The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 24, 1922, Image 1

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NO. 38
Payette, Fruitland and Now Plym
outh Men Pronilso Co-opcr-'
atlori In Making Fair This
Year Real Winner
Thirteen may bo a Jonah number
for some folk, but it is not going to
be so for the Malheur County Fair,
according to the committee, which
individually, and collectively is
working on the program for the
thirteenth annual Malheur County
The committeemen told the as
sembled crowd which taxed tho ca
pacity of the Commercial club rooms
last night about their plans. They
Xold them all about, or rather Just
mentioned the fact that here we are
going to see the "diving girls" of
marvelous beauty, "Three Fingered
Jack's Place." and many other at
tractions on along tlip.Sage Brush
The meeting last night was one of
the most successful ever held in On
tario. A message of co-oporatlon
was presented by James E. Davis,
the energetic head of the Payette
County Commercial club; by Us
secretary, Mr. Johnson; by "Fitch
the Land Man", by A. Q, Gardner of
Fruitland, Pete Johnson, and Mr.
Hllyer, also of the otherslde, and hy
J. R. Brown, manager of the Payette
C. H. Sargent whoso fine Jersey
herd is one of the big industries of
Payette county, called attention to
the fact that dairying was not 'given
the prominence due It on tho Fair
premium list, and that set the meet
ing off on' tho discussion of dairying.
Mr. Davis on behalf of the Payette
club invited the entire membership
of tha Ontario Commercial club tp-a
meeting at Payette on S'eptoaibar-U"
to discuss plans for advancing tlie
interests of dairying. He thanked
Ontario for its co-qperatlon In mak
Jiyg the stay of the dairy party In
this section successful, and made a
stirring appeal for future co-operation,
J, A. Lakness, W. F, Homan. P. J.
Gallagher, V. H. Doollttlo, H. L.
Peterson, D. W. Powers, Ross Jenk
ins, H. C. Boyer, Fred Clemo and
G. K. Aiken also made short talks.
President Von Petten presided.
The big feature of the gathering
however, was not the speech mak
ing, but tho musical nunibers fur
nished by the Sage Brush Quartette,
the vocal solosby Reese Jenkins,
and tho. violin solos by R. W. Jones,
accompanied by Miss Dollle Rollins,
while Mrs. Jenkins accompanied her
husband. -
The Sage Brush Quartette dis
covered to Ontario two new singers
In the persons of Messrs Reeso Jonk
Ins and Jack Jlmmersqn, who with
their associates,, Messrs. Barney
Tumor and Al. Quast, made a hit
of the evening. Mr. Brlslawn, a
traveling man from Salt Lake, also
sang. Louis Hurtle, Paul Van Pet
ten, W. A. Walker and Bernard Ra
der were the refreshment commute.
C. R. Peterson came down from
the Circle Bar ranch Wednesday for
a short visit with his family bore
nnd to look after business Interests.
y Mrs, Robert, D. Lytle of Vale, was
the week end guest of Mrs, Ivan B.
Oakos, and Master Charles Burrows
accompanied her to be the guest of
John Oakes,
A. H. Foote of St. Louis, com
pleted a double surprjse here Sunday
when ho arrived for an unexpected
Visit with bis cousin, Mrs. S. D, Dor
man of this city. That surprised
Mrs. Dorman. The second thriller
furnished was that to Mrs. Foote
and her daughtor who have been
visiting In California and arrived
here Sunday afternoon and were
greeted ftt the station by Mr. Foote
and Mr, and Mrs. Dorman, for Mrs.
Foote did not know her husband was
wost of the Missouri river. Mr. and
Mrs. Dorman took their guests to the
Dorman cabin at Payette Lakes on
Tuesday for a short stay.
Mrs. Anna Roberts of Colfax,
Washington, arrived here this week
for the all season's work as trimmer
at the Osborn Millinery
To mark the highway with proper
ilcns the crew of sign men of the
State Highway commission reached
Ontario Monday. In the crew were
A.-R. Dlmlck, W. G. Kuser and B.
Adams, all of whom registered at
the Moore, from Salem.
At a meeting of the Com
mercial club last night a reso
lution was ordered drawn to ex
press the appreciation of the
club at tho spirit of co-operation
manifest by Governor D.
W. Davis and the Idaho author
ities In including this section of
Malheur county In the routing
of the dairy exports.
This effort to promote dairy
ing was declared to be the big
gest piece of constructive work
performed in this section for
years, and the purpose of fol
lowing it up was manifested by
numerous speakers. Copies of
the resolution were ordered sent
to Governor Davis and to the
Boise papers.
