker down. I was very
much surprised when I ran my horse
completely through the ghost a dense
pillar of fog rising from a mud pud
dle. Chicago Journal.
Mollle Demlng laughed, when she
nd the girl Jane were at home again.
New Powerful Machine Qun.
Remarkable possibilities are con
ceivable In connection with a power
driven machine gun, said tb have
originated In Germany, but which Is
now being developed In this country,
says- Popular Mechanics Magazine.
Besides having several advantage
over other machine guns, It is, or
rather will be when It Is fully devel
oped, driven entirely by external pow
er, such as an electric motor, or a gas
oline engine.
Largest & most
complete line
ever shown in
School Opens
September 4th
School Books are
Strictly cash. We
can make no ex-exception.
Ontario. Oipgon
Terry posed me so many times and
was altogether painstaking, (hat his
'efforts should be rewarded with suc
cess," she said.
"You looked " Janey mused, "so
pretty, and, sort of wistful, sitting
there Mollle I Do you know, that Is
the way your eyes always Impress me,
by their wlstfulness? Tell me, please,
did you have an unhappy love affair?
I wonder so much about ou at times
I suppose, because I !oe jou. I would
be your confidante, Mollle."
The older woman gazed tenderlj,
thoughtfully, Into the eager young
face upraised to hers.
"People would tell jou your own
mother may have told jou, Janey that
I was In a careless, unthinking way,
noted years ago for my conquests. It
wns at tho time considered eleer to
flaunt one's cupttfhtiiig power. And
I well, well, there were many young
men who came to my uncle's home,
and I, uncle's ward and charge, placed
a merry game of heui'W with them
all, my own heart ever untouched In
the game. 'Some day, I hoped to find
my true love, to marry and settle
down to a life of devotion. And when
he came, my own love, 1 knew him?
knew him Instantly, by the thrill of
joy that filled my days. And he loed
me. That, I did not doubt. Why
doubt the sincerity of this iiflin, when
others hud been sincere? I think 1
lived In a dream " Miss Mollle's ejes
were misty, a'cross the years; still
her voice trembled Its sorrow. "I live
on In that dream of the past," she
ended, sadly.
Janey's hands went out to her. "lie
died then?" she questioned "your
"I almost wish that I might tell jou
so," Mollle hesitated.
"No," she added, "for the first time,
I will speak the truth. It was thought
that John Douglas, like others, hud
been Jilted. But one knew, and ufler
John disappeared this friend of his
came and told ire the truth. It was
I whom John Douglas Imd Jilted,
lieai tlcssly, and with a purpose. The
friend said tluit he had been Instructed
to tell me that John deliberately
planned my punishment, as he had
deliberately, and oh, so skillfully,
acted his part.
"He was charming In manner, you
see,' and well known for his winning
way with women. So, coming to our
mall town, and hearing of my merry,
neer-rnaj-care flirtations, John Doug
las confidently and successfully planned
the retaliation of winning ray own
heart, to cast It ai caielcssly away.
But this I could not guess, as hu held
me close In his arms and bade me
goodby, until tomorrow.
" 'Tomorrow,' he promised gently, 'I
will come back to you. Tomorrow,
my denrest, watch for me.'
"So, through all the tomorrow I have
watched and waited; and have lived
how wearily no ono may know my
When Janey framed her friend's
photograph and placed It upon her
diesser, she was moved distressfully
later to hide that same photograph
away. For the sadness of Monic'a
pictured eyes had a provoking trick
of brlcglng quick tears to her own.
"That man I" exclaimed Janey con
temptously. "Fancy being true to the
memory of such a creature."
Tlier. one day, as Janey entered un
announced Miss Mollle's sitting room,
she faced u picture. And the two
central figures facing the picture con
tlnued, happily, oblivious of her pres
ence. "It was fate I" the distinguished ap
pearing man was saying, and even In
her astonishment Janey responded
sjmpathetlcally to the sincerity of that
"When I thought tlmt 1 had utterly
lost you, Mollle when the never-ceasing
longing brought .mo back to this
old town to view again, if only In
secret, jour face, I came upon that
photograph In Terry's window. You,
Mollle, had only forgiveness In the
sweetness of your expression had
only grieved appeal In your eyes. So
I am here, dearest, for Hint punish
ment I would have Inflicted upon you
has long been my own."
Janey cloeed the door noiselessly be
hind' her, and wheu sho was again In
ber own room, sho hummed a gay
little song us she searched out her
friend's picture and replaced It upon
the dresser.
New Customers
We are. proud of our
growing list of steady
customers for this in
dicates to us that our
groceries are satisfac
tory and that our
treatment of custom
er s'pleases them.
Cash Grocery
C. P.'Skow, Prop, Ontario, Oregon
D. B. Ulay camo down from Crane
Thursday to inovo his family to tho
railroad terminal town in Harney
countyv Mr, Clay purchased a pool
hall and cigar store there In Juno,
and reports business brisk In Crane.
D. V. Powers and J. A. Lakness
woro Boise visitors last Friday.
Thoy wont over to nrrango attrac
tions for the County Fair, and thoy
secured them. Among other at
tractions they nro going" to bring
hero are a troupe of diving girls for
tho Sage Brush Trail.
Patsy Joyco was down from Biio-
lan over tha week end.
