Vf i K 3 V I .Vi u J ST. "I t P THE ONTAKIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1922 GOLDEN RULE ANNUAL RUMMAGE JfTLL ,! ONE D A Y O IN L Y WEDNESDAY AUGUST 16, 1922 LOCAL PERSONALS Odd Follows Ilnre Now Officers At a recent mooting of Ontario Lodge I. O. O. P. No. 90, J. F. D1I lard -was oloctnd Noble Orand to suc ceed George W. Hiiw, and William VIernow was olocted as vico Orand and N. A. Mead secretary. Tbo new offlcora liavo been Installed and are now In cbargo of the affairs of tho order hero. T. T. Koboutmanager of tbo Blackaby Commercial company of Jordan Valloy and premier good roads booator in that section, camo out Sunday enrouto to Portland for the doings of Buyer's week, an event ho novor overlooks. Mr. Kohout reports that road work from tho top of Succor Crook . to Malloy's ranch is progressing and will bo of great boneflt to tho folk of that ro glon. Gradually, though slowly Jordan Valley Is soelng improve ments in hor moans of communica tion with tho outside world. II. R. Caldwoll, now a rosidont of Einmott whoro ho is In tho transfer business, but who in timos past has called Ontario homo, was hero Sun day visiting frionds. Thero is plen ty doing in tho sawmill town, says Mr. Caldwoll and whtlo there are peoplo leaving thoro, there always Is somoono to take tholr place nnd homos aro at a premium. William Hanloy of Bums passed through OIntnrlo on his way homo Friday. C. F. DoNoffo, of Baker, an old tllli cura of Mayor Henry Doollttlo when thoy wore "kids" In tho Washing ton territory, wns in Ontario last weok on business. Mr. Do Neffo has a numbor of lots In Ontario and came down to seo about getting somo soldlor boy to build a homo upon thorn. Farmer Smith, tho famous lec turor of the Union Pacific, came to Ontario Friday evening so that he would be on timo to meet tho visit ing dalrymou when thoy got hero Monday. In tho meantime ho is getting acquainted with tho prob lems of tho farmers of this section. Farmer tsuiltli has dollvorod moro agricultural loctures during tho past SO years than any othor man in Am erica, or tho world, no doubt, and Is known all ovor tho country from tho 'Pacific ocean to tho Great Lakea and from tho Canadian bor dor to to southern boundaries of Utah. A Basque family which lived In tho Davo Dunbar property on South Richardson stroot, last week pur chased tho Boyd proporty consist ing of tho largo framo resldonco nnd five lots on North Oregon street. Tho consideration was $6500. Mrs. O. M. Castleman and (laugh tor Barbara, and Mrs. Castleman's raothor, Mrs. Barbara Wllllughby, returned Saturday from Starkey where they have boon camping for several weeks. Mrs. J. F. Kershaw of Waitsburg, Wash , and hor daugh ter camo homo with thorn, Mrs. Kershaw Is Mrs. Castloman's sister. W. II. Laxson camo down Satur day from Starkey whoro tho I.axson family is taking nn outing. Miss Eloamoro Whoelan and Miss xelda Hardy of Pocatollo, who were guests at tbo J, II. Itassmusson home last week returned to tholr homes Saturday, Mrs. Noll O, Bodford was, num bered among tho buyers who wero passengora on No. 19 Sundny en- route (or Portland and Ruyer'B woek. Mr. Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Petten, Miss Amy Can field and Bernard Rader returned Saturday from the Payette Lakea whore thoy pt their vacation, Miss Chrlstlno Abbott who has been attending summer school at Corval 11s, and who taught domestic science and extension work at Auborn, Cat. last year, stopped of here to visit friends while on her way to Cald woll. Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Harris are the parents of a nine pound boby boy born Wednesday morning. Mrs. W. H. Abondroth, Jr., and daughter Marjorio, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Barbour .and daughter, Doro thy of Boise, are visiting with Sgt. and Mrs, Abendroth. Mrs. W. E. Lees is having the ploasuro of enjoying a visit from her mothor, Mrs. F. F. Wodgor of Su perior, Wis. Miss Callte Cole loft Wednesday morning for an extended trip to Iowa. The annual afternoon picnic of the W. T. C. U. will be held on Tuesday, August 25, at tho homo of Mrs. Adolph Gramse. This organ ization is ono of the strongest in Ontario, having a membership of noarly 120 and representing about 100 homos. C. M, Thompson and family who havo been at tho lake for some timo returned home Saturday. Allen Bodford, who was their guest, ac companled thom. Tbo trip in the hills was cut short by reason of tbo rainy spoil which visited that ro glon. Mrs. Dorothy Flar and her two children from Boise, returned to tholr homo In tho Idaho capltol