A. B. Richards of Everett, Wash
ing Declared Victim of Old
Friend Who Disappeared
Cost Richards $250 Fine
With a story of mistaken confid
ence, and of how -Its' was the inno
cent victim of the cupidity of a
friend of month's standing was the
explanation which A. E. Richards
of Everett, Washington, gave for tho
presence in his car of a large con
signment of moonshine, when it was
searched in the park Sunday after
noon by Sheriff Lee Noe.Phll Schnur
deputy, and H. C. Farmer, marshal.
According to Mr. Richards ho
drove down Sunduy afterno'on from
the county seat with one Hanson and
another fellow named Johnson, the
latter from Vale; the former being
an old friend from Everett. While
Hanson and Johnson visited friends
around town Richards who ex
plained that he went to Vale for his
health Just sat In tho shade In his
oar, Hanson came back and said
some friend wanted to rldcrback tc
Vale with them and Richards be
ing an accomodating Individual ac
quiesced when the stranger also said
that he had some baggage. Rich
ards Just kept on reading the paper.
And' Mr. Richards was the most
surprised man in the world when
the officers came up and asked to
search the car, for they found the
ngonshlue (n eight two quart Jars
with a oute funnel beside one Jar
that was all but empty It had Just
one drink left.
They tried Mr,. Richards before
Judge Stearns and the following
jury, Tuesdays E, A, Fraser, Will
Johnson, Louis Kroesln, Jr., a. F.
Taylor. WUmer Boyer and Eugene
McCoy but the Jury could not sup
ply the missing links in tha defense
so found Dlchards guilty of llltgal
possession. The Judge lned him
$250 and costs
At Chehalls, Washington last
week occured the wedding of T. T.
Kohout, manager of the Blackaby
Commercial company of Jordan Val
ley, and Mrs. Mumford, also of Jor
dan. The bride has for several
years be,en connected with the
Blackaby company as bookkeeper,
while Mr. Kohout Is well known over
the entire courity. Prior to his re
sidence In Jordan he lived here In
Ontario. The hapeymopn of the
newly weds took them Into Wash
ington and to summer resorts on
the west side of the mountains.
Edgar M. Draper who is superin
tendent of tho Winalow, Washlng
to schools, left here Tuesday for
that city to be prepared to take up
the school work for tho coming
year, Mr. Draper has been here for
the past two months visiting with
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Still believing that agricultural
possibilities In the Snake river val
ley are superior to those of Califor
nia. Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Swagler re
turned to Ontario last Friday after
and oxtended auto trip through
Northern California, going as far as
San Francisco and other cities near
the bay. The primary object of the
trip was to permit Mr. Swagler to
attend the sessions of the American
Bar association which held Its an
nual convention In San Francisco.
The roads going, via the Old Oregon
Trail and Pacific highway are fine,
but It is a crime to attempt the trip
via central Oregon and the east side
of California, says Mr. Swagler.
Mrs. Irving Brogan and her chil
dren of Porland are visiting he par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. fl. F. Taylor, af
ter spending several weeks Id Boise.
Weed Flro Thought Extinguished
Revives and Spreads to Grain
Field Crop Insurance Cov
ers Loss
Sparks smouldering in what was
thought to have been an extin
guished weed fire finally fanned Into
a flame and spread into the wheat
field and stacks of grain on tho
Holden Clement ranch southwest of
tho city last Saturday night. As
the result the stacks containing, it
Is estimated, 700 bushels of grain
were totally destroyed.
Fortunately Mr, Clement had In
sured the crop so the loss of several
hundred dollars is saved him.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Biggs of Burns
are guests here this week of Dr.
and Mrs. W. J. Weeso and Judge
and Mrs. Dalton Biggs. Mr. Biggs
declares that the people of
Burns aro so certain of the early
construction of the railroad from
Crane to Burns to take out the tim
ber of Bear Valley that they are go
ing to hold an election to select a
section boss for the Burns section,
or something like that. In all ser
iousness, however, Mr. Biggs does
feelthat since tho government Is
going to sell the timber, in fact has
it advertised, that the dawning of a
new day for Burns is at hand and
that the development of the timber
lands is but the beginning of in
tense activity on the part of the var
ious departments of government;
which will be followed of course by
private Initiative.