A. A. Smith of Baker, who for
years was tho representative of
Democracy In tho lower house of tho
'legislature, was an Ontario visitor
on Friday and Saturday, going to
and coming back from Burns. Whllo
In Ontario ho stopped long enough
to mix soma political medicine with
frionds hero. AI. is not a candi
date for office this fall, hut ho Is in
terested in tho gamo nevertheless.
Miss Dorce Dearborn, who has
heon attending tho summer session
of tho Cheney Normal, at Cheney,
Washington, returned homo last Sat
urday, and will remain hore for four
wooks before roturnlng to comploto
nor course for Normal diploma.
Miss Gladys Udlck has accepted a
position in tho school at Roblnotto
for tho coming torm.
Mr. and Mrs, D. C. Grlfln of Val
loy Vlow, motored to Cheney, Wash.,
to accompany their daughters, Mlss
os Jessie and Margaret homo from
tho Normal school there.
Miss Elsie Poolo is visiting her.
sister at La Grande, making tho
stny thero a stop-over on her return
from tho Cheney, Washington Normal.
Now Cnndy Kitchen Opened Friday
Friday marked tho opening of an
other industry for Frultland when
a now Candy Kltchon and lunch
room was opened in tho now John
son building on tho south, side of
Main street near tho postoffico. Tho
proprietor is Mrs. Langdon of Nam
pa, and tho namo soloctod is "Don
0' Sweets,, taken among fifty other
submittod to tho now owners. '
Jack Halt of Vale, wroto a
bunch of phony chocks there last
Saturday and cashed them, in tho
morning. In tho afternoon Jack
was a very sick boy In tho Ontario
city basttlo, for ho was caught hore
within an hour and a half after he
slipped Iko Itoblnette, his spurious
slip of papor in Vale.
Iko found that tho papor lacked
tho authority to got tho real coin of
tho realm for tho sum it ropresont
end, and having a hunch that Halt
would beat It tor Ontario, ho did
sorao dotectlvo work on his own ac
count. Ho telephoned to Clareuco
Croutor of tho Aloxaudor storo what
had happened and a description of
Halt, Thus oqulppod Mr, Croutor
wont out onto tho stroet and found
Mr, "Jim tho Poniunn" In a fow
minutes, called Judgo C. M. Stearns,
as an omorgency offlcor, and had
tho artist In Jail In no tlmo,
Tho shock of his arrest upset
Jack's nervos, Ho throw a fit, und
was a sick hoy for quito awhllo, so
sick In fact, that officers called Dr.
W. J. Weeso, city health offlcor, to
look attor him. Given a little tlmo
to compose himself howovor, proved
all that Jaok neodod for recovery.
Shortly after he was approhended
It was learned that Jack had slipped
ono of tho Vale hotels a piece of
wasto paper with his signature gar
nished thereon. v
C. H. Sargont with a herd of fifty
of tho flnost Jerseys in tho north
wostt, has Just boon Informed that
his herd has been put on tho ac
rodlted herd list which means ho has
a permit to ship any of his herd any
whoro In the Unltod States without
having thorn re-oxamlnod by an of
ficer as to their tuberculin condition.
This speaks well for Mr. Sargent's
herd. This is tho second tlmo ho
has had thom tested and neither
tlmo has thor5 boon ono to show
tuboucular symptoms.
John Hockcs loft Wednesday for
Salt Lake City where on Friday Is
exported to occur his marriage to
Mrs. Evelyn Allen of Mountain
Home. Mr. Heckos is proprietor of
tho Frultlnnd Garago, and is well
and favorably known hore. Upon
tholr return they will bo at homo at
tho Mrs. Royston home.
A number of frionds of Wm.
Hollenbeck camo in Wednesday
ovening to romlnd him of his birth
day anniversary, and to mako tho
nntnl day a happy romombranco.
Word roachod horo Sunday that
Miss AHco KHno, sixth grade toach
or In tho Frultland schools last yoar,
was on Saturday marriod to William
Bnxtor of Barber. Mrs. Baxter has
boon ongaged to toach In tho Bar
bor schools, and Mr. Baxter Is-ora-ployod
thero with tho Lumbor com
Wallace Rotd
John L. McQInuis, tho 13 year-old
son of Mr, and Mrs, J. P. BcGlnnls
of tho Owyhee district, died at tho
hospital hero Monday following an
operation for appendicitis. Fun
oral services woro bold yestorday at
tho Owyhee school house and were
attondod by neighbors for miles
around who camo to mark their re
spect for the young man and their
sympathy for his parents.
Dorothy Dalton
Larry Soman
Corlnno Griffith. . ..
Ono Reol Comedy
Coming soon Connecticut
In King Arthur's Court.
Milliner' Schools Scheduled
Tontativo arrangements havo geen
made tor three millinery schools to
be hold tho last of Soptombor In tho
Vale, Adrian and Dead Ox Flat com
munities. Women who nro Inter
ostod in getting instruction in mil
Ilnory should consult with Mrs. Em
ma Humphreys of Vale, Mrs. N. S.
Pholan of Adrian (Parma P. O.) or
Mrs, P. M Boals of Orogon Slopo
(Payctto P. O.) Miss Esther Cooley
clothing specialist for tho Oregon
Extension Sorvlco, will hava charge.
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