Sat urday after Bpondlng a weok with Mrs. Flar's parents, Sergeant and Mrs. W. II, Abendroth, who nre liv ing bore now that Sorgeant Aben droth has been peimnnently assigned to duty In chnigo of tho Ontario H. O. T. C. Miss Nellie Mori Is loft Sunday eronlng for Portland to attend Buy er's wook. line by Frank Brown, secretary to Governor Davis, R. E. Shepard, manager of the Twin Falls North Side Land and Water company, and Guy Flenner, manager of the West ern States Reclamation Association of Pocatollo. Governor Davis met his guests early Monday morning at Pnyette. Those who went from Ontario with cars and as guides to tell the visitors of the possibilities of this region were: E. C. Van Petten, J. R. Blackaby, R. W. Jones, W. W. Wood, L. R. Brlethaupt, W. H. Doo llttlo, E. B. Conklln, W. J. Plnney, Paul Sellgman and George K. Aiken, who stayed with the party for the trip, he having been added to tho press representatives. "Farmer Smith" also Joined the party here after a few days visit in this section. GUARDIAN'S SALK ESTATE i ok m:aij PAID LOCAL ADS REMIT CASH FOR ADS TO GO IN THIS COLUMN lUGOr-ST DAIRYMEN OF NATION VISIT VAIiL Owing to tho difficulty of keep ing account of items for this col umn, tho mistakes which occur in telephone conversations due to mis understandings, the Argus has de termined to place this column on a cash in advance basis. To use this column thereforo write your ad, count six words per line and remit as follews: For first insertion 10 cents per lino, all subsequent inser tions 5 cents per line; maiTcheck, or if coin is used see that same is wrapped so that it will not drop from envelope. BY (Continuod from page one) publications with n circulation run ning up into millions. Kirk Fox, Waterloo, la., reprcsonts the Dalry Farmor, another agricultural publl Union Pacific System has Installed In tho special car which brought tho party -nest a press bureau comploto ovon to news photographic dark room for tho accomodation of tho wostcrn prosB, handling news of tho trip to the eastern publications re presented, and for tbo use of cor respondents with the party. Also aiding tho work of tho par ty nro R. A. Smith, supervisor of agriculture for tho Union Pacific Systom; C. C. Glgnoux, assistant suponlsor of agriculture; and Joel L. Priest, general agent of the ss- tem for Idaho. II. C. Searles of,tue party, is head of tho dairy husbandry extension dopartmont of tho University of Iowa. C. W. Larson is head of tho dairy division of tho department of. agriculture at Washington, D. C. J. H. Dorman, head of tho bureau of animal husbandry at Washington. Karl B. Mussor, secretary of tho American Guernsey Club, Peter- boro, tf. II. E. H. Farrlngton, hoad of tho department of dairy husban dry of the University of Wisconsin. Reed Murray, secrotary of the Wis consin Livestock Breeders Associa tion. II. A. Harding, head of the dairy research division of tho Fred erick C Mathews company of De troit, also formerly hoad of tho dairy dopartmont of tho University of Illinois. C, I. Durllugham, pres ident of tho Ayroshlro Breedors As sociation at Brandon, Vt., are also in the group of eastern exports. Thine party was met at the Idaho Hemstitching and Plcoting attach; mont. Fits any sewing machine Price J2.00. ECONOMY SALES COMPANY, Medford, Ore. 34 4t Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an Order of Sale, duly made and entered by the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur, on the 29th day of July, 1922, in the matter of tho Guardianship Estate of Newton F. Zahller, a minor, the undersigned guardian of said minor will, on and after the 9th day of September, 1922, at tho law office of Wells W. Wood In Ontario, Oregon, offer for sale, and sell at private sale, in one parcel, for cash In hand, sub ject to confirmation by said County Court, the following described tract of real estate owned by said minor, to-wit: The North-east Quarter of Section Thirty-one in ''Township Sixteen South, Range Forty-four East W. M in Malheur County, Oregon. Done and dated and first pub lished this 10th day of August, 1922. ANNIE B. CARLILE, Guardian of the estate of Newton F. Zahller, a Minor. Last publication September 7, 1922. FARMERS WANTED to lease de sirable alfalfa and grain Ranches under irrigation. Amplo water, no maintenance charge, good roads and schools, Liberal contract. Will rent for one, three and five years with prlvelege to buy. We want bona fide farmers who want to make all there Is In It. Must be properly equipped nnd come well recommended. A CHANCE TO GET AHEAD. Call on or wrlto. H. D. Elsmann, Mgr. Malheur Land Co., Jamieson, Ore gon. 35 tf. Beforo selling your grain or seed see' Andrews Grain Co. (Boyer Building), Ontario, Oregon. LOST1 Brown horso 4 years old, weight about 1200. Stiayed away from my place July 10. Liberal re ward for information leading to re covery. W. G. Armstrong, Ontario, Oregon. " 35 4t FOR SALE Jersey Milch Cow, fresh 20 days; also some White Leghorn Pullets. mllo east of town. W. T. Parker. 