While on the trip with the dairy
party In Southern and Southeast
ern Idaho the editor of the Argus
met a number of "former residents
of this city. At Jerome Miss Irone
Grauol who learned ho telegraphic
code here under tho Instruction of
C, H. Truesdale, greeted the writer
when he went to file a news story
for one of the papers; at St. An
thony Sprague Adam and Herbert
Lackey welcomed the tourists. They
report business in volume greater
than last year, and It Is no wonder,
so thick aro tho tourist cars enrouto
for tho Yellowstone. At Parma
Ray Wilson was one of the men to
greet the dairy party and help make
tho stay enjoyable, and Art Moore
paused to get the latest news from
Ontario; whilo Rev. and Mrs.. W. J.
Luscomhe were Interested members
of the audience at Wendell.
Death Claims Mrs. Tabltha Pye Mc
Dowell nt Portland Was Pion
eer of Colorado Camn to
Snake River Valley
in 1005
After an illness of many months,
Mrs. Tabltha Pjre McDowell, mother
af A. E. McDowell of this city, died
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Nena Hupter of Portland last Thurs
day. Mr. McDowell, who was called
to her bodslde, and his sister, Mrs.
Hunter, brought tho body here for
Interment. Funeral services were
held Sunday afternoon at the Meth
odist church and Interment as made
In the Ontario cemetery. Rev. H
Young preached the funeral service,
and a largo number of friends of the
boreaved family wero present.
Tabltha Ellen Pye, was bornjjn
Iowa in 1858 and In 1874 she mar
rlod William A. McDowell. Soon
after their marriage they moved' to
Colorado, then a pioneer state.
There they lived until 1905 when
they moved to Welser", Idaho where
her husband died several years ago.
Since then Mrs. McDowell has made
her home with her daughter, Mrs.
Hunter. Besldo A. L,.-McDowell of
this city, two sons W. A., of Portland
and L. A. of Los Angeles, and Mrs.
Nena Hunter of Portland, and Mrs.
WUHam Rains of Walla Walla sur
vive her.
After spending the summer with
relatives and friends in Ontario,
Bolso and Vale, Mrs. W. R. Bhlnn
and children left Wednesday for
their home In Washington.
Word has been received to the
effect that Andy A. Wright, form
erly a resident, of Ontario, died
of heart failure on July 30. Mr.
Wright, who had been living at
Wanatchee, Washing for tho past
eight pears, passed away suddenly
while attending a ball game.
S. Boston and Mfss Grace Boston
were registered at the Carter House
on Monday.
Trio of "HnrtI Boiled" Birds Caught
With. Plunder Little .Girl
Watches Men Enter Home
And Gives Alarm
When Miss Dorthea Heltsman
looked out of the window at her
home last Sunday afternoon she
noted three strange men hanging
about the residence of K. A. Allen.
She knew they were strangers for
they acted that way.
Tho actions of the men aroused
Miss Heltsmen's curiosity. She de
termined to watch them, for she
knew that Mr. and Mrs. Allen were
not at home.
Soon she saw two of tho
crawl into the window while
third did sentry duty outside.
Having watched tho performance
of the strangers that far Miss Helts
man's most elaborate deductions had
been confirmed she was witnessing
tho perpetration of a robbery; so
she at once notified her father, Ed.
There is no phone In the Helts
man residence so Mr. Heltsman ran
up to the S. D. Dorman residence and
had Mr. Dorman telephdne Marshal
H. C. Farmer; In the meatlme Miss
Heltsman was keeping watch of the
unfolding drama," presented by the
burglars and their watchman.
Mr. Dorman got his car and went
for the marshal and together they
secured Mr. Heltsman, who In tho
meantime had gone to tho Allen
home where he talked to the "sen
try" while tho men in the Allen
home made their get-away by the
side window.
When the marshal and Mr. Dor
man Joined him they all gave chaso
and In a few minutes the burglars
were located east of the railroad
track. When "frisked" they wero
found In possession of numerous ar
ticles Identified by Mr. Allen as "hav
ing boon tnken from his homo, as
well as a number of other articles
of Jewelry and toilet articles which
It Is believed wero takon from Wels
er and Baker.
The three burglars gave the names
of Jack McCall, Harry Sherman and
Joseph Sable. The last two nro but
kids, 18 years old, and claimed St.
Paul, Minnesota as their homes.
They claimed to tho officers to havo
been on tho bum through tho coun
try and had met McCall at La Grande
and he advised them not to attempt
to go to the coast but to return back
with hint
When arraigned before Judge C.
M. Stearns Monday afternoon they
waived a preliminary hearing . and
wero bound over to tho grand Jury.
Ball was flxod at $1000 which they
had nqt, so Sheriff Leo Noo took
them to Vale with him.