35 2t NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MALHEUR COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF CLARENCE W. HO WARD, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the un dersigned administrator of the Es tate above named, to tho creditors of and all persons having claims against the Estate of Clarence W. Howard, deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers accord ing to law, within six months after tho first publication of this notice at the home ofthe administrator of said estate at Vale, Oregon, or at the office of the attorneys of said estate. The first notice hereof ia pub lished in the Ontario Argus, this 3rd day of August, 1922. ANDREW W. HOWARD, Administrator of said Estate. BROOKE & GALLAGHER, Ontario, Oregon, attorneys for estate abovo named. Beginning TEACHER OF PIANO tlanson. Phono 170 -Mrs. Chris W. 34" 4t FOR RENT Two rooms furnished for light housokeoplng, phono 80M FOR SALE 35 shares of Novada Ditch stock. II. A. Arneson. tf. FOR SALE Dodge touring car, lato 1919 Model. Harvey's Garago. 22123 p. FOR' SALE Spring chickens, 35c each. A. B. Cain, phono 20 6 W. 32 if Tomorrow Before selling your grain or seed seo Andrews Grain Co. (Boer Building), Ontario, Oregon. FOR RENT Four room house., qulro phone 179W. , .In- FOR SALE Kitchen range, cabi net, electric washer, hoater, chick ens. Mrs. Wm. Kerchor, 2 blocks N. W. grado school It Vacation Clearance of R PENS By tpecial arrangement with the maker we allow $1.00 for your old pen or pencil (any make) on any new $2.50 pen or better Sale ends when all pens are sold Ijys83pj FOR SALE Lots 35 and 3G In block 3 bt Riverside Addition to City of Ontario. Send us yourNvery best cash offer at once as this prop erty must bo sold to Bettlo estate. D. Stoutenburg, Butterfleld, Minn. 2t FLY-TOX The foremost Scientific Instltue of the world developed this product to kill Flies, Mosqultos, Cock roaches, Moths and Bed Bugs. No dust. Harmless to people. Aold substitutes. Sold by a retail deal ers. PAYEnE VALLEY REX SPRAV CO. Distributors For the first time in their 30 years' history Tho Parker Pen Co. has authorized thii special sale, which enables you to obtain any celebrated "Parker Lucky Curve Pen," from $2.50 up, at $1 less than the maker g established price But only for 7 days, or less! And only by turning in to us an old fountain pen or metal pencil! We say 7 days er list, because we must positively end this sale as soon as our limited stock is cone. That may happen the first day. So don't put off. Come tomorrow and come as early as you can to get the best pick. SALE TERMS ARE: list 1.00 allowance for your od fountain pn or metal pencil toward tho purchase of any Parker Pen in stock at $2JiO or better. 2nd AH pen In thl ealo are brand new Parkers In first class condition. '3rd FREE Signed Accident Policy go witk every pea insuring it for one year again! breakage, damage or unsatisfactory enrice in any tony f 4Ut Sale end promptly next Saturday tooner tr ail ptnu ore foAen. No phono order filled. Montr cannot buy handsomer, finer, mora perfect-writing pent than the Parker. And what we offer Include a icort of Myitis some plain, torn chued, ome gold mounted both men' and women' stylet with nett pocket clip or ting end for chattUIn. ribbon or chain. ' If yon comt in tlrat you can get Just the point your hand tt quire, extra fine, fine, medium, broad or (tub from tht most fltxlblt to itiflest manifold point that w rile several carbon copies. To bt lurt of obtaining tht style and point you want tomorrow a early ar you caul , LOOK! A Tbo Only Two-Waj Filler oa Earth D Parker ! the only aeU fflllag pen in the world that can alao SK. Non-Seli-FIUer, Sack and filler can be rtmarei tndnmiedwtthdropoj'l Parker "Lucky Curve" Peel tmploy (denuflc piindpTeol ctPiUarr attraction roaktu other pen na it. bk cant get on facer be cause the Parker cap iemada in two section to provide air ticht teal between tht shoulder in the cap and the shoulder at the end of the barrel. GeaoJae 1K Rns Call Folate jnU Ujt tor year. Not affected RF fH"? J " or corrode like thuvpUted told couUor TURNER'S MUSIC STORE ONTARIO, OREGON ? 33 i