Funeral Held Hero for Mrs. Ben
Crummett's Mother Had 'islt-
el Herb on Several Occasions
Funeral services were held from
the Peterson Chapel Sunday after
noon for Mrs. L. W. Thomas, mother
of Mrs. Ben Crummctt, who died
at tho home of her daughter Friday
ovenlng of arterlo scelorsls. Her
death ended an illness from which
Mrs. Thomas had suffered for sev
eral years. Beside her husband sho
Is survived by four sons and a
daughter who live In Canada; Mrs.
Crummett who lives between hore
and Vale, and a son and a daughter
who live In Oklahoma. Rov. Henry
Young of tho Methodist church con
ducted the funeral service, and In
terment was made In tho Ontario
Mrs. Thomas, whoso maiden name
was Jane Gardner, was born near
Pattonsburg, Missouri 68 years ago.
In 1877 she married L. W. Thomas-
or that place. For years they lived
In Missouri, but later moved to Can
ada and back to Oklahoma. Several
times they camo to Oregon for ex
tended visits with Mr, and Mrs,
Crummett, so wero acquainted with
maify people of this section.
G, E. Saulsbury of Juntura, was
numbered among the mon from tho
Interior to visit the city this week,
Mr, and Mrs, Frod Lawson left
Tuesday morning for an oxtended
auto trip through Southern Idaho,
tho Yellowstone Park, and on to
their former homo at Poison, Mont.
Returning they will go via Spokane
and Pendleton and tho Old Oregon
Trail home.
From Burns this week came Mrs.
I. S. Geer and registered at the
Moore during nn overnight stop en
roue to ah'e outside points.
J. A. Lakness anAD. W. Pow-
ors of the Fair Committee, went
to Bolso this week and secured
three great big attractions for
tho annual County Fair.
First and foremost for tho
Sage Brush Trail they contract
ed for the appearance of tho
Famous Diving Beauties, an
attraction par excellent.
Next they arranged to show
tho latest wrinkle in baloon as-
censlons and parachute drops,
a novelty presentation of a
stunt that never falls to thrill.
Also arrangements have been
completed for a Baby t Show.
Particulars concerning this big
event will be given in the next
issue of tho Argus.
These are but Just a'few of
.the headllners of tho biggest
and best Fair ever staged hero.
Question Correctness of Statement
In Last Week's Argus Concern
ing Cnuso for Inactivity lii
Oil Search
Replying to tho communication
written the Argus last week by A.
F. Boyer, the officers of tho Mal
heur Petroleum association who ac
cepted the statements therein con
tained as reforing to them, this week
addressed a direct reply to Mr. Boy
er In tho following language:
Ontario, Or., Aug. 18, 1922.
Mr. A. F. Boyer,
1025 Tenth St.,
San Diego, Calif.
Dear Sir:
"On July 7th last, wo wroto you
as follews: 'Through Information
received from your correspondent,
Mr. L. M. Seaweard, we learn that If
conditions aro made acceptable to
you that you will drill n commercial
well In this territory. And you
name as tho acreage, you desire, six
thousand acros; this we will furnish
you In tho following manner: Wo
will checker-board twolVo thousand
acres In forty or ono hundred Blxty
aero blocks, and your choice of the
first section or block upon which
you desire to drill. All leases to bo
kept in escrow In a place mutually
agreed upon, until tho fulfillment
of all contracted agreements. Tho
only cost to you will bo the royn.lty,
ono-elghth to tho land owners.
In your reply of July 10th you
say, "If I over put down a well In
tho Snako River basin, I must have
6000 acres Just where I want them;
when I got what and whoro I want
it, I may put down a well In the
Now you rush Into print 'In tho
local paper and lntimato that this
association Is blocking a genuine ef
fort to drill In the vicinity and your
statements aro misleading and In
accurate, because you havo made
only a bunch of domands and novor
guaranteed anything. Now, Mr.
Boyer, wo mean business and again
affirm tho offer wo made you; you
know wo do not havo acreage In a
solid block because you were told so,
and you did enough looking around
over this field last spring to find
out most anything.
Wo organized this association
and spont considerable money In
hopes of getting somo dovolopmont
In the vicinity, nnd not to spoculato;
It we aro holding such valuable
ncreago wo will make a sacrifice to
got something started; you and your
big associates como and pay us what
we aro out nnd you can havo every
aero we have leased provided you
start a tost woll at onco with equip-
ment and men capable of drilling
2500 foot
If our leases do not 'covor tho
chosen spot, wo will lond you our
asslstanco In getting more leases
and In other ways. Now It's up to
you, talk turkey or quit hollering,"
Malheur Pot, Association.
By W. L. Turner, Sec'y.
W. S. Homan,
Frank Rader, Trustees.
Homer Maddux, who for six years
has been employed In the Argus of
fice, working up from tho position
office "Dovll" to bookkeeper, th,ru
all the Jobs In the front and back
offlcq, has resigned and Is throwing
dirt on the highway to get Into con
dition for attendance at tho Univer
sity of Oregon this fall.
Next Week Will See Last of Summer
llolidujs School Doors To
Suinjj Wide On Septem
ber 4 Registration
Dn)s Announced
Vocation days aro ending for tho
boys and girls of tho Ontario schools
and all preparations havo been mado
for tho opening of tho school accord
ing to tho announcement made by
Superintendent J. M. McDonald,
which follews:
"The Ontario Schools open for tho
new school term on Monday morn
ing, September 4, 1922. All grade
school pupils Bhould bo on hand at
9 o'clock and report to the samo
room in which enrolled last spring,
for directions. Tho names of books
needed and lessons for Tuesday will
be given pupils Immediately after
enrollment on Monday morning, af
ter which they will bo dismissed for
tho day.
Owing to the congestion Jn tho
West side school, a seventh grade
class will bo organizod at tho East
side school for those pupils who com
pleted the sixth grade there last
spring. W
High cichool students will enroll
according to tho folowlng schedule:
aoniors ana post praduates, Mon
day September 4, from 8 a. m. to
12 m.
Juniors, Monday, September 4,
from 1:30 p. m. to 5 p. m.
Sophinoros, Tuosdav. Sontombor
5, from 8 a. m. to 12 m.
Freshmen, Tuosday. Sontombor 5.
from 1:30 p. m. to 5 p. m.
"High school students need not
report to school on Monday and
Tuesday except at times Indicated
abovo. All freshmen who are not
graduated from our Ontario grado
schools, should bring their olsrhth
grade diplomas with them when they
uiuu. jteguiar classes in the
High school login meetlner an
schodule Wednesday morning.
"Arrangements havo boon mado
to offer all classes offered In the
High school laBt year. Teacher
Training win again be offerod but
tuo enrollment will bo limited to
about ton pupils based on their ex
cellence in scholarship during tho
past threov years. -1hu High school
day has been lengthened to eight
periods Instead of seven. Fivo ner-
lods will be arranged for In tho fore
noon beginning at 8:30. and throo
periods In the afternoon togethor
with assembly, oxtondlmc tho dis
missal time to 3:45 p. m.
Tho R. O. T. C. Battalion will ha
undor tho direction of Sergeant Ab-
ondroth, who has been assigned by
the war department to give his full
time Ho our unit. Ho Is now taking
orders from tho cadots for Uniforms
to be bought from, tho government
for less than half tho amount us
ually paid. Ho can bo seen nt tho
High school building from now un
til tho opening of school."
E. Cosby of O. A. O. Faculty
Demonstrates Methods fo Do
tenniuiiig Quality of Flock
Tour is Successful
Chicken raisers from Malheur
county In numbers larger than had
been anticipated! gathorod Tuesday
and Wednesday to attend tho poul
rty scholl which was conducted by
n. ja. uosuy or tno o. A. c. Exten
sion sorvlco.
At tho A. B. Cain farm on Tues
day, Mr. Cosby gave a locturo on
Judging chickens to detormlno their
quality. Ho also discussed feeding
and caro of chlckons and other
poultry probloms. In tho aftor
noon tho pupils of tho school le tho
many poultry raisers of the county
thomsolvos handled the chickens
and connoctod up .the Information
gained at tho morning locturo with
a practical application.
On Wednesday a poultry tour was
conducted which took tho chicken
raisers of tho county, augumented
by a largo number from the Fruit
land bench and Payette, to tho large
poultry ranches of Pnyotte county,
and finally to Archlo Larson's com
plete plant near Welser, where
lunchoon was served and Informal
talks mado.
Mr. Larson gave tho benefit of
his experience as a commercial
chicken raiser to tho gathering and
spread before thorn tho records of
his flocks. Tho excursion and the
sessions of the day previous was de
clared tho moat helpful effort of Its
kind furnlshdo the chicken raisers
of tho vnlloy.
Earl M. Doan, formerly of Nyssa,
but now manager of the Donney &
Co, ngoncy at Fruitland, was In On
tnrlo today looking after his cora-
l pony's Interests.
wasmiKst wmmivw
wmrmtmiumitvrr i'ffi-irTBii-rn"r-'naT'Mr,w1MMMhJMMBtMMl rWfaMB,lt11 V- sr.